Our Rights - Our Lives
The Future Belongs to Us
Our Rights - Our Lives
Uagut Pisinnaatitaaffigut – Uagut Inuunerput
The Future Belongs to Us
Siunissaq uagut pigaarput
Uagut Pisinnaatitaaffigut – Uagut Inuunerput Siunissaq uagut pigaarput
Atuagaq una Nanortalimmi Tasiilamilu, aammalu taakku eqqaanni nunaqarfinni meeqqat, inuusuttut, angajoqqaat aamma aanaat aataallu tamarmik pissaraat.
– atuarfinnit makkunanit atuartut: Illoqarfinni taakkunani marlunni Piorsaavik, Piareersarfik aamma meeqqat atuarfii.
Atuagaq ukiuni pingasuni ingerlassami suliniummut ’Siunissaq uagut pigaarput / The Future Belongs to Us / Fremtiden tilhører os’ ilaasoq 2015-imi juunimi, aggustimi septembarimilu Tasiilami Nanortalimmilu atuarfinni ingerlanneqartunit workshoppeqartitsinernit arlalinnit inerniliussaavoq.
Atuakkap taaguutigaa ’Uagut Pisinnaatitaaffigut – Uagut Inuunerput’, inuunerissuunermik paasisartakkagut pillugit imaqarmat. FN-imi Meeqqat pillugit Isumaqatigiissummi pisinnaatitaaffinnut aamma illersorneqarnissamut tunngasut, meeqqanullu 0-init 18-inut ukiulinnut tamanut tunngasut.
Suliniutip siunertaa tassaavoq illoqarfinni eqqumiitsuliorneq, kulturi, suliallu pinngortitaqarfiullutillu timimik atugaqarfiusut aqqutigalugit meeqqat, inuusuttut ilaqutariillu akornanni inoorusussutsip, imminik naleqassutsip atugarissaarnerullu annertusisinnissaat.
Ilagut suli meeraapput. Ilagut namminneq meeraqalereerput. Tamatsinnulli assigiittoq tassaavoq toqqissisimasumik peroriartornissaq, aammalu inuunermik pitsaasumik atugaqarnissaq kissaatigigatsigu. Siunissaq peqatigiilluta pilersitarput.
Tasiilap Nanortallullu ukiut pingasut qaangiuppata illoqarfittut suli pitsaanerulersimasutut inuuffigisinnaneri kissaatigaarput. Taamatut allanngortitsinermut peqataarusuppugut, mannalu tassaavoq ingerlassamut tassunga ilapittuutigisarput siulleq.
Atuagaq atuaruk. Assilisat qimerluukkit. Pineqartut tassaapput uagut pisinnaatitaaffigut, uagut inuunerput, aamma uagut illoqarfipput!
Assilisat oqaasertaliussallu uagut suliaraagut
Asannittumik inuulluaqqusilluta Nanortalimmi aamma Tasiilami, taakkunanilu nunaqarfinnit meeqqat aamma inuusuttut.
Our Rights - Our Lives The Future Belongs to Us
The book is the result of a series of workshops held at schools in Tasiilaq and Nanortalik in the months of June, August and September 2015, as part of the three-year project Siunissaq uagut pigaarput / The Future Belongs to Us / Fremtiden tilhører os. The purpose of the project was to increase the self-esteem and well-being of children, young people and families, through art, culture, creative and physical activities in the towns. We would like Tasiilaq and Nanortalik to be better towns to live in in three years’ time. We want to contribute to this change and this is our first contribution to the process. All images and texts were taken and written by us; - school pupils from Piorsaarvik, Piareersarfik and the schools in the two towns. The title of this book is ‘Our Lives - Our Rights’ because it is about what we define as a good life. About the rights and protections that we have according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which applies to all children between the ages of 0-18 years. Some of us are still children. Some of us already have children. What we share is a desire to have a secure upbringing and a good life. A future that we create together. Read the book. Look at the pictures. It is about our rights, our lives, and our town!
Best wishes from children and young people in Nanortalik and Tasiilaq and the neighbouring settlements.
Atuakkamut allaaserisaqarlutillu assilissanik ilanngussuisut atuartut makku Tasiilamit Nanortalimmillu pipput, kiisalu nunaqarfinnit Kuummiunit, Isortumit, Sermiligaamit, Narsarmijinit, Aappilattumit, Tasiusamiillu.
Tasiilaq Piorsaarvik
Maria Uitsatikitseq Lea Ignatiussen Eva Bianco Kamilla Bianco Frederik Poulsen Gerth Ignatiussen Piareersarfik
The following pupils from Tasiilaq and Nanortalik and the settlements of Kuummiut, Isortoq, Sermiligaaq, Narsarmijit, Aappilattoq and Tasiusaq contributed texts and photographs for the book.
Charlotte Lennert Dilare Ertaq Dorthe Poulsen Debora Mikiki Bendt Ignatiussen Debora Helene Aminaq Eliaser Taunajik Asser Konrad Kunuk Efraim Nathanielsen Ulrik Nathanielsen Petrus Larsen Francis Kunak Kristian Umerineq Konrad Kalia
Jonasine Eertaaq Karina Lennart Joelsine Ignatiussen Mathilda Magdikalat Susanne Sivertsen Aron Bajare Meeqqat atuarfianni 10. klasse The school’s 10th grade
Elisa Boassen Kaarale Enoksen Thomasine Hansen Danja Ignatuissen Justus Ignatiussen Berthe Ikila Johannes Kalia Claudia Kilimê Jakob Kristiansen Nadia Maratse Harald Mathiassen Kamilla Mikaelsen Bertha Thorning Karline Uitsatikitsek Marion Ulriksen Mikael Utuaq Gedion Nujagpik
Nanortalik Piareersarfik
Qivioq Gregersen Marie Kadi Petrussen Naja Nuka Gregersen Edel Dorph Elias-Isak Taterssen Karl Kristoffersen Helene Semionsen Nikki Johansen Inutsiaq Abiassen Meeqqat atuarfianni 10. klasse The school’s 10th grade
Natuk Hansen Akisooq Semsen Athena Maria Andersen Nivikka Abelsen Kali Isaksen Nuka-Josva Simonsen Karl Kristensen, David Kielsen, Anja Jerimiassen Jonas m Stach Inunnguaq Olsen
Inuit marluk amerlanerilluunniit imminnut tatigippata – takuneqarsinnaavoq. Meeqqatta misigisartagaat pingaaruteqartikkigut takutissavarput, misilittagaallu pimoorutissallugit.
Inunnguuvugut mikisuulluta. Mikingaaratta nunarsuarmi toorneeqqatulluunniit nuisarpiarata. Mikigaluarlutali atorfissaqartorujuuvugut. Allaassutigisarput tassaavoq inuunitsinnik iliuuserisarput. Uagutsinnut allanullu iliuuserisagut.
When two or more people trust one another - you can see it. We must show our children that their experiences are meaningful and we must take their experiences seriously.
We are so small, we who are living. So tiny, that we can’t even be seen as ‘microdots’ in the world. But even though we are small, we can make a difference. The difference is what we do with out lives. What we do for ourselves and for others.
Adults must respect everyone - including children. 24
Inersimasut kikkut tamaasa ataqqissavaat – aamma meeqqat. 25
Angajoqqaat sooq imertarpisi? Uanga imertarnersi nuannarinngilara. Ilissittulli pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga.
Toqqissisimasumik peroriartornissara pisinnaatitaaffigivara. I have the right to a secure upbringing.
Parents, why do you drink? I don’t like it when you drink. I have rights, just like you!
Meeqqap angajoqqaaminik oqaloqateqarnissaq pisariaqartippaa.
Timikkut tarnikkullu anniaateqaruma ikiorserneqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
Children need to be able to talk to their parents.
I have the right to get help if my body and soul are in pain.
Angajoqqaannit nukissamik tunitinnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
Pisinnaatitaaffigivara ingerlariaqqinnissannut siunnersorneqassallunga.
I have the right to get strength from my parents.
I have the right to be guided on how to proceed with my life.
We must always have the opportunity to experience joy. Joy and warmth are sometimes accompanied by tears. 32
Qaqugukkulluunniit nuannaarnermik misiginissamut periarfissaqassaagut. Nuannaarneq kissarnerlu ilaannikkut qiamik ilaqartarput. 33
When we show trust towards our fellow human beings and to ourselves, life becomes easier to live. 38
Inoqatigut tatigalugit takutikkutsigu
– uagutsinnullu – inuuneq oqinnerulissaaq. 39
Angajoqqaama ilaginissaat pisariaqartippara. Angajoqqaat avippata imaluunniit qimappata meeqqat eqqugaasarput.
Ilaqutariinni peqqissumik inuuneqassagutta akisussaaffimmik tigusisariaqarpugut suleqatigiillutalu. Meeqqat nerisassioqataallutillu torersaasassapput. Ilaquttagullu inuunermik peqqissumik toqqissisimasumillu pisinnaatitaaffeqarpugut.
I need to spend time with my parents. It affects children when parents get divorced or leave each other.
To have a healthy family life, we must take responsibility and work together. Children must help make food and tidy up at home. We have the right to a healthy and secure life with our families.
I have the right to express my feelings. 48
Misigissutsima annissinnaanissaat pisinnaatitaaffigaara. 49
Children need to be happy and satisfied. 56
Meeqqat nuannaarnissartik iluarisimaarnissartillu pisariaqartippaat. 57
Congratulations on the rights of children. 60
Meeqqat pisinnaatitaaffiannik pilluaritsi. 61
Peqqissumik inuunissamut pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga.
Meeqqatut atisassaqarnissara nerisassaqarnissaralu pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
I have the right to a healthy life.
As a child, I have the right to food and clothes on my body.
Timima anniartinneranut serlersaavigineqarneranullu illersornissamut pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga.
Angajoqqaagut oqarfigigutsigit ’Imerunnaarniaritsi!’ – pimooruttussaavaatigut!
I have the right to protect my body against violence and assault.
When we say to our parents, ‘Stop drinking’ they must take us seriously!
Angerlarsimaffinni nerisaqarnissamut pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga.
Inersimasumit tapersersorneqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
I have the right to food at home every day.
I have the right to get help from an adult.
You must love those closest to you and look after them. 66
Tullit asassavat, paaralugulu. 67
Do not allow alcohol to win at the expense of your children! 72
Meeqqatit puigorlugit imigassaq siulliunnagu! 73
Siunissara qaamasuussaaq
I must have a bright future In the future, I want to have a good life. I want an education, work, and a secure home. I think about this every day. But without help from adults, I won’t achieve it. Without a secure home and without schooling, I will definitely never achieve it. Children have the right to go to school. And children must be helped to go to school. Without care and love, we neglect our schooling. Without food and sleep, we have no strength. Without strength, we don’t go to school. Without an education, we have no future. Without a future, no food, clothes and work. Without love, no children. And we need children. They are our future. Many Greenlanders have no education. They come to a standstill. Become unemployed, Are they the ones who were not looked after properly when they were children? What was done for them when they were little? Half of them get an education. The other half come to a standstill - without. Think about it. You are the adult. Look after your children and take care of them properly. Your future is ‘us’. The future is ours - the children’s! Nivikka Abelsen
Siunissami ajunngitsumik inuuneqassaanga. Ilinniagaqarsimassaanga, suliffeqarlunga toqqissisimasumillu angerlarsimaffeqarlunga. Tamakkuupput ullut tamaasa eqqarsaatigisakka. Inersimasunilli ikiorneqanngikkuma angunavianngilakka. Toqqissisimasumik anger-larsimaffeqanngikkuma atuanngikkumalu tamakku tamaasa angunavianngilakka. Meeqqat atuarnissamut pisinnaatitaaffeqarput. Meeqqallu atuarnissamut ikiorneqartariaqarput. Paarineqanngikkutta asaneqanngikkuttalu atuarfik sumiginnassavarput. Nerisaqanngikkutta iluamillu sininngikkutta nukissaqassanngilagut. Nukissaqanngikkutta atuarnerput sumiginnassavarput. Ilinniagaqanngikutta siunissaqanngilagut. Siunissaqanngikkutta: nerisassat, atisat suliffik naak? Asanissuseqanngikkaanni: Meeqqat naak? Meeqqallu pisariaqartippagut. Tassaapput tamatta ataatsimoorluta siunissagut. Kalaalerpassuit ilinniagaqanngillat. Uniinnartarput. Suliffissaaleqisunngorlutik. Tamakkuuppat meeraanerminni iluamik paaqqutarineqanngitsut? Inuaraaneranni qanoq pineqartarpat? Affaat ilinniagaqarput. Affaasa aappaat uniinnartarput – ilinniarsimanatik. Eqqarsarit: Illit inersimasuusutit. Meeqqat paariuk, iluamillu paaralugu. Ilissi siunissarsi tassaavoq ‘uagut’. Siunissaq uagut pigaarput – meeqqat! Nivikka Abelsen
A good family is the path to a good life. A long, joyful life. 84
Ilaqutariilluarneq inuunerinnermut aqqutaavoq. Nuannaarluni inuuneq sivisooq. 85
The future is calling. And it lies in the cities - far away. I am moving to get an education. And I say goodbye. Leave my nearest and dearest. It hurts and is difficult. But my future is calling. 88
Siunissaq qaaqqusivoq. Illoqarfimmiipporlu – ungasissumi. Ilinniarniarlunga nutserpunga. Inuulluaqqusillungalu. Qanigisat asasallu qimallugit. Annernarpoq artornarporlu. Siunissarali qaaqqusivoq! 89
Trust is when friends give each other a hug. When you hold hands and are happy. Trust is when children play with each other and are happy. 92
Tatiginninneq tassaavoq ikinngutit eqitaarnerat. Tasioraanni nuannaarlunilu. Tatiginninneq tassaavoq meeqqat pinnguaqatigiittut nuannaarlutillu. 93
I have the right to choose my identity and religion. 98
Kinaassutsimut upperisamullu nammineq aalajangiisinnaatitaavunga. 99
Toqqissisimasumik angerlarsimaffeqarnissara, angajoqqaannillu iluamik pineqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
Pisussaatitaavunga atuarnissannut. I have the right to go to school.
I have the right to a secure home and to be treated fairly by my parents.
Timikkut tarnikkullu kimilluunniit atornerlunneqassanngilanga.
Killigisakka qaangerneqarpata naaggaarsinnaatitaavunga.
Nobody should abuse my body or soul.
I have the right to speak out, if my boundaries are violated.
Arlaannik oqaloqateqarsinnaatitaavunga.
Isumama aninnissaanut tusaaneqarnissannullu pisinnaatitaavunga.
I have the right to have somebody to talk to.
I have the right to express my views and be heard.
Accept me as I am.
That is how I accept you. 104
Uanga pissuserisara akueriuk. Taamaliorlunga illit akueraakkit. 105
Everybody can be happy or unhappy. Happiness sweeps bad memories away. 108
Kikkut tamarmik nuannaarsinnaapput aamma aliasuuteqarsinnaapput. Nuannaarnerup eqqaamasat nuanninngitsut piiartarpai. 109
FN-ip Meeqqanut isumaqatigiissutaanit tigusat tassaapput MIO’p saqqummersitaaneersut. MIO tassaavoq Kalaallit Nunaanni meeqqat pisinnaatitaaffiinik sullissisarfik, Kalaallit Nunaanni meeqqat pisinnaatitaaffiinik, aamma inuunerminni atugaannik oqaaseqartartussaanermik siunertaqartoq. This excerpt from the United Nations United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is MIO’s mediated version. MIO is Greenland’s National Advocacy for Childrens Rights, which is tasked with advocating children’s rights and living conditions in Greenland. www.MIO.gl-imi annermik atuagassaqarpoq. FN-ip Meeqqanut isumaqatigiissutaa meeqqat pisinnaatitaaffiinik nassuiaasunik artikelinik 54-inik imaqarpoq. MIO’p nittartagaani www.MIO.gl-imi annermik atuagassaqarpoq. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child contains 53 articles defining the rights of children. Read more on MIO’s website www.MIO.gl.
Angajoqaama uanga ajunnginnerpaamik inuuneqarnissara anguniarlugu akisussaaffigaat perorsarluarneqassasunga toqqissisimasumillu peroriartussasunga. Both my parents have a duty to ensure that I am brought up well and securely, and they must be mindful of what is best for me.
Angajoqqaanni najugaqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara, piumanngitsungalu angajoqqaannit peersitaasinnaanngilanga. Aatsaalli angajoqqaanniinnera uannut ajoqutaanngitsoq qulakkeerneqarsinnaappat. I have the right to live together with my parents and should not be removed from them against my will unless the authorities think that it is damaging for me to remain with them.
Angajoqqaat, naak immikkut nunaminni najugaqaraluartut, ataavartumik toqqaannartumillu attaveqarfigisarnissaat pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right to regular, personal and direct contact with both my parents even if they live in different countries.
Nammineq inuuneqarnissara kisiannili aamma ilaquttakka najorlugit inuunissara pisinnaatitaaffigaakka. I have the right to a private life and a family life. This means that my diaries and notebooks should not be read by others.
Angajoqqaanni najugaqarsinnaanngikkallaruma imaluunniit najugaqarsinnaanngivissoruma, immikkut ikiorneqarnissara paarineqarnissaralu pisinnaatitaaffigaakka. Ikiorneqarneq tassaasinnaavoq angajoqqaarsiartaarneq imaluunniit meeravissianngorneq.
Tassa imaappoq, ilaquttama, kammalaatima, allalluunniit, allagarsiakka, e-mailisiakka sms-isiakkalu atuarsinnaanngilaat. Aamma allakkat nassiussakka suulluunniit atuarsinnaanngilaat.
I have the right to special help and care if I cannot live with my family temporarily or permanently. The authorities must ensure that others can look after me by providing me with either a foster family or arranging an adoption.
This means that my family, friends and others may not read things like letters, emails and text messages that I have written or received from others, unless I allow them to, or there are good reasons for interfering.
Kimilluunniit inatsisinik uniqqutitsilluni nunamut allamut aallaruteqqusaanngilanga, imaluunniit nunannut uternissara inerteqqutigisinnaanagu. Tassa imaappoq, angajoqqaama arlaat tiker- Pissakillioraluarluta, inuttut toqqissisiaarukku, angerlaqqinnissara taassuma masumik inuuneqarnissara pisinnaatiakisussaaffigaa. taaffigaara. Nobody has the right to take me to another country illegally or to prevent me from returning. This means that if I visit one of my parents in another country, my parents are responsible for my return.
Sapinngisaq tamaat peqqillunga inuunissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right to be as healthy as possible, and to have access to treatment and care.
Qanoq ilillunga peqqissuunissara pillugu ilinniartinneqarnissara kiisalu suut uannut peqqinnannginnersut pillugit ilisimatinneqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right to be shown and told how to remain healthy and about things that may harm my health.
I have the right to receive social security including at times when I am poor or in need.
Inuunermi atugassarititaasut ajunngitsuunissaat pisinnaatitaaffigaara, ineriartorluaqqullunga ajunngitsumillu inuuneqaqqullunga. I have the right to a good standard of living, so that I can develop and have a good life. My parents are responsible for taking care of my needs as much as they are able.
Angajoqqaat tassaapput inuunerissaarnissannut akisussaasuusut, pisariaqarfikkulli pisortat sapinngisartik tamaat isumagisariaqarpaat angajoqqaamma tapersersornissaat, soorlu nerisassaqartillunga atisassaqartillunga inissaqartillungalu. If necessary, the authorities must help and support my parents, particularly with food, clothing and somewhere to live. This means that the authorities must help my parents to pay their bills and look after me properly. 113
Akeqanngitsumik toqqammaviusumik atuartinneqarluarnissannut pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga, atuarnissannullu pisussaaffeqarlunga. Immaqa atuarneq nuannarivallaanngikkaluarlugu, pisussaavunga atuarnissannut. Atuarninni ajornartorsiuteqaruma ikiorneqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right and duty to get a free education. This means that even though I may not always enjoy going to school, I must get a basic education. If I think going to school is difficult then I must be helped to complete my studies.
Ilinniarnera inuttut inerikkiartuutigissavara, sapinngisakkalu qaffassarlugit, inuulerniassagama akisussaassusilik kiisalu inoqatinnik ataqqinnittoq, inoqatima pingaartitaat, kulturii, suminngaanneerneri aporfiginagit. My education must help me to develop my personality and abilities, so that I become a responsible and tolerant person, with respect for people, values, cultures, the environment and human rights.
Sunngiffinni sammisaqarnissannut qasuersaarnissannullu pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga. Sumiiffimmik pitsaasumik samisaqarfigisinnaasannik, aamma soqutigisannik 114
Inuuvunga immikkuullarissoq, allanut sanilliunneqarsinnaanngitsoq. Kinaassusera kisima pigaara – allat pigilersinnaanngilaat.
Inuiaqatigiinni ilagerusutakka tapersersorusutakkalu ilagisinnaavakka tapersersorsinnaallugillu, allallu tamanna inerteqqutigisinnaanngilaat.
I am special and must never be mistaken for anybody else. My identity is my own and nobody can take it from me.
This means that nobody has the right to refuse me entry to a community of other members of the group that I belong to.
Aamma sammisanik kulturimut tunngassuteqartunut peqataanissannut, meeraqatikka tamaasa assigalugit pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga.
Immikkut ateqarnissara pisortanillu immikkut akuerineqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaakka. Aamma nunami innuttaassuseqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara.
Meerarsiaaguma meeqqalluunniit angerlarsimaffianni najugaqaruma katsorsarneqarlungaluunniit uninngaguma, pisinnaatitaavunga atukkama qanoq innerat misissortissallugu.
This means that the authorities must work towards increasing my opportunities to participate in these activities on equal footing with other children in the country
I have the right to a name and to be officially recognised by the state. I have the right to citizenship (to belong to a country).
I have the right to have my treatment, living conditions, and other circumstances checked at regular intervals, if I am being fostered, living in care, or receiving treatment.
Atuarninnut ajoqutaasumik imaluunniit ulorianartulerillunga suliffeqassanngilanga. Aamma suliffiga sunngiffinni suliarisartakkannik aallussininnut, peqqinnissannut kiisalu ineriartorninnut ajoqutaassanngilaq.
Nunami najukkanni minnerussuteqarlunga inissisimaguma, allatut upperisaqaruma, nunap inoqqaajuguma kiisalu inuiaqatigiinnut allanut ilaaguma, nammineq kulturera, oqaatsikka upperisaralu malillugit atorlugillu inuunissannut pisinnaatitaavunga.
Tassa imaappoq, ulloq unnuarlu angerlarsimaffinnut immikkut ittunut ikiorneqarnissara, ilinniartinneqarnissara paarilluarneqarnissaralu siunertaralugit nuutsinneqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. Aamma inuttut nalilittut pineqarnissara, inuttullu namminiussuseqartutut pineqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaakka.
aallussiffigisinnaasannik orniguffissaqarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right to rest and leisure time. I have the right to have an appropriate place to play and do my hobbies. I also have the right to participate in cultural and artistic activities.
I have the right to be protected from work that could be dangerous, affect my education, or damage my health and development.
I have the right to follow my own culture, practice my own religion and speak my own language, if I belong to an ethnic, religious, or language minority, or a native people.
This means, amongst other things, that I have the right to be sent to a special home or institution and to receive teaching, care and guidance. I also have the right to be treated with dignity and with respect for my private life. 115
Timikkut tarnikkullu annersinneqarnissannut atornerlunneqarnissannullu illersugaasariaqarpunga. I have the right to be protected against being hurt and abused either physically or emotionally by my parents or others.
Tassa imaappoq, kialluunniit kinguaassiuutitigut pinngitsaalillunga pisinnaanngilaanga, attuualaaqqusaanngilaanga sioorasaarlunga, assileqqusaanngilaanga, filmilioqqusaanngilaanga – atornerloqqusaanngilaanga. This means that nobody may force, threaten, or lure me into doing something sexual, either by touching me, taking pictures, filming me or doing anything to exploit me.
Pisortat pisussaapput atornerlunneqarnissara pinngitsoortissallugu, taakkumi pisussaapput isumannaatsumik illersussallunga.
Atornerlunneqarsimaguma arlaatigulluunniit ajortumik pineqarsimaguma, ikiorneqarnissannut pisinnaatitaavunga, inuuneq nuannersoq atoqqilerniassagakku.
Pisortat uannut peqqinnartumik, tatiginnittumik ataqqinnittumillu katsorsarneqarnissara isumagissavaat.
means that even though I have the right to say what I want, I must still be responsible for what I say.
The authorities must ensure that I am informed of the damaging effects of drugs, so that it is easier for me to refuse.
If I have been exposed to abuse or exploitation, regardless of the method used, I have the right to get the help I need, so that I can get a good life again.
Qanorluunniit ilillunga isummama aninnissaa pisinnaatitaaffigaara. Tamannalu taaneqartarpoq: isummersinnaanermik pisinnaatitaaffik. I have the right to express what I want, in any way I want to - this is called freedom of speech.
Tusaaneqartuarnissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara, inersimasullu oqaatiginiakkakka tusaasussaavaat ataqqillugillu. Annermik uannut tunngasunik aalajangiiniartoqarpat, isummama tusaaneqarnissaat pingaaruteqarpoq. I have the right to express my own opinions, and adults must listen, respect and take my opinion seriously - particularly when decisions are taken that affect me.
The authorities must ensure that my treatment takes place under conditions that provide me with health, self-respect and dignity.
Tassa imaappoq, oqalunnikkut, titartaanikkut, allannikkut allatigulluunniit isummama aninnissaa pisinnaatitaaffigaara. Pisortat ikiaroornartunik atornerluinermik pinaveersaartitsissapput, uangalu illersorneqarnissara anguniarlugu suliniuteqartarlutillu inatsisiliussapput.
This means that I can express myself by talking, writing, drawing, or in any way that I choose.
Atuakkat aqqutigalugit, internettikkut, fjernsynikkut, radiukkut allatigullu paasissutissanik pinissara pisinnaatitaaffigaara. I have the right to have access to, and get information from books, the Internet, television, the radio and all kinds of other places.
The authorities must prevent abuse and protect me by creating laws and measures.
The authorities must provide me with the best possible protection against any form of abuse or exploitation.
Aamma pisortat sapinngisartik malillugu ikiaroornartut ajoqutai pillugit paasisitsiniuteqartassapput, uanga 116
tamakkununnga naaggaarsinnaanissara anguniarlugu.
Kisianni inoqatima pisinnaatitaaffii ataqqissavakka. Taamaammallu inoqatinnut qinngasaarisussaanngilanga, oqaatsikkalu nammineq akisussaaffigisussaallugit.
Paasissutissat paaserusutakka pillugit inersimasut ikiussavaannga.
When I exercise my right to speak freely, I must take other people’s rights into consideration. This
Adults must help me as much as possible to understand the information that I need. 117
I am special and should never be mistaken for anyone else. My identity belongs to me and nobody may take it from me.
Inuuvunga immikkuullarissoq, allanut sanilliunneqarsinnaanngitsoq. Kinaassusera kisima pigaara – allat pigilersinnaanngilaat.
This means, that if somebody tries to steal my identity, the authorities must provide me with the help and protection I need so that I can recover my identity as quickly as possible.
Kinaassusera tiguarneqarniaraluarpat, pisortat pisussaapput illersussallunga, uterteqqinnissaanullu ikiussallunga. 119
Uagut Pisinnaatitaaffigut – Uagut Inuunerput Our Rights - Our Lives Ukununnga qujanaq: Tasiilami aamma Nanortalimmi meeqqat atuarfiini, Piorsaavimmi/Piareersarfimmi ilinniartitsisut atuarfinnilu pisortat. Nanortalimmi suliniummut isumaginnittut, Anders Stephensen & Jens Korneliussen aamma Eli Abelsen, Tasiilaq.
ISBN 978-87-998583-0-9 Copyright © Atuakkap ilusilersornera Design og layout: Tina Enghoff
Meeqqat Pisinnaatitaaffii pillugit Isumaqatigiissutip saqqummiunneqartup atorneranut MIO-mut qujanaq. Atuakkamit: Pisinnaatitaaffeqarpunga! Meeqqat Pisinnaatitaaffii pillugit Isumaqatigiissut, 2012
Aaqqissuisoq Editor: Anette Molbech
Thanks to: The teachers and headmasters of the schools in Piorsaavik/Piareersarfik in Tasiilaq and Nanortalik.
Naqiterneqarfia Printing: 2015 Narayana Press, Odder, Danmark
The coordinators of the project in Nanortalik, Anders Stephensen and Jens Korneliussen and Eli Abelsen, Tasiilaq.
Kalaallisuunngortitsisoq Translation: PolarInfo
Suliniut makkunanit tapiiffigineqarpoq The projekt is supported by:
Thanks to MIO for allowing us to use their version of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in a mediated version. From the book: Jeg har rettigheder! Børnekonventionen, 2012
Namminersorlutik Oqartussat / Grønlands Selvstyre Kommune Kujalleq / Kommune Kujalleq Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq / Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq
Uagut pisinnaatitaaffigut – Uagut inuunerput Siunissaq uagut pigaarput