By Kay Renz, Cultural Affairs Department
Music is Your Ali
Student Accepted to Berklee School of Music From the left, Phil Collen, Donovan Pennant, Joe Satriani, Mr. Pennant and John Petrucci
ost students who get accepted to the prestigious Berklee College of
“Though these lessons I have enhanced
Music have been playing their instrument of choice for almost as long
my proficiency; learning techniques I
as they have been walking, but not 18-year-old Donovan Pennant – he
had never even imagined,” continued
just started guitar lessons in 2016! This tremendous accomplishment
Donovan. “Juan is such a patient teacher, I am so grateful for his support.”
is something Donovan and his parents are very proud of, and they are quick to acknowledge the significance of the Music is Your Ali program.
The Historic Ali Cultural Arts launched free music lessons to children ages 10 years old and up about two years ago. The Music is Your Ali program is offered thanks to a partnership with
“Donovan was late coming to music,” explained his mother Danyel Pennant. “But thanks to his lessons at Ali, he has grown so quickly.”
Donovan was also able to take advantage of a rare opportunity provided by this program to meet three guitar legends while on tour in the area. Donovan posed for photos with Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Phil Col-
the Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation, which
len, toured backstage the night of their
was formed by guitar legend Joe Bonamassa. Keeping the Blues Alive Founda-
concert and got great seats for the show.
tion (KTBA) fuels the passion for music by funding programs and scholarships for students and teachers who possess the desire, but lack the resources or access
“That was an absolutely amazing expe-
to achieve their potential within the music industry.
rience, and one my Dad and I will never
Through generous corpo-
rate sponsorships by industry powerhouses Ernie Ball Strings, Guitar Center, J&R Adventures, and donors, KTBA has been
“I am so grateful to this program,” said Donovan. “When we moved to the area a few year ago, I took guitar lessons at my high school. I really enjoyed it and started to learn more on my own. But then, my mom found this program and it has taught me so much!”
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able to fund music projects affecting more than 30,000 students since 2013. Donovan is taught by Juan Santiago on a weekly basis at Ali. During these lessons, Juan has coached Donovan to a new level of playing excellence through varied exercises and by expanding his song choices.”
forget,” he continued.
“Donovan is a wonderful example of the caliber of students we aim to nurture through these community-based programs such as Music is Your Ali,” said Shawn Hagood, Director of Funding at Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation. “We want young musicians to believe in them-