Irish Arts and Entertainment October, 2020

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Hallow een Cou n t dow n Special Issu e

Vo l u m n X X I I X # 9

Coverage starts on page 3

O ct o b er ~ D ei r ead h Fรณ m h ai r

20 20

T en t h A n n i v er sar y O n l i n e Pr o d u ct i o n Set Fo r

SA M H A I N , A Celtic H alloween

En t er t h e Realm of Jam es Joyce Via Aloysius The Great

Cast of SAM HAIN A Celt ic Hallow een f r om L t o R: Joh n n y M cKen n a, Dor een Wiley, Aedan M acDon n ell, Rebecca Bau m an n , an d Padr aic Con r oy

Van M or r ison Spar k s Debat e an d Cou r t s Con t r over sy w it h COVID 19 Pr ot est M u sic See feature on Page 20

Ben Dou glass' Review of Joh n M axw ell O'Br ien's book sh ar es som e in t r igu in g Ulyssian In sigh t s ....Page 14

See INSIDE THIS ISSUE f or m or e of ou r Feat u r es ... Page 2

Ir elan d Spr in t er Tr iu m ph an t In TOUR DE FRANCE See Page 8

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ten t h An n u al SAM HAIN, A Celt ic Hallow een an d Ret r ospect ive on 10 Year s St ar t s on Page 3 Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4 Ir ish Spr in t er s an d Ir elan d's Nat ion al Lacr osse Team M ak e Hist or y Page 8 Br it ish Br exit Bad Fait h Page 9

M au r ice Fit zpat r ick VIEW FROM IRELAND Page 12 Aloysius The Great Review Page 14 Er in Rado Q&A Page 16 Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er Page 18 Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case Page 22 CELTIC CAM ERA Page 24 PAN IRISH DIGEST Page 26

IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 28

Get List ed in ou r An n u al Celt ic Ch r ist m as Bu yin g Gu ide! See page 34 Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Page 35

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Ten t h A n n i ver sar y Pr od u ct i on O n l i n e For 20 20

SA M H A I N , A C ELT I C H A L L O W EEN H al l ow een N i gh t , O ct o b er 31, St ar t i n g A t 7:0 0 PM

M u si c! D an ce! C el t i c t al es o f H o r r o r ! -

Tales of gh ou ls an d m yt h ical cr eat u r es f r om t h e Celt ic Net h er lan ds. An All-St ar Celt ic ban d. High en er gy dan ces f r om Ir elan d. Tr adit ion al dan ces f r om t h e Br it ish Isles w it h r eal sw or ds! Pr e-sh ow act s w it h t h e M cNu lt y Sch ool of Dan ce Ir ish dan cer s. In t er m ission w it h t h e Scot t ish Fiddler s of Los An geles

Join u s, w on't you ? Tak e a jou r n ey t h r ou gh t h e

w or ld of Celt ic son g, dan ce, an d t h e or igin st or ies of t h e f aer ies, gh ost s an d ot h er spir it s of Hallow een .

Sam h ai n 20 11 t o 20 20 H ow we got from there to here. By Aedan M acD onnell Ever since I was a kid I've been a big ham. I acted (badly) in my 4th grade production of "Chicken Little." Tap, ballet, piano and riding horses were a big part of my young life, starting around age 5. I danced and sang in a lot of musicals. In my late 20's I was introduced to and fell in love with Celtic music, and that's when I added the harp to my collection of musical instruments. I love musicals and how the music and dance fits with the


Appr opr iat e f or all ages. A gh ou lish ly f u n an d saf e w ay t o celebr at e Hallow een .

"Samhain, A Celtic Halloween" is a show with tales of faeries and otherworldly creatures from the Celtic Netherlands. A Halloween spectacle with high energy Irish dances, traditional and original music that will bewitch your feet and keep your toes a-tappin', forgotten love songs with a haunting lilt, and exciting dances, some which use real swords. Samhain (pronounced sow-in) is the Celtic New Year. We know it as Halloween, and is where many of our Halloween customs come from. In "Samhain" you'll hear the tale of the original headless horseman, the origins of the Jack O' the Lantern, and more, along with feet stompin' songs and high kicking Irish dances.

HarpMuse- everything Harp Celtic Rhythms- Celtic Halloween Show storyline. Add to that that Halloween is my favorite holiday, and that's how I came up with the idea of a Celtic Halloween show where the music and dances interweave with the stories. Everyone I talked with loved my idea of a Celtic Halloween show. I reached out to my wonderfully talented musician and dancer friends, who also loved the idea. Because I had no money to invest, that also meant I had no money to pay for a theatre and for rehearsals. To make it work without "proper " stage rehearsals, my idea was to rehearse the musicians separately in my kitchen (we had 3 rehearsals), the dancers at the park... Continued on Page 5

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features

Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyrights 2020 McDonough Media

Deireadh Fรณmhair

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Fiends & Readers, The Turning of the year time is upon us. We have survived SEVEN PLUS MONTHS of a drawn out Pandemic, our frail nation is being tested like never before and we are still able to look forward to Celebrate Halloween and the rest of the year! That, dear readers, is our great Irish Heritage in action: WE ENDURE and Carry On better than any group on Earth! We hope you enjoy our Fall issue and savor this season of harvest and reflection as much as we do.

Stay safe and be well. Jim M cDonough, Publisher

Also, a message on the more somber side of the Pandemic! We j oke about the ter r ible year we are having and even pat our selves on the back for managing to car r y on however there is a dar k side that needs light! FYI , the relapse and over dose r ate has increased by 30% dur ing Covid 19 times in the US (similar in I reland and EU) since M arch 2020! M ental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially har d for people with depression. NAM I , The National Alliance on M ental Health have a 24 hour helpline: 800-273-8255 . One really swell thing about a digital publication, it is easy to cut and paste and share this might save someone! We posted it to our page:

October, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

SAM HAIN Ret r ospect ive Continued from Page 3 ...(with a few more rehearsals - axe handles and swords can be dangerous!), and the narrator was given his script a few weeks before the show. The morning of the show we ran what we call a que-to-que, meaning we didn't run the entire show beginning to end, but ran the beginning and ending of each song and narration to get a feel for the flow. Everyone was great, it worked wonderfully, and the limited rehearsal time caused the energy level to rise and kept everyone on their toes. This is how the show has been staged every year. Although the basic structure of the show stays the same, every year the show changes. I write in new stories, songs and dances. Some things stay the same and have been in every show like the story of Jack o' the Lantern, the sword dance, and the opening and closing narration. Four years ago Padraic Conroy wrote the song "Samhaina," and that's been the opening song since. Three years ago I wrote "Samhain Night," and that now opens the second act every year.Year 3 I joined with the Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angeles and they have played before each show the past seven years. The first 2 years, 2011-2012, the show ran at the

NOW OPEN Daily 11AM t o 2AM

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Bu r ban k M oose Lodge. They took rent payment in the form of booze sold at their bar and a percentage of ticket sales. Year 1 we had a huge cast with the bands Waking Kate and Slugger O'Toole; Irish, Scottish, Morris and ceili dancers; and a narrator. Both shows sold out with 100 people coming to each show, and it was a huge hit. The first year we had a standing ovation and an encore. The second year another standing ovation and 3 encores! The Moose Lodge was a great start, but

the stage was tiny and low to the ground, and the dancers were on the floor with the audience, making it difficult for anyone beyond the third row to see anything. More SAMHAIN on page 6

ABOVE: M oose Lodge, Bu r ban k 2012

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A Celt ic Hallow een : 2011 t o 2020 Year 3 I then found the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood. They had a much larger (and taller) stage,and a sound system. Although the stage was larger, it barely held six musicians plus the dancers.

M OOSE LODGE SWORD DANCE During one of the Morris stick dances (the sticks were axe handles), we were so tight I missed hitting the stick of the person across from me and nailed her in the mouth. Blood was streaming down her face throughout the dance. The band and the audience thought it was part of the show! She was a real trooper and finished the rest of the show. We were at the Mayflower for two years until they raised their prices, so off to another location. The next place for Year 5 w as t h e old Welsh ch u r ch downtown, near the StaplesCenter.

Deireadh Fรณmhair

It was a great spooky looking venue with dark wood paneling, stained glass windows and red carpet. There was a wonderful pipe organ in the balcony above the stage. I took advantage of it and played part of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor to open Act II. The Moose Lodge and Mayflower Club both had full bars. The church had nada. Since many of our patrons also enjoy a pint or two, I contacted my friends Alastair and Jenny down at MacLeod Ale in North Hollywood and they brought in barrels of their beer. (Yes, I did get a permit from the ABC!) Problem solved! However, because it was a church we couldn't hold the show on Sunday and moved it to a Saturday. This was the only year we didn't have a full house, in fact it was pretty dismal with our largest audience 30 people. We believe it was because it was on a Saturday, and it was downtown. Year 6, w e m oved t o M acLeod Ale The first year at MacLeod Ale we built a stage. It was small and barely held the band and dancers, but our patrons were very happy to be in a brewery (we didn't mind it either). Year seven we went back to MacLeod Ale and this time rented a stage, again playing to a packed house. Years 1 through 4 we had two shows, a matinee and evening performance, on the Sunday closest to Halloween. By year 5 we were turning people away, so year 6 we had four shows, two shows on the two Sundays closest to Halloween. We were still packing the house. Mind you, the brewery only held 80 people, but not bad for a show that had pretty much no marketing.

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Nuys trying to get permission to do the show. I was also looking into other venues. It was Halloween and everything was booked, including banquet halls, churches - everything! I put the word out to the cast to see if anyone knew of a place. Fortune smiled!

\ ABOVE: M ACLEOD ALE in 2016 Year 8 we had planned on returning to MacLeod Ale. They had rented the warehouse next door that could hold a lot more people, and a larger stage. Unfortunately, two weeks before the first show they found out, to their surprise, that the license they thought they had that allowed live music, had somehow dropped through the city cracks and was never officially filed. The next couple days Alastair and I were sent all over the city to try and get the license. Our final stop was the Van Nuys Police Vice Department. After literally pleading with them (okay, and batting an eye or two - I was desperate!), they said they would allow the show, as long as the fire department gave a thumbs up. I called the fire department and the Van Nuys fire chief says, "Nope.No Way. Absolutely not!"The reason was because theOaklandwarehouse fire the year before that killed several people caused most of the cities inCaliforniato not allow any type of public gathering in a warehouse. Period. End of Story. It was now 9 days before the first show. Two shows were sold out and the other two were close to being sold out (we're talking almost 400 ticket sales). As I was running around the city in Van

Th e Hu dson Th eat r e in Hollyw ood had a dark stage and was anxious to rent it. We finally had a real theatre! It was glorious! The band could spread out and not play knuckle to knuckle - literally. The dancers had room to really dance. We had lights, sound, and the audience could see everything clearly, no matter where they sat! The Hudson loved us so much they did something they rarely do, and that's book us in 2019 for a short run during one of their busiest times. Year nine we were also at the Hudson! Year 10 and covid hit. Being a true Celt, I didn't give up, especially on our Tenth Year Anniversary and decided to put the show on line. The cast agreed and here we are. It's a lot more work, but hopefully will be worth it.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

TOUR DE FRANCE FROM COVER The overall Winner of the Cycling World's most prestigious and best know competion in the world was, Tadej Pogacar. However, Ireland's Sam Bennett got the coveted GREEN JERSEY for being the top Sprinter! The complex stages, times and components of the Tour De France confuse Americans but the joy of being fastest is always an appreciated and admired feat of skill and stamina! Points are given for high finishes in a stage and for winning intermediate sprints, and these are recorded in a points classification. It is considered a sprinters' competition. Sam Bennett ( IRL ) had to take advantage of his only day on the Champs -ElysĂŠes and he dominated much to the delight of Irish fans and underdog watchers around the world! RTE called the 29 year old Irish cyclist a Tour De Force as he became only the third Irish entrant in the history of the sport to garner top Sprinter Status!

Ir elan d's Sam Ben n et t m ade h ist or y in h is t h ir d at t em pt f or s Deceu n in ck ?Qu ick -St ep, t h e Belgian UCI Wor ldTeam cyclin g t eam , in Par is. Sept em ber 2020

Deireadh FĂłmhair

IRISH LACROSSE CHAMPIONS Ireland's National Lacrosse Team become worldwide heroes The "Champion" title certainly belongs to this Irish team for the recent actions taken on behalf of great sportsmanship and compassion! A rival American team, a First Nations Native team, the Iroquois Nationals came in Third Place in competitions that determined which teams would play on the World Lacrosse Games in 2022. Ireland came in Twelfth Place. The International competition was basically rigged against the Iroquois Nationals on an unfair technicality so the Irish team ceded their spot to them to play in 2022. . Michael Kennedy, chief executive officer of Ireland Lacrosse, released a statement that read: "It's simply the right thing to do... As much as our players would have been honored to compete, we know the right thing is for the Iroquois Nationals to represent our sport on this international stage." Continued on page 13

Headqu ar t er ed in Du blin , t h e Ir ish or gan izat ion is w ell r espect ed an d h as oper at ion s in t h e US. More online: m ain .ir elan dlacr

October, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Br it ain Waives t h e Ru les

Page 9


By Joh n M cNally Last January, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson signed the Withdraw Agreement and its Irish Protocol, locating the new customs border at the sea, for an orderly Brexit from the European Union. Then, in September, Boris decided to renegotiate the deal claiming it threatened the ?economic and territorial integrity of the UK.? Once more, we are looking at a hard border between the Irish Republic?s 26 counties, and the British ruled six Northeastern Irish counties, which is a significant threat to the Good Friday Agreement.

Per f idiou s Albion st r ik es again ! Five former British Prime Ministers all criticized and challenged Johnson for his actions. Ch ar les M ich el, Pr esiden t of t h e Eu r opean Cou n cil warned the British government that any reneging on its responsibilities will mean that Britain?s signature on everything from trade agreements to Treasury bonds will be worthless. Fr an ce?s Eu r ope M in ist er Clem en t Beau n e accused the British PM of adopting ?the Madman?s strategy?. Fian n a Fรกil TD Th om as Byr n e t w eet ed: ?Ireland has always accepted the good faith of Britain in Brexit ! negotiations. I believe Britain will comply with its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement in the same way that it has always respected its international obligations.? Br it ish For eign M in ist er Dom in ic Raab was sent to Washington, DC with a simple message - we will break international law and us.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the administration trusted the British Government to do the right thing. Continued on page 10

Ir ish Ar tist BRIAN BOYLAN Or iginal Ar t Commissions & Signed Pr ints Custom Pr ints Gr aphics & Animation Ar t

RIGHT: Boylan's

FIRST COM M UNION Or igin al com m ission ed f or O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b in San t a M on ica w h er e it is on display Ir ish Nat ive, Br ian Boylan n ow lives an d w or k s in Sou t h Bay. Em ail: boylan

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Brexit Impact from previous page Nan cy Pelos Th e Speak er of t h e US Con gr ess, pulled no punches when she declared, "If the UK violates that international treaty and Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a US-UK trade agreement passing the Congress.? Con gr ess m em ber Rich ar d Neal, t h e Ch air of t h e Ways an d M ean s Com m it t ee, reminded Johnson that the USA is a guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement; ?Since the landmark peace deal was

Deireadh Fómhair

reached in 1998, the 310-mile border in Ireland has remained frictionless and invisible. Every political party on the island opposes a return of a hard border. I sincerely hope the British government upholds the rule of law and delivers on the commitments it made during Brexit negotiations, particularly in regard to the Irish border protocols." Friends of Ireland Caucus has Ireland?s back during these trying times. Ask your congressional candidates to join or support them.. Johnson?s breach of international law is yet another argument for a referendum for uniting Ireland!

Pictured here: Pictured from L to R: Sinn Féin

Senator Niall O'Donnghaile, US Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney, Sinn Féin Representative to the US Ciaran Quinn, Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald and US Ambassador Edward Crawford.

In A Relat ed Developm en t . A h igh level m eet in g t r an spir ed w it h Sin n Fein an d a US delegat ion Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald TD stated emphatically that the Good Friday Agreement cannot be used as a pawn by British government in negotiations with the EU. The meeting covered a wide range of issues including Brexit, the threat of a hard border, the refusal of the British government to honor their agreements on legacy and the growing support for Irish Unity. Following the meeting Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD called on the British Government again to honour their agreements. Teachta McDonald said:, ?Mr Mulvaney's visit comes at a challenging time for our agreements, our economy and our citizens. The responsibility for this lies squarely at the feet of a British government that makes a virtue out of breaching agreements and breaking international law.? ?Boris Johnson?s government has acted unilaterally and without consultation with the Irish Government and the majority of parties in the North The UK must, ?...cease using the Good Friday Agreement as leverage in their negotiations with the EU, and to honour its international agreements. '

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North American inquires:

jm cdon ou gh 44@gm Jm 's Cell: 951 216-1493

Ireland, UK and EU: in f o@h ar bou r sider w w w.h ar bou r sider



October, 2020

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N O W O PEN f or D i n i n g & D r i n k s on th e N EW PAT I O !! Ou r in side din in g m ay be closed, bu t ou r n ew pat io is st ill open . NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs Take Out is still available for alcohol and food with food TAKE OUT delivery through Postmates. 11:AM t o 8:PM #openforbusiness DAILY #patio 310 829-5303 #outsidedining

Please w ear a m ask an d m ain t ain social dist an cin g. Ser vice w ill be a lit t le dif f er en t t h an n or m al, bu t w e ar e excit ed t o see you all again . If you ar en?t qu it e r eady yet , w e ar e st ill sellin g f ood an d alcoh ol f or t ak e ou t an d deliver y on Gr u bh u b. Again , w e ar e m oved by t h e su ppor t t h at w e h ave r eceived du r in g t h is t im e. Let ?s st ay saf e an d m ove f or w ar d slow ly! Willy O'Sullivan

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The View from Ireland Th e UK?s Dyin g St in g? By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick On May 6th 2021 there will be a Scottish Parliament election. Absent a major upset, First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, will lead the Scottish Nationalist Party to an overall majority. Sturgeon?s party may win as many as 80 seats in the 129 seat parliament. In the UK general election last December, it won an extraordinary 81% of the Scottish seats in Westminster.Sturgeon has vowed to demand a second Scottish Independence Referendum in the lifetime of the next Scottish Parliament and topublish draft legislation for that referendum in advance of the election. So, in effect, an independent Scotland will be on the ballot next May. Support for Scottish Independence stands at 53% as against 47% who wish to remain in the UK among those who declared their stance in a YouGov poll in August. That is higher than ever before and the number is growing. Boris Johnson and his colleagues in the Conservative Party have consistently refused to countenance a second Scottish Independence Referendum since the independence motion was defeated in September 2014. In July of this year, Boris Johnson went North to explain to the Scots how blessed they are to be in a union with Britain. But Johnson?s vapourings hold little sway in Scotland: only 20% of Scots think that he is a good leader. Brexit is due to be fully implemented by December 31st 2020 and the prospect that there will be a trade deal in place with the EU by then looks increasingly remote. A no-deal Brexit, which Johnson likens to the deal that Australia has with the EU, would be catastrophic and would likely add huge support to Scottish Independence. Even with a deal, by mid-2021 the disruption of Brexit will be a living reality in Scotland (where the electorate voted by a comfortable majority in 2016 against Brexit). Sturgeon will plausibly argue that the negative consequences of Brexit will only exacerbate with time. In canvassing this perspective, Sturgeon is pushing an open door. The reason that themore and moreScots want to exit the UK is that staying means exiting the EU. Back in 2014, opponents of Scottish Independence maintained that Scotland should continue to enjoy the benefits of membership of

Deireadh Fรณmhair

both the UK and the EU? that is no longer possible. Today advocates of an Independent Scotland are bolstered by the fact that the EU will expedite an Independent Scotland?s candidacy to join the EU. Scottish Independence this time will likely mean a clean break with the sterling currency and the British monarch as head of state? unlike thetimorousapproachto independence in2014. Now Scotland separatists would have to nail their colours to the mast properly in a much more meaningful vote. Britain can only stymie Scotland from holding a second Independence referendum for so long. Pete Wishart, a Scottish National Party MP, stated in Westminster this July that his party would consider?withdrawing from the apparatus of the UK state?if the Conservative Party continues to refuse. Wishart elaborated that such a boycott would include?participation in institutions of the UK parliament?. That is fighting talk. It will be all the more potent when the SNP gains an overall majority in the parliamentary election next May. The UK without Scotland is completely unsustainable. So,is this how the UK will disintegrate? Losing Scotland would bring down Johnson and his government and even destroy his party. The rise of an English nationalist party would likely fill the vacuum created by the Conservatives and the impetus behind Brexit would show its true colours. Or will it all flop? After all, the union between Scotland and England is over three centuries old. It was born of English coercion and Scottish dispossession, but attitudes and the economies North and South of Hadrian?s Wall have coalesced considerably over time. Besides, retaining Scotland is a matter of huge pride to the monied and influential ruling class in England. The trauma of Brexit has not yet fully hit home,but when it does it could indeed cause a rupture. And it happens that Nicola Sturgeonisthe most talented political leader that Scotland has produced for a very long time. It would be foolhardy to bet against her. And, right on cue, Boris Johnson managed to give the SNP even further justification in seeking independence. Brandon Lewis, the principal UK government appointee in Northern Ireland, announced that Britain would be breaking the

Withdrawal Agreement it negotiated last year with the EU.

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Maurice VIEW Cont. From Previous Page As Lewis said in Westminster Parliament on September 8th:?This does break international law? We?re taking the power to disapply the EU law concept of direct effect required by article 4?. Cascades ofcriticismof Britain?s misconduct from across the world ensued. There is simply no way that the EU will tolerate this behaviour from the UK? even if it means export blockades next January. US politicians were equally scathing. As Speaker Pelosi said: ?If the UK violates that international treaty and Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a US-UK trade agreement passing the Congress.

Th e Good Fr iday Agr eem en t is treasured by the American people and will be proudly defended in the United States Congress?. Meanwhile, Congressman Richie Neal won his primary on September 1st and he will run unopposed in November. So,Neal will remain Chair of the Ways and Means Committee in the US Congress, and that committee will decide whether or not to ratify a trade deal with the UK post-Brexit. Neal also happens to be Chair of the Friends of Ireland caucus in Congress and his perspectives on Ireland fully align with Pelosi?s. The UK government somehow has managed to miss every warning over the past fouryears from Congress against its breaking treaty obligations with respect to Ireland and yet hoping for a good deal in the US Congress. Now the UK looks set to find out the hard way. As The New York Times Editorial Board wearily wrote on September 11th: ?the Brexit serial is back?. Just don?t expect it to cheer you up. FROM PAGE 8

Ir elan d's Nat ion al Lacr osse Team Hon or s Hu m an it y an d Spor t sm an sh ip The response was heartfelt and has moved fans around the world to appreciate how goodness begets goodness. " The Iroquois Nationals were grateful for the decision. " You have gone above and beyond not only for us, but for what you believe is right," they

Joh n Hu m e, Ir elan d's m ost cou r ageou s peacem ak er pr of iled by M au r ice Fit zpat r ick ; Available @ am azon .com / Joh n -Hu m e-Am er ica-Der r y-DC/ dp/

tweeted in response. " Your actions have spoken louder than words showing everyone the true power of sport, and the spirit of lacrosse.

We will never forget ,"

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

A Rabelaisian Rom p Fest : Review of Aloysiu s t h e Gr eat 9/15/2020 [Aloysi us the Great. O'Bri en, John M axwell. Uni ted States: Properti us Press. July 2020. 332 pages. ISBN: 978-1-71689-483-1] To Order:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ Aloysiu sTh eGr eat What might your reaction be if I told you that an 80-year old, retired university professor living in small town Connecticut is channeling the spirit of Irish author, James Joyce? Well, it's true! After reading the story I can't help but think something remarkable and supernatural is going on here. Those in the know make the claim that the only chapter worth reading in James Joyce's Ulyssesis the 70-page chapter known as the "Ithaca episode," the penultimate section. It's also informally known as the "catechism chapter." The reader can rest assured that chapters 20 & 33 of O'Brien's novel are significant, but unlike Joyce, this author 's entire story is worth reading. Aloysius the Great is the timeless tale of Aloysius Gogarty, a young alcoholic American professor, pressured into becoming resident director of his colleges study-abroad program in England. He leaves the United States full of apprehension and resentment of the task before him. He is also disturbed at having to leave behind a young lady he has become obsessed with. While in England, Gogarty finds himself on a runaway roller-coaster of rebellious students, drugs, sex, and academic politics. As he continues to court his lady friend from afar, his drinking spirals out of control. Gogarty gets help in coping with his problems from an Oxford counterpart who is a wickedly witty and steadfast companion. They consume epic quantities of alcohol while concocting outlandish schemes to address these challenges. Gogarty not only survives the cacophony of events, but emerges on the other side as a hero and crowns his achievements by coming to grips

with his alcoholism. O'Brien's novel is a powerful Rabelaisian romp fest that at first read can be a companionate volume to Joyce's Ulysses. They should actually be read together, if you have the time, to get the most out of this book. After the first reading of this novel I could not stop thinking of the Irish folk song, "Seven Drunken Nights." Even if I had never read any of Joyce's works, this story is a fine, well-crafted character novel bubbling with clever dialogue and humor. If the reader happens to be Joycean aficionado like myself, it becomes a treasure chest of Joycean puns, saucy dialogue, comedic relief, and many allusions to Ulysses. That's why chapters 20 & 33 are so important to this work. As a Joycean knock-off, the author definitely achieved his goal and was enormously competent at it, as shown by the following scenes in the novel. At Ensign Ewart's Pub, the Scottish barkeep is giving Aloysius advice on whiskey: "Now, let me tell you something about whiskey. It's like a woman: it's all a matter of taste. I can give you something smooth with a long, round finish; something spicy with a peaty aftertaste; or something soft with a heathery, honey flavor. What suits your mood today?" This Scottish barkeep further advises Gogarty on the wisdom of when you know you've had enough to drink, which is hilarious: Continued bottom of page 15

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Sad News At Press T ime

I r i sh Po et D er ek M ah o n D ead A t 78 W e ar e ver y sor r y to r ep or t th at th e h i gh ly accl ai m ed an d p op u l ar Bel f ast bor n p oet d i ed i n Cor k af t er a sh or t i l l n ess on Sep tem ber 30 . H i s p oem Ev er y t h i n g W i l l B e A l r i gh t h as f r equ en t ly been r ead an d r ever ed d u r i n g th e Pan d em i c t h i s y ear as a h op ef u l an d u p l i f t i n g p i ece of r eassu r an ce th r ou gh ou t al l of I r el an d an d th e U K . Mahon had lived in the Republic since his days at Trinity in the 60s. He made his home in Kinsale. He had been a leading Irish poet since his debut collection,

Night Crossing was published in 1968.

M UCH M ORE ONLINE Ir ish Tim es Feat u r e Readin g f r om BBC Am er ica We r ecom m en d t h is am azin g sit e;

Lif esavin g Poem s

ALOYSIUS Revi ew "Me dear departed father once told me, he said, 'Billy boy, every man has his own God-given quota when it comes to drink, and you'll know when yours has been reached. That'll be the crossroads. Either you'll keep sucking it up like a sponge or you'll step back and watch the other laddies blow themselves up with it.' I reached my limit seven years and thirteen days ago." "How did you know your time was up?" "When it dawned on me I was allergic to the stuff." "Allergic? How did you know you were allergic to alcohol?" "Because when I overdid it, I kept breaking out in handcuffs."

ABOUT THE REVIEWER Ben Dou glass is a retired, old grumpy white guy who spends his time writing essays, reviews, short fiction, and poetry for the

"I choke on a mouthful of Devchars, spitting some of it on the bar. He wipes up the mess cheerfully, pleased with my reaction."

I could log many more pages of this kind of Joycean humor but it would spoil all the fun for the reader. I highly recommend this novel for the Joycean aficionado as well as for the general reader looking for a good page-turning story with lots of punch. It is the kind of novel to be read twice, or even thrice, to pick up all manner of nuances, puns and stylistic allusions missed in the first reading. For this, a previous reading of Ulysses would be helpful.

amusement of others. He currently resides in the Concordia neighborhood, of Northeast Portland, Oregon. He has been a die-hard Joycean aficionado since discovering Finnegan's Wake in high school. During his twenties, while attending California State University at Hayward, he took seminar courses on the plays of Sean O'Casey, W.B. Yeats and J.M. Synge, which furthered his passionate love of everything Irish. When he isn't creating tall tales, he is kept quite busy with his partner, Ave Marie, five cats and three dogs.

Ben Dou glass

DEREK M AHON 1941 - 2020

Reprinted from his blog with permission.

h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3h ZA6s8

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Joh n M axw ell O'Br ien is an emeritus professor of history (Queens College) who has written numerous articles on ancient history, medieval history, and the history of alcoholism. His bestselling biography, Alexander the Great: The Invisible Enemy (Routledge), has been translated into Greek and Italian, and he authored the article on alcoholism in the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Professor O'Brien's second life has been devoted to his first love, creative writing, and he has published a variety of poems and short stories in literary journals. Aloysius the Great is his debut novel and was inspired by James Joyce's Ulysses.]

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

Erin Rado herself were neighbors at the very

A Con ver sat ion w it h Er in Rado, Pion eer in g Celt ic Ar t ist an d Wr it er For twenty five years plus; the IA&E attended every Irish and Scottish Fair around Southern California and Arizona.We were there promoting our print paper, passing out free papers and selling subscriptions while doing outreach for our business and clients. These annual gathering were important to our business and also frankly a lot of fun! It was almost always a great experience and it gave us the opportunity to meet and mingle with the public. We also got to know a lot of the vendors at this multitude of Celtic events.

\ last Irish Fair in Irvine in 2019! Sadly canceled this year along with our lives as we knew them.

Harking back to those halcyon days; we were intrigued by Erin?s wares and work, got to know her a bit and promised to do a follow up with a feature. Somewhat belated but here and now; we are happy to introduce our friends and readers to ERIN RADO and her life?s work, The Art of Celtic Mindfulness.

Now the exact time we actually met Erin Rado is lost in the blur of years, booths, lines for libations and the delight of great Celtic Music and Dance but this friendly, lively and very industrious Celtic Entrepreneur has seemingly always been part and parcel of this quasi-Traveler carnival mix! By luck and a bit of serendipity, the Irish Arts and Entertainment and the Celtic Store owned and operated by SSS

A C o n v er sat i o n W i t h Er i n Rad o an d T h e I rish Arts & Entertainment Irish Arts and Entertainment (IA&E) Erin tell us about your background and education? The path that led you to developing your Celtic Mindfullness.

Er in Rado Well, this has been a journey of discovery. Ten years ago, I decided to create a Celtic art collection. What can I say, I?m Irish and Welsh so Celtic art is in my blood. I set out to create a collection that looked traditional, but had a modern aesthetic. What I ended up creating were Celtic designs ?

that when traced ? actually affected human cognition. I did not realize it at the time, but I had created Celtic Mandalas. I called the line Celtic Mandalynths ? which is a combination of the words ?mandala? and ?labyrinths?. It?s art you trace. You don?t color it, you don?t analyze it. You simply trace it. This locks down hand-to-eye coordination and moves the brain from active thought into passive/receptive thought. Basically, I use my Celtic art designs to trick people into meditating. It?s very effective and I have had great success helping people manage stress, anxiety, PTSD, ,

and autism. IA&E: How long have you been attending Celtic and other Fairs and running your Store? Er in : Over 10 years now. I began in 2009 at the Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire. I have traveled the country several times attending large and small shows. My business location is online at w w w.Celt icAr t St or e.n et . I work from my studio in the Southern California Mountains. IA&E: Now, you have mentioned in our previous conversations some really

October, 2020


IA&E: Now, you have mentioned in our previous conversations some really interesting literary and publishing ideas (and we follow you online, so we kind of know). Can you share your big news with our readers?

Er in :

Well, my Celtic Mandalynths ? and my newer mindful tracing art line, Finger Labyrinths, are available on my website. I self-publish those. But? As long as you?re asking, I am launching a new quarterly publication called Celtic Nations Magazine. This magazine will focus on an eclectic mix of Celtic history, modernity, culture, humor, inspirations, art, music, dance, fiction, poetry, crafts and more. It?s a big Celtic world out there and I want to showcase it all!

IA&E: We know you call yourself Ravensdaughter. How did you come by that name?

Ravensdaughter is my art name. I chose it as an homage to the goddess Morrigan. She is the Warrior Queen, after all, and I am a warrior myself. Morrigan?s totem animal is a raven, but ? come on ? how many people call themselves ?Raven?? I chose the diminutive, Ravensdaughter, to honor her. How wonderful it would be to call Her ?mom?. Plus, and here?s a little marketing secret, search for

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

?raven?online and you?ll get a million hits. Search for ?ravensdaughter ?? you?ll find me. IA&E: Finally, what do you want people to know most about your art? The world is a busy place. Most of us drive ourselves nuts trying to cope. We are not taught how to meditate. We simply go, go, go until our poor minds overload. I hate it when someone says, ?It?s just a panic attack. Calm down.? As if there?s anything as ?just?a panic attack. And how many times do people actually calm down when told to? Using a tool to help the brain center and settle down can be a life-saver. Heck, it can help when offered to kids on the drive home! Counselors, therapists, educators and parents use my work. Kiddos use my work, even in class. Mindful tracing is a little like doodling. It?s a management exercise that make a big difference even when only used for a few moments. Bottom line, my work helps people. That?s why my tag line is ?Helping the World calm down, one Brain at a Time.?

Blessin gs t o All, Er in Rado -Ravensdaughter

It is Easy and Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

A l m o st A Gh o st B y Ji m M cD o n o u gh I am n o l o n ger f u l l f l ed ged N o l o n ger j u st o f t h e w o r l d I 'm f ad i n g I n b o d y, m i n d an d o u t l o o k I n o t i ced i t f i r st i n a p ar k I sat o n a b en ch A l i t t l e o l d l ad y w as cl o se O n t h e n ex t b en ch by h er sel f . I d i d n o t n o d t o o r gr eet h er as o n ce I m i gh t h av e I n st ead I w at ch ed a y o u n g co u p l e an d ch i l d En j oy i n g t h e Su m m er Su n I t w as as i f I w as n o t t h er e I u sed t h em t o d r i f t b ack T o an et h er o f m y y o u n ger d ay s w h en I w as f i t f o r sp l en d i d f r ay s

Jim M cDon ou gh


"when... fit for splendid frays"

T h i s r eck o n i n g cam e ab o u t n o t f ast M y l i f e i s l o n g b u t w i l l n o t l ast T h i s sp ect er m e i s co m i n g cl o se I w i l l b e a f i n e n ew gh o st

In k eepin g w it h t h e t h em e of t h is Special Hallow een Issu e, w e of f er t h is w h im sical w or k f r om t h e as yet u n pu blish ed poem s of ou r pu blish er . Given w it h r elu ct an t per m ission as lik e Casper , ou r gh ost ly pal I a boss is a bit sh y abou t self pu blish in g. of It w as n ot all t h at h ar d t o scar e h im in t o r u n n in g t h is t h ou gh , w e sim ply t h r eat en ed h im w it h t ak in g aw ay h is st ash of Hallow een can dy! For m or e of t h e Non Ir ish side of Jim , go t o:

We invite submissions to the

Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. E-Mail us:

Oct ober , 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Page 19

Ken O?M alley Ir elan d Tou r s Sch edu le Ch an ges The Ken O'Malley Tour that was set for set for April of this year was pushed to Spring of 2021. The dates are just in:

April 17 - 26, 2021. Fir st st op w ill be Ban t r y Bay n ear Cor k ; t h e 2021 t ou r spen ds t h r ee n igh t s on Ir elan d's West Coast Cast let ow n , M izen Head Ligh t h ou se , Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y an d Con n em ar a t h en on t o West por t an d en ds in Du blin .

Ballintubber Abbey, founded in 1216. Highlight's For Ken's First Ever SAMHAIN TRIP for 2021 Announced! See graphic and link next page

A br ief st op in Galw ay (Pict u r ed f r om t h e h ills above) n ext Spr in g. Am azin g m u sic, pu bs an d sigh t seein g w ill m ak e you w an t t o r et u r n ! Cen t er : M or n in g M ist i n t h is sh ot n ear you r h ot el t h at gives you a glim pse of t h e ch ar m aw ait in g in Galw ay Cit y

Ken O'M alley Ou r f avor it e Ir ish Balladeer is en du r in g t h e Pan dem ic w h ile en t er t ain in g f an s on lin e ! See details in Calendar Section feature, page 26

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

Irish Music: News & Reviews


Crusty Irish Crooner blasts ?fascist bullies?in anti -lockdown COVID-19 protest songs! Van Morrison has written three songs setting out his contrarian view that Northern Ireland (and we surmise most people) is going about lockdowns all wrong. Last Friday, September 25, the 75 year old singer/ songwriter announced on his website that he will be releasing the protest songs to make it clear ?how unhappy he is with the way the (U.K which includes his home, Belfast) government has taken away personal freedoms.?

C o m i n g T h i s C h r i st m as Over the course of the past few months Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s has compiled a beautiful Choral Christmas album which will be available for sale during the holiday season. The entire album is reflective of the times we are in and is full of hope, light and the way forward. "We have

Morrison is not new to being outspoken and critical in his music and especially to the press but he is definitely taking a minority position on this issue. The public is fed up with misinformation more than the lockdown. Born To Be Free is now out, first of his three songs that kind of sum up frustration but offer no solutions." Don?t need the government

cramping my style,? the vocal legend sings on ?Born to Be Free? Two more lackluster gems like this are set to drop in October on the 9th and 23rd. Details and Morrison;s obviously pained and honest thoughts can be found in his comments online.

w w w.van m or r ison .com included everything from O Holy Night to Silent Night to the beautiful Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) and of course a selection of wonderful Irish language Christmas carols" says , KERRY'S Margaret O'Carroll.

Details and how to order soon.

October, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

I r ish M u sic: News & Reviews

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See Bio in ou r Ju n e issu e (Pg 24) Get t h e Lat est on Ir ish Folk Ban d

St r in gs an d Th in gs & LINKS TO M USIC

Contemporary folk band Strings & Things have released an energetic new single, ?Jigt im e.? The single is the first release from their upcoming album The Unsolicited Dance The song features a fast, energetic beat complete with strumming guitars, intricate fiddles, and layered string sounds, with singer James O?Meara?s vocals sailing overtop. ?Jigtime? started as a poem by Ethel Mongey, mother of band member Sean, who approached the band and asked them to put music to the poem. The poem is about the unconditional love of a mother for her children, and a mother 's realization that her kids are growing up and don't need their parents as much. The thoughtful lyrics are complemented by the upbeat, hopeful instrumentation, and the song quickly became a regular in Strings & Things?live set. The single as well as upcoming album were recorded while the band was on a nine month residency as a house band at Raglan Road, an Irish entertainment bar in Disney World Orlando, Florida. The band would spend their days arranging and recording their original music in their home studio, and their nights gigging. The music was recorded by bass player Eoin Salmon, who is also a sound engineer. It was mastered by Aidan Cunningham

Em er gin g Ir ish Wr it er GREGORY PATRICK Greg Patrick has garnered a loyal following among readers of the Irish Poety Corner and fans of his books in general around the world. Greg like to travel but when in SoCal, he resides in Orange County. Greg spent his youth with his mother 's Traveler people when back home in Ireland. There he hails from Derry and Galway where he worked with great horses for years.

(The Scratch, Overhead the Albatross). Strings & Things are a four-piece neo-trad band based in Tipperary who meld genres of rock, folk, pop, and trad to create their unique sound. For the last eight years they have been entertaining audiences around Ireland, the UK, and the US with energetic live performances, a huge repertoire of traditional music, and thoughtful, innovative original music. They released their first album Turbulence and EP ?Anorak Jack? in 2017, and an Irish cover album Four Thousand Miles in 2018. The band employs a collaborative writing process, with collective input on music, lyrics, and arrangement. The band consists of James O?Meara Ryan (guitar & vocals), Eoin Shelly (percussion & vocals), Sean Mongey (banjo, mandolin, whistle & backing vocals), and Eoin Salmon (bass). The group is currently managed by Impact Promotions Ireland. Listen to ?Jigtime? on Spotify, Soundcloud

When with his Armenian sailor father he traveled the South Pacific and continental Europe. He lives also in Krakow, Ireland and presently the states. He crafts shortstories, poems, books and loves to travel. He is looking forward to an open horizon again. He is an appreciative reader too and always excited to be included in this Irish Arts and Entertainment years magazine.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

T h e I r i sh L i t er ar y Sh ow case M u se By Gr eg Pat r ick In spir ed by Br ian Boylan?s pain t in g Tr in it y of Red Gr aces ?For I have travelled the bare road, and by the edges of the sea; and the tattered doublet of partlicoloured cloth upon my back and the torn pointed shoes upon my feet have ever irked me, because of the towered city full of noble raiment which was in my heart. And I have been the more alone upon the roads and by the sea because heard in my heart the rustling of the rose-bordered dress of her.? -William Butler Yeats ?Crucifixion of the Outcast? On rainswept path I stopped for a beheld a rare vision as if mirage that vexed nomad was granted radiant form face in a vision of beauty behind green eyes. As one looks into their tide-pooled depths to see the summer sky and sea.Half-bathed in sunlight and storm like a torch burning through the rain. The brightness of the surface seems to reflect the depth of her eyes. As great as the bright beauty seen on the surface as the sun sets over the western sea and the night never felt darker nor her farther. The brightness of the surface like anv indication of the depth of the eyes .

Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion . Th an k s t o M ar gar et O'Car r oll f or h er in pu t an d su ppor t of t h is idea.

Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay: t o: ir ish m issive@gm In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case


Gaze reflected their admirer like a nomad?s face in anoasis or sequestered tide pool of dream. Even in a storied legend-haunted land here was a rare grace to behold. The very essence of a Celtic bard?s inspiration and Iseult?s incarnation. A sigh to the last light of the setting sun of summer a wordless interpretation of her name. Eyes worthy of the person, a gaze startlingly and impossibly green. Voluminous as the shelves it would take to do justice in words yet understated. Their fathomless depth that of the Irish Sea, yet more so. Breath caught in mid-song when beauty before words proved song obsolete. In that presence I thought at first sight that I had strayed into a world grace once more with princesses worthy of the name and by the worthy gestures of one proved her tender hearted as she was beautiful. Princess as ever envisioned. I could feel the aeolian caress of the harpsong for that which was sonorous in her laughter? The effect was positively bewitchingfrom the vibrant sway of your glorious red hair aflow in impossibly fiery resplendence, to her constellated freckles,so as to echo the honeyed words: "Oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright". Her vivacity and laughter not just infectious but truly heart melting. I could compose more bardic tribute but how could I even write in tribute to you if you are a poem itself.

October, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE AND AT Hollywood's Favorit e Irish St ore:

IRISH IM PORT SHOP 742 Vine near M elrose Call 323 467-6714

Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

Page 24

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

The PAN IRISH Digest Events, News & Opinion fr om Ir eland and the Ir ish Diaspor a

Sim u lt an eou s Rest or at ion In Du blin As t h e u n pr eceden t ed Fou r Cou r t s digit al r est or at ion pr oject m ak es h ist or y i (SEE Ju ly IA&E on Pg ); t h e dam age cau sed t o t h e lan dm ar k st r u ct u r e is also bein g r econ st r u ct ed. Som e delays an d a cost over r u n if over ?4 m illin w er e

H ar v est & B l u e M o o n C ast T h ei r Sp el l s I n O ct o b er

r epor t ed in Sept em ber . Th e icon ic Dom e of t h e Fou r Cou r t s t u r n ed ou t t o be a lot m or e com plict ed t o r ebu ild t h an an t icipat ed. Th e scaf f olds w on't be com in g dow n t ill som et im e in 2022. Covid 19 h as got t en som e of t h e blam e t oo!

I n th e n ot so d i stan t p ast i n I r el an d , th e f ai r i es w er e th ou gh t to be p ar ti cu l ar ly acti ve u n d er th e l i gh t of th e f u l l m oon . O n th ose br i gh tly i l l u m i n ated n i gh ts su ch as th e on e p i ctu r ed above of T h e L o u gh n ear W ar r en p o i n t , N ew r y, n or th of D u bl i n ; f ai r i es, w h o l i ved i n beau ti f u l p al aces u n d er th e sea, w er e sai d to com e u p on to th e l an d to r evel an d con ver se w i th th e f ai r i es of I r el an d at f ai r y m ou n d s an d ar ou n d h aw th or n tr ees. "...on su ch m oon l i gh t n i gh ts th ey of ten com e u p on th e l an d , r i d i n g th ei r w h i te h or ses, an d th ey h ol d r evel s w i th th ei r f ai r y k i n d r ed of th e ear th , w h o l i ve i n th e cl ef ts of th e h i l l s, an d th ey d an ce togeth er on th e gr een sw ar d u n d er th e an ci en t tr ees, an d d r i n k , n ectar f r om th e cu p s of th e f l ow er s, w h i ch i s th e f ai r y w i n e."

Five in st it u t ion s ar e in volved in t h e pr oject : t h e Nat ion al Ar ch ives, t h e UK n at ion al ar ch ives, t h e pu blic r ecor ds of f ice in Nor t h er n Ir elan d, t h e Ir ish M an u scr ipt s Collect ion an d t h e libr ar y at Tr in it y College Du blin (TCD).

M or e on t h is: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3gijFH9

T he First and T hirty First

Continued next page

CALL 562 430-0631 w w alleyssealbeach .com

October, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 25

FAI RI ES were feared... T h e si gn i f i can ce of t h e Fu l l M oon an d Fai r i es i s t h e bel i ef t h at h u m an s an d th em w er e bot h m or e act i ve on su ch br i gh t n i gh t s an d th u s m or e l i kely t o com e i n to con t act bu t t h i s w as bel i eved t o h ave a d ow n si d e. D i sn ey an d T i n ker bel l w er e gr eat f or ch an gi n g t h e ou tl ook of A m er i can s t ow ar d th e n ow con si d er ed sw eet l i ttl e p i x i es...d u st an d al l , th ey ar e t h ou gh t of as ben i gn at l east.

N ot so to th e I r i sh ; th ey w er e m ean soi r i ted , k i d n ap p er s of ch i l d r en an d ven gef u l . A gr eat sou r ce f or th i s v i ew i s.

L ad y Jan e W i l d e, A n ci en t L egen d s, M y st i c C h ar m s an d Su p er st i t i o n s o f I r el an d ,1887

T h e M o o n , Ro m an ce an d I r i sh L egen d s an d Fo l k l o r e ar e al l f i n e bu t th r ou gh ou t m ost of r ecor d ed h u m an h i stor y th e Fu l l M oon i n ear ly Fal l w as th e H A RV EST M O O N . Si m p ly p u t, becau se ser f s an d f ar m er s w er e u si n g t h e l i gh t to toi l th ose ex tr a h ou r s i n th e f i el d s. bef or e th e f i r st f r ost. A m er i ca ex i st ed as a m ostly agr ar i an econ om y an d soci ety so th e H ar vest M oon an d th e en su r i n g H ar vest Festi val s w er e an i m p or t an t p ar t of th e w or k an d soci al f abr i c, th e sam e h er e as i n I r el an d , U K an d Eu r op e.

T h e B l u e M o o n s ar e en ch an t i n g an d a b i t u n co m m o n b u t n o t r eal l y r ar e, T o h av e T W O i n O ct o b er h ap p en s q u i t e r ar el y b u t a b l u e m o o n o ccu r s ab o u t ev er y 2 1/ 2 y ear s acco r d i n g t o N A SA , M o r e o n l i n e: C N ET Sci en ce

Rem em ber t h e good old days of 2019!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair


The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you!

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption ir

Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use our invite link:

#GrowYourOak w w w.acor n / in vit e/ R96TXS

SAMHAIN 2011 to 2020 We ar e pr oud to par ticipate and pr esent cover to cover cover age!

Suggested $10 donation

October, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 27

THE CELTIC CAMERA We are here looking for you! Submissions to:

ir ish m issive@gm

For a look in side NEWGRANGE, GO TO: /

?Speak in g as an act r ess, I w ish all act or s w ou ld be m or e lik e Du k e ? an d speak in g as a per son , it w ou ld be n ice if all people cou ld be h on est an d as gen u in e as h e is. Th is is a r eal m an .? M au r een O'Har a

Jam es Joyce is n ow qu it e w elcom e in h is lan d of bir t h . Exiled an d r edem pt ion !

NOW OPEN Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

NOW t h r ou gh t h is Th u r sday

OCTOBER 17TH ON DEM AND HERE The show is on demand until October 17th. So much fun, thanks to The High Kings, The Trinity Irish Dancers, and Carbon Leaf with two sets by Gaelic Storm!

October, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Tou r s, In f o & LINK TO SHOW:

Su n day, Oct ober 18 @ 2 PM

w w w.ken om

(& Ever y Su n day f or t h e t im e bein g)

Th is w eek Favor it e Ir ish Son gs!

Ken O'M alley Live ! Th e sh ow is f r ee of ch ar ge

Page 29

For t h ose w h o w ou ld be in t er est ed in con t r ibu t in g t o a vir t u al t ip jar , you can u se Ven m o: @k en om alley (4 digit code 1062) or PayPal: paypal.m e/ t w lor d

Halloween Night, October 31 @ 7:00pm Tickets: Suggested $10 donation

Samhain Info:

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er We?r e st ill doin g ZOOM Session s On Su n day! M AILING ADDRESS 5062 Lan k er sh im Blvd. #3003 Nor t h Hollyw ood, CA 91601

Memberships open and donations welcome

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com /


OR PUB LISTED Sen d det ails t o ir ish m issive@gm f or even t s jim @pu bgu f or pu bs

Ow en Dar a's Son gs & Sit -Dow n s ju st f in ish ed it s f ir st season .. .. 18 Sh ow s! The show will be on vacation for September and returns the First Monday in October!

Go t o t h e ar ch ive t o cat ch u p or play again : w w w.ven m / ow en dar a

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Deireadh Fรณmhair

The Best Vir tual Pub In The Know n Univer se

WE CAN HELP! Advertise with the Weekly Irish E Missive Pub Guides &

Irish Arts & Entertainment We promote your pub, updates, Take Out and create interest for you on all our platforms & Social Media. Cost effective & proven results!

951 216-1493

PUB QUIZ Thur sdays in October @ 7:00pm. w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et



w w w.celt ict h u n der .com

GOODS FROM THE BRITISH ISLES Get ready for all of the Fall Celebrations with a Stock Up Stop Soon!! All your favourites are in!

October, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:

Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er f or t h e du r at ion ...

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EVERY FRIDAY!! Vin yl Sh ow case 7PM to 10PM on the EXTENDED LA(R) GER PATIO...Limited Seating TAKE OUT CURB SERVICE Food & Libations... Call for info: 562 437-8300

Dia daoibh, a chairde,

SUNDAY ZOOM SESSIONS Slow session h as r esu m ed Please join t h e



Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er on lin e t h is &f u t u r e Su n days 4:00-4:30 pm f or t h e Slow Session , an d u n t il 6:00pm f or t h e r egu lar session !

CLICK TO JOIN M eet in g: 583 615 2765 Passw or d: play Feicfidh mé sibh

Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low asr $200. per qu ar t er or per even t !

Con t act u s u s f or det ails Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 jim @pu bgu

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Deireadh Fรณmhair

Are you interested in wr iting and/or cover ing events for the

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d in f o t o:

Irish Arts & Entertainment? We would love to hear from you. We are able to offer a lot of per ks, tickets and the like, expenses and NO cash for the dur ation Fir st step is to j oin our Wr iter 's Group on Facebook.We will follow up from there.

ir ish m issive @gm

No fan of Social M edia? Not a problem! Just call Jim at 951 216-1493 or Email: j

It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm Sor r y sligh t delay in ou r plan s! HOPEFULLY A FEW WEEKS t ill it w ill be t im e f or som e Ir ish M u sic M ean w h ile, Ou r Ou t door Pat io din in g w ill be open so if you ar e look in g t o eat ou t ; Please dr op by! Ser vin g br eak f ast -lu n ch -din n er an d Food & Dr in k s To Go Open f or lu n ch M -F at 11am

Th e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b 130 E 17t h St , Cost a M esa, CA For over 30 year s, Th e Har p In n h as been t h e h ear t an d sou l of t h e Em igr an t Ir ish com m u n it y in SoCal w w w.h ar pin n .com

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

Oct ober , 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Th e Jam es Joyce Cen t er in Du blin i s a must see stop for just about anyone who

visits Ireland!! The comprehensive collection of his works and ephemera will keep a Joyce aficionado busy and delighted for days and the interested traveler happy for hours! The Centre goes all out for Bloomsday andf has an

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amazing program set for nline this year because of Covid 19. Here are the links to the June activities and celebrations. w w w.jam and for Bloomsday: Also, the Centre offers a really sweet item for free on its website. A detailed map of Bloom's Dublin of 1904. You can download the PDF here:

A Timely Reminder...Postponed Till 2021...Inquire & Book Now

w w w.ken om

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Deireadh Fรณmhair

SEE'S CANDY DRAWING FOR SUBSCRIBERS Tim is our harbinger of tales

Have you seen Tim our Irish Turnip Sprit e zipping around t he pages of t his issue?

and treats this Halloween Countdown issue. Count the number of times you see him throughout this issue and Email us your number. We will do a random drawing of entries and our Winner will receive $50. worth of Candy from SEE'S!! Via a Gift Card so you can pick! Email:

Timot hy in Irish TADHG, or Teague, is an ancient and favorit e name, it means 'poet ' or 'philosopher. In t he original Greek, it meant "Favored by God". So a grand name indeed!

DECEM BER HERALDS CHRISTM AS an d t h e r et u r n of ou r ANNUAL CELTIC CHRISTM AS Valu e Scou t & BUYING GUIDE!! Th is year it w ill be bet t er , bigger an d a gr eat er deal t h an ever bef or e! Get t h e M edia Kit Now an d get list ed an d pr om ot ed f or an am azin g low pr ice! CALL JIM 951 216-1493 or Em ail ir ish m issive@gm f or in f o! The Celtic Community Pages are Sponsored I n Part By... John McNally CalDRE#:01881734 RE/ MAX Gold Coast REALTORS 805 804-7558 Search for a home: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 2Dyw 4c1

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS , Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs!

Our current Pub Of The Month Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica Please see t heir ad t his issue! Email:


SUBSCRIBE & WIN!! Ou r Oct ober Pr ize is am azin g Gif t Pack of See's Can dy. $50. Valu e Will ar r ive by Oct ober 25. M u st en t er by Oct ober 20t h ! Tak e advan t age of ou r special of f er t o su bscr ibe & pay by Oct ober 20t h an d you ar e en t er ed in ou r lat est con t est !

SAVE $15. of f of ou r r egu lar r at e! Now t h r ou gh Oct ober 20! ONLY $20. $12.f or Sen ior s !

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