A D u b l i n T al e: Sai n t Val en t i n e's I r i sh C o n n ect i o n o n Page 25
Digit al Reader s!
Jan u ar y, 2019
We u pdat e ou r CALENDAR WEEKLY ...so ch eck back f or t h e lat est Even t s!
T r i n i t y I r i sh D an ce Set Fo r C ar p en t er C en t er A t C SU L B See Page 3
L u n asa C o m i n g T o C al T ech D etails Page 4
TH E H OL Y FAI L , I r i sh Com ed y Set For M ar ch Th eat r i cal Rel ease
Trooper Thor n at The Har p See Calendar Annual Pictor ial Feature I rish Year I n Review Star ts on Page 16
Wells Of L ife & Run 4 Water See Pages 6 & 17
REGUL AR FEATURES I r ish Tr avel I r ish Calendar I r ish M usic Poetr y Cor ner
Ow en Dar a, Sean M cN al l y , Jessi ca L an cast er M ai r i n , St i of an W i l ey in Th e H ol y Fai l See feature on page 9
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
creativity that ultimately attracted dancers from schools around the world..
Since the Trinity Irish Dance Company was founded in 1990, they have garnered acclaim and success throughout the World under the direction of Founding Artistic Director Mark Howard. Company members have a reputation for achieving excellence in Irish Dance and dynamic innovation while maintaining a high regard for tradition. Howard?s uniquely Irish-American company was the birthplace of progressive Irish dance which opened new avenues of artistic expression that led directly to commercial productions such as ?Riverdance?. After founding the Trinity Academy of Irish Dance in 1982, Howard?s competitive dancers soon began to win unprecedented world team titles for the United States at the World Championships of Irish Dance. Not content to simply win trophies, Howard ultimately began to venture outside the framework of ethnicity, expanding Trinity?s range and repertoire in a host of imaginative new directions. This led to the founding of the nonprofit TIDC which began providing a unique forum for
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w w w.t r in it yir ish dan cecom pan y.com
Jan u ar y, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
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Irish Music News & Reviews
LUNASA Tou r f or 2019 In clu des Appear an ce at CAL TECH
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld
Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick
Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s
Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@
ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media
The Irish group Lunasa is composed of Kevin Crawford (flutes, low whistlesand tin whistles), Trevor Hutchinson (double bass), Ed Boyd (guitar), SeĂĄn Smyth (fiddle and low whistle) and Cillian Vallely (uilleann pipes and low whistles).
LĂşnasa has been hailed as "Ireland's best 'supergroup'. as well as being called the hottest Irish acoustic band on the planet." Using melodic interweaving of wind and string instruments, pairing fiddle, whistle,and pipes in often breathtaking arrangements, the group's musical talents have been captivate audiences. ariund the world. Lu n asa w ill be per f or m in g on t h e Cal Tech Cam pu s in Pasaden a at Beck m an Au dit or iu m on Sat u r day, Febr u ar y 23 at 8:00pm .
Du blin's Ir ish Ten or s an d Celt ic Ladies Will Per f or m At CalTech These two groups bring an excellent mix of traditional Irish tunes, adult contemporary and classical music. Two of Ireland?s best-loved groups DUBLIN?S IRISH TENORS and THE CELTIC LADIES are on an extended US Tour and will make a stop at CalTech just in time for an LA area audience to join them for a Day Before St. Patrick's Day Concert. The Cast puts on a show reminiscent of the wonderful Irish Showbands that toured the World a generation or so ago. Starting in post WWII Ireland and touring the UK, America and really the planet
(Irish Music gained great popularity in Japan) though the 80s. This is not just a traditional Irish show but a great mixture if Irish Favorites such as Danny Boy and Cockles and Mussels; so Trad enthusiasts will not be disappointed and much more music, Individual soloists and each group then moves through a well crafted repertoire from opera to pop, jazz to classical! as each member showcase their unique talents, from lively fiddling, to marvelous melodies, to perfected piano pieces.
Jan u ar y, 2019
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
WELLS IF LIFE Fin ish es 2018 Wit h Recor d Br eak in g Ach ievm en t s Wells Of Life was founded by Nick Jordan, a well know Orange County Real Estate investor and a longtime friend and advertiser in the Irish Arts. & Entertainment. In fact, Jordan started with us when we were the Irish News of California and he was a newly minted Real Estate Agent, Over the past 25 years, Jordan has been an energetic supporter of the Irish Community and events too, including the Rose of Tralee , Brothers of St. Patrick and many more. Jordan has even entered the Muldoon's Kilt Contest! A few years ago Jordan decided to put his lucrative career on hold and to dedicate himself to helping solve one of the most egregious problems in Africa, the lack of clean water. It is a crisis that few Americans are aware of and it is hard for us to comprehend how hard life is without a good reliable supply of water.. The need is real and progress is being made thanks in part to Wells Of Life. According to Mike Olson, the Operations Manager, "Wells of Life is had a record year in 2018 thanks to you our loyal donors!"
ABOVE Nick Jordan founder and CEO of Wells Of Life with villagers at a new well RIGHT Children splashing in fresh water for the first time in their lives. Imagine the excitement when the gift of water, of life and love is brought to a village.
In 2018 alone, this amazing hands on charity has funded 100 wells, They also launched new programs called WASH and Operation Restoration and they have, broken ground on a Ugandan Training Center, Wells Of Life expanded its global reach by creating NGO's in Uganda and Ireland. Olson added, "We built a partnership with the government in Uganda and added some incredible people to the Wells of Life team. All this with the goal of solving the world water crisis.." The single largest Fundraising Event each year is the Run 4 Water and the 2019 event will be bigger than ever. It is also being held at a new location. The goal this year is to raise enough money to fund the drilling of 50 wells throughout Uganda, (See Center Spread for more) Our readers are invited to join these efforts. Please help today by donating online: wellsoflife.org/donate One truly amazing opportunity exists, you can put your own talents to use and fund a well dedicated to a cause or person you hold dear, for details, reach out to Nick Jordan directly at 949-584-6166. Email: nick@wellsoflife.org
Jan u ar y, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
H i t ch co ck A t H i s B est I n B el f ast Pr o d u ct i o n ?In every perfect murder, there?s always a little? hitch.? Come to Belfast and enjoy ?A Hit ch cock ian Even in g? ? two popular one-act plays by award-winning American screenwriter/playwright Scott Fivelson, which will be playing at the Accidental Theatre in Belfast on January 25th and 26th.
Fivelson?s credits include the films, ?American Reel,? starring David Carradine, Michael Maloney, and Mariel Hemingway, and the upcoming ?Near Myth: The Oskar Knight Story,? starring Lenny Von Dohlen as legendary director, Oskar Knight.
It?s a double bill brimming with mystery, humor, and suspense.
Directors Rachel Coffey and Thomas Pollock and star Derek James Dubery were interviewed about the show by Robin Elliott on Northern Visions nvtv Belfast on January 15th. Airing of the interview to be announced.
?Dial L for Latch-Key? ? a comedy mystery satirizing the films of Alfred Hitchcock ? stars Derek James Dubery, Nigel Boone, Michael Killen, and Sarah Mellotte. Directed by Rachel Coffey. ?Leading the Witness? ? about a young blind woman in New York City who has been witness to a murder and ultimately has a very unlikely protector ? stars Andrew McNeill, Lynn McElroy, Theo McGeough, and James Wilson. Directed by Thomas Pollock.
?A Hitchcockian Evening? by Scott Fivelson is presented by Chaos Theory Theatre and Frontier Pictures.
Tick et s Her e: ?A Hit ch cock ian Even in g? at t h e Acciden t al Th eat r e h t t ps:/ / acciden t alt h eat r e.co.u k / box-of f ice/ a-h it ch cock ian -even in g
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
Ir ish Rail Expan din g Rou t es & Ser vice In Ir elan d Oppor t u n it y M igh t Lie Ah ead For Exper ien ced Rail Wor k er s According to a recent article in the Irish Mirror The rail company is looking for 100 drivers in the next four years to join the team. Previously Irish Rail has hired internally within the CIE Group of Companies but it is now having to recruit externally due to predicted continued passenger growth and scheduled retirements. Under the National Development Plan there will be a record order of new trains, with the NDP looking at a fleet expansion of 300 carriages - an increase of almost 50% over existing numbers. There will also be electrification and DART expansion to Maynooth, Hazelhatch and Drogheda, with service level increases as well as speed improvements and service expansion on Intercity. Candidates must be willing to work various shift patterns, including weekend work for between 39 and 48 hours a week. These new drivers will be based in different depots right around the network. . Successful candidates will be placed on a salary scale, which will reach ?57,000 per annum. As the postings say, the positions are open to all. Iarnrรณd ร ireann is encouraging people from all over the country to apply./
We have not found out as yet if Americans and Europeans are eligible to apply but as soon as we do, we will update the information
Kerry I rish Productions
St . Pat r i ck 's D ay I n I r el an d A perfect family event
Sin ce Am er ican Legen ds an d Hist or y ar e f illed w it h st or ies of Ir ish Im m igr an t s bu ildin g an d w or k in g on US Railr oads, Casey Jon es com es t o m in d! it is a n ice t u r n abou t t h at t h er e m igh t be oppor t u n it ies in Ir elan d f or Ir ish Ex pat s an d Ir ish Am er ican s
T h u r sd ay, M ar ch 14
T i ck et s O n Sal e N ow Click H ere
Tw o of t h e best Ir ish Even t s of 2018 cam e St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d h on or s t h e f r om Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s u n der t h e gu idan ce gr eat t r adit ion an d t h e m igh t y joy of of M ar gar et O'Car r oll. AN IRISH CHRISTM AS an d bein g Ir ish ! St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d...m or e st ellar sh ow s Celebrate St. Patrick?s Day 2019 and the great joy of ar e on t h e w ay f or 2019!! being Irish with music, song, dance and irresistible merriment from the Emerald Isle! The concert will be led by members of The Kerry Traditional Band: four multi-instrumentalists who share their passion for the traditional music of Ireland. Amazing troup of Irish Dancers and the Kerry Voice Squad. RIGHT: Pict u r e Per f ect an d Voices t o m at ch , Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad: Kor al Aak r e, Kat h er in e Tr im ble, & Ash ley St an bu r y
Jan u ar y, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ow en Dar a Film Set For Th eat r ical Release The Holy Fail was very successful on the Festival circuit this past
year! Dara's second film has won many awards including ?Festival Pick? Laughlin International Film Festival 2018! The film also had its Irish premiere at IndieCork Festival in Cork in October of 2018 and its Southern California premier at the Pasadena Film Festival last year. . It will play at the Chicago Irish Film Festival in February 2019, and it will have a theatrical release in March, followed by a digital release. The Irish born, now LA based, overly talented Screenwriter -Producer Owen Dara can also be seen performing every Tuesday night from 8:pm at 1881 Club in Pasadena. He will be playing Irish and original music there and at other singer/songwriter venues in Los Angeles, including songs from the soundtracks of his 2 films. Amazingly, Dara is also currently in post-production for a third feature film, also shot in Cork.
FUN FACTS Jessica Lancaster & Owen Dara
(On Left in Laughlin ) are
a real life couple and share a birthday. Owen Dara's Mom plays Sister Ukeria
"The Orchard" Pub location Dara worked for as a teenager and it is still run by the same family The films Garda Kieren and Sister Assumpta are real life Mother & Son
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
Jan u ar y, 2019
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Book Now For Ken O'M alley 's 2019 Tou r To Ir elan d IRELAND TOUR APRIL/ M AY 2019: Th is t ou r w ill f ocu s u pon t h e con n ect ion bet w een Ir ish em igr an t s t o t h e Un it ed St at es, par t icu lar ly t h ose f r om Bu t t e M on t an a w h ich h as t h e h igh est n u m ber of Ir ish descen dan t s per capit a of an y US cit y. Th e gr ou p w ill visit Cast let ow n ber e, Allih ies M in in g M u seu m , Du n boy Cast le, M izen Head, Th e Clif f s of M oh er , Galw ay Cit y, Con n em ar a, Kylem or e Abbey, Ach ill Islan d, Cr oach Pat r ick , Th e Fam in e M on u m en t , M u r r isk Abbey, Du blin Cit y, Kilm ain h am Gaol, Gu in n ess Br ew er y, an d m u ch m or e. Th e t ou r begin s at Du blin Air por t , Sat u r day 27 Apr il, 2019 an d en ds at Du blin Air por t M on day 6 M ay, 2019. Th e t ou r in clu des 3 n igh t s in Ban t r y, Co. Cor k , 1 n igh t in Galw ay, Co. Galw ay. 3 n igh t s in West por t , Co. M ayo an d 2 n igh t s in Du blin . Cost is $2,500 per per son . (Sh ar in g a r oom , Dou ble or Tw in ) VERY LIM ITED SINGLE ROOM S AVAILABLE $2900 Ch eck w it h Ken t o see if t h ese ar e st ill available. In clu ded: 9 n igh t s Hot els, Br eak f ast an d Din n er , Lu xu r y Coach , Por t er age, M eal gr at u it y an d Sit e t ick et s. Not In clu ded: Air t r avel, Lu n ch es, Dr iver gr at u it y an d Tr avel In su r an ce. Th is icon ic pict u r e of a Galw ay Cit y Lan e M or e in f or m at ion is also available on lin e at : on a f in e Ir ish M or n in g w as t ak en in
w w w.k en om alley.com / ir elan d-t ou r -2019
Feel f r ee t o t alk t o Ken at a sh ow or em ail h im f or det ails: k en @k en om alley.com
Spr in g 2018 by ou r f r ien d an d con t r ibu t or Dor ot h y Fr edet t e.
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Irish Travel BY Pat r ick Weld
HIKES & BIKES In IRELAND Dalk ey St at ion To Killin ey Hill In my last travel story about our visit to Ireland, we talked about cycling trips mostly and even how convenient it is to rent bikes in and around Dublin. We skipped this feature in the last issue as we were on our Christmas break and our publisher said space was tight. We are back this issue with some tips on beginner walks and a hike very close to Dublin City Centre. Sometimes a walk can kick start your day especially after a night in a pub or two so here is a suggestion for an easy walk and it is short! Only about 2 km (that's about 2 and a half miles round trip). From Pearse Station near our hostel, it was about 20 minutes to
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
Dalkey. Fortified with a only coffee and donut as we planned lunch at a pub we had heard about at the end of the hike. Walking around Dublin is a pleasure in itself, Just remember (as with on a bike) that the traffic is seemingly off so look both ways ALWAYS. From the station; go to Sorrento Road southeast towards Sorrento Terrace. There on the Vico Road, you are on the edge of the Sea and then you begin your sightseeing walk, A bit of an uphill climb to Dalkey Hill, through a gate at the bottom of some very steep stone steps, called the Cat?s Ladder. At the top the view is awesome. Dublin Bay, all the new construction, it is an amazing busy seascape and coastline and Dalkey Island with its stony Martello Tower. Turn around and you will be rewarded with the land view, Sugar Loaf Mountain and the Wicklow Mountains. After soaking all that in,, go down and over the hill to a very famous granite quarry, Dublin and the towns and surrounding area streets, walls are granite.
______________________________________ There past, a parking lot, you climb some easy steps to the top of Killiney Hill. We hit it right and there were paragliders launching and floating down and around the ultra-blue skies, The obelisk there was a make work project by the government during the harsh winter of 1741. From there the path leads down to Victoria Park?s gates. just there is a good stop (we skipped it) for drinks, tea or lunch at the Tower Tea Rooms by the entrance, We had been told and saw online about the Druid?s Chair Pub which evidently is a bit of a well known attraction as it was crowded with mostly European backpackers, We shared a table with a couple of Swiss guys from Geneva. The hike and pub are highly recommended! The return was a breeze, mostly downhill after turning left from the Druid;s Chair back to Vico Road, this time taking a right to bring you on a picture perfect walk right back to sea level and Killiney Dart Station, Energized, the afternoon was spent on Grafton street and sightseeing, the long days make for perfect twilight for yet another walk
w w w .au l d d u bl i n er .com
(562) 437-8300
Jan u ar y, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
New Irish Film:
Th e Ballym u r ph y Pr eceden t Reviewed by John McNally Calif or n ia AOH Fr eedom For All Ir elan d Ch air m an November 12, 2018 was the date set for an inquest into the August 1971 unprovoked shooting deaths of 10 Irish residents of Ballymurphy by British soldiers.
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Sir Michael Jackson wrote, "The Battalion fought a fierce gun-battle with an estimated 20 gunmen." Claiming that those killed were armed insurgents was outrageous to the residents of Ballymurphy where the victims included a Priest, Father Hugh Mullan, who was waving a white cloth and only entered a field to administer the last rites to others who lay dying from the Para?s guns. And a 44 year old mother of 8, Joan Briege, who went to comfort a wounded neighbor only to be shot in the eye by a high powered rifle that blew her face off. And then shot three more times as she lay on the ground. Within minutes of the murders the British sent press releases around the world saying all those killed were gunmen and British soldiers were briefed on what to say to keep the truth hidden. Macrea said he is not attempting to re-write history, but rather to reveal a hidden history. The film goes into the background of the British Parachute Regiment, shock troops of the British Empire, sent to put down uprising in Kenya, Cyprus, and Malaya where thousands of local people were killed in an attempt to hang on to its Empire.
This 1971 incident is significant not only because the relatives of the victims want the truth about these slayings, but more so, it is evident that if the 1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment (1 PARA) were held accountable for this event, they would not have been sent to Derry a few months later where they murdered 14 more Irish civilians in what was to become Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday, as most know, became a major catalyst for the next two decades of the Anglo Irish conflict. The two events were similar except there were no photos, films, or journalists present in Ballymurphy, whereas, the shootings in Derry took place to suppress a huge anti-Interment march attended by Members of Parliament and the Press - and the subsequent massacre attracted international outrage. This is why filmmaker, Callum Macrea, spent the last 4 years painstakingly making the film, ? Th e Ballym u r ph y Pr eceden t ?. I had the good fortune to see the film and attend a Q&A with Macrae himself, at the premier release of the film in Derry. August, 1971, the days following the introduction of Internment without trial, saw 600 soldiers of Britain?s Parachute Regiment, (1 PARA) dispatched to the small West Belfast neighborhood of Ballymurphy with tragic results.
"It was four decades before the Saville Inquiry concluded that all the victims of the Bloody Sunday massacre in Derry were innocent. But Saville also emphatically rejected any suggestion that the army sent 1 PARA to Derry knowing what they were likely to do, or even that they intended to do it. That effectively suggested Bloody Sunday was not the fault of either the government or the Ministry of Defense, and largely placed the blame on the commander of 1 PARA. ?I believe that what happened in Ballymurphy makes that conclusion unsustainable. The army chiefs in Belfast who decided to send 1 Para to Derry in January 1972, (to help control a massive anti-Internment march), knew only too well what the Paras had already done in Ballymurphy ? and if they didn?t they certainly should have." Callum Macrea, in the Irish Times September 10, 2018. The version of the film I saw was over 2 hours long and comprised of numerous interviews with eyewitnesses, including some with British soldiers present at the time. There are plans for a shorter one-hour version for TV. ?Ballymurphy raises real questions about the government?s role in turning Northern Ireland?s civil rights marches, very similar to those led by Martin Luther King in America, into the terrible 30 years? violence which has characterized the Troubles,? says Macrae. w w w.you t u be.com / w at ch ?v=OAKCVRx14l0
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Ean รกir - Feabh r a
BRIAN BOYLAN, Popular Irish Artist With A Renewed Vision Los Angeles and Southern California seem to be a beacon beckoning Actors, Artists and Musicians from all over the US and the World. Ireland and the Irish have always been well represented. One of the absolute best aspects of publishing the Irish Arts & Entertainment is that we frequently get to meet and interview these amazing people. Irish born, now South Bay based Irish Artist Brian Boylan is a perfect example of our good fortune. Boylan is an affable, easy going and very funny individual. He hails from Skerries near Dublin and has been in our midst for about 20 years. He is a single Dad with two teen-aged daughters and he very is devoted to his family and to his work. Boyan was first profiled by us about six tears ago when we ran into him at a concert presented by Kerry Irish Productions in Thousand Oaks. Many of our readers are now familiar with him and his work because of his attendance at numerous Irish Events and Irish Fairs and the fact that three of his paintings were commissioned by local Irish Pubs, The most popular is the first work which hangs at O''Brien's Irish Pub and Restaurant in Santa Monica. Everyone who see this painting titled "First Communion" loves it! Over the years, this writer, became friends with Boylan and like all of his many friends and family, we were utterly dismayed and shocked when Boylan had a near fatal heart attack last fall. Thankfully, he picked a good spot to almost meet his maker; his health club in Redondo Beach with a nurse, paramedic and modern defibrillator on hand. As we say the luck o' the Irish kicks in on occasion! After his jump start and healing, we had the opportunity to sit down with Boylan and get his thoughts and perspective. a few week back. Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t -- IN&E It h as been a lit t le over f ive year s sin ce w e discover ed you r ar t ; t h in k it w as at a con cer t an d you h ad a display. You r lat est w or k is u sin g su r f boar ds! Can you t ell ou r r eader s h ow t h at is goin g? An d of cou r se, w e w an t you r in sigh t on you r br u sh w it h deat h if you don't m in d. Br ian Boylan ....the surfboard, ike most of my life choices, was another fluke. I was doing a presentation for the irish film festival in Santa Monica when someone (forget who) suggested I paint on a board ........so I did. This led to another board painting which ended up on the front of the LA Times. I just completed another one of a group of flamingos* and have just started one of the Manhattan Beach Pier. They are drawing a lot of interest so far! As for my brush with the other-side....I was there for 4 minutes I believe and was seeing a faint light approaching when I was shocked back to life. I was very lucky to be in the right place at
Br ian Boylan w it h t w o of h is lat est cr eat ion s in Redon do Beach at at h is h om e / st u dio. the right time otherwise I wouldn't be here. Get your check up folks, it could be a hereditary, not necessarily the lifestyle. By the way, my brush was so close, I was admitted as cardiac death on arrival to the Emergency Unit at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Torrance!! I am NOT putting so much on the long finger anymore!! IN&E You pain t in g Fir st Com m u n ion r eally cau gh t t h e at t en t ion of pat r on s at O'Br ien's Pu b on Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica a f ew year s back . Th at w as f ollow ed u p by t w o m or e, Can you t ell ou r r eader s abou t t h ose pain t in gs an d if an y m or e ar e plan n ed in t h e ser ies? Boylan : I have at least for now moved on. The paintings in the series were done for the specific pubs in mind. The inspiration depended on that point in time. The First Communion was based on a photo that Willy had in his pub, I suggested it to him and he commissioned it. IN&E Br ian , w h en did you st ar t you r Ar t ist ic en deavor s? I u n der st an d it w as in t h e f ield of an im at ion . Boylan Yes, my first work was in Ireland on An American Tail and the Land Before Time. Then in London. l worked on Roger Rabbit. IN&E OK, so then you came to California: Boylan: Not quite, then I worked in Australia and then came to America. I did stints at major studios, its a lot of contact work, including Disney, DreamWorks and Warner Bros. Got to work on The Prince Of Egypt and Lion King, all pivotal films in the Animation Biz!. Made great contacts and friends and even worked with Ken O'Malley.
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IN&E Br ian , w h en did you st ar t pain t in g? Boylan. Seems like always. I fell into animation and I guess went from their.There was no planning involved. Only recently have I started planning.We'll see how that goes. IN&E Wh at in spir es you t h e m ost ? Boylan: ....bits of everything,stories,ideas....who knows. My paintings will always start with an idea from something, anything and end up completely different. Color usually takes over most of my paintings, which will lead to a different design direction. I will have an idea in my head for years and can guarantee when I'm in front of the dreaded blank,white canvas it will end up completely different. I'm sure someday we could take a photo of my brain picture and compare it to the finished product.There would be few similarities IN&E Now , w e k n ow you ar e look in g f or com m ission s so w e w an t t o t ell ou r r eader s h ow t h at pr ocess w or k s? How w ou ld w e st ar t ? Boylan: Well, we would need to meet sand discuss the project as the first step, please ask readers to contact me. IN&E: We w ill pu t you con t act in f o af t er t h is f eat u r e, Wh at ar e you plan s, an y sh ow s in t h e w or k s? Boylan: Just finished as part of group show in Palos Verdes and will be part of another one in Hermosa Beach in February. I am working on promoting my surfboards. Got one over to Ireland earlier this year.(2018) Shipping a commission to Ireland this week.... as I said I'm getting better on the planning!
You can Follow Br ian Boylan Con t act s: CELL: 310 970-4619 Em ail: boylan 6@aol.com
ABOVE: LA Based Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w it h Ir ish Rock er s, THE STRIPES at LM U. RIGHT: Er ica Boylan an d h er Pop, at t h e Ir ish Fair a f ew year s back ! Boylan at t en ds as m an y gat h er in gs as possibe an d en loys t h e in t er act ion w it h t h e h is f an s, f r ien ds & pu blic!
Th e r an ge of t opics, t h e det ail, som et im es st ar k n ess an d of t en w h im sical! Boylan an d h is w or k ar e a r ar e t r easu r e
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
The Irish Arts & Entertainment's YEAR IN REVIEW
A Look Back At Just Some of 2018's Irish Highlights
Eim ear Noon e, Con du ct or an d Com poser TOP LEFT John Joe Lyons, Harp Inn Publican visiting the new Guinness Brewery & Tap Room in Maryland this past Summer 2018 ABOVE CENTER Diana Talle and Friends at the Auld Dubiner 's Irish New Year: TOP RIGHT Eimeer Noone, Irish born Vomposer Conductor was a hit in Denmark in August,
Special Thanks to True Thomas for his numerous contributions during 2018!
PageTrue's 12 St. Patrick's Day and Ir ish ArKris t s &Colt En thad er t ain m en t a great 2018 Halloween features were both outstanding and some of our most shared features all year\ You will be able to see him in person again this year at the 2019 St. Patrick's Day Celebrations in Canoga Park!
playing major Celtic Festivals in Colorado, Neveda & California including the Scottish Fest in Costa Mesa!
Decem ber , 2017 Owen Dara on the Red Carpet at the Catalina Film Festival last October; Dara's films and cast members won many awards during 2018!
Ean รกir - Feabh r a, 2019
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2018 Ru n 4Wat er w as a h u ge su ccess t h at f u n ded t h e dr illin g of 40 w ells in Ugan da!
Kick Off for 2019 Run 4 Water is NOW UNDERWAY! Join the dedicated and driven participants in raising funds to help solve the water crisis in Uganda. This is a grass roots American & Irish Effort under the direction of Irish Born, Nick Jordan.
Be one of the first of our readers to sign up, Go to: w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g/ r u n 4w at er 2019 For 2019, the organizers have announced their stated intention of raising enough money to drill 50 Wells. YOU CAN HELP. The Irish Arts & Entertainment is going to field a team. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the total cost of $6000 to fund the Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Fr ien ds Reader s Well BELOW ON LEFT Joh n M cNally an d Rober t O'Dr iscoll at Ir elan dCon . M cNally is a f r equ en t Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t con t r ibu t or
in Uganda. Location to be chosen soon. Click this link for more information and/ or to register to join and support our team:
h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ
BELOW CENTER & RIGHT Sh an e Cu n n in gh am , t h is t alen t ed Ir ish Com ic & Im pr ession est w on over SoCal f an s w it h appear an ces on t h e
St eve Har vey Sh ow an d Com edy Nigh t s in San t a M on ica at Son n y M cLean's an d Joxer Daly 's in Cu lver Cit y! 2019 Sh ow s ar e in t h e w or k s.
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Ou r An n u al Ir ish Year In Review 2018 took a very somber turn early in the year when Dolores O'Reardan died suddenly in London on Monday 15th January 2018. She was 46 years old. The lead singer for The Irish Band The Cranberries was in London for a recording session..
CELTIC CAM ERA is alw ays look in g f or gr eat con t en t . Su bm it a pict u r e t o u s w it h n am es & a blu r b abou t t h e t im e an d place. We w ill give you a ph ot o cr edit an d en t er you r n am e in ou r m ost cu r r en t dr aw in g f or t ick et s or a Celt ic Gif t Bag! E M ail is @ ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
We ar e all or w e all love IRISH M USIC M AKERS! Special t h an k s t o t h e m u sician s an d pu bs w h o k eep u s w ell f ixed w it h ou r passion ! ABOVE: Ter r y Casey of THE FENIANS at M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b in New por t Beach CENTER: Ken O'M alley an d Joan n a of t h e Au ld Du blin er at t h e Ir ish New Year Celebr at ion 2018 Righ t : Rick Boyle an d h is am azin g ban dm at es of TROOPER THORn at THE HARP in Cost a M esa in Decem ber ....
Jan u ar y, 2018
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CELTIC CAM ERA LOOKS BACK Apr il, 2018 New por t Beach Film Fest ival
Gr egg Sch w en k (ABOVE) is t h e f ou n der an d dr ivin g f or ce of t h e NBFF an d t h e Ir ish Spot ligh t . Gr egg is qu it e pr ou d of h is par t Ir ish Her it age. Th e Irish Arts & Entertainment an d Pu blish er Jam es M cDon ou gh h ave been in volved as a spon sor an d pr esen t er sin ce t h e f ir st year !
M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b, t h e Ir ish Hear t of New por t Beach w as h ost of t h e Af t er Par t y f or t h e Ir ish Spot ligh t in 2018! Look in g ah ead t o t h e New por t Beach Film Fest ival f or 2019, M u ldoon's h as alr eady agr eed t o h ost t h e Af t er Par t y again t h is year ! M or e In f o on lin e: w w w.m u ldoon spu b.com w w w. n ew por t beach f ilf est .or g
Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you!
Th e Ir ish Spot ligh t at t h e 2018 New por t Beach Film Fest ival w as on of t h e h igh ligh t s on of t h e Ir ish year ! Sligo Rags en t er t ain ed at M u ldoon's Pu b af t er t h e Scr een in gs of Th r ee Ir ish Film s. Sin ce it s in cept ion t h e Fest ival h as gar n er ed appr eciat ion an d su ppor t f r om t h e Ir ish Com m u n it y in Sou t h er n Calif or n ia. To k eep u p w it h an n ou n cem en t s an d n ew s on t h is year ;s Ir ish Spot ligh t , please visit :
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Celtic Camer a's I RI SH YEAR I N REVI EW
M em or ial Day Weeken d M ay 26 & 27 2019
2018 was a record setting year for the Irish Travel Industry! Alison Metcalfe, Executive V. P. USA & Canada at Tourism Ireland, who kicked off Jump into Ireland in Los Angeles, as she welcomed travel industry and media to discover what's new in Ireland.
w w w. scot t ish sf est .com
Speaking at the Jump into Ireland 2018 Event in Beverly Hills was the ever-popular and very informative Ruth Moran, Publicity and Communications Manager of Tourism Ireland based in NYC.
SAVE THE DATES f or t h e 87t h An n u al Scot t ish Fest , Sou t h er n Calif or n ia's lar gest Scot t ish an d Celt ic Fest ival. Th e Cost a M esa Gat h er in g of f er s t h e lar gest pipin g an d dr u m m in g com pet it ion s, t h e West er n Region al High lan d Dan ce Ch am pion sh ip, Scot t ish At h let ic Ch am pion sh ips, over 8 st ages of w or ld-class m u sical en t er t ain m en t an d sa n ew locat ion f or t h e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t 's Ou t r each Boot h . Th is year w e w ill be of f er in g Ir ish Tr avel Cast le & Sh oppin g Tou r Pack ages an d In f or m at ion ! Below Tr im Cast le an d Gr af t on St r eet Sh ops
BELOW Barbara Singer, Irish Arts & Entertainment's Travel Writer & Photographer was on hand at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills to learn the latest on Ireland's lifestyle, culture and hotels and meet the representatives from those involved in the Irish travel industry.
The March Irish Arts will feature more on Irish Travel and the Winners of the annual Irish Tourism Awards to be announced on Februray 1, 2019 in Dublin
Jan u ar y, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Canoga Park Annual St Patrick's Day Community March & Celebrations was held on Saturday, March 17 Each year this Community Event gets bigger and better; Bagpipers? and even mariachis? Irish Music, Irish storytellers, and stilt walkers, Vendor booths and the Irish Arts Outreach were all enjoyed by locals and tourists alike, Special Guest Owen Dara was MC.
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Pu blish er 's Th an k s & Th ou gh t s Hope ou r r eader s en joy ou r 2018 Ir ish Year In Review. We cer t ain ly en joyed pu t t in g it t oget h er . We also r eally appr eciat e ou r adver t iser s, con t r ibu t or s an d f r ien ds w h o t ook t h e t im e t o sen d u s pict u r es! We h ad a w on der f u l year in 2018 an d w e h ave a ver y h opef u l an d opt im ist ic view f or 2019 an d all t h e gr eat adven t u r e an d pr om ise t h at is m ay w ell br in g u s! Slan augus beannacht, Jim McDonough
Tr u e Th om as on st age!
More on 2019: www.canogaparkcal.com
Ow en Dar a h as been bu sy all t h r ou gh 2018 bu t t h e ver set ile act or , com edian an d f ilm dir ect or deligh t s in pu blic appear an ces an d h e w ill be back at Can oga Par k Fest iivat ies in M ar ch !
Th e M ar ch 2019 Issu e of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment w ill be dedicat ed t o IRISH M USIC M AKERS--We ar e open f or su bm ission s an d su ggest ion s t ill Febr u ar y 15 Em ail: in f o@ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
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Th e Par ade led by t h e Ir ish Fair & Ir ish M u sic Fest ival's design at ed Pipe Ban d w as on e of t h e best ever an d appr eciat ed an d w ell r eceived by t h ose in at t en dan ce! Plan s ar e u n der w ay t o m ak e t h e 2019 even t an d par ade even m or e spect acu lar ! Th e alw ays popu lar Ir ish Wolf h ou n ds pict u r ed h er e ar e on e of t h e deligh t s of ever y Ir ish Fair . Th ese in t elligen t an d gen t le gian t s h ave a pr ou d Ir ish Her it age goin g back t o t h e High Kin g's of Ir elan d!
SAVE THE DATES: JUNE 15 & 16 See you at Or an ge Cou n t y 's Gr eat Par k !
The CELTIC CAM ERA Feature is always looking for great content. Submit a picture to us with names & a blurb about the time and place.. We will give you a photo credit and enter your name in our current drawing for tickets or a Celtic Gift Bag!
E Mail is @ irishmissive@gmail.com
KUDOS to the new Ir ish Fair CEO Gr if f in Healy pict u r ed h er e at t h e Ir ish Spot ligh t w it h Clair M cM an ah an , t h e 2017 SoCal Rose of Tr alee. Th e Good Folk s at t h e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er of Los An geles w er e w it h u s all t h r ou gh 2018 w it h Celebr at ion s of Celt ic & Ir ish Her it age, Dan ce, M u sic, Readin gs an d t h e lon gest r u n n in g Ir ish Session in Calif or n ia! Th ey deser ve ou r t h an k s an d su ppor t ; w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com
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Ireland Ambassador to the USA Daniel Mulhall welcomed guests to the LA opening of Irish Screen America in October. He is joined by actor & director Hugh O'Conor BELOW Writer & director Niall McKay, founder & curator of Irish Screen America, interviewed Hugh O'Conor following the coming of age film "Metal Heart." kicked off a week of Irish films and shorts in LA Photos by Barbara Singer
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AULD DUBLINER IRISH NEW YEAR! Gr an d gat h er in g of Ex Pat s & Locals Th e Ir ish New Year w as br ou gh t in Ir ish St yle & $1. Gu in n ess! Th an k s t o Jan een Pisan o & ph ot ogr aph er Lan ce Bach elder f or t h is su bm ission !
Th e St af f of t h e Au ld Du blin er h ave a r epu t at ion f or at t en t ive an d f r ien dly ser vice! Th e en t ir e cr ew is assem bled h er e f or a gr eat 2018 Holiday pict u r e!
All t h r ou gh 2018 Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s w as deligh t in g au dien ce in t h eat er s an d on PBS !!
Th e t alen t an d exper ien ce of t h e ast m em ber s of Ker r y Ir ish Pr odict ion s is im pr essive! Th is com pan y of h igh -st epper s h as t ou r ed t h e w or ld, m an y appear in g in t h e or igin al River dan ce an d M ich ael Flat ley ?s Lor d of t h e Dan ce.
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Sai n t Val en t i n e's I r i sh Si d e T h e Pat r o n Sai n t O f L ov er s I s B u r i ed I n D u b l i n This is a good year to remind our reader's about Saint Valentine's Irish Connection. Ash Wednesday falls on Saint Valentine's Day so it seems fitting that our tale involves a famous Dublin Church, a Pope and a very determined Irish Friar. This interesting twist of history happened in 1835 when a basilica built at the site of St. Valentine's grave in Rome was being renovated and the long forgotten bones of St. Valentine along with a small vessel tinged with his blood and some other artifacts were unearthed under an alter. An Irish Carmelite, Friar John Spratt was visiting Rome. He was well known in Ireland as an activist and preacher and worked tirelessly among the poor and destitute in Dublin?s Liberties area. Another project of Spratt's was the building of the new church to Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Whitefriar Street. While In Rome, his preaching skills made him a bit of an ecclesiastic celebrity and the rich and famous flocked in to hear his sermons. The good friar received "many tokens of esteem from the doyens of the Church." One such gift was from Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846); the remains of Saint Valentine. The good priest returned to Dublin, continued his mission among the downtrodden and oversaw the completion of the Whitefriar's Church. The next year On November 10, 1836, when the Reliquary containing the remains arrived in Ireland; Archbishop Murray of Dublin led a solemn procession to Whitefriar Street Church where they were enshrined. Sadly, after Father Spratt died in 1871 at the ripe old age of 75, interest in the relics waned and they went into storage. In the 1950s/60s during a major restoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel the decision was made to construct a shrine and new alter within the church, popularly known as the Whitefriar's Chapel. to Saint Valentine and to make better use of the preciuos relics. It proved to be a wisw decision as the good Saint Valentine is credited by many for his generosity and intervention in making their lives better. First time visitors to Whitefriers are delighted at what they see, it is a beautiful and well cared for church. As you enter, the statue ofValentinus, the beloved patron saint of love is on the right side of the church. It was carved in the early 1960's by Dublin born artist/Scuptor Irene Broe (1923 - 1992) and depicts the saint in the red vestments of a martyr, holding a crocus in his hand.
Saint Vlentine's Shrine is visited throughout the year by couples who come to pray to Valentine and to ask him to watch over them in their lives together.
Sh r in e t o St Valen t in e w h er e h is r elics ar e k ept Ch u r ch of Ou r Lady of M ou n t Car m el,
Wh it f r iar St r eet , Du blin On St.Valentine's Day, the Reliquary is removed from beneath the side-altar and is placed before the high altar in the church and there venerated at the Masses. At the 11.00am and 3.15pm Masses there are special sermons and also a short ceremony for the Blessing of Rings for those about to be married.. This year will be extra special as two important days on the Liturgical Calendar fall on the fourteenth! The influx of lovers and penitents might create some record crowds, If you are in Dublin and drop by, remember St. Monica, she is the Patron Saint for Patience and Tolerance.
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Reflections & Poetry
M y Sp an ci l H i l l
Par t 2
B y Gr eg Pat r i ck
?For I have traveled the bare road, and by the edges of the sea; and the tattered doublet of partlicoloured cloth upon my back and the torn pointed shoes upon my feet have ever irked me, because of the towered city full of noble raiment which was in my heart. And I have been the more alone upon the roads and by the sea because I heard in my heart the rustling of the rose-bordered dress of her.? -William Butler Yeats ?Crucifixion of the Outcast? Though it seems like a pasture of heaven in those rare moments when the sun lights it so. No it's not a perfect ideal place in many ways...but somehow from the storms between those moments be they of rain or of fire great idealists were made who made the defineingly human gesture of fighting or speaking out for something better...Daniel O'Connell, Wolfe Tone...
Paddy wake up...you?re dreaming lad. You?re not at the crushing brink overlooking the sea... You?re not up-lifted on da?s shoulders, head framed in a tear-shaped noose. His voice crying ?cut him down." What possessed you boy? ?They?re bad to me at school da...? ?Then fight!..Fight...? ?Paddy stop thrashing...you?re having a nightmare.?
Leave perfection to immortals but immortal names to those who would fight for something better...Always a sadness in leaving like old wounds pulsing in the cold...And in returning from afar sometimes it's like seeing a loved one healing on a hospital bed or in great health.. One never fails to feel something at the eyes that is drawn not from the blinding and rare sun but in a heart that feels broken and restored in turns before the sight and presence of beauty that would break you before you ever allow it to be broken. From wakes to horizons...I always see you again.
You?re home...You?re beyond their reach.. Wake up...
I turn away from the light of the horizon over the Celtic sea, seeing the doppelgänger of a plane bearing others away, like a moth drawn to the deceptive allure of fatal light..
Listening to the song...
I linger alone with the rain...haunted by memories like phantom pain. yet I know I?ve lived yet to see this shore again..
Everyone?s here? The bread?s hot on the table. Get it before it gets cold... Before it gets cold... I stand the rain... Before I walk with eyes closed...for I know the way back as I do the words by heart. Aye..
A poet and wr iter 's j ob is to convey a stor y or a state of mind and if done well; to make the reader think and reflect on the tale told. Questions that our inspired and whimsical contr ibutor Greg Patr ick has pondered and penned before and again now do j ust that. I ntrepid Tr aveler, Author and Poet, Greg Patr ick was bor n in I reland and resides in Or ange County when he is in the States. Jan u ar y, 2019
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Jan u ar y, 2019
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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Sat u r day, Jan u ar y 19 @ 10:00pm
THE WHOOLGANS Ed Bell & t h e ban d deliver t h e best of Ir ish Rebel, Tr ad, Or igin al & Pu b Tu n es! Jovial gr ou p an d Qu alit y Sh ow ; you w ill be glad t o be t h er e! SAVE THE DATE, back again on FEB 2 @ 10pm Au ld Du blin er Ir ish Pu b on Pin e St .Lon g Beach , CA
w w w.au lddu blin er .com Su n day, Jan u ar y 20 @ 2:00pm M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b Br u n ch an d gr eat t im es on t h e pat io--Ir ish M u sic w it h on e of t h e best Tr ad Gr ou ps ar ou n d...
202 New por t Cen t er Dr New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110
w w w.m u ldoon spu b.com Sat u r day, Jan u ar y 26 @ 9:30pm
THE WHOOLIGANS ar e back f or Ir ish M u sic, M ayh em & M isch if !! Alw ays a gr eat n igh t ! O'M alley 's On M ain ... t h e Ir ish Hear t of Seal Beach w w w.om alleyssealbeach .com Sat u r day, Jan u ar y 26 @ 7:00pm
SLIGO RAGS: POWERHOUSE OF CELTIC FOLK Th is aw ar d w in n in g, dyn am ic en sem ble plays Ir ish M u sic (an d so m u ch m or e) w it h a decidedly blu egr ass at t it u de!
Cof f ee Galler y Back st age 2029 N. Lak e Ave Alt aden a, CA
w w w.cof f eegaller y.com Su n day, Febr u ar y 10 @ 4:00pm TROOPER THORN One of the best and most loved Irish Groups in SoCal..always a great show, fun times and a good mix of tunes! The Harp Inn Irish Pub Costa Mesa, CA www.harpinn.com
Check out their full schedule including shows at the Red Leprechaun! thewhooligans.com/schedule.html www.redleprechaun.com
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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar Sat u r day, Febr u ar y 23. M at in ee @ 2:00.
Gr een Ash es This great band?s music is steeped in raw emotion and runs the gamut from fierce rebel songs to soulful ballads. Drawing on their own Irish-American heritage and diverse musical roots, Green Ashes revolutionizes traditional Irish tunes, forging
a unique Celtic style. The band?s influences include The Pogues, Fairport Convention, The Waterboys and Flogging Molly. Tickets: $15.
For more information or to make a reservation: 626 798-6236
Th e Cof f ee Galler y Back st age 2029 N. Lak e Ave Alt aden a, CA
w w w.cof f eegaller y.com
Sat u r day, Febr u ar y 23 @ 8:00pm .
GREEN ASHES Th e 2019 Dick en s Fest ival in River side is set f or Febr u ar y 23 & 24 Det ails on lin e: h t t p:/ / dick en sf est .com /
Lu n asa in con cer t Ir elan ds m ost popu lar in st r u m en t al gr ou p w ill be per f or m in g on t h e Cal Tech Cam pu s in Pasaden a! Beck m an Au dit or iu m Click h er e f or t ick et in f o:
pasaden af olk m u sicsociet y.or g Cou r t yar d Con cer t s At M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b Of f er in g t h e best t r adit ion al Ir ish M u sic t h at you can f in d in Calif or n ia!
Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de!
h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/
Spor t ive Tr ick s w ill be playin g a Cou r t yar d Con cer t at M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b on Su n day, Febr u ar y 24 M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 201 New por t Cen t er Dr New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110
Page 29 Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Com pan y Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 8 pm Forget what know about Irish Dancing, this is Trinity? a thoroughly fresh and engaging vision that goes beyond traditional Irish dance without losing touch with its essence. Lead by Artistic Director Mark Howard, Trinity reshaped Irish Dance in America with a progressive artistic expression and groundbreaking new works. Trinity dazzles audience with hard-driving percussive power, lightning fast agility, areal grace, and the awe-inspiring precision of its dancers with results that calls, ?impossibly complex.?
Car pen t er Cen t er 6200 At h er t on St r eet Lon g Beach , CA 90815. Tick et Of f ice: 562 985-7000 w w w.car pen t er ar t s.or gSaturday,
w w w.calt ech .edu /
M ar ch 16 @ 8:00pm Ir ish Ten or s an d Celt ic Ladies in Con cer t $49, $44, $39 For t ick et s, call (626) 395-4652 Calt ech?s Beck m an Au dit or iu m Pasaden a
Th u r sday, M ar ch 14 @ 7:30pm
ST. Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d
Con n or Reider , pr in cipal dan cer in a gr eat Ir ish n igh t at Sch er r For u m Th eat r e. Special gu est s - Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y u n der t h e dir ect ion of M aeve Cr ok e! M OST THURSDAYS AT THE AULD DUBLINER Ken O?M alley Solo See Feat u r e t h is issu e,, Page 8 w w w.k en om alley.com Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY
Sch er r For u m Th eat r e
Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w w.au lddu blin er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b (23r d & Wilsh ir e) in San t a M on ica
2100 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien sla.com
Box Office at 805.449.2787
Click Link for Info & Ticketd \ w w w.civicar t splaza.com / sh ow _det ail.ph p?id=629
Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com
Jan u ar y, 2019
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Ir elan d's M u sical Am bassador s t o t h e Wor ld played College of t h e Can yon s in San t a Clar it a in 2018. Th is year w e w ill n ot be so lu ck y. Paddy an d t h e Boys w on't m ak e SoCal t h is year bu t t h ey ar e alw ays w or t h a r oad t r ip! CHIEFTAINS 2019 US West Coast Tou r Dat es Tu esday, Febr u ar y 19 @ 7:30pm Ben ar oya Hall, Seat t le, WA Fr iday, Febr u ar y 22 @ 8:00pm Gallo Cen t er f or t h e Ar t s M odest o, CA Sat u r day, Febr u ar y 23 @ 7:30pm Gr een M u sic Cen t er Rh on er t Par k , CA w w w.t h ech ief t ain s.com
Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s..t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com
Sat u r day,, M ar ch 16 @ 10:00am St . Pat r ick 's Day Par ade M ain St r eet , Dow n t ow n Ven t u r a M or e on lin e: Pat r ick s Day Par ade w w w.ven t u r ast pat r ick sdaypar ade.com
C ELT I C & I RI SH EV EN T S PREV I EW FO R 20 19 Saturday and Sunday, February 16 & 17 Queen Mary Scottish Festival Long Beach, CA Saturday, March 16 Canoga Park Annual St Patrick's Day Community March & Celebrations Canoga Park, CA Third Saturday of March Starts @ 11 AM Bagpipers? and even mariachis? Irish storytellers, and stilt walkers, Vendor booths, Irish Arts Outreach followed by a free raffle and live Irish music with Special Guest Owen Dara Meet in front of the Madrid Theatre www.canogaparkcal.com March 14, @ 9:00am Los Angeles Civic Day Ceremonies Usually the closest Thursday to St. Patrick's Day LA City Hall Followed by Lunch and Social TBA Los Angeles, CA
and have an Outreach Table www.newportbeachfilmfest.com May 25 & 27 Scottish Festival in Costa Mesa 91st. Annual This will be our 20th year with an Irish Arts and Irish Community Outreach Booth www.scottishfest.com June 15 & 16 Irish Fair and Music Fest 6950 Marine Way, Irvine, California 92618 Orange County Great Park www.irishfair.org Ju n e 22 & 23 San Diego Scot t ish High lan d Gam es Vist a, CA 46TH ANNUAL www.sdhighlandgames.org
April 28 Starts @ 8:00am
Sept em ber 27 & 28 Get Sh am r ock ed Ir ish M u sic Fest ival Friday Evening Concert and Saturday All Day Festival Town Square Park ,
Wells Of Life Foundation
Murrieta, CA
Annual Run 4 Water and Fundraiser 2019 Run4Water This is the marquee fundraising event of the year for Wells of Life. An American Charity with Irish Roots, Launched in Ireland in 2018 If you haven't been a part before make sure you do in 2019! A festive, thoughtful, fun environment surrounds a 1K Walk and a 5K Run. Check out the 2018 event recap this issue.
Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley, California www.wellsoflife.org
Det ails an d Ticket Pack ages, Hot el In f o in M ar ch Issu e!
April 28, 2019 Irish Spotlight @ Newport Beach Film Festival Followed by After Party at Muldoon' s Pub This will be the 20th year we will be sponsor
Act ive h r ou gh ou t t h e year GAELIC LEAGUE w w w.gaelicla.com
Oct ober 12 & 13 Seaside High lan d Gam es
Plus Friday Night Dinner The Premier Scottish Event on the Pacific Coast! Ventura County Fairgrounds Ventura, CA
w w w.seaside-gam es.com