~~RUNNING YOUR OWN BUSSINES~~ *Presentation: I want to open a shop of mostly school supplies, for the same price as in bookstores, tobacconists, etc, since all materials that will be sold will be recycled and reused. The store will be called Lunairis.
*Product: My business items will be made with a variety, and therefore cheaper: -Paper, notebooks, and books one hundred by hundred recycled, as well as all the Office equipment that has to do with the stationery -Pens and tools for the study of plastic 100 hundred recycling -Eco -Oil -Toys garbage bags and some object reused -Things natural bath, and non -Polluting, for example; paper bath, shampoo, deodorant, cleaning etc -Things that do not adversely affect the environment, such as detergent, dishwasher, etc.
* Potential market: This store will open in the town of Arrigorriaga, in a shop in the plaza Juan 23. Of the people who most will come to our shop to part of ecologists and environmental protectorates, will be members of the families that has any member to studying and need large amounts of school supplies. Competencies will be tents with stationery things firsthand and something of better quality or better, appearance. I say appearance since what more will abound in books and notebooks will be the role, and the difference of the recycling not recycling is that recycled paper has a little darker than the normal white paper, but serves for the same. Our products will serve exactly same as the pollutants and harmful to our world, but when you use them, you'll know you're doing something good for everyone and you won't feel so bad.
*Putting on the market:
Prices of the most important things that we will sell will be these:-Papel:
-Notebooks: 3,50€ -Books: 5/10€ -Pens: 0,20€ -Tipex: 1,00€ -Markers and paints: 2,00€ -Garbage bags: 0,03€ -Oil: 2,25€ -Toys: 3/5€ -Objects of cleanliness: 2/5€ -Toilet paper: 1,05€ -Shampoo: 4/6€ -Soap: 2,00€ -Deodorant: 2,00€ -Detergent: 2,00€ -Cleaners: 1/3€
SWOT -Strengt:
Does not change the price of organic products to non organic, so people have no economic effort to help the environment. You feel you're doing something good for the world. In a small town people whole where it buys around the world, and gives better image help the environment that cause damage.
The white paper to be recycled loses clarity and is darker. Shampoos and products do not have a perfume so attractive as non are natural. Toys and plastic things are tough and good, but not as much as the original materials.
It is fashionable to be an environmentalist person. More and more people realize that something must be done for the environment. It is not so easy to find recycled products that the people do not want them sold by its appearance.
That you mount a store similar to mine in the village. Other shops nearby that sell the same products but of high quality. Other stores that are not market fair and sell things that I have but with commercial offer (supermarkets...)
*Setting: This store will open in the town of Arrigorriaga, in a shop in the plaza Juan 23. It is located in the center of the town and is next to the paradise bar. The surface is of about 50 m2, and I distribute them to taking advantage of the site. Most of the local will be store, except for the bathroom and the warehouse. Then there will be exhibitors, display cabinets and furniture (desk, furniture to expose...).
*Crew: This is a business that will work properly and normal need to be attended only by a single person, I, the entrepreneur. I will be in the Social security regime as a freelancer, and I will be who manage the business, attend to customers, etc. At any time in which the business is running and work well I will hire a support person containing at least a degree means fp or Secretariat, and some computer studies.
*Funding: The law requires to local conditions to be able to use it. The most expensive requiring is a grooming for me and my staff in case of having them, not for clients. Depends on the State in which he is the local will have to perform a few basic reforms, which I estimate they will cost about 15,000â‚Ź This money I got it by putting my car for rent for an entire year, and while the business gets underway won't stop it for rent. Then I will have subsidies and grants from institutions and public administrations.