TLOU, K - 219436025

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Mopani trees. Baobab fruits are trendy as well in this region. The products of these inhabitants have a significant market within the region, nationally and internationally.


The two-control system introduced is Customs to control the movement of goods and Immigration to control the movement of people. The customs duty fee is paid at the borders to discourage markets or prohibit products from the other sides of the national boundaries. Immigration introduced visas to be issued to people crossing the border at a fee which makes people pay to get permission to move around. Days allocated on the visa for the person to stay on the other side of the boundary and the limit number of days a person can stay on the other side of the boundary per annum. People crossing Beitbridge have the number of visit days detected by the officials that is unfair to the travellers as this affects their plans. The travellers get congested at the border post and sleep for days waiting to be cleared.

Figure 33 Travellers sleep over at the boarder waiting to be cleared, by Author=[


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