Irish Arts and Entertainment June, 2020

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Vo l u m e X X I I X # 6

Ju n e ~ M í an M h ei t h i m h

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I r ish Assist I n Covid 19 Fight On Navaj o-Hopi L ands! Millions of Dollars Raised As Tribute To Choctaw Famine Aid in 1847 See story on Page 8

Ken O'M alley, Ir ish Balladeer En du r in g t h e Pan dem ic w h ile en t er t ain in g f an s on lin e ! See details in Calendar Section and on Page 9 for Irish Fall & SAMHAIN Tours feature

Kindred Spirits ... ou t door scu lpt u r e in Bailick Par k in M idlet on ,Cou n t y Cor k IRISH UNITY Tak in g Sh ape.. UNITED EIRE Islan d Nat ion Soon er Th an Ever Expect ed! See View Fr om Ir elan d Feat u r es Page 12 Sin n Fein Con f er en ce on Page 17 Con t en t s Box On Page 2

Pu bs Ar e Reopen in g See Det ails St ar t in g Wit h Feature Page 19

We'll Be Back ! SoCal Ir ish Fair Post pon ed t ill 2021 Story on Page 22

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Fat h er 's D ay Su n d ay, Ju n e 21

Make this year the year to go IRISH with a unique gift for your Dad or Grad from the Irish Import Shop! ALL IN STOCK: CAPS. GUINNESS MERCHANDISE. IRISH SHIRTS,TEA ,CANDY, BASKETS FREE DELIVERY & GIFT WRAP

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ir elan d Celebr at es Su m m er Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s Look s Ah ead Page 4 Pu blish er ;s Let t er Page 6 COVER FEATURE Page 8

Ken O'M alley Tou r s Page 9 M au r ice Fit zpat r ick VIEW FROM IRELAND Page 12

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Page 14

Joh n M cNally Book Review & Ir ish Un it y st ar t s on Page 16 Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er Page 19 PUBS OPENING an d som e h ist or ical per spect ive st ar t s on Page 20 Ir ish M u sic New s & Review s Page 23

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June 23r d - Eve of Saint John's Eve - Bonfir e Night

Saint John was a cousin of Jesus. John the Baptist preached humility which the Irish cherished: "There will come one greater than I the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose." On this night people make a fire to commemorate John's birth. Prayers were said aloud around then Music Makers joined and dancing around the fire ensued for most of the night. Even a feast if there was food to spare, maybe milk and usually boiled bread with a few raisins added. A coal would be taken home from the fire and throw it into their potato and crop fields for protection from disease. The night was originally "known as bonefire due to the practice of burning bones in fires. In Irish it was Oiche teine chnáimhorTeine Féil?Eóin.

According to The Year in I reland written by kevin Danaher This was once a very popular observance across the country with large fires being kindled and tended from sunset until the pre-dawn. Prayers were said to obtain blessing on crops. Young and old gathered around fires to dance and many games were played. Men competed in casting weights and other feats of strength, speed and agility. In limerick, youths collected a large leaf with a strong stem called the?hocusfian?.They would proceed to strike each person they met with the leaf in the belief that they would protect those who were struck would be protected from illness and malicious evil forces for the coming year. These leaves were then burnt in the fire along with selected weeds considered troublesome in the hope that the fields would be protected for the coming year from them. Jumping the fires was common . Ashes were also spread on fields.

See r elat ed st or y: Ir elan d Celebr at es Su m m er Solst ice PAGE 7

K er r y I r i sh Pr o d u ct i o n s I m m er sed I n D ev el o p i n g Fu t u r e Sh ow s A n d C h r i st m as 20 20 T o u r &

Or ch est r a m em ber s of t h e br illian t 2020 St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d pr odu ct ion ! Th e t alen t ed t r ou pe of m u sic m ak er s an d dan cer s played t o pack ed h ou ses an d st an din g ovat ion s at t h e begin n in g of t h e 2020 t ou r . Rapid spr ead of t h e Pan dem ic called f or t h e can cellat ion of som e sh ow s.

Fr om t h e w in gs back st age at THE LOBERO in San t a Bar bar a; Ir ish M agic in t h e m ak in g du r in g t h e per f or m an ce of t h e Ker r y Or ch est r a!

June, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment


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More Features

Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyrights 2020 McDonough Media

M h ei t h i m h

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends & Readers, The events of our time are heartbreaking and terrible to experience and witness! I'm told by bewildered friends in Santa Monica that a supermarket that I often shopped in has been looted and vandalized. That is something that I never expected to hear! As we said for different and still the same reasons in a previous issue; "We are going through sad and turbulent times". Never before and God Willing never again will such a vexing period be inflicted upon us. The anxiety, financial strain and the very real possibility that death might befall us, a loved one, friend, colleague or public figure is with us all the time.

partially correct as on all fronts our lives are in much more turmoil than I could ever have imagined! We offer our regular features and some insights into Irish politics. Turbulent too but also hopeful AND not as depressing as the American political landscape. Those events have been put off from Spring till late summer. We do have a serious set of requests. An appeal if you will, please support our advertisers and this magazine at this time. Things are tight and we can all use each other's support! Er ask you to please subscribe, See pages 14 and 15 for a very special offer.

It is still more stressful than ever but REMEMBER: We have one outstanding fact on our side, WE ARE IRISH, and we are tough and we shall endure. We always do even in conflict and death! Once again this month; this is an unusual issue that reflects the strange times we are going through. A lot of the news is bad. It is a true reflection of our world. Last time, I predicted that "Things are going to get worse before they get better"; much to my consternation and regret I was only

Stay safe and be well. Jim McDonough, Publisher

June, 2020

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SU M M ER SO L ST I C E I n I REL A N D R ek i n d l i n g t h e l o r e o f t h e A n ci en t I r i sh

From the night before sunrise of the summer solstice, many people gather on the Hill of Tara in County Meath, best known as the seat of the High King of Ireland. Held sacred by people from the Neolithic era, the Hill of Tara was believed by worshipers to be a home of the gods and an entrance to the world of eternal joy. Each year

on 21st June, celebrations take place on the Hill of Tara to mark the summer solstice and a different theme of celebration is chosen annually. All over relanit is seend sees as a midsummer festival and a time to celebrate historical sites, the arts, and culture. Summer Solstice is the longest dayof the year and is an indicator of the summer season?s arrival.

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OVER $4 M illion

M h ei t h i m h Vanessa Tulley, one of the fundraiser organizers, acknowledged the generosity coming from Ireland in an update. ?Several of our recent donations for our GoFundMe campaign have been inspired by the Great Hunger Famine in Ireland which started in 1845,? she writes. ?Acts of kindness from indigenous ancestors passed being reciprocated nearly 200 years later through blood memory and interconnectedness. Thank you, IRELAND, for showing solidarity and being here for us.?

Ou r cover pict u r e shows the stainless steel sculpture by artist Alex Pentek, comprising 9 eagle feathers, arranged in a circular shape and reaching towards the sky. It?s a representation of a bowl filled with food, and a symbol of the Choctaw tribe?s kindness.

Ou r Reader s can st ill h elp! Th e lat est goal h as been r evised t o FIVE M ILLION $ US! Follow t h is lin k t o GO FUND M E: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3gT1Cbk In a concerted effort to help repay the kindness of members of the Choctaw Tribe who sent Famine Relief to Ireland during An Gorta Mor...the Great Hunger in 1847...Irish People are donating en masse to this Go Fund Me campaign. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected people around the world, but those who live in small, poorer communities are the hardest hit. A third of the population in the Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation in the southwestern U.S. have been suffering due to the lack of running water and limited access to groceries and basic necessities, Even running water is sometimes scarce. It is an American disgrace to say the least. The communities also have a very large number of high-risk individuals living there, who are struggling to protect themselves against the virus.

During these grim times in America, it is good to reflect on goodness spanning centuries, countries andcultures.. We hope and pray our better angels will take over soon!

Ju n e, 2020

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Ken O?M alley Ir elan d Tou r s Sch edu le Ch an ged The Ken O'Malley Tour set f or Apr il 18 27 of t h is year w as pu sh ed t o Spr in g of 2021.Det ails on t h at t ou r in f ew w eek s. Fir st st op w ill be Ban t r y Bay n ear Cor k ; t h e 2021 t ou r spen ds t h r ee n igh t s on Ir elan d's West Coast Cast let ow n , M izen Head Ligh t h ou se , Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y an d Con n em ar a For M or e In f or m at ion an d t o book you r space; Con t act Ken O'M alley: 310 569 1062

w w w.ken @ken om

Th is Fall's Wild At lan t ic Way t ou r is st ill on , All of the already scheduled hotels and travel means by deluxe coach are in place and there are spots left! This is a well planned and proven Irish adventure. Departure from Dublin Airport on Saturday, October 10 and ends on Monday, October 19, again at Dublin Airport. The complete itinerary can be downloaded from Ken's website.

A br ief st op in Galw ay t h is year . Am azin g m u sic, pu bs an d sigh t seein g w ill m aak e you w an t t o r et u r n ! Westport in County Mayo is one of the most beautiful and peaceful towns in all of Europe. The ancient city lies on the edge of an Atlantic inlet, on Ireland?s west coast. In the Georgian town centre, stone bridges, churches, manor houses, gardens and lakes abound! Three nights are waiting for you!

Th e River Lif f ey in Du blin at du sk ...t h is except ion al m om en t w as capt u r ed by Dian a Tallie on Ken ;s last t ou r .

Ken's Dates for his First Ever SAMHAIN TRIP Details TBA See page 10

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w w w.ken om

Ret u r n t o t h e cr adle of Celt ic civilizat ion an d celebr at e Sam h ain Hallow een in Ir elan d w it h Ken O?M alley t h is year . Sam h ain is t h e pagan r eligiou s f est ival or igin at in g f r om an an cien t Celt ic spir it u al t r adit ion . In m oder n t im es, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced ?sow-win?) is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in ?the dark half of the year.? Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld. The days when the veil between the dead, undead and the living was at its thinnest. Around the 6thC, Pope Gregory had the bright idea to fuse the old Celtic customs and beliefs with Christian celebrations and it actually worked for the missionaries in Ireland at the time. Samhain became All Hallows Eve, hallowed meaning sacred, and the next day became All Saint?s Day. Halloween had arrived. October 24th, Our group will meet in the morning at Dublin Airport, unless other arrangements are made with individual travelers. Our tour this time will be a little different as we are spending the first three nights in Dublin. We will take a shuttle to the Harding Hotel on Fishamble St, at the edge of temple Bar in the heart of the city. The Bram Stoker Festival begins on the 23rd and ends on the 26th. October 27th, Tuesday morning we will join our driver Paul, board our luxury coach and drive to Belfast. On our way we will visit the neolithic passage tombs of Newgrange and Nowth in the Boyne Valley, older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. This place of worship, and sacred burials is still a mystery as to it?s mathematical design. Is there an Alien connection ? Our group will enter the 5000 year old tomb at Newgrange, a privilege not available to the

general public at all times. On to Belfast for two nights arriving late afternoon at the Europa Hotel, most famous for being ?the most bombed hotel in Europe? from its numerous explosions during the late 60?s and 70?s during ?the Troubles?. It is one of the finest hotels in Belfast. October 28th, we will visit the Titanic Museum, a must see for any fans of the great liner ?s story. Built and launched in Belfast, the museum holds many original artifacts and a look into the past of shipbuilding in Belfast?s past. In the afternoon, I will have a friend of mine join us on the coach and give us a guided tour of the City, and it?s troubled history, ?Up the Catholic Falls Road and down the Protestant Shankhill Road?, visiting the Peace Walls, historically dividing neighborhoods. October 29th, Our tour will take us across to the City of Derry and its famous Halloween Festival, for three days through Halloween night and the extravaganza of events while we are there. October 30th, We will have a private guided tour of the historic Walls of Derry and the history from the Siege of Derry in 1689 when the Apprentice Boys held back the forces of Catholic King James for months and were victorious, to the story of Bloody Sunday in 1972 when 14 Catholic civilians were killed and 12 more wounded by British Paratroopers during a peaceful Civil Rights march. October 31st, we will drive into Donegal and visit a 6thC stone ring fort built by the Clan O?Neill overlooking Derry and Donegal Bay. The view is spectacular and the fort is really impressive. Nov 1st, We will drive back to Dublin for one final night before many of us will travel home to US. This tour promises to be a very exciting and spiritual return to the All Hollows Eve and All Saints Day (Day of the Dead) that were the celebrations of the ancient Celts and their Druid priests. There will be more trick or treats on this tour than

you can imagine. Join me, Ken O?Malley, if you dare !!! Nov 2nd, Return to the US for those not traveling further or staying on. in Ireland.

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N O W O PEN A GA I N f o r D i n i n g I n t h e Pu b w i t h so m e co n d i t i o n s f o r y o u r saf et y ! W e w i l l b e v er y h ap p y t o see y o u !


Please w ear a m ask an d m ain t ain social dist an cin g. Ser vice w ill be a lit t le dif f er en t t h an n or m al, bu t w e ar e excit ed t o see you all again . If you ar en?t qu it e r eady yet , w e ar e st ill sellin g f ood an d alcoh ol f or t ak e ou t an d deliver y on Gr u bh u b. Again , w e ar e m oved by t h e su ppor t t h at w e h ave r eceived du r in g t h is t im e. Let ?s st ay saf e an d m ove f or w ar d slow ly! Willy O'Sullivan

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The View from Ireland SHIFTING GROUND By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Nor t h er n Ir elan d, h avin g been blessed f or so lon g w it h an u n com plicat ed bor der w it h t h e r est of Ir elan d, is abou t t o gain a secon d bor der The British government contrast is to immediately start erecting border structures at three of Northern Ireland?s ports: Belfast, Warrenpoint and Larne. The border ports are being established to facilitate the checking of goods passing between Great Britain and Northern Ireland from early next year when Brexit comes into effect. The border ports formalise the separation of Northern Ireland?s customs regime from the rest of the UK. How long can the North maintain a porous border with another jurisdiction to the south and a customs border with the rest of the UK? As they say in Westerns: ?This town ain?t big enough for the both of us? it?s you or me?. The shock for unionism of a customs border with the UK being installed really should be no shock at all. In a ground-breaking meeting near Liverpool last October, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar agreed that such a border needed to be established. In so doing, Johnson betrayed the Democratic Unionist Party that had propped up his Conservative Party?s government through a Confidence and Supply Agreement since June 2017. More fundamentally, Johnson betrayed unionism since no unionist party would have agreed to border checks with the rest of the UK under any circumstances. Johnson proceeded regardless. What makes the new border still harder to bear, from a unionist perspective, is that its inception coincides with two landmark court judgements that seem to militate against unionism. The first being on the case of a Derry woman,Emma de Souza,whowon the right in court to confer Irish/EU residency rights on her American husband. Initially, the British Home Office denied de Souza?s right to do so on account of the UK exiting the EU. Her victory establishes the legal precedent that non-EU spouses of people from Northern Ireland have the automatic right to reside there? as they did before Brexit. While the UK government has

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now imposed a June 2021 deadline for applicants to avail of this right, it is not at all clear how the government can deny the right after that deadline. After all, de Souza won her case on the principle enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement that people in Northern Ireland have the right to be Irish or British or both. That principle will still obtain beyond June 2021. The precedent of this case, in effect, provides that Northern Ireland will have a different immigration regime to the rest of the UK. So, a customs barrier with the UK, but a less complicated immigration system than the rest of the UK? you win some, you lose some? Well, that depends on what you consider a victory. It is paramount to unionism to prevent a divide down the Irish Sea and both of these developments appear to force such a wedge. That brings us to the second far-reaching court judgement. Adding salt to unionist wounds, a ruling on May 13th the Supreme Court of the UK found that Gerry Adams?s internment in the 1970s was illegal. The Detention of Terrorists (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 required a Secretary of State sign-off. Since the highest British authority in Northern Ireland at the time, Willie Whitelaw, did not authorise Adams?internment without trial it was illegal. (Whitelaw did not authorise hundreds of other internments either and consequently they were illegal too). Unionist ire rapidly ensued. The Ulster Unionist Party leader Steve Aikens took issue with Adams?contention that internment was ?a blunt and brutal piece of coercive legislation?on the grounds that victims of the IRA?s campaign had no right of redress when the IRA murdered them. Aikens ignored the fact that hundreds of innocent people were illegally interned (some were tortured). In any case, internment remains incontrovertibly brutal and it was also politically stupid.

Below : War r en poin t & Dock s, New r y, NI

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Maurice VIEW Con t . Fr om Pr eviou s Page Even the pandemic seems to be working against the unionist cause. Three of the four nations of the UK (Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) are at variance with England in their response to Covid-19. Northern Ireland unionist politicians have sensibly aligned with Northern nationalists? and with the rest of Ireland? in maintaining the strategy of lockdown in to England where lockdown is being considerably phased out. And there is more. On May 6th the Welsh Assembly became the Welsh Parliament, 21 years after its foundation. Presiding Officer of the newly renamed Welsh Parliament Elin Jones said: ?Now, more than ever, our citizens expect a strong national parliament working for Wales? With full law-making powers and the ability to vary taxes, the new name reflects the Senedd?s constitutional status as a national parliament?. The renaming may be largely symbolic, but it is symbolic of secession in a UK that badly needs a narrative of unity. The establishment of a national parliament is happening at a time when three out of four of the constituent parts of the UK identify less and less with the UK?s policies on the biggest health and economic threat in living memory. The Northern Ireland Assembly is now the only legislative governing body left in the UK: Scotland, Wales and the UK as a whole have parliaments. It is not in unionists? interest to advocate upgrading it to a parliament in Northern Ireland because it would appear to deepen the cleavage with the rest of the UK that is fast becoming a chasm. Nationalists do not particularly want a parliament either: the memory of the original Parliament of Northern Ireland that represented a travesty of their political identity and civil rights endures. Besides, the nationalists tend more towards an all-Ireland political structure than to entrenching themselves in Northern Ireland. Just now, the momentum is unerringly going that way.

Joh n Hu m e, Ir elan d's m ost cou r ageou s peacm ak er pr of iled by M au r ice Fit zpat r ick ; Available @

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STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/ As of Jan u ar y of 2020, w e w ill be of f er in g t h e Irish Arts Entertainment as a paid su bscr ipt ion ser vice on ly t h r ou gh ou r M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k . We ar e of f er in g A FREE TRIAL. No com m it m en t , an d n o obligat ion of an y k in d. We ar e con f iden t t h at ou r exclu sive Ir ish Con t en t an d Calen dar , Discou n t s, 2 f or 1 Of f er s an d Con t est s an d t oo m u ch m or e t o list h er e n ow w ill be w elcom ed by m ost of ou r

r eader s. We w ill k eep you in f or m ed as ou r plan s develop! As an Irish Arts & Entertainment Su bscr iber you w ill also be able t o opt in t o ou r Week ly Ir ish E M issive an d Pu bGu E New slet t er s & Calen dar s f or FREE t oo! Please don't delay! Em ail u : M igh t yIr ish Net w or k @gm

As alw ays, you r f eedback is im por t an t t o u s; you r com m en t s an d qu est ion s ar e alw ays appr eciat ed. We w an t t o k n ow w h at you w an t t o see added t o ou r con t en t ; so please em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm

Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Book Review by Joh n M cNally How Eu r ope?s m ost con ser vat ive cou n t r y becam e it s m ost liber al.

A NEW IRELAND by Niall O?Dow d The events that led to the Catholic Church losing its moral authority in Ireland are rigorously covered by author Niall O?Dowd who immigrated to US in 1978 and is well known for founding the Irish Voice Newspaper and Irish America Magazine. In the early 1990?s he played an essential role in getting Bill Clinton to adopt and follow through with his commitment to help break the deadlock in the Anglo-Irish conflict. After the execution of Irelands more progressive leaders in the aftermath of the Easter Rising, and the civil war victory by Free State forces, Ireland?s government became allied with the Catholic Church and all its conservative social structures. John McQuaid, Catholic Primate of Ireland, was a dictatorial figure who demanded stringent control over the population, even guiding the hand of the writers of the Irish constitution to ensure the churches authority. But his over-reach of power eventually caused a backlash from the Irish people. In 2015 Ireland became the first country to approve, by referendum, same-sex marriage and even has an openly gay leader. Niall writes that Catholicism in Ireland reached its height of popularity in 1979 with the Pope?s visit, but this event unintendedly fueled its downfall. Two hugely popular Catholics, Bishop Eamon Casey and Father Michael Cleary, were selected to preside over the Pope?s visit to Ireland and introduce the Pope at his appearances which Niall equates to an Irish Woodstock. But in the 1990?s it came out that these two highly prominent and trusted church leaders, Casey and Cleary, had fathered several children and were also likely pedophiles. This combined with widening accusations of pedophilia among priests and the extent of the cover- ups were equally shocking. One priest, father Brendan Smyth, was accused of molesting hundreds of children in several countries while all along his superiors covered for him. Back in the 1940?s Father Flannagan of Boys Town fame, toured orphanages in Ireland and compared them to concentration camps.

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Unwed girls who became pregnant were used for slave labor at the Magdalene Laundries, divorce and homosexuality were illegal, and Irish girls were subject to long prison sentences if they were caught going to England for an abortion. Only until the 1990?s did the press finally feel free to publish these stories, and along with other media, expose the truth about the abuses of power by the Church. Around this time Mary Robinson was elected President of Ireland and she did much to help modernize Ireland. The Catholic Church has done a lot of good for society but it over-stepped its function in Ireland and was brought down by sex and pedophilia scandals. I really enjoy Niall?s writing style...bit-sized accessible chapters written to give you a personal feel for the events. This book examines a significant dimension of Irelands history and it exemplifies how change can come rather quickly. Something to think about when Ireland addresses its next big issue, reunification.

Available @: Sim on an dSch u st er .com

Ju n e, 2020

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Recen t Polls In Ir elan d Af f ir m Su ppor t For A UNITED IRELAND 77% of t h e people in t h e Sou t h su ppor t Ir ish Un it y, RTE/ RDEC Poll 2019

57% of t h e people in t h e Sou t h w an t a Un it y Ref er en du m in t h e n ext FIVE YEARS.

51% of people in t h e Nor t h su ppor t Ir ish Un it y ASHCROFT 2019

IPSOS - M RBI 2020

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...


The I rish Rover Gr eat CRAIC & Com pan y Pu b/ Tr ad M u sic, Fu n & Tr ivia!! w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et /

Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive@gm

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

UNITING IRELAND by Joh n M cNally The next chapter in Irish history is being written as the debate over a referendum on the reunification of Ireland is fueled by changing demographics and Brexit. Northern Ireland was constructed by the British in 1921 to maintain a Protestant-Unionist ascendancy, the root cause of the Anglo-Irish conflict. And the Good Friday Agreement has a provision for bringing about Irish unity through exclusively peaceful and democratic means with a border poll.

THE BRITISH Britain's kinship with the unionists has eroded in recent years. A YouGov poll showed 36% support a border poll in Ireland, 25% don't, and 39% responded didn't know. And Boris Johnson's decision to renege on commitments he had previously made to the unionists concerning Brexit clearly demonstrates their weakened position with the Tories. The EU-UK customs border will be at the sea, an obvious step towards Irish unity.

THE UNIONISTS The Unionists no longer are in the majority in the six counties, and next year 's Census will likely show Catholics/Nationalists outnumbering Protestant/Unionists. How will unionists deal with their loss of Hegemony? For the first time, unionists are now thinking the unthinkable and asking,

M h ei t h i m h

'would I be worse off in a united Ireland?' United Irelanders need to engage unionists and address their concerns in public discussion over the next few years outlining the benefits of a united Ireland and how the institutions will work. And detailed assurances that the mechanisms of a new Ireland will protect their rights. If the unionists refuse to engage in the discussion at least they will know what to expect.

IRISH NATIONALISTS Wisely, Sinn Fein President Mary-Lou McDonald has called for a border referendum to occur in five years to allow time for these discussions and consolidate their power in the 26 counties where they topped the polls in February's election and the northern six where they will likely eclipse the DUP in their next election.

Fian n a Fail will likely adopt a United Ireland ballot as well if only to try to stem the rising tide of Sinn Fein's growing popularity.

IRISH-AM ERICA Irish Americans have always supported Ireland?s struggle for freedom and independence and the one thing Americans, whether Republican or Democrat, can agree on is their support for the Good Friday Agreement, the peace settlement the US helped broker in the 1990?s.What can we do to help bring about the peaceful, prosperous, and reconciled united Ireland?Tune June 4thtothis online discussion on Irish Unity between formerSinnFĂŠinPresident Gerry Adams and the former Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-NY).

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Tr aveler By Greg Patrick

Once again, Dear Reader, We ar e deligh t ed t o of f er you t h is w ell pen n ed pr ose f r om t h e f lu id m in d of ou r con t r ibu t or Gr eg Pat r ick ! An Ir ish n at ive Pat r ick is an avid t r aveler h im self w h ile n ot en gaged in h is vocat ion as an em er gin g Ir ish w r it er ! In a com in g issu e, w e w ill be f eat u r in g Gr eg's n ew book . M ean w h ile w e u r ge you t o f in d h is alr eady pu blish ed w or k s @

Gr eg Pat r ick an d h is illu st r at or Kat h ie War r en

We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us:

Call no man ?stranger ? who knows his own heart. The caravan?s nomad fires burn like pyres to the day?s dreams, red visions in which one looks so delving and intently as to be lost in the silence of one?s own thoughts as each strays from the song played before all. The ashen daydreams brought by each one, like an offering to cast to the fire and betrayed in a gleaming behind the depth of eyes alone. Not a reflection of the circle?s fire like starlight microcosmed but one?s own nomad fire, as much birthright as the road, that burns so long as heart beats to its own desire and in time with one?s own song and story. A path concourse to fate, like walking against the fall of rain and man. Like an endearment bespoke by gaze alone heard across a crowded room. Though the guitarist begins the old songs, each is soloist to their own song. Like the first arachnid chords of a dream catcher strung to ensnare an escaping dream. Dreams rekindled like embers, dormant memories awoken even as sleep flutters at the fire-cast eyes. Fire screams red with shadow like an ancestral memory and we remember why we travel the storm-swept roads in the footsteps of ghosts, another ?trail of tears.? Eyes close to dream like a harpist?s eyes shutting to all but the gleam that answers the stars in duet, not from the eyes but unfathomed depths of one?s heart, so lost and yet found again in words and song. Before dreams like a dark horse awaiting that has thrown each successive rider and champion the nomad approaches with but one before expectant eyes. In pursuit of aspiration like a falcon at the wrist, the falconer ?s gaze uplifted and fixed farther than he can see. And the falcon?s far gaze locks on the huntsman?s eyes, a look that says. ?Let me go huntsman for that, I cannot bear you up after me anymore than weight of earth or sky can be borne. Let us both go.? Earthbound one seeks new worlds from the shore. Horizon and hills pivoted away from with the same movement by which one turns by the fire in the age-old dance. Ageless exile become wanderlust. Homeland like castles built palatially of clouds by the eyes? Expressive gaze beholding and bespoke a visual poetry. memory crying out to lost dreams like a shepherd to a strayed flock as night befalls and past revisits.And by the campfire the nomad croons by the light of a lifetime?s moons: Serpent trails across the sands and a sieve of sand through nomad?s handsin storm-swept landswhere nightmares hidetill dreams awake by the moon of the corsair tideand the Magi beckoned by the star doth ridefor the Emperor?s word will not abideuntil the desert lion strays

from its prideand songs anew begin by the fireside.

M heithimh

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

SoCal Pu bs Ar e St ar t in g Back In Oper at ion A Bump Along The Way... Worse seems to be over as pubs are opening up again under new Social Distancing and other rules. For the first time in many weeks, we have a Calendar Listing for Cillian's Bridge at The Harp Irish Pub in this issue! It was a delight to be sure to hear that news! O'Brien's in Santa Monica is open for Dine In service which brought a sigh of relief and a tear to my eye. For over twenty years, thank to the great food and the publican Willy O'Sullivan's generosity and hospitality. that was MY LOCAL! See the ads in this issue for the updates that we have received and check our E News that will be going out on Thursday, June 4 for more updates. Check the times too for opening days and hours as there have been a lot of changes. All of the pubs are still offering Take Out meals, specials and beer and drinks to go if you are not quite ready to dine in. Th e Pu bGu ide E New s is FREE. Em ail u s if you w an t t o get on t h e list : jim @pu bgu

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June, 2020

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Pu b Cu lt u r e Flou r ish ed Af t er t h e Black Deat h Decim at ed Eu r ope Du r in g t h e M iddle Ages St ar t in g In 1348, on e of t h e w or st plagu es in h u m an h ist or y sw ept t h e w or ld! Th e Black Deat h spar ed n o class or cou n t r y! Nobles, cler gy, h igh bor n an d ser f s all died by t h e m illion s. Som e h ist or ian s A classic pu b, Ye Olde Tr ip t o Jer u salem dat es back t o believe t h at f u lly HALF of t h e t h e 1100s. Locat ed in Not t in gh am , En glan d, t h is global popu lat ion died in a 20 M igh t be oldest in UK m on t h per iod. Chronicles of the time* , historians such as William Manchester, A

World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age and fiction writers like Ken Follet all paint a grim picture of this period of reckoning The world was reordered and the history of what happened in the British Isles, in particular England (and to a lesser extent in Ireland and Scotland who remained more feudal for a time) is fascinating! The short version: Ale and brewing were important in all of Europe going back to the Romans. In England, life revolved around Ale and all types of home brewing to a great extent. Seasons , events and every occasion was marked by drinking spirits! Less people led to a revolution in which labor was scarce and wages, new trades and freedom to move around all increased dramatically. This gave rise to m or e in n s an d pu bs as people could finally afford more food and drink!! Let's hope history repeats itself once again!! Great Source:

h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 2zXKFf r

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rish Arts & Entertainment

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Great A ssortment I n Stock f or

FA THER'S DA Y Sunday, June 21st.

Ow in g t o t h e post pon em en t of t h e t h eat r ical r elease in t h e U.S., " I Am Pat r ick " is n ow available on DVD + St r eam in g. Su ppor t t h is am azin g f ilm an d celebr at e t h e lif e of Ir elan d's pat r on sain t by pu r ch asin g a copy.

St . Pat r ick in h is sen ior year s is m ast er f u lly played by Joh n Rh ys as h e w r it es h is Con f ession

Ju n e, 2020

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I AM PATRICK Now streaming & on DVD In f or m at ion / or der : w w w.iam pat r ick .com The reasons the church continues to honor the Apostle of Ireland more than 1,500 years after his death shine forth in the film "I Am Patrick" (CBN), a docudrama screening in theaters for two nights only, March 17 -- St. Patrick's Day -and March 18. Written and directed by Jarrod Anderson, the profile -- subtitled "The Patron Saint of Ireland" -- seeks to debunk many of the myths and legends that have grown up around its subject over the centuries. The goal is to capture who Patrick really was as a man and a follower of Christ. John Rhys-Davies (Gimli in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy) plays Patrick in old age. With his distinctive voice and stately bearing, he brings the patriarch to life as he reflects on his past and writes his "Confession," laying out the facts about his work to refute the detractors who have arisen during his evangelization of Ireland. Anderson has brought together an impressive array of people to lay out what is known about Patrick. Those interviewed include historians Charles Doherty and Elva Johnson as well as authors Thomas O'Loughlin and Father Billy Swan. They weave a narrative that reveals Patrick for the amazing missionary he was. The exact dates of Patrick's life are not known but the historical consensus identifies him as a fifth-century figure. Probably born in Roman Empire-controlled Britain, he was the son of a deacon, though his father 's position was more that of a civil servant than a church leader. Because Patrick (played as a teenager by Robert McCormack) was also expected to enter the civil service, he was taught to read and write. But all the youth's plans for the future came to an abrupt end when he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to their homeland as a slave. In his "Confession," Patrick describes his descent into slavery as a wake-up call from God. His duties as a shepherd meant that he was in danger from other raiders, but his solitude gave him ample time to reflect on God's goodness.

ABOVE: SeĂĄn T.Ă“ Meallaigh, (Vikings) stars as St. Patrick in his prime years bringing the Irish people to Christ

Abou t CBN Film s

CBN Films is committed to creating films that will inspire, educate and entertain a new generation of documentary viewers. We?re working around the world, from the United States to Europe, the Middle East and Africa to find the best stories to tell. Our focus is highlighting historical people and events, fascinating archeological discoveries and those who are making a difference in the world today

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Irish Music News & Reviews Strings & Things are a four-piece, high energy, contemporary, folk/traditional/ roots band, with three members from Tipperary and the fourth from Galway. Coming from different musical backgrounds including trad/rock/pop/ heavy rock and indie, they all played with various bands before meeting in Oct 2018 to make up the current line up. They perform a large repertoire of Irish songs, standard airs and traditional tunes produced in their own unique style. Playing around the south of Ireland Strings & Things were noticed on-line by Impact Promotions Ireland who invited them to perform at an original showcase platform in Co Cavan. Their performance was electric, and with the crowd loving the original material they were approached at the end of the night by Impact Promotions who were in the enviable position of being able to offer them a three month residency at the renowned Raglan Road venue in Orlando, Florida. This super experience and music tightness brought these four guys to a different level. They were invited to extend their residency at Raglan Road for an extra month and they thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience which resulted in them evolving into a more professional band. Back home in Ireland, the band were able to expand their gigs with Impact Promotions to perform in more counties including, Cavan, Meath, Westmeath, Galway, Mayo Roscommon & Donegal. This went extremely well for them and resulted in an invitation being received for ?Strings & Things?to travel to London for a mini-tour, where they then completed an amazing seven gigs in five days.!

The London audience loved them and as a result, they were offered a return which led to bookings in the US.. Fast Forward to June. 2019 to Raglan Road, Florida where they are currently living and playing. They have used this opportunity to select 12 tracks from their many original songs/tunes for their new album "The Unsolicited Dance" which they are recording and producing in Florida while out there until June 2020. St r in gs & Th in gs had plans in Ireland for the Summer Festivals, and the launch of their first album on 12th September 2020. This still mightl be followed by a three-month album promotional tour to every county in Ireland and a return trip to London. All in all, St r in gs & Th in gs have a very promising future ahead of them. For the latest as the current crisis may well change things,. MORE

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er In Tim es of COVID 19 By Tom Louie We?re still here and waiting for you? ? Even though we may be indoors and socially distanced, the Celtic Arts Center is waiting for the all-clear to bring you exciting classes and events for our 35th anniversary year. Among other things, we plan to bring you a rising young singer from Scotland, a class on Irish revolutionary literature, our annual September members?meeting/ice cream social, the most unique Samhain/Halloween celebration anywhere in SoCal, and of course our language classes, dancing lessons, the longest-running session in Southern California, more Céilís and more fun! 2020 is going to be a great year yet! Do you have any ideas for us? What would you like to see us offer,

both now and after the emergency is over? For example, do you think we should re-do some ?missed? holidays? Do write to us, keep in touch, because that?s what?s keeping us all going right now! We?re still teaching Irish!!Our brilliant and dedicated teacher, Mícheál, is still remotely teaching the Irish language to a booming and growing class of daltaí gaeilgeoirí, same day and time! For instructions on how to make contact and participate, please go to w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com / COVID-19_Gaeilge.h t m l Please keep checking in with us, in case we are able to offer more remote classes and activities. Fanacht sábháilte? ? Stay safe. (747) 444-0876 MAILING ADDRESS 5062 Lankershim Blvd. #3003 North Hollywood, CA 91601

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com /

June, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

CALL 562 430-0631

The Celtic Arts Center Celebrating 35 Years this year!

w w alleyssealbeach .com

The Wr en Theat r e (Dar k for t he dur at ion)

MacNamar a's Ir ish Impor t Shop 742 Vine St Hollywood, CA 323 467-6714 FREE DELIVERY!! w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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THE CELTIC CAMERA We are here looking for you! Submissions to:

Fon d M em or ies...w it h m an y m or e on t h e h or izon Bir t h day Par t y @ THE AULD DUBLINER! Dian a Tallie an d Fr ien ds

M IDDLE LEFT: Naples in Lon g Beach h as gon dollier s ser en adin g t h e r esiden t s alon g t h e can als; t h an k s t o ow n er M ich ael O'Toole!

Ten sion s ar e r u n n in g h igh in New Yor k ! Even t h e ven er able St . Pat r ick 's Cat h edr al h as been spr ay pain t ed! Th er e is even a video of t h e m isgu ided cu lpr it m ak in g t h e r ou n ds on t h e in t er n et !

Ju st Above: Rou gh Sk y ah ead f or In t er n at ion al Car r ier s M ost of AER LINGUS f leet is gr ou n ded. an d idle at DUBLIN AIRPORT sin ce t h e m iddle of M ar ch , 2020

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Sunday, June 7, 24 PM ? 7 PM PDT

ZOOM BLOOM w it h Joh n n y O'CALAGHAN

The Harp Inn Irish Pub presents Cillian's Bridgeand The Harp Inn Irish Pub Time for some Irish Music

T he Harp Inn Irish Pub 130 E 17th St, Costa Mesa, CA For over 30 years, The Harp Inn has been the heart and soul of the Emigrant Irish community in SoCal

Songs and Sit-Downs hostedby Owen Dara \

A var iet y sh ow LIVE!! FB & You t u be ever y M on day even in g at 7pm . Pr odu ced by Divin e Rebel M u sic Gu est s in clu de Gr am m y w in n in g m u sician s, an d per son s of in t er est , com edy sk et ch es an d m or e.

w w w.f acebook / ow en dar am u sic w w t u be/ ow en dar a Link to the most recent show

Tu n e in Ju n e 16t h t o celebr at e a M AN WHO NEVER EXISTED ON A DAY THAT NEVER WAS.

w w w.f acebook .com / Ham m er M u seu m !

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm Du blin n at ive, LA based, Ir ish Balladeer , par excellen ce

Ken O'M alley en t er t ain s w it h st or y an d son gs. at t h e

Coming Back Soon!! TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w allyssealbeach .com

Th e Au ld Du blin er , 71 S Pin e Lon g Beach , CA 90802. Alm ost Ever y Th u r sday n igh t . w w lddu blin er .co m

w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

St at u s Updat e on t h e IRISH SPOTLIGHT an d New por t Beach Film Fest ival Just in from Brianna Pike of the Irish Spotlight at the NBFF. "Due to the unprecedented outbreak of Covid - 19 (Coronavirus), the Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF) has announced that the annual event is rescheduled to August 6th - 13th, 2020 in and around Newport Beach, CA. The Irish Spotlight is especially grateful for our partnership with Irish

Arts and Entertainment. We look forward to reconvening and moving forward with the Festival together." Here is more information regarding the update for our readers, our PR that appeared in Variety: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 2VdUr k 7

June, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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WANT YOUR PUB PACKED AGAIN! Advertise with the Weekly Irish E Missive Pub Guides & Irish Arts & Entertainment

We promote your pub, events and create interest for you on all our platforms and Social Media. Cost effective & proven results!

LIVE IRISH M USIC Schedules Coming Next M ont h!

951 216-1493 Email:

O'M alley's Irish Pub M ain St . Seal Beach, CA w w allesysealbeach .com

The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted ir

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS and Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs! June's mont h's Pub Of The Month Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica Please see t heir ad t his issue! STILL FREE!! Email:

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

M h ei t h i m h

On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com

LIVESTREAM EVERY FRIDAY Fr iday, Ju n e 5 is a Special Bir t h day Celebr at ion f or TERRY CASEY 6:00PM PST w w w.f acebook .com / t h ef en ian s/

Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g


Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm \ OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH M or e in f o:

REMINDER! Happy Hour Monday - Thursday | 4:00 -7:00 pm Friday | 4:00 -8:00 pm Afternoon Tea Served Monday - Saturday 11:30 am -4:00 pm

YE OLDE KING'S HEAD San t a M on ica, CA w w w.yeoldek in gsh

Ju n e, 2020

It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Page 31

Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e Irish

Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . We w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.

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