I r i sh Year I n Rev i ew
Vo l . X X X
N u m b er 1
Ean ái r
Starting On Page 6
Jan u ar y,
20 22
W e Rev i si t T h e T o p St o r i es O f 20 21
Pad d y M o l o n ey RI P 19 38- 20 21 See Page 16 LIVE IRISH CONCERTS an d STAGE SHOWS M ADE A COM EBACK: More Coming in 2022 See Page 30
You n g Du blin er s In Ven t u r a ~~ You n g Wolf e Ton es in Tor r an ce ~~ Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad
Capt ivat ed Au dien ces St at ew ide as par t of An Ir ish Ch r ist m as...See more On Page 6 EU Gives Irish Language Official Recogition and Status: Story on page 3
Maurice Fitzpatrick Northern Ireland Brain Drain Starts on Page 24
John McNally Shares latest Irish Polls & Trends See 26 See page Page 27
Irish Poetry Corner See page 28
Starts on page 30
A t h b h l i ai n f ao i m h ai se d h u i t !
Af t er Ch r ist m as Sale
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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Tim e f or t h e Br igh t Side of 2021 Page 3
Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4 BEST OF 2021
Alon e/ TOGETHER Livest r eam Cr af t er s of Ir elan d
Wolf w alk er s See page 6
Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs an d Calen dar St ar t s on Page 30
Book Review on an u n h er alded Ir ish Hist or ical f igu r e . Wh o is Ch alr les Gr aves? Fin d ou t on Page 11
Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Em ail u s f or a Special Of f er Ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Januar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
BEST OF 2021 By Jim M cDon ou gh The opening line of Charles Dickens' A Tale Of Two Cities crossed my mind as I was editing this piece. It sure fits the times that we are going through.* The past year was as challenging and as rough on us as ever! Looks like our hopes for an end to the Pandemic and a return to our previous lives have taken a back seat to some harsh realities associated with rapid changes and very difficult economic conditions. For most of us, for our country and for the world. the Pandemic has caused havoc. The loss of a loved one, the ensuing economic turmoil, Political Division and stress. Bearing all of the above in mind, we are doing something a bit unusual this year with our annual January feature, THE IRISH YEAR IN REVIEW. Usually, we highlight the achievements, events and the parade of life and sometimes a notable passing of a member of our Irish Community or one of our loyal friends or readers. This year is different in so many ways that we are doing our Special Issue with a familiar yet enhanced
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theme. We present to you our IRISH YEAR IN REVIEW but we are also adding in an important and uplifting element to our coverage, The BEST of t h e IRISH YEAR as it took shape in many positive ways. The events, people and groups that we have included here are mostly the choices of our own. The selection was a closed process, using our own editorial discretion and is totally arbitrary on our part. It is based on our perception that all during 2021, despite all the grim news and human tragedy, despite the sad panorama that was often presented to us every day, some really great, uplifting and wonderful events and changes happened. We were able and fortunate to cover and to witness many of t hem. Throughout this issue, we are bringing our readers the positive things that happened throughout the year and paying tribute to some innovators, start-ups and good old Irish dedication and persistence. This admiration, we extend to all of our friends and readers too. We made it to this point in our time and we can all move along now with determination and gratitude.
Dick en s * Here is is, all 119 words:
h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3JRn qCQ
Anois oifigiúil in aontas na hEorpa As of Jan u ar y 1, 2022, Ir ish h as becom e a f u ll st at u s of f icial w or k in g lan gu age of t h e Eu r opean Un ion . The change in status means that all documents will now be translated into Irish for the EU record. The Irish language was actually made an offical EU language in 2007 but till this status change; the lack of translators had restricted the use to only Treaty Documentation and proclamations. Thanks to language courses and initiatives throughout Irish schools and universities, over 170 Irish speakers are now working at the EU to make Irish available for all written and spoken discourse. Minister of State for the Gaeltacht and Sport, Jack ChambersTD, said: "The end of the derogation of the status of the Irish language in the European Union is a crucial step in the development and future of the language. Irish is now on a par with other official and working EU languages... ?
(the changes) will strengthen the relationship between (Irish) citizens and European administrative systems. Together with the Official Languages." Ed Note:?The EU has 24 official languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. For more info: and sources: The Irish Post, EU and the Irish Government website https://bit.ly/3n1nBl8
Page 4
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26
Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh
Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Pat r ick Gallagh er Jim M cDon ou gh Joh n M cNally Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld
Press Relations Al Gr ien er
Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick
Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s
Con t act Us Via Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
Copyr igh t 2021 Jam es M cDon ou gh
Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers As w e n ot e on page t h r ee in ou r open in g f eat u r e on t h e BEST OF 2021, w e ar e pu t t in g on blin der s t o t h e pat h et ic beh avior of m an y of ou r f ellow cit izen s an d at t em pt in g t o pu t a posit ive spin on t h e past year . By n o m ean s does t h is t h in k in g t r y t o dism iss t h e h ar dsh ip an d t u r m oil t h at w e as a n at ion an d as m em ber s of t h e h u m an r ace f ace. Act u ally, m y t h ou gh t s ar e t h e opposit e, t h e on ly w ay ou t of t h is collect ive econ om ic, polit ical, social pick le t h at w e ar e n ow in is t o be posit ive. Pr ay, love an d w or k t oget h er an d w e can r aise above t h e m u ck .
To all my dear family, friends and readers, All the best to you and your s. A Ver y Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to each of you!!
Jim McDonough, Publisher
Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit! Ou r GREETINGS BANNER at t h e t op of t h is issu e is Ir ish Gaelic f or ... HAPPY NEW YEAR It is pr on ou n ced...
Ah-vlee-on fwee wash-ah gwitch
Januar y 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 5
Dear Readers, The children of Uganda want ed t o say t hank you f or part nering wit h us t o provide t he gif t of clean wat er f or over 150,000 peopleduring 2021! For the past few years, Wells Of Life has been the official charity of the Irish Arts and Entertainment. It is an outstanding organization. This past year has been a challenge for all of us but for Wells Of Life and Nick Jordan, our great friend and founder of the charity, it was especially tough. Nick was fighting cancer and had to step down from his work for a time. He is now in remission and we wish him the very best as he recovers and gets back to his passion, Clean Water! If you can help, we would all be very grateful.
"We wish you and your f amilies a Happy and Blessed New Year!"
w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g
VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 01-20-22value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!
ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.
h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg
Page 6
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Wolfwalker s Raised the Bar for Epic Annimated Films in 2021
BEST Of 2021
OSCAR FAVORITE ACED OUT BY SOUL The animated feature film WOLFWALKERS had an early December, 2020 release which resulted in another triumph for the Irish based animation studio! According to the Irish Examiner at he time, "It is already regarded as a shoo-in for a Best Animated Feature nomination by most Hollywood pundits and Time magazine also thought it would win. Sadly, although considered the "Best" by many critics and fans, it was not to be, The nominees for Best
Animated Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards were Onward, Over the Moon, A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, Soul, and Wolfwalkers. Directors Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart were honored and excited at the prospect but were low key in their comments, . ?We try not to get too caught up in it because you have no control over it,? said Moore last Spring, . ?You know, you put something out there and hope it's good. Amazingly, all three of Cartoon Saloon?s previous features - The Breadwinner, Song of the Sea and The Secret of Kells - had been nominated in previous years. Cartoon Saloon is an up and coming powerhouse! Wolfwalkers is an astonishingly impressive piece of work, the studio?s best yet. It also marked a step-up in terms of onscreen action. It is a captivating, heartwarming and thrilling film that grabs you and holds your attention!
An ot h er w on der f u l cr eat ion f r om Car t oon Saloon !
Wolfwalkers is st r eam in g n ow ! "It's much more of an action adventure,? agrees Moore. ?It's an action adventure involving a whole town full of people, a whole army of soldiers and a whole pack of wolves. So it was a mammoth task in terms of animation and production. We use computers to help us in certain ways, but we're still really sticking to drawing the characters. Each character has 12 drawings per second. And we have many, many characters on screen. We had a team of animators working with us here in Kilkenny, a team in France and in Luxembourg. It was a huge undertaking, and it was more ambitious than we'd ever tried before.? FACTOID:
Cartoon Saloon is an Irish Animation Studio based in Kilkenny, Ireland. Four time academy award nominated for its animated feature films.
January, 2022
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Page 7
In m id 2020 w e w er e in t r odu ced t o Ber n adet t e " BERNIE" Clan cy by a m u t u al colleagu e on Lin k edIn an d t h r ou gh ou t 2021; ou r associat ion t u r n ed in t o on e of ou r m ost popu lar f eat u r es; pr of ilin g on e of t h e Cr af t er s an d t h e pr odu ct s t h ey m ak e. Som et im es, w e h ave space t o do a bit of a t ou r of t h e h om e ar e of t h e ar t ist as w ell. Th ey ar e all in t er est in g an d ver y t alen t ed an d deser vin g of ou r su ppor t . We k n ow in t h is age of m ass pr odu ced ch eap im por t s t h at all of t h ese pr odu ct s ar e a ver y good valu e an d appr ecit ed. We h ave list ed a f ew of ou r f avor it es (Har d ch oice) f r om 2021. Th e f eat u r e is back n ext m on t h w it h a Valen t in e's Day Slan t !
M in iat u r es an d sm all objet d'ar t ar e t h e specialt y of Ir ish Cr af t Ar t ist Dee M c M ah on
Dee M cM ah on explain s t h at sh e h as cr eat ed a n ich e m ar k et an d avid f ollow in g by m ak in g pieces dedicat ed t o som eon e's f avor it e son g! " Th e con cept beh in d t h e m u sic com m ission s I m ak e is t h at beh in d ever y f avou r it e son g t h er e is a st or y. Wh et h er it is t h e f ir st son g t h at open ed u p a n ew w or ld of m u sic t o you or t h e son g you dan ced t o at you r w eddin g, ever y per son h as t h eir ow n special r elat ion sh ip w it h a n u m ber of son gs. Th er e is m agic in m u sic an d t h ese com m ission s ar e m ade t o celebr at e t h eir cr eat or s an d m ak er s." Th e collect or or clien t h as h er m ak e t h e t in y t r easu r es t o t h eir exact idea an d specs an d t h e f in ish ed w or k s ar e pieces t h at ar e t r u ly a deligh t t o beh old. M et icu lou s car e is pu t in t o ever y pr oject an d sat isf act ion is assu r ed.
Noel Quigley and and his amazing Embossed Copper Wor k In September, we profiled Dublin based Noel Quigley who creates amazing masterpieces all with beauty and precision that are almost impossible to find in our modern age of mass produced mediocrity. Please visit his Facebook Page to learn more and to support his work!
w w w.cr af t er sof ir elan d.com
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
KICK OFF Sat u r day 5t h Febr u ar y @ 6:15am PST Live f r om Aviva St adiu m , Du blin
Th e Irish Arts and Entertainment n eeds you r h elp!
Discou n t s, 2 f or 1 Of f er s, Gr ou p Rat es an d ot h er per k s t h r ou gh ou t t h e year .
Su bscr ibe if you ar e able t o do so. We pu blish 12 issu es a year : Tw o issu es in M ar ch an d on e dou ble Ju ly-Au gu st issu e. Su bscr ibin g also gives you access t o ou r VIP Clu b:
Sim ply Em ail u s, w e w ill st ar t you r su bscr ipt ion an d bill you via PayPal
Ver y Ir ish Per k s
ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Pu bGu ide E New s
LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
St. Patr ick's Day 2021 On t h e r igh t , a scr een sh ot of Joh n M cNally an d Pr esiden t Joe Biden on a ZOOM m eet in g M ar ch 17t h .
ABOVE: Th e Black Rose Du o at t h e Febr u ar y 2021 Dick en s Fest in River side, Back again t h is year See calen dar !You n g
Du bs w er e back in Con cer t ! f or Paddy 's Day t oo!!
Page 9
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Alone/TOGETHER Live Str eam Acclaimed Ar ound The Wor ld
On Sain t Pat r ick 's Day w e did an am azin g var iet y sh ow w it h som e of t h e absolu t e best Ir ish Talen t f r om Am er ica an d Ir elan d t ak in g par t ! Ou r an n ou n cer s w er e f r om Calif or n ia an d War r en poin t in Ir elan d an d w e br oadcast t h e 10 h ou r ext r avagan za via in t er n et r adio an d Facebook an d w e allow ed all of ou r af f iliat es an d par t n er s t o br oadcast t h e sh ow on t h eir ow n plat f or m s. Ou r An n ou n cer s, Dan cer s, Sin ger s, Gr ou ps, an d St or yt eller s w er e all w on der f u l.
AOH Th e An cien t Or der of Hiber n ian s has a very active chapter in Ventura, CA. Here some of the members are gathered for 8: 00AM Mass at Ou r Lady of t h e Assu m pt ion Catholic Church in Ventura . Photo courtesy of John McNally
Te see segm en t s of t h e sh ow , Click You Tu be:
Facebook Click h er e:
Read last year 's cover age via t h is
Bit ly Lin k
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 11
C h ar l es Gr av es agu s an A t h b h eo ch an C h ei l t each (C h ar l es Gr av es an d t h e C el t i c Rev i v al ), by Gear ó i d Ó C ear ú i l (Ger al d O ?C ar r o l l ) T r al ee n at i ve, I r i sh h i stor i an Ger al d O 'Car r ol l h ad h i s bi ogr ap h y of Ch ar l es Gr aves p u bl i sh ed i n th e I r i sh l an gu age i n 20 21. T h e book , t h e f i r st tr u ly com p r eh en si ve w or k on Bi sh op Gr aves ever p u bl i sh ed w as as a l abor of l ove f or O 'Car r ol l an d t ook 20 y ear s to com p l ete. A r ev i ew f ol l ow s on p age 12, O 'Car r ol l h i m sel f i s am azed th at a bi ogr ap h y of Ch ar l es Gr aves h ad n ever been p u bl i sh ed bef or e. Fr om th e h i gh l i gh t s m en t i on ed i n th e r ev i ew ; i t i s easy to see w h y th at sal i en t f act i t sel f i s a bi t of a m y ster y. Ch ar l es Gr aves w as by al l accou n ts, an d ju d gi n g on ly f r om th e d et ai l s of h i s l i f e th at ar e av ai l abl e i n th e r ev i ew an d f r om oth er n ew sp ap er sou r ces, an acti ve d r i ven an d ou t st an d i n g h i st or i cal f i gu r e. H e star ted y ou n g m ak i n g a m ar k , t ou ch i n g th e l i ves of m an y p eop l e an d ach i eved su ccess i n m an y f i el d s an d con ti n u ed th at over ach i ever p at t er n t h r ou gh ou t h i s l on g l i f e. A n ot h er i n t er esti n g f act, esp eci al ly f or an A m er i can tr avel er . I n h i s l ater y ear s, (m i d 180 0 s); h e h ad f i r st l eased an d t h en bou gh t an estate th at i s n ow u sed a l u x u r y h otel . h t t p s:// p ar k n asi l l ar esor t.com /
A bou t T h e Au th or : Ger al d O 'Car r ol l i s an I r i sh w r i ter an d h i stor i an . H e w as bor n i n T r al ee, Cou n ty Ker r y i n 1952, th e secon d of ten ch i l d r en . H e i s t h e br oth er p f Ker r y I r i sh Pr od u ct i on s f ou n d er , M ar gar et O 'Car r ol l . O 'Car r ol l w as ed u cated at Cath ol i c p r i m ar y sch ool s i n T r al ee an d Cast l em ai n e an d th en atten d ed th e Cath ol i c St . B r en d an 's Col l ege i n K i l l ar n ey. Continued at bottom of next page
Ir ish Au t h or & Hist or ian ,
Ger al d O 'C ar r o l l
Page 12
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
BOOK REVIEW Charles Graves agus an Athbheochan Cheilteach (Ch ar les Gr aves an d t h e Celt ic Revival), by Gear óid Ó Cear ú il (Ger ald O?Car r oll), Pu blish er s ar e Coiscéim (a gr eat st able of book s over t h ir t y year s): w w w.coisceim .ie Charles Graves (1812-1899), later bishop of Limerick, became known for his membership of A Gr ou p of Nat ion Bu ilder s, to quote the title of a book about this mid-Victorian circle around archaeologist and artist George Petrie, who together laid the foundations for the creative generation of poets and dramatists that included W. B. Yeats, John Millington Synge, Douglas Hyde and many, many more. Charles Graves had risen to the professorship of Mathematics in his alma mater, Trinity College Dublin, and then began to carve a parallel career in antiquarian pursuits, specialising in the decipherment of script, whether on ancient manuscripts such as the Book of Armagh or in rock lettering to be found on Ogham stones. Petrie and the others had taken their initial inspiration from the Ordnance Survey which had brought to light the sheer extent of the Irish historical legacy, and which was received and interpreted in the Royal Irish Academy. Charles Graves was a rising star in the Academy. He acquired numerous collections, travelling abroad to Europe when necessary; he served as secretary and on many committees, becoming president of the Academy in 1861 before moving to Limerick as bishop in 1866. Graves?s departure for Limerick meant a farewell to the great circle of George Petrie, Sir William Wilde (Oscar 's father), and the great Gaelic and Catholic scholars John O'Donovan (Annals of the Four Masters) and Eugene Curry (Eoghan Ó Comhraí). County Limerick was the ancestral home of the Graveses. He had been the catalyst for the publication of the Brehon Laws (the Ancient Laws of Ireland), working again with O?Donovan and Curry. The three worked together in Graves?s rooms in Trinity to translate and transcribe the Old Irish laws. Graves was an international philologist; he examined grammars and vocabularies of the Germanic languages as often as those of Irish, Welsh and Scots. Icelandic was of particular interest and he knew the foundation of Dublin by the Vikings, and Viking influence on Irish place names. When the Brehon Laws reached publication O?Donovan and Curry were both dead. The six volumes appeared from the 1860s and through the long years of Graves?s tenure in Limerick. Graves had meanwhile found a third career in song
collection, being among those who put together the great George Petrie folk song collection of 1855, known as The Ancient Music of Ireland. The extent of his travels in Ireland for this remains unclear, but two excursions stand out. One was to Kerry with Lord Adare in 1851, Graves later taking a summer home in Parknasilla, in south Kerry. His friend, the Catholic parish priest of Sneem, Fr Walsh is included among the contributors to Petrie?s Ancient Music. Second, Graves was a participant in the famous excursion by the British antiquarians to the Aran Islands in 1857 (led by Sir William Wilde), Curry assisting Petrie on that memorable occasion to collect song from the monolingual natives of the Islands. It is Graves as the father of many children, and the friend of the catholic bishop of Limerick, who appears in Goodbye to All That, the autobiography of his grandson, the poet Robert Graves. Bishop Graves and his wife Selina Cheyne had nine children in all. One of the youngest was born in Parknasilla. The eldest, John, sickened and died after return from India: his plaque can be seen in St Mary?s Cathedral. Second in line was the famous Alfred Perceval Graves (father of poet Robert Graves) friend of Douglas Hyde and the circle of W. B. Yeats in London. The Perceval element is from the bishop?s mother, Helena Perceval, one of the earls of Egmont in north Cork; she was a cousin of the assassinated English prime minister Spenser Perceval. Bishop Graves was held in high regard by all shades of religious and political opinion. The cultural nationalism of his Dublin years had much in common with Young Ireland; indeed the probability is that Graves knew Thomas Davis when Davis was a student in Trinity and Graves was a proctor. (He was Davis?s senior by only two years.) As president of the RIA Graves spoke of the importance of science, religion and the humanities in harmony; as a bishop his addresses are filled with the dangers of extremism, whether from the evangelical left or the excessive ritual of the right. He would have nothing to do with the bitter, ?souper ?legacy of the Dingle or the Achill missions of the Famine years. When the Fenian Rising polarised opinion, to be soon followed by the land war and the beginnings of home rule, Bishop Graves stayed well clear of controversies. His Church was disestablished: the link to government was broken in 1869-1871 and he faced the challenge of integrating the laity and providing for the income of ministers. His health was beginning to fail and he wintered abroad, mostly in Egypt where his daughter Rosie?s husband was commander of the port of Alexandria.
Charles Graves died in Dublin on July 17, 1899. About the author cont.... O'Car r oll t h en gr adu at ed f r om Un iver sit y College Cor k in 1972. His body of w or k is im pr essive an d h is blog is qu it e in t er est in g.
h t t ps:/ / ger aldocar r oll.w or dpr ess.com / ED NOTE: We h ope t o pr esen t ou t r eader s w it h m or e on t h is w r it er w it h a f ollow u p f eat u r e an d Q & A in an u pcom in g issu e.
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Au gu st of 2021 w as a m on t h of adven t u r e an d discover y f or ou r in t r epid w r it er Gr eg Pat r ick as h e visit ed t h e Sou t h Pacif ic.
In Sept em ber , 2021 Ir ish M idw if e, Sally M cNally, ear n ed h er Doct or at e in Nu r sin g. Pict u r ed w it h h er dog, Seam u s. Sally is an Ir ish n at ive w h o n ow lives in Ven t u r a,
If you w ou ld lik e t o
Gr eg f r ee-divin g w it h a h u m pback w h ale, coast of M o'or ea Fr en ch Polyn esia an d f u n w it h sh ar k s, Bor a Bor a, Fr en ch Polyn esia.
Page 13
su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice
- Click Her e
Page 14
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Passin g of Th e Ch ief t ain's Paddy M olon ey 1938 - 2021 After a ver y shor t illness, the legendar y Chieftain,
Paddy Moloney died on October 12, 2021. He will be missed. THE CHIEFTAINS in 2018, f r om
L t o R: Seán Keane, Paddy Moloney., Kevin Conneff and Matt Molloy. You can revisit our tribute to Paddy Moloney in our November, 2021 at this link:
IAE/Nov/21 Der ek War f ield & Th e YOUNG WOLFE TONES managed a national tour with a very much appreciated and needed concert in Torrance on November 11
L to R: An dr eas Du r k in ,
M ylo M oylan , Der ek War f ield, Dam ar is Woods & Cor m ac M cGu in n ess w w w.t h eyou n gw olf et on es.com
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 15
O n Su n d ay, O ct o b er 24 t h SA M H A I N , t h e C el t i c H al l ow een M u si cal f o r 20 21 p r em i er ed at t h e H u d so n T h eat r e i n H o l l y w o o d Th is an n u al t r ibu t e t o t h e Celt ic an d Ir ish or igin s of Hallow een an d celebr at ion of SAM HAIN w as con ceived an d pr odu ced by Aedan M ac Don n ell Th is year w as an am bit iou s com eback u n der dif f icu lt cir cu m st an ces, t w o sh ow s an d a livest r eam w er e of f er ed. By all accou n t s, t h e sh ow s w er e exact ly w h at w as n eed t o k ick of f t h e Fall Celebr at ion s in gen er al an d t o give SAM HAIN t h e at t en t ion t h e day deser ves!
ABOVE: Joseph Der r y at Th e Hu dson TOP RIGHT: Ash leigh an d Robyn
Special t h an k s t o M at t h ew Hayash ibar a f or All SAM HAIN ph ot os in t h is f eat u r e. Con gr at u lat ion s an d t h an k s t o Aedan M acDon n ell an d h er t alen t ed cast f or pr esen t in g t h e sh ow du r in g a ch allen gin g t im e. Hallow een t h is year at t h e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er in Nor t h Hollyw ood. Covid r est r ict ion s w er e in play an d t h e cr ow d w as sm all, How ever t h e cau t ion w as appr eciat ed an d t h is m ay w ell be an exam ple of t h e n ew r ealit y in a post pan dem ic age.
w w w.celt icar t scen t er ,com Thanks to Tim Martin (Center) for the photo
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
T h e I r i sh Sp o t l i gh t N ew p o r t B each Fi l m Fest i v al Cinema Event to Screen 15 Films from I reland On Sunday, October 24, the 22nd annual Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF) presented the largest celebration of Irish Cinema in North America in 2021 during its eight-day run Since its inception, the Irish Spotlight has been one of the most anticipated events of the Irish year and 2021 was one of the best ever! Thanks in large part to the hard work of these fine people pictured here!
Fall 2021 Ir ish Spot ligh t t eam . Fr om lef t t o r igh t : M or gan n e Fleck , Ur e Iw u or ie, Jesse Zolin sk i, Ju lia M or a, Cin dy Cisn er os, an d Can dace M en doza.
President of Irish Fair and Music Festival Gr if f in Healy with Co-Founder of IrelandWeek Deir dr e O?Neill M ach in and CEO and Co-Founder of the Newport Beach Film Festival Gr egg Sch w en k .
Newport Beach Film Festival CEO and Co-Founder Gr egg Sch w en k with the Consulate General of Ireland, Los Angeles M ar cella Sm yt h and NBFF Co-Founder and Director of Marketing Todd Qu ar t ar ar o.
Januar y, 2022
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Clear y Ir ish Dan cer s w er e deligh t ed t o be back an d r eady f or com pet it ion !
" You n gest t o oldest ? on e t eam ? an d w e?r e r eady t o go! " Pict u r ed h er e ar e m em ber s of t h e Clear y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce pr epar in g f or Th e West er n Region al Oir each t as in Ph oen ix.
Clear y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce' Ch r ist m as Par t y! Wor ld Fam ou s an d k n ow n f or Fest ive Fu n an d a gr eat Holiday Celebr at ion !
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
HIGHLIGHTS OF SCOTOBERFEST!!! Pictured above, headliner: Cillians Bridge - 5 musically accomplished individuals perform together to create a hybrid of familiar favorites in an acoustic rock sound played with a nod to their Irish roots Celtic Bagpipe Rock by John Allan playing an assortment of toe tapping, heart pounding reels and jigs on the bagpipe to a rock sound track along with and arrangement of Amazing Grace like you haven't heard before.
Ou r Favor it e Wr it er s of 2022 We ar e blessed w it h a loyal cr ew of con t r ibu t in g scr ibes w h o t u r n ed in m ou n t ain s of ideas an d w or k t h r ou gh ou t t h e past year . We w an t t o t h an k an d expr ess ou r gr at it u de t o t h ese w on der f u l t alen t ed people w h o con sist en t ly h elped u s t h e m ost du r in g t h is past year of ch allen ge. Ou r good f r ien d an d f or m er Edit or , n ow ou r m u sic an d even t s w r it er Tin a Day. Gr egor y Pat r ick , ou r Poet r y Cor n er an d Lit er ar y Sh ow case n u m ber on e con t r ibu t or . Joh n M cNally f or h is in sigh t on Ir ish polit ics an d developm en t s an d a special t h an k s f or h is Ir ish Com m u n it y w or k . M au r ice Fit zpat r ick f or h is ver y w ide r an gin g colu m n Th e View Fr om Ir elan d. Th e t ir eless t r aveler an d w r it er Bar bar a Sin ger f or h er f ilm an d t r avel st or ies.
Celtish - An acoustic trio that performs many Scottish And Irish favorites Highland Dancing : Emma Schiff World Champion Highland Dancer Emma is one of the most awarded Highland Dancers in the United States and has won the World Championship at the Cowell Highland Games in Scotland. L.A Scots Pipe Band - World Champion Pipe Band celebrating their diamond jubilee.The LA Scots are the best band in the United States.A variety of players for 15 years old to over 60 years old this premiere band delivers quality entertainment that everyone can enjoy.
Royal Scot t ish Cou n t r y Dan cin g & Solo Pipin g Com pet it ion alw ays a cr ow d f avor it e!
1160 Dew ey Way, Su it e B - Uplan d, CA 91786
M or e on lin e:
ar t sfon 14 wSEE w REVIEW: w / scotStt ish estpage .com
Tu e - Fr i: 10am - 5pm | Sat : 11am - 3pm | Su n - M on : Closed
Th e Pr in t w or x
January, 2022
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Tom M cCon ville Hon or ed For Lif et im e Of Ser vice To LA's Ir ish Com m u n it y On Sunday, December 12th, the Irish Center of Southern California hosted a luncheon at the Burbank Airport Marriott in honor of Tom McConville for his many contributions to the Irish Community, Close to 150 people attended. Tom from Portadown, Armagh was the former president of the Irish Center and host of the very popular Irish Hour Radio Show for over 25 years. The Consul General, Marcella Smyth and the Vice Consul, Barry Guihen were both present to present a bouquet and give the opening welcome comments. Background music during lunch was provided by Denis Murray; Cleary Irish Dance performed - the highlight being the reel by Lola King, great grand-daughter of Mary Cox. Following the luncheon, Margaret Cleary paid tribute to Tom McConville and presented him with a Galway Crystal Celtic Bowl. Everyone rose to their feet to applaud this.
Tom M cCon ville an d M ar y Cox h on or ed at Ir ish Cen t er Lu n ch in ear ly Decem ber
Outgoing officers Mary Flynn and Mary Dempsey were also recognized and presented with crystal as were Bridget Hanna for her work on the Irish Center newsletter and Mary Barrett as the accountant. A plaque from March 2020 was finally presented to Dennis Murray from the Irish Center for his contributions to the Irish Community. After the presentations, the afternoon was given over to karaoke by Denis Murray. A lovely afternoon and a fitting tribute for all concerned.
Lon gt im e ow n er of Sh am r ock Im por t s in Los An geles, Im elda M cCan n an d Kat y Dean of t h e Clear y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce w er e on h an d t o celebr at e!
ABOVE: Du blin bor n Sin ger Ken O'M alley w as br illian t w it h son g, st or ies an d r eally en joyed gr eet in g f an s an d f r ien ds in t h e lobby bef or e t h e f est ivit ies. RIGHT: Tom M cCon ville, Den is M u r r ay an d M ar gar et Clear y. Th is t r io deser ves t h e t h an k s of all of u s f or t h eir dedicat ion t o LA's Ir ish Com m u n it y.
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
LEFT: Dan cer s f r om t h e
Clear y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce per f or m ed t o t h e deligh t of all in at t en dan ce! BELOW: M ar y Cox, A M ayo
n at ive, an d h er f am ily an d f r ien ds. M ar y w as given a lar ge bou qu et of f low er s in h on or of h er 90t h Bir t h day
BELOW: Bar r y Ham ilt on , Jack ie O'Br ien , M on a Ham ilt on an d M ar gar et Clear y Th e Clear y Sch ool an d f ou n der " M aggie" Clear y ar e t o be com m en ded f or t h is even t an d f or all t h eir ef f or t s on beh alf of Ir ish Cu lt u r e an d t r adit ion s in Los An geles.
Han n ah O'Callagh an an d Br idget Du f f y-Han a h ave bot h been act ive in su ppor t in g Ir ish cau ses an d cu lt u r e t h r ou gh ou t Calif or n ia f or m an y year s!
Januar y, 2022
BEST Of 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s Pr esen t ed Tw o Br illian t Ch r ist m as Season Live Sh ow s Alw ays h avin g an en sem ble cast of w or ld class dan cer s, m u sician s an d sin ger s is t h e h allm ar k of Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s!
Colm Alba
Ker r y Or ch est r a M em ber s:
Ker r y Voice Squ ad's M ar yAn n DiPiet r o
Jesse Lan gen, Evelyn Th om & St eve M or r ow
Au br ey St agn ar o
Sar ah Dillon
From lat e November t hrough December, CHRISTM AS From A Celt ic Table t oured in Arizona and California wit h almost sold out shows!
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Celt ic Th u n der expect s t o be t ou r in g in 2021 to the great
Celtic Thunder were in the forefront of Irish Bands in holding a dynamic series of concerts throughout most of the Pandemic.
joy of their fans worldwide! For their full schedule, At press time; it is set to begin in rlando in late Februry.
The powerhouse group teamed with St ageIt and offered their fans ample opportunity to catch them in some really good shows at a modest price.. We are looking forward to continue with them promoting their concert tour in 2022,
w w w.celt ict h u n der .com
Ticket s an d In f o STAGEIT
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion s.com
Th e Of f ice of Pu blic Wor k s (OPW) in Ir elan d h ost ed t h e n ow an n u al live st r eam in g of t h e Win t er Solst ice Su n r ise even t at New gr an ge f or all t o see! Th e st r eam of t h e solst ice w as sh ow n over t h r ee days, on e of t h e lon gest t h is cen t u r y. Th e w or ld cou ld exper ien ce t h e sam e view as t h e an cien t bu ilder s of t h ou san ds of year s ago! Each m or n in g at 8.45am GM T on t h e 20t h , 21st an d 22n d Decem ber t h e w on der w as br oadcast ! You can st ill see it on You Tu be! It is spect acu lar !
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The View From Ireland Nor t h er n Ir elan d?s Br ain Dr ain By Maurice Fitzpatrick 2022 will see the establishment of a Technological University (TU) for Ireland?s west and northwest.
However, there are profound problems with the status quo. UU has a three campus structure (with campuses in Derry, Coleraine and Belfast) and its management has relentlessly disinvested Derry. Courses and units of studies migrate eastwards to the well-funded campuses in Coleraine and, above all, to the Belfast campus.
This decision forms part of the Irish government?s policy of pooling the resources of institutes of higher education to create new universities. There are now TUs in most parts of the country, which highlights the government?s inability to take a similar initiative in Northern Ireland. Now the government?s frustration with that situation is starting to show. Minister for Higher Education, Simon Harris, visiting the Derry campus of the University of Ulster in December, did not conceal the government?s impatience: ?Obviously we?re awaiting a proposal. My understanding is there?s been a lot of collaboration between LYIT [Letterkenny Institute of Technology] and Magee [Derry], and particularly intensive collaboration in the last number of weeks, and I?d be hoping that in early 2022 we could receive a very detailed proposal as to how we could do more in Magee and do more in the north west region?. Harris? veiled criticism of the University of Ulster for failing to show enough initiative for cross-border education is new. The government has traditionally been measured in opining on the ?domestic affairs?of the ?other jurisdiction?, outside agreed engagement in spheres such as security and foreign affairs. That engagement has expanded to many other sectors since the Good Friday Agreement, but an awareness of the limits of its reach prevails in Dublin. Minister Harris?speaking up on these matters is discomfiting for the University of Ulster inasmuch as it shines an awkward light on its values and attitude towards Derry. If the University of Ulster were pragmatic about receiving Irish government support and cross-border co-operation it would have drawn down the implicit offer of money from Dublin to expand long ago. With Letterkenny being absorbed into a TU across the western seaboard, the prospects of its amalgamation with nearby Derry is now much more remote. That narrows the options available for new higher educational structures in Derry: an independent university for Derry or the status quo ante.
Belf ast Cam pu s r ecen t ly expan ded t h r ou gh 250 m illion of t axpayer s?m on ey. !
Yet the Irish government?s silence regarding this injustice is nothing compared to Northern Irish political parties?unwillingness to champion increased educational opportunity in Derry. Based on current trends, Ireland?s fifth biggest city will not get its own university until partition ends? and there is a causal nexus between the two. Impoverishing Derry (and western Northern Ireland generally) is a time-honoured strategic policy adopted by various iterations of government in Belfast, rooted in sectarianism and insecurity about Derry?s cultural affinity with the rest of Ireland. It is a disgrace that incumbent nationalist representatives in the North fail to oppose (or even mention) the blocking of the expansion of university education in the city. A recent study conducted by Pivotal, a public policy forum in Belfast, explored why a preponderant number of university students left Northern Ireland to study elsewhere, and why fully 88% of those who leave do not want to return. It found that political instability, ineffective government and poor community relations were push factors.
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Notably, though, the study also found that a ?range of higher education courses, greater availability of places and a higher quality student experience elsewhere were motivating factors?to leave Northern Ireland. The young people surveyed condemned the politicians who have, on the unionist side, not worked the Northern Ireland Protocol to the advantage of their society. They also criticised politicians on the nationalist side who harp on a United Ireland while issues that concern a younger demographic, such as higher education and climate change, are airbrushed. While the constitutional question will endure for as long as Northern Ireland does, it behooves political leaders to give it an appropriate weighting; and to also consider what motivates the Southern electorate, which will be co-equal in determining a unity referendum. A IPSOS poll taken in the South in December found that 62% of people polled want a United Ireland. However, 79% would not accept paying more taxes or accepting cuts in public spending to achieve it. A great deal more work towards mutual understanding and acceptance is needed for a unity referendum to pass on both sides of the border. This appears to be a vindication of the government?s current policies to unite educational institutions across the island and to fund cross-border study and research. The government is prioritising the unification of people and a shared culture over the constitutional question.
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Meanwhile, Sinn Féin?s lead on the government parties in the South continues to grow. A Behaviour and Attitudes survey in December found that Sinn Féin?s support stands at 34% compared to 23% for Fianna Fáil and 20% for Fine Gael. Consequently, Sinn Féin?s strategy on unity with its territorial focus remains germane in the debate on the constitutional question. Sinn Féin routinely articulates an aspiration for a united Ireland. Yet its continued defence of the terror adopted to achieve that aim during the Troubles is toxic to many. For some younger Sinn Féin elected representatives, there is a growing awareness that repudiating IRA violence may make it easier for the electorate to support them. Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing Eoin Ó Broin?s call on Gerry Adams to apologise for his participation in a recent puerile Christmas video, which offended the families of IRA victims, is one example. However, leader of Sinn Féin Mary Lou McDonald did not support Ó Broin?s position. McDonald is a skillful politician but it remains to be seen if she can deliver the single most important reversal that Sinn Féin has to complete to have the authority to govern in Ireland. On a recent visit to New York City she announced that partition will soon end. But making proclamations in the Big Apple is a good deal easier than taking responsibility for the past. Or establishing a university in Derry.
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
St at em en t Fr om Fr ien ds Of Sin n Fein Submitted By John McNally
Th e Biggest 2021 Polit ical St or y f r om Ir elan d In 2021
Th e Rise of Sin n Féin Sinn Féin is now the largest party across all of Ireland. The party jointly heads up the government in the North under the leadership of Sinn Féin deputy President Michelle O?Neill. In the South, Sinn Féin is the largest party in the Dáil (Irish Parliament) and is making history. Mary Lou McDonald Sinn Féin President is the first woman in the history of the state to lead the official opposition. Two common trends emerged in all polls throughout 2021. In the North Sinn Fein has maintained its position as the largest party. In the south, the party has extended its lead over the current Irish Government. The test for the coming year will be to convert
JOHN M cNALLY Dedicat ed Ir ish Com m u n it y Or gan izer & f r equ en t con t r ibu t or t o t h e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t . Aside f r om bein g ou r Colu m n ist ; h e also is act ive in t h e AOH an d h elps w it h n u m er ou s Ir ish even t s t h r ou gh ou t t h e year
good poll results into solid support. In May 2022 there will be elections in the North, if Sinn Féin maintains their lead then Michelle O?Neill will become the First Minister and the first non-unionist to hold the position. Next year will be the final year of Micheal Martin as Taoiseach. In an agreement made between his party Fianna Fail and Fine Gael following the election in January 2020, he will step down and be replaced by Leo Varadkar. So a new Taoiseach in an old government, appointed without an election. Thanks to your ongoing support 2021 witnessed the continued growth of Sinn Féin and the cause of Irish Unity. We have much to do to consolidate this into votes and cannot take anything for granted. The prize is a new and united Ireland. Sinn Féin's leading governments North and South would be a huge step in progressing Irish Unity.
w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com / gen er al-8
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w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com
DRAM ATIC SHIFT The political landscape in the Republic of Ireland has shifted a lot in the past 10 years or so. This can be seen in the rise of Sinn Fein as the party of national unity more than one could have imagined just a little over a decade ago. Compare the election
in the Republic in February, 2011 to this recent poll.
Fian n a Fáil: 17.5% Fin e Gael: 36.1% Labou r :19.5% Gr een s: 1.8% Sin n Fein : 9.9% All ot h er par t ies: 15.4%
Sin n Fein has garnered well over three times more votes in a very short time. In the US, this would be akin to the Green Party or Libertarians becoming bigger than Democrats or Republicans in just over 10 years.
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T REES By Joyce Kilmer I t h i n k t h at I sh al l n ev er see A p o em l ov el y as a t r ee. A t r ee w h o se h u n gr y m o u t h i s p r est A gai n st t h e ear t h ?s sw eet f l ow i n g b r east ; Edited by Jim McDonough
Joyce Kilm er w as an Ir ish Am er ican poet w h o is celebr at ed f or h is r ef lect ion s on h is deep f ait h an d h is love of n at u r e. A ver y good an d con cise bio on h im can be f ou n d h er e: w w w.t h in k er yan dver se.or g/ k ilm er _h ou se.h t m l TREES w as on e of t h e f ir st poem s t h at I ever lear n ed an d I've h ad it in m y h ead sin ce bef or e gr ade sch ool. Th e poem h as alw ays r em in ded m e t h at h u m ilit y is a good gu ide. I also k n ew t h at Joyce Kilm er h ad died you n g in WWI in Fr an ce an d as a k id, alw ays f elt a pan g of sadn ess abou t t h at f act t oo.
A t r ee t h at l o o k s at Go d al l d ay, A n d l i f t s h er l eaf y ar m s t o p r ay ; A t r ee t h at m ay i n Su m m er w ear A n est o f r o b i n s i n h er h ai r ; U p o n w h o se b o so m sn ow h as l ai n ; W h o i n t i m at el y l i v es w i t h r ai n . Po em s ar e m ad e by f o o l s l i k e m e, B u t o n l y Go d can m ak e a t r ee
We invite submissions to the Irish Poetry Corner Any style of poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. We prefer original poetry and we will include a brief write up on you. If you submit a poem from the Public Domain, we only accept works from Irish, Celtic or Irish/Celtic-American poets.
E-Mail us: Joyce Kilm er 1886 - 1918.
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The Celtic Camer a
We are here looking for you!
Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption
ir ishmissive@gmail.com ON THE RIGHT: Th e Sleepin g OPossu m s
playin g at t h e Win gw alk er Br ew er y in M on r ovia last su m m er . Ch eck in f or t h eir 2022 Sch edu le BELOW: Joh n & Sally M cNally, pict u r ed
h er e in a ver y f est ive Ir ish Ch r ist m as St r eet scen e, w er e in Ir elan d f or a f am ily w eddin g in Novem ber
Photo by Matthew
Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan & Der ek War f ield back st age at You n g Wolf e Ton es Con cer t in Tor r an ce
Th e Kin g's Head Pu b & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica Cor n er of Secon d & SM Blvd
w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links On Line Facebook Live Event From Dublin SATURDAY, JANUARY 22. M ATINEE SHOW @ 3:00 P.M . FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 St ar t s @ 3:00pm EST KIRA OTT & JIM M Y M URPHY
Open Tr adit ion al Sin gin g Session
Everyone with an interest in traditional singing (in any language) is welcome! Just come along and enjoy the singing, and of course the company, and maybe you might like to sing a traditional song yourself. You are more than welcome! Tá míle fáilte romhat! We would especially welcome more new singers, more women singers, more younger singers agus ar ndóigh fáilte speisialta roimh Ghaeilge! CLICK THE ICON To Set Up
Are you interested in wr iting and cover ing events for the Irish Arts & Entertainment ? We would love to hear from you. We are able to offer a lot of per ks, tickets and the like, expenses and NO cash for the dur ation Fir st step is to j oin our Wr iter 's Group on Facebook. We will follow up from there.
No fan of Social M edia? Not a problem! Just call Jim at 951 216-1493 or Email:
j mcdonough44@gmail.com
So Ir ish . So m u sically per f ect . Kir a Ot t an d Jim m y M u r ph y have been playing Irish music together in numerous bands over the years. From unnamed pickup gigs and Ciúnas through The Sweet Set, Jibberish and Rattle the Knee, and on to their current projects, they've always played off each other and brought out the joy in the music. Kira Ott is a fiddler from Los Angeles and has been very active on the LA Irish music scene for many years. As a child she studied classical viola, but left that behind to play Irish music as a teenager. After spending many winters traveling to Donegal Ireland to learn at the Frankie Kennedy Winter School she took a few summers festival hopping around Ireland, learning and playing with many of the greats. She has performed and toured with numerous bands and teaches locally. Jimmy Murphy, guitarist and mandolinist, has been a cornerstone of the traditional Irish music scene in southern California for over a decade. He has appeared in performance venues from the Ford Amphitheater in Los Angeles to temples in Japan. He is a favorite guitarist for many Irish musicians in LA. As a duo they get to showcase all the fun, musical ideas that never quite fit with other bands. You will hear exciting fiddle tunes with solid guitar backing, fiddle and mandolin duos, songs and a host of other weird, wonderful music. Enjoy the show!
Tick et s:| $20.00 Th e Cof f ee Galler y Back st age
2029 N. Lak e Ave., Alt aden a, CA 91001 (626) 798-6236 - Reser vat ion s (626) 794-2902 - Book in g E-M AIL: bst an e@ear t h lin k .n et w w w.cof f eegaller y.com
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Sat u r day 5t h Febr u ar y Gu in n ess Six Nat ion s Ru gby All M at ch es at THE HARP KICK OFF 6:15am PST Live f r om Du blin
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Su n day, Jan u ar y 30 @ 2:00pm The healing of tensions begins with mutual understanding
Bloody Su n day: A Tale of Tw o November 20, 1921 January 30, 1972
w w w.h ar pin n .com
Join us for a remembrance Featuring songs, poems, and oratory from
Ossian, George Bernard Shaw, Roger Casement, Ch W. eck B. Yeats, t h e Fu ll S George Mitchell, John Hume, Paul Hewson, MLK, and others The Wren Theater 742 Vine St. just north of Melrose in Hollywood, CA Admission $15, $10 for members of the Celtic Arts Center We will be following local mandates with regard to requiring proof of vaccination and masks
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Pr odu ced w it h t h e Associat ion of Ir ish an d Celt ic Fest ivals. A collect ive of over 170 f est ivals acr oss t h e US an d Can ada w it h t h e goal of pr eser vin g an d pr om ot in g t h e Ir ish cu lt u r e. Join t h e AICF f or a celebr at ion of St . Br igid, by h igh ligh t in g som e of t h e w on der f u l f em ale Ir ish act s f r om ar ou n d t h e w or ld. Host ed by Eileen iver s
Th e Black Rose Du o: Kr is Colt an d St eve Ayvazian will be playing! Kris Colt commented. "It?s a very classy event and I always leave feeling artistically well fed and get excited about reading my favorite novels. We are looking forward to seeing our fans and friends!" Info and tickets online: w w w.dick en sf est .com
COM ING TO SoCal In M ar ch Kerry Irish Productionspresents... "a su per b Ir ish n igh t celebr at in g all t h in gs Ir ish !" M ar ch 10 at t h e SCHERR FORUM THEATRE, THOUSAND OAKS.
h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 3bslOOK
M ar ch 12 & 13 YUCAPIA PERFORM ING ARTS CENTER, YUCAPIA h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3Aiw Naf
Januar y, 2022
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Sign up for updates online: www.irelandweek.com
Ir elan d Week In Per son Scr een in g On Hold Till M ay
You n g Plat o
An Ir ish Film scr een in g is set in ear ly 2022 as par t of t h Ir elan d Week pr ogr am in Los An geles. Young Plato by Directors, Neasa Ní Chianáín and Declan McGrath, and Producer, David Rane, of Soilsiu Films will be presented at the Laemmle Film Center in Santa Monica. This inspiring documentary charts the dreams of Elvis-loving school headmaster Kevin McArevey and his dedicated, visionary team who are determined to change the fortunes of the children from their inner-city community plagued by urban decay, sectarian aggression and poverty in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Using ancient Greek philosophy the young boys are encouraged to question the mythologies of war and of violence, and sometimes challenge the narratives their parents, peers and socio-economic group would dictate. Tick et s on sale soon
Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish / Celt ic an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion
Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce
Irish Literary Showcase
Januar y, 2022
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:
I reland Tonight feat ures t he best of LIVESTREAM & M u sic
EVERY FRIDAY!! Com in g back in Febr u ar y!
Th e Sleepin g O Possu m s play Ir ish / Scot t ish / Am er ican a/ Folk ! Win gw alk er Br ew er y in M on r ovia
Celt ic t radit ional music. From Chicgago, USA t o Irish Music Fans around t he World! ht t ps:// wdcb.org/program/ ireland-t onight
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
A message from Publican Willy We ar e h er e t o ser ve you . We m u st do w h at w e can t o get past t h is ext en ded disr u pt ion . So if you f eel lik e on e of ou r cr af t beer s or an Ir ish cof f ee, or Bloody M ar y pair ed w it h a sh eph er ds pie or Fish & Ch ips w ill ch eer you u p, you ar e pr obably r igh t ! Dr op by soon . w e ar e h u gely gr at ef u l t o ou r com m u n it y f or h elpin g u s all su r vive t h is! #t ak eou t
TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310 829-5303
O PEN EV ERY D AY f o r D i n i n g & D r i n k s!! NEW PATIO!! www.obriensla.com
BEST Of 2021 O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303