Halloween SAMHAIN Special Issue

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Oct ober , 2019

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Oct ober , 2019

Th e Ir ish Or igin s of Hallow een Celebr at ion s in Am er ica By Patrick Weld Halloween was never celebrated in Colonial America or anyplace in the expanding country till well after the War of 1812. The first public record of an event surrounding the now popular and widely commercialized day was in Philadelphia about 1830. By 1838, gatherings and reading tea leaves was a bit of a fad on All Hallows Eve (the night before All Saints Day, November 1) October 31 (and sometimes on the 30th,

called Penny Night). The night itself then and now has deep significance in many cultures throughout history. All Hallow?s Eve has been observed as a special time as the day before All Saints Day, November 1 which has been a Catholic Feast Day since Pope Gregory III proclaimed it so in the mid Eighth Century, According to Cat h olic Online, All Sain t s' celebrates all those who have entered heaven, including

sain t s rcognized by the Cat h olic Church. This idea caught on as a time to honor the faithful who had departed and became a day to honor ancestors, family and friends for centuries. THANK THE IRISH! Continued on the next page ...

ABOVE: The Gar den Of Death by Hugo Simber g.

Fr esco in the Tamper e Cathedr al, Finland

"While tending to our seeds of fear and fright we'll guide you through this dreaded night"

Oct ober , 2019

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Or igin s Of Hallow een Con t in u ed:

pumpkin was plentiful and adapted to the custom.


The Civil War and its aftermath led to a boom in seances and spiritualists in both the North and South due to the desperation of the hundreds of thousands who had lost so many family members and friends so the growing interest in the Spirit World blended well with All Hallow's Eve and the Catholic custom of remember dead ancestors and relatives on All Saints Day.

The real popularity of Halloween in the US started in the late 1850s and 1860s with the waves of mostly Irish immigrants coming into the US and settling through the country. Large Irish communities sprung up in every major US City but especially in Boston, Chicago and New York. A new holiday was born and stamped on American Culture! One of the most enduring and widespread customs associated with Halloween is the Jack O'Lantrin and it definitely has origins in Irish Folklore. Turnips were used to create scarey little gnome heads and in America, the

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f . Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

SAMHAIN to the ancient Celts and their decendants in Ireland was thought to be the Evening and Night when our world and the afterlife came together! Great bonfires were built to light the night to keep Evil Spirits at bay! This night took on religious aspects because of All Saints Day, the next day. So basically, as times changed, the religious aspects that had a good run from the mid Eighth Century to the mid Nineteenth Century morphed into just the fun and revelry that we experience today! By the 1900?s almost all Americans were observing Halloween on October 31. Presently, Celebrations Sales Reps include lavish and even Jim & Pat r ick somewhat decadent costume

Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@ ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media

parties for adults and students. Trick-or-treating by children which began in earnest in the 1940s continues to be very popular through most of the US. Halloween is not a public holiday. Banks, Govern- ment Offices & most businesses have normal opening hours for the most part but decorations are now common at most work places and especially at restaurants and pubs.

SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEWSLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS PUBLICANS & PATRONS! Click gr aph ic t o be con n ect ed. an d f ill in t h e f or m ! Novem ber 's Pu b Of Th e M on t h is Ye Olde Kin g's Head in San t a M on ica See ad on Page 10

Oct ober , 2019

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Ir ish & En t er t ain m en t

TRUE THOM AS Keeper of t h e St or ies Here we go....you have been warned or did we forget to warn you...well, no worry, too late now..... True AKA Rob Suetter is well known to Celtic Fair, Festival goers and at History Events; his History Of Ireland in Fifteen Minutes is a classic!

Halloween Th e Celt ic Am er ican Holiday We Celts have always had a thing for Scary. Werewolves, vampires, and murderous fairies were part of our culture long before they inspired the likes of Bram Stoker (who was Irish, by the way). Some of our traditional myths and legends involve things that would never be allowed on TV. Cuchullain going into warp spasm comes to mind, what with the nine feet of spurting black blood, twisting around in his own skin, and so on. And that is one of our happier legends! The scary stories are intense indeed. ORIGINS OF .... Halloween is roughly based on Samhain (pronounced sow-en), the Celtic New Year. According to tradition, this is the beginning of the dark time, heading into the lean part of the year. Harvesting is finishing, and the long wait for spring begins. With the nights at their longest, our ancestors believed that on Samhain, the veil between the worlds was at its thinnest, and things that go bump in the night often did. The spirits of the dead could and would come back to visit, and that the fairies would run amok on this eve. Rituals included bonfires, setting out offerings, and doing things to scare unwanted spirits away. These traditions slowly merge with other cultures and traditions, until our families migrated to the US, and voila: a billion dollar holiday is born.

Her e ar e som e f act oids t h at you can u se t o edu cat e ou r less in f or m ed br et h r en . By any other name: Spooky! Halloween is short for All Hallows Eve? or All Hallow e en.

This is the evening before the Catholic Christian observance of All Saints Day. A mass was said called All Hallow m as! The fact that this event takes place on Samhain is no coincidence. Pope Gregory I back in the 601 decreed that it would be a great way to spread the faith, that if the locals were having a celebration, adding a Christian celebration to it would be great marketing. It worked so well in fact that Christmas and Easter both coincide with religious celebrations of other major religions. It was a kind of, Join them and then beat them policy. Pope Gregory IV in 835 CE moved All Hallowmas to November first. The genesis of our word Halloween was born. I should add that another fine harvest (Roman) holiday was co-opted, one celebrating a Harvest Goddess (of apples, in particular). Her name was Pomona (hmmn, where have I heard that name before?). Also, for Celts, the holiday was never about anything Satanic. Our ancestors saw the Samhain tradition as dangerous, but not evil. The evil tinge comes courtesy of some fire and brimstone Christian influence.

OĂ­dche na h-aimlĂŠise: Mischief Night (scare t hem before t hey scare us) Now some folks might sit quietly quivering in the darkness, but many Irish and Scots took a more preemptive tact. Go out and cause mischief before the ghosts and ghoulies do. Scare them before they scare us! Go out and knock over outhouses,and play harmless tricks. Presumably this was effective, and a good excuse for fun anyway. This was combined with the tradition of Mumming or Guising (dressing in costumes, which was part of a variety of holidays, including Christmas). Turn, Turn, to TRUE/ SAMHAIN on Page 6

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

M ore SAM HAI N by Tr ue Thomas


M ore Online: www.tr uethomas.com

I might add this makes for handy disguises to protect the innocent, of course.

W ho Want s (Soul) Cake? ?Trick or Treat ? act ually has more to do t he t radit ions of November 2nd, All Souls Day. Early Christ ians would go begging for ?soul cakes? or ?go a-soulin? and promise to say prayers on behalf of people t hat had passed t hat year (a European t radit ion). More modern Scottish traditions (1800s forward) considered going around ?begging?beneath them. On the other hand, singing a song for a treat was a fair trade, hence a ?trick for a treat.?This tradition was more associated with the Christmas season. Bribing someone not to do a mischief was not Celtic the viewpoint as the ?trick or treat?tradition implies today. bribe someone when you can thump them instead?

W hy

Jack of t he Lantern (Irish Head Light s) You might not recognize the original Jack of the Lanterns. In Ireland, they had a tradition of carving turnips and putting candles in them. The practice is linked to folktale of Hard Jack or Stingy Jack, a mean-spirited man who managed to trick and beat the devil. W hen he died, neither Heaven nor Hell would take him. He begs the Devil for something to keep him warm in limbo, and the devil tosses him a burning ember. He can?t carry it in his hands, so carves out a turnip to carry it in to find his way. So now the ghostly visage of ?Jack of the Lantern?wanders forth on Halloween, trying to find someplace to call home. W hen the Irish emigrated to the US, they found pumpkins easily available, and a new American tradition is born. There is some evidence that since the ancient Celtic warriors collected heads and displayed them, that perhaps there is more to this old tradition than meets the eye. After all, a carved turnip with a candle in it looks eerily like a glowing human skull!

And now, Scary Americans W hen some of our Celtic forefathers (and mothers) move to the slums and tenements of New York, Mischief Night turned deadly in the hands of Irish gangs. Local upstanding citizens start organizing Halloween parties as a healthy alternative to raising heck. This is how the holiday as we know it is born. Some of the other Celtic traditions associated with Halloween are ?Snap Apple?(attempting to bite an apple that is free swinging), bobbing for apples, and doing forms of divination. Some of these included baking a special cake, which included small items that would predict wealth, love, and so on. There were lots of tradition rituals where young ladies could attempt to divine the name of the man they were going to marry.

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Sam h ain

Classic Ir ish Film HI GH SPI RI TS Ideal Halloween Viewing This is a delightful Irish Film that will be appreciated by anyone looking for something light and fun to watch for your Halloween Festivities! The film has a strong connection to Ireland so it is a real treat for Irish Film buffs and comedy, fantasy and scary movie fans alike. For starters, the film was shot in 1988 on location in County Limerick at Castle Dromore (Called CASTLE PLUNKETT in the film) In addition to the film location; High Spirits was written and directed by Neil Jordan. The film cast is special too with a host of Irish actors including Peter O'Toole and Liam Neesen both portraying their Irish characters exceptionally well. Irish American actor and future star, Peter Gallagher was also cast. According to reviews at the time High Spirits was" a topsy-turvy comedy with thematic leanings towards Ireland's rich folklore regarding ghosts and spirits, where the castle starts to come to life with the help of its own resident ghosts who are determined to show a pair of sceptical Americans that they are real.

The ghostly plot unfolds when the hotels owner (Peter O'Toole) facing foreclosure comes up with the idea to market the hotel as "Hunted" to bring in more paying guests! The special effects are really good and were actually way ahead of the curve.

LINKS: Click the HIGH SPIRITS POSTER ABOVE to see it on YouTube For Netfix: CLICK HERE The cast is a mix of Hollywood and Irish actors. Neil Jordan explains why he wanted to work with Irish actors and listed the cast in an RTE feature when filming; " because they?ve got such a particular quality, and in this it?s rather marvellous really, because we?ve got Ray McAnally, Donal McCann, Liam Neeson, Tony Rohr, Tom Hickey, Mary Coughlan making her film debut, and then we?ve got Peter O?Toole.." For our diehard Irish Film aficionodos, CLICK HERE for the original vintage RTE feaure

Oct ober , 2019

dy tex

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com / sh oppe

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


A l l H al l ow t i d e T h e L egen d o f Sam h ai n B y Gr eg Pat r i ck ?I see the company of timid ghosts. At evening also when the sun is low. Each with its finger to its lips goes by poor wild unutterable mysteries? -William Bu t ler Yeat s

Th e Hill of Tlach t ga, Ir elan d The twilight seemed the blood of a sacr ificed sun god bleeding fire into the hor izon as night cast its spell, a dar kly as dreamless sleep over the dreamscape of mist-crowned r uins.The passage of cr imson leaves as if hailed in dying cr imson like the debr is of dreams. The night seemed haunted by the disembodied echo of an ancient r allying har psong, like a muse seeking a bar d to give its echoes of battle and lover 's sigh voice. The standing stones, like glower ing guar dsmen under weight of sky stand in the austere r anks of their lost myster y. From a circling r aven's aer ial per spective, the shadows of the standing stones realigned as they drew in dar k ar r ay like sentinels in anticipation of a dar k lor d's ar r ival. I t is the vision of mor tal man not their sight that sur passed that of the hunting beast, a solitar y figure reflects meeting the eyes of a wolf tr ailing red deer through the labyr inthine glade, pelts lit in twilight like disper sing flame as they melt like a black knight's hear t before the r avenous cr y of the wolfpack like a her aldr y usher ing in the night. What dreams do you behold then, sage of the oaks and highlands..? He sighs as red maws are r aised in thanksgiving over a kill...antler-crowned head fallen like slain king sacr ificed. What nightmares walk this eve, masked to beguile mor tals? Where does nightmare end and dream begin? A Dr uid closed his eyes in a pale cowl as if aver ting his face humbly before a passingred queen as the sun sets in last flar ing splendour. He r aises his ar ms as if beckoning dar kness for th, as if challenging their appointed champion in an age-old battle, a r itual, a sacr ifice. Ar ms splay as if to embr ace death like an old fr iend as he

stands on the summit of a winswept hill, silhouetted against the last flar ing cr imson of the twilight. The Dr uid linger s in that pose against that setting sun and the living shr ine of trees. He appear s like a haggar d scarecrow in vigil over swaying fronds of har vest, like the waves of a dar k sea. He stands before the fall of night as the other s ar r ive, soundless as ghosts. Between his spread ar ms the bonfires are lit, constellating the vale in an eer ie dreamscape. Only then a great war hor n sounds like a challenge to dar kness itself, its br ay hear d sonorously across the land, tr ailing off with the last light of the dying sun, enough to wake the dead? its throaty bar itone sweeps his soul as it her alds the night. The elder ly Dr uid hastened through the mass of wildly dancing reveler s shaking off their hands as they tr ied to pull him in the kaleidoscopic swir l of the fire dance...like a cr imson coil.... The dance of the masked reveler s reached for him fever ishly the dr ums beat increased in tempo...their misshapen silhouetted against the roar ing tower ing bonfire....the r itual reaching its climax. Their masked faces were lit in inter vals. Tr anscendently the Dr uid hear s the sirensong of the dead, beckon to him as they pass in phantasmal procession, gestur ing with skeletal hands.... yet the fires, chanting and sacr ifices hold them at bay. The Dr uid remained aloof, eyes tr ansfixed on the star s. eyes haunted and distant, like a ghost in his white wind-stir red robe haunting the night vexed by the red vision?s pyromanced from the flames, the seem to sway like char med ser pents at his incantations and infecting him with dar k r apture allowing the night to elope with his spir it, to revel with and be reunited with the ancestor s before dawn breaks the spell.

On ce again , Dear Reader , w e ar e deligh t ed t o of f er you t h is f east of im agin at ion f r om t h e f lu id m in d an d pen of ou r con t r ibu t or Gr eg Pat r ick ! In a com in g issu e, w e w ill be f eat u r in g Gr eg's n ew book . M ean w h ile w e u r ge you t o f in d h is alr eady pu blish ed w or k s @ LULU.com

We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us at irishmissive@gmail.com

Oct ober , 2019

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

The View from Ireland

By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Br exit an d Th e Ef f ect On Ir elan d Since last December, observers of British politics readied to witness how badly the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) from the European Union, which British Prime Minister Theresa May had negotiated, would get hammered in a vote in British Parliament. Westminster boffins calculated a defeat north of 100 votes. That would have been followed by bitter denunciations of it and of May, both by her own Conservative Party and her wavering government partners, the DUP. Continued on next page Edit or ?s Com m en t s: By Jim M cDon ou gh This particular cloumn by Maurics is from earlier this year. Space and number of issues we do did not allow us to use it as yet. It is slightly abridged but still very pertinent to the on going Brexit Crisis in Ireland and the UK. Recesson and uncertainty are looming and Irish and interested Irish Americans want a resoultion as the drama is still playing out. The answer is simple. Allow Ireland to Unite as an all island Republic. It is time that the vascilating British Government moves on one way or another . Most of all it it well past time for a UNITED IRELAND!

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Br exit w it h No En d In Sigh t ! It is hard to imagine an agreement more germane to avoiding a hard border in Ireland, and to the future of Northern Ireland, than the WA. And what were Northern Ireland politicians elected to Westminster doing about it? The 10 DUP MPs were determined to vote it down, and the 7 Sinn Féin MPs were not voting at all. Leader of Sinn Féin, Mary Lou McDonald, said that the DUP was ?catastrophically wrong?in rejecting the WA. Yet Sinn Féin was equally vehement in not taking its seats in Westminster to facilitate its passage. DUP MPs have now unblushingly aligned themselves with the rebels within the Conservative party who were set upon toppling Theresa May. May finally gave up on regaining the DUP?s st trust. wow it will always be in question: expect to hear a lot


less of rhetoric about ?our precious union?. The Conservatives cannot rely on the DUP on Brexit and they cannot rely on them either. The WA represents one of the last chances for British elected representatives to avoid the train wreck that is a no-deal crash out of the EU. May staked her political career on its not being defeated and lost. UPDATE @ PRESS TIM E: Now Boris Johnson on the last day possible has postponed Brexit once again till January of 2020. The belagured Johnson has shuttled off to various parts of Europe to meet leaders of EU countries in a bid to either re-renegotiate the agreement or to obtain letters of assurance from European leaders that the WA?s terms on the Irish backstop will happen. More next month on this crisis.

STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/ As of January of 2020, we will be offering the Irish Arts Entertainment as a paid subscriotion service only through our Mighty Irish Network. Until then; we are offering A FREE TRIAL. No commitment, and no obligation of any kind. We are confident that our exclusive Irish Content and Calendar, Discounts, 2 for 1 Offers and Contests and too much more to list here now will be welcomed by most of our readers. We will keep

you informed as our plans develop! Meanwhile, sign up now and enjoy an amazing discount of 25% Off ALL Ireland Week activities. We will send you the CODE. Automatic Entry in a contest for tickets to AN IRISH CHRISTMAS As an Irish Arts & Entertainment VIP you will also be able to opt in to our Weekly Irish E Missive and PubGuide.com AD FREE Calendars too! Please don't delay!

October, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Ir elan d Week St ar t s Novem ber 1st . Th e Fir st Even t on Fr iday, Novem ber 1 w ill Be t h e open in g day of Ir elan dCon

Speakers and panels for the annual conference will focus on celebrating innovation in tech, trade, entertainment and cultural ties between Ireland and Los Angeles! As part of IrelandWeek?s festivities IRELANDCON - the flagship conference which sold out two years running will host a speaker and panel series this next Friday, November 1, at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) in Playa Visa, (WEstchester near LAX) Last year ?s event attracted city and government officials, celebrities, and a who?s who of industry leaders in tech, trade, and entertainment. For more information, you can CLICK HERE and also see the full page ad on page 14 of this issue Tickets are also available here: IRELANDCON Another planned event that is garnering a lot of interest is a showcase for local Irish Sports to be held on the LMU Campus on Saturday, November 2. See Page 15 of this issue for details & ticketing Link...click the page! FOR The COMPLETE SCHEDULE GO TO w w w.ir elan dw eek ,com Th an k s t o t h e gen er osit y of t h e or gan izer s of t h is ser ies of am azin g Ir ish Even t s,; ou r Ir ish Ar t s Reader s can get a 25% Discou n t on all Ir elan dWeek Even t s. Sim ply go t o ou r sit e an d sign u p f or a FREE 60 Day Tr ial! En joy t h is discou n t an d a lot m or e!

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2M an k Zu Alr eady Receivin g t h e Ir ish Ar t s? CODE IS: IRISHARTSENT

Ireland W eek Founders Buzz O'Neill and Deirdre O'Neill-M achin wit h Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at LM U Kick Off for Ireland W eek in Oct ober, From Our Cover Above

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

October, 2019

M or e High ligh t s f or Ir elan d Week " IrelandWeek and Culture Ireland Presents Blindboys?Literary Podcast Live Wednesday, November 6, Stating at 7:30 PM till 10:30 PM This show will be a very special one off Los Angeles recording of his world wide smash hit podcast, in conjunction with IrelandWeek, at The Standard, Hollywood. Blindboy Boatclub is Ireland?s foremost satirist and most original comedic voice, and one half of the Ruberbandits. Present in the art and theatre world with their movement `Gas C**ntism?, they represented Ireland at the Venice Biennale in 2015 and were the first entertainment act to headline at Shakespeare?s Globe. Hit singles include `Horse Outside?and `Spastic Hawk?, and popular television shows include The Rubberbandits?Guide and The Almost Impossible Gameshow. Blindboy also campaigns in support of a variety of social issues, including male mental health.

Prepare for a night of unique Irish entertainment at THE STANDARD!


ALSO ON WEDNESDAY POP UP GAELTACHT Locat ion : Cact u s Room @ Th e St an dar d w w w.gaelicla.com SPECIAL GUESTS JUST ANNOUNCED : PATRICIA SCANLAN & DR. MARY HELEN HENSLEY More Info: w w w.ir elan dw eek .com / blin dboy-podcast

REM INDER f or ou r Adver t iser s, Con t r ibu t or s, M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k M em ber s & Reader s For 25% of f t h e Ir elan dCon or ot h er select even t s, please u se t h e code on Even t br it e


TRADITIONAL IRISH MUSIC FANS O'Br ien's Ir ish Pub has the ONLY Ir ish Music Session on the West Side & Santa Monica!! EVERY SUNDAY After NFL Games Click Photo for YouTube

O 'B r i en 's I r i sh Pu b an d Rest au r an t 2226 W ilshire Blvd. Sant a M onica, CA 310 829-5303


Oct ober , 2019

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Oct ober , 2019

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CORK CITY par t of Ken O'M alley 's ANCIENT EAST t ou r t h is n ext Spr in g.


Visit Galway in the west of Ireland and TRim Castle (TOP LEFT) with Ken! Galway (on the left) was just named in the top 10 cities in the world list for Lon ely Plan et 's 'Best in Tr avel 2020. Th e guide described the ever-popular city as 'arguably Ireland's most engaging city....where brightly painted pubs heave with live music. Th an k s t o t h e gen er osit y of t h e or gan izer s of t h is ser ies of am azin g Ir ish Even t s,; ou r Ir ish Ar t s Reader s can get a 25% Discou n t on all Ir elan dWeek Even t s. Sim ply go t o ou r sit e an d sign u p f or a FREE 60 Day Tr ial! En joy t h is discou n t an d a lot m or e!

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2M an k Zu Alr eady Receivin g t h e Ir ish Ar t s? CODE IS: IRISHARTSENT

It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 https://powersc ir ish m issive@gm ail.com

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Sam h ainr

Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you!

Th e Ir ish Taoiseach Leo Var adk ar w as in Los An geles r ecen t ly t o open a n ew Con su lat e Gen er al of f ice, an d locals Joh n an d Sally M cNally w er e in vit ed t o LM U's gr an d open in g even t . Or la Kean e (speak in g), ou r n ew Con su l Gen er al, Elen i Kou n alak is (st an din g n ext t o Leo), ou r f ir st w om an Lieu t en an t Gover n or , as w ell as Ir ish leader Leo Var adk ar , m ade speech es an d w er e t h er e t o m eet leader s of t h e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia's Ir ish Am er ican com m u n it y. Photo by Tom McCool of the Santa Barbara/ Dingl e Sister City Committee

Galw ay Cit y w it h a st u n n in g view of t h e Cat h edr al f r om h illt ops t h at su r r ou n d par t of t h e cit y. See O'M alley Tou r on page 18 f or m or e on Galw ay! On the RIGHT: Gr ace O'M alley, t h e Ir ish Pir at e Qu een

an d Dian e Tallie on t h e r ecen t FENIANS TOUR

Just as IN THE RARE OLD TIM ES! Ken O'M alley and Terry M cCart an at t he AULD DUBLINER

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Sam h ain

Sally M cGr im 's Ir ish Gar den

M OST THURSDAYS THE AULD DUBLINER Ken O?M alley Solo M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr ive Th e Ir ish Hear t of New por t Beach

w w w.m u ldoon spu b.com

Seaside High lan d Gam es M an y t h an k s again t o Nellie an d Jon Low r y f or t h eir gr eat w or k on beh alf of All Celt s! Th e m u sic, dan ce, piper s an d gam es w er e ph en om in al! t We t r u ly appr eciat e bein g par t of t h is even t . Look in g f or w ar d t o 2020!

THE WHOOLIGANS Ir ish Pu b, TRAD an d Good Tim e M u sic f r om a det er m in ed gr ou p of m u sic m aker s

Sat u r day, @ 10:00pm AULD DUBLINER LONG BEACH w w w.au lddu blin er .com

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Lon g Beach Ir ish Pu b,

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


RED LEPRECHAUN, Closin g By Year 's En d

Two reliable sources, Tracy Ames, owner and Ed Bell of The Whooligans, the Irish American GASTRO PUB will be gone and a new business will open at the location by early 2020. After 9 years of being the hard working heart of one of the

Best Local Pubs in town, It's time for Tracy Ames to take a well earned break. Tracy plans on taking it easy and traveling to Ireland for awhile before starting her next chapter. "The time is here now to move ahead. My mom passed away last month at 94, after a great life and as that happened, it became clear to me that as life goes on, everything changes and it was clearly time to move forward. It has been wonderful and I'll sure miss everyone and the challenges." The new owners have their own plans so the end of the great

TRACY AM ES of Th e Red Lepr ech au n is r eady f or a ch an ge af t er 9 year s as a dedicat ed pu blican ,


I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Saturday, November 2nd at 10:00pm THE WHOOLIGANS An energetic, funny and talented lot of Irish Music Makers! Always a great night with a delightful mix of TRAD, Pub, Rebel and Original Irish Music! Auld Dubliner Irish Pub 71 Pine St. Long Beach, CA www.aulddubliner.com CALENDAR NOTE: THE WHOOLIGANS return to the Auld Dubliner for another show on November 16 @ 10PM Saturday, November 2 FLASHMOB IRISH DANCING Location: Santa Monica Pier Whomever invented the ?Flash Mob?phenomena, without a doubt had to be Irish? or simply enjoying any event at IrelandWeek in Los Angeles! Join the crowd for dancing and fun Santa Monica Pier. www.irelandweek.com/all-events/

Saturday, November @ 10:00pm CALIFORNIA CELTS Folk, Sks, Irish & Celtic Rock...great band, party hard & late! Auld Dubliner Irish Pub

71 Pine St. Long Beach, CA www.aulddubliner.com

AP UCLA in associat ion w it h Th e For d Th eat r es pr esen t s M ich ael Keegan -Dolan / Tea? Da? sa Loch n a h Eala (Sw an Lak e) Sat , Nov 9 at 8PM Royce Hall

Ir ish Th eat r e Novem ber 14 - Decem ber 8 BEFORE

O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 2226 Wilsh ir e Blvd San t a M on ica, CA 310 829-5303 w w w.obr ien sla.com Saturday, November 9 @ 7:00pm THE WHOOLIGANS TRIO One of the last shows at the Red Leprechaun...try not to miss one! www.redleprechaun.com

A new play with much music, set in Clery?s of Dublin Written by and Starring Pat Kinevane Directed by Jim Cullerton Produced in Association with Fishamble and Georganne Aldrich Heller

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com

Sunday, November 3 Starts @ 4:00pm Irish Music with Trooper Thorn Trad, Rebel, Pub Tunes and much more! OC's most authentic Irish owned and operated pub! The ALL NEW HARP INN 130 E 17th. Costa Mesa, CA www.harpinn.com

Tuesday, November 5 Beauty Queens & Playboys A celebration of Irish Theatre with selected scenes read by Ireland's leading actors.+ Directed by Philly McMahon ( Thisispopbaby / Abbey Theatre etc. ) Theatre Hollywood. Easily the runaway success story of IrelandWeek in 2018, this inspiring night of classic Irish Theatre interwoven with some of our new modern success stories played to a full house and a standing ovation. Abbey director and

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w w.au lddu blin er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien sla.com Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH

THE CHIEFTAINS will be t ouring in 2020! W e will bring you Full Coverage! M ore in our December Celt ic Buying Guide. Special Issue

M or e in f o: You r list in g cou ld be h er e: FREE f or Ir ish Com m u n it y an d No Adm ission Even t s!

CELEBRATE M ULDOON'S IRISH PUB'S 45t h. ANNIVERSARY CRAIC IN THE STONE Amazing Irish M usic...always a great show! BRUNCH on t he Pat io Guinness/ Full Bar

ONGOING LISTINGS Con t in u ed TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w w.om allyssealbeach .com EVERY TUESDAY COM EDY SHOWCASE!! Lot s of lau gh s an d gr an d f u n !! Har p In n Ir ish Pu b w w w.h ar pin n .com

Su n day, Oct ober 27

St ar t in g @ 2PM

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110

w w w .m u ldoon spu b.com

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm ail.com

All Your Chr istmas Favour ites ar e star ting to ar r ive! I mpor ted Chr istmas Cr acker s, Cadbur y, Nestle, Sweets & Tr eats for Ever yone on your list! Shop early for best selection

Page 26

Irish Arts & Entertainment


Irish Music: Concerts, News & Reviews

Rai n o r Sh i n e N i gh t o r D ay.... T h e H ar p I n n I r i sh Pu b i s alw ay s a gr an d p l ace t o sp en d som e qu al i t y PU B T I M E! Pu bl i can Joh n Joe Ly on s h as ear n ed a f i n e r ep u t at i on f or T h e H ar p I n n t h r ou gh h i s d ed i cat i on t p p f f er i n g l i ve m u si c< A lw ay s of f er i n g I r i sh h osp i t al i t y, f i n e f ood , w on d er f u l Gu i n n ess Per f ect Pi n t s an d a w el l st ocked Fu l l Bar . D r op by soon an d en joy t h e N EW H A RP I N N

Page 27

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar

Announcing An Ir ish Ch r ist m as Tou r On Sale Now ! Novem ber / Decem ber , 2019 AS SEEN ON PBS! A per f ect f am ily even t ! Cat er in a Coyn e, Pr in cipal Dan cer River dan ce Tyler Sch w ar t z, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer Con n or Reider (Th e Ch ief t ain s, Celt ic Fyr e, Celt ic Win gs) STAR IN An Ir ish Ch r ist m as! ?... Gen u in ely ast on ish in g ... elect r ic!? ? The Village News Tak e a jou r n ey t h r ou gh Ch r ist m as in Ir elan d w it h su per b dan cin g, sin gin g an d Ir ish t r adit ion al m u sic celebr at in g t h e in t er n at ion al spir it of t h e h oliday season . An Ir ish Ch r ist m as, f eat u r es an aw ar d-w in n in g cast of Ir ish dan cer s led

by River dan ce Pr in cipal Dan cer Cat er in a Coyn e, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer Tyler Sch w ar t z an d Con n or Reider (Pr in cipal dan cer Celt ic Win gs, St . Pat r ick ?s Day in Ir elan d, Th e Ch ief t ain s), as w ell as m em ber s of t h e Ker r y Dan ce Tr ou pe, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad an d t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Or ch est r a in a m em or able n igh t t h at spar k les w it h t h e ch ar m an d m agic t h at on ly t h is f est ive t im e of year can br in g. Celebr at e t h e gr eat t r adit ion of bu t t er m ak in g, ch ase t h e w r en on St . St eph en?s Day; dr aw dow n t h e h alf door f or spect acu lar dan ce, en joy su per b m u sic-m ak in g an d sin gin g of Ch r ist m as car ols in an u n f or get t able Ir ish n igh t ! Son gs spin n in g ou t of t h e m ist s an d in t o t h e f am iliar Silen t Nigh t , Tw elve Days of Ch r ist m as an d Car ol of t h e Bells, an d su per b m u sic f r om m em ber s of t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Or ch est r a is ju st t h e begin n in g of t h is gr eat Ir ish n igh t !

Not t o be M issed! Ir elan d at it s best !

Tr an spor t You r self t o an ot h er place an d t im e as Ir ish Tr adit ion s com e alive! Th e legen d of THE WREN an d so m u ch m or e w ill deligh t an d en t h r all ever yon e. Th e scale of t h e dan ce an d live m u sic w ill ast on ish you ! An en sem ble cast of Wor ld Class t alen t u n der t h e dir ect ion of M ar gar et O'Car r oll w ill st ay w it h you t h r ou gh t h e Ch r ist m as Season .

Spon sor ed By

Inter active Holiday Guide for Ker r y Ir ish Pr oductions'



Ticket Info & Pur chase Link

Fr iday, Novem ber 29 @ 8 PM Golden St at e , M on t er ey, CA THREE SHOWS Sat u r day, Novem ber 30 @ 2PM an d 7PM Su n day, Decem ber 1 @ 2PM Har r is Cen t er , Folsom . CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 2h JLP

Tu esday, Decem ber 3 @ 7:30PM Sedon a PAC, Sedon a, AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m8j1VO

Wedn esday, Decem ber 4 @ 7PM Or ph eu m , Ph oen ix, AZ:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k CWGiy

Thursday, December 5 @7PM Elks OPERA House, Prescot t ,AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2k5Vt A8

Friday, December 6 @7:30pm Fox Theat re, Tucson, AZ

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2lF16WA

Sat urday, December 7 @8PM Upt own Theat re, Napa, CA:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2kAsfJZ

Su n day, Decem ber 8 @ 2:30PM Lober o, San t a Bar bar a:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k ADr q1

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m9gt qB

Wedn esday, Decem ber 11 @ 7PM Clar k Cen t er , Ar r oyo Gr an de: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k DJ5r t Fr iday, Decem ber 13 @ 8PM Balboa Th eat r e, San Diego:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k 3Xm NI

Sat u r day, Decem ber 14 @ 7:30PM Sacr ed Hear t Par ish , Sar at oga:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k byd3V

Su n day, Decem ber 15 @ 3:00PM Un it ed Ir ish Cu lt u r al Cen t er , SF, CA: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2ozsdn d Tu esday, Decem ber 17 @ 7:30PM M idw est Th eat r e, Scot t sblu f f , NE:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k 8vBDT

Wedn esday, Decem ber 18 @ 7PM Par am ou n t , Den ver , CO:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lEK8r n

Th u r sday, Decem ber 19 @ 7PM Fox Th eat r e, Visalia, CA:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 9Kbvx

TWO SHOWS Fr iday, Decem ber 20 @ 7:30PM Sat urday, December 21 @ 2:00PM Scherr Forum Thousand Oaks, CA: h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lGH3Ha Su n day, Decem ber 22 @ 2:00PM Sar oyan Th eat r e, Fr esn o, CA:

h t t ps:/ / livem u .sc/ 2k r 9TLD

M on day, Decem ber 23 @ 7:00PM Yu capia PAC, Yu capia, CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2pm k adZ

k er r yir ispr odu ct ion s.com

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