Irish Arts & Entertainment Celtic Fair Season May 2018May

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C el t i c Fai r an d Fest i v al Seaso n I n C al i f o r n i a St ar t s T h i s M o n t h ! 2016 / Volume 1 / Issue 1

Vol XXV # 4

Features: Scottish Fest See Pg 3 I r ish M usic, Film. Theatre Reviews & Features star t on Pg 14 HI K ES & BI K ES in I r ish Tr avel Pg 19 Celtic Camer a Pg 21 I r ish Calendar Pg 27

M í Bealtaine ~ M ay


ABOVE: Sligo Rags,

John Allan & Stand Easy CENTER: Traditional Scottish Dancers, Masses Pipe Bands BELOW:

Highland Games, Caber Toss & NEW Irish Stage Kris Colt Black Rose Duo

See Page 30 For Links & Pub Listings, Matches &

World Cup Info!

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Ir ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

May~ Mi Bealtaine

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Sco t t i sh Fest t o t ak e C en t er St age f o r So C al C el t i c Ev en t s i n M ay Lat er t h is m on t h , over t h e M em or ial Day Week en d, on e of t h e gr eat est an d m ost an t icipat ed pu blic spect acles t r an spir es! Excit em en t is bu ildin g as t h e Un it ed Scot t ish Societ y pr epar es f or t h e Scot t ish Fest (For m er ly " Scot sFest " ) ; t h eir an n u al Scot t ish High lan d Gam es an d Gat h er in g; h eld at t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair an d Even t Cen t er . Ever y year t h is acclaim ed even t dr aw s m assive n u m ber s of piper s, dr u m m er s, at h let es, h igh lan d dan cer s, clan s, ven dor s an d t h ou san d of visit or s. Th e Fest ival w ill be h eld on M ay 26 an d 27, 2018 f r om 9:00am u n t il 6:00pm at t h e OC Fair gr ou n ds locat ed at 88 Fair Dr ive in Cost a M esa, Calif or n ia.

M em or ial Ser vice Honoring our veterans will be held at 9:45am on Sunday at the Alex Beaton Stage. Tr ibu t e t o M ilit ar y an d Fir st Respon der s

Advan ce pu r ch ase discou n t s on lin e:

Free Admission to Scottish Fest for all who serve. Valid ID and/or proof of service required; both days.

w w t ish f est .com / on lin e-st or e Buy Now & Save on packages; The games go on rain or shine. M assed Ban ds will perform at the opening ceremony on Saturday starting at 12:00 Noon, and at Closing Ceremonies, held on Sunday starting at 5:00pm

A great family friendly event. Tell your friends, Help us get the


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2018 is shaping up to be an Amazing Year for the IRISH ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT!

In February we launched the Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t Net w or k . A segment of MIGHTY NETWORKS devoted to All Th in gs Ir ish .

It has been gaining steam as another source for in depth coverage of Irish and Celtic Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Heritage. The difference between our Mighty Irish Network and existing Social Media networks (Facebook) and an ordinary website is that any member can post, comment and share information and it will be delivered to ALL other members. No filters or stifling algorithms are used and advertising and promotions are minimal and restricted. Our new pan Celtic Social Media Network devoted to every facet of the incredible flourishing Irish Experience using a truly open platform. Also and perhaps most importantly, we do not store or sell your data. If you decide to leave all your personal information is permanently deleted. Our main focus will be coverage within the US. However, we will also feature the Pan Ir ish Digest which will cover items of interest from Ireland and the Irish Diaspora. You can learn more at this link:

h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co We hope you will join us and participate.

Slan agus beannacht, Jim McDonough,

M ay Pl ease f ol l ow us

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T he Scottish Fest in Costa Mesa Delights I n Br inging An Astonishing Ar r ay Of Bagpipes, Pipe Bands and Celtic Bands with Piper s to Souther n Califor nia! LA SCOTS on t h e Lef t Below : Joh n Allan , Solo Piper & Fou n der of St an d Easy

ABOVE: Th e LA SCOTS Pipe Ban d Fr om t h e OPENING CEREM ONIES on Sat u r day at Noon t o t h e CLOSING on Su n day[ , m assed an d m ar ch in g Pipe Ban ds ar e an in t egr al par t of t h e excit em en t of at t en din g Scot t ish Fest USA! On e of t h e gr eat est assem blages of piper s of ever y class an d ilk w ill soon m eet in Cost a M esa, CA u n der t h e au spices of t h e

Un it ed Scot t ish Societ y 's An n u al Gat h er in g of Clan s, Fair an d High lan d Gam es. It is a m on u m en t al u n der t ak in g an d f an s an d spect at or s look f or w ar d t o an d appr eciat e t h e even t each year ! To see t h e com plet e sch edu les an d det ails on all t h e Pipe Ban d com pet it ion s , go on lin e t o Scot t ish Fest .com or f ollow t h is lin k :

w w t ish f est .com / com pet it or s

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M ARINE BAND SUNDAY ONLY The Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band One of ten Marine Corps fleet bands, is under the command of the Third Marine Aircraft Wing. The Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band (3D MAW Band) is stationed on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego. The band provides musical support for military units, civilian community relations, recruiting and troop morale and welfare. The band is comprised of Marines with musically diverse backgrounds with some members being recent high school graduates, some having attended college or completing college music degrees and some having years of professional performance experience.

In short, the best! This amazing Marine Band add excitement and pageantry to the Games and is a thrilling experience that you, your children, family and friends will long remember.

Drop by our Irish Arts Booth after and enter our Marine Band Photo Contest!

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Er i c Ri gl er an d B A D H A GGI S Ret u r n T o 20 18 Sco t t i sh Fest Since the release of their first CD in 1998 BAD HAGGIS has carved out a loyal following with Celtic Music fans. They are sought after forCeltic Events and Scottish Fairs and one of the most popular groups to play the Scottish Fest in Costa Mesa for the past few years! The current line up for the band includes: Eric Rigler, Founding member; uilleann pipes, great highland bagpipes, Scottish smallpipe, tin whistle; Mike Hoffmann - electric guitar and acoustic guitar Mick Linden - electric bass, vocals

Ryan Krieger - drums Alberto Lopez - percussion To sum it up Rigler's musical genius has a twin, his genius at forming a band comprised of an very special bunch of talented music makers. Get ready to enjoy BAD HAGGIS as they deliver a unique crowd pleasing hearing-is-believing sonic experience! More info linked here: w w w.badh

Piper ERIC RIGLER If you?re familiar with the movies BRAVEHEART, TITANIC, AUSTIN POWERS or the CD?s by KEITH URBAN, FAITH HILL, JOSH GROBAN and PHIL COLLINS, then you?re familiar with the talent and playing of BAD HAGGIS piper, Eric Rigler. BAD HAGGIS fuses cutting-edge Celtic with influences of rock, alternative, jazz, pop, world beat, African and Latin influences. Driven by the dual leads of the ?bagtar? (bagpipe & guitar) by Eric and guitarist Mike Hoffmann the band has managed and imagined a new twist to the Celtic Rock genre. When the song calls for it, they can move quickly to deeply grooving rhythms. laid down by bassist/vocalist, unusual for a Celtic band!

OPENING CEREM ONIES LIVE ON JUNE 13/ 14 ENGLAND vs Tunisia M onday, June 18

SLIGO RAGS Long heralded as one of the best Irish-Celtic-Folk groups in California; this group are well know to our readers and the Irish Community. The acclaim for them is taking hold to a larger fan base as they have now become one of the most popular groups playing at Disneyland! Collectively and as individuals; these are fine musicians

DAVID BURNS Acoustic Guitar; banjo; mandolin; vocals M ich ael Kelly Fiddle, Vocals Nat h an Yor k , Jr . Bass Guitar Jon at h an Baer Percussion Vocals More online: w w w.sligor / abou t -u s

STAND EASY Stand Easy is a Celtic Rock band led by John McLean Allan, an award-winning bagpiper, singer/songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. John has appeared playing bagpipes in numerous feature films and television shows, including the Oscar-winning Best Picture, Million Dollar Baby, Austin Powers 2, West Wing, and Primary Colors, among many others. Stand Easy also features Jeff Cullen on Highland pipes, whistles and vocals, Ken Lasaine on guitar, Paul Trutner on bass, and Fabio Poian on drums. tand Easy came together to share in John's

vision of creating a landmark fusion of commercial songwriting, Celtic music, and rock & roll. A powerful crowd-pleasing band, Stand Easy performs original songs, traditional songs and bagpipe/rock instrumentals. They have performed at many prestigious festivals and innumerable nightclubs and pubs across the West Coast of the United States. Allan's original songs are in the modern rock style but incorporate bagpipe jigs and reels from the traditional Celtic style. If you're excited about what Celtic music and bagpipes sound like in the world of rock & roll, then prepare for a brand new listening experience...Stand Easy!

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First time this year!!


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GREAT ENTERTAINMENT ON FOUR STAGES Eigh t y Plu s Clan s an d Societ ies Com pet it ion s in : At h let ics - Dan ce - Fiddles - Bagpipes & Dr u m s

McDonough Media & the

Irish Arts & Entertainment will relocate our Celtic Community Outreach Booth to be near the new stage area. Find us and drop by. Goodies for Kids, Door Prizes Raffle and all manner of information on Travel, Events, Concerts & Pubs!

Em ail: low r ylin Ph on e: 818- 886-4968


THE WI CK ED TI NK ERS The Scottish answer to Dropkick M ur phy and mayhem! A resounding, tribal, bloody terrific CELTI C band of Music Makers past and it is alive today because of them and the work they have done playing tribute to the past!

" WICKED TINKERS merge the best of modern, almost rock-and-roll energy with the hypnotic, insistent grooves of their Gaelic ancestors. Rare is the bystander who comes away without feeling a surprising, sometimes bewildering connection to long-forgotten primal emotions ... half-memories of ages past and experiences nameless yet somehow familiar. WICKED TINKERS creates music to set your jaw, put a fire in your belly, a glint in your eye and a dance in your feet."

Since they formed in 1995, the Wicked Tinkers have been making great music and casting asunder the rigid bounds put on traditional Celtic Music! Like Sinatra they do it their way to the great appreciation of their legions of fans and history buffs! This is the way of music of generations

ED NOTE: I was there in 1995, when my pal Warren Casey teamed up with bagpiper Aaron Shaw! They were wonderful then and they have grown and contributed at lot to Celtic Culture since then. Be sure to see the show; you will be glad you did!

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CELTISH This SoCal Celtic group first got together 2014 as a result of the band member ?s mutual appreciation and enjoyment of playing traditional Irish and Scottish music. Over time, they began adding a unique Celtic sound and harmonies to other non-traditional tunes. The standard instrumentation for the group consists of 2 guitars, mandolin and what they affectionately call, "our Irish ukulele". Some band members play other instruments and they do include the penny whistle in some tunes. The best way to describe Celtish would be a pub band that plays traditional Celtic music plus non-traditional favorites with a Celtic twist (hence the?ish?)!

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Celtish members are: Dan Th om as - Vocals, guitar and penny whistle Kelly Lau er - Vocals and ukulele Les Eisel - Vocals, mandolin, guitar and penny whistle Ter esa Joh n st on Davis - Vocals and percussion Tim Davis - Vocals and guitar

Celtish has performed at community events, fundraisers, private parties and naturally, the occasional brewery. They genuinely enjoy performing together and encourage everyone to participate, sing along and join us in their Celtish spirit. CATCH THEM ON THE IRISH STAGE ST SCOTSFEST

THE PLOUGHBOYS The Ploughboys feature a seasoned mixture of the Celtic tradition, plus a bit of bluegrass, and World Music, resulting in what we like to call "Greengrass" music. Instrumental wizards Liam Lewis (mandolin, violin, and banjo) and Vito Gutilla (fiddle) soar above the driving rhythms of Mark Romano (guitar and accordion), Chris Rolontz, (stand-up bass), and Taylor Murphy, (drums, percussion), with intricate vocal harmonies underpinning songs and stories from the Gaelic and American tradition. The Ploughboys are a hard working and busy bunch; hey currently maintain residencies at four music venues in Southern California. They have been featured artists at ScottishFest USA, Las Vegas Highland Games, Hollywood's John Anson Ford Theater, The Big Squeeze Accordion Festival, L.A. Irish Fest, the official Notre Dame/USC pregame party; the Los Angeles Civic Pride event, and at the Seaside, Vista, Fresno, and Kern Scottish Games. Their debut album, entitled ?Millenium?, contains a mix of standards, freshly realized classics, and innovative originals that you just won?t hear anywhere else. Their highly anticipateds econd album will be released in 2018.

KRIS COLT Black Rose Duo

Kr is Colt is a native Texan, who now resides in Big Bear. Growing up in the San Fernando, she was involved with American musicals and she was a child star who appeared with Doris Day in Annie Get Your Gun. She took an early liking to County and was exposed to Irish Music and the history of it in her teens. Now above above all , Kris Colt is a Celtic Roots Music Maker! As an accomplisher artist she has performed solo and with her group The Black Rose Band throughout California for almost twenty years. She is a singer and songwriter who has a great love for all types of music and a great gift for singing Irish & Celtic

Whether performing in the Celtic tradition, favorites from the British Isles, or their own, wickedly clever compositions, the Ploughboys are sure to provide a hard-driving, rollicking, hand-clapping, foot-stomping good time!

w w w.Plou gh boyscelt tunes. On stage she also brings with her the tradition of the Bardic Storyteller. Colt is a master at performing traditional tunes and interacting with her audience. At Scottish Fest, Kris Colt will perform as the Kris Colt Duo as she adds rock drummer/singer/songwriter Steve Ayvazian to the mix on drums and vocals The pair have a show of the most beloved Irish and Scottish classics as well as the sassy fun filled, upbeat pub tunes that get you stomping and singing along! Kris Colt as The Lady Black Rose can also currently be seen & heard at the Renaissance Pleasure Fair from through May 20.

w w w.k r iscolt -black r

Bealt ain e

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

For m or e in f or m at ion abou t Ru n 4Wat er or Wells of Lif e:

w w W.w ellsof lif e.or g or e-mail: m ik e@w ellsof lif e.or g.

w w t ish f est .com

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Th e View Fr om Ir elan d By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Greener Than Shamrocks

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Guest Columnist

There was something hidden in the shamrock this St. Patrick?s Day in New York. For 257 years the New York Irish have celebrated our patron saint in grand manner. They have proudly marched up Fifth Avenue (and, the old joke goes, stumbled down Third). That has been done in honour of Patrick, a unifying figure whose legacy to bring people together in celebration and mutual acceptance is matchless. The Mayor of New York City, alert to the political value of aligning himself with this tradition, did so in spectacular fashion on March 17th 2018. He made this declaration to Gerry Adams: ?I, Bill de Blasio, Mayor of the City of New York, do hereby proclaim March 17, 2018 in the city of New York as ?Gerry Adams Day?. The event at Gracie Mansions was attended by, among others, the Taoiseach, who congratulated Adams. If the re-designation of St. Patrick?s Day was not opposed by the Taoiseach in New York, it certainly was back home in Ireland. Austin Stack, whose father, a former prison officer, Brian Stack, was murdered by the IRA, publicly demanded that de Blasio dedicate next year ?s St. Patrick?s Day to victims of IRA atrocities. De Blasio?s proclamation was so egregious that he managed that rare feat of uniting people in Northern Ireland, if only in condemnation. UUP MLA Steve Aiken characterised it as ?an attempt to rewrite history? The presentation of a proclamation to Gerry Adams by the Mayor of New York was a kick in the teeth for the victims of terrorism and brings shame on the office which he holds? it is an insult to the law-abiding majority on these islands who celebrate the day?. Wouldn?t it be ironic if something so partisan as ?Adams Day? succeeded in eliciting a bipartisan letter, co-signed by engaged people on both sides of the border, which demands that the Irish government clarify its position on de Blasio?s proclamation? That would constitute an occasion to revisit the occurrence, and to do so would benefit the government in several ways.

M ar ch

Maurice Fitzpatrick?s most recent documentary film, John Hume in America, as well as his acclaimed book, From Derry to DC: John Hume in America, are available on Amazon and at select bookstores.

De Blasio?s implicit unwillingness to acknowledge the people who are dead because of the IRA?s campaign to unite Ireland at the point of a gun, while glorifying a terrorist campaign sustained over thirty years, is a farrago of deceit. The Irish government should be unambiguous about that. The government should take distance from any proclamation that upholds Gerry Adams as a man who has, as de Blasio put it, ?in all he has done, accepted that a life of fighting for change came with peril, came with the threat of violence and the experience of being attacked? history will remember Gerry Adams for being one of the people who did something truly heroic and truly revolutionary? [Adams] found a path of peace? so many are alive today because of that?. Secondly, many people who took a stance against the IRA, both in Ireland and elsewhere, paid a hefty price for so doing and their efforts are completely ignored in the mayoral statement. During the Troubles de Blasio?s comments would have constituted a dismissal of those who sought to remedy the injustices of Northern Ireland through constitutional \means, positioning de Blasio with such politicians as Mario Biaggi (Congressman for New York from 1969 to 1988). The impact of senior politicians in the US advocating extreme views in the Troubles validated violence, in the eyes of some, and thickened the stream of funds to fill IRA coffers. Today, lionising Adams (who was, it is widely believed, both chief of staff of the Provisional IRA and a member of the IRA army council) picks up that thread of validation of IRA violence, something that is very damaging both to a clear-headed Nationalist interpretation of recent Irish history and to the prospect of retaining the trust of Unionists in the impartiality of political America on the Irish Question. While Adams Day was in full swing, Sinn Féin Senator Máire Devine saw fit to retweet a post from the anonymous twitter handle, @rnerrionstreet, which characterised Brian Stack as a ?sadist prison officer ?. Devine was suspended by Sinn Féin for retweeting the slur. While retweeting a calumny about a dead man is callous, ordering executions as part of a guerrilla campaign is a crime. Families of victims have been deeply hurt by the first, but incensed by the ambivalence that de Blasio?s encomium for Adams suggests about the latter. Apologias for the IRA campaign tend to rely on the lie that there was no alternative to violence. Yet there was. In Ed Moloney?s essential study of the organisation, A Secret History of the IRA, an IRA volunteer admits that in sabotaging the 1973-74 power-sharing Executive in Northern Ireland the IRA ?wanted to make our presence felt as a force without which there could be no solution which was not to our liking?. An Phoblacht, the IRA?s media mouthpiece, excoriated Northern Nationalist politicians such as John Hume and Gerry Fitt for taking their seats in the 1973-74 power-sharing Executive. But Hume and others were putting into practice a politics that it took Adams and his colleagues decades to adopt? while innocents continued to suffer and die . ... Con t in u ed on Page 20; See SHAM ROCKS & HUM E

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Till the late 1900s. the tradition was to attend Mass at your Mother 's Home Church. Also, servants and help were given the day off to be with their Mothers. In the tradition, Fathers and Sons were elected to do work around the house.

M o t h er 's D ay I s M ay 10 t h .

In 1907, Anna Jarvis started a drive to establish a national Mother 's Day in America, when she passed out 500 white carnations at her mother 's church in West Virginia--one for each mother in the congregation. In 1908 on May 10th (the second Sunday in May, her church held the first Mother 's Day service. By 1909, churches in 46 states, Canada and Mexico were holding Mother 's Day services. In 1912, West Virginia was the first state to designate an official Mother 's Day. By 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed the resolution, establishing an official national Mother 's Day on the second Sunday in May. Many countries of the world now have their own Mother 's Day at different times of the year, Britain celebrates Mothering Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent--and call it Mother 's Day. By any name or any date, it's a special day to honor a special person.

The earliest Mother 's Day celebrations were the ancient Greek's spring celebrations in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. England's "Mothering Sunday," begun in the 1600's, and is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, "to honour the mothers of England." As in all of the UK, Ireland observes Mothering Sunday on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Since, we are speaking of Ireland, the holiday had a more Catholic religious tradition and overtones.

Mother 's Day spending this year will top $23 billion, according to the National Retail Federation's annual Mother 's Day spending survey. Americans will spend an average of $186.39 on mom this year. Seventy-seven percent plan to send a greeting card, according to the survey, and Hallmark reports that Mother 's Day is the third most popular card-sending holiday behind Christmas and Valentine's Day. About 69% of Americans will send Mom flowers. Good for retail too as 36% plan to buy Mom jewelry. The National Restaurant Association, reports that Mother 's Day is the most popular holiday of the entire year to dine out, with nearly half of all Americans hitting a restaurant or as is our preference a PUB! Rem em ber t o br in g M a in f or a cold on e!


26TH. Annual

May 26th and 27th, 2018 The Westin LA Airport Hotel 5400 W Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045?

ST. AM BROSE FALL FEIS September 22nd & 23rd, 2018 The Westin Los Angeles Airport

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IRISH M USIC: New s & Review s

Lor een a M c Ken n it t 's New CD Lost Souls Set For M ay 11 Release This long-awaited and eagerly anticipated album is a rich and eclectic tapestry of songs woven with influences from the Celts to the Bedouins, stitched with the sounds of a diverse and exotic collection of musical voices, including the nyckelharpa, oud, kanoun, flamenco guitar and a Canadian military band. There are nine songs on the new album. Several were begun by Loreena some time ago, while others have been progressively taking shape in the midst of more recent projects and journeys. A few draw on the poetry of John Keats and W.B. Yeats, while another evokes a distinct Middle Eastern flavour.

The album will be available as a CD, 180-gram vinyl record, and through all music services including iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify. Pre-orders and pre-saving (for streaming services) begin Friday March 9th. The CD and vinyl record are bothavailable for pre-order from a number of preferred retailers.

Fou r t h sin gle f r om Lost Sou ls available n ow The May 11th release of the new recording Lost Souls is getting close and a fourth song, Su n , M oon an d St ar s, is now available for on all music services. A free preview can also be experienced from McKennitt's website. ?The celestial and physical worlds have long provided the reference points for our navigation,? says McKinnett Related News

Celt ic Ar t ist Lor een a M cKen n it t leavin g Facebook Despite having 547,000 followers, it?s a price she?s prepared to pay! STRATFORD, On t .? In response to recent and on-going revelations about the extensive misuse of people?s personal data connected to Facebook, the award-winning Canadian singer/composer Loreena McKennitt and Quinlan Road, her independent record label and management company, have decided to eliminate Facebook from their operations as of June 1st. Despite a following of 547,000 users, she is prepared to accept the inevitable ?cost?associated with the move. ?There?s no question it will hit us,?says McKennitt, ?but I have grave concerns about the negative impact this misuse is having on our privacy, our democracy and society in general. I want to lend my full support to the legislators who must now work to prevent these invasive, predatory and manipulative practices from continuing. For me, the time has come.?

The multi-platinum artist is no stranger to the perils of privacy invasion. In 2005, she was involved in an acrimonious court case in England when a former friend and employee published a book containing intimate details of their friendship and of McKennitt?s own grief after her fiancĂŠ drowned in a boating accident. McKennitt argued that this and other information that was shared was private and confidential and the former friend had no right to publish it. The English courts agreed and ruled in McKennitt?s favour. The judgment, known as McKennitt v Ash, set an important legal precedent in the area of privacy rights and was upheld by the House of Lords in 2007. BRAVE TIM ING On May 11, 2018 McKennitt will release a highly-anticipated new album, Lost Souls, her first original recording since 2006. Despite the inherent advertising and marketing opportunities with Facebook, the independent artist has decided to redirect her 547,000 Facebook followers to her own website. There, they?ll be invited to join her mailing list to receive information about her music, releases, tours and other activities. In order to give her followers time to migrate and her business and distribution partners sufficient notice to make the necessary adjustments, McKennitt has set the date of her Facebook withdrawal for June 1st. Story continues on Page 20

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Promotion Validity: From Now until M ay 10, 2018 Travel Validity: From Now until M ay, 24, 2018

TOLL FREE in US 800 455-2733 w w h iopian air lin

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Ir ish Th eat r e Review : By Tin a Day

The Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde Isn?t it interesting how you can live in a city your entire life and still not know that certain places exist? I found out about a lovely park 30 minutes from my house while attending the opening night of a local production of Oscar Wilde?s Th e Im por t an ce of Bein g Ear n est . The venue in Brand Park in Glendale is amazing and so ?LA.? Located at 1601 W Mountain St, it?s nestled in the beautiful and pastoral Verdugo Hills. The set is minimal, but really is the set that important when you are talking about Oscar Wilde? For this production, the setting has been altered slightly from Victorian England to 1920?s England. The rest follows the story we all love, a comical farce about a pair of friends, Algernon Moncrieff (Kenyon Meleney) who lives in the country and Jack Worthing (Henry Carbeck) who lives in London. But Algy (Algernon) likes to visit the country and Jack likes to visit London, and this is what ultimately gets them both in hot water. You see when Jack travels to London, he goes by the name of Ernest, a brother he invented who lives there. So when Algy finds his cigarette case, Jack is forced to explain why the inscription reads ?From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack.? Jack explains his deception and that Cecily (Caitlin Stoodley) is his ward. Algy seems delighted by this revelation explaining that he pretends to have an invalid friend in the country named Bunbury, whom he uses as an excuse to suddenly leave London. While in London, Jack has fallen in love with Algy?s cousin, the beautiful Gwendolen Fairfax (Mieko Beyer), who knows him only by Ernest. But when they confess their mutual love for one another, Gwendolen?s mother Lady Bracknell (Mannette Antill), in unsure that Jack has the social stature to marry her daughter.

Wilde's M ast er piece is a t im eless com edic r om p! ABOVE: Cecily (lef t ) an d Gw en dolen (r igh t ) spyin g on Jack an d Algy With two men pretending to be Ernest and neither one actually being Ernest, you can imagine the absurdities that abound in the country, where everyone ends up in the end. Meanwhile, Cicily's governess, Miss Prism (Kelly McCall) ends up tying everything together in the end. All the actors are outstanding. I found myself repeatably forgetting that this was a local theatre company and not well-known actors. Pascal Gercourt does an excellent job playing the narrator, the two butlers (Lane and Merriman) and Dr. Chasuble. He has to be creative in his roles, at one point becoming the table for the tea between Miss Fairfax and Cecily. The director, Rebecca Lynne, uses the venue well, and incorporates the audience peripherally into the play as appropriate, and always to comic effect. The organization behind the production, Th e Dean Pr odu ct ion s Th eat r e Com pan y, is a non-profit benefitting kids affected by cancer.

To make things even more complex, when Algy finds out about Cecily, he is determined to meet her. Algy ends up going to Jack?s house in the country posing as Jack?s brother Ernest, while Jack is still visiting with Gwendolen in London.

LEFT: M er r im an (Lef t ), Algy (cen t er ) an d Jack (r igh t )

ABOVE: Cecily an d Algy pon der t h e com plexit ies of lif e as on ly Wilde cou ld pen t h em !

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Hik in g an d Bik in g In Ir elan d By Pat r ick Weld Last Fall for the first time ever we got to go to Northern Ireland and after biking and walking around Dublin for two weeks, I was most aware of how different the regions of Irelnd could be! It was an amazing contrast. Much slower, a lot easier to get around by bikes, so much less crowded. The hiking trails and hostel/budget and new friends stay offers and guided tours also added to the fun and fond memory. The shift in weather was a total shock. Summer, late August, early September was about equal to the summers in California (Much cooler than my life in Australia) but the couple weeks later in the North of Ireland was well NORTH? chilly and jacket weather. We were always on the move so it was not really uncomfortable but it is good to take along a jacket and know what's in store. We both picked up some Irish Pullovers (Quite dear but nice and we wore them all winter; (so recommended)!

ABOVE: Nor t h er n Ir elan d Lak es Region

We stayed a couple extra days in Enniskillen and then headed off by bus to the region of the Glens of Antrim.

Photo courtesy of Tourism Ireland

SIDE NOTE: In all of Ireland, it is quite easy to either hire a bike or to buy one (sell when you leave) as you can bring them along on coaches and trains. w w w.cyclen / u sef u l-in f o/ bicycles-on -pu blic-t r an spor t /

The highlights of our trip North started after we left the Amber in Galway. We got a ride to the area of the Fermanagh Lakelands and got awesome guides and advice because of our new friends who were going back home after working the summer in Galway. North or South, the Irish are for the most part ridiculosely open and hositable. Northern Ireland's landscapes are famous for their wild, rugged drama, but the Fermanagh Lakelands offers a flip side to all that craggy charm. Tranquil, swathed in a blanket of green and speckled with placid waters, the Fermanagh Lakelands is a watery paradise. Kind of reminded me of the Everglades without the swelter and crocs; having lived in California in drought years and growing up in Australia; this was an amazing place to enjoy. Island-hop by kayak or canoe or cruising along the waterways. Make sure to or get on your bike to enjoy the regions beauty and slow pace of life as well as all the wet stuff. There are an abundance of trails, bike paths and country roads that are safe and serene. Can't wait to go back!

Gobbin s Clif f Pat h An engineering feat when it was built at the turn of the last century, this walkway wraps around the sea cliffs of County Antrim. The Gobbins is the only guided adventure walk of its kind in Europe. The now updated path snakes over dramatic modern bridges, through smugglers' caves and above crashing waves. According to Tourism Ireland, it is Ireland's, "Total walk on the wild side". We did not have time for this but the most Guidebooks and TV Watchers can all agree that this this side trip is well worth it.

Escape in t o Gam e of Th r on esÂŽ Ter r it or y Crumbling castles, ancient landscapes, spellbinding coastal villages; the intriguing landscapes of Northern Ireland have provided Game of ThronesÂŽ with the scenic backdrops for some of their most memorable moments.

The show has more locations filmedin Ireland than anyplace w w elan / en -u s/ am azin g-places/ cou n t y-f er m an agh -lak elan ds/ else. Locals say the are now quite acquainted with the cast and crew! SWEET! Continued on next page. More online:

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The guidebooks foretold us that the seaside roads near Belfast were right up there as "the best of the world's top road trips, the Causeway Coastal Route is an astounding adventure from Belfast to Derry. Carved along the north Antrim coastline, this magnificent route amps up the drama thanks to pulse-racing epics such as the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge and the Giant's Causeway, just sheer beauty with vast sandy beaches, hils and valleys mixed with cool fishing villages." You could not put it better in any language. The book was SPOT ON!

HIKE & BIKES Continued

In an d On t h e M ou r n e M ou n t ain s Mourne Mountains are justifiably described as among the most beautiful places in Northern Ireland. You can go easy too and take a short stroll along the Annalong Coastal Path (2.5 km). I guess the most common lament of every adventure prone visitor to Ireland (probably travelers anyplace and any period), we needed more time. We made only 40km of our planned 100 km round trip that we had laid out. We did finish the Mourne Way which is probably the best known and most used. The entire area is crisscrossed with trails, some are really rugged , steep and a challenge.

Fr om t h e t w ist ed beau t y of t h e Dar k Hedges, an aven u e of ser pen t in e beach t r ees, t o t h e m yst er iou s ch ar m of t h e Tollym or e For est Par k , st ep in t o r eal-w or ld West er os.

Links and research are always good but meeting local bike guys and hikers were honestly the best tips and advice that we got so be open to chatting up the folks. We are all seekers in some way! When in and near the Mournes the choices for cycling are enormous and with limited time, we went over our last two days on our bikes (before heading back to Dublin for our flight) the Castlewellan and Rostrevor Mountain Bike Trails. Spectacular and well worth the effort!

Shamrocks & Hume from Page 12 Hume?s statement after the fall of the Executive in May 1974, brought on by a mixture of Unionist and Republican strong-armed tactics, is therefore increasingly important to recall: ?The only way to solve the problems of Northern Ireland is not through conflict of the different sections of our people, but through partnership. It would now appear that the representatives of a majority of people in Northern Ireland have rejected that concept. I think that is a tragedy?. The long road to return to power-sharing in Northern Ireland was far from heroic or revolutionary: it was a litany of tragedy. Bill de Blasio might do the memory of victims of a generation of violence the courtesy to consider the facts before his next proclamation. ..."de Blasio's counterproductive, neo Stalinesque myth views on recent Irish Events and his bromance with Adams are based on his twisted leftist ideology not reality. Goebbels in hell must be quite proud of him." Seamus Sims


Page 14

In h er st at em en t , M cKen n it t also w r ot e: "After watching Mark Zuckerberg?s appearance before Congress and hearing him accept that these industries and monopolies will need regulating, I?m heartened that things will now start heading in a better direction, hopefully harmonizing with the more advanced legislation Europe is about to launch in May,?McKennitt says. If and when sufficient new privacy regulations are put into place, she may consider rejoining Facebook. This move comes on the heels of similar positions taken by Privacy and Information Commissioners around the world (New Zealand, UK, Canada) and of those expressed by people like Sean Parker, Facebook?s first president, well-known tech investor Roger McNamee and another former Facebook executive, Chamath Palihapitiya. ?I realise by taking this step it may become more difficult for us to reach out to people, but that is a price we are prepared to pay,?says McKennitt. ?At the same time, I?m aware that for many people Facebook has run its course and this may be the time for them to move on too.?

In 2004, M cKen n it t w as aw ar ded t h e Or der of Can ada an d in 2013 w as appoin t ed Fr an ce's Kn igh t of t h e Nat ion al Or der of Ar t s an d Let t er s

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The Celtic Camer a We are looking out for you! Send us your I r ish or Celtic Event or People photos and a caption. We'll give you a PHOTO CREDI T and Enter You in our Dr awing for a Celtic Gift Pack! Patr ick: BELOW: A proud Family Moment, Carol Boylan and Brian Boylan in Skerries, Ireland! Carol is the mother Irish Artist Brian Boylan. Carol did a good job raising a pair of talented Irish Siblings, Orla Boylan is world renowned Opera Star and Brian Boylan who now lives and paints in South Bay is acclaimed for his whimsical modern work. Boylan will have his Art on display at both the upcoming Scottish Festival (Memorial Day Weekend in Costa Mesa) and the Irish Fair in June at Irvine's Great Park!

SURFS UP! A w or k in pr ogr ess, Boylan is f on d of sayin g t h at projects are never finished, just sometimes abandoned...

Photo Courtesy of Brian Boylan

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CELTIC CAM ERA Aer Lin gu s Nigh t . Th u r sday, Apr il 19

ABOVE: AER LINGUS An gel's Nigh t Tick et Win n er s! BELOW:

Blah Blah US.

BELOW: Ir ish Au t h or Gr eg Pat r ick sh ow n above w it h book illu st r at or an d ar t ist Kat h ie War r en w h o is w or k in g on h is n ew book , Falcon er s Cr y of Th e Hear t

STAND EASY'S Joh n Allan is of t en h ear d an d n ot seen ; We salute him here as one of the most accomplished Studio Musicians around. Bagpipes are popular and are added to all types of recordings and soundtracks! John Allan?s moving rendition of Amazing Grace features in blockbuster Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Allan has also CENTER: Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s su ppor t s t h e Ir ish Ar t s w it h Aw ar ds an d Sch olar sh ips. Win n er s pict u r ed h er e. Det ails in t h e n ext issu e.

played with the Chieftains and many more outstanding artists!

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Th e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

The Celtic Camer a Special Thanks to Owen Dar a and Jessica L ancaster for their insightful cover age and photos of The I r ish Spotlight and M uldoon's After Par ty on Sunday, Apr il 29 JUST BELOW: From Left: Owen Dara, Eamonn Murphy,

Paul Horan, Laura Gaynor, Dave Fox, Zeb Moore, Donna Eperon, Frank Berry TOP RIGHT: The man of the hour! Perfect Pints thanks to Eoghain Calvin of Guinness at the After Party at Muldoon'd Pub! CENTER RIGHT: Owen Dara and Fernando Miller of NBFF, Irish Spotlight Outreach


the Irish group Sligo Rags at the After Party! BOTTOM RIGHT: This trio and the

group above are all engaged in the Irish Film Industry. No doubt, we will be covering their endeavors for years to come. From the Left: Eamonn Murphy, Laura Gaynor, Paul Horan

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For M ay

FA R SH O RE Composed by Seamus Glenn Sims For ced af ar by f at e or cu r se L ef t an d l on gi n g f or h om e an d tou ch W an d er ed m ost ly n ever f i n d i n g Scan t bl essi n gs al l seem s h al l ow D r i ven f ar w i t h l ack of p l an En d ed i n a l ess bl essed l an d Per si st ed , p r ay ed , t ook t o f i gh t N ow assem bl ed i n ou r m i gh t M y m i n d an d h ear t ar e alw ay s th er e Year s an d t i m e qu i ck p assed Path s an d t ask s t h at I d i d w el l Sti l l t h at em p ty p l ace I d w el l W i l l I ever h ave agai n T h e si m p l e w ay s of t h en T h e f ai r n ess of both gi r l an d gl en Sof t d ay s an d l ov i n g n i gh t s M i n d d oes m at t er n ot t h i s p at t er D eter m i n ed n ow t o h ave agai n M y l u ck an d w i l l I sh al l ben d To r et u r n t o al l so f ai r Sof t D ay s an d L ov i n g N i gh t s

Av ai l abl e f r om t h e L i br ar y O f Con gr ess; an ex t en si ve col l ect i on of I r i sh H i st or i cal D at a! T h i s gu i d e i n t r od u ces t h e w on d er f u l p r i m ar y an d secon d ar y r esou r ces on I r i sh A m er i can h er i t age av ai l abl e t h r ou gh t h e L i br ar y of Con gr ess. w w r r / m ain / ir ish am er ican /

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Gr o u n d b r eak i n g I r i sh Fam i n e Er a Fi l m , BLACK 47 The latest news on the I r ish production BL ACK 47 is that the US release date is still being negotiated.

Th e I r i sh Fi l m t akes i t 's t i t l e BL ACK 47 f r om t h e ver y w or st y ear of t h e f am i n e: 1847 T h e I r i sh Rock Gr ou p BL ACK 47 w er e f i r st t o br i n g att en t i on t o t h at y ear 25 y ear s ago by ch oosi n g t h e n am e f or t h ei r gr ou p ! T h i s i s a gr ou n d br eak i n g f i l m f or m an y r eason s an d on e of t h em i s si m p ly t h e u se of t h e I r i sh l an gu age t h r ou gh ou t t h e f i l m . B l ack 47 w as f i l m ed on l ocat i on en t i r ely i n I r el an d i n W i ck l ow, K i l d ar e an d Con n em ar e, Cou n t y Galw ay. T h e l at e Cal i f or n i a St at e Sen at or Tom H ay d en w as t h e f or ce beh i n d get t i n g a t r u er ver si on of t h e I r i sh Fam i n e i n t o h i st or y t ex t book s i n t h e st at e. I t i s st i l l r ar e t o get a r eal ver si on of t h e I r i sh Fam i n e i n an y sch ool s i n t h e U S ed u cat i on al sy stem s. A n Gor t a M or i s t h e I r i sh t er m ap p l i ed t o t h i s t r aged y...t h e Gr eat H u n ger .

So r r y D ear Read er s, W e ar e w ai t i n g f o r an em b ar go t o en d o n t h e f eat u r e t h at w as sch ed u l ed t o go h er e. W e w i l l u p d at e t h i s p age as so o n as w e get an O K f r o m o u r I r i sh so u r ce. M ean w h i l e a f ew Fam i n e r el ated an d BL ACK 47 Fact s. T h e I r i sh Fam i n e h as been r e- w r i tt en an d san i t i zed by t h e v ast m ajor i ty of h i stor i an s. I t w as N O T a n atu r al d i sast er as w e ar e n eed t o bel i eve; i t w as a d i r ect r esu l t of i n act i on by t h e l an d l or d s at t h e t i m e an d by a p ol i ti cal r u l i n g cl ass. Sh i p p i n g r ecor d s p r ove t h at f ood w as EX PO RT ED f r om I r el an d d u r i n g th e Fam i n e Year s.

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Th e Dr u m m er An d Th e Keeper By Pat r ick Weld This is an odd and sentimental film. A pair of unlikely characters are the leads played by Dermot Murphy as Gabriel and Jacob McCarthy as Christopher. Drummer also has an awesome supporting cast as well with some well know and very familiar Irish actors who really add to the overall production. Basically, it is the story of a chance meeting between two troubled people. In a weird way, it is kind of a sidekick adventure movie. McCarthy plays a teenager with Aspergers Syndrome who recently lost his Mother and has been told to get away from his Lego collection and go play sports. He is funny and puzzled by the world at large. He meets the Bi-Polar Gabriel portrayed by Murphy. Murphy has a band (he actually looks like a rock drummer too) and he takes

on Christopher as a roadie. The struggles the pair have to cope with the friendship and the world are the essence here. They are open and heartfelt and highly entertaining to watch.

Since it is an Irish film, a lot of dialogue and not as much action is to be expected and it does not disappoint. I liked it a lot but it lacks a bit in the tight plot department that Americans are used to. Basically, I think the acclaim and raving reviews are Th e f ilm cam e ou t in Sept em ber of 2017 an d is n ow on som e st r eam in g ser vices an d on DVD. f r om Am azon . deserved because of the w w azon .com / Th e-Dr u m m er -Keeper / dp/ B075H6ZNG4 sweetness and the fact that mental health issues and differences are now a bit of a cause cÊlèbre at this point in time so the film strikes a popular chord. The film was both written and directed by Nick Kelly. It is his first feature film but he has won awards for his short films.

M ay

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I r i sh A r t & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar NOW through M ay 20 Sever al Shows Each Per for mance Day Br illiant, hear tfelt, ether ial Celtic/ I r ish & tr ad M usic by songstress, composer K r is Colt as the L ady Black Rose

Now through M ay 20 10:00am to 7:00pm SPORTI VE TRI CK S

Sportive Tricks plays "Celtic Music with a Kick" The energy is high; a lot of humor with a blend of great traditional music, diddies from Ireland and more! Lots of fun! Irish, Scottish, English folk and Cape Breton music.

Ren aissan ce Pleasu r e Fair e San t a Fe Dam Recr eat ion Ar ea, Ir w in dale CA

THE NE'ER DUWEL S This band is the newest that O'Malley has helped form and nurture over the years and they are an eclectic blend of Irish Contemporary Music Makers who lean to the Traditional . According to their own accurate press, " who weave a seamless

blend of traditional Irish music, world rhythms and a sound distinctly their own." The Ne'er Duwels are Ken O'Mallry. Patrick D'Arcy, Brian Dobbs and Grammy award winning percussionist Forrest Robinson.

w w w.n eer du w

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo on I rish Time!! A day late...

The Har p Inn Ir ish Pub COSTA MESA, CA

w w w.h ar pin n .com

w w

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On Goin g IRISH & PUB Calen dar SUNDAY Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION


w w lddu blin er .com

From 7:00pm to 9:00pm: Irish for Everyone presented by The Celtic Arts Center until the 25th Sept. Hear and speak the living Irish language during the Celtic Arts Center ?s summer language session. Geared to learners at all levels who wish to participate on a drop in basis. Free of charge, the course will highlight what?s special about this language and its unique sounds and styles.

O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b

Also for a limited time: Workshop on Irish Song 7-8pm. Welcome new traditional singers, ask Tim Martin to include you on his list!

Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm

Authentic OPEN IRISH SESSION Starts at 8:00pm

Céilí Dance class: Starting at 8:00pm till 9:00pm

23r d. & Wilsh ir e San t a M on ica, CA w w w.obr ien

M ONDAY M USIC-SEISIÚN: The longest running trad session in SoCal! Starts @

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e

(Donated Food & ?Nibbles?welcomed by all!) No-Host Bar

Starts @ 9:00pm (till 1:00am)

Tuilleadh eolais/ More Info:

w w w.yeoldek in gsh Sh am r ock Ir ish Pu b an d Eat er y Sunday Evening Game Night Starts @ 9:00pm till closing

w w w.t h esh am r ock ir ish pu b an deat er

9:00pm to 11:00pm Additional LEARNER'S MUSIC SEISIÚN' 9-10:30pm In the Greenroom, Tom Louie - Moderator. "Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid" (We all exist in each other 's shadow)

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

The office: 818 769-9805

CAC Meets at The Mayflower Club. 11110 Victory Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91606 w w w.m ayf low er clu

M on days @ 7:00pm Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er

Wedn esdays St ar t in g @ 8:00pm

Session & Irish Classes

Michael Kelly & Padraic Conroy host a trad session and ceili in a friendly, quaint authentic Irish Pub!

Meet @ Mayflower Club Details & More on line: w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com Tu esdays & Th u r sdays Michael Kelly of Sligo Rags holds a Trad Tunes Workshop for musicians interested in adding more Celtic songs to their repertoire. The workshop is open to all but Kelly requires that you have a fundamental grasp of your instrument and Trad Music. Another good learning tool, the workshops are recorded and participants are welcome to a copy. Suggested donation $20. No worry if money is tight, scholarships are available.

Gr if f in s Of Kin sale 1007 Mission St. South Pasadena, CA M ost Th u r sdays @ 5:00pm Ken O'M alley Solo Sh ow Dublin native, LA based, Irish Balladeer, O'Malley entertains with story and song almost every at this early show! Au ld Du blin er Ir ish Pu b 71 S. Pin e Ave.

Gr if f in s Of Kin sale

Lon g Beach , CA 90802

1007 M ission St . Sou t h Pasaden a, CA

562 437-8300 w w lddu blin er .com

The Red L eprechaun 4000 E. Anaheim L ong Beach, CA

YE OLDE KING'S HEAD PUB San t a M on ica Blvd on t h e cor n er of 2n d. St .

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Fr iday M ay 25 You n g Du blin er s

Tu esday, M ay 15 @ 7:00PM

Ken O'M alley du o Fin n M cCool's Ir ish Pu b 2702 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405

Su n day, M ay 20 @ 5:00pm WHISKEY SUNDAY combines their shared roots of Irish folk, with a hearty pour of Americana and they are a superb band to share a Sunday afternoon with. Great music for all the family to enjoy. This LA based group were well received at Get Shamrocked in 2017.

They never disappoint when it comes to getting the audience immersed in their music and stories. Reservations can be made online or call 951-696-5252. The Shamrock Irish Pub & Eatery Murrieta, CA w w w.t h esh am r ock ir ish pu ban deat er

The DUBS started in Santa Monica almost 25 years ago and they are still rocking their Irish hearts out! Always a great show! Seen on Jimmy Kimmel The Rose Pasadena CA

w w n gdu blin er

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EVERY WEEK ON TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS Starts @ 7:30pm Both Nights The Wren Theater Space at the Irish Import Shop will be hosting an open Traditional Music Session on Tuesday nights On Thursday Night OPEN MIC If you have any ideas for shows, classes or performances, we would love to hear from you and we will keep you posted as events are scheduled. Currently we are looking for individuals who would be interested in doing readings, monologues or story telling at our open mic, Spoken Word Cabaret. Stop by or call the shop for more details. All are welcomed to participate by playing, dancing or just enjoy the ambiance, craic and good company. Ref r esh m en t s will be available. Admission is free and open to all members of Clan Craic. Sm ok in g Ou t side Call

the Thom @ the Store for information

742 Vin e St . Hollyw ood, CA 323 467-6714 Cell: 818 NYC-CELT


Em ail: in f o@ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com For m or e in f o an d ou r M edia Kit

STREET TEAM FORMING Just In Time for the Irish Fair! Help u s get t h e w or d ou t on u pcom in g Ir ish / Celt ic Con cer t s, Even t s, Fair s & Film s!! Join ou r Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Even t s & M u sic St r eet Team ... Com p t ick et s f or Sh ow s & Even t s an d a lot of ot h er per k s!

In t er est ed??

Call m y Cell 951 216-1493 or em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm Th an k s, Jim , Pu blish er

w w w.f if / w or ldcu p/ m at ch es/

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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar I

A NEW LOCATION for the IRISH FAIR & M USIC FEST! Sat u r day & Su n day, Ju n e 8 & 9 Or an ge Cou n t y Gr eat Par k Ir vin e, CA! At t r act ion s f or t h e en t ir e f am ily. Rides f or t h e k ids,

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

M u ch M or e Ir ish M u sic, Ir ish Food an d Dr in k s Sh eep Her din g Dem on st r at ion s! Ir ish Food & Libat ion s! Dr op by ou r boot h !! Th e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t h as st ar t ed a n ew Net w or k an d On lin e Com m u n it y! You can sign u p at t h e

Ir ish Fair .

Hope to see you there!

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