Polish part of
the Geo-Carpathian Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route Window to the Past
3 Text and figures
Andrzej T. Solecki . uniwersytet wrocławski andrzej.solecki@ing.uni.wroc.pl isbn 978-83-7530-256-1 © 2014 Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Stanisława Pigonia w Krośnie Issued to the order of
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Stanisława Pigonia w Krośnie Rynek 1, 38-400 Krosno tel. +48 13 437 55 00, fax +48 13 437 55 11 www.pwsz.krosno.pl The Geo-Carpathians route has been realized by means of the financial aid of the European Union, within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland – Belarus – Ukraine 2007-2013. Responsibility for the contents of the hereby publication lies exclusively at the side of the Krosno State College and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and under no circumstances may be treated as reflection of the views of the European Union.
www.geokarpaty.net Publisher Wydawnictwo Ruthenus – Rafał Barski ul. Łukasiewicza 49, 38-400 Krosno, www.ruthenus.pl Krosno 2014
How the route was born? Geo-Carpathian Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route has been prepared within the scope of the project entitled Geo-Carpathians – Creating a Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route performed by the Stanisław Pigoń Krosno State College and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The project has been supported financially by the European Union within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine for the years 2007-2013. The Geo-Carpathians route concept has been developed on the basis of the studies of the published literature and existing databases as well as field inventory. All these activities intend to create innovative tourist product based on the principles of sustainable tourism and preservation of the natural heritage of these regions. The main goal was to make the areas in Poland and in Ukraine, more interesting to the tourists. Geo-Carpathian Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route is a set of twenty eight geosites which enable to study geological his-
tory covering nearly 100 million years. Moreover one panoramic information board has been set up in every country. Twelve geosites are located in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship in Poland, and sixteen in the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in Ukraine. From the geological point of view geosites illustrating mountain forming processes are located in the Outer Carpathians and their fore-deep in Poland and Ukraine. Project activities resulted also in setting up educational centers in the campus of the Krosno State College and field station of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Current information about the project and some downloads are available at the web-page of Geo-Karpaty. Material presented below is based on the part of the Geotouristic Guide prepared by A. Solecki on the basis of his own field works and literature listed at the end.
Fig. 1. Ignacy Łukasiewicz’s room in the Museum of Oil and Gas Industry
Why Carpathians? The significant economic and cultural role of mountainous regions results from the location of mineral resources and tourism and recreation centers. Mountain areas have been the sites of development and migration of specific local cultures. Carpathian example of this is Carpatho-Rusyns migration to Poland. Geo-Carpathian Route enables to study rocks building Carpathians, in which the geological history covering nearly 100 million years has been recorded. During this period abundant oil deposits were formed. Due to the availability of this resource two Polish chemists of the nineteenth century Lwów (nowadays Lviv in Ukraine), Ignacy Łukasiewicz and Jan Zeh became the founders of the new era in the history of civilization – era of the petroleum industry. Mountain landscapes are an object of natural human curiosity and can become an important element of cognitive tourism. The basic knowledge related to the mountains is the answer to the question of how they have been formed. According to the plate tectonics theory, orogeny is the tectonic process leading to the formation of large deformation of the lithosphere – orogenic belts due to the interaction of
Fig. 3. Ocean/continental and continental/continental convergence (after http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/understanding.html)
Fig. 2. Main elements of the plate tectonics (after http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/understanding.html)
tectonic plates. Main elements of the theory of plate tectonics are shown above. Oceanic tectonic plates are composed of basic igneous rocks and marine sediments. Continental plates are made of acid igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks and a broad spectrum of sedimentary rocks deposited in epicontinental basins. The boundaries between the plates may be of different character. The divergent boundaries – rifts are deep fractures separating lithospheric plates along which focuses the volcanic activity. Magma intrudes from the asthenosphere along rifts resulting in the creation and spreading of the new crust, built of basic igneous rocks, forming the seafloor. Rifts on the continents may lead to their splitting, separation and creation of a new ocean. The whole process is driven by convection currents operating in the deeper zones (mantle) of the planet. The plates can move relative to each other along the strike-slip and transform boundaries. Excess crust produced in rifts is pushed under the continents along the so-called subduction zones – convergent boundaries, where the collision and subduction of oceanic plate under the continents occurs. The collision of oceanic plate with a continent results in the accumulation
of the accretionary prism of marine and continental sediments at the margin of continent. As a result of the collision the intense deformation and metamorphism of rock occurs. Their subsequent uplift and erosion forms mountain chains. Fragments of the plates drawn into subduction zone due to increase in temperature and pressure may be metamorphosed and even melted yielding magmas, that can intrude back to the higher levels of the lithosphere and produce plutonic and volcanic phenomena. Magmas of subduction zones are more acidic in nature than oceanic plate due to the contamination with molten silica-rich sediments from continent. Advanced subduction of oceanic plate can lead to a collision between two continental plates initially located on the opposite side of the ocean (Fig. 2). In this case, the marginal portions of both of the continental plates may be uplifted with the fragment of the oceanic plate so-called ophiolite suture. Elongated fore-deep basins can be formed on both sides of the mountain arc. The Carpathian Mts. form a double arc about 1500 km long extending from Vienna throughout Austria, Slovakia,
Fig. 4. Carpathian arc
6 Fig. 5. Tectonic scheme of the Outer Carpathians
Poland, Ukraine and Romania to the Iron Gates gorge on the Danube. They were formed in Neogene due to collision of European and African Plates. Collision resulted in folding and thrusting of sediments and magmatic rocks of the Thetys ocean floor. The Carpathian Mts are divided into Outer (externides a thin-skin thrust belt) and Inner (internides thick-skin thrust belt) Carpathians taking into account the style and age of formation of the geological structures and their lithology. These two vast regional units are separated by narrow (0.4 to 19 km) but long (c.a. 600 km) the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Outside of the Carpathian arc the Carpathian Fore-deep was formed and gradually filled with molasse sediments derived from the uplifted and eroded mountain range. Folding and thrusting of Carpathians in the Miocene took place simultaneously with the subsidence of the Carpathian Fore-deep, where the oldest molasse sediments have been also folded. The geosites of the Geo-Carpathian Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route are situated in the area of the Carpathian Fore-deep and the Outer Carpathians. The Carpathian Fore-deep is divided into two parts, external and internal. The base of the foredeep is formed by the the Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. The external zone of the fore-deep composed of the Late Miocene terrigenous-carbonate-evaporate sediments the socalled upper molasse developed over the various elements of the Precambrian and Paleozoic platform. The internal zone composed of the Early Miocene sediments of so-called
lower molasse has been folded and is overthrusted by Carpathian nappes. Several nappes exist in the Outer Carpathians. They are of different lithostratigraphy and tectonic style. The rocks of the nappes (mainly flysch sediments of the thickness reaching up to 6 km) have been deposited in separated basins or subbasins, starting from the Jurrasic until the Early Miocene. During folding and overthrusting the extent of the sedimentation was gradually limited to the central parts of the basins. According to the seismic and borehole data at least 80-kilometre overthrusting of the rock masses in the direction of the platform took place. In the Outer Carpathians, from the outside to the center of the Carpathian arc, the following tectonic units (nappes) have been distinguished: Skole (Skiba), Sub-Silesian, Silesian (Silesian-Krosno), Dukla, Magura. The Skole (Skiba) Nappe covers the largest area of the Carpathians, achieving the width of 40 km. The characteristic feature of this unit is the slice character of the tectonic structures. The width of the specific slices reaches 12 km. The front parts of the slices are usually made of Early Cretaceous formations, sometimes of Paleogene series. The more internal parts are made of Oligocene and Early Miocene formations. The change of the sedimentation conditions, influenced inter alia by the global fluctuations of the world ocean level and local orogenic (mountain-forming movements) resulted in formation of the diversified rock series presented in the enclosed stratigraphic table.
Fig. 7. Stratigraphy of the Outer Carpathians
Geosites to see 1 Castle Kamieniec in Odrzykoń 21° 47’ 14.98’’ E, 49° 44’ 34’’ N
Fig. 6. Geological cross-section of the Outer Carpathians
Early Eocene Ciężkowice Sandstone of the Castle Kamieniec Hill is a part of the Silesian Nappe. Outcrop at the castle forms the western extension of the nature reserve Prządki (Spinners) tors. Ciężkowice Sandstone is a fluxoturbidite forming underwater cones or extensive cover of the marine bottom deposited at the mouth of canyons carved by the turbidity currents. Its thickness is up to 250 m. It has been deposited in the first stage of losing speed by the turbidity current and
Fig. 8. Geological situation of the Kamieniec Castle and Prządki Nature Reserve
is usually preserved in troughs carved in older sediments. Finer sand and silt have been transported by a weakening turbidity current further towards the center of the basin and deposited in upward fining sequence. On the walls of the outcrop erosional channels with cross-bedding are visible. Coarse Ciężkowice sandstones are good, porous reservoir rock. Common form of hydrocarbon deposits in Carpathians are structural traps – anticlines – upward convex folds, built of alternating reservoirs, porous rocks (sandstones and conglomerates) and sealing, impermeable rocks shales of low porosity. Hydrocarbons, lighter than water, migrate from the source rock upwards and accumulate in reservoir sandstones sealed by impermeable shale top. Fig. 9. Turbidity current and upward fining sequence
Fig. 11. Oil deposit in anticline
2 Nature Reserve Prządki (Spinners)
21° 49’ 9.24’’ E, 49° 44’ 48’’ N
Fig. 10. Channel structures - Kamieniec Castle
Fig. 12. Weathering structures of the Prządki Tors
Early Eocene Ciężkowice Sandstone of the Prządki Tors has been described at the site 1 Castle Kamieniec in Odrzykoń. It is a part of the Silesian Nappe. Tors are protected as nature reserve. Prządki form the eastern prolongation of the outcrop of the Ciężkowice sandstone of the Castle Kamieniec Hill. The shape of the tors is the result of erosion of a very thick, massive, coarse-grained sandstone layers steeply inclined toward the south, where, due to relaxation appeared vertical joints. From the north they are underlain by easily weathering shales. On the wall surfaces of tors weathering forms are visible such as: »» cellular structures – roundish pits separated by narrow ribs or combined into larger irregular depressions. They resemble honeycomb formed by leaching of the binder; »» cavities, formed in places where mud flakes disintegrated or the rock was poorly lithified; »» vertical C – gutters, rainwater run-off result; »» arcade – arched structure – vaulted cavities, fins and columns, result of the water circulation of water; »» furrows along layering; »» kettles of weathering - the result of chemical and physical weathering in the hollows that collect water, acidified by vegetation; »» surface encrustings of iron compounds; »» desquamation (exfoliation) of the surface.
Fig. 13. Wooden drilling rig – Bóbrka Museum
3 Bóbrka – Ignacy Lukasiewicz Museum of Oil and Gas Industry
21° 42’ 40,37’’ E; 49° 36’ 58’’ N
Bóbrka is the site of the pioneering industrial exploitation of petroleum. Nowadays, there is an open air museum with a display of oil industry history and technology including two operative hand-sunk oil wells, called „Franek” and „Janina”, as well as a number of remnants of similar facilities dating from 1854-1880 and a pavilion with a modern multimedia presentation of the hydrocarbons geology and technology. Oil occurs here in the anticlinal trap (Fig. 11), composed of porous, reservoir rocks, sandstones and sealing shales. Accumulated hydrocarbons have been released from source rock – Menilite Shale, rich in organic matter. The outcrop of Menilite Shale can be seen at the road E 371 to the Bóbrka Museum.
Menilite sequence here is a part of the Silesian Nappe. The term “Menilite” is derived from the menilite – brown-gray opal first described in Ménilmontant (France). This opal is amorphous form of silica derived from the cell walls of planktonic diatoms. The shale is rich in microfossils (algae) characteristic of the marine environment. Common are the remains of fish, mostly scales and spines. Fragments of fossilized fish can usually be found in thin slaty beige shale. In some outcrops farther to the north-east, fossill fragments of trees and birds that inhabited the land adjacent to the marine basin were found. Study of preserved pollen revealed that there were both conifers (Cupressaceae and Pinaceae) and deciduous (Fagaceae). Menilite Shale visible in the outcrop has been intensely deformed during forming of the Carpathian nappes. In the more sandy shale sedimentary structures can be observed indicating the directions of bottom currents. Locally clastic dikes, resulting from injection of sand liquefied during paleo-earthquakes can be observed.
Fig. 14. Geological map of the Bóbrka area
Fig. 15. 3D diagram of the Bóbrka area.
Fig. 16. Menilite Shale outcrop at the road to the Bóbrka Museum
Fig. 17. Fossil fish fragment-Menilite Shale
Fig. 18. Bełkotka Spring
4 Bełkotka (Sparger) Spring in Iwonicz-Zdrój
21° 46’ 44.97’’ E, 49° 33’ 47’’ N
Bełkotka is the spring with bubbling methane. In in the mid-nineteenth century the flame of ignited gas was nearly one meter high, later as a result of hydrocarbons exploitation gas flow significantly decreased. Rev. F. Alembek in 1639 wrote about the spring that if on fire it was difficult to extinguish. C. Archiatr in 1648 describes the fire of the spring in the vicinity of Krosno ignited by lightning. J.B. Denis, the court physician of Louis XIV, on the basis of materials received from the Queen Marysieńka wrote that this spring follows the motion of the moon, burns like spirit, cures illnesses and prolong the live of up to 150 years, and the sound of gas bubbles can be heard on the 200 steps. Rev. W. Tylkowski in the work Physica curiosa issued in 1699 writes that this spring of water changes its level depending on the phases of the moon. The Bełkotka Spring flows out in a place where erosion exposed the boundary between the porous, gas, oil and water-bearing Ciężkowice Sandstone on overlying variegated sealing shale. Methane exhalation is the result of transformation of organic matter of marine sediments.
Fig. 19. Geological map of the Bełkotka Spring area
Fig. 20. 3D diagram of the Bełkotka Spring area
6 Krosno Beds in Sanok
22° 12’ 18.1’’ E, 49° 34’ 27’’ N
Fig. 21. Olza Wall Outcrop
Fig. 23. Geological map of the Rudawka Rymanowska area
Outcrops of the Oligocene Krosno Beds in the area of Sanok occur in the center of the Brzozów Syncline bounded to NE by the Załuż anticline. Both units are a part of the Silesian Nappe The Krosno Bed sandstones crop out close to the way to the open air museum in the right, the NE bank of the San river. Almost vertical steeply dipping towards SW layers of sandstones can be seen here. Younger strata crop out in the bed of the San river. Numerous vertical layers of sandstones, parallel to the river course can be seen from the bridge. Flysch sequence starts here with calcareous up to 0.5 m in thick sandstones with abundant muscovite, lower parts of sandstone layers are coarser (upward fining) and numerous load structures can be observed at their boundary with the claystone. These rocks are typical turbidites deposited at the bootom of the basin. In the first stage of relative high energy of turbidity current coarse sandstones were deposited and next fine-grained sediments (siltstones and claystones). The resulting flysch sequence can be repeated several times with each new turbidity current flowing down the continental slope. The porous sandstone layers of the Krosno Beds are hydrocarbons reservoir. Due to differentiated weathering resistance sandstone, siltstone and claystone layers arrangement decisively influenced the course of the San valley at this site.
Fig. 25. Krosno Beds in Sanok
7 Leski Kamień – Kmita’s Stone Tower
22° 21’ 24.48” E, 49° 28’ 4.4” N
Fig. 22. 3D diagram of the Rudawka Rymanowska area
5 Olza Wall outcrop of the Menilite Shale in Rudawka Rymanowska
NW-SE trending rocky ridge c.a. 220 m long extending in NW-SE direction is built of the of Oligocene sandstones of
21° 55’ 54.78’’ E, 49° 31’ 7.4’’ N
Fig. 24. Travertine on the westerrn side of the Wisłok valley
The largest in the Polish Carpathians (30 m high) outcrop of the Oligocene Menilite Shale – source rock of Carpathian hydrocarbons is situated in a deep scenic valley of the Wisłok river. Menilite sequence here, is a part of the Silesian Nappe. Locally in the outcrop cherts hard and brittle like glass with sharp corners and high silica content occur. Alternate, rhythmic layers of variable chemical composition formed as a result of seasonal blooms of different species of algae. Sedimentary structures are visible in more sandy
layers (cross-bedding, hieroglyphs indicating the direction of bottom currents. All these rocks were strongly deformed during overthrusting of the Carpathian nappes. The chevron V-shape folds and drag folds are visible here. Locally clastic dikes, resulting from injection of sand, liquefied during paleo-earthquakes can be observed. Recent travertine can be observed on the left 10 m high bank of the Wisłok river, approximately 500 m upstream from the Olza Wall.
the Krosno Beds of the Silesian Nappe. It is a turbidite sediment of the final (synorogenic) stage of Carpathian Flysch Basin development. The original, natural shape of the ridge is preserved only in the upper part of the outcrop in a form 8 meter high tor, the walls of which are master joints. Effects of weathering processes: exfoliation and weathering due to salt crystallization are visible on the SW wall of the tor (honeycomb). Exfoliation surfaces visible at the top of the tor are relaxation joints. The tower is surrounded by a deep quarry, which for centuries has supplied buildings material for the region: castle, church and synagogue in Lesko, Przemyśl fortress and the railway infrastructure in the years 1856
Fig. 26. Tower Rock in the upper part of the Leski Kamień. Visible horizontal relaxation joints
Fig. 27. Upward fining sequence of sandstone and siltstone – Leski Kamień
to 1884, during the construction of railway lines: Kraków – Lwów, Łupki – Przemyśl, Żywiec – Stanisławów. Layers of sandstone steeply dip towards SW forming the the south-western wing of the Sanok Anticline. These more than 20 m thick-bedded sandstones of carbonate cement are turbidites deposited in the Oligocene marine basin with visible upward fining sequence of sandstones, siltstones and claystones reflecting the decrease of turbidity current sped. Sedimentation of the Krosno Beds occurred during the increase of tectonic movements in the Carpathians and is the last step in the accumulation of sediments which after folding and uplift formed the Outer Carpathians. Sediment of the Lesko area has been derived from the so-called Silesian cordillera located to the west and gradually overlaid the oil source rock Menilte Shale. Krosno Beds sandstones layers are one of the most important reservoir rocks for oil and gas in the Sanok area. 8 Rock wall at the NE bank of the San river in Myczkowce
22° 24’ 8.9’’ E, 49° 26’ 37’’ N
Fig. 28. Rock wall in Myczkowce
Fig. 29. Oil seepage in Uherce
Krosno Beds turbidite sequence of the Silesian Nappe is visible in the steep, c.a 20 m high cliff at the right bank of the San River meander, below the dam in Myczkowce 100 m from the Caritas Centre. 500 m long cliff face reveals steeply dipping 70° layers of sandstones forming the SW wing of the Sanok Anticline. These layers dip slightly obliquely in relation to the slope. As a result, going down the river one can see successively younger and younger strata forming characteristic overlapping ribbons. In the eastern, older part, thick layers of sandstones prevail while in the western part, younger sediments of typical flysch sequence (sandstones and shale) occur. Access to the wall is difficult because of the dense bushes growing in the abandoned meander of San. Since 1961, most of the water from the Myczkowce reservoir flows along the addit and returns to the river below the meander. Lateral erosion of the river along the cliff has been reduced and clearly visible surviving examples of the slow process of weathering, leading to the formation of characteristic pits and spherical forms, and peeling (exfoliation) of the surface of sandstone have been preserved. Sedimentation of Krosno Beds occurred during the increase of tectonic activity in Carpathians and is the last step in the accumulation of deposits that folded and uplifted formed the Outer Carpathians.
9 Oil Seepage in Uherce Mineralne
22° 24’ 59.78’’ E, 49° 27’ 10’’ N
Oil speepages in fields in the upper part of the village Uherce occur south of the provincial road No. 895 Uherce – Myczków. Uherce Mineralne is an area of natural oil seepages. Oil has been generated from organic matter of the Menilite Shale, in an elevated temperature of circa about 90°C prevailing at the depth of circa about 3 km and accumulated in the reservoir sandstones of an anticlinal trap. In the second half of the 19th century spa existed here. In 1870 – first hand-sunk oil wells were made. In 1880 – the industrial company (one of the shareholders was I. Łukasiewicz) had here 9 hand-sunk wells with a capacity of 120 tons of oil. The first mechanical drilling reached the depth 127 m, consecutive drillings reached 146 and 186 m. Henryk Walter, Polish patriot who took part in the January Uprising and later on became the mine manager in Bóbrka wrote in 1880 that Uherce Mineralne oil deposit is very perspective and oil occurs here in the anticlinal fold similar to the Bóbrka one. Canadian prospector MacGarvey started in 1883 his operations in this area. Excellent results of his new Canadian drilling method – borehole drilled 150 meters deep in six days, has been described by Gazeta Narodowa in Lwów on May 2, 1884. In 1896 the mine in Uherce Mineralne operated 18 wells, which has been by fire. In 1912, operated here English Financial Society Cansfield et Company, who completed 2 wells to a depth of 400 m The company’s activity was halted after the outbreak of World War I.
Fig. 30. Diagram of the oil generation (based on Tissot and Welte, 1984)
10 Cherts in Leszczawa Górna
22° 27’ 16.44’’ E, 49° 38’ 47’’ N
Oligocene Menilte Beds of the south- west wing of the Futoma – Dylągowa Anticline (Skole Nappe) crop out in two sites in the Słupnica river valley. Site A is very difficult to access, located across the river in steep bank escarpment of the western slope of the valley. Menilite shale the – marine sediment, which due to the accumulation of organic matter in anaerobic environments became the source rock for oil are visible here. Abundant microfossils (algae) occur here. Sometimes (in other locations) pieces of fish, and very occasionally pieces of trees, and even birds can be found.
Fig. 31. Geological map of the Leszczawa Górna area
11 Carbonate Flysch in Huwniki
22° 42’ 13.36’’ E, 49° 39’ 7.7’’ N
Fig. 32. 3D diagram of the Leszczawa Górna area
Fig. 33. Chert
Fig. 34. Carbonate Flysch outcrop in Huwniki
Marly Late Cretaceous flysch of the Inoceramian Beds of the Skole Nappe crop out in the central part of the village Huwniki in the steep right bank of the Wiar river. So called fucoid marls with characteristic structures resembling seaweed thallus (Latin Fucus) occur here. These structures are, however, trace fossils – traces of feeding of benthic organisms, and no remains of algae. (Fig. 4.36). Foraminifera (numerous Globotruncana) and mussels of the genus Inoceramus (I. salisburgensis, I. Bohmi) can be found here. Rhythmically repeated layers of marl, sandstone, siltstone and claystone can be observed here. Upward fining sequences are characteristic of sediment deposited by turbidity currents described by Bouma (1962). Parallel lamination, cross bedding and convolute structures occur here. Locally, lenses up to 20 cm thick of pebble mudstone, the product of cohesive flow can be observed in the lower part of the outcrop. Accumulation of calcium carbonate in marls indicate that sediment has been accumulated above CCD Carbonate Compensation Depth – nowadays in the Pacific Ocean corresponding to the depth of (4000-4500 m)
Fig. 38. Depth zones of the oceans
12 Dubník Conglomerate in Nowe Sady
22° 44’ 23.53’’ E, 49° 38’ 30’’ N
Fig. 35. Fucoid marl
Fig. 36. Upward fining sequence of the turbidity current sediment
Site B is located in the steep escarpment- roadside excavation of height up to 3 m. Cherts (bottom horizonof the Menilite Beds) occur here. Cherts are composed of alternating layers of light and dark shale with varying levels of silica (SiO2) and organic matter content (Fig. 4.32). They are accompanied by marly shales with a high proportion of calcium carbonate. Cherts are hard and brittle like glass with sharp corners. This is due to high content of silica, which is also the main component of glass.
Fig. 37. Pebble mudstone. Submarine landslide deformations are also visible
Alternating, rhythmic layers of variable chemical composition resulted from accumulations of different types of algae during their violent blooms. Nowadays, in the Baltic Sea area, analogous algal blooms occur twice a year, in spring and late summer. In summer, blue-green algae dominate them, due to high temperatures and windless weather. Some of the bluegreen algae are toxic and so their blooms can be dangerous to humans. In spring harmless, rich in SiO2 diatoms dominate in blooms.
Early Miocene Dubnik Conglomerate overlying the peri-Carpathian Salt-bearing Formation represents the older molasse, belonging to the internal folded part of the Carpathian Fore-deep. Rocky ridge 60 m long, rising to 15 m above Wiar terrace in Nowe Sady is built of conglomerates, sandstones and siltsones. Width of the ridge is 10 m and in its cross section due to the presence of conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone layers steep westward dip is well visible. These layers rest in the inverted position on the salt bearing series, which means that westward under the soil cover older sediments occur. These rocks were deposited during the uplift of the Carpathians in the fore-deep where evaporation of marine ingression and the formation of vast horizons of evaporates, widespreading from Romania via Ukraine to Opole Silesia took place. Later, as a result of climate change and uplift of the surrounding
Fig. 39. Geological map of the Nowe Sady area
Why to travel along our route?
Fig. 40. Dubnik Conglomerate outcrop in Nowe Sady
Description of the Polish part of the Geo-Carpathian Polish-Ukrainian Tourist Route presented above indicates that it can form an excellent basis for educational activities and cognitive tourism. Description covers only the easily accessed geosites equipped with information boards. Tens of other interesting localities with GPS coordinates are listed in the webpage of the project. Visiting of the Polish part of the route can be completed by visiting its Ukrainian part. Development strategy of the route includes visits to: Museum of Oil and Gas Industry Foundation, Dubieck Geological Museum, Castle Museum in Łańcut, Fortress Przemyśl, Second War Railway Shelter in Stępina-Cieszyn, Kamieniec Castle, Rymanów and Iwonicz Spa, Center of Glass Industry Heritgae, Open Air Museum in Sanok, Ecumenical Center in Myczkowce, Hydropower Station in Solina and Myczkowce, Lemko Museum in Zyndramowa, Calvary in Pacław, St. John of Dukla Hermitage. Participation in annual events e.g. Farewell of Summer in Rudawka Rymanowska, taking place in the region is also recommended. Future geotouristic offer of the region soon may cover new geopark planned in the Wisłok valley. Existing touristic infrastructure of the region creates opportunity to perform geocaching and fossil safari. Accommodation opportunities are easily available on the internet, including the webpage of the project.
References Fig. 41. Dubnik Conglomerate
areas, eroded material has been transported from the adjacent land (paleoridge) that stretched from Dobrogea to the Holy Cross Mountains. Large-scale cross-bedding indicates transport from SE . Pebbles include: Jurassic limestones, Cretaceous sandstones, cherts and marls, green and red phyllites, quartzites, granites, gneisses and porphyres. Sediments of the fore-deep has been folded and overthrusted here by the Carpathian orogen and are good example of internal folded part of the Carpathian Foredeep.
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Stanisława Pigonia w Krośnie
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