Tradewinds :: Vol. 19, #1

Page 14

City Enhances

Park Ranger Program


he Park Rangers program began in 2014 with just a

On a monthly average, Park Rangers travel an estimated

hand full of part-time rangers. Today, the program

3,100 miles within City limits, and visit the parks approxi-

has evolved into five full-time rangers and a

mately 1,300 times. During each month, Park Rangers make

few part-timer rangers, who are trained and

over 2,100 contacts with the public. Approximately 185 City

certified in the Class D security license and civil citations.

ordinances are enforced each month. These ordinance violations range from bikes and skateboards on the east side

The goal of park rangers is to protect the park resources

of Pompano Beach Boulevard, dogs off leash, lodging in

for future generations and ensure the safety of visitors

parks, open containers, bounce houses, etc.

and residents. Park Rangers perform a number of services including informing park patrons about the City’s 52 parks

Park Rangers are on site weekdays from 12:00 p.m. until

and facilities, enforcing park ordinances and ensuring the

11:00 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 8:00 a.m. until

safety of our residents and visitors. Park Rangers also

11:00 p.m. Park Rangers are here to help ensure the safety

conduct inspections of pavilions and their rentals, athletic

of our park patrons.

field rentals, check in’s with public event applications, daily closures of parks, report any park safety hazards and/or

Park Rangers, while on shift, can be reached directly at

vandalism, and assist with special events.

954.740.9147 or 954.740.9152 for any parks-related needs.


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