Tradewinds :: Vol. 19, #1

Page 10

Plan it Pompano!

All you need to know about the City’s Comprehensive Plan

Do you live, work, play, own land or do business in Pompano Beach? If so, the City of Pompano Beach needs your input to help prepare Plan It Pompano! the latest update of our Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan). Throughout approximately the next year or so, the City will offer several opportunities, and multiple ways, for you to participate.

the current document, most of which

Why participate? Read on to learn why the Comp Plan is important and why voicing your opinion in this process matters.

and challenges change over time. And

was adopted in 2010, on the Planning and Zoning page of the City’s website at You may be wondering why, if the City already has a Comp Plan, do we need to update it –and why now? Well, the Comp Plan may be a long-range document, but it is also dynamic, evolving as community conditions, aspirations, opportunities since the current plan was adopted, a lot has changed in our City. For this reason, updating the plan as we head into the next decade makes common sense.

The Comp Plan is a long-range policy document that Florida State statutes require

Florida statutes also recognize the wis-

Pompano Beach (as it does all other local governments) to maintain. But the Pom-

dom of updating local comprehensive

pano Beach Comprehensive Plan is much more than that: The Plan contains goals,

plans on a regular basis.

objectives, and policies designed to ensure the orderly and balanced economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of our City. The plan is the blue-

Here are a few of the changes that our

print for the future development of our community.

community has experienced in the past decade, and a hint of how these impor-

The document includes many types of background data about various facets of our

tant issues could influence the content

community, which provide a factual basis for our policies. And it includes maps to

of Plan It Pompano!:

help us visualize the anticipated pattern of development, as well as tools which


allow us to monitor and evaluate our progress toward our goals. You can browse

RISE Do you have a seawall? Do you live


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