Irish Arts & Entertainment March, 2019

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Our Annual Salute To I r ish M usic M aker s

Starts On Page 6 Digit al Reader s!

Volu m e XXVI

We u pdat e ou r CALENDAR WEEKLY ch eck back f or t h e lat est Even t s!

An M ar t a M ar ch , 2019

St. Patr ick's Day I n I reland Retur ns To Califor nia

See Page 3

Celebr ate the pure j oy of I reland's Best Dance and M usic Scher r For um At Thousand Oaks Civic on Thur sday, M arch 14

D u b l i n "s I r i sh T en o r s, C el t i c L ad i es C o m i n g T o C al t ech D etails Page 6

Con n or Reider & t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Ban d

One Show, Two I ncredible I r ish Groups

Hugh O'Coner and M elissa M cCar thy at Santa Bar bar a Film Festival See Celti Camer a on Page 29

REGUL AR FEATURES -View From I reland I r ish Calendar I r ish Poetr y Cor ner

Special St. Paddy's Day Event Cover age and Expanded I r ish Calendar See Pages 3 and 30 Tr inity I r ish Dance at CSUL B See Page 10

CI NECONCERTS: " RUDY" 25th. Anniver sar y Screening See Page 16

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Kerry I rish Productions Presents

St. Patr ick's Day I n I reland A perfect family event St. Patrick's Day In Ireland honors the great tradition and the mighty joy of being Irish! Celebrate St. Patrick?s Day 2019 and the great joy of being Irish with music, song, dance and irresistible merriment from the Emerald Isle! The concert will be led by members of The Kerry Traditional Band: four multi-instrumentalists who share their passion for the traditional music of Ireland. An amazing troupe of Irish Dancers are sure to delight all who attend. There?s no better way to celebrate St. Patrick?s Day than with a Kerry Irish Productions show which is overflowing with a genuine love and respect for Irish Culture and Tradition! Featuring principal dancer Connor Reider (The Chieftains, Celtic Fyre, Celtic Wings, An Irish Christmas) and four multi-instrumentalists from the Kerry Traditional Band: Ryan McKasson, Colin Cotter, Christa Burch and Preston Howard-Wilde. Fiddles, uilleann pipes, bodhrรกn, guitar, vocals and flutes will ring through the theatre as the Band shares its passion for the truly wondrous and uplifting music of Ireland! Thanks to the brilliant direction and stagecraft of Margaret O'Carroll, you will be transported to the Emerald Isle for a rollicking night celebrating not just St. Patrick but all of Ireland! You?ll leave the theatre with a jig in your step... Irish to the core, not to be missed... A never to be forgotten Irish Experience!!

ABOVE: K er r y Dancer s featur ing Eliya Raccah dancing on the half door are set for Thousand Oaks! See our Cover age on I r ish M usic M aker s star ting on Page 7 featur ing an in depth look at the talented St. Patr ick's Day I n I reland cast member s





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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick

Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@ ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media

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Let t er Fr om Th e Pu blish er Th e M u sic M ak er s an d Film Issu e cou ld w ell be t h e su b-t it le f or t h is m on t h . For the past fifteen or so years, we have focused on Irish Music in our March Edition and I hope that continues as long as we endure. This issue we profile some of our favorite Souther California and American IRISH MUSIC MAKERS, give a nod to the Irish Music that will be presented at some upcoming Celtic Fairs and Events and write about some of the new talent that we have recently heard about from Ireland. It is a grand eclectic mix and we hope you will not just enjoy the features but support these amazing people by attending these shows, festivals and buying the music on all the formats offered!

consequence to our readers. Recent news about one of our favorite Irish actors and the latest on the Irish Spotlight at the Newport Beach Film Festival are also included. Our regular advertisers and features are all here too and our Irish Calendar has reverted to an older format: BY DATE and On GOING. As always, your comments, submissions and questions are always welcome. Happy Sain t Pat r ick 's Day!! Jim McDonough, Publisher

Over the past few weeks and culminating in this issue, the cosmos seemed to allign toward Irish Films and related events and news. So, in our March issue we have quite the array of Irish Film features and reviews as well as an article on a very profound documentary that certainly is of

T h e L o s A n gel es M ay o r an d C i t y C o u n ci l & T h e I r i sh Fai r Fo u n d at i o n , w i l l co - sp o n so r t h e 20 19 I RI SH D AY C I V I C C EREM O N I ES. Am azin g Hist or y of t h e IRISH CIVIC DAY The Irish Civic Day Ceremonies have been held annually since 1876 at City Hall, downtown LA, This year as St. Patrick Day falls on Sunday, they will be on the 15th of March in the Council Chambers. The awards for the Irish Man and Woman, along with the Irish Honorees are as follows: Ir ish M an of t h e Year Th om as Kelleh er , Pr esiden t Los An geles Police Em er ald Societ y Ir ish Wom an of t h e Year Er in Scot t Hain es, Pr esiden t , M cNu lt y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce

The 2019 Irish Honorees are: M an dy Ok eef f e, Cat h leen Sw een ey, Den n is Su llivan , Ran dy Bear d, Tr ist en Wolf f e, Ch r ist y Caldw ell, Rach el Rat h , Ror y Ait k en , Cat r ion a Weaf er , an d Dan Con r oy. The award ceremonies will be hosted by the Honorable Tom LaBonge and Griffin Healy, President of the Irish Fair Foundation. After the ceremony, the Honored will be feted at the Irish Civic Day luncheon to be held at Dublin?s Irish Whiskey Pub, located in the downtown area.

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Du blin's Ir ish Ten or s an d Th e Celt ic Ladies Will Per f or m At Calt ech In Pasaden a Over St . Pat r ick 's Day Weeken d These two groups bring an excellent mix of traditional Irish tunes, adult contemporary and classical music to Beckman Auditorium on March 16. Two of Ireland?s most popular groups DUBLIN'S Ir ish TENORS and THE CELTIC LADIES are on an extended US Tour and will make a stop at Caltech just in time for an LA area audience to join them for a Day Before St. Patrick's Day Concert. The Cast puts on a show reminiscent of the wonderful Irish Showbands that toured the World a generation or so ago. Starting in post WWII Ireland and touring the UK, America and really the planet (Irish Music gained great popularity in Japan) though the 80s. This is not just a traditional Irish show that delivers a great mixture if Irish Favorites such as Danny Boy and Cockles and Mussels; so Trad enthusiasts will not be disappointed. These very capable and versatile groups also deliver a lot more Irish Music and even more! Individual soloists are showcased in their own milieu and each group then moves through a well crafted repertoire from opera to pop, jazz to classical! Once again, each member displays their unique talents, from lively fiddling, to marvelous melodies, to perfected piano pieces.

ABOVE: Ter r y Casey of THE FENIANS at M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b in New por t Beach

We ar e all or w e all love IRISH M USIC M AKERS! Special t h an k s t o t h e m u sician s, pu bs an d ven u es w h o keep u s w ell f ixed w it h ou r passion ! BELOW: : Rick Boyle an d h is am azin g ban dm a t es of TROOPER THORn at THE HARP INN IRISH PUB

DUBLIN?S IRISH TENORS an d THE CELTIC LADIES f ir st becom e on e of t h e m ost popu lar sh ow s t h at Ir elan d h as seen in year s an d t h en t h e st ar t ed per f or m in g in t h e US w it h ext en ded st ays in Br an son , M issou r i! Th is am azin g en sem ble con t in u ed t h eir appear an ces at sold ou t sh ow s t h er e t h r ou gh ou t m ost of 2018. Th ey ar e st ill appear in g f r equ en t ly in Br an son an d h ave n ow em bar k ed on a 2019 Am er ican Tou r w h ich in clu des lim it ed ven u es t h r ou gh ou t t h e st at es.!

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Ir ish M u sic M aker s 2019 Ryan McKasson (Fiddle) .

Ryan M cKasson has gained a reputation as a performer, composer, collaborator and teacher. In 1996 he was the youngest musician to win the National Scottish Fiddlle Championship. In 1997 he was awarded a Merit Scholarship for Viola Performance from the University of Southern California where he studied with Donald McInnes. Ryan started learning the violin at the age of 4. One of his early fiddle teachers was Carol-Ann Wheeler who encouraged Ryan to joined the Seattle Scottish Fiddlers, headed by Calum MacKinnon, where

he first began to play Scottish fiddle. In 1994, he started attending Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling School (VOM), where he met fiddler and teacher Alasdair Fraser, and joined a rather remarkable generation of musicians, many of whom have gone on to be notable performers and teachers. In 2004 Ryan and his sister, Cali, formed a band, The McKassons, that eventually included Ryan?s wife, Brooke, and her brother, Matt Jerrell. Ryan has also been a member of a baroque/celtic/fusion combo Ensemble Galilei. He helped co-write and co-produce First Person: Seeing America a collaboration between Ensemble Galilei and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. He also recorded with Ensemble Galilei on A Change of Worlds (2012), and Surrounded by Angels: A Christmas Celebration With Ensemble Galilei(2013). Ryan has recorded with Hanneke Cassel on her albums Silver, For Reasons Unseen, and Dot The Dragon?s Eye,and also with Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas on their album Highlander?s Farewell. Ryan has taught at fiddle camps around the US and New Zealand: most notably: Boston Harbor Scottish Fiddling School, Southern Hemisphere International School of Scottish Fiddle, Valley of the Moon, Mountain Fiddle Camp, and Swannanoa Gathering.

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I r i sh M u si c M ak er s Brendan M onaghan I r ish Singer Songwr iter & Per for mer County Down singer songwriter Brendan Monaghan performs his material both at home in Ireland and in many different countries around the world. Monaghan has shared the same bill as many top international artists and has written material for several recording artists. He has released eight albums ?precious time?, ?no more words?, ?look no further?, ?flicker of hope?, ?never too late to come home? , ?lovers always win?, ?today is a good day? and the latest release ?unbroken? on Brambus Records in 2019. He has received music awards and very enthusiastic reviews for his music as he continues to progress in his art form. Irish journalist and RTE presenter John O?Regan says ?Brendan Monaghan?s music evokes the best elements of classic folk rock, singer songwriter artistry and Irish folk sensibilities in an attractive, listenable package? Irish Music Magaizine's. Eileen McCabe recently wrote; ?Brendan has a voice that creates appeal and can enchant with tales of sorrow and joy in a soulful and folk rock setting?

M or e on t h e m u sical ar t ist s w h o ar e f eat u r ed in t h e dyn am ic Ker r y Recor d's pr odu ct ion's St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d Colin Cot t er (Gu it ar , Vocals)

Author, poet and journalist Jackie Hayden. when asked, responded ?Brendan Monaghan?s success proves that sometimes, although not often enough, talent wins in the end? Garnering such varied appreciation and praise has placed Bendan Monaghan in the forefront of newly emerging Irish Music Makers; we hope our readers will find out for themselves. We will keep you informed when he will be appearing in the US. More info; visit: w w en dan m on agh an .com

Colin i s a multi-instrumentalist who began fiddling at an early age as part of his family tradition in Finnish fiddle music, and eventually dove into Scottish fiddling. He is a self-taught guitarist, mixing influences from around the world, and his emotive songwriting bridges the gaps between American and Celtic folk, and rock.

Ch r ist a Bu r ch

(sin ger an d bodh r รกn player )

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Ch r ist a Bu r ch

first fell in love with Celtic music in the spring of 1988, when a friend handed her a home-made tape which featured Scottish band Silly Wizard down one side and Irish band Skylark down the other. As they say in fiction: "there was no looking back." This love led her to extensive travel through Scotland and Ireland in the late '90s. In pubs and homes, festivals and folk clubs, Christa found a community of like-minded singers and musos, and discovered that Celtic music truly defines the "small world" ethos: nearly everyone she met knew someone she knew back home! In her travels, Christa collected a wide repertoire of songs, and gradually developed her own sound. After the turn of the millennium, hungry for challenge, she began performing. Her debut CD Love of the Land has gathered glowing reviews! ?This is a full-voiced, confident woman at the heights of her powers.?? Irish American News

Pr est on How ar d-Wilde (Uillean n pipes)

Pr est on grew up in Northern California where he first heard Irish traditional music in the form of a Finbar Furey record belonging to his father. This recording sparked Preston?s deep interest in the uilleann pipes. After several years playing whistle, flute, and Scottish bagpipes as a child, Preston began learning the uilleann pipes at age 17 with the help of Dingle piper Con Durham and Manchester piper Michael McGoldrick, as well as the Pub Scouts, the local Irish music

collective in Chico, CA. In 2009 Preston moved to Portland, Oregon where he has frequently played at regional céilí, sean-nós Northwest workshops and events, local sessions, and various performances. Preston has performed with Ensemble Galilei, Cake, An Irish Christmas, Alastair Fraser, Kevin Burke, and many others. He is a busy teacher and teaches throughout the US, at Lark Camp, West Coast tionóls, and through Skype.

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Female-Focused TRI NI TY I RI SH DANCE COM PANY Gets L oud On Stage at Car penter Center, M ar. 2 Richard and Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center, located on the campus of Cal State Long Beach, presents the ground-breaking Trinity Irish Dance Company as part of the Center ?s Dance Series. Hailed as ?sophisticated and commanding,? by the Los Angeles Times and ?impossibly complex,? by The New York Times, Trinity Irish Dance Company returns to the Los Angeles area for the first time in over a decade on Saturday, March 2, Committed to empowering female artists on and off the dance floor, the primarily women-based company will perform newly choreographed pieces never before seen in Los Angeles, featuring hard-driving percussive power and lightning-fast agility. Founded in 1990, by Emmy-award winning choreographer and Artistic Director, Mark Howard, Trinity Irish Dance Company (TIDC) was the birthplace of progressive Irish dance, which opened new avenues of artistic expression leading directly to commercial productions such as Riverdance. Howard?s vision? fusing the vibrancy of traditional Irish dance with contemporary American ideas? has been met with great critical acclaim around the globe, with sold-out tours in Europe and Asia and appearances in distinguished US venues including the Kennedy Center and New York?s Joyce Theater.

w w w .au l d d u bl i n er .com

(562) 437-8300

Since its inception, Trinity Irish Dance Company (TIDC) has celebrated the strength and resilience of young female artists through intentional casting, choreography, and costumes and utilized their artistic platform to denounce the objectification of women. In a recent interview with NPR affiliate WUWM, associate artistic director and choreographer at TDIC Chelsea Hoy noted that unlike some commercial Irish Dance productions where the role of women has been pushed to the background, the dancers of Trinity Irish Dance Company? 18 women and 2 men? are presented on equal footing allowing the whole ensemble access to the full-expression of movement. Claiming it as her favorite part of dancing, Hoy continued by saying that the women of Trinity Irish Dance Company, ?not only get to make noise, but are expected to make noise.? Cont. on 11

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Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Hoy co-choreographed a new piece ?An Sorcas? with Howard, which will have its West Coast premiere March 2 at Carpenter Performing Arts Center. The piece is a commentary on the battle between substance and spectacle in performing arts and Irish Dance specifically. The dancers, costumed in jackets made up of deconstructed Irish Dance competition dresses, flip that notion on its head, performing in reverse and stripping away the spectacle to reveal a raw honesty underneath.

Queen M ar y Visit The March 2 performance marks another special moment for Trinity Irish Dance Company. Like thousands of people between 1947 and 1967, Trinity Irish Dance Company founder Mark Howard and his mother immigrated to the United States from England aboard the Queen Mary before it was permanently docked in Long Beach. Howard and his mother, who will be in town for the performance, will visit the Queen Mary during their stay in March.

All Tr in it y Ph ot os by

Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y


CIDA is a Los Angeles Irish Dance school under the direction of Riverdance Star, Maeve Croke, TCRG ADCRG. At CIDA we strive to bring the best out in each dancer through inspirational and creative teaching. We nurture each student's unique abilities and talents, ingrain a love of dance, and encourage elevated ndividual standards. Our dancers gain self-confidence, discipline, and learn the importance and benefits of teamwork while preparing for various performances. These events and performances can range from local community events to the World Irish Dance Championships..

No m at t er w h at you r goal is, t h er e is a place f or you h er e at CIDA, an d w e look f or w ar d t o w elcom in g you t o t h e CIDA f am ily. Be an Athlete, Be an Artist, be A CIDA STAR!

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I rish Theatre: News & Reviews M ar t in M cDon agh's ?Th e Cr ipple of In ish m aan ? get s par t n er -cast pr odu ct ion at An t aeu s in Glen dale Inspired by the real-life filming of the documentary Man of Aran ? director Robert J. Flaherty?s seminal 1934 documentary about the primitive way of life on the barren, limestone islands in Galway Bay ? McDonagh?s dark comedy is set on the small Aran Island community of Inishmaan (Inis Meรกin), where the inhabitants are excited to learn of a Hollywood film crew's arrival in neighboring Inishmore (Inis Mรณr) to shoot the film. ?Cripple? Billy Claven, eager to escape the gossip, poverty and boredom of Inishmaan, vies for a part in the film, and to everyone's surprise, the orphan and outcast gets his chance. According to Antaeus co-artistic directors Bill Br och t r u p, Rob Nagle and Kit t y Sw in k , ?In all of our production history we?ve never taken on an Irish play, though we?ve been circling around them for some time. Exploring themes of isolation, poverty, alternative facts and the myth of Hollywood, this play is as hysterically funny as it is disturbing. And it?s filled with delicious roles for our company.? McDonagh has famously noted, ?I suppose I walk that line between comedy and cruelty because I think one illuminates the other. We?re all cruel, aren?t we? We are all extreme in one way or another at times and that?s what drama, since the Greeks, has dealt with.? In the Antaeus tradition known as ?partner casting,? M at t h ew Gr on din and Ian Lit t lew or t h share the role of Billy, with Rh on da Aldr ich and Kit t y Sw in k as Kate and Ju lia Flet ch er andM ar y-Pat Gr een as Eileen, the two elderly sisters who took Billy in as a baby and have cared for him since. St eph en Caf f r ey and JD Cu llu m team up as Johnnypateenmike, the town gossip who sells his bits of ?news? for food; Seam u s Dever and Joh n Bobek double as the moody Babbybobby Bennett; Em ily Goss and Abby Wilde partner in the role of fierce beauty Slippy Helen; and Sebast ian Fer n an dez and Joey M illin divvy up the role of village idiot (and Helen?s brother) Bartley McCormick. Also in the ensemble: Joh n Allee and Ph ilip Pr oct or as Doctor McSharry, and An n e Gee Byr d and An n e M cNau gh t on as Johnnypateenmike?s drunken Mammy. Michael McDonagh, born to Irish parents in London in 1970, is one of the most celebrated playwrights of his generation. He achieved great success with his first play, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, part of a trilogy that includes A Skull in Connemara and The Lonesome West. Next came the Aran Islands trilogy: The Cripple of Inishmaan, The Lieutenant of Inishmore and The Banshees of Inisheer. Other plays include The Pillowman, A Behanding in Spokane andHangmen. McDonagh has received three Olivier Awards and four Tony Award nominations. In recent years, he has devoted much of his time to film as both a writer and director. His best known movies are In Bruges (2008), which starred Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes, and the Golden Globe and BAFTA Award-winning Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017).

NOW t h r ou gh M ar ch 11 FINAL PERFORM ANCES Fr idays, M ar ch 1 & 8 at 8:00pm Sat u r days, M ar ch 2 & 9 at 8:00pm Su n days, M ar ch 3 & 10 at 2:00pm M on days, 4 & 11 at 8:00pm

The Cripple of Inishmaan A dar k ly com ic Ir ish yar n by m ast er st or yt eller M ar t in M cDon agh St even Robm an dir ect s a par t n er -cast en sem ble - All per f or m an ces $35 818 506-1983 Kik i & David Gin dler Per f or m in g Ar t s Cen t er 110 East Br oadw ay Glen dale, CA 91205 w w w.An t aeu s.or g

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Book Now For Ken O'M alley 's 2019 Tou r To Ir elan d IRELAND TOUR APRIL/ M AY 2019: Th is t ou r w ill f ocu s u pon t h e con n ect ion bet w een Ir ish em igr an t s t o t h e Un it ed St at es, par t icu lar ly t h ose f r om Bu t t e M on t an a w h ich h as t h e h igh est n u m ber of Ir ish descen dan t s per capit a of an y US cit y. Th e gr ou p w ill visit Cast let ow n ber e, Allih ies M in in g M u seu m , Du n boy Cast le, M izen Head, Th e Clif f s of M oh er , Galw ay Cit y, Con n em ar a, Kylem or e Abbey, Ach ill Islan d, Cr oach Pat r ick , Th e Fam in e M on u m en t , M u r r isk Abbey, Du blin Cit y, Kilm ain h am Gaol, Gu in n ess Br ew er y, an d m u ch m or e. Th e t ou r begin s at Du blin Air por t , Sat u r day 27 Apr il, 2019 an d en ds at Du blin Air por t M on day 6 M ay, 2019. Th e t ou r in clu des 3 n igh t s in Ban t r y, Co. Cor k , 1 n igh t in Galw ay, Co. Galw ay. 3 n igh t s in West por t , Co. M ayo an d 2 n igh t s in Du blin . Cost is $2,500 per per son . (Sh ar in g a r oom , Dou ble or Tw in ) VERY LIM ITED SINGLE ROOM S AVAILABLE $2900 - Ch eck w it h Ken t o see if t h ese ar e st ill available. In clu ded: 9 n igh t s Hot els, Br eak f ast an d Din n er , Lu xu r y Coach , Por t er age, M eal gr at u it y an d Sit e t ick et s. Not In clu ded: Air t r avel, Lu n ch es, Dr iver gr at u it y an d Tr avel In s M or e in f or m at ion is also available on lin e at : w w w.k en om / ir elan d-t ou r -2019 Feel f r ee t o t alk t o Ken at a sh ow or em ail h im f or det ails:

k en @k en om

Th is icon ic pict u r e of a Galw ay Cit y Lan e on a f in e Ir ish M or n in g w as t ak en in Spr in g 2018 by ou r f r ien d an d con t r ibu t or Dor ot h y Fr edet t e.

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Liam Neeson and The Court of Public Opinion By Maurice Fitzpatrick The moment of truth did not come, so we will never know whether Liam Neeson may have assaulted or murdered a man forty years ago, but he did think about doing so. For that, all these years later, he is being pilloried. The circumstances were as follows. After the rape of his friend by a black man, Neeson stalked up and down black areas in an unspecified city for a week hoping, as he said, that ?some ?black b*****d? would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could? kill him? It shocked me and it hurt me? I did seek help, I went to a priest?. Neeson admitted this in a promotional interview for his latest film, Cold Pursuit, and it has led to sustained controversy and the characterisation of Neeson as a racist. As a response to his frenzy forty years ago, Neeson made a confession to a priest. Approaching a priest had a certain logic, since what had happened pertained to conscience rather than the law. While the power of the confessional has been routinely abused (and that abuse has been extreme since confession bestows upon the confessor an especial capacity to dominate), still the rite has provided succour for some. Today, more public modes of expressing a guilty conscience are in vogue. However, publicly confessing a shameful act in our time can backfire terribly. On certain themes, a confession and an attempt to reconcile on the basis of confession will almost certainly be rejected. By taking advantage of a penitent?s vulnerability, the same perversion of the traditional confessor?s authority is now happening in another guise. This explains why Neeson?s mania was so excoriated in the court of public opinion. Since the court of public opinion is not accountable as a court is, being innocent of a criminal act is no barrier to a guilty verdict. Absent the possibility of a legal trial, alternative trials today are staged through the media and social media; and the weight of public opinion is the central, if not sole, criteria for ?prosecution?. In this shift, something that is legally unpunishable (like a thought) has effectively become punishable. As Caitria O?Neill, writing for the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard, has argued: ?A new journalistic standard has been set. The court of public opinion may be invoked to build support for issues that cannot be decided in a court of law?. Surely, though, such a ?journalistic standard?engenders far more problems than it solves. Furthermore, public opinion is so nebulous that its expression has become dangerously synonymous with, and supplanted by, celebrity opinion. Besides, there is a subtle inversion of allegedly pro-equality sentiment in the vituperations of Neeson. Neeson?s renunciation of the thoughts he once had is portrayed as infinitely junior in importance to the fact that he had them in the first place. Contrast this with the case of novelist James Baldwin whose violent thoughts and actual violence towards a waitress who refused to serve him on account of his being black? hating ?her white face?and admitting that in attacking her he ?had been ready to commit murder?? are not rejected to the same degree. Baldwin?s account of that incident and his fulsome repudiation of his behaviour form part of a text that continues to be

An M ar t a

deservedly applauded: the feverish essays that comprise Notes of a Native Son (1955), largely set in the menacing atmosphere of Harlem in which Baldwin grew up, is a modern classic. Those who have assailed Neeson should at a minimum be aware of the repercussions of what they are attempting to eliminate. Is it permissible, by the standards they espouse, for a method actor, say, to emotionally identify with Euripides?Medea in her infanticidal rampage? And what place is there for the poetry of William Blake, who wrote: ?Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires?? At bottom, this controversy is neither about Liam Neeson nor an experience he had forty years ago. It is a battle between those who wish to delegitimise the act of speaking about something horrific, and those who defend the right to do so. As former England footballer John Barnes, who encountered a great deal of racist abuse in the 1980s, said in response to the Neeson incident: ?Policing language and even legislating against certain behaviours will only go so far to address the pervasive problem of racial bias. To get at the root cause we must have open, honest and sometimes painful conversations. This must involve allowing people who have held biased views in the past to be heard without fear of recrimination?. To blacklist Neeson (the contemporary word is ?cancel?) is to diminish the prospect of that conversation happening. Demonising Neeson amounts to a flight from confrontation with pervasive violence in society which, though indubitably nasty, nevertheless is human. The conversation is important indeed because to airbrush someone for articulating his having had terrible urges does not remove the possibility of the urges. Rather it is an attack on the freedom of speech, which, as history attests, opens the gates to political turmoil. To see the political consequences of confronting matters such as demonic rage illiberally, consider a Trump rally in El Paso on February 11th, when the obnoxiousness of Trumpism was best encapsulated by an attack on a BBC cameraman for merely recording the event. Trump had taken a swipe at the ?fake news?media and one of his supporters subsequently set upon the cameraman. Yet liberalism can only legitimately form a bulwark against such behaviour by living up to its own self-description, by taking the high road and relentlessly practicing tolerance. Baldwin would have called that the price of the ticket. Maurice Fitzpatrick?s latest film, John Hume in America, is narrated by Liam Neeson.

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I r i sh C o m ed y T H E H O L Y FA I L Set Fo r H o l l y w o o d Rel ease Cork born Writer/Director Owen Dara' s comedy "The Holy Fail" has had a very impressive festival run over the past 10 months. It has won awards in festivals all over the US, including "Best Comedy" "Best International Feature Film" "Best Original Music" "Best Actor (Owen Dara)" and "Audience Choice Award" to name a few. It has been a huge hit with festival audiences and has been described as "a very original and hilarious comedy that has audiences of all ages laughing out loud." The film will screen at the upcoming Chicago Irish Film Festival on March 1st,. The Holy Fail will be have its world premiere Hollywood release in April; followed by US Theatrical Release.

Hollyw ood scr een in gs ar e set f or : Apr il 5t h t o Apr il 11t h , scr een in g 3 t im es daily at : Ar en a Cin elou n ge 6464 Su n set Blvd. Lobby Level LA, CA 90028 (323) 924-1644

?The Holy Fail? is a very funny comedy caper set in Cork, Ireland. It's about a man (Owen Dara) who is desperately trying to save a marriage, in which his wife (Jessica Lancaster) is getting bored of the life they created together. In an effort to save the relationship, he attempts to show his wife how exciting he can be by agreeing to rob a safe with his best friend. With his wife enthusiastically on board, the couple, along with two of their wacky friends, plot to commit the robbery. What next ensues is a hilarious series of events as the unlikely criminals stumble through the planning and execution of what they believe to be a justified crime. In spite of a series of mishaps, they seem to be on the road to success, but unfortunately for them, they are illequipped for their greatest challenge yet? the wrath of an Irish nun. Will they learn the lesson of Thou Shalt Not Steal? With the success of the robbery now thwarted, is there any hope for the declining marriage?

w w en ascr een .com

w w w.t h eh olyf ailf ilm .com

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25th. Anniver sar y Screening Of RUDY With Orchestr a Film Classic and Concer t Set for M arch 30 at the M I CROSOFT THEATER in L os Angeles SPECI AL GUESTS I NCL UDI NG SEAN ASTI N, RUDY RUETTI GER AND M ORE

Hollywood Chamber Orchestra will perform OscarÂŽ and EmmyÂŽ-winning composer JERRY GOLDSMITH?S complete score live to picture, with Sean Astin, Rudy Ruettiger and special guests attending and participating in a pre-show panel. CineConcerts announces a once-in-a-lifetime live concert event: the 25th anniver sar y celebr ation of Rudy I n Concert, live at M icrosoft Theater in Los Angeles on M arch 30. Conducted by Justin Freer , the 80-piece Hollywood Chamber Orchestr a will perform Oscar and Emmy-winning composer Jer r y Goldsmith?s complete score live while the entire film is projected on a massive 40-foot HD screen. This 1993 American biographical sports film?s first live concert premiere will help r aise funds for The Univer sity of Notre Dame and regional Souther n Califor nia high schools with support from The CineConcer ts Foundation. Special guests including Sean Astin, Rudy Ruettiger , producer Rober t Fr ied, director David Anspaugh, writer Angelo Pizzo, producer Car y Woods and more will take part in a pre-show on-stage panel to discuss the film, music, and the magic of the film and story 25 years later.

Tickets are on sale at:WWW.AXS.COM All his life, people have told Rudy he?s not good enough, not smart enough, not big enough. But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football for Notre Dame. Even as a young boy, Rudy (Sean Astin) is determined to join the Fighting Irish. Because some dreams won?t die, Rudy goes through heroic lengths to win admission to Notre Dame. Once there, he becomes a walk-on player, serving as little more than a human tackling dummy against the starting players. Bloody and unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of legendary coach Ara Parseghian and other Irish players, who give him one shot at gridiron glory. An incredible true story from director David Anspaugh (Hoosiers), Rudy is an unforgettable testament to the power of dreams and triumph of the human spirit. In addition to starring Sean Astin, the film features an all-star supporting cast including Ned Beatty, Charles S. Dutton, Robert Prosky, Jon Favreau, and Lili Taylor. Written by Angelo Pizzo, produced by Robert N. Fried and Cary Woods, and directed by David Anspaugh, the film also showcases an iconic score by legendary composer Jerry Goldsmith (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Omen, Chinatown, Patton, Planet of the Apes, Papillon,

Rambo) and is considered to be one of the best sports films of all time. Rudy In Concert has been created by CineConcerts, in partnership with Sony Pictures. Ju st in Fr eer , President of CineConcerts and Producer/Conductor of Rudy In Concert, explains, ?Rudy has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world. Celebrating this amazing film and iconic music score with an 80-piece symphony orchestra playing the score live to picture will both excite and bring tears of joy to audiences everywhere.? Br ady Beau bien, co-founder and CineConcerts Producer, adds, ?Jerry Goldsmith?s incredible music brings to life the film?s heart, raw excitement, and internal battle by creating the continual sensation that Rudy?s struggle feels like it is our own. We feel privileged to bring this film concert experience to Los Angeles, where countless movie dreams are born and where the score was also written.? For more information on Rudy in Concert, please visit

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Remember, in Canoga Park "Everyone is I RI SH for St. Patrick's Day!!



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L A t o Pr em i er Fi l m o f H i st o r i c I RA Pr i so n B r eak M AZE MAZE is an excellent film, gripping and mostly accurate as it weaves through the political and historical context of the escape and never loses sight of the human side of the prisoners and the prison guards. When I drove by the Maze Prison on the outskirts of Belfast on an August evening in 1983, my thoughts were of the hunger strikers that died there two years previously and upon seeing the high smooth walls and bright spotlights I remember saying to my companion that no one could escape it. Little did I know escape plans had already taken shape and a month later 38 IRA prisoners were to break out in the biggest prison escape in UK history. The mastermind behind the breakout and the focus of the film MAZE was Larry Marley, who did not participate in the escape itself, was assassinated by a pro-British death squad after his release from the prison in 1987. I have seen the Maze prison from the inside as well, as a visitor, and met a few of the escapees over the years...Jim Smyth, one of the four on the run in California and caught in the early 1990s. At the 25th Anniversary of the Great Escape event in Belfast in 2008, I heard the untold story of the escape from Gerry Kelly and Bik McFarlane. And in 2017 I met Seamus Campbell, one of two escapees who has never been caught!

Th e Ar t of Br ian Boylan Or igin als Available COM M ISSIONS Lim it ed Edit ion Pr in t s Gr aph ics & An im at ion You can Follow Br ian Boylan Con t act s: CELL: 310 970-4619 Em ail: boylan

Ven t u r a Film Societ y To Scr een Tw o Ir ish Film s In M ar ch Ger r y Kelly, cu r r en t M LA, M em ber of Legislat ive Assem bly an d Joh n M cNally.

3/ 19: BLACK '47

M AZE depicts how inmate Larry Marley (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor ;(Avengers: Infinity War, The Cured), becomes chief architect of the llrgest prison escape in Europe since World War II ? an escape which he plans but does not go on himself. Up against him is the most state-of-the-art and secure prison in the whole of Europe ? a prison within a prison. While scheming his way towards pulling off this feat, Larry comes into contact with prison warder Gordon Close, (Barry Ward.). Larry and Gordon?s complex journey begins with cautious, chess-like moves. Initially, Gordon holds all the power in their relationship and rejects all of Larry?s attempts at establishing a friendship between them. Bit by bit, Larry wears down Gordon?s defenses, maneuvering himself into a position of trust. As each man begins to engage with the other as an equal, the barrier between prisoner and warder has been broken. During all this time, however, Larry has been scheming behind Gordon?s back, gleaning as much information as he can and working with other prisoners in a separate block, trying to engineer their escape. When the escape finally takes place, thirty-eight prisoners reach the main gate and nineteen get away. Gordon is stunned by Larry?s betrayal and his own foolishness.

Irish film about the Irish Famine. An Gort Mor (The Great Hunger) This 2018 release garnered critical acclaim yet poor attendance. h t t p:/ / ven t u r af ilm societ

Still, both of them have been irrevocably changed by their interaction. Their relationship represents the beginning of dialogue between the two sides, the first green shoots of the eventual peace process. As both the epicenter of an enduring conflict and the source of its eventual resolution, the story of MAZE is the story of the troubles themselves.

/ m ain / scr een in gs/ black -47/

3/ 21: Wind That Shakes The Barely An excellent film about the Irish war for independence and subsequent civil war. h t t p:/ / ven t u r af ilm societ / m ain / u n cat egor ized/ t h e-w in d-t h at -sh ak es-t h e-bar ley/

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Kick Off for 2019 Run 4 Water is NOW UNDERWAY! Join the dedicated and driven participants in raising funds to help solve the water crisis in Uganda. This is a grass roots American & Irish Effort under the direction of Irish Born, Nick Jordan. Be one of the first of our readers to sign up, Go to: w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g/ r u n 4w at er 2019 w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g/ r u n 4w at er 2019.

2018 Ru n 4Wat er w as a h u ge su ccess t h at f u n ded t h e dr illin g of 40 w ells in

For 2019, the organizers have announced their stated intention of raising enough money to drill 50 Wells. YOU CAN HELP. The Irish Arts & Entertainment is going to field a team. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the total cost of $6000 to fund the Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Fr ien ds & Reader s Well

Ugan da!

in Uganda. Location to be chosen soon. Click this link for more information and/ or to register to join and support our team:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ

Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you! LEFT: Irish Music Maker, songstress and song-writer KRIS COLT has a special affinity for her family, fans and friends and a special place of appreciation from all of us at McDonough Media. On the RIGHT: Irish Film Maker and Music Maker, OWEN DARA, friends and LUNASA backstage after their recent CALTECH concert. Owen Dara too has garnered our great respect and appreciation for all his help and input over the past few years. .....Ed

M ar ch , 2019

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Canoga Park Annual St Patrick's Day Community March & Celebration To Be Held On March 16 Each year this Community Event gets bigger and better; Bagpipers? and even mariachis? Irish Music, Irish storytellers, and stilt walkers, Vendor

Ow en Dar a h as been bu sy all t h r ou gh 2018 bu t t h e ver sat ile act or , com edian an d f ilm dir ect or deligh t s in pu blic appear an ces an d h e w ill be back at Can oga Par k Fest ivit ies on M ar ch 16

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booths and the Irish Arts Outreach are all part of the 2019 program. Irish Actor Owen Dara returns to the Main Stage at the Farmers Market to entertain with Irish Music and Comedy! A great family event!

Slante, Salud, Cheers to Canoga Park!!

Tr u e Th om as on st age! at last year 's Celebr at ion !

More on 2019:

Th e Ir ish an d Irish Arts & Entertainment Con t in gen t at t h e an n u al San t a Bar bar a In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival ear ly t h is year :

All photos by Barbara Singer

BELOW: Ir ish act or Hu gh O'Con or an d Bar bar a Sin ger , IN&E St af f Wr it er .

M elissa M cCar t h y r (On t h e Cover & BELOW) r eceived t h e SBIFF M on t ecit o Aw ar d

Ir ish act or & dir ect or Hu gh O'Con or pr em ier ed h is f ilm " M et al Hear t "

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melting away in succession before her advance, emerging it seemed from the mists of legend like a ghostly champion conjured forth in the darkest hour of the isle. Not a fortnight before she stood in restless solitude at her haunt at the loftiest window of her stronghold looking yearning to sea.

B y Gr eg Pat r i ck

Pale Hor se Cold Sea The Legend of Grace O'Malley The steward of the English court appeared in austere black and in a flourish of courtly lace and frills. ?The Queen will see you now?.. ?Grace O?Malley of Ireland?he announced...her Anglicized name. Like a dark harlequin she thought him... but a crown of gold did not make a true queen anymore than a shorn mane would unmake a lion... GrĂĄinne NĂ­ MhĂĄille... ?Crop-haired Grace?... She remembered the moment as if it was yesterday, when her hair was shorn to conceal under a seafarer ?s hood, to sail with her father, the chieftain of the O?Malley clan. A changeling, the nurses of the household whispered of her. Always between worlds like a selkie. But she was never out of her element. There was no tempest of sea or battle on land nor foreign hall that would daunt her heart. As she stepped over the ornate threshold of the grand Elizabethan hall, the guardsmen uncrossed their spears and she strode through. The excited whisper of courtiers ushered her into the English Queen?s presence. Alone in a throng like an uncharted with rebellion at heart and poetry at the soul. Till they became the green cold of the sea itself as if every voyage?s wake was her last look back till her vulpine eyes flashed open like vigil flames flaring alight. The gaze more voluminous that the fathomless depths of the waves the ship strode, beckoned for the horizon and the unseen dangers and prizes awaiting that made the land left behind and all it?s travails seem a mere intangible mirage. Gone were the barriers that vexed her on a land, the walls of stone raised by invaders. The falling waves by contrast seemed to be raised walls

She would linger there as lightning would shimmer on the waves in eerie splendor and she would smile in her cryptic way as scenes of the past were ignited to her memory-haunted eyes, visions of sea battles with corsairs, of new cries of her heirs entering the world, of crossing swords with the Sassenach. Betrayals and reunitings, the life of a sea-faring warrior. She savoured the chill air, whispered her own name like a confidence spoken to the sea alone as she had come to the seaside with her own dreams as a lass. Her breath steamed in the chill air as if the name burned in the night. Name like the title of a bardic song. Not a pilgrim?s eyes but a visionary?s eyes, not asking for a revelation or vision but one that seemed to project one upon the canvas of the horizon... her inspiration and dreams like offerings to the sea. Then they became keen again like an unexpected turn in tide and hers were strategist and duelist eyes narrowed like a tigress ready to strike it?s quarry. Eyes startlingly green like a microcosm of Irish sea tide-pooled and the surface and all the depth of spirit that dwelt beneath was a reflection of the isle itself cast upon the sea as the ship sailed free from the coves like a wolf unleashed. The enticement of the waves resplendent with moonlight and tides risen by the full of the moon of a cloudless night that passed her sight like a procession of white seahorses passing in review before a queen. The ways of sea and sky were as fickle and inconstant as those of men. It was as well. She was her own person in a time when so many called others lord or queen and bowed. She smiled savouring and enraptured by the moonbeams upon her... transformative...maddening only to those weak of mind. Inspiring to craving to those ever untamed of heart who only knew their domain amid wilds of sea and forest. Her hand up-lifted beckoning as if conjuring from the cauldrenous mist-enshrouded sea before her. As a white messenger raptor, of the kind who aerie among the crags of the sea cliffs was beheld apparition-like against the moon, pale feathers like ghost tears shed as if hailing in tribute betrayed and slain chieftains. What tidings then? Her son hostage across the sea... She crumpled the letter and let it fall from her hand. Her palm touched her heart as if struck by an assassin?s dagger...old wounds like medals of battle pulsing in the cold. She fed the bird a morsel and caressed it?s feathers eyes distant as it?s own. She knew the pain of captivity and would not wish him that. She shook her head to banish the vision of him like an anchor-less ghost ship lost in a foreign shore.

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

?My Lady..." ?Chieftain the ship awaits the voyage to England." ?We sail then?... If eyes were ?windows into the soul? then it seemed in the startlingly green and feral gaze a rebel angel?s soul throwing itself against the confines of a bright stained-glass cage like a firefly slamming itself into a jar ?s transparent prison...Always something of dream-differed betrayed in a sigh to the horizon, approached with maddening languidity. She paced the rolling deck like a lioness restless to be reunited with her pride, the ship that could effortlessly close with a heavily-laden merchant galley seemed awkward, lethargic... The English court had her son. Her pale chill hand gripped the hilt of her sword. Take her heart and she would take their heads she vowed. I will go for thee son and no sea or ranks of foreign army will come between us again... It seemed like the last dark chess piece poised with dark urgency for a final gambit against rival queen and pawns closing in..and the sea as it smote the shore roaringly receeded like sand through a sieve... Time to make one?s move. The tide had turned for the invader... Her ship was moored offshore, like a restless hound straining at the tether to be unleashed against wolves and awaiting the huntress it seemed to strain against it?s anchor, n eager anticipation of the dark horizon... She did not await the moon?s waning to leave under cover of darkness in a time of Elizabethan spymasters and intrigue. To keep to the shadows would be to be kept with the shadows...Her name and legend would know no obscurity, but would be echoed in bardic songs. Her name would be cried out like a battle cry to the time... I am coming son.

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crowned figure of Macbeth wreathed in mist before the witch?s cauldron of sea. The ship passed over the dark rolling waves above the masts of sunken ships that stood like Atlantean pillars their shorn canvases like banners swaying in the tides, sentinels at attention for the passing of the pirate queen. The soprano-like sigh of the sea at the ship?s hull was duet to her own gaze that closed like a chieftain enthroned in his mead hall to the bard?s song, the harp?s soundwaves and to her the wavesong?s eternal yet ever-changing song bewitching her senses and lulling her restless heart to some measure of repose. Her gaze surveyed the sea like a battlefield, calculating her ship?s course against the rapidly-changing elements. But she was no aloof lover from the sea?s enchantments. In an age when chieftains yielded their swords to a foreign tyrant?s whims the sea? the cast-off to the lands beyond sight. And she stood at the helm like an uncharted isle in her own right..aloof from the crew and they knew not to disturb her in those moments. As distant and detached she would seem in those moments as a pilgrim on the summit of Croagh Patrick. It was said in the fatalism of the warrior seafarers not to count the stars for the maelstrom clouds would gather. She allowed herself the luxury...the solace of a smile as the shores of the other isle came into sight. She had a son to rescue, even if all lands behind would have a new crown above them. She would stand unbowed, she would know freedom akin to that she knew on the waves of the Irish sea in an embrace of reuniting as waves rush to meet the shore.

Standing broodingly overlooking Clew Bay like the lone

About this months wr iter... A poet and wr iter 's j ob is to convey a stor y or a state of mind and if done well; to make the reader think and reflect on the tale told. Questions that our inspired and whimsical contr ibutor Greg Patr ick has pondered and penned before and again now do j ust that. I ntrepid Tr aveler, Author and Poet, Greg Patr ick was bor n in I reland and resides in Or ange County when he is in the States. Our Reader s can purchase the books by Greg Patr ick online. . Click here for details:\ w w lu .com We in vit e su bm ission t o t h is f eat u r e. A poem , t ale or saga in t h e Ir ish Bar dic Tr adit ion ar e all w an t ed. E-M ail u s at ir ish m issive@gm

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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Get you Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...Sen d it t o: ir ish m issive@gm

w w pen t er ar t s.or g Su n day, M ar ch 3 @ 5:00pm

Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Com pan y Sat u r day M ar 2 at 8 pm Forget what you think you know about Irish Dancing, this is Trinity? a thoroughly fresh and engaging vision that goes beyond traditional Irish dance without losing touch with its essence. Lead by Artistic Director Mark Howard, Trinity reshaped Irish Dance in America with a progressive artistic expression and groundbreaking new works. Trinity dazzles audience with hard-driving percussive power, lightning fast agility, areal grace, and the awe-inspiring precision of its dancers with results that calls, ?impossibly complex.?

Tickets are available starting @ $50

Car pen t er Cen t er 6200 At h er t on St r eet Lon g Beach , CA 90815. Tick et Of f ice: 562 985-7000

Fr iday, M ar ch 8 Pat r ick Ball is on e of t h e pr em ier Celt ic h ar p player s in the world and a captivating spoken word artist. At this concert Ball presents a new show:

TROOPER THORN Ir ish M u sic by on e of t h e best & m ost popu lar gr ou ps in SoCal...celebr at in g w it h f an s an d f r ien ds...t h e 31st . An n iver sar y of t h e HARP INN IRISH PUB! On e of t h e f in est pu bs in SoCal..always a great show, fun

times and a good mix of tunes! The Harp Inn Irish Pub Costa Mesa, CA Sat u r day, M ar ch 9 @ 9:30pm

THE WHOOLIGANS ar e back f or Ir ish M u sic, M ayh em & M isch if !! Th er e ar e a lot of Ir ish n am ed bar s an d su ch in Seal Beach ...t h er e is on ly on e au t h en t ic Ir ish Pu b an d Rest au r an t ...O'M alley 's

On M ain ... t h e Ir ish Hear t of Seal Beach w alleyssealbeach .com

"Come Dance with Me in Ireland A Pilgrimage to Yeats Country." Cof f ee Galler y Back st age 2029 N. Lak e Ave Alt aden a, CA w w w.cof f eegaller

Sat u r day, M ar ch 9 St ar t s @ Knights of Columbus St Patrick's Dinner and fund raiser.

805 336-9747 Ven t u r a, Ca

HAVE A LISTING FOR OUR SPECIAL ST PATRICK'S DAY ISSUE/// Call or E Mail Jim or Patrick: 951 216-1493 WHOOLIGANS' FANS Check out their full schedule! Sat u r day, Jan u ar y 19 @ 10:00pm Au ld Du blin er Ir ish Pu b on Pin e St .Lon g Beach , CA

w w lddu blin er .com Su n day, Jan u ar y 20 @ 2:00pm M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b Br u n ch an d gr eat t im es on t h e pat io--Ir ish M u sic w it h on e of t h e best Tr ad Gr ou ps ar ou n d...

CRAIC IN THE STONE 202 New por t Cen t er Dr New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110

w w w.m u ldoon spu

M ar ch , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t




is a gr eat day f or t h e w h ole f am ily : so com e h ave lu n ch , som e r ef r esh m en t s, an d en joy a celebr at ion of Ir ish cu lt u r e!

To Sign Up Sen d an em ail: cor bin @m u ldoon spu

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr

New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110 w w w.m u ldoon spu

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An M ar t a

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar Th u r sday, M ar ch 14 @ 7:30pm

St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d Con n or Reider , pr in cipal dan cer in a gr eat Ir ish n igh t at Sch er r For u m Th eat r e. Special gu est s - Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y u n der t h e dir ect ion of M aeve Cr ok

Sch er r For u m Th eat r e THE THOUSAND OAKS CIVIC ARTS PLAZA 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Box Office at 805.449.2787

Fr i d ay, M ar ch 15 C o ck t ai l s @ 6 :0 0 p m

M A RI N A C I T Y C L U B D I N N ER SH O W 7PM t o 11PM

I RI SH M U SI C K r i s C o l t & h er B l ack Ro se B an d

T h e B l ack Ro se B an d h as gai n ed f an s t h r o u gh t h e y ear s w i t h a u n i q u e so u n d an d gr eat m i x & w i d e r an ge o f T r ad i t i o n al , St an d ar d s an d O r i gi n al s!

T h e p u b l i c i s i n v i t ed . 4 333 A D M I RA LT Y W AY M A RI N A D EL REY, C A 310 822- 0 6 11

Click Link for Info & Tickets \ w w w.civicar t /

Reser v at i o n s ar e r eq u i r ed

sh ow _det p?id=629


Sat u r day & Su n day M ar ch 16: Br in g in

M ar ch 17: PUB OPENS @ 8AM f or Fu ll Br eak f ast Ser vice


St . Paddy 's Day in Ir elan d 4PM (PST).. M idn igh t in Du blin

... get a ju m p on you r celebr at ion s w it h

$1. Gu in n ess Pin t s

f r om 3:30 t o 4PM w w lddu blin er .com

Play ALL DAY starting @ 1PM

71 S.Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA


Kr is Colt an d h er Black Rose Ban d In BIG BEAR TWO PADDY'S Weekend shows

M ar ch 16 Wyat t ?s Gr ill sn d Saloon At Big Bear Con ven t ion Cen t er 7-11 pm

w w w.BigBear Even t M ar ch 17 t h e Can yon Cow boy 5:30-8:30. w w w.t h ecan yon cow

SUNDAY< M ARCH 17 St . Pat r ick 's Day

Br illian t Gypsies ar e playin g f r om 10am -1pm Fin n M cCool?s in San t a M on ica

Th e Pr at ies ar e per f or m in g 3pm t o 7pm GODM OTHERS 302 W 7t h st r eet San Pedr o CA Again on PADDY'S DAY EVE f r om 10:30pm t o 1am JOXER DALYS 11168 W. Wash in gt on Blvd, Cu lver Cit y, CA

The Praties will be releasing their new CD ?Traffic Window Jigs? on St. Patrick?s day weekend and will be available at the shows. Cover Artwork, a painting ?Freeway Whistler ? by Steve O'Loughlin. w w w.t h epr at

w w w.h ar pin n .com

Sat u r day, Apr il 10: Harpist Dennis Doyle at Bieder m an n Hall, Sacr ed Hear t Ch u r ch (805 804-7558. Fu n dr aiser : Det ails Soon YOUTUBE LINK

h t t ps:/ / w w t u / w at ch ?v=1u t M zdbbgeI&t =17s

On Goin g List in gs EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY St ar t s at 4:00pm . GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s..t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

M OST THURSDAYS AT THE AULD DUBLINER Ken O?M alley Solo w w lddu blin er .com

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose

Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

w w w.ken om

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Th e Deadlin e f or ou r 2019 St . Pat r ick 's Day Special Issu e is M ar ch 9 If you w an t t o place an ad, su bm it an Even t , Lin k or List in g...Please Call 951 216-1493 EM ail: ir ish m issive@gm

Cou r t yar d Con cer t s at M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b

ar e aw esom e! Alw ays of f er in g t h e best t r adit ion al Ir ish M u sic t h at you can f in d in Calif or n ia!


M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b

Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de!

202 New por t Cen t er Dr New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110

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