Irish Arts and Entertainment May, 2022

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ScottishFest/Or ange County Fair gr ounds/May 28 & 29

Vo l . X X X # 7

M ay ~ B eal t ai n e

20 22


Saturday, May 28th (10am to 7pm)

Sunday, May 29th (9am to 6pm) See Pg 10

Celt ic Wom an In Con cer t

B) Pg 9

Tou r Dat es An n ou n ced For SoCal! E) Pg 22

See details inside on page 5


Ret u r n f or Scot t ish Fest ! See feature on page 11


Ir elan dWeek pr esen t s

Ir ish Com edy REt u r n s on

IRISH BEST BETS in Calen dar !

M u sic Fr om Ir elan d @ It ?s A Sch ool Nigh t f eat u r in g Sor ch a Rich ar dson on M ay 23. Ss page

M ay 11!

Above: Ir elan d's Róisín O debu t s secon d albu m , G) Pg 23 See page

Wh at er f or d Wh isper s in LA w w elan dw eek .com

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the sour ce for fine Ir ish Impor ted Candy, Food and Gifts. We ar e her e to ser ve the Ir ish Community. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the gr eat Mom's out ther e! w w ish im por t sh

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N O PEN M A RC H 16

M ot h er 's Day Is Alm ost Her e!! Dr op by n ow f or

~~Best Selection~~ MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pu blish er 's Let t er Ref lect ion s on Th e Gr eat

Ret u r n !

Page 6

Joh n M cNally Com m en t ar y on Ir ish Elect ion s! Th e View Fr om Ir elan d By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick on Gabr iel Byr n e's NEW BOOK!

Th e Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er YEATS; EASTER, 1916 Page

OUR NEW FEATURE: Th e Ir ish Gar den er Par t 2 w ill be pr in t ed

M id M ay! O U R C O V ER ! See Wells of Lif e C ELT I C W O M A N I n C o n cer t s al l ov er So C al ! RUN4WATER I REL A N D W EEK ! N ex t on Page 32 ev en t M ay 11! Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice Sco t t i sh FEst U SA o n 2 For 1 Of f er & Ver y M em o r i al D ay W eek en d ! _____ Ir ish Per k s! T h e I r i sh Fai r Discou n t s an d Fo u n d at i o n d o es a l o t o f Con t est s Det ails go o d b esi d e t h e I r i sh Fai r . T h ey n eed y o u r on Pages 41 & 42

h el p t o p u l l o f t h e GREAT RET U RN I RI SH FA I R & M U SI C FEST I VA L ! Pl ease B u y T i ck et s N O W :

w w w .t h ei r i sh f ai r .o r g

March, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Joh n M cNally Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld

Press Relations Al Geien er

Graphics/ Ad Design Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s

Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick

Layout & Typos Jim &Pat r ick Con t act Us Via Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2022 M cDon ou gh M edia


Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers M ay is sh apin g u p t o be an am azin g m on t h f or a r et u r n t o in per son Ir ish an d Scot t ish even t s f or Sou t h er n Calif or n ian s! Celt ic Wom an ar e in Con cer t t h r ou gh ou t t h e ar ea w it h sever al con cer t s! Ir elan dWeek an d a an im pr essive lin e u p of even t s, f ilm , m u sic an d per son alit ies is alr eady u n der w ay! Th e last w eek en d of M ay gives u s a To all our fr iends and ch an ce t o r eally get ou r Celt ic Back reader s, we wish you a w it h a visit t o t h e Or an ge Cou n t y Fair gr ou n ds, t h e ven u e f or t h e 2022 ver y blessed and j oyful Easter ! Scot t ish Fest ! M aybe best of all, Su n day, M ay 8 is M ot h er 's Day! So be su r e t o br in g M a in f or a cold on e at on e of ou r m an y w on der f u l pu b adver t iser s. Th e Kin g's Head in San t a M on ica of f er s TEA, see t h e ad in t h is issu e. Please visit ou r calen dar f or det ailed lin k s an d list in gs on all t h ese even t s an d m an y m or e. Th is issu e of f er s a gr eat lin e u p of f eat u r es on m ost of t h e Ir ish / Celt ic In t er est act ivit ies t h at ar e bein g of f er ed over t h e n ext f ew w eek s! M id m on t h , w e w ill br in g you a Special Scot t ish Fair issu e!

On page 21 of this issue, we have links to all our Facebook Pages. Please L I K E/SHARE and COM M ENT. We are wor king on our expanded M ighty I r ish Networ k and we will have details for you on that ver y soon too Jim M cDonough, Publisher ir

M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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First album in three years ?Postcards From Ireland?out now! New PBS special airing in over 60 markets! Grammy nominated Celtic Woman, the most successful all-female Irish group in history returns with an 83-city North American tour in 2022, a new PBS special that began airing November 27 and their first brand-new studio album in three years. Celtic Woman?s ?POSTCARDS FROM IRELAND? showcases the accomplished recording ensemble and world-class performing collective, celebrates Ireland?s rich musical and cultural heritage, and builds on the group?s 16-year legacy of introducing some of Ireland?s most talented singers and musicians to the world stage. The tour launched February 22, 2022, in Pensacola, Florida before stops in Baltimore, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Houston and Los Angeles. A full tour schedule and tickets are available at w w w.Celt icWom an .com . Celtic Woman?s fresh fusion of traditional Irish music and contemporary songcraft celebrates Ireland?s history while reflecting the vibrant spirit of modern Ireland. The group?s repertoire is presented by four young Irish women whose performing skills bring centuries of musical and cultural tradition to life through Irish classics, contemporary songs, classical favorites and stirring original compositions. Their angelic voices and instrumental virtuosity are accompanied by a robust ensemble that includes Irish dancers, bagpipers and a full band playing an array of traditional Celtic instruments, including the

bodhran, tin whistle, bouzouki and Uilleann pipes. ! Returning to the group is Chloë Agnew, an original

member who began working with Celtic Woman at age 14. A soprano, she sings in English, Irish, Latin, Japanese, Italian and German. Joining her are soprano Megan Walsh and Irish harp maestro Tara McNeill, as well as the newest member of the group, soprano Muirgen O?Mahony. The ?POSTCARDS FROM IRELAND? tour and album convey a true message of love, hope and expectation as the world looks toward getting back together again. Celtic Woman feels there is no better way to express these wishes than to write and send a postcard, but this postcard is written with the music and songs from their latest album. The 13 brand new songs on ?POSTCARDS FROM IRELAND?, released October 29, feature new arrangements of beautiful and iconic songs including ?The Dawning of the Day?, ?Wild Mountain Thyme?, ?The Galway Shawl? and ?Black is the Color ?, among others. Following the album release, PBS is airing the accompanying TV special in North America across 60+ local PBS stations. Filmed on location in 14 beautiful and iconic locations in Ireland, this 80-minute TV special showcases the beautiful landscapes of the country as Celtic Woman performs their brand-new compositions and arrangements, plus some fan favorites.

Since 2005, Celtic Woman h as sold over t en m illion CDs an d DVDs, m ak in g it t h e on ly all-f em ale act t o ach ieve m u lt i-plat in u m su ccess in t h e classical cr ossover an d w or ld m u sic gen r es du r in g t h e past decade. Nam ed Billboar d?s #1 Wor ld M u sic Ar t ist of t h e Year six t im es, 12 of t h e st u dio CDs h ave debu t ed at #1 on Billboar d?s Wor ld Albu m ch ar t . Celt ic Wom an h as also scor ed t w o Top 10 debu t s on Billboar d?s in f lu en t ial albu m ch ar t an d f ive Top Five DVDs on Billboar d?s Top Video ch ar t , as w ell as ach ievin g plat in u m -level sales in n in e cou n t r ies. NEXT SHOW!

13 M ay '22 Th e Gr an ada Th eat r e San t a Bar bar a , CA For t h e com plet e t h e ?POSTCARDS FROM IRELAND? t ou r sch edu le an d t icket in f or m at ion , visit w w w.celt icw om an .com / t ou r -dat es.

Sign u p f or Celt ic Wom an?s n ew slet t er s at

w w w.celt icw om an .com t o be in f or m ed of f u t u r e t ou r dat es, albu m r eleases an d special of f er s. San t a Bar bar a Sh ow on M ay 13

M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ker r ym an an d CNN doyen (RIGHT) Don ie O?Su llivan an d sat ir ical pr an k st er s Wat er f or d Wh isper s New s t o be f eat u r ed in Leviat h an , t h e or igin al Ir ish polit ical an d cu lt u r al cabar et at t h e Tow n Hou se in Ven ice as par t of Ir elan d Week ! Sat u r day, M ay 14t h at 8:00pm . Leviathan political cabaret was founded by Naoise Nunn nearly 20 years ago in Dublin, bringing together political debate, satire and entertainment with subversive zeal. It has been hosted by economist, author and podcaster David McWilliams for most of its history and has featured guests as diverse as Naomi Klein and Ronnie Drew of The Dubliners; Bob Geldof and Alastair Campbell. Leviathan influenced the development of the Kilkenomics festival of economics and remains the core of the MindField spoken word arena at Ireland?s biggest music and arts festival ? Elect r ic Picn ic. This edition of Leviathan ? a US debut ? features a panel including CNN reporter, Donie O?Sullivan; Sarah Murphy, VP of Curation & Marketing Technologies at MGM Resorts International; Jacinta Tobin, VP Global Sales and Operations, Proofpoint; and Mark Little, CEO and co-founder of Kinzen. The burning question for the event is the global role of Irish people in tech and the urgency of ??responsible?? technology in defending truth, democracy and the planet. Pictured on the right:

Leviat h an Pan el M em ber Jacin t a Tobin , VP Global Sales an d Oper at ion s, Pr oof poin t Feat u r e con clu des, n ext page, M or e on lin e: w w elan dw eek .com

? Wat er f or d Wh isper s Live? Th er e?ll also be br illian t bit in g com edy f r om Wat er f or d Wh isper s New s, on e of t h e w or ld?s leadin g sat ir ical n ew s w ebsit es, f eat u r in g a cam eo by LA-based Ir ish act r ess, Car olin e M or ah an ; an d st an du p com edy f r om LA-based Ir ish com edian , Car olin e M or ah an David Nih ill.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Sam u el Becket t Sym posiu m Su n day, M ay 15 Join u s f or a w on der f u l even in g celebr at in g on e of Ir elan d?s best loved an d m ost en egm at ic f igu r es, Sam u el Beck et t . A n ovelist , playw r igh t , sh or t st or y w r it er , t h eat r e dir ect or , poet , an d lit er ar y t r an slat or .


We are honoured to be joined by Dr Feargal Whelan from Trinity College Dublin and Dr Katherine Weiss, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Letters, CalState University, Los Angeles. Using the much lauded recent BBC documentary ? Searching For Sam? as a springboard for the evenings events, we will feature music and readings from very special guests ( to be announced) Musical direction is by Eimear Noone, Award winning Irishconductor and composer, who was the first woman to conduct at the Oscars and Craig Stuart Garfinkle, composer. Adrian Dunbar who made the BBC documentary, will be featured in a recorded interview made especially for the night. Programme begins 5.30pm sharp.

Sh at t o Ch apel Fir st Con gr egat ion al Ch u r ch LA 540 S Com m on w ealt h Ave.

Sam u el Beck et t

Th e m u sic f or t h e n igh t , u n der t h e dir ect ion of Eim ear Noon e. Eímear Noone is a California based award-winning Irish composer and conductor. She has composed extensively for film and videogame. She is responsible for some of the most enduring soundscapes on World of Warcraft and other best-selling videogames. She has conducted

orchestras such as the Royal Philharmonic, Pittsburg Symphony and The Philadelphia

orchestras and has worked on scores for directors such as Gus Van Sant and Joe Dante, orchestrating for Oscar nominee Javier Navarrette . Continued on page 31

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


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M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Scot t ish Fest USA " Get r eady t o get you r Celt ic back on !" Experience two days of world class Celtic music, piping and drumming competitions, Highland dancing contests, Scottish heavy athletics, Scottish gifts and foods, Scottish clans and genealogy, a fantastic children's glen and so much more! Do not miss this exciting return to the OC Fairgrounds in Cost Mesa on Saturday & Sunday, May 28 and 29. Tick et s ar e on sale n ow :

w w t ish f est .com TOP RIGHT: Cr ow d f avor it e an d st alw ar t s of t h e Cost a M esa High lan d Gam es & Celt ic Gat h er in g: t h e st ir r in g Wick ed Tin k er s! RIGHT: Er ic Rigler an d Bad Haggis w ill be back t o en t er t ain an d deligh t Fair -goer s an d Celt s w it h au t h en t ic Scot t ish M u sic an d on e of t h e w or ld's f or em ost Bagpiper s! Con t in u ed on page 10

w w w.badh

M ich ael Law ler an d Piper An dy Scot t en t er t ain ed at THE HARP in Cost a M esa on St . Pat r ick 's Day. Th ey w ill be on h an d at t h e Clan Scot t Boot h at Scot t ish Fair in Or an ge Cou n t y over M em or ial Day w eek en d

Th e Plou gh boys h ave been con f ir m ed as on e of t h e gr eat Celt ic Gr ou ps w h o ar e sch edu led f or t h e 2022 Scot t ish Ext r avagan za set f or Ju n e in Cost a M esa! M or e on lin e: w w t ish f est .com

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Bad Haggis r et u r n f or t h eir 24t h year per f or m in g at t h e Scot t ish Fest . Th e ban d w ill play on e ext en ded set ! Sat u r day, M ay 28 @ 5pm .

Scot t ish Fest USA


Th e Wick ed Tin ker s Wicked Tin ker s ? Cask St r en gt h Tr ibal Celt ic M u sic! Th e cu r r en t ban d con sist s of ; f ou n din g m em ber Aar on Sh aw - Bagpipes, Tr u m ps & Vocals, Tik i Kin g - Tapan / Bass Dr u m / r h yt h m pole / Racon t eu r & CJ Hen der son - Didger idoos, Br on ze-age Hor n w w w.w ick edt in k er

Or an ge Cou n t y Fair & Even t Cen t er , 88 Fair Dr ive, Cost a M esa, CA

Ir ish Scr een Am er ica pr esen t s Young Plato as par t of Ir elan d Week Saturday, May 21, 2022 7:00 PM ? 9:00 PM PDT Laemmle Monica Film Center 1332 2nd Street Santa Monica, CA A Primary School in Belfast?s Ardoyne housing estates invokes the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers to fight poverty, drug dealers and the IRA?restoring hope in the heart of a battered community. Multi-award-winning observational documentary Young Plato charts the dream of Headmaster Kevin McArevey and his dedicated, visionary team illustrating how critical thinking and pastoral care

can empower and encourage children to question the mythologies of war and of violence, and challenge the sometimes limiting narratives of their own community. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the Director, Neasa Ní Chianáín, Producer, David Rane and lead cast members Principal, Kevin McArevey and Schoolteacher/Head of Pastoral Care, Jean-Marie Reel.

Young Plato Trailer

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Scot t ish Fest , Sou t h er n Calif or n ia?s Lar gest an d Oldest Celt ic Fest ival Ret u r n s To Cost a M esa! Th is ext r avagan za of Celt ic Dan ce, M u sic, At h let ics, Pipin g an d FUN f eat u r es Au t h en t ic Scot t ish Food, Celt ic M u sic, Dan ce, Sh oppin g, Also, Gen ealogy, Wh isk y Tast in gs, Salu t e t o Vet er an s, 3r d M ar in e Air cr af t Win g Ban d, Sh eep Her din g an d M u ch M or e! Th e f est ival is a f am ily f r ien dly even t t h at you don?t h ave t o be Scot t ish t o en joy t h e m an y act ivit ies f or all ages. Th is M em or ial Day Week en d f est ival of f er s act ive m ilit ar y, vet er an s an d f ir st r espon der s f r ee en t r y. For m or e in f or m at ion visit : w w t ish f est .com Ar e you a f an of or f am iliar w it h OUTLANDER, BRAVEHEART, TITANIC, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 and a host of other Hollywood films or TV shows? How about THE SIMPSONS? How about an amazing line up of singers and CD's from such as MEN IN BLACK 3, THE FUGITIVE, JOSH GROBAN, KEITH URBAN, FAITH HILL, MEATLOAF, PHIL COLLINS, ROD STEWART, or MARIAH CAREY? Then you?re familiar with the talent of BAD HAGGIS piper Eric Rigler. For over 20 years, BAD HAGGIS has pioneered a genre-bending musical odyssey fusing Scottish & Irish traditions with elements of rock, alternative, jazz, pop, world beat, African and Latin influences. A true original, BAD HAGGIS continues to trail-blaze their melodious vision through writing original pieces and arranging traditional tunes & cover songs with unmatched flair? all deftly handled by their members? musical virtuosity.Driven by the dual leads of the ?bagtar ? (bagpipe & guitar) by Eric and guitarist Mike Hoffmann, to the deeply grooving rhythms laid down by bassist/vocalist Mick Linden and drummer Bryon Holley, BAD HAGGIS produces a hearing-is-believing sonic experience.

Piper & Bad Haggis f ou n din g m em ber

ERIC RIGLER Click f or in f o

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


3r d M ar in e Air cr af t Win g Ban d - St at ion ed on M ar in e Cor ps Air St at ion M ir am ar in San Diego, Calif or n ia

Th e 3r d M ar in e Ban d provides musical support for military units, civilian community relations, recruiting and troop morale and welfare. The band is comprised of Marines with musically diverse backgrounds. While the members of the band typically spend their days rehearsing and performing music, they are required to maintain the standards, qualifications and military training that is in keeping with the Marine Corps philosophy that ?Every Marine is a Rifleman?. Wicked Tinkers - Tribal Celtic Sound explosion with followers worldwide. Bad Haggis ? Lead by the most recorded piper in the world with over 50 feature films, the band fuses the most cutting-edge of Celtic with World Beat, Funk, Jazz, Rock and instrumental soundscapes, often transcending stylistic boundaries

Br ot h er An gu s ? Set For Scot t ish Fest Per f or m an ces!!

Brother Angus ? As a founding member of the Celtic, Tribal band BROTHER, Angus toured the


world, recording fifteen albums. Angus has shared stages with Joe Walsh, John Entwhistle, Linkin Park, and Alicia Keys and are the only independent band to have played the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Finding a fascinating connection between his own wanderings and the Celtic myths and histories, Angus has created a captivating show like no other. The Ploughboys ? a local favorite of 5 musically accomplished individuals perform together Scottish and Irish Celtic favorites with amazing vocals, toe tapping rhythms and an energizing stage presence. Celtic Bagpipe Rock by John Allan ? An audience interactive show playing an assortment of heart pounding reels and jigs on the bagpipe to a rock sound track along with and an inspiring arrangement of Amazing Grace. Celtish - An acoustic trio of accomplished singers that perform many Scottish and Irish favorites ALSO FEATURING: Authentic Scottish food from meat pies to bangers to fish ?n chips and including haggis. Premiere Scotch tastings ? create your own tasting from the variety of available whisky?s or join one of the exclusive educational tastings offered and hosted by whisky master Chris Uhde. Mass Pipes and Drums ? Over 200 pipers and drummers perform en-masse each day audience favorites like Amazing Grace and Scotland the Brave in the opening and closing shows. Highland Dancing Championships: Scottish Fest is the home of the Western Regional Highland Dance Championship and the newly formed Pacific Coast Open Championship. Premiere dancers from the Western United States compete for a slot in the United States Championship later in the year. Pipe Band and Solo Championships ? Approximately 12 pipe bands compete each day along with numerous solo competitors. The age of the musicians range from grade school to senior citizens. Sheep Herding Demos ? A demonstration of sheep herding as it might be in the Scottish Highlands. The show is not only an impressive display of calling and herding, but instructional to the audience as well. The lead trainer is Hollywood's herding trainer and has appeared on numerous television shows such as Animal Planet, NBC, Fox, National Geographic, PBS, A&E channel, and the Family Channel. He has been featured in Time magazine, Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, Daily News, Antelope Valley Press, and Ventura Star.

Page 15 Memorial Day Weekend Salute to Veterans ? A special and moving ceremony to thank the veterans and remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice. The ceremony recognizes each branch of the military. Genealogy ? One can trace their history with the many Scottish Clans. Daily there is a popular Scottish Clan parade and ceremony to celebrate the tartans and heritage. Marine Sand Piper ? A veteran of the gulf war Daniel played his bagpipes in Iraq while in country as a US Marine. He is now Southern California?s High Desert's only Rock & Roll bagpiper! The MarineSandpiper can cover everything from traditional bagpipe music to classic rock and pop music on the bagpipes. L.A. Scots Pipe Band - World Champion Pipe Band located in Orange County. The LA Scots are the best pipe band in the United States attracting players from around the world. Much more? Shopping, Fiddlers, Royal Scottish Country Dancing, Children?s Activities Brother Angus ?

Last SoCal Celt ic Wom an 2022 13 M ay '22 Th e Gr an ada Th eat r e San t a Bar bar a CA

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Bealtaine h t t ps:/ / dr sallym cn /

Dr . Sally 's M cNally Lau n ch es Podcast Irish native Sally McNally; Ventua County educator and midwife has an exciting new venture. Much more: on her primary website:

Here is a link her podcast on youtube


We invite submissions to the

Irish Poetry Corner Any style of poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. We prefer original poetry and we will include a brief write up on you. If you submit a poem from the Public Domain, we only accept works from Irish, Celtic or Irish/Celtic-American poets.

E-Mail us:

Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case

is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish / Celt ic an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d.

This idea is a natural extension!

Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay t o: ir ish m issive@gm In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce

Irish Literary Showcase


I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Lat est Elect ion Resu lt s Fr om Th e Nor t h of Ir elan d Sin n Fein eclipsed t h e DUP as t h e lar gest par t y in NI Elect ion New s By Joh n M cNally A historic shift in the direction of politics as shown by the reporting of early results of May 5th election of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The United Kingdom's mid-term elections primarily pick borough councilors to run everyday services in their local areas. But the North of Ireland has a devolved assembly at Stormont, set up in 1998 as one of the Good Friday Agreement peace deal conditions, which ended decades of violence. All eyes are on the Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, as they replace the fiercely pro-British ?Democratic Unionists Party as the largest party at Stormont and claim the First Minister 's office. The DUP collapsed the Stormont power-sharing Executive earlier this year in protest of the Protocol, allowing NI to stay in the EU. It has stated that they will not re-enter the government after May's elections unless Westminster removes the Protocol's so-called Irish Sea border. The British Government is scheming to repeal sections of the EU Withdrawal Act, which enshrined the Protocol into international and British law, to appease Unionists and hardline backbenchers. Regardless, the DUP, the only party who initially opposed the Good Friday Agreement, won't commit to an Assembly with an SF First Minister. The other big story of the election was the non-aligned Alliance Party are challenging Stormont's power-sharing arrangement

between nationalists and unionists by vying for second largest party position in pre-election polls. The smaller Ulster Unionists Party (UUP) has taken a less conservative and radical approach.Two of its candidates are openly gay, and another is Catholic, hardly the party founded by Edward Carson, who prosecuted Oscar Wilde for being homosexual. CurrentUUP leader DougBeattie withdrew from attending anti-Protocol rallies over concerns they are being used to raise tensions. His office window in Portadown was smashed, and a poster with his neck portrayed in a noose appeared at an anti-Protocol rally. Sinn Féin was seeking the largest possible mandate by fielding 34 candidates, more than any other party, and most of them are women. Led by SF vice-president Michelle O'Neill, from County Tyrone, who joined Sinn Fein as a 21-year-old college student after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. She was selected to take Martin McGuinness's place in 2017 when he had to step down due to illness. For months, polls have given S?inn Fein a significant lead, O'Neill is poised to be First Minister, a largely symbolic role because of power-sharing. But in the North of Ireland, symbolism is powerful. The controversial Irish Unity issue got a big boost from the May 5th election results. And census results due in June are expected to show Catholics outnumbering Protestants in? the North? of? Ireland for the first time.And in the Republic of Ireland, Sinn Fein?s popularity is ever increasing polling 35% of first preference voting intentions, well about the 21% and 22% of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.A Unity Referendum is clearly on the horizon!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


THE VIEW FROM IRELAND Walking With Ghosts By Maurice Fitzpatrick Walking with Ghosts is Gabriel Byrne?s recently published memoir of his life and work. It is told episodically, interweaving stories across time, revealing Byrne?s personality through encounters he has had throughout his life as well as in his stage and film career. The book is replete with dialogue from those encounters coupled with the reflections of the actor today, now in his seventies. Byrne?s family is central to his narrative. His mother, a quiet strength and encouragement to him, raised six children and dealt with a husband who was fond of tipple (Guinness employees had a good supply at their elbow). Even so, in a deeper dive that is typical of this book, he describes a moment when his mother has had it with the demands of carrying the family? she intimates that she is leaving, before quickly changing her mind. Years later, as a famous actor, her son looks back and sees that she too may have had unrealised ambitions to act. Byrne portrays his father fondly in the book: the Da quips, after his son lands an early acting role, that he did not need to watch it, since he could see him for free any day of the week. Even today, television audiences of a certain vintage recall Byrne?s emergence in Irish public consciousness through his role onThe Riordans, a television series in the 1970s. From the first, his talent was clear. Byrne manages to capture the interiority of a role and display profound sensitivity in his delivery. Writing about his time as a teenager in a seminary in England, Byrne relates: ?One evening, when I returned to study hall from dinner, I was told to go to the priest?s room? The priest opened the door in a red dressing gown?. You do not need to have read The Fern?s Report, or have seen Spotlight,to anticipate what happens next. Byrne already spoke about this incident on ?Conversations with Eamon Dunphy?on RTÉ Radio on 21 June 2008. Back then, however, he held back, referring to lines that were crossed. In Walking with Ghosts, he recounts what happened in full? to the extent that he can. While he relates the sordid innuendo of the priest who sits Byrne on his couch, at a certain point the whole memory disappears: ?Even years later it feels like the night has been concreted over. I?ve been picking at it with a pin ever since, afraid to use a jack-hammer, afraid of what?s buried i n there." It is striking, given that the memoir form is an excavation of memories, to encounter a memory that remains so sealed off to the storyteller. Byrne interpolas that trauma with anothersequence, earlier in life. The circumstances are that he is sent to bring food and drink to a group of young men

who are working the land. When they have finished eating, they pick on him and the bullying turned sexual. Again, this recalls the film Spotlight, which centres on a group of Boston Glob ejournalists who broke the story of systemic child abuse and the protection of its perpetrators in Boston. As one outsider character in that film says: ?If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one?. The abuse Byrne suffered pervaded the culture from which he came, and this memoir stands as a rebuttal to claims of ignorance about it, a fig leaf for Irish communities that colluded in children?s suffering. As a lad, Byrne heard stories from boys in his Walkinstown estate about other boys who had been dispatched to ?industrial schools?in Connemara. He recounts hearing about the explicit acts they were made to perform. After a spell on the Dublin stage and on RTÉ, Byrne was a jobber actor in London. That experience had a catalytic effect on him, as it did for other actors of his generation? Stephen Rea comes to mind. As with Rea, the opportunities that opened up in London for Byrne were bound up with moral and artistic constraints. Byrne grew weary with offers of roles to play a priest or an IRA man. As he said in an interview promoting this book: ?That?s why I went to America? because I didn?t feel labelled or identified there?. It was the right move.

M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:

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Bealtaine, 2022


JUST IN AT PRESS TIM E BANDS ANNOUNCED f or t h e Ju n e Ir ish Fair !

Th e You n g

Du blin er s Th e Fen ian s Cr aic in t h e St on e an d

Th e Plou gh boys! Th e Ir ish Fair w ebsit e is bein g u pdat edt h is w eek !

Above: The directors and cast of TOMMY and the BROTHERS which premiered at THE WREN in Hollywood! w w w.t om m yan dt h ebr ot h er

May, 2022

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Ir ish M u sic: NEWS & REVIEWS ACCLAIM ED IRISH SINGER RÓISÍN O CELEBRATES RELEASE OF LONG-AWAITED ALBUM ?COURAGEOUS? Covid Lockdown Provides Impetus for Return to Solo Recording and Live Shows Like so many artists the world over, acclaimed Irish singer Róisín O watched as her plans for 2020 turned to dust in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and ensuing lockdowns. As weeks turned to months, she used the down time to rethink her musical trajectory and return to the solo work she had once left behind. The result is COURAGEOUS, a ten-song collection of original material that charts a course through love, heartbreak and redemption, all taking shape during isolation. It will be released on April 29 by Blix Street Records. COURAGEOUS began when the lockdown gave Róisín something she had not experienced since she began recording and touring more than 10 years ago: time. It became the impetus for creating new music. ?All of a sudden, all plans were cancelled, and all I could really do was sit at home and write music,? she says. ?I was able to lock myself away, and the songs just started pouring out of me when there were no other distractions. I wasn't writing with a purpose in mind, and that honesty is what's intriguing about the songs that emerged. I felt the songs that were coming out were completely for myself.? As the pandemic raged, Róisín took refuge in her family?s vacation home in Dingle, the bucolic coastal fishing village in Ireland?s southwest, sometimes sharing the space with her musician brother Danny O?Reilly who fronts Ireland?s popular band The Coronas. The Coronas, for their part, were dealing with the trauma of sharing a name with the virus that was shutting down the world. The first song to emerge was ?Heart + Bones,? co-written with Danny. It?s a powerful anthem with poignant lyrics that began as a song for The Coronas until Róisín realized it was her own voice she was hearing in it. ?It?s a confession, a truth that I?d been suppressing for a long while,? she explains. ?It wasn?t until I got those lyrics down on paper that I began to understand some things about myself. It?s the most honest thing I?ve ever written.? Released as a Róisín O single in January, 2021, ?Heart + Bones,? which referred to it as ?a catharsis personified,? became the foundation for a new solo project. ?It felt like it was the right time to get back to Róisín O," she recalls. One of Ireland?s most exciting and talented exports, Róisín called upon a team of Irish musical talents

to bring the project to completion. Producer Philip Magee (Kodaline, Wild Youth, The Script, The Academic) did much of the heavy lifting, joined by True Tides?Cian McSweeney who also co-produced two of the tracks with Magee and co wrote the second single ?2023,? released last May, with Róisín. Grammy®-winning producer/ engineer Ruadhri Cushnan, along with Róisín?s long-time collaborator John Broe, with whom she shared the passion project called Thanks Brother, held the reins for two of the songs: ?Still Gold,? which was released as a single in September, and ?Call It Love.? There are additional production and writing contributions from notable musicians such as Danny O?Reilly, Cormac Butler, Gavin James, Cormac Breslin, Lar Kaye and Eliot James. While the ups and downs of relationships dominate the themes of COURAGEOUS, there are also songs that convey an unbridled optimism about what the future will hold, perhaps the result of the world slowly opening up after such a long and frightening lockdown. Hope appears to be the resounding consequence of uncertainty and despair, as evidenced by the title track. ??Courageous?is the last song I wrote for the album,? Róisín explains, ?so when it came to picking a title for the album, this track stood out instantly because it relates to the circumstances of the album?s creation as a whole. With this album I really dove into the lyrics without much restraint, and it became an autobiography of the last few years of my life when I?ve dealt with a whole range of emotions. Deciding to return to my solo career was a huge step for me, and it took courage I didn?t know I had.? Imaginative videos have always been known to accompany Róisín?s vibrant music, and those for tracks from COURAGEOUS are creative and artistic. The recently released fourth single from the new album, ?Stolen,? is accompanied by a visual feast created by Irish director Johnny Wolff. The video was filmed atop Binn Diarmuida at Three Sisters in County Kerry, a location used by director J.J. Abrams for scenes from his ?Star Wars? films. View it here: Following her 2012 debut album THE SECRET LIFE OF BLUE, Róisín O went on to release a number of successful singles, among them the originals ?Give It Up? and ?Warn Me of Silence? and her take on Sia?s ?Chandelier,? which received over a million online for victims of domestic violence and abuse. It reached #1 on Ireland?s Official Homegrown Chart and was Ireland?s most

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

THE M ASS by Pat r ick Cassidy Wor ld Pr em ier e Con cer t On Sat u r day, M ar ch 18 in n celebr at ion an d solidar it y w it h t h e people of Los An geles, Fir st Con gr egat ion al, Ir elan d Week an d Th e Reson an ce Collect ive pr esen t ed Th e M ass: a pr em ier e per f or m an ce of Pat r ick Cassidy ?s n ew m ajor w or k f or Or gan & Ch oir M or e on lin e: w w w.f ccla.or g/ t h e-m ass-albu m


Th e soar in g space of Fir st Con gr egat ion al w as t h e per f ect set t in g. Above: M ar t in Sh een at podiu m , w as t h e n ar r at or f or t h e even in g. Ju st Below : Th e or gan ist , Ch r ist oph Bu ll Cen t er : Joh n n y O'Callagh an an d Siobh an Qu in lan Bot t om r igh t , Th e Af t er Par t y

Ir elan dWeek k ick ed of f w it h THE M ASS. A CD is n ow available at Am azon .com . For Tick et s an d all t h e r em ain in g even t s f or t h is year 's Ir elan dWeek ; Go To: Cat h er in e Siggin s, Pat r ick Cassidy, Th e Com poser an d Ow en Dar a_

w w elan dw eek .com

M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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For All Your Mother's Day Celebrations..... Food, Gifts and Treats.....

M ay, 2022

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In 2017, she formed the band Thanks Brother with collaborator John Broe, for which they built a large fan base and released a strong debut called EP -1 in 2018, which included the singles ??We Are Different,? ?We Caught It? and ?F* ck My Life.? Additionally, Róisín O has appeared on the bill with such diverse artists as Lionel Richie, Brad Paisley and Brian Ferry and has also toured extensively in the U.S. as the support act for Mary Black. There were tours of Ireland, the UK and the U.S. set for Thanks Brother when everything came to a halt. But 2020 was most certainly the wakeup call that brought Róisín O back to her roots. After receiving an enormous response to a video of her cover of Selena Gomez??Lose You to Love Me,? she recorded and released the studio version of the track during lockdown in addition to the initial singles for what would become COURAGEOUS. She was also part of the standout success of Irish Women in Harmony, joining a cadre of 38 Irish singers on the Dolores O'Riordan (of The Cranberries) classic ?Dreams? to raise money for SAFEIreland, an organization that provides

VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate! Order NOW:

jim @pu bgu

ONLY $150. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.


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ED NOTE: CROSSWORD FANS We w ill be pu blish in g t h e n ew Celt ic Cr ossw or d pu zzle in ou r M ay issu e! Sor r y, w e r an ou t of t im e an d space f or t h is issu e. Par t II of ou r n ew Ir ish Gar den Ser ies w ill be pu blish ed t h en as w ell.

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


M ay, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

NOONE Continued: composer of Pan?s Labyrinth) creating haunting music for thrillers Mirrors and The Hole. Eímear founded a major European game music festival in Ireland and is an advocate for and mentor to creative women in tech and music. Eímear also consults on Amazon?s Mozart in the Jungle as coach to female lead, Lola Kirk.

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links M on day, M ay 23 M u sic Fr om Ir elan d@ It ?s A Sch ool Nigh t Showcasing the very best of whatirelandhas to offer right now, from Pop to Hip Hop via Urban soul, we are proud to announce, Denise Chaila, KneeCap, Tolu Makay and Sorcha Richardson as this years line up.

Kor on ebu r g Ren aissan ce Fest ival is ju st ar ou n d t h e cor n er ! Kr is Colt , on e of ou r f avor it es Celt ic M u sic M aker s is per f or m in g.

Bardot 1737 Vine St. Hollywood, CA 90028

The upcoming Memorial Day Weekend marks the return of this great outdoor event to Corona! Get your tickets ahead of time and save at

r en f est cor on / t ick et s w w w.k r iscolt .com Sorcha Richardson

TWO SHOWS Th u r sday, M ay 12 M cCabes in San t a M on ica, CA

LA's Premier Acoustic Music Venue 2029 N. Lak e Ave. Alt aden a, CA

w w w.m Fr iday, M ay 13 Th e Cof f ee Galler y Back st age

w w w.cof f eegaler

Apr il, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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IrelandWeek delighted to welcome back the hilarious Real Irish Comedy Tour


Wednesday, May 11 8:00 PM (Doors open7:30 PM) Hollywood Improv (The Main Room) 8162 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA

Sean Finnerty From Longford, Ireland, Finnerty decided to move stateside where a series of mature decisions that he failed to make led him to stand-up comedy.

Katie Boyle A Kildare born comedian living in Brooklyn. She performs all over NYC and has been seen regularly at New York Comedy Club, Stand Up NY, Eastville and on shows in Caroline's on Broadway, Greenwich, Creek and the Cave, QED. She runs a podcast The Shift where she and guests talk about sex and dating from an Irish perspective Continued on page 38....

TOM M Y an d t h e BROTHERS Based on t h e am azin g Clan cy Br os, "An In cr edible Nigh t of M u sic"

Saturday June 4th 7:30pm 2022 The Morgan Auditorium @ University of La Verne The Morgan Auditorium is on the campus of the University of La Verne located at 1950 3rd St., La Verne, CA

M or e in f o an d TICKETS AVAILABLE w w w.Tom m yan dt h ebr ot h er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Apr il, 2022

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Sat urday, June 11 CHECK IN STARTS @ 8:00 AM

Wells of Life will be hosting the 8th annual Run4Water Event in person on June 11, 2022. Run4Water is the California Charity 9501c) and Irish NGOs biggest fundraising event of the year and they are inviting all of our readers and their family and friends to participate! The event will be held at Laguna Niguel Regional Park beginning at 8am for check-in. The 5k Run/1k Walk will begin at 9 AM. Enjoy booths, food, and goodies throughout our event! The winner will receive a grand prize! 100% of Donations will help us restore 50 broken wells for 50,000 people! By year-end, we will have provided safe access to clean water to 1 Million people, thanks to world changers like you!

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Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back each Tu esday f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in g each w eek t o: ir ish m issive@gm

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $300. per qu ar t er or per even t !

Con t act u s u s f or det ails Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

jim @pu bgu

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Cr aic In Th e St on e...deligh t ed t o an n ou n ce t h at t h is gr eat Ir ish gr ou p w ill be playin g at t h e Ir ish Fair in Lon g Beach !

Th e Plou gh boys ar e r eady t o see t h eir f an s an d f r ien ds at t h e u pcom in g Ir ish Fair & M u sic Fest ival. Pr of ile & In t er view com in g in ou r M AY issu e.

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Com in g In M ay

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er con t in u es w it h it 's M on day n igh t s at t h e M ayf low er Clu b! NOW 7 ? 10:30PM ! The Celtic Arts Center is back hosting Monday nights for in-person music and socializing once again. Please come and join us at The Mayflower Club from 7 to 10:30PM for a Celtic music jam session and some fellowship. Admission is FREE and open to the public. We've added an additional hour to our Monday night cultural programming and hope to bring back our Irish céili dance workshop soon. For more information and to join and enjoy all the benefits of membership: GO TO: w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

Continued Irish Comedy Tour Dave Nihil l From Dublin, Ireland Dave Nihill is the first ever-Irish winner of the prestigious San Francisco International Comedy Competition, runner up in the NPR, the Moth?s largest US Grandslam storytelling competition, and the first ever-Irish comedian to have a special on Dry Bar Comedy.

Watch here w/ FREE TRIAL On e of t h e f ir st pr in t in gs of ULYSSES Jam es Joyce's m ost f am ou s w or k w as ban n ed in Ir elan d. Mick Thomas Now , Du blin is t h e Cit y of Jam es Joyce an d h e is Born and raised in Wexford, it wasn?t until moving to celebr at ed. t h r ou gh ou t t h e st r eet s t h at h e on ce New York that Mick Thomas's stand-up comedy w r ot e abou t . No t r ip t o Ir elan d is com plet e w it h ou t a w alk in g t ou r of Du blin w it h a dash of Joycean Hau n t s t h r ow n in . For m or e in f o an d a m ap; Visit t h e Jam es Joyce Cen t er .

w h twt w.jam ps:/ / jam

career was born. A natural performer and insightful writer, in a few short years Mick has blown away one club owner after the next with his honest and genuinely original takes on American society and life as a young and dedicated family man.

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THE IRISH GARDENER By Jack O'Grady Fir st of f , t h an k s t o Jim an d Pat r ick f or in vit in g m e t o do t h is ser ies of st or ies. I h ave been h an gin g ou t in f ields, f r am s an d gar den n s sin ce I w as a ch ild. I h ave dr eam ed of bein g a f ar m er or at least t o r et ir e o a h ou se w it h a gr et yar d bu t ow in g t o t h e dr au gh t s of t h e last f ew year s h er e in Au st r alia, m y plan s h ave been scaled back . So, I r eck on t h e n ext best t h in g is t o sh ar e m y passion f or gar den in g an d r adin g abou t all su ch en deavor s. On e of m y f avou r it e legen ds is t h at of Sain t Fiacr e. I alw ays lik ed t h at h e h ad "ACRE" in h is ver y n am e!

Gar den in g w as St . Fiacr e?s t h in g. Passing through the mists of time to where he lived in the 7th century, we find that his original abode was in Kilkenny, Ireland. Some say he was raised in a monastery and there learned about gardening and herbal medicine. He was ordained and eventually retired to his own hermitage, but his peaceful seclusion was not to last. Drawn by his knowledge and holiness, disciples and crowds streamed to him. So he left for France in search of the solitude that he loved. He found it in Meaux in the northern part of the country, where he built himself a hermitage, a garden, an oratory to Our Lady, and a hospice for travelers. But attracted by the scent of the garden?s flowers? or more likely, by Fiacre?s holiness and his reputation for miracles? disciples

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Apr il

and sick pilgrims besieged his solitude once more. He built a monastery for his followers and welcomed the sick, miraculously curing them by laying his hands upon them. A 19th century stained glass window of St. Fiacre in France St. Fiacre?s Miraculous Monastery and Hospice of Healing (as we imagine they were called) eventually evolved into the village of Saint-Fiacre, a town that is still extant in the Île-de-France region of the country. He is buried in the nearby cathedral of Meaux, and is revered as the patron saint of gardeners today. Add an Irish touch to your garden with this Celtic Cross Garden Stone. Featuring the beloved Irish Blessing and a beautiful Celtic cross, this piece not only looks stunning? it?s also a daily reminder to call on the patron saint of gardeners to assist you in your work.

Available online from The Catholic Company!

St . Fiacr e?s Gar den St on e Celt ic Cr oss w it h Ir ish Blessin g To or der ;

Click t h is lin k

St . Fiacr e?s, an Ir ish bor n m on k lies in t h e Cat h edr al of M eau x sin ce 1568 an d h as a st ain ed glass dedicat ed t o h im t h er e. His or igin al t om b is in t h e Village of St . Fiacr e.

I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S Lor een a M cKen n it t Can adian Con cer t s r aise $72,000 f or Two sold-out concerts in London, Canada, with Loreena as the headline performer, exceeded expectations and generated roughly $72,000 for refugees and those trapped inside Ukraine. Loreena joined other musicians and artists for both performances, March 24th and 25th, and the second concert was live-streamed from the historic Aeolian Hall, about an hour ?s drive from Loreena?s home base of Stratford. At one point, over 1,000 viewers were tuned in to the concert. Donations were accepted during the live stream and topped up what ticket sales had generated. ?As citizens of Canada, and indeed for all citizens around the world, we must appreciate that our destinies are intertwined with the destinies of others,? said Loreena, who also applauded the generosity of concert goers and live stream viewers. One hundred per cent of the money raised will be donated to the International Red Cross, an impartial, neutral and independent organization.

Lor een a M cKen n it t Per f or m in g For Uk r ain ian Relief at Lon don , On t ar io, Con cer t in lat e M ar ch You can h elp by givin g t o Cat h olic Ch ar it ies, t h e Red Cr oss or t h e PaddyWagon Go Fu n d M e on page 5/ Sadly, w e h ave h ear d abou t a lot of scam s on t h is issu e so be w ar y .

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April, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

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The VIP program is a very important component of our subscription program. It has a multitude of positive factors built into the program. It serves as a bonus/reward system for spending hard cold cash on our publication AND it is a good networking tool for the Publisher. We are able to attract subscribers and advertisers to our publication and keep them interested while delivering great Irish interest content and information to our readers. The advertisers benefit by having a readership interested in our exciting niche market and they can target our readers with special offers. The volume makes it worthwhile for them to participate. The Pandemic has set us all back a bit in one way or another and we are rebuilding our VIP benefits package. We were counting on more discounts and deals at pubs and events but that plan slowed up and it is just now rebounding! Events and pubs need volume to make the discounts practical. In the meantime, we are working hard to line up new offers for our subscribers. Throughout this Buying Guide, we have some listings on good deals and we will be adding special offers to our website as we find them. One Very Irish Perk that we have now is our own Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscription! Be sure to check out the Very Irish Perks in each issue and on our Facebook pages to see ALL of our money saving deals! Many thanks to our friends and advertisers for extending these discounts and deals!

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