Irish Arts & Entertainment Digital Magazine, December 2019

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Vo l u m e X X V I I I # 10

D ecem b er ~ N o l l ai g

20 19

K er r y I r i sh Pr o d u ct i o n s' AN I RI SH CH RI ST M AS I s H er e! M or e Sh ow s, Ci ti es an d St at es f or th e 20 19 Season 's Tou r

Pages 2 & 3

M ar y B l ack D eb u t s C D

& Sp eci al ;

D et ai l s Page 14


Ed O'Neill's A FEW COL D DAYS I N DECEM BER...Page 10 CELTI C CAM ERA & CAL ENDARS Star t on Page 23

Spon sor ed By

Inter active Holiday Guide for Ker r y Ir ish Pr oductions'



Ticket Info & Pur chase Link

Fr iday, Novem ber 29 @ 8 PM Golden St at e , M on t er ey, CA THREE SHOWS Sat u r day, Novem ber 30 @ 2PM an d 7PM Su n day, Decem ber 1 @ 2PM Har r is Cen t er , Folsom . CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 2h JLP

Tu esday, Decem ber 3 @ 7:30PM Sedon a PAC, Sedon a, AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m8j1VO

Wedn esday, Decem ber 4 @ 7PM Or ph eu m , Ph oen ix, AZ:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k CWGiy

Thursday, December 5 @7PM Elks OPERA House, Prescot t ,AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2k5Vt A8

Friday, December 6 @7:30pm Fox Theat re, Tucson, AZ

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2lF16WA

Sat urday, December 7 @8PM Upt own Theat re, Napa, CA:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2kAsfJZ

Su n day, Decem ber 8 @ 2:30PM Lober o, San t a Bar bar a:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k ADr q1

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m9gt qB

Wedn esday, Decem ber 11 @ 8PM Clar k Cen t er , Ar r oyo Gr an de: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k DJ5r t Fr iday, Decem ber 13 @ 8PM Balboa Th eat r e, San Diego:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k 3Xm NI

Sat u r day, Decem ber 14 @ 7:00PM Sacr ed Hear t Par ish , Sar at oga:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k byd3V

Su n day, Decem ber 15 @ 3:00PM Un it ed Ir ish Cu lt u r al Cen t er , SF, CA: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2ozsdn d Tu esday, Decem ber 17 @ 7:30PM M idw est Th eat r e, Scot t sblu f f , NE:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k 8vBDT

Wedn esday, Decem ber 18 @ 7PM Par am ou n t , Den ver , CO:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lEK8r n

Th u r sday, Decem ber 19 @ 7PM Fox Th eat r e, Visalia, CA:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 9Kbvx

TWO SHOWS Fr iday, Decem ber 20 @ 7:30PM Sat urday, December 21 @ 2:00PM Scherr Forum Thousand Oaks, CA: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lGH3Ha Su n day, Decem ber 22 @ 2:00PM Sar oyan Th eat r e, Fr esn o, CA:

h t t ps:/ / livem u .sc/ 2k r 9TLD

M on day, Decem ber 23 @ 7:00PM Yu capia PAC, Yu capia, CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2pm k adZ

Nollaig ~Dec ember , 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s' An Irish Christmas Tick et s On Sale Now ! AS SEEN ON PBS! A per f ect f am ily even t ! Cat er in a Coyn e, Pr in cipal Dan cer River dan ce Tyler Sch w ar t z, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer ?... Gen u in ely ast on ish in g ... elect r ic!? ? The Village News Tak e a jou r n ey t h r ou gh Ch r ist m as in Ir ela n d w it h

an am azin g t r ou pe of season ed player s!

Su per b dan cin g, sin gin g an d Ir ish t r adit ion al m u sic celebr at in g t h e in t er n at ion al spir it of t h e h oliday season . An Ir ish Ch r ist m as, f eat u r es an aw ar d-w in n in g cast of Ir ish dan cer s led by River dan ce Pr in cipal Dan cer Cat er in a Coyn e, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer Tyler Sch w ar t z an d Con n or Reider (Pr in cipal dan cer Celt ic Win gs, St . Pat r ick ?s Day in Ir elan d, Th e Ch ief t ain s), as w ell as m em ber s of t h e Ker r y Dan ce Tr ou pe, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad an d t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Or ch est r a in a m em or able n igh t t h at spar k les w it h t h e ch ar m an d m agic t h at on ly t h is f est ive t im e of year can br in g.

Con n or Reider (Th e Ch ief t ain s, Celt ic Fyr e, Celt ic Win gs) 2019 Tour An Ir ish Ch r ist m as!

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


The scale of the dance and live music will astonish you! An ensemble cast of World Class talent under the dir ection of K ERRY'S M ar gar et O'Car roll will stay with you through the Chr istmas Season! Tr anspor t Your self to another place and time as I r ish Tr aditions come alive! The legend of THE WREN and so much mor e will delight and enthr all ever yone.

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

M ULDOONS Muldoon's Annual Dicken's Irish Christmas Strts on Friday, December 13 through Christmas Eve, December 24!

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A D V EN T , t h e C o u n t d ow n t o C h r i st m as

Ir ish Am er ican Act or Ed O'Niels In Ir ish Am er ica an d Ir elan d, Advent begins on the fourth Boyh ood Ch r ist m as Tale on Sunday prior to Christmas Day, or the Sunday which falls closest to Page 10 M or e Ir ish Tr avel Ideas An ot h er In st allm en t on ou r in dept h cover age of Ken O'M alley 's Tou r s f or 2020 Page 17

November 30. This year it was December 1; so it is already underway at Press Time! The season of Advent lasts through Christmas Eve, or December 24. When Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, it is the last or fourth Sunday of Advent.

Irish Families, both Catholic and Protestant, in America as well as See Page 21 f or det ails on t h e Ireland observed and celebrated Advent quite strongly until just the except ion al valu e you can get last twenty or so years. A decline in adherence to traditional w h ile su bscr ibin g t o ou r digit al religious practices in many Irish families has taken its toll on this pu blicat ion s an d M igh t y Ir ish wonderful part of the Christmas Season.

Net w or k ! remembered Irish Traditions that we love is the charming custom of placing a lit candle in the window. This is a very common sight today but the symbolism is lost for most people. The candle signified to a weary Joseph and Mary and by proxy anyone lost , hungry or cold that the occupants would feed and shelter them..

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media


Anticipation, especially to children is a wonderful experience. Sadly, in this odd materialistic and fast paced age that we live in waiting or looking forward to events or even the concept of delayed gratification is all but lost. Not so, if you get into the practice of ADVENT! Each week is an event in itself, the countdown is fun and it gives time to plan and to reflect, to enjoy, to literally savor the moment! It really works as my family and friends have once again embraced the old custom for the past few years. If you take this tip; please let us hear from you and tell us your experience. Hopefully in January, we can can share a few reader 's stories and pictures of Advent Wreaths! One of the other fondly

This tradition is widespread in Ireland today as well as in America. It has ancient roots back to early Christian Centuries in Ireland and like Samhain traditions, the bedrock of Americaas fascination with Halloween, the custom was brought to our shores by Irish immigrants.

Con t in u ed on Page 18

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BEFORE Review By Laura Crockett On Saturday night, I returned to the Odyssey Theatre to see a new play by writer, actor and poet, Pat Kinevane, who hales from Dublin. Kinevane says his play, Before, is about love. Nah. It?s about the quirks of fate that happen to us, and how love gets a bruising as we adjust to our destiny. Which is not the destiny we choose, but is chosen for us.


Before is written and directed by Kinevane. It?s a one man show. And I do mean that, a show rather than a play. It has music and dance and magical moments with a white scarf and a pretty wedding dress. The lighting, stark and strict, keeps our emotions in check. There are ?ghost? characters, like Pat?s mother. I like her madness. Creative and destructive as it is, such a madness fascinates. As a mother myself, I am both repelled and sucked in by her description, (related to us by Pat) of how rain drops on Mars are diamonds. Diamonds as raindrops would be a nasty thing to deal with, tearing our umbrellas, and to whom would we sell our ?raindrops? on Mars? See what I mean about creative and

Pat Kin evan e in BEFORE destructive? Oh how that metaphor works, for Pat?s mom attempts to destroy what she has created: Her son. The action begins with Pat walking into Clerys? department store just as it is closing. Not for the night, but forever: Clerys went bankrupt back in 2015. The reason for Pat?s visit is that he wants to buy a lovely gift for the daughter he has not seen in 20 years. Now here is where the ?befores? begin. Before he walked into Clerys, he had a life that led up to this moment. The reason for not seeing his daughter is because of the nastiness of a custody battle, which he lost. Con t in u ed on Page 20

All Your Chr istmas Favour ites Ar e Her e! Chr istmas Cr acker s ~ Gift Tins ~ Roses & mor e....we ar e packed to the r after s!

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

M ar y ?s L u l l aby I w i l l w r ap y o u i n m y m an t l e M y l ov e, m y l i f e, m y j oy A n d k eep y o u saf e w i t h i n m y ar m s M y d ar l i n g b aby b oy. A n I r i sh C h r i st m as Po em By M ary Curtin

T h e st ar s sh i n e gen t l y d ow n u p o n T h e w o r l d y o u b l ess t h i s n i gh t Yo u l i t t l e k n ow as y et m y l ov e T h e p u r p o se o f y o u r l i f e.

M ar y Cu r t in hails from Kerry and is an acclaimed director as well as a poet. We are delighted to present her loving and poignant MARY?S LULLABY here, a perfect Christmas Season offering. At present she is casting for Noel Coward?s play PRESENT LAUGHTER which will be in performed April 2020. Mary is also in constant demand as a voiceover artist, voice and drama coach and works privately preparing students for auditions, exams and public speaking. She is Artistic Adviser to the Los Angeles based Kerry Irish Productions Inc.

So , go t o sl eep m y sw eet , sw eet ch i l d A n d I ?l l si n g a l u l l aby A n d I ?l l k eep y o u cl o se agai n st m y h ear t So , y o u w o n ?t h ear m e cr y.

We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us at

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Decem ber , 2019

dy tex

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

w w w.yeoldek in gsh / sh oppe

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


The View from Ireland By M au r ic Fit zpat r ick For December RTE;

Th e Nat ion al Br oadcast er ? RTÉ, Ir elan d?s n at ion al br oadcast er f or alm ost sixt y year s, is f acin g ban k r u pt cy u n less t h e Ir ish gover n m en t bails it ou t . That the word bankrupt has scarcely featured in the debate about the broadcaster ?s woes is indicative of the degree to which RTÉ believes it can rely on the government to save it. RTÉ?s senior management, which oversees an organisation that ran a deficit of 13 million euro last year, seems to believe that, irrespective of how dysfunctional its operation is, the government will always shield it from itself. But what exactly can RTÉ now expect from the Irish government? And can it survive this crisis? The waves of tributes over the past month in response to the death of Gay Byrne, RTÉ?s titular presenter of yesteryear, demonstrated quite how central a role the national broadcaster used to play in Irish public life. Byrne, in particular, helped to modernise discussion at the national broadcaster from the 1960s to 1990s.

RTÉ cover ed f u n er al of br oadcast er Gay Byr n e on TV an d on lin e

The 21st century, however, heralded a new era in broadcasting. The end of the first decade of this century saw Ireland?s banking collapse, the most searing economic crisis in decades and mass immigration from the country. RTÉ remained considerably immured from these seismic changes and that, in large part, is attributable to the false financial security that the broadcaster has enjoyed. RTÉ?s top 10 paid presenters account for 3 million euro of expenditure for an organisation with a

revenue north of 300 million. The symbolism of a quasi-bankrupt organisation paying its talent such salaries is a constant source of ire among RTÉ?s many critics. Much of RTÉ?s financial difficulties stem from the transference of advertising revenue from traditional platforms such as television to the internet. Unlike most other media, however, RTÉ?s default response to plummeting advertisement revenue has been to make timid cuts when they are absolutely unavoidable? and to seek more money from the public purse. In 2018, RTÉ received 189 million from the taxpayer via the television licence fee, which constitutes 85% of the total licence fee. By contrast, other channels, such as Virgin Media Television, start with no money whatsoever from the taxpayer. RTÉ stated that it would announce major cuts and reforms in October to try to bring the broadcaster ?s finances into order. That announcement did not actually happen until November, and not before RTÉ?s recommendations leaked to The Irish Times. The shambolic nature of the disclosure was matched by the juvenile response of RTÉ staff which heckled its management at a town hall style gathering to discuss the ?difficult decisions?required at RTÉ. The broadcaster recommends that 200 people accept optional redundancy which will, it seems certain, become compulsory redundancy next year if enough people do not avail of it. Meanwhile, RTÉ?s senior management and presenters will heroically endure cuts to their bloated salaries of, respectively, 10% and 15%. Yet these cuts, and even the loss of 200 employees, will not stabilise RTÉ?s finances. Its production staff, as many as 800 people, constitute a financial outlay of nearly 200 million euro per year that the

broadcaster can ill afford. Con t in u ed on t h e n ext page

December, 2019

Maurice VIEW Con t . Fr om

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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will have to accept streamlining its services and rely more heavily on independent producers in the private sector to make programmes and films in the manner of many public service broadcasters around the world. (Full disclosure: RTÉ has been a partial funder of my films in the past.) Advocation that RTÉ peg its salaries to civil service standards has been notably absent from the debate. Instead, the straw man argument is wheeled out? also by the independent mainstream media? that public service broadcasting is a crucial aspect of our democracy and therefore RTÉ must be upheld. RTÉ has no more a monopoly on public service broadcasting in Ireland than it has a right to exist in financial never-never land. Has it occurred to the defenders of public service broadcasting that the cause they advocate may considerably benefit from RTÉ?s demise, or by reconstituting RTÉ in a way that better matches the realities of broadcasting in the 21st century? Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), Pauric Travers, has notified the government that the latest research finds that ?RTÉ risks super-serving older audiences (55+) across services and under-serving younger audiences?. The tendency to super-serve less than a third of a small nation?s population hardly justifies an annual governmental subvention of 189 million euro. Consequently, RTÉ has never been so friendless as it is today. While, in 2018, the BAI did recommend that the government inject an extra 30 million euro per annum into RTÉ?s coffers, it also recommended major structural reforms. The current proposals have not convinced cabinet ministers and many have been publicly and privately unsympathetic. Minister for Communications, Richard Bruton, has done little to expedite the reformation of the collection of the television license fee; Minister for Trade, Heather Humphreys, in a recent nterview pointed out that senior figures in RTÉ are paid more than the Taoiseach, the British Prime Minister and the US President! Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, did not disburse a single extra euro to RTÉ in his October budget; Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that the television licence fee reform will not happen for another five years, and that the licence fee may then be shared among other media outlets: ?we will have to consider that there is more to public service broadcasting than just RTÉ?. The government is considerably focussed on the next general election and it understands that its unwillingness to bail out RTÉ matches the mood of the Irish public. Some Irish see RTE as out of touch, self-serving and shrill defenders of an obselete broadcasting model. Yet Ireland remains a conservative and sentimental place. RTÉ will exploit whatever goodwill remains and try to hang on into the future. It should count itself lucky that, unlike the government with which it has locked horns, it does not have to face an election.

w w w.lober o.or g 805-963-0761

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


Irish Music News & Reviews M ARY BLACK ORCHESTRATED Th is n ew CD has just been released in the US in time for Christmas! Meanwhile in Ireland, a national tour of her music with the RTE Orchestra will soon begin. The new CD, a great gift for Irish Music Fans is presented by independent Gifthorse Records. The album Mary Black, ORCHESREATED is indeed orchestrated and produced by world renowned musician and composer Brian Byrne, who also conducts the orchestra in stunning reinterpretations of classic Mary Black recordings. ?What a great honour to have some of my favourite recordings orchestrated by the National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Brian Byrne at the National Concert Hall,? Black says. ?I've picked songs that mean a lot to

me, some well-known and other less known gems. I couldn't imagine how great they would turn out with Brian Byrne composing beautiful orchestral arrangements that have breathed new life into these songs. Hearing the RTE Orchestra perform them during recording in the NCH was truly moving for me. I'm really excited for the fans to hear this album." For Mary Black, it has always started with a great song. Throughout her career, she has mined fresh material from a wealth of contemporary composers, both well-known and unknown, and then put her unique spin on the material she has chosen. On M ARY BLACK? ORCHESTRATED, she revisits songs written by prominent Irish songwriters such as Jimmy McCarthy (?No Frontiers? and ?Adam at the Window?), Noel Brazil (?Summer Sent You? and ?The Loving Time?), Steve Cooney (?Bless the Road?),

Paul Doran (?Poison Words?) and Thom Moore (?Carolina Rua?). Also included is ?Poison Tree,? written by Australian songwriter Marcia Howard, who based the song on British poet William Blake?s poem and sings on the recording culled from Mary?s track from the A WOMAN?S HEART? A Decade On album. Joni Mitchell?s timeless ?The Urge for Going? and Richard Thompson?s ?The Dimming of

the Day? as well as ?Turning Away,? written by Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean, round out the unique collection. A dominant presence in Irish music, Mary Black has made 12 studio albums, all of which have achieved platinum sales status in Ireland, and has performed all over the world. Her last performance in Lps Angeles was a memoeable concert at UCLA's Royce Hall. While she has chosen to curtail her international

touring, she maintains a busy live performance schedule in Ireland. Earlier this year, also hosted the popular weekly television series, ?Ireland?s Favourite Folk Song. In addition, Black was recently the subject of a l andmark documentary made by Ireland?s national RTE1 television network called Mary Black: No Frontiers. The program details her life from her childhood marked by an early love of singing with her talented siblings through the beginnings of her career in

RTE Orchest ra wit h M ary Black

Ireland with groups such as General Humbert and De Danann .

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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Ir ish Film Arracht Has Wor ld Pr em ier e at Tallin n , Est on ia Black Nigh t s Film Fest ival Tom Sullivan?s Irish-language drama, Arracht (Monster), debuted in the main competition at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia at the end of November. The film is set at the beginning of the Great Hunger in 1845, and tells the story of an Irish adventurer, Dónall l Ó Healaí, who loses everything and is accused of a murder. With the help of a local priest, he tries to build a new life after being on the run for three years Dónall also has help of a mysterious girl but it all falls apart and his past comes back to haunt him.

Arracht is the debut feature of writer/director Tom Sullivan, best known for his acting work and his short films. The film is produced by Macalla Teo and funded by Fís Éir ean n / Scr een Ir elan d

ED NOTE: We ar e f ollow in g t h is f ilm pr oject closely an d w e w ill h ave a f eat u r e an d det ails on t h e US r elease in ou r Jan u ar y i ssu e.

M ARY BLACK Con t in u ed After those auspicious beginnings, she launched her solo career and international success as another gifted artist who brought Irish music to the world. No Frontiers also includes behind-the-scenes footage from the recording sessions for M ARY BLACK? ORCHESTRATED at the National Concert Hall in Dublin.

Mary Black Orchestrated f eat u r in g t h e

RTE Nat ion al Sym ph on y

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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Ken O?M alley To Host Tw o Ir elan d Tou r s In 2020 Preliminary Itinerary Wild Atlantic Tour Apr il 18 - 27 Ban t r y Bay n ear Cor k Af t er depar t in g Du blin by delu xe coach , t h e t ou r spen ds t h r ee n igh t s on Ir elan d's West Coast

Cast let ow n ber e Gou gan Bar r a M izen Head Ligh t h ou se Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y Con n em ar a Kylem or e Abbey West por t Ach ill Islan d Kilm aon h am Gaol Du blin

Th e m oder n an d w ell appoin t ed M ar it im e Hot el in t h e t ow n of Ban t r y. Th e per f ect locat ion f or explor in g t h e West of Ir elan d!

Clif f s Of M oh ar On e of t h e m ost beau t if u l places on Ear t h is on you r t ou r w it h Ken !

Kylem or e Abbey Th e r ich h ist or y

For M or e In f or m at ion an d t o book you r space; Con t act Ken O'M alley: 310 569 1062 w w w.ken @ken om

TWO TOURS IN 2020 Ken's Second Fall Tour is being finalized, details soon!

an d beau t y of Con n em ar e w ill st ay w it h you lon g af t er you r Spr in g of 2020 Tou r !

Clayt on Hot el in t h e lovely ar ea of Ballsbr idge. You r last t w o n igh t s on t h e Wild At lan t ic Tou r w ill af f or d you a t im e t o discover an d explor e Du blin !

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


I r ish Chr istmas Tr aditions Continued THE CANDLE IN THE WINDOW Continued from Page 6 This one is reminiscent of the Irish American and American custom too.I've been told by Irish friends that this was very big throughout Ireland from the 1950s to 70s but not so much now. In both the Old Country and the US Midwest of my youth, symbolically the candle represented a welcome to Joseph and Mary as they wandered in search of lodgings. The candle indicated also to strangers and especially to the poor that there may be an offering of food in the

M IDNIGHT M ASS an d CHRISTM AS M USIC One of the most common Christmas traditions in Ireland is to attend Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning. Every other denomination has well attended Yuletide services too. Christmas carols are sung at these ceremonies. Singing is second nature to the Irish so Christmas Carols are sung by thousands of voices throughout the land at every Christmas Service. Exceptionally good choirs abound too at churches of every denomination and almost every Catholic parish; they all take great pride in having a splendid Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning Program.

Caroling from door to door is also still practiced and a lot of neighbors organize a chorus and have a lot of fun as a dram or two is offered as a reward for the song!


For over 60 years generations of children and their parents have visited the moving crib in Parnell Square, Dublin. Long before the shop windows began their displays these animated characters from the Holy Scriptures have brought great joy and delight to children.

house within, Some historians and storytellers also claim that during the Penal Times, that's as far back as Cromwell, in Ireland Catholic priests were forbidden to perform Mass so the candle acted as a covert signal that the occupier was a Catholic believer and that mass could be held on the premises

ANCIENT TRADITIONS HANDED DOWN FOR CENTURIES Today, many if not most homes in Ireland display a Christmas crib, which contains Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus as well as shepherds and animals. This was not always so but the practice dates back as far as the Ninth Century when Churches, Monasteries and Convents would have elaborate Nativity Scenes to help educate the public about the story of Christmas and Christ's humble birth. Wealthy merchants started the practice of having a Creche at their home. Mistletoe has been very popular in Ireland as a Winter/Christmas decoration since Pagan Times. The Middle Ages was the period when Mistletoe started to become associated with Kissing and being hung in doorways. The custom is much more popular in Ireland than the US and it is pretty hard to miss getting a few kisses through the 12 Days! of Christmas!


Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

CHRISTM AS FAIRS & M ARKETS Another practice which also dates back to the Middle Ages are the many CHRISTMAS SEASON festivities centered around old style markets. Handicrafts, clothing, homemade food and many other specialties. The Grafton Street Market in Dublin is still going strong after 200 years!

Q U A I N T I RI SH C U ST O M S T H AT W E SH O U L D PRA C T I C E! L i t t l e C h r i st m as Nollaig na mBan. 'Wom en's Ch r ist m as' also known as Old Ch r ist m as and more commonly known as the Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated twelve days after Ch r ist m as Day, January 6 is the day that the Magi reached the Christ-child in Bethlehem and so the origin of Christmas gift giving among Christians. In Ireland there is a different take on the is a day off for the ladies in the family, Mothers especially and the housework and cooking chores were to be carried out by the boys and men. Over the years, many a tale of semi disaster and great humor have been told in Pubs over the antics of well meaning males carrying on the tradition! In Catholic Ireland, this was also a Holy Day and also a day throughout the Middle Ages through the Victorian Age for TWELFTH NIGHT Celebr at ion s!

Galw ay is f am ou s f or it 's CHRISTM AS M ARKET in Eir e Squ ar e

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FINAL WEEK The Odyssey Theatre Ensemble West Los Angeles

w w w.odysseyt h eat r

Written and performed by Pat Kin evan e Directed by Jim Cu llet on Original music composed by Den is Cloh essy and played by Th e RTE Con cer t Or ch est r a Choreography by Em m a O?Kan e Before reminds us that a relationship between a dad and his daughter is special, plus it is sacred and edifying for them both. Fathers teach their daughters about men, so that the girl isn?t left to navigate those waters on her own. He is her first protector.

BEFORE REVIEW from Page 8 However, before that, we have the one night stand that impregnated the woman. The description of that night of sex is worth the price of admission! It also portends to how this short relationship will ultimately end. Indeed, if anything, it is a caution about those oh so brief affairs. (I have a male friend who described his one night stand, which also produced a child, as a night of horror.) Pat makes his one night stand sound as if he were mesmerized by a cobra. But before that, he tells the story of his greatest wounds. Of how he lost his immediate family, and how fate spared him because of a bee sting. And yet, his daughter changes everything. He visits her every Saturday. He lovingly takes her for strolls, plays with her, talks to her, everything a girl wants of her dad. But the poison of the mother would not let up. Her having to share the girl with that one night stand dad is, well, as a woman I could see it might nag on me. Who wants to recall such a night on a weekly basis? Dad is that constant reminder. And such a fate might befall the daughter one day. So best get rid of the reminder, no matter how much it hurts the dad. And hurts the daughter. Never mind that this pain will never end for the girl.

You see, it?s those quirks of fate, of that bee sting and that brief affair that Pat must contend with. Kinevane has woven all of these fateful stories together in a show that is both beguiling, and maddening at times. The beguiling you can guess. The maddening is that the story line is a bit chopped up by the songs and dance. Did I mention it is a musical show? Mea culpa. Anyway, many times I felt disrupted by the songs. Perhaps I missed them, but musicals have lead-ins to their songs. I needed better lead-ins. The technical issue always bothers me. Here, the recordings, of the voices, need to be cleaned up by simply turning down the volume. What is it with the modern world that everything amplified must be double so? I did what I usually do; partially remove my hearing aide so that the sound doesn?t distort. Finally, the ending was mixed. One friend said he needed a conclusion, and another said she liked the ambiguity. I am in between. Because I liked one of the last lines, that had to do with the importance of the here and now. Because you cannot control those quirky fates. You can only control your words and your actions.

Before plays at t h e Odyssey on ly u n t il Decem ber 8.

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/ As of Jan u ar y of 2020, w e w ill be of f er in g t h e Irish Arts Entertainment as a paid su bscr ipt ion ser vice on ly t h r ou gh ou r M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k . We ar e of f er in g A FREE TRIAL. No com m it m en t , an d n o obligat ion of an y k in d. We ar e con f iden t t h at ou r exclu sive Ir ish Con t en t an d Calen dar , Discou n t s, 2 f or 1 Of f er s an d Con t est s an d t oo m u ch m or e t o list h er e n ow w ill be w elcom ed by m ost of ou r

r eader s. We w ill k eep you in f or m ed as ou r plan s develop! As an Irish Arts & Entertainment Su bscr iber you w ill also be able t o opt in t o ou r Week ly Ir ish E M issive an d Pu bGu E New slet t er s & Calen dar s f or FREE t oo! Please don't delay! Em ail u : M igh t yIr ish Net w or k @gm

As alw ays, you r f eedback is im por t an t t o u s; you r com m en t s an d qu est ion s ar e alw ays appr eciat ed. We w an t t o k n ow w h at you w an t t o see added t o ou r con t en t ; so please em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm

Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


December, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you!

Th e 2 Joh n n ies an d Con or M oor e, Im per son at or ; Ir elan dWeek at Th e Del M on t e Speak easy, Ven ice

ABOVE: Bu zz O?Neill, Co Fou n der Ir elan dWeek , Or la Kean e Con su l Gen er al, M in ist er Pat r ick O?Don oh u e, Deir dr e O?Neill M ach in , Co Fou n der Ir elan dWeek at Ir elan dCon h eld on t h e LM U Cam pu s

ABOVE: Ch r is O?Dow d an d Blin dboy at Ir elan dWeek at Th e St an dar d Hollyw ood BELOW: Tim M u r ph y an d Allen Leech of Dow n t on Abbey at Ir elan dWeek ?s Playboys an d Beau t y Qu een s per f or m an ce

Pat r ick Kielt y Per f or m s at Ir elan dWeek ?s Seam u s Hean ey Sym posiu m alon g w it h Ch r is an d M ick Hean ey an d Jim Car r oll, RTE at Th e Clar k e Libr ar y on t h e UCLA Cam pu s.

Con gr at u lat ion s & M an y Th an k s t o Ir elan d Week an d t h e or gan izer s f or t h e am azin g pr ogr am of even t s an d t h e cou r t esy an d discou n t s af f or ded t o ou r M em ber s & Su bscr iber s!

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


The Celtic Camer a caught up with SPORTIVE TRICKS NEW CD ju st ou t ! Every Trick In The Book

Th e en t ir e SPORTIVE TRICKS Ban d w ill be back at M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b f or a Cou r t yar d Con cer t on Su n day, Jan u ar y 12!

ABOVE: Family and Fan, Jude is captivated by the music at a recent appearance of the band at Muldoon's Pub in Newport Beach! BELOW: Jeremy LaMantia and Amy Berner; talented music makers and wonderful vocal blend for the perfect mix of trad tunes with Sportive Tricks!

Decem ber , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

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Chr istmas Fr om A Celtic Table Star ing Katya Gr uzgina with Pianist Patr icia Hannifin & Nar r ation by Sheelagh Cullen

Above in t h e f or egr ou n d: Ed Bell, t h e qu iz m ast er f or t h e last pu b qu iz h eld at t h e Red Lepr ech au n in Novem ber . Th e pu b h as been sold an d sadly w it h t h e closin g so t oo com es t h e en d of an er a of gr eat f ood & f u n !! Tr acy an d t h e gan g w ill be m issed!

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS and Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs! Click graphic t o be connect ed and fill in t he form! This mont h's Pub Of The Month is Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica; please see t heir ad on Page 11

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


Celebr at e Br it ish & Celt ic New Year t h is year !! 3PM PST is M idn igh t in En glan d Ir elan d, Scot lan d an d Wales!

THE CHIEFTAINS, Ireland's M usical Ambassadors t o t he world for as long as I can remember have announced a Farewell Tour! Hope it is one of many!! Det ails in our December Christ mas Buying Guide

www.t hechieft

Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e

Irish Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . We w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.

It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Sat u r day, Decem ber 7 @ 10:00pm

Fr iday, Decem ber 6 @


6:00pm Ken O'M alley SOLO SHOW

en er get ic, f u n n y an d t alen t ed ban d of Ir ish M u sic M ak er s! Alw ays a gr eat n igh t w it h a deligh t f u l m ix of TRAD, REBEL TUNES, ORIGINALS, FOLK an d even COUNTRY! Th e Pu b w ill t h r ow in f in e f ood & libat ion s f or an ext r a ch ar ge!! SCHEDULE NOTE: THE WHOOLIGANS RETURN again on Decem ber 21

Br en dan's Cam ar illo, 1755 E. Daily Dr., Camarillo, CA 93010

AULD DUBLINER IRISH PUB 71 Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA

w w lddu blin er .com

w w en dan / cam ar illo

SECOND FRIDAY of t h e m on t h !11 @ 9:30pm Dem ber 13 t h is m on h !

Ken O'M allet & t h e Tw iligh t Lor ds Ir elan d's 32 Ir ish Pu b 13722 Bu r ban k Blvd Sh er m an Oak s, CA

THE HARP INN IRISH PUB CHRISTM AS PARTY w it h Ir ish M u sic by Cillian's Br idge..Com plim en t ar y Bu f f et an d San t a Clau se..f u n f or t h e w h ole f am ily..Su n day, Decem ber 8 St ar t in g @ 3PM Fr iday, Decem ber 13 @ 9:30pm Calif or n ia Celt s Au ld Du blin er

w w lddu blin er .com

WANT YOUR PUB PACKED? Advertise with the Weekly Irish E Missive Pub Guides nd the Irish Arts & Entertainment We proote your pub, events and create interest for you on all our platforms and Social Media. Cost effective & proven results! 951 216-1493

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


M uldoon's Irish Pub present s Fr iday, Decem ber 20 @ 8:00pm

Win t er dan ce Celt ic Ch r ist m as Celebr at ion w it h M OLLY'S REVENGE

Guest vocalist, Amelia Hogan and dancers to bolster this fine trio for what promises to be an exciting and festive show.

Ram o Au dit or iu m on t h e CalTech Cam pu s Tick et s: $25 h t t ps:/ / pasaden af olk m u sicsociet y.or g/

YOUNG DUBLINERS Fr ee Cour tyar d Concer t SUNDAY, DEC 29 @ 2PM

BRUNCH on t he Pat io Guinness/ Full Bar

Th e PLOUGHBOYS Cou r t yar d Holiday Con cer t ! SUNDAY,Decem ber 22 @ 2PM M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110

w w w.m u ldoon spu

Muldoon's Irish Pub invites you to RING IN THE

IRISH NEW YEAR with TERRY & ROB The legendar y Ir ish Rocker s ar e ending another year of amazing concer ts and Ir ish Music at SoCal's legendar y Ir ish Pub! The Ir ish Hear t of Newpor t Beach!!

Muldoon's 202 Newpor t Center Dr ive 949 640- 4110

of The Fenians 3 PM on Decem ber 31 2020 In Du blin !!

December, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Du blin n at ive, LA based, Ir ish Balladeer , par excellen ce Ken O'M alley en t er t ain s w it h st or y an d son gs. at the The Auld Dubliner, 71 S Pine Ave., Long Beach, CA 90802. Every Thursday night. 8th Nov 6:00 pm Brendan's - Ken O'Malley solo. Brendan's 495 N. Ventu Park Rd. Newbury Park, CA. 9th Nov 2:00 pm, Pub Thirty Two in Mission Viejo: Ken O'Malley solo show, 23962 Alicia Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (in Gateway Shopping Center).

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...

H appy New Year !! Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive@gm

We hope all of our Adver tiser s, Fr iends, Member / Subscr iber s & Reader s have a Safe, Pr osper ous and Wonder ful 2020!

Fin al Sh ow Set f or THE WHOOLIGANS at Th e Red Lepr ech au n ....


energetic, funny and talented lot of Irish Music Makers! Always a great night with a delightful mix of TRAD, Pub, Rebel and Original Irish Music! The Whooligans music consists of timeless Irish pub songs and ballads in the tradition of The Dubliners, Tommy Makem, and The Clancy Brothers, with a healthy dose of rocking tunes by the likes of The Pogues, Van Morrison, and Flogging Molly. Their song list also features original tunes, Bluegrass, Cajun, and Americana,and Classic Honky Tonk Hits. Our very favorite of course is I WANNA BE ON THE COVER OF THE IRISH NEWS...written a few years back before we changed our name! If you are looking for a fun band to have a great time that really gets you into the dancing and singing and an Irish Drinking Mood - this is the band. There is no one like Ed Bell (lead singer) to get the party started and everyone into the Irish Festive Spirit. Ed is great and the rest of the band make it just a wonderful experience with so much energy. It has been a good run and if you caught a show then you know! The good news is you can see the last show and still catch them at two other Long Beach/Seal Beach pubs on a regular basis!

Decem ber 14 is t h e last Wh ooligan s sh ow on t h e sch edu le at Th e Red Lept ech au n ! Fin ally, Ed Bell an d Th e Red Lepr ech au n Player s w ill pr esen t "A Ch r ist m as Car ol" on Wedn esday Decem ber 18t h

Page 30

Irish Arts & Entertainment


On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive to pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm \ OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH M or e in f o:

Decem ber ,, 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

ONGOING LISTINGS TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w allyssealbeach .com


Ken O'M alley SOLO SHOW w w lddu blin er .com

Sou t h er n Calif or n ia h as a GAELIC LEAGUE!! w w .

EVERY TUESDAY COM EDY SHOWCASE!! Lot s of lau gh s an d gr an d f u n !! Har p In n Ir ish Pu b w w w.h ar pin n .com

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