Irish Arts and Entertainment, May 2019 Scottish Fest Special Issue

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Vo l u m e X X V I # 5

BELOW LEFT: Black Rose Duo CENTER: Sligo Rags RIGHT CENTER: Wicked Tinkers


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87t h . A n n u al Sco t t i sh Gam es an d Gat h er i n g Set Fo r C o st a M esa at t h e O r an ge C o u n t y Fai r an d Ev en t s C en t er h eld at t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair an d Even t Sco t t i sh Fest 20 19 t o t ak e Cen t er . Ever y year t h is acclaim ed even t dr aw s C en t er St age f o r So C al m assive n u m ber s of piper s, dr u m m er s, at h let es, C el t i c Ev en t s i n M ay h igh lan d dan cer s, clan s, ven dor s an d t h ou san ds Over t h e M em or ial Day Week en d, on e of t h e gr eat est an d m ost an t icipat ed pu blic spect acles t r an spir es! Excit em en t is bu ildin g as t h e Un it ed Scot t ish Societ y pr epar es f or t h e Scot t ish Fest (For m er ly " Scot sFest " ) ; t h eir an n u al Scot t ish High lan d Gam es an d Gat h er in g;

of visit or s. Th e Fest ival w ill be h eld on M ay 25 an d 26 f r om 9:00am u n t il 6:00pm at t h e OC Fair gr ou n ds locat ed at 88 Fair Dr ive in Cost a M esa, Calif or n ia. M assed Ban ds will perform at the opening ceremony on Saturday starting at 12:00 Noon, and at Closing Ceremonies, held on Sunday starting at 5:00pm

Advan ce pu r ch ase discou n t s on lin e: Th e gam es go on r ain or sh in e For m or e in f or m at ion an d t o pu r ch ase t ick et s t o Scot t ish Fest , please visit t h e f est ival w ebsit e at w w t ish f est .com t oday.

M ay at T H E H A RP En t er t ai n m en t Ev er y D ay

OPEN FOR BREAKFAST ON M OTHER'S DAY Bot t om less M im osas!

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Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er Page 18

Th e Holy Fail NOW on AM AZON PRIM E Streamong Link See Page 19

Ir ish Am er ican Act r ess

M elissa M cCar t h y Page 20

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media



one-time darlings of Disneyland?s ?Paradise Garden Bandstand,? this dynamic ensemble presents Celtic Folk (and so much more) with a decidedly bluegrass attitude. Named among the top acoustic bands in LA (by Folkworks Magazine) and two-time winners of the Orange County Music Award for Best Folk Band, Sligo Rags is taking the local and not-so-local Folk and Celtic music scenes by storm with a unique blend of eclectic musical influences. Dan Miller of Flatpicking Guitar Magazine says ?These guys have it all--great vocals, lots of energy, captivating songs, well executed arrangements, and tasteful solos.? Their debut studio recording, "The Night Before the Morning After", was called "the best I've heard from a stateside band" by Celtic Beat Magazine, while their sophomore effort, ?The Whiskey Never Lies,? (called ?the best from the West Coast Celts in many years? by Shay Clark of the Irish American

News), was named one of the top 10 of 2008 by Folkworks. Don?t be surprised if elements of country, gypsy jazz, and swing manage to sneak their way into the act as well. Award-winning flatpicking and fingerstyle guitarist David Burns (recently featured in Flatpicking Guitar Magazine), fiddler extraordinaire Michael Kelly, Dublin-born bassist Fionn Ruadh, and percussion whiz-kid Jonathan Baer are guaranteed to fill the room and your lives with electricity. They may give you a good laugh or two along the way as well. "Sligo Rags have mastered the ability to take songs from a time gone by and make them fresh and relevant for a modern audience. Their passion for the music and their willingness to take risks combine for an outstanding live show." --Music Connection "? A money back, no questions asked if you are not thrilled? act. Bring friends. Dynamic, up tempo, multi-talented. A fusion that just crackles." ? Bob Stane, The Coffee Gallery Backstage

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More On Scottish Fest

THE BLACK ROSE DUO con sist s of m u lt i-t alen t ed

Celt ic Sin ger , Son gw r it er an d in st r am en t alist KRIS COLT an d Per cu ssion ist , Vocalist STEVE AYVAZIAN .


Kris Colt is a uniquely American Celtic vocal artist, who reveals her past incarnation from the time of her ancestors in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales as the song bird Black Rose. The Houston, Texas native and long time resident of Southern California is a captivating performer who brings with her the historical tradition of the Bardic storyteller, singing beloved Irish and Scottish classics, as well as upbeat pub tunes that have crowds stomping and singing along. An songwriter, Kris has appeared at festivals and music venues around the U.S. and in Ireland. Her music has received airplay across the United States, Canada Ireland and through all of Europe while being charted in The European CMA Top 100!

Kris Colt's Black Rose Duo features the Celtic songbird from the City of Angels paired with an East-Coast indie rocker. Steve Ayvazian. Ayvazian brings a wealth of talent and experience on guitar, percussion, and vocals. A Boston native,

Steve is currently working as a producer on Kris' third CD. The BLACK ROSE DUO have been collaborating on arrangements and harmonies for nearly fourteen years, with voices that perfectly complement each other. Kris brings her love of country, bluegrass and Americana styles to Steve's creative depth of composition for dynamic, fun-filled performances. Their recent appearance at LA's Dickensfest brought a standing ovation, and the duo

recently played to great acclaim at Colorado's 2019 Highland Festival in Estes Park and at Celtic Firs in Texas.

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View From Ireland

Speaker Of US Hou se Visit s Ir elan d & UK By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Say what you like about British politicians who still advocate Brexit, but they know their worth. Faced with the prospect of the UK participating in European Parliament elections this May if it does not leave the EU by then (as it certainly will not), Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, made the following threat: that he would get elected to it. Prime Minister of the UK Theresa May couched her threat differently, but it amounted to something similar. She offered to resign as prime minster if the Withdrawal Agreement she negotiated with the EU is passed through Westminster (it got hammered yet a third time on March 29th). What both Farage and May in effect were saying was: push ahead with Brexit because if you do not you will be stuck with us. British politics really is a sorry sight just now. Writers have been making hay out of the crisis. On March 29th the Irish Times enlisted about a dozen writers on Irish matters to air their views on Brexit. The writers set about

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describing Britain?s maestros who have ?led?the charge to leave the EU. The choice image came from poet Nick Laird who likened the consequence of Brexiteers?efforts to Britain ?standing at the very edge of the pool, our hands tied behind our backs, pretending we?re Olympic swimmers?. In addition to reducing Westminster, the ?mother of parliaments?, to a laughing stock, Brexit has also throughly fatigued the body politic; so much so that now, as the entire enterprise may be fading away like a storm that has uprooted nearly everything in sight, the dominant mood is not relief but a numbed awe at the wreckage. The once efficient legislative body, Westminster Parliament, has become a zombie, incapable of animation either by those who advocate Brexit or by those who do not. The parliament, where serious debate used to prevail, has completely disintegrated and its members have been warned to take extra security precautions in arriving and departing. A serious politician like Speaker Nancy Pelosi blew like a cyclone through the fripperies of Brexiteers on her recent trip to London and Dublin. Pelosi was accompanied by Congressman Richie Neal, Chair of the Friends of Ireland caucus, who led the congressional delegation, its central mission the articulation of the US Congres?position on Brexit. SEE NEXT PAGE>>>

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The force

of the Friends of Ireland caucus has been bolstered since earlier this year when Neal became the chair of the powerful Ways and Means Committee. That status has enabled Neal to reinforce the agenda of the Friends of Ireland to maintain an open border in Ireland and to protect the Good Friday Agreement. Strong statements of support during St. Patrick?s Day in Washington this year were followed by a visit by Senator Chris Murphy to Dublin during which he voiced US concern about Brexit and the need to protect the open border in Ireland. Speaking in Dublin on March 22nd, Senator Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, gave an unequivocal guarantee of US support to an open border. He said that there was ?no chance?that the UK would sign a trade deal with the US and that ?we can?t compromise the sanctity of the Good Friday Agreement and folks in [the UK] parliament need to know that?, adding that ?it only takes a minority of senators to stop The Good Friday accords ended 700-years of conflict.It's not just about the geography though, this is not a treaty only: it's an ideal, it's a value, it's something that is a model to the world...and we don't want that model to be something that can be bargained away in some other agreement'. The Speaker reiterated these commitments the following day in Dublin when she met members of the Irish cabinet.


a trade agreement?. This set the tone for the Speaker ?s visit in mid-April. In an interview at the London School of Economics on Monday April 15th, Speaker Pelosi endorsed Senator Murphy?s stance and said: ?If there would be any weakng of the Good Friday accords, there would be no chance whatsoever ? a non-starter ? for a US-UK trade agreement.

Coming from the Speaker of the House, this was a shot across the bow of fantasists who believe that the UK can negotiate a better trade deal with the US outside the EU, and can do so while disregarding how important the Good Friday Agreement is to senior members of the US congress. Neal, in particular, is apt to remind people that the US is a co-guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement.

Pelosi's intervention echoes directly back to the visits to Ireland of Speaker Tip O'Neill in 1979 and 1985. Then, as now, the Speaker 's comments on the British government's responsibility for peace and stability in Ireland have been discomfiting for the British.

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VIEW FROM IRELAND Con t in u ed... Theresa May made the questionable decision of not meeting the delegation of nine congressmen when they visited London. Instead she took time out from her walking holiday in neighbouring Wales (some of her antagonists hoped that she would walk the length of the Great Wall of China instead) to speak to them by telephone. Presumably

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this is May's way of laying the groundwork for a future trade deal with the US? Her reception for the delegation stands in contrast to the royal welcome that President Trump received in London last July. Yet London's denialism is futile. While the British government is betting on support from the White House for a trade deal, it cannot avoid, sooner or later, coming to a reckoning with the US Congress.

w w w.yeoldek in gsh / sh oppe/

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Pray do go gentle into that good night By John Maxwell O'Brien Pray do go gentle into that good night Old age should nod and smile at close of day As you glide into that warm light Stay your hand and give no fight When it will bring no further stay As you glide into that warm light All toil and pain take welcome flight And fear will flee in haste away Pray do go gentle into that good night Even if no star shone bright Your chance is now to cast a ray Pray do go gentle into that good night Womb a pearl shining and bright In a mute and seamless way As you glide into that warm light We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us at

It?s time to soar above your plight And leave behind a sweet bouquet Pray do go gentle into that good night As you glide into that warm light

Inspired by Dylan Thomas?Do not go gentle into that good night and permitted but not endorsed by the Dylan Thomas Trust John Maxwell O?Brien is an emeritus professor of history (Queens College) who has written numerous articles and books on ancient history, medieval history, and the history of alcoholism. His celebrated biography of Alexander the Great has been translated into Greek and Italian.

Professor O?Brien?s poems have appeared or will appear shortly in Literary Yard, Hedgehog Poetry Press?Stickleback (where one of his poems was shortlisted for their prize), IthacaLit, and The Southwest Poetry Review. A short story of his is in the current issue of Kaleidoscope and O?Brien?s recently completed novel, Aloysius the Great (which parallels James Joyce?s Ulysses), won Writer Advice?s ?Scintillating Starts Contest.?

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Ir ish Sin gin g Sen sat ion Nat h an Car t er To Per f or m In M ay Con cer t A magnetic onstage presence, Irish warmth, and infectious energy are all part of the show whwn Nathan Carter and his band take the stage! LA audiences will hear a mixed repoitre of songs such as ?Caledonia?, ?Wagon Wheel?, ?The Rare Auld Times?, and ?Jealous of the Angels?. It?s a program packed with old country favourites, Irish folk songs, and adult contemporary classics.

Be, Beautiful Life, and Stayin?Up All Night, all rose to number one in Ireland, as well as his most recent album, Livin?the Dream.

Nathan Carter recently catapulted into stardom, charming audiences on guitar, piano, and accordion. At age 28, he boasts four number-one albums, two number-one singles, and three number-one live performance DVDs. Fans of Daniel O?Donnell, Michael BublĂŠ, and Tony Bennett will love Nathan, a young Irish star who is blazing a trail to worldwide success. Carter grew up in a household filled with both Ireland?s Celtic sounds and country western music; he started performing at a young age, picking up the accordion, piano, and guitar, in addition to singing. He gained success in Ireland playing in smaller venues and had his big break when his cover of Bob Dylan?s ?Wagon Wheel? went to number one on the Irish charts.

Th eat er on M ay 22.

Nathan is credited with sparking the rebirth of country music in Ireland, introducing a new generation of fans of all ages to the genre. With fans the world over, he is returning to North America for his third appearance in May 2019. His tour includes a stop in Los Angeles at the Wilsh ir e Ebell Fellow popular Irish singer Daniel O?Donnell has praised Nathan, calling him the new generation: ?He has taken the Irish music scene by storm. Now it's time we shared him with the rest of the world.?

His next two albums also hit the number one spot on the Irish Album Chart, and Nathan signed with Decca Records. Four of his subsequent records with the label, Where I Wanna

?Th e Holy Fail?is a very funny comedy caper set in Cork, Ireland. It's about a seemingly hapless young Irishman (Owen Dara) who is desperately trying to save a marriage, in which his wife (Jessica Lancaster) is getting bored of the life they created together. In an effort to mend the relationship, he attempts to show his wife how exciting he can be by agreeing to rob a safe with his best friend. With his wife enthusiastically on board, the couple, along with two of their wacky friends, plot to commit the robbery. What next ensues is a hilarious series of events as the unlikely criminals stumble through the planning and execution of what they believe to be a justified crime. In spite of a series of mishaps, they seem to be on the road to success, but unfortunately for them, they are ill- equipped for their greatest challenge yet? the wrath of an Irish nun. Will they learn the lesson of Thou Shalt Not Steal? With the success of the robbery now thwarted, is there any hope for the declining marriage?

w w w.t h eh olyf ailf ilm .com

The Holy Fail was a stand out success on the US and Independent film festival circuit since its premier last year. The film won numerous awards inclusing Best Picture abd Actir! The Hollywood and New York Theatrical Release garnered critical praise and audience appreciation. Now The Holy Fail can be streamed and purchased via AMAZON. h t t ps:/ / w w azon .com / Holy-FailOw en -Dar a/ dp/ B07PB7NPPF

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SBIFF Pays Tr ibu t e Tp Academ y Aw ar d Nom in at ed M elissa M cCar t h y By Barbara Singer San t a Bar bar a, CA h as lon g been a dazzlin g dest in at ion an d Hollyw ood f avor it e r esor t on t h e Cen t r al Coast . Her e is a w ell-est ablish ed Ir ish con n ect ion w it h ear ly set t ler s f r om Ir elan d an d in 2003 Din gle an d San t a Bar bar a becam e Sist er Cit ies. Th ey sh ar e sim ilar f eat u r es bot h f or t h eir n at u r al beau t y as seaside r esor t s t h at at t r act visit or s an d f ilm m ak er s f r om ar ou n d t h e w or ld. Din gle h as m an y pu bs an d lot s of m u sic as does San t a Bar bar a. It is ideal t h at t h e San t a Bar bar a In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival (SBIFF) h as an Ir ish lin k . Ir ish Am er ican Academ y Aw ar d n om in at ed M elissa M cCar t h y w as t h e r ecipien t of t h e est eem ed 2019 M on t ecit o Aw ar d f or h er con t r ibu t ion t o h er lat est f ilm ?Can You Ever For give M e.? Ir ish act or s Saoir se Ron an an d Dan iel Day-Lew is h ave also r eceived t h e sam e covet ed Aw ar d. Melissa McCarthy?s ancestry is from Armagh, both paternal grandparents came from Ireland. She grew up Catholic on a corn and soybean farm and has stated, ?Being Irish his part of the way I approach the world.? Today she is an actress, comedian, fashion designer and director and has worked with her husband Ben Falcone. Growing up her home was filled with laughter; her parents were funny and encouraged her to pursue stand-up comedy. Melissa was radiant on the SBIFF Red Carpet in a sparkling black gown; she signed autographs and was friendly to fans and friends. Her host of the evening was Anne Thompson, Indy Wire Editor, who inquired about Melissa?s career moves. We learned that she was not cut out to be a farm girl and early on became interested in costume design and make costumes for theatre productions. Moving to New York, she caught on to stand-up comedy, but gave it up to join the Groundlings Improve Troup in Los Angeles, where many of the SNL comedians got their start. She final got a break in TV as Sookie in the ?Gilmore Girls? and then her sitcom ?Mike & Molly? where she became a household name. She gain recognition as a comedic actress with her film role in ?Bridesmaids? where she was won a Screen Actors Award and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and went on to film ?The Heat?, ?Tammy?, ?Spy? and many more. SBIFF Executive Director Roger Durling tells ,?Melissa McCarthy-always a compelling talent-triumphs as Lee Israel in ?Can You Ever Forgive Me.? She?s funny, dark, caustic and oh so vulnerable. SBIFF is so pleased to be able to award this performance and her career do far.? In the film she plays a down on her luck writer, who finds a way to make a living forging letters from deceased famous celebrities with the help of co-conspirator Jack Hock, played by Richard E. Grant. Based a true story from the memoir by Lee Israel. McCarthy has received acclaimed recognition and numerous awards for her compelling role. Actor Richard E. Grant, who co-starred with McCarthy in ?Can You Ever Forgive Me? presented this award and McCarthy related, ?Thank you to this film festival for shining a light on movies that show people with flaws and how they deal with them and overcome them.?

M ELISSA M CCARTHY AT SBIFF During the busy 11 days the SBIFF bestowed prestigious awards to Hollywood?s top award contenders: Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody) Performer of the Year, Glenn Close (The Wife) Maltin Modern Master Award, Viggo Mortensen (The Green Book),The American Rivera Award, Michael B. Jordan (Black Panther) The Vanguard Award and Melisa McCarthy (Can You Ever Forgive Me) The Montecito Award. The Virtuosos Award were presented to eight actors, who memorable character roles in films. This amazing festival highlights Oscar nominated directors, writers and producers and women in film that make a difference. An opening film by Mimi de Gruy honored beloved Santa Barbara Ocean Cinematographer, the late Mike de Gruy. Looking into the SBIFF screenings this year, Irish director and actor Hugh O?Conor, in his directorial debut, premiered his film ?Metal Heart,? a teen twin sisters coming of age story filmed in Dublin. Fraternal twins Emma (Jordanne Jones) and Chantal (Leah McNamara) are bickering opposites. Goth like Emma wants her own band with friend Gary and popular Chantal plans to start a blog business. Plans quickly change when the parents depart and Chantal is out of commission due to a fender bender. Forelorn Emma is in for a change and connects with the older neighbor, a musician and takes over Chantal?s job and gains self-confidence. Teenage dilemmas draw the sisters together in this sentimental romantic comedy. Hugh O?Conor, born in Dublin, starting acting as a child and has had an extensive career. He attended Trinity College and received a scholarship to attend NYU Film School. In 2018, he garnered the prestigious Jim Sheridan Award for Irish Filmmaking. Author and director Carol Freeman brought her short tale ?The Bird and the Whale? to the SBIFF; it is a struggle to survive, while lost at sea. This short film was funded by the Irish Film Board. Ms. Freeman is a prolific writer with four books, as well as an animation director and illustrator in Ireland. For more information on the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Go to: 2020 film festival dates are Jan. 15-25th. See you there!

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Reu n it in g Er ased Fam ilies w it h t h e Pow er of Film Millions of children are systematically converted into hostages by the Family Court system after their parents separate. Years can pass before children can see parents, siblings, and extended family. Important family relationships are deeply damaged. It is one of the largest public health crises in modern times. However it does not receive attention because it is considered a normal part of divorce. 7

Th e docu m en t ar y Erasing Family w ill ch an ge t h is per cept ion by sh in in g a ligh t on t h e m ost h elpless To Lear n m or e abou t t h is w or t h y pr oject ; please vist t h eir You Tu be Ch an n el: w w t u / ch an n el/ UCOHh 5QM pf r 21n Ff dzO7Js-g


O'Brien's Irish Pub and Restaurant Now In Our 25th. Year as Santa Monica's Most Authentic and Popular Irish Owned and Operated Establishment!

O 'B r i en 's I r i sh Pu b an d Rest au r an t 2226 W ilshire Blvd. Sant a M onica, CA

310 829-5303

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Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you! CENTER TOP: Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan , Ow en Dar a an d Jessica Lan cast er BELOW Ow en Dar a w it h t h e 2019 NBFF In t er n s at t h e Ir ish Spot ligh t

ON RIGHT: Gu in n ess Rep

ABOVE: Th e Scot t ish Ban d, Single by Sunday ?at t en ded t h e scr een in g of ?m et al h ear t ? at t h e Ir ish Spot ligh t

Sh an n on Gibson , w it h Br ian Boylan's Fir st Com m u n ion

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Irish and Celtic Vendors To Gather for Scotsfest in Costa Mesa

ABOVE: The world famous Irish Import Shop locat ed in Hollywood will be one of t he key vendors at t he Scot t ish Fest . Drop by and st ock up on all your favorit e Irish product s, t ea and candy! Irish Art ist Brian Boylan is planning a display of Irish Art and will have a select ion of print s for sale. SW EENEy's IRISH SODA BREAD, one of t he best home cooked t reat anywhere will also be back, so be sure t o find t hese amazing vendors @SCOTTISH FEST!!

Irish Act or and Film Producer Owen Dara wit h Grif Healy, t he new CEO of t he Irish Fair at t he 2019 Irish Spot light

Live Film Scor e an d Celebr it y Pan el For 25t h . An n iver sar y Scr een in g of RUDY

RUDY Screening was a hit ! BELOW : The Irish Art s & Ent ert ainment cont ingent enjoyed t he program at t he M icrosoft Theat er. L-R: Lisa Hugo, Jessica Lancast er, Gwendolyn Oliver. LEFT: Joh n M cNally (cen t er ) at M AZE open in g in San t a M on ica ; act or Tom Vau gh an -Law lor on lef t an d w r it er -dir ect or St eph en Bu r k e RIGHT: Recept ive au dien ces in Hollyw ood h ad n ot h in g bu t lau gh s an d h igh pr aise f or Th e Holy Fail!

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links NEW UPDATED WEBSITE w w w.t h eir ish f air .or g

Becom e an Ir ish Am bassador an d Volu n t eer Th e su ccess of Th e Ir ish Fair an d M u sic Fest r equ ir es t h e su ppor t of m an y h ar d-w or k in g, f lexible volu n t eer s, com m it t ed t o h elpin g m ak e t h e Ir ish Fair in Ir vin e a m em or able an d f u n t im e f or all w h o at t en d. Th e Ir ish Fair , Volu n t eer Dir ect or , Cat h leen Sw een ey is look in g f or w illin g people t o assist in a var iet y of ar eas an d com m it t o w or k in g sh if t s. Wh et h er you ar e a f ir st -t im er or season ed vet er an , please con t act Cat h leen :

ir ish f air volu n t eer s@gm

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr ive Th e Ir ish Hear t of New por t Beach

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May 22 Wilshire Ebell Theatre

Kr is Colt Celt ic Son gst r ess

For t ick et s an d m or e in f or m at ion , visit n at h an car t er .ca

& Son gw r it er Th e Ren aissan ce Pleasu r e Fair Ir w in dale Ca. M ay 4-19 Sat u r day & Su n day M ay 25 an d 26 Scot t ish Fest ival, Cost a M esa 3) Kor on ebu r g Ren aissan ce Fest ival Cor on a Ca. JUNE 2- - 23

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...

Sen d it t o: ir ish m issive@gm

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SUNDAY, M AY 19 St ar t s @

TROOPER THORN Th e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa, CA w w w.h ar pin n .com

Aibr eán

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Haigh, a chara, We will have teachers from Ireland and workshops Our Irish Immersion Weekend in LA is usually on the first weekend of May but this year we will have including Hurling and Art. it at the end of May. The dates are Our exciting new location is OTIS COLLEGE near May 31 - June 2. LAX. This year, for the first time, students can take the This is our biggest event of the year. TEG (European Standard of Proficiency in Irish Míle maith agat agus Bealtaine Sona, Test) on site during this weekend. It is the first time it has come to the west coast of the U.S.! Caitríona Weafer Information about it and where people can CnaG Gaelic League LA register.

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THE WHOOLIGANS Ir ish Pu b, TRAD an d Good Tim e M u sic f r om a det er m in ed gr ou p of m u sic m ak er s Sat u r day, M ay 18 @ 9:00pm AULD DUBLINER LONG BEACH w w lddu blin er .com

Su n day, M ay 19 St ar t s @ 2:00pm

CILLIAN'S BRIDGE Am azin g Ir ish M u sic...alw ays a gr eat sh ow ! BRUNCH an d Gu in n ess/ Fu ll Bar on t h e Pat io!

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110

w w w .m u ldoon spu

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu bli n er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica

Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose


w w w.t h eir ish f air .or g

Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

M OST THURSDAYS THE AULD DUBLINER Ken O?M alley Solo w w w.ken om

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/

M í Bealt ain e

Bealt ain e

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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