Irish Arts & Entertainment APRIL, 2020 SPECIAL XTRA ISSUE

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Spr in g Revision Calt ech's Eileen Iver s LIVEst r eam Con cer t Lin k !

Vo l u m e X X I I X # 4

m í A i b r eái n ~ A p r i l Sp eci al

The Show Must GO ONLine! First In A Series

20 20


Eileen Iver s Live Fr om Her St u dio Th u r sday!

Her e's A Tr eat !! Recipes For Lock dow n ! Page 27

Joh n Rh ys-Davies St ar s as Naom h Ph ádr aig in Old Age in t h e f ilm The Life Of St. Patrick Based on h is My Confession See Feature Page 7

Con t en t s Box On Page 2

Celtic Arts Center

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

mí Aibreáin

I RI SH I M PO RT SH O P, H O L L YW O O D ~~~ SPEC I A L N O T I C E Du r in g ou r Nat ion al Em er gen cy, Th e Ir ish Im por t Sh op w ill be open ever yday f r om NOON t o 4pm . We w ill of f er all of ou r u su al im por t ed gr ocer ies, can dy, Ir ish Tea an d ever yt h in g w e ar e w ell k n ow n f or ! NOW f or t h e cr isis, w e w ill also of f er local M ilk , Eggs, Br ead, Paper Tow els an d Toilet Paper . JUST IN Gloves & M ask s Dr op by or w e n ow deliver ! If you pr ef er , w e ar e n ow of f er in g a saf e, n o con t act , door t o door DELIVERY SERVICE t o ou r com m u n it y. Ju st call u s a 323 467 6714 f or m or e in f or m at ion .

Th is ser vice w ill be pr ovided f r ee of ch ar ge t o t h ose over 65.

IN STOCK So you can STOCK UP!! Bangers, Sausage rolls, white & black puddings Tatoys. All you favourite Candy and Bisquets, Digestives, Heinz Products & so much more!

MOTHER's DAY GIFTS INSIDE THIS ISSUE COVER FEATURE I AM PATRICK Page 7 2020 CENSUS Page 6 Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er Celebr at es 35TH. An n iver sar y in 2020 Page 21 East er Risin g 1916 Page 3 LA Ir ish Civic Day Reset

The Wr en Theat r e (Dar k for t he dur at ion) MacNamar a's Ir ish Impor t Shop 742 Vine St Hollywood, CA

Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s Look s Ah ead Page 4 Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 6 Sad Passin g RON CODY of Scot t ish Fest Dies Page 9 M or e On Ir ish Elect ion Page 10 Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s!

Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Page 14 M au r ice Fit zpat r ick VIEW FROM IRELAND Page 14 IRISH FILM FEATURE by Bar bar a Sin ger Page 19 AER LINGUS Page 20

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Rem em ber in g THE EASTER RISING of 1916 Monday, April 24 ? April 29, 1916 The Easter Rising, also known as the Easter Rebellion, was an armed insurrection in Ireland during Easter Week in April of 1916. The Rising was launched by Irish Republicans to end British rule in Ireland and establish an independent Irish Republic.. The Rebellion was crushed and the Leaders and Signers of The Irish Proclamation were quickly executed.

See Links in Calendar PAGE28

Inside The GPO by Colin M u r ph y

The 1916 Easter Rising was one of the most important events in Irish history because it kick-started the struggle for Irish independence. It?s the closest thing the Irish have to our 4thof July. Commemorations to honor the men and women of this rebellion have been canceled, but let us observe the anniversary in our own

way. We can proudly wear an Easter lily, read the proclamation, sing a rebel song, or a moment of silence. And let's post these tributes on social media this week so others can be informed and inspired. John McNally


CALL: 949 646-8855 Food & Gr ow ler s of Beer To Go! Cu r bside Pick Up

THE HARP INN IRISH PUB 130 E. 17t h . St , Cost a M esa, CA

w w w.h ar pin n .com

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mĂ­ AibreĂĄin

w w w.f acebook / Calt ech

Calt ech LIVE Pr esen t s EILEEN IVERS In CONCERT In March, when we were just coming to grips with how horrible the COVID 19 Pandemic could possible become, one of the first blows ws the cancellation of Eileen Ivers & Universal Roots Concert on March 15. Seem like lifetime ago but it was only about 5 weeks! We are very fortunate that Caltech is resiliant and resourceful as their team has started an amazing Performance Series called the Show Must GO ONLine!! Eileen Ivers is the first presentation!! Eileen Ivers has firmly established herself as the pre-eminent exponent of the Irish fiddle in the world today. Her long list of accomplishments includes a GRAMMY award, Emmy nomination and headline performances with the over 40 orchestras across the world. Ivers is the original musical star of Riverdance, a founder of Cherish the Ladies and perhaps most famousely :

Nin e Tim e All Ir elan d Fiddle Ch am pion !! Lest there be some confusion, the fiddle and the violin are essentially the same instrument; the difference in nomenclature relates to the type of music being played; this is an evening of music for fiddles!



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To All Our Friends and Patrons Du e t o t h e on goin g an d evolvin g cr isis in t h e Cou n t r y, M u ldoon?s Ir ish Pu b an d Rest au r an t h as decided t o close h er door s t em por ar ily. We ar e sor r y w e can n ot br in g you ou r 45t h St . Paddy ?s Day at t h is t im e. How ever , w e w ill k eep you post ed on ou r w ebsit e & social m edia as t o w h en w e w ill open again in t h e n ear f u t u r e.Un t il t h en , you be saf e, st ay w ell, an d w e w ill celebr at e w it h you ?a w ee bit dow n t h e r oad.? Th an k you f or u n der st an din g. M u ldoon?s Ir ish Pu b an d Rest au r an t M ar ch 16, 2020

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


mĂ­ AibreĂĄin

LETTER FROM THE PUBLI SHER Dear Fr iends & Reader s,

Page 11 M or e Ir ish Tr avel Ideas An ot h er In st allm en t on ou r cover age of Ken O'M alley 's Tou r s f or 2020 on Page 23

We are going through a sad and tur bulent time.

See Page 14 f or det ails on t h e except ion al valu e you can get w h ile su bscr ibin g t o ou r digit al pu blicat ion s an d M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k !

I t is stressful. However, we have one beautiful fact on our side, WE ARE I RI SH, and we are tough and we shall endure. We always do even in conflict and death!

A Calen dar BRIGHT SPOT Eileen Iver s LIVE STREAM via Calt ech See page 26

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media


Never before and God Willing never again will such a vexing per iod be inflicted upon us. The anxiety, financial str ain and the ver y real possibility that death might befall us, a loved one, fr iend, colleague or public figure is with us all the time.

This is a str ange issue that goes well with the str ange times we are going through. A lot of the news is bad. I t is a tr ue reflection of our wor ld. Things are going to get wor se before they get better I t is a statement of fact that our Calendar s both On Going and New Events are the most popular features in our I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment DI GI TAL M AGAZI NE and our Weekly I r ish E-M issive. We are quite shor t on that function in this issue, mostly reminder s to save for future dates and cancellations. We offer our regular features and some insights into I r ish politics. Tur bulent too but not as depressing as the Amer ican political landscape. This issue was billed in M arch to be our I RI SH FI L M Special I ssue. We do have a couple features on I r ish Films and a wonder ful film of I r ish interest about Saint Patr ick. We do not have the planned features on the films for the I r ish Spotlight as par t of the Newpor t Beach Film Festival that we anticipated. Those events have been put off from Spr ing till late summer. We do have a ser ious set of requests. An appeal if you will, please suppor t our adver tiser s and this magazine at this time. Things are tight and we can all use each other 's suppor t! Finally, in this issue we even have a gloomy poem that is a least a little hopeful at the end to offer. I t is shor t and was wr itten by me. Enj oy or at least absor b the issue. Stay safe and be well.

Jim McDonough, Publisher

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I AM PATRICK Th eat r ical

Release of Ch r ist ian Docu dr am a Set For M ar ch 17 & 18 Can celed The reasons the church continues to honor the Apostle of Ireland more than 1,500 years after his death shine forth in the film "I Am Patrick" (CBN), a docudrama screening in theaters for two nights only, March 17 -- St. Patrick's Day -- and March 18. Written and directed by Jarrod Anderson, the profile -- subtitled "The Patron Saint of Ireland" -seeks to debunk many of the myths and legends that have grown up around its subject over the centuries. The goal is to capture who Patrick really was as a man and a follower of Christ. John Rhys-Davies (Gimli in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy) plays Patrick in old age. With his distinctive voice and stately bearing, he brings the patriarch to life as he reflects on his past and writes his "Confession," laying out the facts about his work to refute the detractors who have arisen during his evangelization of Ireland. Anderson has brought together an impressive array of people to lay out what is known about Patrick. Those interviewed include historians Charles Doherty and Elva Johnson as well as authors Thomas O'Loughlin and Father Billy Swan. They weave a narrative that reveals Patrick for the amazing missionary he was. The exact dates of Patrick's life are not known but the historical consensus identifies him as a

Ow in g t o t h e post pon em en t of t h e t h eat r ical r elease in t h e U.S., " I Am Pat r ick " is n ow available on DVD + St r eam in g. Su ppor t t h is am azin g f ilm an d celebr at e t h e lif e of Ir elan d's pat r on sain t by pu r ch asin g a copy.

fifth-century figure. Probably born in Roman Empire-controlled Britain, he was the son of a deacon, though his father 's position was more that of a civil servant than a church leader. Because Patrick (played as a teenager by Robert McCormack) was also expected to enter the civil service, he was taught to read and write. But all the youth's plans for the future came to an abrupt end when he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to their homeland as a slave. In his "Confession," Patrick describes his descent into slavery as a wake-up call from God. His duties as a shepherd meant that he was in danger from other raiders, but his solitude gave him ample time to reflect on God's goodness.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

I A M PAT RI C K C o n t i n u ed f r o m Page 7 As he came to think of God as a father he could trust, he began to pray and developed a personal relationship with him. One night, Patrick heard a voice urging him to go home, "for a ship was prepared." Traveling 200 miles through lands where he was constantly exposed to the danger of being recaptured, he reached the coast and found safe passage back to Britain. During all that time, he was not afraid "because he had come to know God."

mĂ­ AibreĂĄin

Even after decades of work, Patrick still had his critics. It was for them that he wrote his "Confession," saying that his only motivation in all the preceding years of labor had been "to bring people to Christ." The actors who portray Patrick at different stages of his life successfully capture the excitement, determination and zeal Patrick consistently displayed.,

Unsurprisingly, his family was thrilled to see him. But the Patrick who returned to them was very different from the Patrick who had left six years previously. He followed his desire to become a cleric, first, serving as an apprentice to the local bishop, and then being sent to Gaul (modern-day France) to study theology. The film then fast forwards to the middle of Patrick's life. After a decade in Britain, Bishop Patrick (now played by Sean T. O'Meallaigh), acts on a call from God to return to Ireland as a missionary. Of course, everyone thinks this is a crazy idea because, legally, he would still be considered a fugitive slave. But Patrick insists that it's God's will that he go. And go he does. Patrick's evangelizing mission was a great success. And the film does a splendid job of detailing just how much of a change it was for the Irish pagans to become Christian. Some back in Britain, however, were uncomfortable with Patrick's efforts and with the way the church was developing in Ireland.

Anderson gives moviegoers an opportunity to view this popular saint as the lover of Christ and proclaimer of the Gospel that he was. His screen biography thus makes especially apt fare for Lent. Perhaps in witnessing the radical way Patrick responded so fully to God's calling, we might take a moment to reflect on how we live out our own vocations.For theater and ticket information, The film contains brief stylized violence. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association .

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Ken O?M alley Ir elan d Tou r s Sch edu le Ch an ged The Wild Atlantic Tour set for April 18 - 27 of this year will be pushed to Fall andSpring of 2021. Details on that tour in few weeks. As of now the itinerary and travel means by deluxe coach from Dublln are still planned! Fist stop will be Bantry Bay near Cork; the 2021 tour spends three nights on Ireland's West Coast Castletownbere Gougan Barra Mizen Head Lighthouse Cliffs of Moher Galway City Connemara For More Information and to book your space; Contact Ken O'Malley: 310 569 1062

w w w.ken @ken om More Exciting News In May! Ken's Fall Tour Dates & Info for his First Ever SAMHAIN TRIP ALL TBA RONALD CHRISTOPHER CODY M ar . 15, 1947 - M ar . 16, 2020 Ron Cody passed aw ay peacef u lly on M ar ch 16, 2020 su r r ou n ded by h is f am ily. A life long resident of the South Bay, Ron was born in Inglewood, CA and raised in Redondo Beach. He graduated from Redondo Union High School in 1965 where he played football and met his high school sweetheart, Ellen. Shortly after graduation, Ron was drafted into the US Army. While on leave, Ron and Ellen were married on New Year 's Eve, 1966. He honorably served as a Specialist 5 stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, receiving the Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service. After his military service, Ron worked for the Redondo Beach Fire Department as a firefighter, paramedic and captain, retiring after 33 years of service. Among his many awards was a letter of commendation for public service in 1992. Ron spent countless hours volunteering with the Redondo Beach Rotary and helping provide equipment and support to the fire department of the Sister City La Paz, Mexico, once driving a donated ambulance from California to La Paz. Ron also volunteered at the American Red Cross, spending over one month in Louisiana helping victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Ron spent

the last 15 years helping plan and organize the annual Scottish Fest in Orange County. A lover of music, Ron was a member of the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums, performing at many events. Ron loved surfing, swimming, boating and fishing. Ron had many roles in life but he was best known for being a grandfather, affectionately called "Poppy" by his grandsons. He spent his life in service to his family and community and will be profoundly missed by his family and many friends. Ron is survived by Ellen, his wife of 53 years; son, Kit (Anna); daughter, Heather; and grandsons, Gregory, Austin and Jackson. We all love you dearly. A memorial service is being planned by his family. The date will be announced in the near future.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Irish Election Analysis

Car et ak er Gover n m en t In Ir elan d Car r ies On by John McNall y Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael reportedly have devised an arrangement for setting up an Irish Government where they share power by rotating the position as Taoiseach and will next reach out to several smaller political parties, including the Green Party, the Social Democrats and Labour to cobble together the 80+ seats required, ignoring the democratic mandate of Sinn Féin. The right of center ?old Boys Club? parties appear to have successfully excluded Sinn Féin from government even though they received the most votes. Mary Lou McDonald, President of Sinn Féin, even won the most votes in the Dail?s poll for Taoiseach, and opinion polls have shown increasing support for Sinn Fein since the February 8th. election. The hypocrisy of the Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil is breathtaking. After decades of demanding Republicans give up the gun join the democratic political process and pressuring Sinn Fein to rejoin the government in the North, they now refuse to consider sharing government with Sinn Féin in the South!

M ar y Lou M cDon ald, t h e Pr esiden t of Sin n Fein w it h ju bilan t su ppor t er s in Du blin af t er t h e last Ir ish Elect ion s f or t h e 33rd Dáil Éireann, on February 8

mí Aibreáin

This may turn out to be a blessing. Af t er continued sniping and heckling of Sinn Féin and their voters by the press and the establishment parties, Mary Lou McDonald made an impressive speech in the Dail putting manors on Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin. She stated the "Change means the oldorder must pass" and "The Real winners need to be the people" in this hugely popular youtube video. Sinn Fein is probably better off outside government at this time. If they had formed a coalition with Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil, they would likely not have been able to fulfill promises on issues such as housing, homelessness, healthcare, and a united Ireland. And there is a strong likelihood of failure of this Fine Gael-Fianna Fáilunion, especially with an economic downturn from the coronavirus and turmoil expected from the aftermath of Brexit. With growing support, Sinn Féin can play the long game and come to power after the next election, which might be sooner rather than later.

Click f or a lin k t o M ar y Lou M cDon ald speak in g bef or e t h e Dáil. A m ajor it y of all Ir ish vot er s w an t h er as Taoiseach

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We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us:

W h y am I l o st I seek b u t f i n d em p t i n ess D o es a b et t er d ay b r eak Fo r t h e b r o k en O r i s al l t h at r u b b i sh I am al o n e I w an t t o l eav e t h i s l i f e i n t h e d u st M y p r o b l em i s I w o n ?t q u i t I j u st p l u g o n So I w i l l sl eep o n i t A gai n A n d k eep r u n n i n g d ow n t h e cl o ck W i t h m y et er n al h o p e A n d b o i l ed f ai t h . By Jim McDonough

O u r Gi f t Sh o p p e i s O PEN ! C u r b si d e Pi ck u p o n l y. Pl ease cal l i n y o u r o r d er b et w een 10 am - 12p m f o r a 1- 2p m p i ck u p : 310 39 4 876 5 132 San t a M on ica Bl. (Cor n ed at Secon d St .) San t a M on ica, CA 90401

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

mí Aibreáin

A C H I EFT A I N REM EM B ERED RON CODY, Síochána mo dheartháir T h i s i s a d i f f i cu l t p i ece t o br i n g to ou r r ead er s an d i t i s w r i t t en w i t h a h eav y h ear t. T h i s i s an en d of an er a, a ti m e of gr eat exci tem en t an d p r om i se w as (an d agai n w i l l be bu t n ever th e sam e) alw ay s w ai t i n g at t h e Scotti sh Festi v al f or ever y on e i n Costa M esa. I t w as th at w ay th an k s i n gr eat p ar t to Ron Cod y. H e i s al r ead y m i ssed ! RI P d ear f r i en d !

CALL 562 537-8300

THE AULD DUBLINER 71 Pin e St Lon g Beach

w w lddu blin er .com

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O ?B r i en ?s i s n ow o p en f o r t o - go , co m e o n d ow n ! Pr o p er so ci al d i st an ci n g p r o t o co l s w i l l b e en f o r ced . Gr ow l er s o f b eer t o go !


This too shall pass! BhĂ­ nĂ­os measa againn, a Ghaeilge Meanwhile, Willy and the kitchen guys are here for you for the duration!

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

m í Aibr eáin

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/ As of Jan u ar y of 2020, w e w ill be of f er in g t h e Irish Arts Entertainment as a paid su bscr ipt ion ser vice on ly t h r ou gh ou r M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k . We ar e of f er in g A FREE TRIAL. No com m it m en t , an d n o obligat ion of an y k in d. We ar e con f iden t t h at ou r exclu sive Ir ish Con t en t an d Calen dar , Discou n t s, 2 f or 1 Of f er s an d Con t est s an d t oo m u ch m or e t o list h er e n ow w ill be w elcom ed by m ost of ou r

r eader s. We w ill k eep you in f or m ed as ou r plan s develop! As an Irish Arts & Entertainment Su bscr iber you w ill also be able t o opt in t o ou r Week ly Ir ish E M issive an d Pu bGu E New slet t er s & Calen dar s f or FREE t oo! Please don't delay! Em ail u : M igh t yIr ish Net w or k @gm

As alw ays, you r f eedback is im por t an t t o u s; you r com m en t s an d qu est ion s ar e alw ays appr eciat ed. We w an t t o k n ow w h at you w an t t o see added t o ou r con t en t ; so please em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm

Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mí Aibreáin

The View from Ireland Cor on avir u s Ou t br eak an d Fallou t By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick All in all, this is probably the most depressing St. Patrick?s Day to Easter period in living memory. Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald, in opposition in the last Dáil, was apt to point out the contradiction of having an apparently strong economy and an utterly dysfunctional health system. For example, she stated in the Dáil last October that September 2019 had been ?the worst September on record in terms of hospital overcrowding? [in which] 10,641 families? had to see a loved one suffer the indignity of a hospital trolley?. In the general election, the electorate demanded better. Now, irrespective of which parties form the government of the 33rd Dáil, the coronavirus crisis damages whatever chances existed of their demands being met. Naturally, the health system takes on a heightened significance during a pandemic, and we could hardly be more vulnerable in this respect. Irish hospitals, even in normal times, leave patients, staff and visitors alike wondering if they will get out alive. At the time of writing, there are several hundred cases of coronavirus in Ireland, but if those numbers rise to Italian or Iranian proportions, our hospital system will collapse. Such a collapse would trigger the necessity for emergency State aid and, consequently, major State borrowing. Yet the application of money transfers from Europe would happen against the backdrop of major changes in the European Union, changes that are already happening. If the coronavirus pandemic intensifies and lasts well into 2020, the recession that is resulting from it will pose a profound challenge to European integrity. The Common Market in Europe; the Schengen system of free travel across Europe?s borders; the right to live and work in another European country; the natural infrastructural connections between, and through, European countries: all are either suspended until further notice or hugely curtailed. Hard borders have emerged all over Europe. It is the right call, given the escalating pandemic that

has infected most countries in the world, but it means that there is a deep recession ahead. Given that nobody has worked out a way to buck the economic cycle of prosperity and accompanying recession, the wilful cessation of the world?s economic wheels that we are seeing is all the more remarkable. As it is unprecedented to stop the wheels of the economies like this, it may take an unprecedented stimulus to get them turning again. Universal Basic Income, which has been piloted in small-scale experiments across the world, is now effectively being introduced nationally and extensively in Italy. The Italian government has rightly perceived coronavirus as disabling Italian citizens from earning money and it has responded by scrapping household bills, taxes and mortgage repayments. This is the reverse of European governments?responses to the 2008 sub-prime crash when they? at the behest of the European Central Bank? recapitalised zombie banks from the taxpayers?coffers and let people suffer. Italian Industry Minister Stefano Patuanelli last week stated that he would raise the budget deficit to 2.2%; it is now looking more like 3% and growing. Clearly, Italy intends to act unilaterally by prioritising the well-being of Italians over European economic rules.

Apr il, 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Maurice VIEW Con t . Fr om Pr eviou s Page Again, in contrast to 2008 and its aftermath when the bigger western European powers imposed austerity programmes on what it termed the ?PIIGS?(Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain), governments are taking pre-emptive measures to ensure societies remain liquid. Italy? and other European countries drastically affected by coronavirus such as Spain could be next? has called the bluff of the European Central Bank in dismissing austerity and timorous State intervention out of hand. The ECB will have to accept that countries such as Italy acted as they had to, irrespective of the impact on the euro currency. Many European countries, including Ireland, have not fully recovered from the last global recession in 2008. It is true that Ireland?s GDP suggests exceptionally good times, but these gains have been very unequally spread. No patience remains to undergo another long recession while an elite benefits from the ?recovery?. Coronavirus may be about to reveal this fundamental shift in European societies. Europe has promised 40 billion euro from the European Investment Bank, which will go some way towards assisting people throughout Europe in these rattled times. But the credit ease and ?debt holiday?required from this mass stoppage of work and earning requires forbearance that is well beyond European norms. Yet what is the alternative? Matters get more complex still when it comes to relations within the private sector, particularly in the rental market. In Ireland, hundreds of thousands of people find themselves suddenly unemployed. It is a matter of weeks before a huge constituency fails to meet their rental payments and they will seek the government to provide a solution. However, the Irish government is a ?caretaker ? government, a transitional arrangement until a new government is formed. Recently in theIrish Timesbarrister Frank Callanan argued that the authority of a caretaker government to implement emergency measures isquestionable according to the Constitution.

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Doubtless, the government would acknowledge this, and also that its authority to require a moratorium of private landlords is dubious. But, again, what is the alternative?

Many of our industries cannot function without the ?open economy?that Irish politicians are so fond of lauding. Tourism in Ireland, for example, could be faced with a complete wipe out this year. Galway City, after five years of hard work and concerted effort, won the2020 European Capital of Cultureaccolade, which provides for generous funding to stage cultural events throughout the year? yet mass gatherings are now banned. Foreign Direct Investment, which generates circa 30 billion euro per annum, will remain a central part of our economy but it will be significantly hampered by the closure of borders and travel bans: 80% of FDI comes from the US. All in all, this is probably the most depressing St. Patrick?s Day to Easter period in living memory. .

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mí Aibreáin

O 'M al l ey 's I r i sh Pu b i n Seal B each h as gi f t b ask et s f o r sal e! $30 f or t h e Tu llam or e Dew bask et ~~~ $25 f or t h e t sh ir t bask et ! Pick one up today! @ O'Malley's on Main Call in f or TO GO ORDERS: 562 430-0631 Thank you to all, especially our regulars who have stepped up in our time of need. Sean(GM) and Victor(Head Chef) will be here as long as it?s allowed to serve the community. Our hours for the coming week are as follows: Mon -Fri. 3pm to 8pm w w alleyssealbeach .com Sat-Sun. 11am to 8pm

Ir ish Film Arracht Has Wor ld Pr em ier e at Tallin n , Est on ia Black Nigh t s Film Fest ival Tom Sullivan?s Irish-language drama, Arracht (Monster), debuted in the main competition at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia at the end of November. The film is set at the beginning of the Great Hunger in 1845, and tells the story of an Irish adventurer, Dónall l Ó Healaí, who loses everything and is accused of a murder. With the help of a local priest, he tries to build a new life after being on the run for three years Dónall also has help of a mysterious girl but it all falls apart and his past comes back to haunt him.

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Nor t h er n Ir ish Film A Bump Along the Way Kick s Of f 2020 SBIFF A Nor t h er n Ir elan d f ilm w as select ed t o open t h e pr est igiou s 2020 San t a Bar bar a In t er n at ion al Film Fest ival. Santa Barbara has special ties to Ireland since it has been Sister Cities with Dingle in County Kerry, Ireland since 2003. The small town charm of Dingle joins that of Santa Barbara and their Sister City marker can be seen on top of Conner ?s Pass. San t a Bar bar a w elcom es Ir ish cin em a. Flashing lights drew everyone to the historic Arlington Theatre in downtown Santa Barbara, as eager crowds gathered for a spectacular evening. In all her Irish glory, Bronagh Gallagher, starring in the opening Irish film A Bump along the Way, was stunning on the red carpet in front of the jam-packed Arlington Theatre. This year the SBIFF celebrated 35 years of screening independent and international films for the welcoming community of Santa Barbara. Mayor Kathy Murillo opened the evening by recognizing this year ?s special celebration and introducing beloved Executive Director Roger Durling, who has led this festival to be one of the top festivals in the USA and the world. It was just then that Bronagh Gallagher shared that A Bump Along the Way was developed through Northern Ireland Screen?s New Talent Focus and funded by Northern Ireland Screen& Lottery and Yellowmoon. Shelly Love directed the script written by Tess McGowan, and produced by Louise Gallagher, sister of Bronagh, well know producer with executive producer, Roma Downey, Irish actress and Emmy nominated producer from Derry, Northern Ireland. This film was a crowd pleaser at the 2019 Belfast Film Festival and won the award of Best Irish First Feature at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival, where it premiered. Bronagh wrapped up the evening after the film by thanking the spirited audience for being there for the film opening and US premiere.

The film A Bump Along the Way is a comedic drama, filmed in Derry, Northern Ireland.It starts out with a boozy one-night stand involving a middle aged woman and single Mom, Pamela (Bronagh Gallagher)) and a twenty-some young man, played Gerard Jordan. An unthinkable announcement from Pamela that she is pregnant causes havoc with her mature teenage daughter Allegra (Lola Pettigrew), who longs for her Mother to be a role model to her, instead of neglecting her. Filmed in and around Derry, Allegra faces teenage anxieties and bullying, while her Mother won?t deal with parental responsibilities. Allegra tries to live properly, but clashes with an unpredictable Mother, yet they do learn to survive and grow and accept the new baby. Many clever and comedic dialogues causes some funny interactions. Following the spectacular opening the SBIFF moved right along with gala party and its cinema-packed daily screenings and celebrity tributes filling eleven days.Just weeks before the Academy Awards, SBIFF tributes actors, director, artisans timely to their recent work.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mĂ­ AibreĂĄin

The first of many Aer Lingus humanitarian flights to Beijing landed to pick up urgent protective equipment and medical supplies for the HSE forIreland's War against Covid 19 The pilots are not allowed disembark in China and use a positioning crew to operate home. Not for the faint hearted as they are on board 28 hours!

Rou gh Sk y ah ead f or In t er n at ion al Car r ier s M ost of AER LINGUS f leet is gr ou n ded. Above DUBLIN AIRPORT in M ar ch , 2020

SBIFF & A Bump Along The Way Con t in u ed f r om pr eviou s page...

The SBIFF awardees usually garner Academy Awards soon after the film festival. Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Renee Zellweger was tributed with the American Rivera Award for her role as the legendary ?Judy?- Judy Garland, the actress, singer and Johanssondancer.Noteworthy performances in the critically acclaimed film ?Marriage Story,? by both Scarlett and Adam Driver, led them to honored as Performers of the Year. The ever popular Brad Pitt, was awarded the SBIFF highest honor, its Maltin Modern Master Award for a career of accomplishments and humanitarianism; he won

an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for his role in ?Once Upon a Time ? in Hollywood.? Other awardees were Cinema Vanguard Laura Dern, she won an Academy Award and Golden Globe; Lupita Nyong?o was honored with the Montecito Award and Korean director, writer, producer Bong Joon Ho, for his hit film ?Parasite,? was the honoree for Director of the Year; he has won numerous awards for this film: Academy Awards, Golden Globe, Palm d?Or Cannes and so many more. The tribute of Virtuoso Awards went to eight actors for their

breakthrough roles this season. For more information about the Santa Barbara International Film Festival check out: w w w.sbif f .or g.At t en dt h e36t h SBIFF Jan. 27 to Feb.6, 2021

Apr il, 2020

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THE WOODLAND'S EDGE Th e Poem s of Th om as M acDon agh LIM ITED EDITION DIGIPAK CD Amazing musicians including the legendary Paddy Moloney from The Chieftains , Liam O?Maonlai from The Hothouse Flowers , Award Winning Actors Patrick Bergin & Aedín Moloney , Grammy nominees Aoife Clancy and Janine Randall and 5 All Ireland Winners Joey Abarta, Liam Hart , Torrin Ryan , Stuart Peak , Eamonn Dillon will all be featured on this upsoming cellection! Also the very talented Aoife Scott , Monica Brennan Katie McD and a host of others Th e albu m w ill also f eat u r e 4 f am ily m em ber s of Ir ish Poet an d Pat r iot Th om as M acDon agh . Pr oceeds f r om t h e albu m w ill go t o t h e Th om as M acDon agh M u seu m ; t h ey do an am azin g am ou n t of w or k pr om ot in g Ir ish cu lt u r e an d en vir on m en t al aw ar en ess. REORDER THIS LIM ITED EDITION CD Feat u r in g Th e Cover Ar t by Aw ar d Win n in g Ir ish Ph ot ogr aph er Avr il Glavin an d Lin er Not es by Aw ar d Win n in g Wr it er Lu cille Redm on d ( Gr an ddau gh t er of Th om as M acDon agh ) $20 Each in clu din g S&H in USA (Rest of Th e Wor ld add $6) 2 CDS $35 in clu din g S&H in USA (Rest of Th e Wor ld add $7) 3 CDS $50 in clu din g S&H in USA (Rest of Th e Wor ld add $8) Lim it ed Edit ion 11 x 17 Post er $20

All Pr eor der s M u st Be Pr epaid Payin g by Ch eck m ail t o: M ar t in Bu t ler 29 Goddar d St r eet Apt 3 Qu in cy, M A 02169 VIA PAYPAL: Bodh r an m ar t in

Each in clu din g S&H in USA (Rest of Th e Wor ld add $8) On ly 250 w ill ever be pr odu ced

w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mí Aibreáin

Th e 145t h . An n u al Los An geles Ir ish Civic Day Celebr at ion an d Com m em or at ion Post pon ed Th e m u ch an t icipat ed an d r ever ed Ir ish Com m u n it y Civic Dy at Los An geles Cit y Hall h as been post pon ed du e t o ou r cu r r en t Nat ion al US Pu blic Healt h Covid 19 Cr isis.

As plan s develop f or an Aw ar ds Cer em on y, w e w ill k eep ou r r eader s in f or m ed. Th e deser vin g an d dist in gu ish ed Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican h on or ees ar e list ed h er e:

CONGRATULATION TO EVERYONE!!In Honor of Outstanding Contributions to the Irish American Community and the Los Angeles Area


IRISHM AN OF THE YEAR JAM ES G. HART Irish Technology Leadership Group Hall of Fame, Stanford University 2019 Edward Casey Award, Ancient Order of Hibernians Member, Board of Directors, St. Joseph Hospital Foundation,Eucharistic Minister, ICU St. Joseph Hospital

IRISHWOM AN OF THE YEAR CORY SOTOLOV Chief Fundraiser, Irish Fair Foundation Board of Directors, Irish Fair and Music Festival

K er r y I r i sh Pr o d u ct i o n s 20 20 Si gn at u r e T o u r St . Pat r i ck 's D ay I n I r el an d C u t Sh o r t

Or ch est r a m em ber s of t h e br illian t 2020 St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d pr odu ct ion ! Th e t alen t ed t r ou pe of m u sic m ak er s an d dan cer s played t o pack ed h ou ses an d st an din g ovat ion s at t h e begin n in g of t h e 2020 t ou r . Rapid spr ead of t h e Pan dem ic called f or t h e can cellat ion of som e sh ow s.

Fr om t h e w in gs back st age at THE LOBERO in San t a Bar bar a; Ir ish M agic in t h e m ak in g du r in g t h e per f or m an ce of t h e Ker r y Or ch est r a!

Apr il, 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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POSTPONED TILL 2021!! See you then!! See more online...

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rish Arts & Entertainment

The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! In Our May Issue, we will be featur ing a Pictor ial of Reader s Pictur es. Submissions wanted... Gets Better! We are making it a contest,,,submit a picture and you are entered to WI N a $25. Gift Certificate from the I rish I mport Shop!! ir

The Celtic Arts Center Celebrating 35 Years this year!

w w w. celt icar t scen t er .com

mĂ­ AibreĂĄin


Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Irish Music News & Reviews Strings & Things are a four-piece, high energy, contemporary, folk/traditional/ roots band, with three members from Tipperary and the fourth from Galway. Coming from different musical backgrounds including trad/rock/pop/ heavy rock and indie, they all played with various bands before meeting in Oct 2018 to make up the current line up. They perform a large repertoire of Irish songs, standard airs and traditional tunes produced in their own unique style. Playing around the south of Ireland Strings & Things were noticed on-line by Impact Promotions Ireland who invited them to perform at an original showcase platform in Co Cavan. Their performance was electric, and with the crowd loving the original material they were approached at the end of the night by Impact Promotions who were in the enviable position of being able to offer them a three month residency at the renowned Raglan Road venue in Orlando, Florida. This super experience and music tightness brought these four guys to a different level. They were invited to extend their residency at Raglan Road for an extra month and they thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience which resulted in them evolving into a more professional band. Back home in Ireland, the band were able to expand their gigs with Impact Promotions to perform in more counties including, Cavan, Meath, Westmeath, Galway, Mayo Roscommon & Donegal. This went extremely well for them and resulted in an invitation being received for ?Strings & Things?to travel to London for a mini-tour, where they then completed an amazing seven gigs in five days.!

The London audience loved them and as a result, they were offered a return which led to bookings in the US.. Fast Forward to June. 2019 to Raglan Road, Florida where they are currently living and playing. They have used this opportunity to select 12 tracks from their many original songs/tunes for their new album "The Unsolicited Dance" which they are recording and producing in Florida while out there until June 2020. St r in gs & Th in gs had plans in Ireland for the Summer Festivals, and the launch of their first album on 12th September 2020. This still mightl be followed by a three-month album promotional tour to every county in Ireland and a return trip to London. All in all, St r in gs & Th in gs have a very promising future ahead of them. For the latest as the current crisis may well change things,. MORE

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er In Tim es of COVID 19 By Tom Louie We?re still here and waiting for you? ? Even though we may be indoors and socially distanced, the Celtic Arts Center is waiting for the all-clear to bring you exciting classes and events for our 35th anniversary year. Among other things, we plan to bring you a rising young singer from Scotland, a class on Irish revolutionary literature, our annual September members?meeting/ice cream social, the most unique Samhain/Halloween celebration anywhere in SoCal, and of course our language classes, dancing lessons, the longest-running session in Southern California, more Céilís and more fun! 2020 is going to be a great year yet! Do you have any ideas for us? What would you like to see us offer,

both now and after the emergency is over? For example, do you think we should re-do some ?missed? holidays? Do write to us, keep in touch, because that?s what?s keeping us all going right now! We?re still teaching Irish!!Our brilliant and dedicated teacher, Mícheál, is still remotely teaching the Irish language to a booming and growing class of daltaí gaeilgeoirí, same day and time! For instructions on how to make contact and participate, please go to w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com / COVID-19_Gaeilge.h t m l Please keep checking in with us, in case we are able to offer more remote classes and activities. Fanacht sábháilte? ? Stay safe. (747) 444-0876 MAILING ADDRESS 5062 Lankershim Blvd. #3003 North Hollywood, CA 91601

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com /

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Som e excit in g Celt ic M u sic n ew s Fr om Calt ech Live Calt ech is pu t t in g t oget h er a n ew digit al ser ies du r in g t h e lock dow n called Th e Sh ow M u st Go On (lin e). Th e f ir st ar t ist is Eileen Iver s (!!!), w h o h as been gam e t o do 2 f u ll set s live f r om h er Lof t in West Nyack ! It w ill h appen via Facebook live (an d accessible on t h e Calt ech Live! w ebsit e f or t h ose w it h ou t Facebook ). Th e livest r eam con cer t is set f or n ext Th u r sday, Apr il 16 @ 5:00PST.

h t t ps:/ / w w w.f acebook .com / Calt ech Live/ w w w.even t s.calt ech .edu / w at ch

St at u s Updat e on t h e IRISH SPOTLIGHT an d New por t Beach Film Fest ival Just in from Brianna Pike of the Irish Spotlight at the NBFF. "Due to the unprecedented outbreak of Covid - 19 (Coronavirus), the Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF) has announced that the annual event is rescheduled to August 6th - 13th, 2020 in and around Newport Beach, CA. The Festival made the difficult decision to postpone based on current Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

The Irish Spotlight is especially grateful for our partnership with Irish Arts and Entertainment. !

We look forward to reconvening and moving forward with the Festival together." Here is more information regarding the update for our readers, our PR that appeared in Variety: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 2VdUr k 7

Renaissance Pleasur e Fair e Sor r y to r epor t Canceled for 2020 w w w.r en f air .com / socal

Kr is Colt as Lady Black Rose w ill be playin g again ASAP!

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ED BELL'S VIRTUAL PUB Gr eat CRAIC & Com pan y Pu b/ Tr ad M u sic, Fu n & Tr ivia!! w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et /


Irish Arts & Entertainment

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For t h e du r at ion , t h e Au ld Du blin er Th u r sdays Wit h KEN O'M ALLEY ar e dar k ...


Ken O'M alley en t er t ain s w it h st or y an d son gs. EVERY SUNDAY

On lin e!! Su n days @ 2PM

Th is w eek ... Son gs Abou t Ir ish Im m igr at ion Ph ot o by Kr ist i @ Au ld Du blin er


f acebook .com / k en om alleyir ish m u sic/ live

Du blin n at ive, LA based,

Ken O'M alley Ir ish M u sic an d Tou r s w w w.ken om

Ir ish Balladeer , par excellen ce Ken O'M alley DOUBLETREE Ch ocolat e Ch ip Cook ies We know this is an anxious time for everyone,? said Shawn McAteer, Senior Vice President and Global Head of DoubleTree by Hilton, in apress release. ?A warm chocolate chip cookie can?t solve everything, but it can bring a moment of comfort and happiness.? A favorite of US Travelers including me!!

DoubleTree Signature Cookie Recipe

Gu in n ess Jam eson Ice Cr eam Float

Makes 26 cookies

Recipe & Ingredient s:

½ pound butter, softened (2 sticks) ¾ cup + 1 tablespoon granulated sugar ¾ cup packed light brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 ¼ teaspoons vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 ¼ cups flour 1/2 cup rolled oats


3 cups of vanilla (or chocolate) ice cream 1 can of Guinness One shot of Jameson (or two or three or five!) Chocolate syrup Whipped cream Caramel

Direct ions:: Blend the first three ingredients. Cover the cup in chocolate syrup down the sides first, pour in the shake, top with whipped cream and caramel! Serves 2 (or one!).

Tá míle fáilte romhat!

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Dou bleTr ee Cook ie Recipe 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Pinch cinnamon 2 2/3 cups Nestle Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 3/4 cups chopped walnuts Cr eam bu t t er , su gar an d br ow n su gar in t h e bow l of a st an d m ixer on m ediu m speed f or abou t 2 m in u t es. Add eggs, van illa an d lem on ju ice, blen din g w it h m ixer on low speed f or 30 secon ds, t h en m ediu m speed f or abou t 2 m in u t es, or u n t il ligh t an d f lu f f y, scr apin g dow n bow l.

mí Aibreáin

Wit h m ixer on low speed, add f lou r , oat s, bak in g soda, salt an d cin n am on , blen din g f or abou t 45 secon ds. Don?t over m ix. Rem ove bow l f r om m ixer an d st ir in ch ocolat e ch ips an d w aln u t s. Por t ion dou gh w it h a scoop (abou t 3 t ablespoon s) on t o a bak in g sh eet lin ed w it h par ch m en t paper abou t 2 in ch es apar t . Pr eh eat oven t o 300°F. Bak e f or 20 t o 23 m in u t es, or u n t il edges ar e golden br ow n an d cen t er is st ill sof t . Rem ove f r om oven an d cool on bak in g sh eet f or abou t 1 h ou r .


O'M alley's Irish Pub M ain St . Seal Beach, CA w w allesysealbeach .com SCREENING AGAIN SOON DETAILS ONLINE Thank you to everyone who tuned in for the online premiere of #InsidetheGPO by

@colinmurphyinfo! The video is now available to watch at your leisure until 10pm tomorrow (Mon 13th). @dfl_post for filming & editing. http:// inside-the-gpo

April, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

CALL 562 430-0631

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w w alleyssealbeach .com

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS and Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs! Click graphic t o be connect ed and fill in t he form! This mont h's Pub Of The Mont Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica; Please see t heir ad t his issue!

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

mí Aibreáin

Th e Lír Wh ist le ?A modern whistle for a new age in Irish traditional music? Th e Lír w h ist le is in spir ed by n ear ly a t h ou san d year s of t r adit ion al celt ic f lu t es an d w h ist les, bu t h as been design ed w it h t h e m oder n player in m in d. Havin g w or k ed side-by-side w it h som e of Ir elan d?s gr eat w h ist le player s, w e h ave adapt ed a t im e h on ou r ed design t o allow t h e player t h e abilit y t o ef f or t lessly f low acr oss t h r ee oct aves w h ilst m ain t ain in g a sm oot h t on e. Wh at m ak es t h e Lír w h ist le u n iqu e is t h e specially select ed m at er ials u sed in t h e body of t h e w h ist le. We u se m u ch m or e copper in ou r br ass com pou n d. Th is m ak es t h e w h ist le m u ch st r on ger an d in doin g so cr eat es a m u ch m or e st able sou n d, allow in g t h e player t o pu sh t h e bou n dar ies of w h at t h e h u m ble t in w h ist le can do. All ou r w h ist les ar e m ach in ed by h an d, t h en f u lly in spect ed an d played by ou r exper t player s h er e in t h e w est of Ir elan d.

Lír Wh ist le in t h e k ey of ?D? The Lír whistle is a new modern standard for traditional tin whistle players. This whistle is a limited edition finish with three rings on top. Price includes Lír Pouch and postage within the Republic of Ireland. For international postage rates, please email us. w w w.lir sou n d/ con t act

?75 in clu din g padded case; Com es in t h e keys of D an d Eb. w w w.lir sou n

Paddy M olon ey of THE CHIEFTAINS is on e of t h e m ost f am ou s pr opon en t s an d player s of t h e Ir ish Tin Wh ist le! For over f if t y year s h e h as been in f lu en t ial in dem on st r at in g t h e beau t y an d ver sat ilit y of t h is f in e Ir ish Tr adit ion al in st r u m en t !

Apr il, 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...

Page 31

On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com

Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh

EVEN NOW...WE ARE REACHING A WIDE AUDIENCE & HELPING OUR ADVERTISERS!! It is Easy & Cost Effectiv to pr omote your Business, Event, Pub or Ser vice with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w allyssealbeach .com

NEED SOM E CREATIVE INPUT? GET PUBLISHED!! Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e

Irish Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . We w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm \ OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH M or e in f o:

REMINDER! Happy Hour Monday - Thursday | 4:00 -7:00 pm Friday | 4:00 -8:00 pm Afternoon Tea Served Monday - Saturday 11:30 am -4:00 pm

YE OLDE KING'S HEAD San t a M on ica, CA w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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