I r ish Film Special...Featuring: I r ish Spotlight & A Bevy of Cinema Features!
Volume XXVI # 4
Aibreรกn - Apr il, 2019
NBFF Pr esen t s 20t h . An n u al IRISH SPOTLIGHT St ar t s on Page 3
See Page 9 for Pictorial Feature
Ir ish Got h ic Neil Jor dan's GRETA Starts on Page 8
Th e Holy Fail NOW on AM AZON PRIM E Streamong Link See Page 21
Aibr eรกn ~ Apr il
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Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Cin em a Even t t o Spot ligh t 31 Film s f r om Ir elan d Fest ival t o Hon or Ir ish Act or M oe Du n f or d w it h Breakthrough Artist Award Th e 20t h an n u al New por t Beach Film Fest ival
(NBFF) presented by Pacific Sales will present the largest celebration of Irish Cinema in North America during its eight-day run (April 25 - May 2, 2019) in Southern California. Highlights include an Irish Showcase event, red carpet premieres, Breakthrough Artist Award presentation to M oe Du n f or d, eleven Irish feature length films, twenty Irish short films, the participation of Irish filmmakers and talent.
Directed by Hugh O?Conor, Metal Heart (Regional Premiere) (6:30pm) stars Jor dan n e Jon es, Leah M cNam ar a, M oe Du n f or d, Seรกn Doyle and Aar on Hef f er n an . Home alone for their last summer together before adulthood beckons, two estranged twin sisters find their way back to one another. Directed by Morgan Bushe, The Belly of the Whale (US Premiere) (6:45pm) stars Ar t Par k in son , Pat Sh or t t , Lau r en Kin sella, M ich ael Sm iley, Lew is M acDou gall, Pet er Coon an . Two down-and-outs bonded together in misfortune devise a plan to rob a small-town amusement arcade.
M oe Du n f or d Risin g Ir ish St ar an d Aw ar d Win n er On Sunday, April 28th, 2019, the Festival will present its Ir ish Sh ow case, an evening celebration of Celtic cinema and culture. The event will feature the premiere of the three highly anticipated Irish films, Metal Heart, The Belly of the Whale and Rosie followed by a festive post-screening reception. The Irish Showcase films will screen at Edw ar ds Big New por t (300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA). The post-screening celebration will take place at M u ldoon?s Ir ish Pu b (202 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA) and will feature music by Cillian?s Bridge and hosted hors d'oeuvres.
Directed by Paddy Breathnach and written by award-winning Irish novelist Roddy Doyle, Rosie (US Premiere) (7:00pm) stars Sar ah Gr een e, M oe Du n f or d, Ellie O'Hallor an and Ru by Du n n e. After their landlord sells their rented home, a young mother tries to protect her family from homelessness. The Newport Beach Film Festival Irish Showcase is presented by Aer Lin gu s ? LAX t o DUB Dir ect and Gu in n ess and supported by Cu lt u r e Ir elan d and Scr een Ir elan d in partnership with, The Irish Herald, Irish Arts & Entertainment, Ir ish Film an d Television Academ y, Ir ish Film In st it u t e, Galw ay Film Fleadh , Irish American Magazine, Cor k Film Fest ival, Th e Ir elan d Fu n ds, Ir ish Scr een Am er ica, Rich ar d Har r is In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival, Vir gin M edia Du blin In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival, Ir ish Fair Fou n dat ion , Con su lat e Gen er al of Ir elan d and M u ldoon?s Ir ish Pu b. Admission to an Irish Spotlight film and the post party is $25.00.
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Am azin g Expan sion & Par t icipat ion For 2019 Ir ish Spot ligh t In the 20th Annual NBFF, one salient factor stands out; the depth of interest in Irish Films and Filmmakers! One such entity is Cultural Ireland which did not even exist 20 years ago.
Culture Ireland wishes everyone involved in the Newport Beach Film Festival every success in its 20th year and is delighted to be able to support the Irish filmmakers presenting at the Irish Showcase?, stated Christine Sisk, Director of Culture Ireland.
Variety Magazine at the Balboa Bay Resor t (1221 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach). Dunford, who stars in three of the Festival?s Irish films (Metal Heart, Rosie, The Dig) and is best known for Vikings, Patrick?s Day and Michael Inside (a 2018 NBFF official selection), has emerged as one of Ireland?s most talented and versatile actors with a robust slate of films in the works, on the festival circuit and in theatrical release. ?We are delighted to partner with the Newport Beach Film Festival to present a host of exciting new Irish films to audiences in Southern California. It?s a very exciting time for the Irish filmindustry, which has seen huge growth
On Saturday, April 28, the Festival will honor Irish Actor M oe Du n f or d with the Breakthrough Artist Award at the 2019 Festival Honors reception co-hosted by
M or e Sch edu led Scr een in gs Sat u r day, Apr il 27 @ 1:00PM The Festival will present the short program Irish Lads and Lassie Shorts at 1: at Tr ian gle? Cin em a (1870 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA). Films in the program include All in Good Time, First Disco, Low Tide, Honest, Cry Rosa and The Wireman. Su n day, Apr il 28 @ 2:00pm Edw ar ds Big New por t (300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA). Irish Love, Luck and Lore Shorts? Both Irish Shorts program will screen.. Films in the program include Ruby, Heart Overheard, Q41 (quest For Love), My Future Self, Procession and The Overcoat. Irish Strong Eire Shorts? will screen at 4:15pm. Films in the program include Taking Stock, Psychic, Johnny, Back Water, Bending Glass, The Vasectomy Doctor. Admission to each of the Irish Shorts programs is $16.00
and international acclaim in recent years. This showcase of Irish films features a wide range of films from new and established directors, telling a variety of Irish stories covering issues of cultural identity, friendship and homelessness?, stated James Hickey CEO, Screen Ireland. The Newport Beach Film Festival will present three curated Irish Shorts programs. The slate features several North American Premieres and represents some of the strongest narrative, documentary and animated short films available on the international festival circuit.
M ar ch , 2019
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld
M ORE ON IRISH FILM S AT NBFF Two Irish feature length documentary films in the line-up include The Man Who Wanted to Fly (US Premiere) and Loopers: The Caddie's Long WalkI Also the Irish documentaries An Engineer Imagines (US Premiere), Citizen Lane (US Premiere) and the short Irish documentary Bordalo II: A Life of Waste will screen as part of the Festival?s Art, Architecture + Design Film Series. Other Irish feature length narrative films screening at the Newport Beach Film Festival include the international premiere of acclaimed Irish director, Alexandra McGuinness?film, She?s Missing.
Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick
Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s
Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@ ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media Special Thanks to William O'Sullivan of O'Brien's for 25 Years of loyalty and support for this publication!!
East er W eek en d at T H E H A RP Sat u r d ay, A p r i l 20 I RI SH M U SI C w i t h C I L L I A N 'S B RI D GE St at i n g @ 4 PM EA ST ER SU N D AY I r i sh B r eak f ast o r B r u n ch O PEN @ 9A M
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THE M AN WHO WANTED TO FLY Delightfully determined, this story of an 80ish Irish Farmer who never gives up on his dream to fly! Meet and love Bobby Coote at the NBFF!
In f o an d u pdat es visit : www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com. w w w.t h em an w h ow an t edt of ly.com
Continued on 8
Gr egg Sch w en k , Fou n der an d CEO of t h e NBFF
ABOUT THE IRISH SPOTLIGHT ?The Festival is extremely proud to showcase outstanding Irish Cinema. We are honored to host the most comprehensive collection of Irish film in the history of the Festival and the largest in North America. This year ?s program reflects the exceptionally strong creative talent in Ireland?, according to Gregg Schwenk, CEO of the Newport Beach Film Festival. For ticket information and updates visit www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com.
IRISH SHOWCASE CONCLUSION In addition Irish feature length narrative films screening at the Newport Beach Film Festival include John Butler ?s, Papi Chulo (Regional Premiere) and Carmel Winters?, Float Like A Butterfly (US Premiere). The Irish animated feature Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (US Premiere) will screen in the Festival?s Family Film Series. The Irish short film Breastfriends will screen as part of the Festival?s Growing Up Shortly program.
Apr il, 2019
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O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b an d Rest au r an t Celebr at es 25th. Anniver sar y On Apr il 22 It is hard to imagine that O'Brien's Irish Pub is turning 25 years old this month. That is a quarter of a century! An impressive stretch of years by any human standard and in this particular case, a wonderful batch of years! Years, months, weeks, days and evenings filled with fond memories, wonderful ceebrations, fantastic good fun and times and a wealth of friendly encounters. All of this happened because of William O'Sullivan, a young man from Cork and his dream and vision of being a publican in America and subsequently opening an authentic Irish Pub in Santa Monica. This writer was there from the inception. In fact, my first visit to O'Brien's was a day or two after O'Sullivan, Willy to all his legions of fans, friends and patrons, had signed the papers to acquire a French Restaurant that occupied the premises. We made a deal on the spot for the then fairly new Irish News of California to advertise and promote the brand new Irish Pub! The association has been one of the best experiences of my life and if you are a patron, you most likely have similar thoughts! Willy, "A toast to you and your good heart.; to another 25 years...Slan agus beannacht."
ABOVE: Pu blican , Willy O'Su llivan in f r on t of a San t a M on ica t r adit ion an d f avor it e pu b t o h u n dr eds: O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b an d Rest au r an t
BELOW: M an dy O'Keef f e w h o w or k ed at O'Br ien's f or abou t t h e f ir st 15 yer s!
NEW BLOOD! As the old guard Irish melt away, O'Brien's has kept relevent with its ambiance and style and attracted the next wave of patrons.
ABOVE: Willy an d a gu est bar t en der ! Th r ou gh t h e year s, O'Br ien'd h as r aised t h ou san d of dollar s f or var iou s ch ar it ies by h ost in g even t s an d don at ion s!
BELOW: Pr obably t h e best Pu b Qu iz in t h e US an d f or su r e # 1 in Calif or n ia! Dr op by an d you w ill pr obably m eet som e past an d f u t u r e Jepr ody con t est an t s.
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Ref lect ion s on 25 Year s of Ser vin g Gr eat Pin t s, Good Ch eer s an d Obser vin g t h e Hu m an Com edy
w w w .au l d d u bl i n er .com
(562) 437-8300
See Q & A Page 28
Apr il, 2019
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Review & Synopsis:
Neil Jor dan's GRETA By Bar bar a Sin ger
GRETA St ar Isabelle Hu pper t at t h e San t a Bar bar a In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival in Febr u ar y ...photo by Barbara Singer
A Neil Jor dan Film
GRETA St ar r in g Isabelle Huppert, Chloë Grace . Moretz, Maika Monroe, Colm Feore, and Stephen Rea Syn opsis A sweet, naïve young woman trying to make it on her own in New York City, Frances (Chloë Grace Moretz) doesn?t think twice about returning the handbag she finds on the subway to its rightful owner. That owner is Greta (Isabelle Huppert), an eccentric French piano teacher with a love for classical music and an aching loneliness. Having recently lost her mother, Frances quickly grows closer to widowed Greta. The two become fast friends ? but Greta?s maternal charms begin to dissolve and grow increasingly disturbing as Frances discovers that nothing in Greta?s life is what it seems .
w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com / sh oppe/
ED Note: This Irish Film set in New York (but shot in Dublin) is a grand suspense tale of dark mischief. Might be hard to find in a theater by press time but well worth streaming.. REVIEW Follow s On NEXT PAGE
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Aibr eรกn themselves locked in a struggle; will Erica win the day and St ylish Th r iller ?Gr et a? is t h e Lat est unravel the mystery? Film f r om Ir ish dir ect or Neil Jor dan Is it too late for Frances to be saved. The chilling by Bar bar a Sin ger conclusion awaits our readers. The latest film from Academy Award-winner Irish With the illusion of New York City, ?Greta? was shot mainly director Neil Jordan is a stylish, low-key horror film in Dublin, Ireland and Toronto, Canada and a bit of NYC. ?Greta.? Based on a screenplay ?The Widow? by Ray The main interior scenes were based at Dublin?s Ardmore Wright, who co-wrote the film with Jordan. It focuses on a Studios with a trendy, eclectic mix of NYC living and bizarre encounter between an older French woman and a exterior views like St. Stephen?s Park. young woman, who meet by chance (or maybe not); the film then develops like a Hitchcock thriller. Neil Jordan perceives ?Greta? as a story of obsession, as terror develops out of a simple gesture. Multi-award winner, French actress Isabelle Huppert is Greta and Chloe Grace Moretz is 20-year old Frances, who has recently lost her mother. Frances lives with her friend, Erica played by Maika Monroe, both have opposite personalities, yet are close friends. Frances, who frequently rides the NYC subway, comes upon a nice woman?s handbag on a recent ride and is determined to do the right thing and return it the rightful owner, against the coercion of her roommate. Greta, a former classical piano teacher, quickly invites Frances over to her bungalow, where the two women Neil Jor dan an d Ch loe Gr ace M or et z bond over coffee, as classical music resounds in the background. We learn that Greta is no ordinary woman; The creative Neil Jordan hails from Sligo, Ireland; he wrote she is cunning and dogmatic, scheming to be a mother many books before turning his talents into film with his figure to Frances and will not take no for an answer, as first film ?Angel? that he wrote and directed. With an she begins to stalk Frances at her job, her home and impressive background, among his awards include: an everywhere. The NYC Police are reluctant to get involved Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globes, a Golden Lion (Venice Film until Greta makes an outburst at Frances?work. Festival) and a Silver Bear (Berlin). His many films have international acclaim, as well as recognition for the TV series ?The Borgias.? The ?Greta? team included producer James Flynn, acclaimed producer and political activist Lawrence Bender, prolific producer John Penotti, two-time Academy Award nominated cinematographer Seamus McGarvey from Armagh in Northern Ireland was Director of Photography, admired costume designer Joan Bergin and artistic others. Isabelle Huppert, who won a golden Globe and was nominated for an Academy Award for ?Elle? in 2016, is a film and stage actress, who has won many awards and special honors from France. Chloe Grace Moretz and Maike Monroe became fast friends on and off stage and an early connection between Huppert and Moretz emerged. Well-known actor Colm Feore plays Frances? dad. The recurring melody of Franz Liszt?s Liebestraume Ignoring Erica?s warnings, Frances must deal with permeates through the film. Film composer Javier deception and fear when she discovers a cabinet of Navarrete works with the Orchestra of Ireland to provide identical handbags and a realization that she has been the film?s haunting music. trapped. Frances is under Greta?s ?fatal attraction?of Just think, Dear Readers, character like Greta could be treacherously grabbing what she wants; soon it is too late, living in your own neighborhood. Be careful, when you as Frances is drugged and kidnapped. enter a stranger?s house; expect the unexpected. Irish actor Stephen Rea (?The Crying Game?) has appeared in 11 of Jordan?s films and now returns as a private investigator to seek out Greta and find the missing CLICK BELOW FOR LATEST ISSUE Frances., hired by Frances?father. After a pleasant visit with Greta; she finds him a bit too savvy and is perplexed at how to deal with him. As the plot thickens and turns unexpectedly and the doubts and dark fears abound; an unexpected twist develops. Erica has a plan to expose Greta using her knowledge of the cupboard of fatal handbags, as a means to find Frances through a disguise as an innocent girl, who has found the familiar planted handbag on the same subway that Frances often traveled. Greta lures her over as a new victim; the two women find
Apr il, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
View From Ireland
BREXIT an d Ir elan d's Colon ial Legacy By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Conversations in Northern Ireland and Britain these days are often marked by a studied avoidance of the predominant news story, Brexit. It is getting to be impolite to mention it? some people even cover it with asterisks in emails. The legacy of the Northern Troubles is yet another elephant in the room. But since both issues are reaching critical points just now, I will accept full liability and write about them. On March 12 (and several times since then), the British House of Commons again voted down the Withdrawal Agreement that British Prime Minister Theresa May negotiated with the EU last November by a margin of 149 votes. The following day the Commons voted again? this time on taking off the table the catastrophic proposition of leaving the EU without a deal at all? and just about managed to pass that motion by four votes. Yet that vote was an exercise in futility: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte likened it to ?the Titanic voting for the iceberg to get out of the way?. It is certain that the EU?s deal is its final offer to the UK, and British MPs have twice rejected it in huge numbers. MPs have had two and a half years to get real about the Brexit they sponsored, but there are not there yet. The most immediate problem then became that Theresa May agreed that the UK had to leave the EU by March 29th. So the Commons voted in favour of seeking a three month extension of this deadline to prevent the UK economy experiencing a locked-in syndrome. But that extension will only come with harsh conditions imposed by the EU that will hobble PM Theresa May (and weaken the British negotiation position) still further. This is getting to be an average week in British politics and, all the while, Northern Ireland languishes without an assembly and is effectively ruled by London, which alienates Northern nationalists. As ever, if Britain sneezes, Northern Ireland catches the flu, and the spiralling instability in London has comprehensively infected Northern Ireland. As if relations in Northern Ireland were not fraught enough, the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley, managed to aggravate them on March 6th with a singularly crass comment in the House of Commons about atrocities perpetuated by the British military and the Northern Ireland police during the Troubles. In response to DUP MP Emma Little-Pengelly on the floor of the Commons, it took Bradley all of twenty seconds to torpedo herself: ?The fewer than ten per cent [of killings during the Troubles] that were at the hands of the military and police were not crimes. They were people acting under orders and under instruction and fulfilling their duties in a dignified and appropriate way. I look forward to working with her more to ensure that we can deliver the much needed reforms and changes that we all
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want to see?. Setting aside the factual inaccuracy, which is inevitable since the degree of collusion between the ?security forces? and loyalist terrorists during the Troubles has never been adequately revealed, Bradley?s comments have made her unacceptable to nationalists in the North. Additionally, her statement clearly means that members of the military and police who killed under orders and instruction are ipso facto exculpated from criminal charges. If Bradley had been following the news, she would have known that that very motion was under hot debate: a judicial decision on whether the paratroopers who killed fourteen innocent people on Bloody Sunday in Derry in 1972 could be prosecuted for murder was to be determined the following week (on March 14th). However, the most salient aspect of Bradley?s mistake is how willingly she accepted Little-Pengelly?s comments at face value and how quickly she offered to work with her to deliver ?reforms and changes?: the insensitivity of her remarks was matched by her partisanship. For her dilettantish admission, former Northern Ireland police ombudsman, Nuala O?Loan, called for Bradley to be fired. If Bradley had a solid record in Northern Ireland (she has anything but) her credibility might somehow have survived this, but now her reputation is shot. That Theresa May has not dismissed her is further evidence that May is the chief proponent of pandering to and appeasing the DUP. Yet Bradley inadvertently hit upon a truth. As much as their ?acting under orders and under instruction and fulfilling their duties?does not exculpate British soldiers who committed murders and other crimes during the Troubles, it is those who gave the orders who are most culpable. As Eamonn McCann, the best journalist on Bloody Sunday, noted recently: ?Three weeks before Bloody Sunday Maj Gen Robert Ford, commander of land forces in Northern Ireland, wrote in a memo? ?the minimum force necessary to achieve a restoration of law and order is to shoot selected ringleaders??. The Bloody Sunday massacre was a diktat from the top. On March 14th the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland ruled that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute one low-ranking solider for murders committed on Bloody Sunday. A full 47 years have passed for the families of the victims to receive this small measure of retributive justice. Bradley?s Conservative Party colleague, the inestimable Boris Johnson, weighed into the debate: ?It feels sickening that we are persecuting these elderly men for doing what they thought was their duty? in uniform, under orders? after we gave dozens of wanted terrorists a get-out-of-jail-free card under the Good Friday Agreement. If Johnson desires ?balance?on this matter, then he and his colleagues would have to accept an equivalence between IRA terrorism and British army terrorism. The British government is no more ready to countenance that than it is to confront its Brexit failures. Denialism about the former is curiously linked with the ludicrous practices of the UK parliament in its attempts to effect Brexit. We are witnessing the posturing of a redundant imperialist power whose day is now done.
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O'Brien's Irish Pub and Restaurant Celebrating 25 Years as the Westside's Most Authentic and Popular Irish Owned and Operated Establishment! Monday. April 22
On beh alf of t h e Ir ish Com m u n it y in SoCal.." .TO WILLY an d All t h e St af f ...Past & Pr esen t of O'Br ien's! M ay you r blessin gs be m an y an d you r t r ou bles be f ew ! Her e's t o an ot h er 25 Happy Year s w it h all of You !"
O 'B r i en 's I r i sh Pu b an d Rest au r an t 2226 W ilshire Blvd. Sant a M onica, CA
310 829-5303 www.obriensla.com
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Kick Off for 2019 Run 4 Water is NOW UNDERWAY! Join the dedicated and driven participants in raising funds to help solve the water crisis in Uganda. This is a grass roots American & Irish Effort under the direction of Irish Born, Nick Jordan. Be one of the first of our readers to sign up, Go to h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ For 2019, the organizers have announced their stated intention of raising enough money to drill 50 Wells. YOU CAN HELP. The Irish Arts & Entertainment is going to field a team. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the total cost of $6000 to fund the second Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Fr ien ds & Reader s Well in Ugan da. Click this link for more information and/ or to register to join and support our team:
h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ 2018 Ru n 4Wat er w as a h u ge su ccess t h at f u n ded t h e dr illin g of 40 w ells in Ugan da!
Th is lit t le gu y n eed ou r h elp! We all w an t t o be par t of t h e t eam t h at is solvin g at least som e of t h e pr oblem s of t h e w or ld. Please h elp u s an d bu r st ou t of you r com f y lit t le bu bble. Th e n eeds ar e gr eat an d Your Actions can m ak e a ver y big dif f er en ce..Click lin k .... h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ
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Br ian Fr iel?s Aw ar d Win n in g
FAITH HEALER Now Playin g at t h e Odyssey Th eat r e
Fr an k played by Pau l Nor w ood
An Odyssey Th eat r e Com pan y Pr odu ct ion , t h e Dar k ly Deliciou s an d Rivet in g Ir ish Classic is dir ect ed by Ron Sosse Is Fantastic Francis Hardy a miracle worker ? or a showman in search of a dollar? Odyssey Th eat r e En sem ble continues its 50t h an n iver sar y season with Faith Healer, Br ian Fr iel?s mysterious, humorous and unforgettable work about an itinerant Irish healer. Odyssey artistic director Ron Sossi directs for a M ar ch 23 opening, with performances continuing through May 12.
Gr ace, por t r ayed by Dian a Cign on i
Uniquely structured, Faith Healer illustrates the healing power of faith through four separate monologues. First we meet Frank, played by Pau l Nor w ood (title role in Edward II at the Globe Playhouse), as he grapples with his ?gift.? Next is Frank?s patient but suffering wife, Grace, portrayed by Dian a Cign on i (Odyssey productions of White Marriage, Oedipus Machina, Beckett 5, Taking Sides). Third up is Frank?s promoter and set-up man, a Cockney named Teddy realized by Ron Bot t it t a (currently on stage at the Odyssey in Hir, previously seen in Odyssey productions of Rank, Theatre in the Dark and Accidental Death of an Anarchist), who puts a touching and comical show business spin on events. Frank?s epilogue brings the play to a startling conclusion. According to Sossi, the play is ?at once a Rashomon type mystery, a delving into talent versus sham and, ultimately, a uniquely metaphysical view of life.? One of Ireland?s greatest playwrights, Brian Friel is best known for his works Philadelphia Here I Come!, Translations and Dancing at Lughnasa. Faith Healer is Friel?s masterpiece, defining his uniquely poetic and intensely human voice, a landmark play in the rich landscape of Irish theater. The creative team includes set designer St eph an ie Ker ley Sch w ar t z, sound designer Ch r ist oph er M oscat iello and costume designer Den ise Blasor . Faith Healer continues the Odyssey Theatre Ensemble?s 50th anniversary season .theater Always maintaining the highest artistic standards, the Odyssey continues to explore, produce and present works on the forefront of contemporary and exciting. Per f or m an ces of Faith Healer t ak e place on Fr idays an d Sat u r days at 8 p.m . an d Su n days at 2 p.m . f r om M ar ch 23 t h r ou gh M ay 12. On Su n day, M ar ch 24 on ly, t h e per f or m an ce w ill be at 5 p.m . w it h n o 2 p.m . m at in ee. Addit ion al w eek n igh t per f or m an ces ar e sch edu led on Wedn esday, Apr il 10; Th u r sday, Apr il 18; an d Wedn esday, M ay 8, all at 8 p.m . Tick et s r an ge f r om $32 t o $37; t h er e w ill be t h r ee ?Tix f or $10? per f or m an ces, on Fr iday, M ar ch 29; Wedn esday, Apr il 10; an d Fr iday, Apr il 26. Addit ion al discou n t s ar e available at select per f or m an ces f or sen ior s,
Teddy r ealized by Ron Bot t it t a
st u den t s an d pat r on s u n der 30; call t h eat er f or det ails.
to OdysseyTheatre.com.
(310) 477-2055 or go
Apr il
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35th Year Anniver sar y CONGRATUL ATI ONS and our ver y best wiahes for your continued success!! Tr icia, Nan and Walter !
Apr il, 2019
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
San t a An a Sit es Pr esen t s Du blin's Abbey Th eat r e, TWO PINTS Santa Ana Sites, a program of Community Engagement, to stimulate positive social interaction in diverse communities through the performing arts, is pleased to present Sites #23. All the way from Dublin, Abbey Theatre?s Two Pints brings wit and charm to a night out drinking, Thursday, May 2 through Sunday, May 5 at The Red Room at Chapter One. After two sold-out tours in pubs across Ireland and the UK, Roddy Doyle?s ?achingly, breathtakingly funny?Two Pints heads to the US. As Director, Caitriona McLaughlin says, ?the play is utterly true to the banter you might hear between any two men in their 60s sitting in a pub,?it?s colorful, humorous, full of life, and more intimate than a rip-roaring pub is imagined to be. The characters talk about their Da?s, death, Nigella, North Korea, the afterlife, and more.
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Santa Ana Sites presents an opportunity to be immersed in this performance with only 40 seats per show. Tickets for Two Pints are on sale now at SantaAnaSites.com . To stay up to date on shows brought to you by Santa Ana Sites be sure to like the Facebook Page.
It started as a Facebook conversation. Now it?s a play at a pub. Two Pints brilliantly blends the intelligence and existential insights of Samuel Beckett with the humor and charm of a barstool philosopher; only to be expected from the poet laureate of Ireland?s working class behind The Commitments, The Snapper, and The Van. Ireland?s national theater, Abbey Theatre is inspired by Irish dramatic writing and the ideals of their revolutionary founders. In every endeavor, they are for Ireland and all its people, looking toward inclusivity and diversity. Therefore, their productions imaginatively engage with their audiences, ambitiously and courageously.
?Th e Holy Fail?is a very funny comedy caper set in Cork, Ireland. It's about a seemingly hapless young Irishman (Owen Dara) who is desperately trying to save a marriage, in which his wife (Jessica Lancaster) is getting bored of the life they created together. In an effort to mend the relationship, he attempts to show his wife how exciting he can be by agreeing to rob a safe with his best friend. With his wife enthusiastically on board, the couple, along with two of their wacky friends, plot to commit the robbery. What next ensues is a hilarious series of events as the unlikely criminals stumble through the planning and execution of what they believe to be a justified crime. In spite of a series of mishaps, they seem to be on the road to success, but unfortunately for them, they are ill- equipped for their greatest challenge yet? the wrath of an Irish nun. Will they learn the lesson of Thou Shalt Not Steal? With the success of the robbery now thwarted, is there any hope for the declining marriage?
w w w.t h eh olyf ailf ilm .com
The Holy Fail was a stand out success on the US and Independent film festival circuit since its premier last year. The film won numerous awards inclusing Best Picture abd Actir! The Hollywood and New York Theatrical Release garnered critical praise and audience appreciation. Now The Holy Fail can be streamed and purchased via AMAZON. h t t ps:/ / w w w.am azon .com / Holy-Fail-
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The FENI ANS 2019 HOOL EY TOUR Filling Up Fast Limited Space Available, Get Booking I nfo Now For the past several years, The FENIANS have been leading a very exciting and well planned tour to Ireland. The tour sold out last year and the news and recollections from those who were on the tour were filled with nothing but praise for every aspect of the trip. This year, the opportunity to up the capacity was offered and Terry Casey told us recently of the good news for our readers! You can still book space for the 2019 HOOLEY to Ireland in
October! Several friends have taken this tour in past years and we know first hand that this is truly a chance of a lifetime to see and experience some of the best places in Ireland as part of a contingent of affable FENIANS and Irish Music fans who share your interests and love of all that Ireland and Irish Culture has to offer! For more information; please go to The FENIANS web page:
w w w.t h ef en ian s.com Or contact the travel company below.
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Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you!
St. Patr ick's Day 2019 T h e L o s A n gel es M ay o r , C i t y C o u n ci l an d T h e I r i sh Fai r Fo u n d at i o n , co - sp o n so r ed t h e A n n u al I RI SH D AY C I V I C C EREM O N I ES. Am azin g Hist or y of t h e IRISH CIVIC DAY The Irish Civic Day Ceremonies have been held annually since 1876 at City Hall,,
Con r oy.
The awards for the Irish Man and Woman, & Honorees are as follows: Ir ish M an of t h e Year Th om as Kelleh er , Pr esiden t Los An geles Police Em er ald Societ y Ir ish Wom an of t h e Year Er in Scot t Hain es, Pr esiden t , M cNu lt y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce The 2019 Irish Honorees are: M an dy Ok eef f e, Cat h leen Sw een ey, Den n is Su llivan , Ran dy Bear d, Tr ist en Wolf f e, Ch r ist y Caldw ell, Rach el Rat h , Ror y Ait k en , Cat r ion a Weaf er , an d Dan
The award ceremonies were hosted by the Honorable Tom LaBonge and Griffin Healy, President of the Irish Fair Foundation. After the ceremony, the Honorees attended an Irish Civic Day Lunch at Dublin?s Irish Whiskey Pub,
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Cin eCon cer t s 25t h An n iver sar y Scr een in g of t h e icon ic Not r e Dam e Un iver sit y Foot ball Film RUDY w as on e of t h e h igh ligh t s of M ar ch . Th e f ilm w as sh ow n w it h t h e Aw ar d Win n in g Film Scor e per f or m ed live by t h e LA Pops Or ch est r a. Th e Celt ic
Cam er a w as t h er e! RUDY Scr een in g w as a h it ! BELOW: Th e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t con t in gen t en joyed t h e pr ogr am at t h e M icr osof t Th eat er
Live Film Scor e an d Celebr it y Pan el For 25t h . An n iver sar y Scr een in g of RUDY
LEFT: Joh n M cNally at M AZE open in g in San t a M on ica w it h St even an d Dir ect or St eph e RIGHT: Recept ive au dien ces in Hollyw ood h ad n ot h in g bu t lau gh s an d h igh pr aise f or Th e Holy Fail!
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Reu n it in g Er ased Fam ilies w it h t h e Pow er of Film Millions of children are systematically converted into hostages by the Family Court system after their parents separate. Years can pass before children can see parents, siblings, and extended family. Important family relationships are deeply damaged. It is one of the largest public health crises in modern times. However it does not receive attention because it is considered a normal part of divorce. Th e docu m en t ar y Erasing Family w ill ch an ge
t h is per cept ion by sh in in g a ligh t on t h e m ost h elpless vict im s of divor ce cou r t : ch ildr en . Erasing Family will investigate family bond obstruction from multiple perspectives: moms and dads alienated from their children, siblings who can?t see each other, and grandparents who have never met their grandchildren. Our film will be attractive to young people as well as adults. Many of them are victims; but do not realize the impact that being denied loving relationships has had in their lives. The film will reunite families by encouraging children to reunite with #Erased loved ones; and showing society that divorce and separation can and must be made healthier for kids.
ENSURING IM PACT Director/Producer Ginger Gentile and Producer Gabriel Balanovsky are the same team behind the groundbreaking film Erasing Dad (Borrando a papa, 2014) which made front-page headlines and caused joint-custody legislation to be enacted in the country of its production, Argentina. Ginger Gentile was named an Architect of Change by Maria Shriver: ht
collect photos of victims with #Erased signs received hundreds of responses from all over the world in less than two weeks. So many families have contacted us to say thanks to the Erasing Family campaign. They are relieved to know they are not alone. Our impact campaign will encourage court officials, politicians, schools and mental health professionals to respond to this growing, worldwide public health crisis. The film will show how programs that encourage a therapeutic setting, mediation and shared parenting will prevent future childhood trauma, making divorce less costly both emotionally and financially. Go to w w w.er asin gf am ily.or g to learn more and donate to the Impact Campaign. To Lear n m or e abou t t h is w or t h y pr oject ; please vist t h eir You Tu be Ch an n el: w w w.you t u be.com / ch an n el/ UCOHh 5QM pf r 21n Ff dzO7Js-g
Documentary films are powerful tools that shift publicpinion. Erasing Family aims to move people who are not directly affected to take action. Over 22 million families in the US alone are affected. Our campaign to
Feat u r in g IRISH ARTIST Br ian Boylan
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar By D ate & On Going Listings and Links
Get you Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d it t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com Kr is Colt Celt ic Son gst r ess & Son gw r it er Sat u r day & Su n day. M ay 25 an d 26 Scot t ish Fest ival, Cost a M esa Th e Ren aissan ce Pleasu r e Fair Ir w in dale Ca. M ay 4-19 3) Kor on ebu r g Ren aissan ce Fest ival Cor on a Ca. JUNE 2- - 23
NEW UPDATED WEBSITE w w w.t h eir ish f air .or g
Becom e an Ir ish Am bassador an d Volu n t eer Th e su ccess of Th e Ir ish Fair an d M u sic Fest r equ ir es t h e su ppor t of m an y h ar d-w or k in g, f lexible volu n t eer s, com m it t ed t o h elpin g m ak e t h e Ir ish Fair in Ir vin e a m em or able an d f u n t im e f or all w h o at t en d. Th e Ir ish Fair , Volu n t eer Dir ect or , Cat h leen Sw een ey is look in g f or w illin g people t o assist in a var iet y of ar eas an d com m it t o w or k in g sh if t s. Wh et h er you ar e a f ir st -t im er or season ed vet er an , please con t act Cat h leen :
ir ish f air volu n t eer s@gm ail.com
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar
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THE WHOOLIGANS, Ir ish Pu b, TRAD an d Good Tim e M u sic f r om a det er m in ed gr ou p of m u sic m ak er s TWO SHOWS SET! Sat u r day, Apr il 20 @ 10:00pm Sat u r day, M ay 20 @ 19:00pm AULD DUBLINER LONG BEACH
Su n day, Apr il 28 St ar t s @ 2:00pm CRAIC IN
THE STONE Ir ish TRAD an d m or e..alw ays a gr eat sh ow ! BRUNCH an d Gu in n ess/ Fu ll Bar on t h e Pat io! M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b irishfairvolunteers@gmail.com 202 New por t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110 w w w .m u ldoon spu b.com Irish/Celtic vendors.
Scot t ish Fest 2019 is alm ost h er e! M em or ial Day Week en d on M ay 24 & 25 w ill br in g t h e 87t h . An n u al Even t t o t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair an d Even t s Cen t er ! Once again, the Irish Arts & Entertainment will be part of this wonderful gatherer and showcase of Celtic Culture and History. Our Irish & Celtic Community Outreach booth will be part of a growing Irish Contingent. More Irish vendors are planned and an Irish Stage will be filled with some top -notch Irish Groups including Sligo Rags and Kris Kolt and Friends! Both the Ir ish Im por t Sh op of Hollyw ood, Sw een ey 's Ir ish Sh or t Br ead will ne there as well as other
We hope you'll join the Scottish Community, the United Scottish Societies and us in 2019 for the 87th Annual Scottish Fest, Southern California's largest Scottish and Celtic Festival. Scottish Fest USA offers some of the largest piping and drumming competitions, the Western Regional Highland Dance Championship, Scottish Athletic Championships, over 8 stages of world-class musical entertainment and so much more, all at an affordable price making this event not just great fun and entertainment for every one of any age but also a truly family-friendly outing. ,One thing for sure and that is you don't have to be Scottish to be a part of the United Scottish Society or Scottish Fest!!
w w w.scot t ish f est .com
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St eph en Q & A f r om Page 10
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
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On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w w.au lddu bli n er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica
Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien sla.com
Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com
Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose
w w w.t h eir ish f air .or g
Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com
M OST THURSDAYS THE AULD DUBLINER Ken O?M alley Solo w w w.ken om alley.com
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It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim
951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
We w ill be back in M ay!
w w w.m u ldoon spu b.com
We in vit e su bm ission t o t h is f eat u r e. A poem , t ale or saga in t h e Ir ish Bar dic Tr adit ion ar e all w an t ed. E-M ail u s at ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/