Irish Arts & Entertainment St. Patrick's Day Special

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Happy Saint Patr ick's Day To All Our Adver tiser s, Fr iends & Reader s!

Volu m e XXVI

St . Pat r ick 's Day Special

C al t ech I r i sh C o n cer t , M ar ch 16

An M ar t a ~ M ar ch , 2019

St. Patrick's Day In Ireland

Celebr ate the pure j oy of I reland's Best Dance & M usic Four Shows I n Four Days!

One Show, Two I ncredible I r ish Groups

M aeve Croke and Connor Reider I rish Dancers Extraordinaire will showcase their talents thanks to K er r y I r ish Productions Coverage starts on Page 4

I ntro & L ink to I reland's 10th. Annual Greening Of The Wor ld See page 6 CI NECONCERTS: " RUDY" 25th. Anniver sar y Screening

St. Paddy's Day Calendar & Expanded I r ish Events Cover age See Pages 3 and 25

See Page 12

MAZE Feature & LA Premier Interview with Stephen Burke MAZE starts on Page 8

Updat es To Irish CALENDAR Every W eek in M ARCH ... check back for t he lat est ...

An M ar t a

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Du blin's Ir ish Ten or s an d Th e Celt ic Ladies Set For Calt ech In Pasaden a Over St . Pat r ick 's Day Week en d These two groups bring an excellent mix of traditional Irish tunes, adult contemporary and classical music to Beckman Auditorium on March 16. Two of Ireland?s most popular groups DUBLIN'S Ir ish TENORS and THE CELTIC LADIES are on an extended US Tour and will make a stop at Caltech just in time for an LA area audience to join them for a Day Before St. Patrick's Day Concert. The Cast puts on a show reminiscent of the wonderful Irish Showbands that toured the World a generation or so ago. Starting in post WWII Ireland and touring

the UK, America and really the planet (Irish Music gained great popularity in Japan) though the 80s. This is not just a traditional Irish show that delivers a great mixture if Irish Favorites such as Danny Boy and Cockles and Mussels; so Trad enthusiasts will not be disappointed. These very capable and versatile groups also deliver a lot more Irish Music and even more! Individual soloists are showcased in their own milieu and each group then moves through a well crafted repertoire from opera to pop, jazz to classical! Once again, each member displays their unique talents, from lively fiddling, to marvelous melodies, to perfected piano pieces. DUBLIN?S IRISH TENORS an d THE CELTIC LADIES f ir st becom e on e of t h e m ost popu lar sh ow s t h at Ir elan d h as seen in year s an d t h en t h e st ar t ed per f or m in g in t h e US w it h ext en ded st ays in Br an son , M issou r i! Th is am azin g en sem ble con t in u ed t h eir appear an ces at sold ou t sh ow s t h er e t h r ou gh ou t m ost of 2018. Th ey ar e st ill appear in g f r equ en t ly in Br an son an d h ave n ow em bar k ed on a 2019 Am er ican Tou r w h ich in clu des lim it ed ven u es t h r ou gh ou t t h e st at es.!

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Kerry I rish Productions Presents

St. Patr ick's Day I n I reland A perfect family event St. Patrick's Day In Ireland honors the great tradition and the mighty joy of being Irish! Celebrate St. Patrick?s Day 2019 and the great joy of being Irish with music, song, dance and irresistible merriment from the Emerald Isle! The concert will be led by members of The Kerry Traditional Band: four multi-instrumentalists who share their passion for the traditional music of Ireland. An amazing troupe of Irish Dancers are sure to delight all who attend. There?s no better way to celebrate St. Patrick?s Day than with a Kerry Irish Productions show which is overflowing with a genuine love and respect for Irish Culture and Tradition! Featuring principal dancer Connor Reider (The Chieftains, Celtic Fyre, Celtic Wings, An Irish Christmas) and four multi-instrumentalists from the Kerry Traditional Band: Ryan McKasson, Colin Cotter, Christa Burch and Preston Howard-Wilde. Fiddles, uilleann pipes, bodhrรกn, guitar, vocals and flutes will ring through the theatre as the Band shares its passion for the truly wondrous and uplifting music of Ireland! Thanks to the brilliant direction and stagecraft of Margaret O'Carroll, you will be transported to the Emerald Isle for a rollicking night celebrating not just St. Patrick but all of Ireland! You?ll leave the theatre with a jig in your step... Irish to the core, not to be missed... A never to be forgotten Irish Experience!!

ABOVE: K er r y Dancer s featur ing Eliya Raccah dancing on the half door are set for Thousand Oaks! See more Cover age on the Pr inciple Daner s and Celtic I r ish Dance Academy star ting on Page 13...





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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick

Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Wor ld's Goin g Gr een Again Th an k s To Ir ish Illu m in at ion !! To m ar k t h e 10t h year of Global Gr een in g an d t o celebr at e t h is u n iqu e global cam paign , Tou r ism Ir elan d is lau n ch in g a n ew book , called

Ir elan d?s Gr een in g of t h e Wor ld. It t ells t h e st or y of Tou r ism Ir elan d?s Global Gr een in g sin ce it began in 2010 an d h ow it h as sin ce capt u r ed t h e im agin at ion of people ever yw h er e. For m or e in f or m at ion , go t o:

w w w.t ou r ism ir elan

Coming in Apr il! Fir st Ever I RI SH FI L M Special I ssue!

Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@ ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media

T h e L o s A n gel es M ay o r an d C i t y C o u n ci l & T h e I r i sh Fai r Fo u n d at i o n , w i l l co - sp o n so r t h e 20 19 I RI SH D AY C I V I C C EREM O N I ES. Am azin g Hist or y of t h e IRISH CIVIC DAY The Irish Civic Day Ceremonies have been held annually since 1876 at City Hall, downtown LA, This year as St. Patrick Day falls on Sunday, they will be on the 15th of March in the Council Chambers. The awards for the Irish Man and Woman, along with the Irish Honorees are as follows: Ir ish M an of t h e Year Th om as Kelleh er , Pr esiden t Los An geles Police Em er ald Societ y Ir ish Wom an of t h e Year Er in Scot t Hain es, Pr esiden t , M cNu lt y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce

The 2019 Irish Honorees are: M an dy Ok eef f e, Cat h leen Sw een ey, Den n is Su llivan , Ran dy Bear d, Tr ist en Wolf f e, Ch r ist y Caldw ell, Rach el Rat h , Ror y Ait k en , Cat r ion a Weaf er , an d Dan Con r oy. The award ceremonies will be hosted by the Honorable Tom LaBonge and Griffin Healy, President of the Irish Fair Foundation. After the ceremony, the Honored will be feted at the Irish Civic Day luncheon to be held at Dublin?s Irish Whiskey Pub, located in the downtown area.

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Hiber n ian Radio Debu t s on WSBC 1240AM By Izzy Cusack

Ch icago h as m or e goin g f or it t h an a Gr een River t h is year f or St . Pat r ick 's Day: Ch icago Ir ish Am er ican im pr esar io M ik e Hou lih an h as lau n ch ed a n ew Ir ish Th em ed Radio Sh ow HIBERNIAN RADIO kicked off on Saturday January 5th as Houlihan told his audience. ?I?m excited about this new venture and proud of what?s gone before. Back in 2013 I founded Hibernian Transmedia, a small public charity designed to preserve and promote our Irish and Irish American Heritage. Since then we traveled to Ireland each October, been doing a handful of Irish radio and TV shows, founded the Annual Irish American Movie Hooley film festival, and a variety of other ethnic endeavors. Most of us have reached an age, when we wonder what our legacy will be. What do we leave behind? We can?t all be great, but we can all be part of something that is great, and that is the culture, humor, and traditions of the Irish Diaspora. We are all pilgrims, searching for a raison d?etre that will validate our lives.

Wh o w er e ou r par en t s, gr an dpar en t s, an d t h ose w e?ve descen ded f r om ? Wh at cu lt u r e spaw n ed u s? Each year we look to make that spiritual connection in Ireland and ask ourselves, ?What kept our breed going?? Our faith of course, the only thing that continues to give meaning to this dance. So take a look, investigate, learn the myths that have been passed on and take them to heart. For true fans of Irish mythology, from Tir na Nog, the Children of Lir or Finn McCool: The stories of Irish mythology are the fundamentals of our heritage and culture. Continued on 8

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Tau t Escape Th r iller M AZE Based On A Tr u e St or y M aze is the true story of the world?s most astonishing mass prison break, which became the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II. Written and directed by Stephen Burke, it?s based on the mass breakout from H Block 7 in September of 1983. At the time, HM Prison Maze was considered the most impregnable in Europe, a fearsome place surrounded by 15ft-high fences and comprised of a labyrinth of H-shaped buildings encased in even higher concrete walls ? a prison within a prison. Set in the Irish countryside, its layout was designed to disorient prisoners and make escapes impossible. M aze, impressively blends historical context with genre filmmaking, thus exposing how the IRA managed to crack this supposedly impregnable British fortress and spring 38 Northern Ireland Republican political prisoners, some of whom were later instrumental in forging the Good Friday peace accords. The key relationship in Maze is between Larry Marley, prisoner and chief architect of an escape which he plans but does not go on himself, an Gordon Close, a prison warden. Initially, Larry and Gordon are enemies, born on opposite sides of Northern Ireland?s political divide.

The two men avoid each other as much as possible. However, when Larry sees something in Gordon that makes him think he could be useful for his escape plan, a slow seduction begins. Much of the story is adapted from real events, and initially, the connection between the two is based on cold deception, manipulation and betrayal, making the relationship they eventually form all the stronger. M or e M AZE on Page 9 Responders, and help shape the new mythology of Irish America right here in Chicago?.

Continued from Page 7

Ch icago Ir ish Radio:

ABOVE: Lar r y M ar ley is played by Tom Vau gh an -Law lor (Love/ Hate, Avengers) Gor don Close is por t r ayed by Bar r y War d (Jimmy?s Hall).


added in his premier broadcast; "I?ve always yearned for a more modern telling of Irish mythology. But I realize now of course that we have actual Irish warriors in our midst every day in our First Responders. So for us to discover the myths growing from our own experiences here in Irish Chicago, all we have to do is look to our Irish police, firefighters, and paramedics. These are the heroes of our time, fighting in a war that never ends, risking their lives for the safety and well-being of us and our families. So that?s what this new show, Hiber n ian Radio, is going to do, try to uncover the oral history and stories of our mythical Irish heroes and warriors. It hasn?t been easy lately for our First Responders. There are elements of modern culture that have encouraged violence against the police and the long blue line doesn?t get the support it used to get when we were younger. According to the Department of Justice, the suicide rate in the Chicago Police Department is 60 percent higher than the national average due to the chronic gun violence and high murder rate exposing officers to a staggering amount of trauma. So Hiber n ian Radio is going to champion our First

Since the premiere on WSBC 1240AM, Houlihan has presented a mighty lineup of police, firefighters, and paramedics who bring some great stories to the show. It makes for some very compelling radio. In January alone the guests included CFD EMS Field Chief Patrick Fitzmaurice, retired Chicago Homicide Detective Neil Maas, 30-year CPD veteran Sgt. Eileen Guest, Firefighter Pat Quane, and Chicago Police Officer Patrick Johnson who was shot in the back and wounded a few years ago and has since returned to the streets. The show also delivers plenty of news from both Chicago divisions of The Ancient Order of Hibernians.

Wh en in Ch icago; Tu n e in t o HIBERNIAN RADIO ever y Sat u r day n igh t f r om 7-8PM on WSBC t o h ear t h e st or ies of ou r m oder n day Ir ish w ar r ior s. Th e sh ow is pr esen t ed by M cCan n?s Ir ish Oat m eal an d M ik e Hagger t y Bu ick / GM C/ Volk sw agen an d a h ost of ot h er gr eat Ir ish spon sor s, in clu din g IAN. Or list en t o t h e podcast an d ar ch ives of past sh ow s at

h t t ps:/ / h iber n ian r adio.or g Also ch eck ou t t h e you n g Ir ish Am er ican exper ien ce on Sat u r day n igh t s f r om 8-9PM on WSBC 1240.

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M AZE f r om Page 8 The Northern Ireland conflict, or The Troubles as they have come to be known, spanned almost 30 years from 1968 to 1998 and cost over 3,600 lives. The Troubles was a violent 30-year conflict which began with a civil rights march in Derry on October 5, 1968 and ended with the Good Friday agreement in 1998. At the heart of the conflict lay the constitutional status of Northern Ireland. The goal of the unionist and Protestant majority in Northern Ireland was to remain part of the United Kingdom. The goal of the nationalist and republican, almost exclusively Catholic, minority was to become part of the Republic of Ireland. At its heart lay two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. The principal difference between 1968 and 1998 is that the opposing factions pursuing these rival futures eventually resolved to do so through democratic and peaceful means, rather than armed conflict. Now, however with the imminent departure of the UK from the European Union, via Brexit; the two sides may be gearing up for even more troubles. The Republic of Ireland will remain in the European Union, while Northern Ireland will leave with the UK. The lack of hard border has been turned into a huge issue within the EU.

M aze won the Best Actor Award for Vaughan-Lawlor at the 2018 Aubagne International Film Festival. Burke won the Director ?s Choice Award last year at the Boston Irish Film Festival. And Vaughan-Lawlor, Ward, Burke and Stephen Rennicks were nominated for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay and Best

Original Score, respectively, at the Irish Film and Television Academy Awards. This is writer/director Burke?s second film. Lightyear Entertainment will release M aze in New York March 22, and in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Boston and other cities on March 29.

w w w.m azet h em

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Irish Arts & Entertainment (IA&E) an d Ir ish Film Dir ect or St eph en Bu r ke Irish Arts & Entertainment: Stephen, We appreciate this opportunity to find out more about you and your soon to be released feature, MAZE. When did you come up with the idea for MAZE and how did you bring it to the screen? St eph en Bu r k e: It w as, as is com m on in f ilm , a lon g jou r n ey f r om idea t o t h e scr een . A Belf ast based pr odu cer f r ien d ask ed m e if I w as in t er est ed in becom in g in volved in a docu m en t ar y abou t t h e escape bu t w h en I look ed at h is r esear ch m at er ial, I said t h er e?s a f eat u r e f ilm in t h is, an d t h at ?s h ow t h e pr ocess began . All t old, I t h in k it w as n in e year s bet w een t h e idea an d it s f ir st scr een in g. Apar t f r om t h e f in an cin g, on e of t h e m ain obst acles in ou r w ay w as t h at t h e M aze pr ison n o lon ger exist s. In it ially w e w er e plan n in g t o bu ild as m u ch of a pr ison set as w e cou ld on a t igh t bu dget . Bu t t h en a f ew m on t h s bef or e w e w er e du e t o sh oot , w e h ear d t h at Cor k Pr ison in Ir elan d w as closin g dow n . Th e Ir ish pr ison ser vice h ad bu ilt a n ew pr ison in Cor k an d t h e old on e w as goin g t o be em pt y. Af t er som e discu ssion , t h ey gave u s t h e en t ir e em pt y pr ison f or ou r w h ole sh oot . It w as a st r ok e of lu ck I st ill f in d h ar d t o believe. IA&E: What was the hardest obstacle to overcome as far as selling the idea to financiers and a studio. Are "The Troubles" still a raw topic in Ireland/UK?

w w w .au l d d u bl i n er .com

(562) 437-8300

Stephen: Fr om ear ly on , w e h ad st r on g su ppor t f r om bodies su ch as t h e Ir ish Film Boar d. ?Tr ou bles?f ilm s can be a h ar d sell t o f in an cier s becau se of t en t h ey h ave n ot been com m er cially su ccessf u l. Bu t w e k n ew w it h t h is pr ison -br eak st or y, M AZE w ou ld h ave a u n iver sal appeal.

Febr u ar y, 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Th e f act t h at t h e Good Fr iday agr eem en t h ad been sign ed alm ost t w en t y year s bef or e t h e f ilm w as m ade def in it ely h elped. Given t h e sen sit ive n at u r e of ou r su bject m at t er , I am n ot su r e it cou ld h ave been f in an ced if t h e con f lict w as on -goin g.

How did the fictional character Gordon Close come to be; is he based on a real person?

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Gor don is a f ict ion al ch ar act er , bu t m an y of h is exper ien ces in t h e f ilm , h appen ed t o pr ison of f icer s in r eal lif e. Th e Nor t h er n Ir ish pr ison ser vice at t h e t im e w as a r eally h igh -pr essu r e job. At t h e poin t ou r f ilm st ar t s, eigh t een of t h em h ad alr eady been k illed on t h e ou t side, som et im es in r et aliat ion f or t h in gs t h at h appen ed in side t h e M aze, an d som et im es ju st becau se t h ey w er e pr ison of f icer s. Th is h igh pr essu r e also t ook a t oll on t h eir f am ily lif e, an d t h eir su icide r at e w as h igh er t h an ot h er pr ison ser vices.

How did you pick the stars? We k n ew Tom Vau gh an -Law lor f r om h is st ar r in g r ole as Nidge in t h e Love/ Hat e TV ser ies. We of f er ed h im t h e par t of r eal-lif e escape ar ch it ect Lar r y M ar ley qu it e ear ly on , an d Tom st ayed w it h u s t h r ou gh all t h e u ps an d dow n s of t h e f in an cin g pr ocess. He bear s an u n can n y r esem blan ce t o t h e r eal Lar r y M ar ley, t h at ?s n ot w h y w e cast h im in t h e r ole, bu t it w as an added bon u s. Tom is a h u ge t alen t , in cr edibly f ocu sed an d h is w or k at t it u de is a lesson t o ever yon e ar ou n d h im . We h ad w or k ed w it h Bar r y War d bef or e on an It alian / Ir ish co-pr odu ct ion L?Accabador a t h at ou r pr odu cer Jan e Doolan h ad m ade. Th e par t of Gor don t h e pr ison w ar der r equ ir ed som eon e w h o cou ld be st r on g an d t ou gh bu t also be able t o sh ow a vu ln er able h u m an side, an d Bar r y w as per f ect f or t h at . Som e au dien ce m em ber s f r om a Un ion ist back gr ou n d h ave said t h at Bar r y gave on e of t h e best por t r ayals of t h eir com m u n it y t h at t h ey h ave seen on scr een . See St eph en Q&A on Page 14

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25th. Anniver sar y Screening Of RUDY With Orchestr a Film Classic and Concer t Set for M arch 30 at the M I CROSOFT THEATER in L os Angeles SPECI AL GUESTS I NCL UDI NG SEAN ASTI N, RUDY RUETTI GER AND M ORE

Hollywood Chamber Orchestra will perform OscarÂŽ and EmmyÂŽ-winning composer JERRY GOLDSMITH?S complete score live to picture, with Sean Astin, Rudy Ruettiger and special guests attending and participating in a pre-show panel. CineConcerts announces a once-in-a-lifetime live concert event: the 25th anniver sar y celebr ation of Rudy I n Concert, live at M icrosoft Theater in Los Angeles on M arch 30. Conducted by Justin Freer , the 80-piece Hollywood Chamber Orchestr a will perform Oscar and Emmy-winning composer Jer r y Goldsmith?s complete score live while the entire film is projected on a massive 40-foot HD screen. This 1993 American biographical sports film?s first live concert premiere will help r aise funds for The Univer sity of Notre Dame and regional Souther n Califor nia high schools with support from The CineConcer ts Foundation. Special guests including Sean Astin, Rudy Ruettiger , producer Rober t Fr ied, director David Anspaugh, writer Angelo Pizzo, producer Car y Woods and more will take part in a pre-show on-stage panel to discuss the film,

Tickets are on sale at:WWW.AXS.COM All his life, people have told Rudy he?s not good enough, not smart enough, not big enough. But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football for Notre Dame. Even as a young boy, Rudy (Sean Astin) is determined to join the Fighting Irish. Because some dreams won?t die, Rudy goes through heroic lengths to win admission to Notre Dame. Once there, he becomes a walk-on player, serving as little more than a human tackling dummy against the starting players. Bloody and unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of legendary coach Ara Parseghian and other Irish players, who give him one shot at gridiron glory. An incredible true story from director David Anspaugh (Hoosiers), Rudy is an unforgettable testament to the power of dreams and triumph of the human spirit. In addition to starring Sean Astin, the film features an all-star supporting cast including Ned Beatty, Charles S. Dutton, Robert Prosky, Jon Favreau, and Lili Taylor. Written by Angelo Pizzo, produced by Robert N. Fried and Cary Woods, and directed by David Anspaugh, the film also showcases an iconic score by legendary composer Jerry Goldsmith (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Omen, Chinatown, Patton, Planet of the Apes, Papillon,

Rambo) and is considered to be one of the best sports films of all time. Rudy In Concert has been created by CineConcerts, in partnership with Sony Pictures. Ju st in Fr eer , President of CineConcerts and Producer/Conductor of Rudy In Concert, explains, ?Rudy has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world. Celebrating this amazing film and iconic music score with an 80-piece symphony orchestra playing the score live to picture will both excite and bring tears of joy to audiences everywhere.? Br ady Beau bien, co-founder and CineConcerts Producer, adds, ?Jerry Goldsmith?s incredible music brings to life the film?s heart, raw excitement, and internal battle by creating the continual sensation that Rudy?s struggle feels like it is our own. We feel privileged to bring this film concert experience to Los Angeles, where countless movie dreams are born and where the score was also written.?

WATCH TRAILER ENTER CONTEST!! For more information on Rudy in Concert, please visit: h t t p:/ / r u dyin con cer t .com

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M aeve Cr ok e an d t h e Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y (CIDA) CIDA is a Los Angeles Irish Dance school under the direction of Riverdance Star, Maeve Croke, TCRG ADCRG. At CIDA we strive to bring the best out in each dancer through inspirational and creative teaching. We nurture each student's unique abilities and talents, ingrain a love of dance, and encourage elevated ndividual standards. Our dancers gain self-confidence, discipline, and learn the importance and benefits of teamwork while preparing for various performances. These events and performances can range from local community events to the World Irish Dance Championships.

Says Croke, "No m at t er w h at you r goal is, t h er e is a place f or

you h er e at CIDA! We look f or w ar d t o w elcom in g you t o t h e CIDA f am ily. Be an Athlete,Be an Artist, be A CIDA STAR! "

M aeve Cr ok e

started dancing as a child in Ireland and at the tender age of only 16 years; she landed a role in Michael Flatley?s Lord of the Dance and launched her career as one of the best Irish Dancers in the World. After a year and half with Lord of the Dance; she toured with Riverdance for an amazing 10 years. During that time Croke saw a lot of the US and decided that after touring she would live in the US and teach Irish Dance eventually settling in California and founding the Celtic Irish Dance Academy (CIDC) in July of 2014. w w w.celt icir ish dan ceacadem

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Con n or Reider Lead Dan cer Ker r y Dan ce Tr ou pe For 14 years Connor danced under the direction of the late Ann Richens and John Timm, competing at local, regional, national and world levels. In his final year of competitive dancing he placed in the top 5 in Mid-America, top 10 in North America and top 20 in the World Championships. Connor graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2014. He has performed with the Chieftains and in 2015 with Celtic Fyre at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Connor joined An Irish Christmas national tour in 2015 and returned for An Irish Christmas 2016, 2017 and 2018 Tours and in 2019 as principal dancer. In October of 2018 he was principal dancer in the new Kerry Irish Productions show Celtic Wings. In March 2017 and 2018 Connor was principal dancer for St. Patrick?s Day in Ireland Tour and is honored to return as principal dancer for the 2019 Tour. Reider is currently based out of Manhattan! Says Reider

?Performing brings me such joy because I get to share my passion with others both on stage and with those in the audience. I am very honored and excited to return as principal dancer to St. Patrick?s Day in Ireland Tour 2019?. T

Con n or Reider w ill be t h e pr in cipal dan cer in a gr eat Ir ish n igh t at Sch er r For u m Th eat r e. on M ar ch 14 Special gu est s in clu de t h e Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y u n der t h e dir ect ion of M aeve Cr ok e!

Continued from Page 11

an d r u n n in g. Nor t h er n Ir elan d?s polit ician s n eed t o get a deal don e, so t h at an y f u t u r e division s can be r esolved t h r ou gh t h e w or k of t h e assem bly. Th e dist r act ion of Br exit h as n ot h elped.

Stephen Burke Q&A What impact do you anticipate from this film, it is a prison break film and it is exciting but how do you square that with a life lost and the cost to society? I am ver y in t er est ed t o see h ow t h e f ilm goes dow n w it h au dien ces in Am er ica. It h as alr eady been r eleased in Ir elan d an d t h e UK an d ach ieved t h e biggest box of f ice f or an Ir ish f ilm in 2017. In it ially, w e h ad som e n egat ive r eact ion f r om a f ew polit ician s w h o h adn?t seen t h e f ilm , an d w h o said it w as goin g t o be a glor if icat ion of violen ce. Bu t on ce people got t o see M AZE, t h e r eact ion h as been over w h elm in gly posit ive, an d t h e f ilm h as been pr aised f or it s even -h an dedn ess. Th er e ar e som e sen sit ive scen es, su ch as w h en r eal lif e w ar der Jam es Fer r is w as k illed. We t r ied t o h an dle t h ese scen es as sen sit ively as possible w h ilst also n ot avoidin g t h e f act t h at t h ey did t ak e place. M an y of t h e par t icipan t s or t h eir f am ilies ar e st ill alive, an d w e w er e con sciou s of t h at , an d t r ied t o be as t r u e t o t h e r eal even t s as w e cou ld.

Finally, in light of today's political wrangling, do you think that a United Ireland might happen in the next few years? At t h e m om en t , t h er e ar e t w o k ey issu es. On e is en su r in g t h at Br exit does n ot cau se t h e r e-in t r odu ct ion of a h ar d bor der on t h e islan d of Ir elan d. Th e ot h er m at t er w h ich n eeds an u r gen t r esolu t ion is get t in g t h e St or m on t Assem bly back u p

I believe t h er e w ill be a u n it ed Ir elan d. Wh en it w ill h appen is an open qu est ion . A poll t h is w eek in Nor t h er n Ir elan d sh ow ed t h at t h er e is n ot a m ajor it y in f avou r of h oldin g a bor der poll at t h is t im e.

Do you have a message (share your thoughts) with our readers about MAZE? Fin din g t h e r igh t w ay t o t ell t h is st or y w as t h e par t t h at t ook t h e lon gest t im e. We w an t ed t h e f ilm t o h ave r eson an ce f or w h er e w e ar e t oday. We decided t o u se on e of t h e k ey elem en t s of t h e escape plot as a w ay in t o t h e st or y ? h ow t h e escaper s did t h eir best t o bef r ien d t h e w ar der s, so t h at t h er e w as t h is cr oss-com m u n it y dialogu e t ak in g place, lon g bef or e t h e peace pr ocess. Even t h ou gh t h is dialogu e w as based on decept ion , it allow ed u s t o poin t t ow ar ds h ow t h e con f lict m igh t be r esolved in t h e f u t u r e, if each side t r eat ed t h e ot h er as h u m an bein gs. Th at ?s on e of t h e m ain elem en t s of t h is f ilm . Th e ot h er is t h at it ?s an excit in g, an d in gen iou s pr ison -br eak st or y, t h at an yon e can en joy.

Thank you, we truly appreciate your time and insights about MAZE and your craft. Jim McDonough, Publisher Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Open A t 8:00A M St ar t Yo u r D ay w i t h an I RI SH C O FFEE! O 'B r i en 's Per f ect C u p i s m ad e u si n g Sex t o n W h i sk ey an d St u m p t ow n C o f f ee.

Vo t ed b est I r i sh co f f ee by t h e I r i sh N ew s!

Gr een B eer O n T ap ! FULL BAR Best Top Shelf Per fect Pints GUINNESS Swag Best Staff

D r o p by f o r I r i sh B r eak f ast

O 'B r i en 's I r i sh Pu b an d Rest au r an t 2226 W ilshire Blvd. Sant a M onica, CA

Be Par t Of Our Legendar y PADDY'S DAY Celebr ation!

310 829-5303

M ar ch , 2019

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

The FENI ANS 2019 HOOL EY TOUR Filling Up Fast Limited Space Available, Get Booking I nfo Now For the past several years, The FENIANS have been leading a very exciting and well planned tour to Ireland. The tour sold out last year and the news and recollections from those who were on the tour were filled with nothing but praise for every aspect of the trip. This year, the opportunity to up the capacity was offered and Terry Casey told us recently of the good news for our readers! You can still book space for the 2019 HOOLEY to Ireland in

October! Several friends have taken this tour in past years and we know first hand that this is truly a chance of a lifetime to see and experience some of the best places in Ireland as part of a contingent of affable FENIANS and Irish Music fans who share your interests and love of all that Ireland and Irish Culture has to offer! For more information; please go to The FENIANS web page:

w w w.t h ef en ian Or contact the travel company below.

An M ar t a

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St . Pat r ick 's Day Special Issu e

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Kick Off for 2019 Run 4 Water is NOW UNDERWAY! Join the dedicated and driven participants in raising funds to help solve the water crisis in Uganda. This is a grass roots American & Irish Effort under the direction of Irish Born, Nick Jordan. Be one of the first of our readers to sign up, Go to w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g/ r u n 4w at er 2019.

2018 Ru n 4Wat er w as a h u ge su ccess t h at f u n ded t h e dr illin g of 40 w ells in

For 2019, the organizers have announced their stated intention of raising enough money to drill 50 Wells. YOU CAN HELP. The Irish Arts & Entertainment is going to field a team. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the total cost of $6000 to fund the second

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Fr ien ds & Reader s Well in Ugan da. Click this link for more information and/ or to register to join and support our team:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Cw Q2PQ


By Jim M cDon ou gh

Ugan da!

Relentless marching forever enshrined by Romans as it flew by Envied and wasted till the moment we die Elusive and harsh when held to each task Not one among us knows how long ours will last

We in vit e su bm ission t o t h is f eat u r e. A poem , t ale or saga in t h e Ir ish Bar dic Tr adit ion ar e all w an t ed. E-M ail u s at ir ish m issive@gm

Time is one item we share as one all Delightful when well spent but sadly oft hell bent That fate we test as daily we jest We scoff and we cower but scarce grasp its power Our friend and our foe still onward we go Choose love, limit strife with this companion for life

M ar ch , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Canoga Park Annual St Patrick's Day Community March & Celebration To Be Held On March 16 Each year this Community Event gets bigger and better; Bagpipers? and even mariachis? Irish Music, Irish storytellers, and stilt walkers, Vendor

Ow en Dar a h as been bu sy all t h r ou gh 2018 bu t t h e ver sat ile act or , com edian an d f ilm dir ect or deligh t s in pu blic appear an ces an d h e w ill be back at Can oga Par k Fest ivit ies on M ar ch 16

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booths and the Irish Arts Outreach are all part of the 2019 program. Irish Actor Owen Dara returns to the Main Stage at the Farmers Market to entertain with Irish Music and Comedy! A great family event!

Slante, Salud, Cheers to Canoga Park!!

Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you! Tr u e Th om as on st age! at last year 's Celebr at ion !

More on 2019: as well as other Irish/Celtic vendors.

Scot t ish Fest 2019 is alm ost h er e! M em or ial Day Week en d on M ay 24 & 25 w ill br in g t h e 87t h . An n u al Even t t o t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair an d Even t s Cen t er ! Once again, the Irish Arts & Entertainment will be part of this wonderful gatherer and showcase of Celtic Culture and History. Our Irish & Celtic Community Outreach booth will be part of a growing Irish Contingent. More Irish vendors are planned and an Irish Stage will be filled with some top -notch Irish Groups including Sligo Rags and Kris Kolt and Friends! Both the Ir ish Im por t Sh op of Hollyw ood & Sw een ey 's Ir ish Sh or t Br ead will ne there

We hope you'll join the Scottish Community, the United Scottish Societies and us in 2019 for the 87th Annual Scottish Fest, Southern California's largest Scottish and Celtic Festival. Scottish Fest USA offers some of the largest piping and drumming competitions, the Western Regional Highland Dance Championship, Scottish Athletic Championships, over 8 stages of world-class musical entertainment and so much more, all at an affordable price making this event not just great fun and entertainment for every one of any age but also a truly family-friendly outing. ,One thing for sure and that is you don't have to be Scottish to be a part of the United Scottish Society or Scottish Fest!!


w w t ish f est .com

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Th e Ar t of Br ian Boylan The Irish Import Shop is facing a lawsuit from someone who, wit h his at t orney, has filed numerous similar suit s t hroughout sout hern California. If t he lawsuit is successful, it would force t he shop t o close.

Or igin als Available COM M ISSIONS Lim it ed Edit ion Pr in t s Gr aph ics & An im at ion You can Follow Br ian Boylan Con t act s: CELL: 310 970-4619 Em ail: boylan

THERE IS LIFE AFTER PADDY'S DAY!! Ven t u r a Film Societ y To Scr een Tw o Ir ish Film s In M ar ch 3/ 19: BLACK '47 Please t ake t he t ime t o follow t he link t o find out how you can help. h t t ps:/ / w w w.gof u n dm / absu r d-law su it

Help SAVE Th e St or e & t h e WREN IRISH PERFORM ANCE SPACE at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op 742 Vin e, Hollyw ood, CA

323 457 6714

Irish film about the Irish Famine. An Gort Mor (The Great Hunger) This 2018 release garnered critical acclaim yet poor attendance. h t t p:/ / ven t u r af ilm societ / m ain / scr een in gs/ black -47/

3/ 21: Wind That Shakes The Barely An excellent film about the Irish war for independence and subsequent civil war. h t t p:/ / ven t u r af ilm societ / m ain / u n cat egor ized/ t h e-w in d-t h at -sh ak es-t h e-bar ley/

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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar Fr i d ay, M ar ch 15 C o ck t ai l s @ 6 :0 0 p m

M A RI N A C I T Y C L U B D I N N ER SH O W 7PM t o 11PM

I RI SH M U SI C K r i s C o l t & h er B l ack Ro se B an d

T h e B l ack Ro se B an d h as gai n ed f an s t h r o u gh t h e y ear s w i t h a u n i q u e so u n d an d gr eat m i x & w i d e r an ge o f T r ad i t i o n al , St an d ar d s an d O r i gi n al s!

T h e p u b l i c i s i n v i t ed . 4 333 A D M I RA LT Y W AY M A RI N A D EL REY, C A 310 822- 0 6 11

Reser v at i o n s ar e r eq u i r ed

Th e Deadlin e f or ou r 2019 IRISH FILM Special is M ar ch 27 If you w an t t o place an ad, su bm it an Even t , Lin k or List in g... Please Call 951 216-1493 EM ail:

ir ish m issive@gm


Sat u r day & Su n day M ar ch 16: Br in g in

M ar ch 17: PUB OPENS @ 8AM f or Fu ll Br eak f ast Ser vice


St . Paddy 's Day in Ir elan d 4PM (PST).. M idn igh t in Du blin

... get a ju m p on you r celebr at ion s w it h

$1. Gu in n ess Pin t s

f r om 3:30 t o 4PM w w lddu blin er .com

Play ALL DAY starting @ 1PM

71 S.Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA


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An M ar t a

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

WHOOLIGANS' FANS Check out their full schedule!

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Br it ish Pu b, Rest au r an t & Gif t Sh oppe - Est. 1974 -

w w w.yeoldek in gsh Cof f ee Galler y Back st age 2029 N. Lak e Ave Alt aden a, CA w w w.cof f eegaller

Au ld Du blin er Ir ish Pu b on Pin e St Lon g Beach , CA w w lddu blin er .com M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b Br u n ch an d gr eat t im es on t h e pat io--Ir ish M u sic w it h t h e best Tr ad Ban ds 202 New por t Cen t er Dr New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110 w w w.m u ldoon spu

HAVE A LISTING FOR OUR SPECIAL IRISH FILM ISSUE/// Call or E Mail Jim or Patrick: 951 216-1493

Get you Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...Sen d it t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Kr is Colt an d h er Black Rose Ban d In BIG BEAR TWO PADDY'S Weekend shows

M ar ch 16 Wyat t ?s Gr ill sn d Saloon At Big Bear Con ven t ion Cen t er 7-11 pm

w w w.BigBear Even t SUNDAY< M ARCH 17 St . Pat r ick 's Day

Br illian t Gypsies ar e playin g f r om 10am -1pm Fin n M cCool?s in San t a M on ica

Th e Pr at ies ar e per f or m in g 3pm t o 7pm GODM OTHERS 302 W 7t h st r eet San Pedr o CA Again on PADDY'S DAY EVE f r om 10:30pm t o 1am JOXER DALYS 11168 W. Wash in gt on Blvd, Cu lver Cit y, CA

?Th e Holy Fail? is a very funny comedy caper set in Cork, Ireland. It's about a seemingly hapless young Irishman (Owen Dara) who is desperately trying to save a marriage, in which his wife (Jessica Lancaster) is getting bored of the life they created together. In an effort to mend the relationship, he attempts to show his wife how exciting he can be by agreeing to rob a safe with his best friend. With his wife enthusiastically on board, the couple, along with two of their wacky friends, plot to commit the robbery. What next ensues is a hilarious series of events as the unlikely criminals stumble through the planning and execution of what they believe to be a justified crime. In spite of a series of mishaps, they seem to be on the road to success, but unfortunately for them, they are illequipped for their greatest challenge yet? the wrath of an Irish nun. Will they learn the lesson of Thou Shalt Not Steal? With the success of the robbery now thwarted, is there any hope for the

M ar ch 17 t h e Can yon Cow boy 5:30-8:30. w w w.t h ecan yon cow The Praties will be releasing their new CD ?Traffic Window Jigs? on St. Patrick?s day weekend and will be available at the shows. Cover Artwork, a painting ?Freeway Whistler ? by Steve O'Loughlin. w w w.t h epr at declining marriage?

w w w.t h eh olyf ailf ilm .com The Holy Fail will be have its world premiere Hollywood release in April; followed by US Theatrical Release. Hollyw ood scr een in gs ar e set f or : Apr il 5t h t o Apr il 11t h , Scr een in g 3 t im es daily at : Ar en a Cin elou n ge 6464 Su n set Blvd. Lobby Level LA, CA 90028 (323) 924-1644 w w en ascr een .com

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An M ar t a

Sat u r day, Apr il 10: Harpist Dennis Doyle at Biedermann Hall, Sacred Heart Church (805 804-7558. Fundraiser: Details Soon


STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/

M ar ch , 2019

Feat u r in g Wor k s By Br ian Boylan

I t is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia!

Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ~ ir ish m issive@gm

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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M ar ch , 2019

On Goin g List in gs

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

w w w.m u ldoon spu

Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica

Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aoke St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's

M on day Nigh t s..t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com


w w w.t h eir ish f air .or g

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w w w.t h eh olyf ailf ilm .com

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