Happy Four th of July!
Vo l u m e X X I I X # 7
L úil
~ Ju l y
20 20
I rish American H oliday Special Section starts on page 18
T h e I r i sh I n T h e A m er i can Rev o l u t i o n
Com m odor e Joh n Bar r y Wexf or d Bor n Fou n der of t h e US Navy Feat u r e on 20
T h e H ar p i n C o st a M esa & O 'B r i en 's, San t a M o n i ca; O u r L o cal s A r e O p en
I r i sh A r ch i v e Rest o r at i o n : Page 4
Rev o l u t i o n ar y I r i sh Fact o i d s Page 18
T h e Pan I r i sh D i gest Page 29
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
L úil
N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N
INSIDE THIS ISSUE PHOENIX RISING Page 3 On Lin e Th is Week ! Dau n t in g Task Com plet ed! Rest or at ion of Ir ish Ar ch ives Th ou gh t Lost in 1922 Civil War Page 4 Pu blish er ;s Let t er Page 6 Roddy Doyle New book LOVE Page 10
Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Page 11
Sever al Feat u r es St ar t on Page 19
M au r ice Fit zpat r ick VIEW FROM IRELAND Page 12
Th e PAN IRISH DIGEST Even t s. New s & Opin ion abou t Ir elan d an d t h e Ir ish Diaspor a f r om ar ou n d t h e w or ld See Page 24
Ken O'M alley Tou r Page 15
Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er Page 17 Ir ish Revolu t ion Fact oids Page 18 Th e Ir ish con t r ibu t ion t o t h e Am er ican Revolu t ion
IRISH CALENDAR Page 27 Ir ish Com m u n it y, An n ou n cem en t s, Lin k s & List in gs A FREE SERVICE St ar t s on Page 29
Ju ly, 2020
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Ph o en i x Ri si n g Original Art By Brian Boylan I n t h e i n sp i r i n g w o r d s o f t h e ar t i st ! "L et 's al l b e l i k e T H E PH O EN I X RI SI N G" B oy l an ' i s an I r i sh n at i v e w h o n ow r esi d es i n Red o n d o B each . See h i s ad o n p age 4 M o r e sam p l es o f h i s am azi n g ar t o n h i s Faceb o o k Page!
Lovin g an d pr ou d M ot h er , Car ol Boylan w h o sadly passed aw ay in 2019 w it h Br ian
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
98TH Anniversary Notes Progress for Historical Archive Recreation Once thought lost forever from Civil War Destruction In 1922 By Patrick Weld Sectarian death, mayhem and troubles are nothing new. Throughout history, we push and strive ahead and then breakdowns occur. The Irish were no exception and in the early Summer of 1922 when the Civil War raged. the historic Four Courts in Dublin was destroyed. The Four Courts fire happened on June 30, 1922 when an IRA Faction and The eventual winners, The Irish Provisional Army. Beyon d 2022: Ir elan d?s Vir t u al Recor d Tr easu r y Just a little over two years ago in February 2018, Trinity University Dublin launched an unprecedented ground-breaking project to digitally recreate the building and contents of the Public Record Office of Ireland that had been located there. According to Trinity, "The project has the potential to transform how we understand Ireland?s past and will be of great interest to the Irish Diaspora and anyone tracing their Irish roots. It is estimated that up to 70 million people around the world claim Irish ancestry and heritage." Before the conflagration, seven centuries of Irish (and
Du blin Fou r Cou r t s bu r n in g in 1922 du r in g THE TROUBLES M ORE INFO: LINK TO Ir ish Tim es Feat u r e an d Video on Ar ch ive Rest or at ion
h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3gijFH9
British) records, legal archives and proceedings were in one place. Everything historical and genealogical was collected and stored iat the imposing six-story Victorian edifice. A Dublin landmark known as the Record Treasury. All was lost. Accounts from the time described the event, "...hundreds of thousands of English government documents concerning Ireland, dating back to the 13th century, were destroyed? seemingly forever. As well as documenting the growth of the state in Ireland across many centuries the archive?s collections touched on almost every aspect of life in Ireland, including births, marriages and deaths, wills, maps, parish registers and town records from across the island. For generations, the loss of these precious historical documents has hampered the study of Ireland?s past, limiting our understanding of family, local and national history as well as Ireland?s connected history with the wider world." Thanks to our current Information Age and amazing new technology, coupled with painstaking and tedious historical research and careful archival work these losses were not irrecoverable. Trinity pulled off a miracle of sorts by bringing to life a vision: "to bring Ireland?s Public Record Office back to life by creating a 3D virtual reality reconstruction of the destroyed building and refilling its shelves with fully-searchable surviving documents and copies of the lost records." By Moving beyond the divisive legacy of the period, the project will also reopen Ireland?s deeper past to
Ju ly, 2020
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N O W O PEN f or D i n i n g & D r i n k s on th e N EW PAT I O !! Our inside dining may be closed, but our new patio is still open. Take out is still available for alcohol and food and food delivery through Postmates. #openforbusiness #patio #outsidedining
TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310
Please w ear a m ask an d m ain t ain social dist an cin g. Ser vice w ill be a lit t le dif f er en t t h an n or m al, bu t w e ar e excit ed t o see you all again . If you ar en?t qu it e r eady yet , w e ar e st ill sellin g f ood an d alcoh ol f or t ak e ou t an d deliver y on Gr u bh u b. Again , w e ar e m oved by t h e su ppor t t h at w e h ave r eceived du r in g t h is t im e. Let ?s st ay saf e an d m ove f or w ar d slow ly! Willy O'Sullivan
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
More Features
Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26
Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@
ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
All Copyrights 2020 McDonough Media
Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends & Readers,
HAPPY I NDEPENDENCE DAY! Growing up in Ohio in the fifties has bestowed upon me an old fashioned view of life. Growing up Irish Catholic certainly gave me a distinct view of mores, morals and customs. A mighty mix of how things were and are! Also, I managed to be blessed with a long life, so I have the advantage and good fortune to be able to stay somewhat placid and positive. Still, at this j uncture, we are all a bit r attled! These are tumultuous times.
A Pandemic, A vicious Election Year, Division, Protests and Riots!
ignorance of the past. A version of every current event (usually worse) has already happened in the US. We have had A CIVIL WAR, Epidemics, Depressions, Wars, Race Riots and protests. This is a good issue! The theme is clear too. Celebrate Revolution! Learn from the past as it can guide you to a better future. Build and re build. Don't destroy! Cherish your lineage, history and past. Be reverent to tradition. The payoff is well worth the effort. You achieve calm, perspective and acquire coping skills.
Here is my message for this month when we celebrate our Revolution! All is well, this is fine. We are I r ish and we endure. I learned early on that the only constant in the Universe was change, Also, embraced Chaos Theory when I studied Economics. These facts help explain the concept of constant change but the don't smooth the path of change. It is often a rocky road. We need history taught and understood. Overall, we have done a pretty rotten job of giving ourselves and our Western Societies, the perspective that we need to cope with the present because of our abysmal
Stay safe and be well. Jim M cDonough, Publisher
July, 2020
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Book Rev i ew & Com m en t ar y By Jim M cD onough
L I FE SC A L E "Somewhere along the way, we got distracted. As much as we multitask, love our devices and feel like we?re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attention spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction. It?s time to reclaim our lives. It?s time to take control." Do you, Dear Reader, believe in serendipity? If yes, please continue as this writer has a hunch that you will probably be quite delighted with this book! And if not, I certainly would urge you to continue anyway.
Rarely, if ever, have I found a book in such an odd way at such a perfect time. Reading and making use of Brian Solis' insightful guide and self improvement tome has been an exceptional learning experience and wake up call for me. As a general rule, we keep our topics here Irish, Celtic and things of interest to our mostly Irish American readers. This work falls into the last catagorey. The short version here is based on an interesting premise. Most of us have become slaves to the devices that we use to obtain information. it is by design that we have been led down this path . That alone is bad enough but then we learn that to our serious detriment....SEE PG 8
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
Continued from pg 7
that the manipulation is on an unprecedented scale. Mind control in the name of huge profits have become the biggest businesses of all time. We have collectively been indoctrinated and scammed by a cabal of the most insidious people and companies in human history....they plot for no less than absolute control of our lives and money. The plotters and their well paid inside circle include the investors, CEOs of EVERY big tech, communication, cable and social media company. They and their cohorts (managers, product developers et all) study us, note our habits, track us and figure out exactly how to get us to respond to their interests in the cheapest, most efficient (for them) and quickest way possible. This is all being carried out on all of us on a scale and to an extent that boggles the mind. They want everyone addicted to their devices so that they have the ability to market to us, keep us sedated and keep us in line!
Gu ess w h at >?? It is all w or k in g. Th e deck is n ow st ack ed again st u s . Our only hope is to learn what we are up against and to take the appropriate corrective action. Brain scans, numerous studies, testing galore all indicate that humans are losing intelligence. This is a result of lifestyle, education and other factors but primarily our over exposure to smarts phones, various screens from TV to computer and our dependence on them. LIFE SCALE is an important book for everyone because it offers a way up and out!! The scope of the amazing book is too vast for one short review. We will do follow up in future issues. In the meantime, here are links to another review and information for ordering:
ORDER FROM THE PUBLISHER Lif escale: How t o Live a M or e Cr eat ive, Pr odu ct ive, an d Happy Lif e By Br ian Solis Goodreads Review: goodr eads.com / book / sh ow / 40919590-lif escale
Ou r Reader s can st ill h elp! Th e lat est goal h as been r evised t o SIX M ILLION $ US! Follow t h is lin k t o GO FUND M E: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3gT1Cbk
Worldwide Irish Have Given Almost $5 Million
Ju ly, 2020
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
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Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Pu bGu ide E New s
LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Book Review By Jim McDonough
Love Roddy Doyle Mines The Past ? Over Many, Many Pints A lot of people drink, Americans and Europens in general are more matter of fact about the topic but to the Irish there seems to be a peculiar, almost reverent take on alcohol consumption. Roddy Doyle, who is one of my favorite Irish writers and a Booker Prize Winner in 1993 for his novel Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha. (The Van, The Commitments too) gets on the tipsy wagon with lathe test ode to consumption LOVE!
"The characters have been getting older as I get older." Love handles the drink in such a way that it makes the reader believe firmly in the mercy and power of the curse! How does this Doyle fellow write so well with such a hobby came to mind! Joe and Davy are two old friends from childhood who meet up in a pub in Dublin. The hard drinking makes for quite a reunion. As per NPR's semi spoiler interview, "Joe has a burning secret; Davy has a concealed sorrow." The tale unfolds of the time lost to adventures in America and to raising a son in Ireland and quite a lot of other captivating bits. Interestingly, such a reunion happened to me in a pub in Newport Beach just a few years ago.The years vanished and the friendship picked up as if there had never been a gap of divergent lives and time! To capture that is a mark of a writer who has a gift a notch or ten above his peers.
The Irish Novelist acknowledged in an NPR interview that he is not an autobiographical writer, but that,
Click Her e f or NPR In t er view
Available @:\ Pat yoplay.com
Reprinted with permission 2020 Shop our store: Dist in ct ly M on t an a
July, 2020
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
The View from Ireland On or Of f t h e Pedest al By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Sym bols an d St at u es; n ot so m u ch ! In st ead ser iou sly con f r on t in g
discr im in at ion an d r acism in Ir elan d The global impact of the killing of George Floyd spread to Ireland with protesters asserting that black lives matter in front of the US embassy in Dublin.??Similarly, the position of minorities in Ireland has come into far sharper focus since early June? then Minister for Culture Josepha Madigan was again criticised in the DĂĄil for her opposition to Travellers being housed in her community in 2014. The force of the demos since Floyd?s murder has been matched by the force of the debates resulting from it. The concomitant rethink throughout the world about symbols and statues, and the values that they may represent, has been less prevalent in Ireland even though we are a former colony, a country historically riven by opposing traditions and there is no dearth of contentious symbols. It is certain that many nationalists would happily remove the statues of men commemorated in Stormont who were historically responsible for disenfranchising the minority in the North of Ireland. One response, espoused in official circles in the North and in Northern Ireland bureaus abroad to the inescapable offence arising from flags, emblems and statuary, is to avoid them. Yet that avoidance strategy cannot be applied by sovereign countries. Meeting horrific history head-on can more easily happen in museums than in statuary and commemorative edifices. Throughout Eastern Europe today, for example, there are communist museums glorifying the agrarian paradise that virile men and maternal women enjoyed during the altruistic period of collectivism. The countries that endured the misery of Stalinism and the Soviet Union retain those museums partly because they form an aspect of national memory and heritage. They also keep them because they can be viewed critically and ironically today, and there is an inherent liberation in that. However, Polish attitudes to Warsaw?s Palace of Culture and Science, a gargantuan edifice in the capital city centre built by Stalin, are more complex. While its architectural grandeur is undeniable, its
Ju st af t er Lor d Nelson t ook a pow der ...O'Con n ell St r eet , Du blin 1966 connotations of tyranny remain provocative, and many Poles want it demolished. Similarly, the Parliament of Romania in Bucharest, while immense and wondrous in scale and execution, nevertheless represents Nicolae Ceau?escu?s pitiless regime. Many years ago, I gave a brief tour of a few of the major sites in London to visiting Japanese students. We started in Trafalgar Square and finished off at the Palace of Westminster. At Westminster, viewing the Emmeline Pankhurst Memorial, we discussed the tactics and legacy of the Suffragette Movement. One student was critical of a suffragette, Emily Davison, who died by throwing herself before racehorses at the Epsom Derby in 1913 (in Japan, suicide for a political cause is a highly emotive subject). The passion, courage and commitment of the British Suffragette movement cannot be denied. Nevertheless, the leader of the movement, Emmeline Pankhurst, was an imperialist who would brook no opposition to Britain?s ?right?to control vast swathes of the world and to deprive subjugated nations of their rights.
Th e over ly im posin g Nelson Pillar in Du blin
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Maurice VIEW Cont. From Previous Page The American incarnation of the same movement, the Suffragists, was led by an avowed racist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Could the suffragette/ suffragist movement have happened without elitism and what tends to come with it? access to education, travel, publications and so forth? The passion, courage and commitment of the British Suffragette movement cannot be denied. Nevertheless, the leader of the movement, Emmeline Pankhurst, was an imperialist who would brook no opposition to Britain?s ?right?to control vast swathes of the world and to deprive subjugated nations of their rights. The American incarnation of the same movement, the Suffragists, was led by an avowed racist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Could the suffragette/ suffragist movement have happened without elitism and what tends to come with it? access to education, travel, publications and so forth? It most certainly could. One glance at the founding ideals of the African-American liberation struggle shows that, while educated leaders such as Martin Luther King and James Baldwin were crucial catalysts, elitism had no essential part to play in its ideology. If a movement aims to truly embody a struggle for liberation, elitism is an obstacle rather than an enabler to achieving its goals. So how do we honour the extraordinary achievements of women?s suffrage movements and yet also acknowledge the injustices they condoned and perpetuated? Both Pankhurst and Stanton are commemorated in statuary in various parts of the world. Later this year, a new statue featuring Stanton will be installed in New York?s Central Park. As an afterthought, New York City Public Design Commission approved adding to the plinth a former slave who became a prominent suffragist, Sojourner Truth. That decision has been vindicated in light of the formidable support that the Black Lives Matter movement just gained. Is there something in that decision that may help to negotiate competing historical narratives?
Joh n Hu m e, Ir elan d's m ost cou r ageou s peacm ak er pr of iled by M au r ice Fit zpat r ick ; Available @
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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
VI EW continued This leads to the occasionally elusive issue of what is intended by a statue. In Germany, for instance, the public history that the government can celebrate is very circumscribed. One historical figure who features in hundreds of plazas and statues around Germany is ?the Iron Chancellor ?, Otto von Bismarck. A master of realpolitik, Bismarck was the architect of the unification of Germany in 1871 and he ruled Germany during a generation of relative peace. He is responsible, more than anyone, for the creation of modern Germany, and he is substantially responsible for the creation of the modern nation-state. That said, do not expect the Poles to dust off statutes of Bismarck that formerly occupied western Polish city centres; do not hold your breath for Namibia, a country Bismarck brutally colonised, to extol his peaceful politics or his democracy. Bismarck stands stolidly on statue plinths in Germany partly because his considerable crimes simply do not compare with those of the Nazi period two generations later? relativism helps to convey his
Continued from page 4
Fou r Cou r t s Digit al Rest or at ion The project will bring millions of lost historical and genealogical facts to a global audience and will allow historical research to reach back four centuries earlier than most currently available genealogical resources. Commenting on the significance of the project, Dr Patrick Prendergast, Provost of Trinity, said: ?Ireland?Virtual Record Treasury will be a public and academic resource with global reach and impact. This international, collaborative project makes a significant contribution to the national commemorative effort by reuniting collections destroyed by war. It forms part of our strategic research theme ?Making Ireland?? a transformative collaboration in Irish studies. By reconstructing a lost treasure, Trinity is seeking to create a lasting and meaningful legacy,
shade with respectability. Also, the intention behind commemorating Bismarck appears to be to mark his role in forging German statehood rather than to justify (still less heroicise) his crimes. The intention of a statue can hardly be gleaned merely from the stated aims of the political body that erected it, or the period in which it was erected. It is also known from the meanings imputed to it today. And if the present age cannot see sufficient legitimacy and justice in a statue then we need a dialogue about what it, and the past it represents, means to us now.
Still revered in Ireland & the US. Ellis Island's ANNIE MOORE and her brothers Unscathed so far
realise a shared ambition of recreating virtually the holdings of the Public Record Office of Ireland by the year 2022.
Selected Sources for more information:
www.beyond2022.ie Visual Evidence can now be viewed online. Collection consists of maps, plans, photographs from the 1860s up to the aftermath of the fire o June 30, 1922
h t t ps:/ / beyon d2022.ie/ ?page_id=2 Link to YouTube intro from project PR
w w w.you t u be.com / w at ch ?v=CXu Exly6dl4
Ireland?s Virtual Record Treasury will comprise: A virtual reality reconstruction of the destroyed Public Record Office of Ireland. This will be built from original architectural plans and photographic evidence. John McDonough, Director of the National Archives of Ireland, commented on the significance of the international archival partnership formed by the project: ?The collaboration between Trinity and its archival partners ? The National Archives of Ireland, The National Archives (UK), The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, and The Irish Manuscripts Commission ? is a symbolic moment. It represents imaginative cooperation in order to
Fou r Cou r t s Ru bble Ju ly, 1922
Ju ly, 2020
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Ken O?M alley Ir elan d Tou r s Sch edu le Ch an ged The Ken O'Malley Tour set f or Apr il 18 27 of t h is year w as pu sh ed t o Spr in g of 2021.Det ails on t h at t ou r in f ew w eek s. Fir st st op w ill be Ban t r y Bay n ear Cor k ; t h e 2021 t ou r spen ds t h r ee n igh t s on Ir elan d's West Coast Cast let ow n , M izen Head Ligh t h ou se , Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y an d Con n em ar a For More Information and to book your space; Contact
Ken O'M alley:
310 569 1062
w w w.k en @k en om alley.com
Tou r is st ill on , All of the already scheduled hotels and travel means by deluxe coach are in place and there are spots left! This is a well planned and proven Irish adventure. Departure from Dublin Airport on Saturday, October 10 and ends on Monday, October 19, again at Dublin Airport. The complete itinerary for Th is Fall's Wild At lan t ic Way can be downloaded from Ken's website. w w w.k en om alley.com
Ken's Dates for his First Ever SAMHAIN TRIP Details TBA See next page
A br ief st op in Galw ay (Pict u r ed f r om t h e h ills above) t h is year . Am azin g m u sic, pu bs an d sigh t seein g w ill m ak e you w an t t o r et u r n ! Cen t er : M or n in g M ist
Th e River Lif f ey in Du blin at du sk ...t h is except ion al m om en t w as capt u r ed by Dian a Tallie on Ken ;s last t ou r .
Ken O'M alley Ou r f avor it e Ir ish Balladeer is en du r in g t h e Pan dem ic w h ile en t er t ain in g f an s on lin e ! See details in Calendar
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
w w w.ken om alley.com
Ret u r n t o t h e cr adle of Celt ic civilizat ion an d celebr at e Sam h ain Hallow een in Ir elan d w it h Ken O?M alley t h is year . Sam h ain is t h e pagan r eligiou s f est ival or igin at in g f r om an an cien t Celt ic spir it u al t r adit ion . In m oder n t im es, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced ?sow-win?) is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in ?the dark half of the year.? Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld. The days when the veil between the dead, undead and the living was at its thinnest. Around the 6thC, Pope Gregory had the bright idea to fuse the old Celtic customs and beliefs with Christian celebrations and it actually worked for the missionaries in Ireland at the time. Samhain became All Hallows Eve, hallowed meaning sacred, and the next day became All Saint?s Day. Halloween had arrived. October 24th, Our group will meet in the morning at Dublin Airport, unless other arrangements are made with individual travelers. Our tour this time will be a little different as we are spending the first three nights in Dublin. We will take a shuttle to the Harding Hotel on Fishamble St, at the edge of temple Bar in the heart of the city. The Bram Stoker Festival begins on the 23rd and ends on the 26th. https://bramstokerfestival.com/ October 27th, Tuesday morning we will join our driver Paul, board our luxury coach and drive to Belfast. On our way we will visit the neolithic passage tombs of Newgrange and Nowth in the Boyne Valley, older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. This place of worship, and sacred burials is still a mystery as to it?s mathematical design. Is there an Alien connection ? Our group will enter the 5000 year old tomb at Newgrange, a privilege not available to the
general public at all times. On to Belfast for two nights arriving late afternoon at the Europa Hotel, most famous for being ?the most bombed hotel in Europe? from its numerous explosions during the late 60?s and 70?s during ?the Troubles?. It is one of the finest hotels in Belfast. October 28th, we will visit the Titanic Museum, a must see for any fans of the great liner ?s story. Built and launched in Belfast, the museum holds many original artifacts and a look into the past of shipbuilding in Belfast?s past. In the afternoon, I will have a friend of mine join us on the coach and give us a guided tour of the City, and it?s troubled history, ?Up the Catholic Falls Road and down the Protestant Shankhill Road?, visiting the Peace Walls, historically dividing neighborhoods. October 29th, Our tour will take us across to the City of Derry and its famous Halloween Festival, for three days through Halloween night and the extravaganza of events while we are there. October 30th, We will have a private guided tour of the historic Walls of Derry and the history from the Siege of Derry in 1689 when the Apprentice Boys held back the forces of Catholic King James for months and were victorious, to the story of Bloody Sunday in 1972 when 14 Catholic civilians were killed and 12 more wounded by British Paratroopers during a peaceful Civil Rights march. October 31st, we will drive into Donegal and visit a 6thC stone ring fort built by the Clan O?Neill overlooking Derry and Donegal Bay. The view is spectacular and the fort is really impressive. Nov 1st, We will drive back to Dublin for one final night before many of us will travel home to US. This tour promises to be a very exciting and spiritual return to the All Hollows Eve and All Saints Day (Day of the Dead) that were the celebrations of the ancient Celts and their Druid priests. There will be more trick or treats on this tour than
you can imagine. Join me, Ken O?Malley, if you dare !!! Nov 2nd, Return to the US for those not traveling further or staying on. in Ireland.
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
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"Some of them were dreamers Some of them were fools And for some of them, It was only the moment that mattered..." Jackson Browne
Need A Poem ? By Jim M cDon ou gh It w as Au gu st in t h e at t ic Rain in g, t h u n der , t h e r oof sh ook M y br ot h er t old m e it cou ld f ly of f Dr eadin g t h at I gr ipped m y book
We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us: irishmissive@gmail.com
Sixt y year s lat er I w en t back Th e old h ou se on Dan e st ill st ood Look in g u p I saw t h e r oof intact A lesson lear n ed, m ost f ear 's n ot f act Now w e live in t im es u n r aveled Pr aisin g pain w it h bu r st s of f ir e Ugly, n ast y, w h at is t h is Con f u sion , n o pu r pose, w h y exist ? Go f or ser en it y, st op all t h e gr eed St an d again st t h is h ell of h at e Gar n er good as you r n ew cr eed A lif e of love is a bet t er f at e
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
ALOYSIUS THE GREAT AT THE LOWEST PRICE: ebook : $7.49 (US) Paper back : $22.99 (US) In t h e con t in en t al Un it ed St at es deliver y dir ect ly f r om t h e pu blish er is f r ee.
h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ Aloysiu sTh eGr eat GOODREADS EXCERPT Set in t h e t u m u lt u ou s 1960s, Aloysiu s t h e Gr eat is t h e st or y of Aloysiu s Gogar t y, a you n g alcoh olic Am er ican pr of essor , pr essu r ed in t o becom in g r esiden t dir ect or of h is college?s st u dy-abr oad pr ogr am in En glan d. He depar t s r esen t f u l of t h e t ask f oist ed u pon h im , an d dist u r bed at h avin g t o leave beh in d a w om an h e?s r ecen t ly becom e in f at u at ed w it h . In En glan d, Gogar t y f in ds h im self on a r u n aw ay r oller -coast er of r ebelliou s st u den t s, dr u gs, sex an d academ ic polit ics. He con t in u es t o cou r t h is in am or at a f r om af ar an d h is alcoh olism spir als ou t of con t r ol. Gogar t y get s h elp in copin g w it h h is k aleidoscopic pr oblem s f r om an Oxf or d cou n t er par t w h o is a w ick edly w it t y an d st alw ar t com pan ion . Th ey con su m e epic qu an t it ies of alcoh ol w h ile con coct in g ou t lan dish sch em es t o addr ess t h ese ch allen ges. M ir acu lou sly, Gogar t y n ot on ly su r vives t h is m ayh em , bu t em er ges a h er o an d cr ow n s h is ach ievem en t s by com in g t o gr ips w it h h is alcoh olism . Gogar t y ?s t r an sat lan t ic cou r t in g also yields su r pr isin g r esu lt s.
June, 2020
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
Ju ly, 2020
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
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K er r y I r i sh Pr o d u ct i o n s I m m er sed I n D ev el o p i n g Fu t u r e Sh ow s A n d C h r i st m as 20 20 T o u r & 20 21 St . Pat r i ck 's D ay Si gn at u r e T o u r Or ch est r a m em ber s &Ir ish dan cer s St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d 2020 pr odu ct ion ! Th e t alen t ed t r ou pe of m u sic m ak er s an d dan cer s played t o pack ed h ou ses an d st an din g ovat ion s at t h e begin n in g of t h e 2020 t ou r . Rapid spr ead of t h e Pan dem ic called f or t h e can cellat ion of som e sh ow s.
At pr ess t im e: Ker r y 's An Ir ish Ch r ist m as is bein g plan n ed f or t h is Season !!
Th e Jam es Joyce Cen t er in Du blin is a must see stop for just about anyone who visits Ireland!! The comprehensive collection of his works and ephemera will keep a Joyce aficionado busy and delighted for days and the interested traveler happy for hours! The Centre goes all out for Bloomsday andf has an amazing program set for nline this year because of Covid
19. Here are the links to the June activities and celebrations. w w w.jam esjoyce.ie and for Bloomsday: https://jamesjoyce.ie/events/ Also, the Centre offers a really sweet item for free on its website. A detailed map of Bloom's Dublin of 1904. You can download the PDF here: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 37u PSHQ or simply click the graphic below!
Page 22
Irish Arts & Entertainment
WANT YOUR PUB BACK ON TOP?? Advertise with the Weekly E Missive Pub Guides &
Irish Arts & Entertainment We promote your pub, updates, Take Out and create interest for you on all our platforms & Social Media. Cost effective & proven results!
951 216-1493 Email: jim@pubguide.com
Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...
202 New poer t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach
Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive @gm ail.com
July, 2020
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Page 25
Fish n ch ips? An Ir ish m u le? Sean?s got you cover ed! Tak e ou t h ou r s Wed-Fr i 3-9pm Sat -Su n 12-8pm
The Celtic Arts Center Celebrating 35 Years this year!
CALL 562 430-0631 w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com
w w w.om alleyssealbeach .com
Page 24,
Irish Arts & Entertainment
The PAN IRISH Digest Events, News & Opinion fr om Ir eland and the Ir ish Diaspor a Ireland Finally Has A New Government
Sin n Fein Or gan izer Bobby St or y Dies Brilliant Strategist passes... By John McNally
Taoiseach M ich eál M ar t in The 59-year-old Cork native was elected at a special meeting of the Irish parliament in Dublin. Martin said that to be elected to serve as Taoiseach was "one of the greatest honours which anyone can have." Speaking to the Dáil as taoiseach for the first time, he said the focus would be on the social, economic, and cultural recovery from Covid 19. Martin will serve through December of 2022.
Fine Gael has Michael Collins, Fianna Fail has Dev, and Sinn Fein has Bobby Storey. Bobby was the IRA's most successful
New Coalit ion Taoiseach
intelligence officer since Michael Collins. Fearsome and fearless, he endured over 20 years in British prisons from numerous arrests, internment, mostly time on remand, before being sentenced to 18 years for possession of a rifle in 1981. Bobby was a big guy who led from the front, and he thought big too. He helped plan and participated in the 1983 Maze prison breakout, the biggest in British history. He was accused of the brazen break-in at Castlereagh police complex that stole classified documents on informers, and was the alleged organizer of the Northern Bank Robbery, the biggest in British history. Bobby embraced the peace process and as the chief organizer in the North, his election strategies helped Sinn Fein grow to where it is today.
Sen d su bm ission s t o: jm cdon ou gh 44@gm ail.com
Th e Repu blic of Ir elan d h as w on a seat on t h e Un it ed Nat ion s Secu r it y Cou n cil f or 2021/ 22. For the 4th. time in history (Previous terms started in 1962, 1981 & 2001) Ireland has won a seat on the UN Security Council for a Two Year Term. The Irish Republic bear out Canada who had been campaigning really hard for the seat!
Fiannna Fail and Fine Gael are reluctantly in a coalition with the Green Party. The move proves the diminished stature of Ireland?s traditional parties . The times have changed and the post Civil War poitics are over. Sinn Fein is on the rise, The head of the party is confident that they will do fine as the leading opposition and it will give them time to grow as the old political landscape fractures.
It secured the 128 votes needed in the 191-nation General Assembly in New York to win a two yeahas wnon-permanent seat. Norway has also secured a seat after a vote by the UN General Assembly. The 15-member council has five permanent members - the US, UK, France, Russia and China - and 10 non-permanent seats, filled on a rotating basis.
July, 2020
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted ir ishmissive@gmail.com
Page 25
SoCal Pu bs Get Halt in g St ar t Back t o Open in g!
Another Bump Along The Way... Worse seemed to be over as pubs were opening up again albeit with new Social Distancing rules.
Ch ase an d Yasm in e Tu r n er ! Lon g Beach Her oes!! Th is br ave cou ple h eld of f a gr ou p of r iot er s w h o w er e alr eady br eak in g in t o Th e Au ld Du blin er KUDOS t o you bot h !
In our Junr issue we were happy to report; "For the first time in many weeks, we had a Calendar Listing for Cillian's Bridge at The Harp Irish Pub in the June issue! It was a delight to be share that news! O'Brien's in Santa Monica was open for Dine In service which brought a sigh of relief and a tear to my eye. For over twenty years, thanks to the great food and the publican Willy O'Sullivan's generosity and hospitality. that was MY LOCAL! Well as cases of COVID 19 go up, the California restrictions were changed to only allow PATIO/ OUTSIDE Food Service and TAKE OUT!! This is a huge setback and we hope this Pandemic gets contained and our Civil discourse improves dramatically in the very near future. Meanwhile, please continue to support our pubs who have been with us for years, the Irish Import Shop and our other advertisers! Support for this publication is needed too, please see page 11.
M ean w h ile in Nor t h er n Ir elan d an d old f r ien d of t h e IA&E is goin g st r on g!! We ju st got t h is su bm ission f r om Jim M cM ah on w h o is back in h is h om et ow n War r en poin t , New r y, UK. He is t h e f ou n der an d dir ect or of t h e Har bou r side Blu es Clu b.
Th e Pu bGu ide E New s is st ill FREE. Em ail u s if you w an t t o get on t h e list :
jim @pu bgu ide.com
Page 26
Irish Arts & Entertainment
THE CELTIC CAMERA We are here looking for you! Submissions to:
ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
For a look in side NEWGRANGE, GO TO: www.facebook.com/voicesfromthedawn/
A t ypical Du blin Pu b above...t h e pu bs in Ir elan d ar e alm ost alw ays w ar m an d w elcom in g. Th e st at u es ar e alm ost alw ays evocat ive of lif e, a m ean in gf u l t r ibu t e, pen sive an d t h ou gh t pr ovok in g
Jam es Joyce is n ow qu it e w elcom e in h is lan d of bir t h ! Exiled an d r edem pt ion !
M IDDLE LEFT: M olly M alon e gr eet s you et er n ally as you w on der t h e st r eet s in sear ch of you r Ir ish Root s! You m ay w ell r u n in t o k in w h o did n ot escape THE FAM INE...Th e Gr eat Hu n ger is r em em ber ed alon g t h e River Lif f ey. Th e Ir ish love t h eir sou lf u l st at u es as you w ill as w ell!
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Sor r y sligh t delay THREE WEEKS t ill it w ill be t im e f or som e Ir ish M u sic Ou t door Pat io din in g w ill be open f or t h e n ext 3 w eek s so if you ar e look in g t o eat ou t ! Ser vin g br eak f ast -lu n ch -din n er an d Food & Dr in k s To Go Oopen f or lu n ch M -F at 11am Th e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b 130 E 17t h St , Cost a M esa, CA For over 30 year s, Th e Har p In n h as been t h e h ear t an d sou l of t h e Em igr an t Ir ish com m u n it y in SoCal w w w.h ar pin n .com
HAPPY FOURTH of JULY Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er In Tim es of COVID 19 We?r e st ill doin g ZOOM Session s On Su n day! M AILING ADDRESS 5062 Lan k er sh im Blvd. #3003 Nor t h Hollyw ood, CA 91601
Memberships open and donations welcome
w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com /
Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /
We continue to host Zoom sessions every Monday evening.
Page 28
Irish Arts & Entertainment
The I rish Rover
Gr eat CRAIC & Com pan y Pu b/ Tr ad M u sic, Fu n & Tr ivia!!
w w w .f acebook .com / t h ef en ian s/
Good t h in g t h ey can't sh u t dow n a VIRTUA PUB!
w w w.h ar pin n .com
Join t h e IRISH SESSION BOYS an d SPECIAL ONLINE GUESTS SATURDAY JULY 4TH f r om 5pm t ill 8pm PST THE IRISH ROVER VIRTUAL FAM ILY BBQ CONCERT an d FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA! Th er e w ill be VIRTUAL FOOD, (Tr y t h e SOCIALLY DISTANT 6 FOOT LONG HOT DOGS!) HOM EM ADE ICE CREAM , & of cou r se FIREWORKS at 8:00PM , LOTS of LIVE M USIC f r om t h e IRISH SESSION BOYS M ik e Kelly, Dave Bu r n s, Dave Ch am pagn e, an d You r s Tr u ly Ed Bell. PLUS SPECIAL ONLINE GUEST join in g u s t h r ou gh ou t t h e day. So t ak e you r INTERNET DEVICE ou t t o t h e yar d an d gat h er t h e f am ily ar ou n d
Ir ish Fair an d M u sic Fest ival 2020 is post pon ed t ill 2021! Accor din g t o Gr if f in Healy, Ir ish Fair pr esiden t , t h er e w as n o ch oice given t h at t h e plan n ed locat ion , t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair gr ou n ds an d Even t s Cen t er in f or m ed h im t h at t h ey w ou ld be closed t h r ou gh t h e en d of 2020 du e t o Covid 19. Th e good n ew s is t h er e ar e plan s u n der w ay f or t h e f u t u r e an d you can h elp an d k eep you r self u p t o dat e on t h e Ir ish Fair s Facebook Page!
f or a ch an ce t o m ak e a m em or y w e all w on't soon f or get ! www.facebook.com/THEIRISHROVER or www.facebook.com/thewhooligans or www.theirishrover.net
w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et /
July, 2020
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Th e Kin g's Head Sh oppe is OPEN. Sever e loot in g an d dam age h it t h e st or e an d pu b in t h e San t a M on ica Riot bu t t h an k s t o am azin g an d speedy ef f or t s, t h ey ar e back !
Page 29
Click t o ORDER
yeoldek in gsh ead.com
SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS and Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs! June's mont h's Pub Of The Month Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica Please see t heir ad t his issue! STILL FREE!! Email: Jim@pubguide.com
Page 30
Irish Arts & Entertainment
M h ei t h i m h
It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim
Du blin n at ive, LA based Ir ish Balladeer
951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Ken O'M alley
Coming Back Soon!! TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA
w ill be back t o en t er t ain w it h st or y an d son gs.
Th e Au ld Du blin er 71 S Pin e Lon g Beach , CA . Alm ost Ever y Th u r sday n igh t . w w w.au lddu blin er .co m
w w w.om allyssealbeach .com
St at u s Updat e: IRISH SPOTLIGHT & New por t Beach Film Fest ival
NBFF strives to keep our ticket pricing
As of Press Time: July 1, 2020
This year, NBFF will be held exclusively at
Tickets and Passes
THE LOT theater at Fashion Island.All
2020 NBFF Tickets will be available at 10 am on July 15
regular screenings will be $16 per ticket.
"Due to the unprecedented outbreak of Covid - 19 (Coronavirus), the Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF) has announced that the annual event is rescheduled to August 6th - 13th, 2020 in and around Newport Beach, CA. The Irish Spotlight is especially grateful for our partnership with Irish Arts and Entertainment. We look forward to reconvening and moving fahead with the Festival together."
below the normal luxury theater pricing.
Opening Night Film tickets will be $45.
As of July 1, when this issue goes out we have no update on the Irish Spotlight. Since we do not do an issue in August, you need to contact the festival. We can also, sign you up for our Weekly Irish E Missive as that will have any updates that we get! Here is more information regarding the update for our readers, our PR that appeared in Variety: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 2VdUr k 7
Ju n e, 2020
It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
GOT AN UPDATE or LISTING?? Ou r n ext f u ll issu e w ill be f or Sept em ber so as alw ays w e ar e look in g f or good Ir ish con t en t ! M ean w h ile, w e w ill u pdat e an d post Calen dar It em s an d br eak in g n ew s in ou r Week ly Ir ish E M issive. We w ill do a
Calen dar u pdat e f or t h is issu e t oo w h en pu bs open !
Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Page 31
Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e
Irish Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . We w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.
CURRENTLY FLIGHTS FROM LAX ARE ON HOLD Fligh t s f r om New Yor k an d Ch icago ar e available w it h som e Tr avel Rest r ict ion s!