Irish Arts & Entertainment September, 2019

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Volume XXV I I I # 7

Meรกn Fรณmhair



K er r y I r i sh Pr o d u ct i o n s' A N I RI SH C H RI ST M A S A d d s I m p r essi v e N u m b er o f Sh ow s & C i t i es f o r 20 19 Seaso n ...See Page 27 M assed Pi p e B an d s an d Pagean t r y Aw ai t !!

C el t i c M u si c by 7N AT I O N S Seaside High lan d Gam es Feat u r e Page 6

Holy Nativity Church's M agnificent Celtic Ar twor k Unveiled (LEFT)


See Page 7

INSIDE THISISSUE Int eract ive Guide t o AN IRISH CHRISTM AS...Page 2 Vist a Vikings, Celt ic M usic Fest ivals & Fairs...Coverage st art s on Page 3 E X P A N D E D Calendar... St art s on Page 25

Spon sor ed By

Inter active Holiday Guide for Ker r y Ir ish Pr oductions'



Ticket Info & Pur chase Link

Fr iday, Novem ber 29 @ 8 PM Golden St at e , M on t er ey, CA THREE SHOWS Sat u r day, Novem ber 30 @ 2PM an d 7PM Su n day, Decem ber 1 @ 2PM Har r is Cen t er , Folsom . CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 2h JLP

Tu esday, Decem ber 3 @ 7:30PM Sedon a PAC, Sedon a, AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m8j1VO

Wedn esday, Decem ber 4 @ 7PM Or ph eu m , Ph oen ix, AZ:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k CWGiy

Thursday, December 5 @7PM Elks OPERA House, Prescot t ,AZ:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2k5Vt A8

Friday, December 6 @7:30pm Fox Theat re, Tucson, AZ

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2lF16WA

Sat urday, December 7 @8PM Upt own Theat re, Napa, CA:

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2kAsfJZ

Su n day, Decem ber 8 @ 2:30PM Lober o, San t a Bar bar a:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k ADr q1

Wedn esday, Decem ber 11 @ 8PM Clar k Cen t er , Ar r oyo Gr an de:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k DJ5r t

Fr iday, Decem ber 13 @ 8PM Balboa Th eat r e, San Diego:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k 3Xm NI

Sat u r day, Decem ber 14 @ 7:0PM Sacr ed Hear t Par ish , Sar at oga:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2k byd3V

Tu esday, Decem ber 17 @ 7:30PM M idw est Th eat r e, Scot t sblu f f , NE:

Wedn esday, Decem ber 18 @ 7PM Par am ou n t , Den ver , CO:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lEK8r n

Th u r sday, Decem ber 19 @ 7PM Fox Th eat r e, Visalia, CA: TWO SHOWS Fr iday, Decem ber 20 @ 7:30PM

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2m 9Kbvx

Sat urday, December 21 Scherr Forum Thousand Oaks, CA:

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2lGH3Ha

Su n day, Decem ber 22 @ 2PM Sar oyan Th eat r e, Fr esn o, CA:

h t t ps:/ / livem u .sc/ 2k r 9TLD

ht t p:// bit .ly/ 2m9gt qB

Meรกn Fรณmhair ~ September, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Fal l C o n cer t s, Fai r s & Fest i v al s Vik in g Fest ival in Vist a Sat u r day & Su n day, Sept em ber 20 & 21 h t t ps:/ / vist avik in gf est

Get Sh am r ocked Ir ish M u sic Fest ival in M u r r iet a Fr iday & Sat u r day, Sept em ber 27 & 28 ABOVE: Warriors of Scandinavia and Finland gather in Vista!

w w w.get sh am r

September brings forth two very important events on the Celtic Calendar: Get Sahmrocked, the unparralleled Irish Rock extravaganza and the Vista Viking Festival. How might Vista be Celtic, one wonders. Well, as any Irish History buff can tell you, the Viking raids, trade and settlements were quite important to Ireland's development; both Cork and Dublin were founded by Danes. In a sense, they are AULD ENEMIES turned Celtic Cousins. See related feature in page 4 on Irish DNA! October then heralds one of the best Celtic Events of the year; the Seaside High lan d Gam es!

Seaside High lan d Gam es Ven t u r a County Fairgrounds, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 11-13

w w w.seaside-gam

Fal l at T H E H A RP En t er t ai n m en t Ev er y D ay NEW PATIO NOW OPEN

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t


Recen t I r i sh D N A Fi n d i n gs Sh ow M o r e Scan d i n av i an I m p act T h an Pr ev i o u sl y K n ow n

Pict or ial Feat u r e on t h e Upgr ades an d Expan sion at t h e Good Auld I reland, always the trend setter!

HARP INN Pages 13 & 14

Celt ic Cam er a St ar t s on Page 21 an d in clu des som e excit in g Ir ish Spor t s New s


Celt ic Calen dar St ar t s on Page 25

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media

Meรกn Fรณmhair

Turns out true cultural diversity was bigger among the Irish/Gaelic natives of Hibernia in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries than we ever imagined. According to studies and DNA testing being carried out by Universities and private companies there are "clusters" of Irish today who have an average as high as 20 plus percent of Scandinavian, mostly Norwegian blood! According to Emmett Brady, who is researching the topic for his upcoming book that explores Viking Roots in Southeast Ireland, ?There is more than ample evidence that proves Vikings had been to Ireland, including ruins, artifacts, and Norwegian names of people and places." In addition, there are genetic signatures that are being found in Ireland that are almost identical to those from the north and west coasts of Norway; where Vikings were most active,? according to a researcher Vincent Cavalleri as told to National Geographic. Also according to a recent feature in the Irish Echo, "The Vikings from the Scandinavian countries began raiding Ireland around 800 A.D. and continued for two centuries before Brian Boru defeated them at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014. In those two centuries, they certainly left their mark and in muc\ higher numbers than previously believed." Now even more findings are being made public from more recent studies at Trinity College in Dublin. The genetics of the world?s estimated 80 million people who claim Irish heritage may now be more complicated than originally believed but research such as this could go some way to identifying if there are any specific traits or illnesses that are linked to these genetic clusters. ?This subtle genetic structure within such a small country has implications for medical genetic association studies,? said Trinity College Dublin geneticist Dr.

Ross Byrne. ?As it stands current corrections for population structure in study designs may not adequately account for this within-country variation, which may potentially lead to false-positive results emerging." ?We feel this will be particularly important in the analysis of rare variants as these are expected to be less uniformly distributed throughout a country." ?We intend to explore this further and identify if this structure should be accounted for in corrections.? The research from Trinity comes just weeks after the Royal College of Surgeons and the Genealogical Society of Ireland in Dublin released their own research to suggest a strong influence of the Vikings on the DNA makeup of Ireland. This team discovered genetic evidence of the Vikings in Ireland for the first time, although they only identified ten different genetic clusters across the country. These clusters were more in line with the ancient kingdoms and provinces in Ireland.

Viking impact on Ireland deeper than previousely thought! Do you h ave som e Vik in g An cest r y? SEE VIKING...Page 10

M ar ch , 2019

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Meรกn Fรณmhair


The Seaside Highland Games, Ventura's very own Scottish/Celtic Festival, will return to their home on California?s Central Coast this October 12 & 13, 2019. The Ventura County Fairgrounds is the ideal spot for this many-faceted Festival. Every Games activity from bagpipe bands to sheepdog demos is within easy access of the Fairgrounds?Main Street? our ?Clan Row.? Beginning in 2002, the Organizers have held that a proper Highland Festival must have as its backbone a good representation of Scottish Clans and Societies. True to this day, you will find over seventy (70) such Societies ready and able to discuss their wee foothold on the true Scottish soil. And to welcome you as either a newcomer or old friend? or direct you to someone best able to help you trace your family lineage.

cellphone cameras!! All the guest pipe and drum bands will march interspersed with Clan/Family groups past the central Alex Beaton Stage to officially open the Games to all comers! Grab a chair or bleacher seat for this spectacularly bright and colorful event. If you don?t have your very own kilt or tartan garb, look no further than the many high quality vendors to find exactly what you need. And while there, why not sample some delicious Welsh Cakes or the wonderful Scottish meat pies or fish & chips and so much more...perhaps a Scottish Cerveza??!! Many of these young folks will be competing for prize money and honors in dance, piping & drumming and athletics. Be there to cheer them on as we grant them well-earned prizes!

Perhaps you just came for the music. Well, do not dismay my friend. We are so pleased to offer a fine array of artists starting with the internationally renowned ?Seven Nations? making a rare West Coast appearance and the always fine music of Sligo Rags--taking a break from Disneyland appearances. Highland Way lead artists Paul Castellanos and Brian Caldwell will keep your toes tapping as will newcomers Cockswain and fine tunes from Nerea, the Fiddler. All for the price of your admission ticket!

Classes in genealogy, Gaelic speaking, Scottish history and Scotch! So much to be learnt!

Dancing has always been a huge part of Seaside?s stage presentations from youthful Scottish Highland Dance to the more mature Scottish Country Dance (and, yes, you can most certainly join in)! And did I mention the lively Ventucky Cloggers who will amaze you with their rapid-fire heel and toe moves?!

Make your plans to join us on the Fairgrounds in October. Lovely Buenaventura awaits! For more information visit

But no Festival is complete without the amazing Scottish Heavy Athletes. Look to Morgan Arena for these talented fellas and gals tossing, throwing, heaving impossibly heavy implements to new height and distance records! And, yes, the long pole-like cabers are there to be turned as well. That event, like the stage shows, continues nonstop throughout the weekend. If you can?t do without bagpipes? and which of us can? you are in the right place! Plan your weekend to arrive at Saturday's NOON GRAND PARADE and OPENING CEREMONIES which will dazzle your eyes, ears and

Friday night before the big weekend is a lively evening you are welcome to enjoy including a great Single Malt Tasting followed by a fine buffet supper and Scottish Fashion Show! These events? A Scottish Evening? kick off the weekend at the beautiful Four Points Sheraton and are not to be missed!


Sept em ber , 2019

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Th e Holy Nat ivit y Alt ar Piece Th e lon g an t icipat ed u n veilin g of t h e com plet ed Holy Nat ivit y Alt ar piece; cr eat ed by LA's ow n Celt ic ar t ist St eve O?Lou gh lin , t ook place on Au gu st 24. Th e m agn if icen t w or k is a st u n n in g addit ion t o Holy Nat ivit y Ch u r ch in West ch est er , CA. Th e classic st yle ar t in clu des t h e cen t r al Tr ee of Lif e m ot if t h at open s in t o t h e or igin al 1945 cr u cif ix w it h decor at ive door s depict in g st or ies f r om t h e lif e of Ch r ist . Th is f ir st por t ion of t h e piece w as com plet ed in 2017.

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Meรกn Fรณmhair

The newest altar addition is the procenium area that reaches from the floor to the ceiling and over the arch of the altar. In the top corners columns fan out in golden hues with large haloed sparrows, fish, a drone and bursting discs. The discs each have a variety of themes like farm workers, Yosemite, a night view over a city and bees tending to a hive. It is a continuation of the diverse themes of the Tree of Life painting. Colorful columns reach down to the floor with dramatic skies behind. At the base of each column there are angels floating on small clouds. They also have discs, birds and fish about them. The right angel slowly beats the drum of time while on the left the other angel holds an I-pad pressing the Holy Spirit app. Steve incorporates dozens of contemporary themes, animals, technological symbols and microorganisms into his work to embrace them in the soulful setting of the church. When the altar doors closed there is a more secular spiritual feel for when the church hosts concerts, political meetings, recitals and other gatherings of local groups. When the altar doors are open the glorious wooden crucifix is amplified and celebrated with radiant golden rays. The artist began collaborating with the church 12 years ago when then rector Peter Rood invited Steve to create a piece of art for the church. In 2007 Our Lady of LAX was installed on the east wall of the church showing a large Madonna with LAX in the background. The Westchester neighborhood is shown as dozens of figures celebrate at her feet. O'Loughlin lives near Holy Nativity in Westchester and has worked as a public artist for the past 15 years creating dozens of works at schools, libraries, pubic parks and private commissions. Earlier this years Steve participated in the Westchester/Playa Art Utility Box Mural Project. O'Loughlin's stated purpose is, ?It is my greatest ambition to use my skills and talents to visually express the spirit of my community. With the completion of this altar piece I hope to bring something of lasting beauty to our community and the Holy Nativity congregation?.

RIGHT: The glory of the Sacrificial Christ enhanced in O'Loughlin's superb neo classical style Holy Nat ivit y Episcopal Ch u r ch 6700 W. 83r d st r eet , Los An geles, 90045 310-670-4777 w w even olou gh lin ar t ist .com Em ail: sbolou gh lin @gm

Det ail ABOVE: The newest altar addition is the procenium area that reaches from the floor to the ceiling and over the arch of the altar. In the top corners columns fan out in golden hues with large haloed sparrows, fish, a drone and bursting discs.

Sept em ber , 2019

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DUBLIN'S TRINITY COLLEGE To Offer Online Course Delving Into BOOK OF KELLS The ninth-century Book of Kells, the Irish National Treasure and pride of Trinity Library in Dublin can now be explored via an online course.The book gets it's name because it was kept in a monestary in Kells throughout the Middle Ages. It was placed in the Library of Trinity College by Bishop Henry Jones of Meath in 1661. This month, this magnificent illuminated manuscript is open to all via the internet! For the second year, a free, online course developed by Trinity College Dublin allows anyone to learn more about the remarkable Book of Kells; the world's most famous medieval manuscript. Rachel Moss, Associate Professor in the History of Art and Architecture at Trinity and one of the course designers, speaking about the endeavor says, ?Every year the campus of Trinity fills with expectant visitors, keen to see the world-famous Book of Kells for themselves. There are few experiences to beat the experience of gazing on these precious pages and imagining who else has shared that privilege over the past 1,200 years. The longer you dwell, the more detail reveals itself, and the more intriguing the manuscript becomes.?


?In this course we look forward to being able to share the manuscript with those who have yet to see it for themselves and share it again with those that have. The course will bring the learner beyond that initial encounter to explore its minute and intricate art, how it was made and what it might have meant to its makers. The course will not just dwell in the past. The manuscript is extraordinary in the way in which it has managed to grip the public imagination up to the present


Christ Enthroned

For more on t his t opic; go t o t hese links: Book of Kells in Trinity transports history buffs to another place and time while learning a lot more about this cherished Irish treasure! Our readers can learn much more about the manuscript through a new four-week online course. The ?The Book of Kells: Exploring an Irish Medieval Masterpiece?

A new sesion will begin on Sept ember 16, 2019 The free online course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Ireland, medieval studies, Irish and the Middle Ages history, art, religion and popular culture.

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Meรกn Fรณmhair

VIKINGS, Continued from Pages 3 & 4 Relive the Viking Days at the Vista Viking Festival on September 21 & 22 This family favorite Vista Viking Festival is ranked by Yelp as the areas #1 festival!!


Feat s of sk ill an d st r en gt h t o be sh ow cased at Visa...see w ebsit e f or det ails an d t ick et s!

VIKING ANCESTRY By Jim M cDon ou gh Th e f eat u r e on page 4 r eveals ju st a bit abou t t h e r ecen t an d on goin g discover ies of isolat ed an d clu st er s of Scan den avian DNA in t h e bloodlin es of pr esen t day Ir ish ; it is in deed a f ascin at in g t ale t h at r evels t h at t h e Vik in g w er e m u ch m or e t h an r aider s bu t also set t ler s an d bu ilder s in Ir elan d du r in g t h e M iddle Ages. Do you h ave Vik in g DNA? It is m u ch m or e pr evelan t t h at w e t h ou gh t . Ju st last year , I lear n ed t h at m y f am ily h as Vik in g DNA. We ar e doin g a r an dom su r vey of ou r r eader s f or f u t u r e f eat u r es on t h is t opic. So, if you w an t t o sh ar e you r st or y, please em ail u s @ ir ish m issive@gm .


ANAM CARA In the Celtic tradition, there is a beautiful understanding of love and friendship. One of the fascinating ideas here is the idea of soul-love; the old Gaelic term for this is anam cara. Anam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara is the word for friend. So anam cara in the Celtic world was the "soul friend." In everyone's life, there is a great need for an anam cara, a soul friend. In this love, you are understood as you are without mask or pretension. The superficial and functional lies and half-truths of social acquaintance fall away, you can be as you really are. Love allows understanding to dawn,

and understanding is precious. Where you are understood, you are at home. The anam cara experience opens a friendship that is not wounded or limited by separation or distance. Such friendship can remain alive even when the friends live far away from each other. Because they have broken through the barriers of persona and egoism to the soul level, the unity of their souls is not easily severed. When the soul is awakened, physical space is transfigured. Even across the distance, two friends can stay attuned to each other and continue to sense the flow of each other 's lives. With your anam cara you awaken the eternal. JOHN O'DONOHUE Excerpts from his book, ANAM CARA Ordering Info:

Sept em ber , 2019

dy tex

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

w w w.yeoldek in gsh / sh oppe

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Meรกn Fรณmhair


Rai n o r Sh i n e N i gh t o r D ay.... T h e H ar p I n n I r i sh Pu b i s alw ay s a gr an d p l ace t o sp en d som e qu al i t y PU B T I M E! Pu bl i can Joh n Joe Ly on s h as ear n ed a f i n e r ep u t at i on f or T h e H ar p I n n th r ou gh h i s d ed i cat i on an d h ar d w or k . A lw ay s of f er i n g I r i sh h osp i t al i t y, f i n e f ood , w on d er f u l Gu i n n ess

September, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment


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appear in g f r equ en t ly in t h e lin e u p @ Th e Har p In n Ir ish Pu b. Pu blican Joh n Joe Lyon s h as w on acclaim f or sh ow casin g a gr eat var iet y of t h e best ban ds in SoCal! Live En t er t aain m en t EVERY DAY an d an in cr easin gly popu lar Sin ger / Son gw r it er Nigh t ever y M on day an d Com edy Sh ow case Nigh t ever y Tu esday.

w w w.h ar pin n .com ABOVE LEFT: " Sw an k " com es t o m in d f ir st w h en descr ibin g t h e n ew seat in g an d t ables on t h e lar ger pat io!! Not con t en t w it h ju st an am azin g r em odel, Th e Har p In n h as in t r odu ced an .in cr edible n ew m en u pack ed w it h delect able Pu b Favor it es an d Calif or n ia Fu sion It em s

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Meán Fómhair

The View from Ireland In decen t Pr oposal By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Sinn Féin sits in a room within a house that catches fire. Inside the room there are some hefty fire extinguishers that may well suffice to stanch the blaze. However, Sinn Féin has made a prior pledge that its members do not handle fire extinguishers. So what action is Sinn Féin taking? It curses the arsonists who set fire to the house, and mythologises the site that would remain if the fire incinerates the building. It also never misses an oppourtunity to say that it dislikes the fire. Understandably, Sinn Féin cannot abide people who make reference to the utility of those fire extinguishers. Any intimation that Sinn Féin might stand aside to grant entrance to others to utilise them really grates on the party?s nerves. After all, the fire extinguishers belong to Sinn Féin. Assume, then, that the fire does its worst. Among the people gathered round to survey the smouldering cinders are members of Sinn Féin. Their plan now is to get rebuilding immediately, but to re-zone the new house in another jurisdiction, thereby putatively removing the threat of arsonists. However, the writ of planning authorities and government regulation impedes such unilateralism. Besides, how would the project be financed? This is a head-scratching moment. Things are not made any easier by the deepening consensus in the neighbourhood? and among a fair sprinkling of Sinn Féin?s own supporters? that Sinn Féin really should have done something to extinguish the bloody fire. The Conservative Party-DUP alliance in the UK Parliament is now down to a majority of just one seat, bringing it within a hair ?s breath of being unable to govern the 650 seat parliament that already bristles with revolt. Sinn Féin holds seven seats in that parliament, but it insists that it will not take the seats, in accordance with its abstention policy. Last October 20th Irish Times columnist Fintan O?Toole mused that, to obtain a majority in the UK Parliament, the current Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, might offer parties that seek to separate from the UK? the Scottish Nationalist Party and Sinn Féin in Northern Ireland? the in/out referenda that they seek. The SNP wants a re-run of the failed Scottish Independence referendum of September 2014, which would propose the motion of Scotland staying in EU rather than leaving the UK (and they would probably win on the basis of the new motion). Sinn Féin could be induced, O?Toole suggested last October, to trade the occupation of its seven seats in Westminster for the ?Border Poll?it seeks? a referendum

could facilitate a United Ireland. The reality in which such deals may be cut is now upon us. So far, however, Corbyn?s offers have been timid, and largely aimed at English political parties in opposition. So how might a party such as Sinn Féin activate its dormant power? Fintan O?Toole? again? had a proposal on August 2nd. In the interests of peace and economic stability in Ireland, he argued that Sinn Féin should resign its seats to allow pre-agreed proxy candidates to take them instead, on the provisos that Sinn Féin could control the putative representatives?mandates and that they would take the seats solely to fulfil Sinn Féin?s agenda on Brexit. Sinn Féin wishes the question about the ongoing validity of their abstention policy would go away because it has no adequate answer for it. The puerile riposte of its party leader, Mary Lou McDonald, to the proposal was to insinuate that ?O?Toole shouldn?t provide cover for a British government that is threatening a hard Brexit?. The proposal had obviously hit a nerve.

Since O?Toole?s argument depends upon Sinn Féin?s cooperation, it was always going to be a fantasy. Yet Sinn Féin?s diversionary response bespeaks a panic in its leadership about being seen to do nothing during the emergency that the threat of a no-deal Brexit on October 31st represents. Other parties in the North of Ireland? principally the Alliance, the SDLP and the Green Party could enter this debate by pledging not to run candidates if by-elections were to be triggered by Sinn Féin resignations. Those parties would thereby do what they can in regard to the unused seven seats in UK Parliament, and put further pressure on Sinn Féin to act.

Page 15 FITZPATRICK VIEW Con t in u ed The discussion could then spread to include the Welsh separatist party (Plaid) and the SNP in Scotland: statements or joint statements from them affirming that Sinn Féin support, or Sinn Féin proxy support, is badly required would also pressure Corbyn. Sinn Féin would likely still decline to act, but the record would stand that it had a chance to do something without fear of competition and yet it refused. Sinn Féin?s calls for grand acts on the part of others? such as triggering the Border Poll, a complex set of constitutional steps both for the UK and Irish governments? serve to sublimate Sinn Féin?s own inaction. In the past generation, Sinn Féin has resiled from abstention in the Irish government, from abstention in Stormont and from its anti-EU stance. Resiling from abstention in Westminster is, it should be acknowledged, much more difficult: the unabashed colonial symbolism of the parliament and the oath of allegiance to the monarch are degrading. Even so, this is the same Sinn Féin whose senior members have welcomed Queen Elizabeth II to Belfast and photobombed Prince Charles when he visited Dublin. United Ireland rhetoric is to contemporary politics what a score is to a drastically malnourished junkie. The cure-all that the junkie envisages is the next hit, and, in this equation, Sinn Féin blithely plays the role of the pusher. t is having some success since a significant proportion of Sinn Féin?s base voted for Brexit in June 2016 to generate the type of crisis that is now upon us and putatively hasten a United Ireland. Yet this strategy is a hostage to fortune for Sinn Féin, whose support has ebbed dramatically in the past two elections. Vis-à-vis the EU the party is apt to argue that Ireland is better off in than out. Sinn Féin may yet rue failing to argue the same about its seven seats in Westminster.

Fr iday, Satur day and Sunday September 27, 28 & 29


It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Celt ic Sin ger -Son gw r it er KRIS COLT w ill be appear in g as Th e Lady Black Rose. h t t p:/ / idyllw ildr en f air /

O 'B r i en 's I r i sh Pu b an d Rest au r an t 2226 W ilshire Blvd. Sant a M onica, CA

310 829-5303

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Meรกn Fรณmhair

Ken O?M alley An n ou n ces Tw o Ir elan d Tou r s For 2020 Pr elim in ar y It in er ar ies List ed

Below :

An cien t East Apr il 4 - 13 New gr an ge Tom b Kilk en n y Cast le Jer poin t Abbey Wat er f or d Cr yst al Cobh , Cor k Cit y Bir r Cast le Du n br ody Fam in e Sh ip

Photo Array...Top to bottom:

New gr an ge is Ir elan d's Neolit h ic Wor ld Her it age Sit e. An ancient marvel on the O'Malley Tour in 2010

Kilm ain h am Gaol Du blin Cit y

Wild At lan t ic Tou r 2020 Apr il 18 - 27 Ban t r y Cast let ow n ber e Gou gan Bar r a M izen Head Ligh t h ou se Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y Con n em ar a Kylem or e Abbey West por t Ach ill Islan d Kilm aon h am Gaol Du blin

Th e Fam in s Sh ip Exper ien ce An mportant and sobering stop on the tour.

Jer poin t Abbey Everyone should see some Ireland's lost granduer. Ken O'Malley, a master storyteller, can and will share the legends and lore of Ireland better than anyone!

For M or e In f or m at ion an d t o book you r space; Con t act Ken O'M alley: 310 569 1062 w w w.ken @ken om

Sept em ber , 2019

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OFTEN OVERLOOKED bu t t r u ly on e of t h e m ost beau t if u l cit ies in t h e Wor ld. An im por t an t par t of Ir ish Hist or y an d an in t egr al par t of Ir elan d's econ om y an d t ou r ism t oday, WATERFORD w ill deligh t m em ber s of Ken O'M alley 's ANCIENT EAST t ou r t h is n ext Spr in g.


Don?t be just another tourist. To r eally see Eu r ope, go w h en ot h er s don?t w it h Aer Lin gu s?of f season sale!

Fly f r om Los An geles (LAX) t o Eu r ope f r om $579* . Valid f or t r avel Novem ber 1, 2019 ? M ar ch 31, 2020. Hu r r y M u st Book by Oct ober 3, on ly at aer lin gu * Rou n dt r ip per per son , in clu des air t r an spor t at ion ch ar ges, t axes & f ees. Rest r ict ion s apply.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Meรกn Fรณmhair

L ast B u sk er o f D u b l i n B y Gr eg Pat r i ck ?For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.?

? Oscar Wilde, The Cr itic as Ar tist

I ntrepid Tr aveler, Author and Poet, Greg Patr ick was bor n in I reland and resides in Or ange County when he is in the States.

The night has fallen. Streetlights appear. How above the roar of the city will they hear ? Wor ds reach out to those in the swar ming like a balancing fisher man with his spear. The wor ld is marched to a beat, not of the hear t?s blood-chant but of a hunger and need-dr iven feet. The dreams of the bar d obsolete. Hunger for things and dancing on popular will?s str ings. M usic lend me thy dar k wings. His breath steams like a smoking gun in the chill air as the echoes of the song tr ail off. Not a CD sold wor ds hauntingly linger like an old war r ior ?s wounds throbbing in the cold. He sings other wor ds to the her ds, till they become his own...the wor ds of bar ds the finger ?s that caressed the har p now bone. He plays for the coins of the visitor s from across the sea...Pr aise-singer of the ur ban wor ld. Who needs a tree? He closes his eyes as shadows dance to old songs...Rebels who fought without a chance. L ike a guar dian at his post and station he stands and eyes that open to the song and passer by he demands: Br ing me night. Br ing me the stor ms. There is no shelter from the songs. I ?ll play the r ight notes Through a lifetime?s wrongs. Some ar tists make their mar k. The soloist only paints notes on the dar k and as if by a sleepless sculptor ?s hands, builds castles of dreams from castaway island?s sands washed away by the hungr y waves and like the sea who sighs at the castaway?s feet the mainstream passes by as if the sum of all the tear s to Cr y Eyes open lik e on e st ar t led f r om n igh t m ar e in t h e h ou r s bef or e t h e ligh t , f lu t t er in g eyes lik e n igh t -bloom in g r oses?pet als n ou r ish ed by m oon ligh t ...lik e a h ear t t h at an sw er s t o t h e br igh t n ess of on e sm ile alon e. Th e m u sic t ak es a dar k er t on e.

A poet and wr iter 's j ob is to convey a stor y or a state of mind and if done well; to make the reader think and reflect on the tale told. Questions that our inspired and whimsical contr ibutor Greg Patr ick has pondered and penned before and again now do j ust that.

We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us at

Th e m u sic h ad t ak en h im aw ay...t o t h at day. ?It ?s cold," t h e n igh t seem s t o u r ge car in gly. Come back to your place and rest. Use your strength as a nomad rations water...sparingly.? No. Ju st on e m or e m ir age in t h e pain t ed deser t of ligh t s...Wh er e t ou r ist s ask m e ?h ow m an y m iles?? an d people w an t t o be u n seen as t h em selves bu t seen f or f avou r it e st yles. An d h u m an it y st an ds lik e a soloist at a cr ossr oads in depen den t of t h e m ovem en t s of bodies sw ayed by a st at esm an t h at is gr eat f or a good t alk er lik e sh adow s dist an cin g t h em selves f r om t h e w alk er . Reveler s f lu sh ed w it h an age of im m or t alit y ?s sen se of pow er . Raise a m ock in g t oast t o t h e bu sk er t h at m idn igh t w it ch in g h ou r . Th e jest er ?s con t em pt f or t h e k n igh t bu t t h e sh adow can n ot exist w it h ou t t h e ligh t ? Bu t h e h as gon e...h om e? Wh er e w as h e? Gon e lik e a ph an t om pain of a love lost ?s k iss. ...a gh ost t h en all lon g? Had h e passed lik e a lost m om en t of def ian ce lik e a w ar r ior h idden pr ot ect ively by a k in g?s m en in t h e h au n t ed m ist ? Th e sm ile f aded over it ?s glass. He k n ew t h en w h y on e san g in t h e st r eet an d t h e f allen glass sh at t er ed f or t h e cu r se w as t r aded. He u n der st ood lik e a pu n ch w h at m at t er ed.

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Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Meรกn Fรณmhair

Th e Celt ic Cam er a We are here looking for you!

IRELAND WORLD RUGY CHAM PIONS 2019 Th e Ir ish Nat ion al Team def eat ed Belgiu m

L t o R Ir elan d's Con su l Gen er al Rober t O'Dr iscoll based in San Fr an cisco, t h e n ew LA Based Con su l Gen er al Or la Kean e,, Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan an d Deir dr e O'Neill, CEO Th e O?Neill Gr ou p an d Co Fou n der Ir elan dWeek

Sh an n on Gibson , w it h Br ian Boylan's Fir st Com m u n ion

ABOVE: Ireland U18s win the European 7s title for 2019

Keit h Rober t s of t h e You n g Du blin er s & Br ian Boylan at t h e Ir ish Ou t r each Boot h

Page 22

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Meรกn Fรณmhair

ALL IRELAND FINAL!! 10 AM (PST) on Sat u r day, 9/ 14 DUBLIN WINS Du blin 1- 18 Ker r y 0 15 Play by Play Her e

September has been an amazing month for Irish Sports! Irish Football and Hurling, World Cup Qualifies and much more. Irish Teams are increasinly popular and followed avidly by ExPats and Irish Americans in the US. In Santa Monica, the King's Head Pub has been the center of attention with broadcasts via the Premier League network of all the Hurling and Football games. On Sunay, September 1, Dublin and Kerry battled to a draw in the All Ireland Final. This next weekend, Saturday, September 14 the ALL IRELAND FINAL is set again for the conclusive Game. We are a Digital Magazine and thus can change and update the latest news and in this case vital score so check back Monday AM for the results.


Ir elan d V

Scot lan d Ch eck you r local f or t im e


September, 2019

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Page 23

Gr im An n iver sar y; Au gu st M ar k ed 50t h .Year of Br it ish Tr oop Deploym en t To Ulst er

On pat rol: Brit ish soldiers in t he Bogside: Derry in 1971 during clashes bet ween Irish Republicans and Brit ish loyalist s.

Tuaisceart Éireann

Sect ar ian violen ce bet w een var iou s Ir ish Repu blican gr ou ps an d Br it ish Loyalist s st ar t ed again in t h e 1960's as a r esu lt of pr ot est s by Cat h olics f or equ alit y. Br it ish Tr oops w er e deployed t o k eep t h e peace. " THE TROUBLES" w er e back an d 3500 Ir ish livin g in Ulst er died du r in g t h e n ext 30 year s. Sever al h u n dr ed w er e cau sed by t h e Secu r it y For ces. Th e con f lict r aged t ill t h e 1998 Peace Pr ocess w as su ccessf u l. Sin ce t h at t im e OPEN BORDERS, m or e Tou r ism an d t r ade h ave r esu lt ed in a st able pr osper it y in all of t h e 32 Cou n t ies of Ir elan d.

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Page 24

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e Irish Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . WE w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.

Meรกn Fรณmhair

Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d it t o: ir ish m issive@gm

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links SUNDAY, SEPTEM BER 22 @2PM

CRAIC IN THE STONE Amazing Irish M usic...always a great show! BRUNCH on t he Pat io ~~ Guinness/ Full Bar

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr . New por t Beach , CA 949 640-4110 w w w .m u ldoon spu

Sat u r day, Sept em ber 21 @ 10:00pm

Sat u r day, Sept em ber 21 @ 10:00pm

Sat u r day, Sept em ber 28 @ 9:30pm


Ken O'M alley w it h Jäger M alon e - Half w ay t o St . Pat r ick 's Day


Am azin g Ir ish Du o w it h a r an ge of Ir ish M u sic; su r e t o a cr ow d pleasin g n igh t !

O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b on M ain

en er get ic, f u n n y an d t len t ed ban d of Ir ish M u sic M ak er s! Alw ays a gr eat n igh t w it h a deligh t f u l m ix of TRAD, REBEL TUNES, ORIGINALS, FOLK an d eeven COUNTRY!

Br en dan's Cam ar illo,

Th e Pu b w ill t h r ow in f in e f ood & libat ion s f or an ext r a ch ar ge!!

1755 E. Daily Dr., Camarillo, CA 93010


w w en dan / cam ar illo

71 Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA

w w lddu blin er .com

An ot h er r ou sin g n igh t of h igh jin x an d Ir ish M u sic w it h ED BELL an d com pan y! seal Beach , CA

w w alleyssealbeach .com

Page 26

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/

Meรกn Fรณmhair

Page 27

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar

Announcing An Ir ish Ch r ist m as Tou r On Sale Now ! Novem ber / Decem ber , 2019 AS SEEN ON PBS! A per f ect f am ily even t ! Cat er in a Coyn e, Pr in cipal Dan cer River dan ce Tyler Sch w ar t z, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer Con n or Reider (Th e Ch ief t ain s, Celt ic Fyr e, Celt ic Win gs) STAR IN An Ir ish Ch r ist m as! ?... Gen u in ely ast on ish in g ... elect r ic!? ? The Village News

Tak e a jou r n ey t h r ou gh Ch r ist m as in Ir elan d w it h su per b dan cin g, sin gin g an d Ir ish t r adit ion al m u sic celebr at in g t h e in t er n at ion al spir it of t h e h oliday season . An Ir ish Ch r ist m as, f eat u r es an aw ar d-w in n in g cast of Ir ish dan cer s led by River dan ce Pr in cipal Dan cer Cat er in a Coyn e, Wor ld Ch am pion Dan cer Tyler Sch w ar t z an d Con n or Reider (Pr in cipal dan cer Celt ic Win gs, St . Pat r ick ?s Day in Ir elan d, Th e Ch ief t ain s), as w ell as m em ber s of t h e Ker r y Dan ce Tr ou pe, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad an d t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Or ch est r a in a m em or able n igh t t h at spar k les w it h t h e ch ar m an d m agic t h at on ly t h is f est ive t im e of year can br in g. Celebr at e t h e gr eat t r adit ion of bu t t er m ak in g, ch ase t h e w r en on St . St eph en?s Day; dr aw dow n t h e h alf door f or spect acu lar dan ce, en joy su per b m u sic-m ak in g an d sin gin g of Ch r ist m as car ols in an u n f or get t able Ir ish n igh t ! Son gs spin n in g ou t of t h e m ist s an d in t o t h e f am iliar Silen t Nigh t , Tw elve Days of Ch r ist m as an d Car ol of t h e Bells, an d su per b m u sic f r om m em ber s of t h e Ker r y Tr adit ion al Or ch est r a is ju st t h e begin n in g of t h is gr eat Ir ish n igh t !

Not t o be M issed! Ir elan d at it s best !

Tr an spor t You r self t o an ot h er place an d t im e as Ir ish Tr adit ion s com e alive! Th e legen d of THE WREN an d so m u ch m or e w ill deligh t an d en t h r all ever yon e. Th e scale of t h e dan ce an d live m u sic w ill ast on ish you ! An en sem ble cast of Wor ld Class t alen t u n der t h e dir ect ion of M ar gar et O'Car r oll w ill st ay w it h you t h r ou gh t h e Ch r ist m as Season .

Page 28

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

w w w .seasi de-gam Fr iday, Sat u r day an d Su n day Ven t u r a Cou n t y Fair gr ou n ds

For in f or m at ion on even t s all over Ir elan d, ch eck ou t : w w w.r edlepr ech au n .com

w w w.f ailt eir elan

Page 28

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Meรกn Fรณmhair

THE WHOOLIGANS Ir ish Pu b, TRAD an d Good Tim e M u sic f r om a det er m in ed gr ou p of m u sic m ak er s Sat u r day, Sept em ber 21@ 10:00pm AULD DUBLINER LONG BEACH w w lddu blin er .com

M u ldoon's Ir ish Pu b 202 New por t Cen t er Dr ive Th e Ir ish Hear t of New por t Beach

w w w.m u ldoon spu

September, 2019

On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com EVERY SUNDAY... O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b 23r d & Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica Au t h en t ic OPEN IRISH SESSION St ar t s at 7:30pm or so w w w.obr ien Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm \ OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH M or e in f o:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Page 29

Sept em ber

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

ONGOING LISTINGS Con t in u ed TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w allyssealbeach .com M OST THURSDAYS


Ken O?M alley Solo

w w lddu blin er .com

EVERY TUESDAY COM EDY SHOWCASE!! Lot s of lau gh s an d gr an d f u n !! Har p In n Ir ish Pu b w w w.h ar pin n .com

Page 31

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