Irish Arts & Entertainment December 2020+

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NollaigShonaDuit AgaibhDoGachDuine

Vo l . X X I I X # 11

D ecem b er N o l l ai g, 20 20

Irish Film Showcase Just In Time For Christmas Viewing and Oscars

W O L FW A L K ERS Pr em i er s I n I r el an d I n D ecem b er L i k el y O scar C o n t en d er Fu l l C ov er age St ar t s O n Page 5

DATING AM BER Wit t y Ir ish Com in g of Age Film Wit h A Poign an t Com in g Ou t Tw ist Full Coverage/ Q&A on Page 13

To Rou n d Ou t Ou r Film Cover age A Secon d Look At Ir ish Lan gu age Film ARACHT Up For Osca r Con sider at ion Page 8

Em ily Blu n t (L) st ar s as Rosem ar y an d Jam ie Dor n an (R) st ar s as An t h on y in Joh n Pat r ick Sh an ley ?s

WILD M OUNTAIN THYM E Credit: Kerry Brown / Bleecker Street See Pg 18

Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s En h an cin g You r Ch r ist m as Season ! See Features Starting on Page 9

Ir ish Fou n ded Ch ar it y

Wells Of Lif e Celebr at es 10 Year s of Deliver in g Hope an d Savin g Lives Page 3

WE DELIVER ESSENTIALS FREE! All Your Irish Favourites Are In Stock For CHRISTMAS Delivery at no charge!

Sel ect i o n B ox es C an d y & B i sq u i t T i n s C H RI ST M A S C RA C K ERS GU I N N ESS GI FT S Get A U n i q u e I r i sh I m p o r t ed Gi f t T h i s Year A l l Yo u r T r ad i t i o n al Fo o d I m p o r t s Ch r ist m as St ock Ju st Ar r ived!!

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N

MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ir ish Diaspor a Pr ogr am s f or 2021 Page 6

Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4 M au r ice Fit zpat r ick VIEW FROM IRELAND Page 10

Poet r y Cor n er w it h M ar y Cu r t in is back w it h a Ch r ist m as Deligh t

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Q&A Page 16 Cr af t er s of Ir elan d M ovie M u sic! Kin sella CELTIC CAM ERA Page 24 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 28

Con t act u s t oday t o Get List ed in ou r 12t h . An n u al Celt ic Ch r ist m as Bu yin g Gu ide! See page 34 Goes out next week!!

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Page 35

December , 2020

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WELLS OF LIFE TENTH ANNIVERSARY and FUNDRAISER In late November, Wells of Life came together to celebrate 10 years of clean water! In those 10 years the Orange County International Charity founded by Irish Native Nick Jordan has supplied water and changed the lives of over 600,000 people. Under the auspices of Founder/CEO Nick Jordan and Peter Callahan , President; .the staff and volunteers working on behalf of the thousands of individuals who support their efforts; have literally brough miraculous improvment to thousands of individuals. The charity's outrecah programs which help to make better living conditions have also given the gift of time, education, empowerment and hygiene. In a year where clean water is paramount to maintaining a healthy community, Wells Of Life and their donars have saved countless lives! The f irst virtual event was an unprecidented succes! In a follow up statement to attendees, Nick Jordan, CEO and President Peter Callahan and all those involved have extended their gratitude and THANK YOU for, "ensuring this success and taking a moment to celebrate with us." Their generous President, Pete Callahan, agreed to donate $10 for each person who registered for the virtual event. With just that donation Wells Of Life raised enough money to restore a water well ($3500). The Virtual Gala was joined by hundreds of people from 14 different countries around the world and 26 different states around the US.

Says Jordan in his summation of the event, "We have reached around the globe and joined together to make an impact on the world water crisis. Our greatest achievement, however, was in the form of donations and pledges throughout the evening. We raised $1,000,000 in immediate donations and pledges!" Nick Jordan, CEO and Founder summed up his reasons for working tirelaessly toward solving one of humanities biggest probleme; the lack of safe and reliable water. Says Jordan, "Serving another human being by bringing them a drink of water is as fundamental an act of love as any human being can provide. During the past decade Wells Of Life donors have served over 600,000 people with water. Defeating poverty can be as simple as providing access to water. A simple act done often enough can change the world forever. The image of a child laughing and shouting with excitement after receiving clean water for the first time is an image that is never far from my mind.

w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Editor Design

Contributing & Graphic

Er in Rado

Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Er in Rado


Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers Well 2020 is drawing to a close with some trepidation and relief for most of us, I will risk saying. I exchange ideas with a lot of people and that seems to be the consensus. If there was ever a time in my life when the opening lines of A TALE OF TWO CITIES spoke to us it has been the past nine months. The bad times part seemed to bring out the utterly worst batch of people (thinking collectively) from hoarders and politicians to insufferable loud mouths of every ilk. The flip side, the decency and goodness brought forth all year from the very best and sweetest among us has been a joy to experience and see. From selfless essential and medical workers, public service people to everyday heroes, friends All the best to you and and family who all simply always just did your s. A Ver y M er r y their best. As we all endure and persevere, may we all pledge to help each other and work together to build a better future. These cultural wars and made up tribes do not work. We need to simply sear off division and work on compromise and unity! Easier said than done, but well worth a shot.

Chr istmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Yeatr o All of us!! Jim M cDonough, Publisher

Nollaig Shona Duit Agaibh Do Gach Duine Ou r GREETINGS BANNER at t h e t op of t h is issu e is Ir ish Gaelic f or ... " M er r y Ch r ist m as t o You an d t o Ever yon e" ... It is pr on ou n ced...

Nollig honna gwits agiv doe gak dwina Press Relations Al Gr ien er Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Con t act Us Via Em ail:

in f o@ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyr igh t s 2020

December, 2020

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Oscar Winner Moment um Building For

Kilkenny Carton St udio's Wolfwalkers Just released Irish animated feat ure from Ireland 's Cartoon Saloon. WOLFWALKERS opened in t heaters in Ireland on December 2 and will be on APPLE TV start ing December 11. TIME Magazine is already calling it as the likely winner of BEST ANIMATED FILM for the next Oscars and they are not alone! The Kilkenny studio?sfeature leangh cartoon is based on long forgotten Irish Legends and Lore according to the producers. The tale tells of 17th-century wolf hunter has a change of heart and becomes an ally of the pack] .

According to the Irish Examiner, "It is already regarded as a shoo-in for a Best Animated Feature nomination by most Hollywood pundits. But if directors Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart are excited at the prospect, they?re not letting on. ?We try not to get too caught up in it because you have no control over it,? says Moore. ?You know, you put something out there and hope it's good. The Twitter conversation has listed us as a contender quite a bit. You hope you don't break the streak.? Of course, all three of Cartoon Saloon?s previous features - The Breadwinner, Song of the Sea and The Secret of Kells - have been nominated, but 2021 could be their year. Wolfwalkers is an astonishingly impressive piece of work, the studio?s best yet. It also marks a step-up in terms of onscreen action. It?s a busy, stirring, thrilling film that zips along and is full of big ideas. ?It's much more of an action adventure,? agrees Moore. ?It's an action adventure involving a whole town full of people, a whole army of soldiers and a whole pack of wolves. So it was a mammoth task in terms of animation and production. ?We use computers to help us in certain ways, but we're still really sticking to drawing the characters. Each character has 12 drawings per second. And we have many, many characters on screen. So it's a mammoth task. We had a team of animators working with us here in Kilkenny, a team in France and in Luxembourg. It was a huge undertaking, and it was more ambitious than we'd ever tried before.? Cartoon Saloon is an Irish Animation Studio based in Kilkenny, Ireland. Three time academy award nominated for its animated feature films. Continued from pg 3

WELLS OF LIFE CONTACT INFO If you w ou ld lik e t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, w e h ave m an y opt ion s:


becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ak e a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion don at e a w ell f or $6000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people m ak e a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice

- Click Her e

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Global Ireland:

U.S. Launch of Ireland?s Diaspora Strategy 2020-2025 On Thursday, November 19, an online Zoom conference, which was designed specifically for Irish and Irish American Community leaders and organization was held. Irish Minister Brophy and Ambassador Mulhall hosted a US launch of the Government?s new Diaspora Strategy. Over the course of the meeting,, the Minister, Ambassador and a panel of community leaders laid out plans on how Ireland aims to engage with & support Irish-America in the years ahead and what role our community here can play in deepening our transatlantic ties.


The Irish Arts & Entertainment and our representatives attended. We were quite impressed at the eclectic and well represented gathering of some of the brightest Irish Americans around who were presented as speakers.

The Irish Government Commitment to building and maintaining an open dialogue with Irish America is clear. "Our Diaspora is one of Ireland?s greatest resources: through the contribution our people make to the nations they migrate to; through the bonds they forge with peoples of those countries, our migrants have allowed Ireland to have global connections far beyond our size.?? President Michael D. Higgins

Th e Ligh t In Th e Win dow.. Th e an cien t Ir ish an d Ch r ist ian cu st om h as special sign if ican ce t h is year . Th er e is a st r on g com m it m en t in Ir elan d t o r each ou t t o t h e Diaspor a an d t o bu ild br idges w it h Ir ish Cit izen s livin g in t h e US The host/introductory speaker in celebrating the launch of Ireland?s new Diaspora Strategy, was Minister for the Diaspora, Colm Brophy.

M u ch m or e on t h is t opic in com in g issu es. To r ead abou t t h e en t ir e pr oject , please go on lin e t o t h e Ir ish Depar t m en t of For eign Af f air s: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 39I1PNE

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Ker r y Sh op is n ow OPEN CHECK OUT OUR GREAT VALUE BUNDLE PACKS! Ou r n ew w ebsit e is: w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion / sh op-1 Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s In c is deligh t ed t o an n ou n ce it s NEW SHOP! We?ve w an t ed t o cr eat e t h is f or som e t im e an d f in ally f ou n d t h e t im e t o

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develop t h e sh op du r in g lock dow n !

The shop is small but essential:

CDs/ t -sh ir t s/ h oodies/ m ask s/ a f ascin at in g m ap of M u n st er in bot h t h e Ir ish lan gu age an d En glish lan gu age: an in t r igu in g Tim elin e of Lat e M edieval Ir ish h ist or y at a glan ce! Visit : Ker r yir ish pr odu ct ion

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Ir ish Film ARRACHT In Con t en t ion f or Best Pict u r e Oscar The Irish Film and Television Academy has selected Tom Sullivan's Irish-language feature ?Arracht? as Ireland's entry for the 2021Oscars' best international feature film category. The selection committee includes director Lenny Abrahamson, actor Ciarán Hinds, composer and the first female conductor at the Oscars Eímear Noone, producer Macdara Kelleher, actress Fionnula Flanagan and David Flynn from Paramount TV. The.Irish-language drama, Arracht (Monster), debuted in the main competition at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia at the end of November 2019 but did not make it to the US till 2020 so it is still eligible. The film won Best Picture earlier this year at the Berlin Film Festival. Irish adventurer, Dónall Ó Healaí, who loses everything and is accused of a murder is on the run. With the help of a local priest, he tries to build a new life after three years of being a deserter from the British Army. Dónall also has help of a mysterious girl but it all falls apart and his past comes back to haunt him. It is a grim tale of famine and revenge set in .Ireland in 1845 on the eve of The Great Hunger. Colmán Sharkey, a fisherman, a father, a husband, takes in the fugative at the behest of a local priest. The new comer, now known as Patsy, (Actually the former soldier in the Napoleonic wars_) arrives just ahead of 'the blight,' the disease that eventually wipes out the country's potato crop, contributing to the death and displacement of millions. As the crops rot in the fields, Colmán, his brother and Patsy travel to the English Landlord's house to request a stay on rent increases that Colmán predicts will destroy his community. His request falls on deaf ears and Patsy's subsequent actions set Colmán on a path that will take him to the edge of survival, and sanity. It is only upon encountering the abandoned young girl that Colmán's resolve is lifted. Just in time for the darkness of his past to pay another visit ED NOTE & OPINION:Th is is an act ion r even ge dr am t h at is pow er f u l an d w ell w or t h w at ch in g. High ly r ecom m en ded by t h is w r it er . JM CD


Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use our invite link:

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Th e cast is su per b an d t h e visu al ef f ect s an d scen es ar e st u n n in g. Not t o be m issed. Irish Arts & Entertainment Apr il, 2020 "Dónall Ó Héalai?s brilliant and poignant central performance brings a gothic humanity to the storytelling that will resonate with audiences of any language." On lin e RTE Follow t h is f il on


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KERRY IRISH PRODUCTIONS KEEPING THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS ALIVE Streaming AN IRISH CHRISTMAS and Releasing a new A KERRY CHRISTMAS CDhave been the resplendent answer to the woes brought on by The Pandemic. California's Kerry Irish Productions has been working quietly and with much determination over the past months. The company has taken time to consider new projects and new directions that have led to a new choral cd ?A Ker r y Ch r ist m as, a US-Ireland collaboration with The Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts, re-scheduling tours, updating the company website, setting up an on-line shop and working with a development team on Celtic Wings - a new company show. It has been a very busy creative time! Added to that is an invitation from Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara and Clark Center, Arroyo Grande to present an on-line presentation of highlights from An Irish Christmas! The presentation, originally prepared for PBS and shown in various states as part of PBS?autumn pledge drives will be presented at Clark Center under their Win t er Dat e Nigh t Ser ies. Clar k Cen t er : Decem ber 19 at 6pm : Lober o Th eat r e, San t a Bar bar a pr esen t at ion w ill be post ed t h is Fr iday on t h eir w ebsit e:

For sever al year s past ; t h is gr eat Ar izon a an d CAlif or n ia t r adit ion w ar m ed t h e h ear s of pack ed h ou ses leavin g au dien ces in a f est ive Ir ish Ch r ist m as m ood f or w eek s. Th is gr eat an n u al Ir ish t r adit ion ? An Ir ish Ch r ist m as w ill con t in u e!

Join an award-winning cast of Riverdance principals and World Champion Dancers in a celebration of the great traditions of Christmas in Ireland: butter-making, chasing the wren on St. Stephen?s Day, drawing down the half door and more! Come enjoy spectacular dance, the singing of traditional Christmas Carols from the Kerry Voice Squad and superb music from the Kerry Traditional Orchestra in a celebration of the w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion / f or all u pdat es an d on -goin g plan s, visit ou r n ew w ebsit e

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The View from Ireland Th e Wh it e Hou se is Gr een Again By Maurice Fitzpatrick Th e U.S. pr esiden t ial elect ion r esu lt r epr esen t s a disast er f or t h e Br it ish gover n m en t . Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, Richie Neal, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have repeatedly stated that they will not grant passage to a U.K. trade deal with the U.S if peace and an open border in Ireland are jeopardised. Now the president -elect of the U.S. is of like mind. On September 16th Biden tweeted:?We can?t allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Irelandto become a casualty of Brexit. Any trade deal between the U.S. and U.K. must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border. Period?. The traditional umbilical cord between the U.S. Department of State and the British government is also severed. During his tenure as Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo threaded a line between supporting British interests and sympathising with the Irish, but resolutely prioritised the former. His replacement will openly oppose the roguish tendencies of this British government, particularly the flagrant breach of international law through its violating the Northern Irish Protocol of the Withdrawal Agreement between the E.U. and the U.K. with the Internal Markets Bill. Hostility to the Internal Markets Bill also pervades in the upper house of the U.K. Parliament.On November 9th, the House of Lordshammered it in a vote by 433 to 165. That defeat puts Johnson in a comparable position to Theresa May whose repair work in Europe during her prime ministership was continually vitiated by her failure to pass legislation central to her strategy through the U.K. Parliament. Still more dramatically, itleavesJohnson with just a few weeksto reach a trade deal with the E.U.sincethe 27 national governmentsofthe unionwould needto approve it and the European Parliament to ratify it before Christmas? or face a no-deal catastrophe on January 1st. or face a no-deal catastrophe on January 1st. In addition to moral opposition to the U.K.?s recklessness vis-Ă -vis Ireland, there is a real-world incentive for Washington to make a trade deal with the U.K. conditional on protecting peace and an open border in Ireland. By next January, the

concentration of the new president and the new \

congress will naturally be on public health and the economy. Neither the new president nor the congress can afford to make an economic mistake on the scale of enabling the British government?s behaviour.

Un der Biden , t h e Speak er ?s Lu n ch , a lu n ch h ost ed by t h e Speak er on ar ou n d St . Pat r ick ?s Day, w ill again in volve t h e U.S. pr esiden t . The Speaker ?s Lunch began as a Washington institution when Tip O?Neill invited Ronald Reagan to attend in 1982, and it became an instrument of policy for the Irish. The only president to have rebuffed the speaker ?s invitation to cross town to celebrate Ireland?s national day in the congress was Donald Trump, earlier this year. The incipient global lockdown in mid-March diverted attention from the disruption and the diplomatic setback that Trump?s refusal represented from Ireland?s perspective. At such events, Biden will announce his pro-Irish measures. Biden will almost certainly travel to Ireland while president, taking in the two counties (Louth and Mayo) where his distant cousins reside. The replacement Biden picks for Mick Mulvaney as U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland will not channel? as Mulvaney did? the British agenda in his/her dealings with the Irish government. Trump?s bromance with Boris Johnson sustained a Brexit fantasy that adeus ex machina intervention by Washington would vindicate Britain?s position and deliver a splendid trade deal. The reality for the British now is that they have alienated the two biggest economic blocs in the world? the U.S. and the E.U. The only route open to the British is to negotiate in good faith and to accept their diminished and diminishing role in world affairs. See Top of page 11

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Ir ish lobby h as exist ed in m u lt if ar iou s gu ises in U.S. polit ics sin ce t h e Gr eat Ir ish Fam in e h er alded m ass em igr at ion f r om Ir elan d t o t h e U.S. However, the sole pressure group to have ever successfully moved U.S. presidents to intervene in Anglo-Irish relations was created by John Hume in the 1970s. A civil rights and political leader, Hume persuaded Ted Kennedy in the Senate and Tip O?Neill in the House to mobilise their colleagues through the vehicle the Congressional Friends of Ireland caucus to trade their political capital with successive U.S. presidents in return for support for Ireland. The results were: the Carter Statement on Northern Ireland in 1977, White House coercion on Prime Minister Thatcher to sign the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985, the full-scale White House support for the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 and a series of seven (so far) U.S. Special Envoys for Northern Ireland. That lobby coexisted with Britain?s assiduous efforts to countervail it. There were victories and losses for both sides, with the Irish prevailing for the most part. Given the calculus of power in Washington now at this crucial juncture, the outcome for the British is foregone.In this

CHIEFTAINS M AY PLAY AT JOE BIDEN INAUGURAL CELEBRATION The Irish Examiner is reporting that according to, Paddy Maloney; President -elect Biden has invited the legendary Dublin outfit to perform at the ceremony. Details are not yet available but it certainly has peaked the interest of Irish Music and Chieftain's fans worldwide. Also, not know if it would be a virtual performance from Ireland or an In Person concert in Washington! We have untill January 2021 tonext issue. find out so stay tuned and we will have the latest in our

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backdrop, a no-deal Brexit would be even more injurious to British interests than it was before Biden?s victory. Britain has no cards left to play. The only exit from its dilemma is to agree on a deal with the E.U., one which Ireland has to approve. Such are the fruits of a Brexit campaign consecrated to the cause of?taking back control?.

Joh n Hu m e, Ir elan d's m ost cou r ageou s peacem ak er pr of iled by M au r ice Fit zpat r ick ; Available @ am azon .com / Joh n -Hu m e-Am er ica-Der r y-DC/ dp/

Maloney said. "We would be, of course, honoured to play for Joe and I certainly would go but everything would have to be safe to travel." Failing that, the Chieftains are confident of organising a virtual alternative to ensure they perform for their biggest fan in the US. Though Maloney insists he doesn?t engage in debates around politics or religion, his ?good friend? Biden had his full support throughout the election. "I sent him a message after the election. He is a great man, and he?s as fit as an old fiddle. I couldn?t believe it when I saw him running all about the place," Maloney added,

"We are all supporting According to Irish Press reports: Biden is very proud him here, and if we can of his Irish Roots and was in Ireland last year. He get there to play with contacted Maloney already and invited the band to everything going on it participate for sure if at all possible Paddy Maloney, would be our biggest the head and founfing member said that he had honor." personally messaged Biden to congratulate him on winning the presidency. He also said he would Paddy M alon ey at relish the chance to head over to Washington to perform for the president-elect. Gr ou n d Zer o in 2001 "I did send a message to congratulate him,"

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T h e M agi c O f C h r i st m as By M ary Curtin

Mary Curtin Poet, Writer and Director lives in Cork. Her current project is a book of Short Stories See her Christmas 2019 poem on our website,+++

We invite submissions to the I

Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. E-Mail us:

Can I with words recapture The magic, wonder, rapture Of long ago and Christmas past? Can I perhaps this moment cast My mind and memory to that time When everything had sense and rhyme; The candle, the ivy, the berries, the holly; The Christmas cards of laughing jolly Santa Clauses dressed in red; The mistletoe above my head; The love I felt but never said. The lights, the sparkle, the sweet surprise When I turned and looked into your eyes. Here is the church and here is the steeple And midnight Mass full of people; Intoxicated whiskied breaths Mixed with perfume, prayers, and blessed With heady incense that fills the air Permeating clothes and hair. Choirs singing, bells ringing, Hugs and smiles and tears and frowns And?Welcome homes?and half a crowns, And snow falling and friends calling And gifts and tinsel and frosty skies? And those eyes? those eyes. Walking home in brand new shoes And clothes we didn?t get to choose But happy in our new found wealth; In food and gifts and youth and health; And out of the silent nighted throng A drunken voice is raised in song ?How warm our love in cold December? And even now I still remember The sights, the sounds, the whispered sighs, And someone always says ?time flies? ? and it does. But those eyes, those eyes, those eyes.

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w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion

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Dat in g Am ber A film review By Tina Day Dating Amber ? is a modern coming-of-age film directed by David Freyne and set in a small town in Ireland. Eddie (Fionn O?Shea) and Amber (Lola Petticrew) are two teens in their final year of Catholic school who tire of being called names by the other students. This is a familiar scene that takes place over and over in schools everywhere. If you aren?t dating someone, then you must be gay. But in this particular case, Eddie and Amber are gay. The themes found in most adolescent movies are here, but with a bit of a different take. You have the awkwardness, the wanting to fit in, the struggle with becoming an adult and finding your sexuality. Usually these are things that are discussed, and agonized over with pretty much all the other kids at school. But, imagine being gay and not really having dozens of other kids to commiserate with. This is the situation in which Eddie finds himself. Add on top of that the fact that his dad is in the military and is expecting Eddie to sign-up once he finishes his final year of high school and you can understand that things are turned up a notch. After witnessing Eddie get teased and called names at school, Amber decides that they can both help each other out. She follows him home, and after hitting him with a rock knocking him off his bike, says she?ll go out with him. Since they are both getting teased at school, she figures they can shut the kids up by ?dating? each other. On their first date, you can see how uncomfortable they are while listening to the sounds of the other teens making out in the movie theatre. Even though they are both in the closet, they are at different places in their journey. Amber has embraced the fact that she?s a lesbian and is saving up to move to London after graduation so she can be herself. Eddie repeatedly denies that he?s gay and is unable to fully admit it, even to himself. In addition to coming to terms with their sexuality, Amber and Eddie are also dealing with other complications. Amber has recently lost her father and is still angry with him, and Eddie?s parents are having marital issues.



During the time that Eddie and Amber are dating, they actually become very good friends. One day, they decide to skip school and take the train to Dublin. They have a great time during their day in Dublin. As they are walking down the street at the end of the day, Eddie spots a gay bar and decides to go in. He immediately feels comfortable, like he belongs there. In a bit of a reversal, Amber denies that she?s gay when approached by a young woman named Sarah and says she?s there with her boyfriend. Sarah hands Amber a flyer for an event at a club the next week and says she?ll be there if Amber is interested. While Eddie is still in denial, Amber decides to come out to her mom. Her mom seems to be a bit in shock, but then reaches out and takes Amber ?s hand. Emboldened by her mother ?s acceptance, Amber decides to meet Sarah and asks Eddie to go with her. While Amber is in another room getting to know Sarah better, Eddie starts to feel more comfortable in his skin. When a boy grabs him and starts kissing him, he eventually starts to enjoy it, until he see someone he knows.

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DATING AM BER REVIEW Then he freaks out, pushes the boy to the ground and leaves the club. When Amber comes out of the club, Eddie is visibly shaken, and asks her where she was. Despite being hurt, this is a turning point for Eddie, because from that point on it gets harder for him to deny who he is. Atfer that incident, things start to change between Eddie and Amber. Eddie is still upset with Amber for not being with him in the club and struggling with his new feelings. They eventually break up just before the end of the school year. Just before Eddie goes off to start his military career, Amber shows up and tells him that he shouldn?t go because that?s not who he is. Eddie tells her she?s wrong. Amber hands Eddie the money that she?s been saving up to go to London and says that he should take it and go away to live his life. Reluctantly, Eddie takes the money and at the end of the film goes off in a bus to his new life. This is a very sweet film about two people who don?t have anything in common, but become best friends and each others?support system at a critical point in their lives. Although Eddie and Amber both started this journey from different places, by the end of the film, they have both evolved into truer versions of themselves and are ready to take on the next chapter in their lives.?Dating Amber ? is available to buy or rent on-demand on iTunes, FandangoNow, Google Play, and Samuel Goldwyn Films.


Welcome To Our New Advertiser! Ju st k ilt M e... f ou n ded in 2019 by vet er an pu blicist Allen Balf ou r Gein er w h o?s love f or k ilt s st em f r om f am ily h ist or y t h at is r oot ed deep in t h e Br it ish Isles alon g w it h a love of h ist or ical lor e pr om pt ed h im t o lau n ch t h e sh op. Team in g u p w it h a t ar t an w eavin g m ill t h at h as been in bu sin ess f or over 50 year s, t h e act u al n u m er ou s t im es over Peer of t h e Realm lau n ch ed a k ilt bu sin ess of f er in g a h u ge var iet y of select , r ar e an d exclu sive t ar t an s t h at ar e cu st om m ade t o exact m easu r em en t s. Ch eck ou t ju st k ilt m

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment



A Conversation With

Lola Petticrew By Tina Day

TD: This film is set in the 1990?s. What kind of research, if any, did you do into that decade prior to shooting the film?

LP: I?m not sure it was research as much as it was me and Dave and Fionn sort of just, you know, we pinged Pintrest boards back and forth and we weren?t much focused on the 90?s aspect of it because that was sort of in the script and you know that would be seen. I think we were more focused on how that era might influence the character ?s actions and I think that what we found that was really interesting is that it?s not too dissimilar from if it was set now. TD: How would you describe the evolution of Eddie and Amber ?s relationship? LP: So I think they go from two people that they experience entirely different things. I don?t think that they necessarily like a lot of the same things, but I think that their hearts and souls are very much kindred. And I think that the friendship that sort of blooms-you know they very much fall head over heels platonically in love with each other. Although it?s not a romantic relationship, I think that they?re very much soul mates. And I think that they?re, you know, definitely the person for each other that they need at that time, at that point in their journey. You know sometimes people come in and out of your life and I always believe that they?re there at that time for a reason, and I think that?s what Eddie and Amber are to each other. You know their support system and their a catalyst for growth. TD: Yeah, I think that definitely comes out in the film. What do you think contributed to Amber ?s acceptance of her sexuality versus Eddie?s LP: I think that Amber from the outset is accepting of her own sexuality, you know, she knows that she?s gay. I think that she?s happy to be gay. I think that she sees a life being an out, gay woman, but I

don?t think that she sees that in Ireland, which is why she?s biding her time to go to London. I think that in that way she?s different from Eddie who?s completely repressed it. I think that the more she sees Eddie repress it, and try to buy into the thought, the more it sort of spurs her to say her life and tell people and to eventually come out. TD: The next question I have is more along the lines of the world we are living in today. How do you feel aboutDating Amberbeing a Digital/On Demand release versus the standard theatrical release? LP: I think in a way it is actually quite good for a film like this because a lot of the audience are younger and accessing something on your phone and laptop can sometimes be a lot easier. And if people are still struggling with their sexuality or something like that, this is something that you can watch in the privacy of your bedroom and I think that is makes the film, maybe a lot more accessible. TD: At this point in your career, what would you consider your ?dream role?? LP: My dream role? I?m not sure that I have a singular role; I?m not sure that I think of it that way. I think that I just seem incredibly lucky to be working especially in today?s climate. I think that as long as something excites me and is different and I think strongly about it, that?s kind of what I look for. And if I get to keep working on things like that, I?ll be the happiest woman in the world. TD: That?s a great answer. What would you say your favorite role so far has been? LP: Oh, I mean for sure Amber has the most special place in my heart. I mean, I met my best friend by being a part of this project and I met Dave and I got to play something that was very close to my heart and something I feel very strongly about. And something that I think is a very special project, so I would say Amber definitely has a soft spot in my heart

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Q&A And something that I think is a very special project, so I would say Amber definitely has a soft spot in my heart.TD: At this point in your career, what would you consider your ?dream role?? LP: My dream role? I?m not sure that I have a singular role; I?m not sure that I think of it that way. I think that I just seem incredibly lucky to be working especially in today?s climate. I think that as long as something excites me and is different and I think strongly about it, that?s kind of what I look for. And if I get to keep working on things like that, I?ll be the happiest woman in the world.

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TD: Just out of curiosity, when did you guys film the movie? It was pre-Covid probably? LP: Yeah, we filmed it in Summer of 2019. TD: So a different climate than it is right now. LP: Yeah it feels like a completely different world, doesn?t it? TD: Yes completely. Have you done any filming since March, or so, this year? LP: Yeah, Fionn and I actually were lucky enough to get to get the chance to work together on a film in August and September, so yeah we were incredibly lucky to be able to do that.

TD: That?s a great answer. What would you say your favorite role so far has been?

TD: And how was that experience? I?m sure there was a lot of extra protocol and safety around it.

LP: Oh, I mean for sure Amber has the most special place in my heart. I mean, I met my best friend by being a part of this project and I met Dave and I got to play something that was very close to my heart and something I feel very strongly about. And something that I think is a very special project, so I would say Amber definitely has a soft spot in my heart.

LP: Oh yeah definitely. Yeah I think that precautions were there for a reason and we were all there for a common goals and we all loved the film and really wanted to make it so everybody sort of rolled their sleeves up and everybody was willing to do whatever they could so that we could continue to make the film.

TD: I could see that. Watching it, it seemed like it was a role you could really kind of get into, like there?s so many dimensions I think to Amber. That it would be a really fun role, I would think. LP: Yeah, and that?s definitely all Dave he?s given us the most incredible script and wonderful direction. I love him, I?d work with him forever if I could.

TD: OK well, I want to give a little time, I?m sure you are just doing back to back interviews all day today, so I?ll give you some time to take a break, maybe grab some water. LP: Thank you so much. TD: No worries. Take care. LP: Take care, thank you so much.

The Celt ic Zodiac r e-imagined by Er in Rado. See t his Quar t er 's issue of Celt ic Nat ions for t he whole ser ies! w w w.celt icn at ion sm agazin

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The Irish Romantic Comedy Film, Wild Mountain Thyme Open In December Th e f ilm is t h e st or y of An t h on y Reilly, a f ar m er in cen t r al Ir elan d w h o w or k s t h e f ar m h e w as bor n on . It is also t h e st or y of Rosem ar y M u ldoon , t h e gir l n ext door w h o h as loved h im sin ce sh e w as 10 year s old, an d w on?t be set t lin g f or an ot h er m an . Th ey ?r e in t h e secon d h alf of t h eir 30s, an d w h at ?s goin g t o h appen ?? From Oscar®-, Tony®- and Pulitzer Prize®-winning writer and director John Patrick Shanley (Doubt, Moonstruck), Wild Mountain Thyme captures the romance, lyricism and transcendent beauty of the Irish countryside in an extraordinary love story between two lonely souls. Passionate, determined and smart, Rosemary Muldoon (Emily Blunt) has been in love with her neighbor Anthony Reilly (Jamie Dornan) since they were 10 years old. It seems that everyone in their farming community knows they were meant for each other ? except Anthony. An eccentric introvert, Anthony has spent his entire life workin on the family farm alongside his father Tony (Christopher Walken). The aging Tony blindsides Anthony with his plan to sell the farm to Adam (Jon Hamm), his wealthy American nephew, because he doubts his son has what it takes to run it. And when Adam comes to visit, his obvious interest in Rosemary complicates the situation further. With everything that?s important to him about to slip through his fingers, Anthony has to move quickly, but a series of losses and his own certainty that he is unlovable leaves his future ? and Rosemary?s ? in doubt. Filled with Ireland?s glorious vistas, poetic spirit and acerbic wit, Wild Mountain Thyme draws on Shanley?s Irish roots for a comedic and moving once-upon-a-time romance

Film in g In Ir elan d Wild Mountain Thyme was shot over five weeks in County Mayo in western Ireland


in and around the towns of Crossmolina and Ballina? the latter also the home to President-elect Joe Biden?s great-great-great grandfather. The film makers spent about eight weeks scouting locations and prepping for the shoot. ?When I wrote this screenplay, it took place in the Midlands of central Ireland,? Shanley recalls. ?It?s very beautiful, very gentle and quite flat. The landscape is alive. The ground is alive." But the Midlands is not mountainous, and Shanley had it in his head that he wanted to call the film Wild M ou n t ain Th ym e, after a beloved Celtic folk song. So he went to see the mountains in Westmeath, where his family is from. ?Westmeath doesn?t really have any mountains. My screenplay has a lot of them. So we went on to County Mayo and I saw this incredible lone mountain standing in the landscape, looking a little bit like a volcano. And I thought, that?s the mountain in Wild Mountain Thyme. We found a farm outside a little town, and everything about it was just greener and better and more varied than any other place I had looked at. And right smack in the middle of its view was the mountain.? So filming was set for the new "Midlnds" of Ireland. Movie magic at work and the natives were magical too, "The people of Mayo we encountered on this journey, and in particular those of Crossmolina and Ballina where we filmed, were so warm and welcoming. It was evident that this production being there meant a lot to this region. We?re so excited to share the finished product with them and with everyone here in Ireland and beyond soon.? said Shanley

December 2020

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Eu gen e O'Neill Lif et im e Ach ievem en t Aw ar d Gala

Ir ish Am er ican Wr it er s & Ar t ist s To Hon or Kat e M u lgr ew

above, you become a member of IAW&A, or renew your membership. Join IAW&A f or a w on der f u l celebr at ion of an ext r aor din ar y in dividu al - don't m iss it !

Th e IAW&A O'Neill Aw ar d even t w ill be a vir t u al af f air t h is year on M on day, Decem ber 7 The Irish American Writers & Artists Association is excited to recognize Irish American actress and star of "Orange is the New Black" and "Star Trek:Voyager " and author Kat e M u lgr ew . Online this year, so it is all new but the great Irish Spirit of determinationto mke the best od a bad situation will prevail. It is an impotant fundraiser for IAW&A as well as a great chance to show your support. The event itself will feature tributes from Kate's colleagues, musical performances, and other surprises. Also a silent auction with many exciting items on offer-- a great way to get in some holiday shopping while also supporting the organization. The bidding has already begun, and time (precious, cruel and merciful though it is) is running short. Also note that when you purchase a ticket of $75 or

KATE M ULGREW bein g h on or ed t h is w eek in New Yor k The multi-talented actress and autho rwith an extensive career on stage and best remembered (to some of us) as Captain Katherine Janeway on Star-Trek Voyager.

Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d.. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion Th an k s again t o M ar gar et O'Car r oll f or h er in pu t an d su ppor t of t h is idea.

Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay: t o: ir ish m issive@gm In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce

Irish Literary Showcase

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Th e Celt ic Allian ce Alr eady Reapin g Ben ef it s By Jim McDonough In our November issue, we announced an alliance between the Irish Arts and Entertainment and Celtic Nations Magazine. We are delighted to report to our advertisers, friends and readers that it is working well and benefiting all of us. Just this first month because of the agreement we were able to double the amount of traffic that we got on our various Facebook Pages, This is a noteworthy factor because the medium that everybody loves to hate is still an important driver of certain demographics. We have found that our enhanced and improved frequency and quality of posts is helping increase our readership which is in turn helping us add to our subscription base. These are hard and strange times for any small business and we are no exception. Now more than ever, it is essential to team up, pool resources and strive harder than ever to keep us with the challenges that we are all facing. Erin Rado and her team of technical and PR resources have had a positive impact on our work flow especially on our website, We in turn have contributed our expertise in sales, marketing, outreach and our vast network of contacts and years of practical experience. Interestingly in so doing, we have gotten better too!. Also and perhaps as important as every other aspect, the reality of meeting these challenges with a trusted business alliance allows us to deliver a better and more interesting range of content to you our readers! We invite our readers to check out the OPPORTUNITIES Section on our website if you want to know more about our future plans. As always, we want to hear from you. Please contact us with story ideas and calendar listings. We are here to serve our audience.

w w w.celt icn at ion sm agazin w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com in f o@celt icn at ion sm agazin in f o@ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

SALLY M CNALLY Con gr at u lat ion s & KUDOS t o Du blin Nat ive, n ow Ven t u r a based M cNally w h o w as ju st h on or ed as on e of t h e Ir ish

Ech o's Com m u n it y Ch am pion s f or 2020. A w ell deser ved r ecogn it ion as Sally is a t ir eless, en er get ic advocat e f or Wom en an d Wom en's Healt h issu es. Sh e is a Regist er ed Nu r se Pr act it ion er an d M idw if e in Ven t u r e. Sh e is also w or k in g on h er Doct or at e an d plan s t o t each M idw if er y. Sally an d Ir ish Com m u n it y Leader Joh n M cNally w er e m ar r ied in 1996 an d h ave on e dau gh t er Br igid. Th ey r eside in Ven t u r a.

It is Easy and Cost Effective

to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

December, 2020

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CRAFTERS OF IRELAND An Ir ish En t r epr en eu r h as f ou n ded a m u ch n eeded or gan izat ion in Ir elan d t h at can an d sh ou ld h ave f ar r each in g oppor t u n it ies f or all of u s. CRAFTERS OF IRELAND of f er s bot h seller s an d con su m er s a ch an ce t o con n ect w it h each ot h er in an all en com passin g, h an ds on ALL THINGS IRISH M ar k et place. It is a specialized Ir ish In t er est Social M edia/ Am azon -esqu e/ Et sy plat f or m all r olled in t o on e f r ien dly. ef f icien t pack age. We applau d it an d su ppor t it . Irish crafts, Irish art and Irish gifts by Ireland?s finest

Ber n adet t e Clan cy Fou n der Cr af t er s of Ir elan d & M an agin g Dir ect or at Solu t ion s Con su lt an cy Ir elan d


answers the call of Buying Local (Read also Irish), avoiding large multi-nationals, and supporting small business. This is not just a clever idea; this is a serious way to connect with individuals and to change the way we do business. ¡The founder and brains behind this outfit is Bernadette Miriam Clancy, who worked for and consulted with many of Ireland?s best organizations and companies including Enterprise Ireland. She is a graduate of University College Dublin and has done post grad work in the states. In 2015,she started her own successful Consulting Group, Solu t ion s Con su lt an cy Ir elan d. CRAFTERS is an outgrowth of her consulting; designing, and delivering workshops for business development. It was through her mentoring sessions and business advisory clinics that she met a multitude of crafters, artists and designers who made one-of-a-kind, bespoke items. However, these Irish based micro businesses sometimes struggled with visibility, sales, and growth.

The need for a marketing and sales platform for them is now in operation thanks to Clancy.

All it em s available on Cr af t er s of Ir elan d ar e 100% Ir ish m ade; t h e pr odu ct s r an ge f r om glass, t o t ext iles t o ch ocolat es. When you buy something from Crafters of Ireland whether it is scarf, a piece of crystal or jewelry for a loved one or for yourself, you are buying an heirloom and you are supporting small Irish businesses.

Con n ect w it h t h em on lin e

HAPPY CHRISTMAS FROM IRELAND! Our cr after s want you to have the highest standar d of handmade pr oducts Ir eland has to offer and pr ide themselves on designing their goods that guar antee you gr eat value and choice that appeals to all tastes, for all occasions, including custom designing items for you. Watch out for pr omotions and giveaways too and please check us out on social media and visit our website.

Ch eck ou t t h e CRAFTERS w ebsit e

w w af t er sof ir elan

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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I r i sh M u si c: News & Reviews A Ker r y Ch r ist m as, a m agn if icen t Yu let ide M u sic Of f er in g h as ju st been r eleased. Join t Ir ish US pr odu ct ion capt u r es t h e t r u e essen ce of t h e season !

Aidan O'Car r oll is a composer, arranger, pianist, choral and orchestral conductor, accompanist and music theatre director who lives and works in Tralee, Co. Kerry. He is an A B. Mus. 1st Hons and MA (Music Composition) graduate of NUI Cork. O'Carroll founded and continues to act as Director of the Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts, which provides high quality, affordable tuition in music and performing arts at centres throughout Kerry. He is also Choral Director in St. Mary?s Cathedral, Killarney. He has founded many of Kerry?s main performing ensembles - Kerry Choral Union, Kerry Chamber Choir, Kerry Chamber Orchestra, Kerry School of Music Senior and Junior Orchestras, Flute Choir, Light Opera Society of Tralee and Kerry Children?s Choir. Commissioned works include Dún an Óir Suite (Údarás na Gaeltachta), Dance of Life (Diocese of Kerry Milennium Celebration) and All Aboard (Radio Kerry). Recent compositions include a five-movement Stabat Mater for Soprano, Baritone, SATB Choir and Orchestra set to liturgical texts and poem s by Padraig Pearse.

Aidan O'Car r oll con du ct in g in Ir elan d Recent a cappella choral pieces include I See His Blood Upon the Rose (Joseph Mary Plunkett) and a choral suite set to the texts of the Advent O Antiphons. He is currently composing a setting for soloists and large orchestra of Brian Merriman?s epic humorous poem Cúirt an Mhean Oíche which will receive its world premiere in late 2021. O'Carroll was a member of the tenth Arts Council (1993-1998), a founding member of the Association of Irish Choirs (AOIC) and was awarded the Fleischmann Prize by the UCC Music Graduates Association for his work in music education.

Con t in u ed on Page 22

Decem ber 11 Set For Release Of M u sic For I HATE NEW YEARS' By Du blin Com poser Em er Kin sella , an Ir ish f ilm com poser f r om Du blin based in Los Angeles, is one to watch out for in Hollywood. Her latest score to the holiday Rom-Com ?I Hate New Years?, Emer brings a flavorful twist of music that is urban, eclectic and orchestral to this exciting up-beat holiday movie. Emer ?s work has been featured in a number of films and tv shows and has contributed arrangements and violin performances to Emmy and Oscar nominated projects.Credits include working with Johnny Klimek on the hit Netflix series "Sense8" (written by ?The Matrix? creators The Wachowskis); as well as the drama thriller "Jungle" starring Daniel Radcliffe. Emer recently won Best Score awards for her score to the Irish award winning drama short film ?In Orbit? at theSouth Film and Arts Festival in Chile, at the Bucharest Shortcut Cinefest festival and was nominated at the International Sound and Film Festival in Croatia.

Her sou n dt r ack t o ?I Hat e New Year s?w ill be available on all st r eam in g plat f or m s, Spot if y, Apple M u sic et c. on Decem ber 11t h You can check out more of Emer ?s music & soundtrack releases online:

w w w.em er k in

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

A ch or al Ch r ist m as f r om t h e West of Ir elan d! Th e Ker r y Ch am ber Ch oir : The adult choir of the Kerry School of Music & Performing Arts was founded in 1992 by the School?s director, Aidan O? Carroll. They have performed at the National Concert Hall as part of the Kerry School of Music 30thAnniversary celebrations and regularly tour abroad, most recently in the Czech Republic, Finland, Lithuania and Poland. Most of the choir ?s members study singing at Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts. Works performed include Handel?s Messiah, Haydn?s Creation, Faure?s Requiem, Part?s Berliner Messe and Vivaldi?s Gloria, Pergolesi?s and Vivaldi?s Stabat Maters, as well as a re-discovered large-scale Mass in F by nineteenth century Tralee composer Arthur O?Leary and


original choral pieces and arrangements by Aidan O' Carroll, including the world premiere of his Stabat Mater in 2017. The choir has previously made two DVD recordings of Handel?s Messiah and has broadcast regularly on Radio Kerry.

Th e Ker r y Ch am ber Or ch est r a: Founded by Aidan O?Carroll, The Kerry Chamber Orchestra is a truly international line-up of professional musicians from Ireland, Britain, Albania and Lithuania all of whom live in Kerry and teach in association with the Kerry School of Music. The orchestra presents a very wide range of material at venues throughout the region and collaborates with the Kerry Chamber Choir on an ongoing basis. Many members have distinguished and award winning careers as solo performers, as well as leading, encouraging and mentoring students of the Kerry School of Music in their formative musical years. Tr alee CBS Boys' Ch oir : The choir was established in 1982 by Bro. David O' Connell and Aidan O' Carroll. Over the ensuing twenty two years the choir under the direction of Aidan O'Carroll performed regularly on local and national radio and television and toured in Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, singing

Masses and recitals in St. Peter 's Basilica, Assisi, Lecco, Koln, Douai, Canterbury, Westminster Cathedrals and Dublin's Pro-Cathedral.


Soloist s: Aisling O?Carroll, Margaret O?Carroll

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

The Celtic Camer a

We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption ir

M ean w h ile In Ir elan d

THE BEST OF THE BEST! Th e best pain t in g ever of t h e M an h at t en Beach Pier by Sou t h Bay 's best Celt ic Ar t ist w it h best f r ien d Rober t M cKeegan . Pict u r e f r am ed by t h e best f r am er in Tor r an ce, David Sh ipley

NOW OPEN Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica Cor n er of Secon d & SM Blvd

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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St eve O'Lou gh lin an d Ar t Pr oject pain t in g K Rails in San t a M on ica. Well w or t h a t r ip! t o see h is w or k !

w w even olou gh lin ar t ist .com

W E H O PE T O B E O PEN SO O N f o r D ining & D rinks o n t h e NEW PATIO!!

A message from Publican Willy We ar e back h er e again !. St ill w e m u st do w h at w e can t o get past t h is. So if you f eel lik e on e of ou r cr af t beer s or an Ir ish cof f ee, or Bloody M ar y pair ed w it h a sh eph er ds pie or Fish & Ch ips. Agin , w e ar e h u gely gr at ef u l t o ou r com m u n it y f or h elpin g u s su r vive t h is! #t ak eou t #ir ish pu b #f ish an dch ips #sh eph er dspie

TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310 829-5303

Ou r in side din in g m ay be closed, bu t ou r n ew pat io w ill be open soon ! NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs Take Out is still available for alcohol and food with food delivery through Postmates.

O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

In f o & Tick et s w w ish r ep.or g IAM WA.or g CELTIC ROOTS M USIC WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 9, 2020 AT 8 PM EST ? 9:30 PM EST

Ash ley Davis Ban d Win t er Solst ice Vir t u al Sh ow & Albu m Release


Host ed byLied Cen t er of Kan sas - Per f or m in g Ar t s Cen t er ,M ich igan Ir ish Fest ival Join Law r en ce n at ive Ash ley Davis f or t h e 10t h -an n iver sar y Win t er Solst ice per f or m an ce an d t h e r elease of h er n ew albu m , Wh en t h e St ar s Wen t Ou t . In t h is in t er n at ion ally livest r eam ed con cer t , Ash ley w ill per f or m alon gside t h e r en ow n ed in st r u m en t alist s com pr isin g Th e Ash ley Davis Ban d? Dave Cu r ley, Colin Far r ell an d Will M acM or r an .

Th e Good Tim es Will Roll Again ...m ean w h ile m ak e t h e best of it by su ppor t in g Ou t door Din in g w h en possible an d TAKE OUT or

TICKETED VIRTUAL PERFORM ANCE. Ticket h older s w ill r eceive a lin k pr ior t o t h e

Hom e Deliver y f r om you r loca l

per f or m an ce .

Tick et s lied.k u .edu Lear n m or e an d get t ick et s at lied.k u .edu , or call t h e

w w w.pu bgu

Tick et Of f ice at 785-864-2787. Join Michigan Irish Music Festival and the The Association of Irish & Celtic Festivals for their inaugural Irish Christmas Concert!


Brought to you with the generous support of the Irish Embassy and technical support from O'Neill Events & Marketing.

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 27

We ar e r each in g ou t t o you on beh alf of Be Ir ish @ Ch r ist m as,an in it iat ive w h ich w ill r u n

f r om t h e 21 - 31 Decem ber 2020, br ou gh t t o you by IRELAND'S Depar t m en t of For eign Af f air s.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE DECEM BER 12 We ar e in vit in g you t o join an d su ppor t t h is in it iat ive in or der t o en gage an d con n ect w it h ou r global Ir ish diaspor a, in par t icu lar t h e 250,000+ w h o w ill n ot be able t o r et u r n h om e du e t o COVID-19 t h is year . It is also aim ed at t h e w ider Ir ish diaspor a an d t h ose w h o h ave a gr รก or ar e in t er est ed in Ir elan d an d Ir ish cu lt u r e. Click lin k f or det ails.

w w w.cogn it of or m / ToBeIr ish 1/ ToBeIr ish At Ch r ist m asEven t Regist r at ion For m



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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment






323 467-6714

Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

December, 2020

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 29

On Going Celtic, Ir ish


& Pub Calendar

WE CAN HELP! Advertise with the Weekly Irish E Missive Pub Guides & Irish Arts & Entertainment

Send your links and listings to:

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as

We promote your pub, updates, Take Out etc as we create interest for you on all our platforms & Social Media.

Cost effective & proven results!

951 216-1493 Email:


Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er We?r e st ill doin g ZOOM Session s On Su n day!

M AILING Nor t h Hollyw ood,

ADDRESS 5062 Lan k er sh im Blvd. #3003 CA 91601 Memberships open and donations


w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com /

Are you interested in wr iting and cover ing events for the Irish Arts & Entertainment ? We would love to hear from you. We are able to offer a lot of per ks, tickets and the like, expenses and NO cash for the dur ation Fir st step is to j oin our Wr iter 's Group on Facebook. We will follow up from there.

No fan of Social M edia? Not a problem! Just call Jim at 951 216-1493 or Email:


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment



O'M alley 's On M ain Seal Beach , CA CALL 562 430-0631 w w w .om alleyssealbeach .com

in t h e pr oject : t h e Nat ion al Ar ch ives, t h e UK n at ion al ar ch ives, t h e pu blic r ecor ds of f ice in Nor t h er n Ir elan d, t h e Ir ish M an u scr ipt s Collect ion an d t h e libr ar y at Tr in it y College Du blin (TCD). M or e h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3gijFH9

A Timely Reminder...Postponed Till 2021...Inquire & Book Now

w w w.ken om

Ken O'M alley Ou r f avor it e Ir ish Balladeer is en du r in g t h e Pan dem ic w h ile en t er t ain in g f an s on lin e ! See details in Calendar Section feature, page 26

December, 2020


I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 31

NEW IRISH AM ERICAN PODCAST CELTIC STEW with Co-hosts John Lee and Martin Nutty explore Irish stories

& identities through interviews When Martin Nutty and John Lee realized they were planning to do similar podcasts, they collaborated to create Irish Stew: Conversation for the Global Irish Nation which launched today at, iTunes, Spotify, and other popular podcast platforms. Nutty is from Dublin, came to the U.S. on an athletic scholarship, and works as a programmer in the financial services sector, indulging his interests in Irish history, genealogy and storytelling in his own The Nutty Chronicles podcast. Lee, an Irish-American whose grandparents all came from Ireland, works in public relations, has served on the board of the Irish American Writers & Artists, is the president of the Irish Business Organization of New York, and is often tabbed to moderate panels on Irish topics at business events. ?We?re looking to engage with Irish influencers globally, explore what an Irish identity means to the 70 million people worldwide who claim it and hear great stories from influencers on the island of Ireland and from its diaspora around the world,? Lee said.? Through compelling conversations, we aim to advance a fresh narrative on what it mean s to be Irish.?

?We?re looking to be the glue in the stew,? Nutty

build the argument for permanently retiring the ?Plastic Paddy.?We?re talking to great people, learning new things, and having good craic along the way.? After releasing its preview episode last week, Irish Stew kicks off with three full episodes featuring conversations with Jeffrey Hayzlett, CEO of the C-Suite Network who recounts his emotional first visit to Ireland and his thoughts on Donald Trump from his stint on The Apprentice; Bridget Bray who blows the dust off genealogy and describes how to break through the dreaded ?brick wall? to find your ancestors; and top-tier podcast producer Bill Schultz, who despite the German name, tells of his strong Irish roots, and shares insider insights on podcasting today. Schultz has since signed on to be the Irish Stew producer/editor and the show?s musical theme was composed and sung by Rosa Nutty.

w w ish st ew podcast .com / on Tw it t er ,

said. ?We want the podcast to strengthen the connective tissue among far-flung Irish outposts, create a constructive dialogue on Irish identity and

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS , Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs!

Our current Pub Of The Month Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica Please see t heir ad t his issue! Email:

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d in f o t o:

ir ish m issive @gm


The Best Vir tual Pub In The Know n Univer se

w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et


Irish Arts & Entertainment's CELTIC CHRISTM AS BUYING GUIDE!! Th is year it w ill be bet t er , bigger an d a gr eat er deal t h an ever bef or e! Get det ails t h e M edia Kit Now an d get list ed an d pr om ot ed f or an am azin g low

all in clu sive M ULTI PLATFORM pack age pr ice!

CALL JIM 951 216-1493 or Em ail ir ish m issive@gm

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