Irish Arts and Entertainment Summer, 2023

Page 35

The Celtic Rebels of 1776 Special feature honoring the Irish and Scottish contributions in the Revolutionary War

The Colonial Uprising that is now best know as the American War for Independence changed the history of North America and the entire World in ways that could not have been envisioned by the Founding Fathers and participating Rebels.

See feature on page 4


The Second Year of THREE year long project of Jam es Joyce event s and t ribut es is underw ay Explore and learn about t he enduring legacy of one of t he w orld's great est lit erary figures. See page 12

Our Rebel and Lit erary t hem es cont inue w it h a com pelling st ory of love , rebellion and revenge by Greg

This dramatic tale starts on Pg 22

Loreena McKennit t set t o appear at several Canadian Fest ivals and t hen A US Tour Details & Links on page 20

Our regular feat ures:

Maurice Fit zpat rick's View from Ireland

Starts on page 16

John McNally's insight ful com m ent ary

Starts on 18

Celt ic Cam era & Lat est Calendar Links & List ings

Starts on Psge 24

B) Pg 9 E) Pg 22
Vol. XXXI # 8 Iúil/Lúnasa ~~~ July/August 2023
G) Pg 23 More On IMAX IRELAND Starts on page 10
BOOK NOW! Ken O'Malley's Hallow een Tour t o Ireland, See Page 28
WILLOS, Irish Band based in It aly Profile on Pg 7

Irish Arts & Entertainment

The opinions expressed by our w rit ers are t heir ow n and do not necessarily convey t hose of t his m agazine, our publisher or st aff

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M McDonough


Tina Day

Maurice Fit zpat rick

Jim McDonough

John McNally

Barbara Singer

Pat rick Weld

Press Relations

Al Geiener

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Jim , Pat rick & Freelancers

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Jim & Pat rick

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Jim & Pat rick

Cont act Us Via Em ail: irishm issive@gm

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyright s 2023

McDonough Media

More Inside This Issue

Dear FriendsandReaders


We hope you enjoy your Holiday and t his Special issue!

I am a m id-West ener at heart and t he Fourh w as and is one of m y favorit e holidays. It w as alw ays a t im e of excit em ent as t here w ere parades and a yearly fundraising fest ival at St Joseph Cat holic Orphanage (now long closed) w hich w as only a m ile from our hom e in Cinciinnat i. Most m em orable w ere t he gat herings of fam ily and friends! The food especially t he cook out s and hom e m ade dessert s w ere as good as could be Life t hen w as not com plex, t he idea w as t o be nice and enjoy Not a bad w ay t o live. I'm very grat eful for m y early life and upbringing.

The Mont hly Calendar for t he Auld Dubliner in Long Beach is on Page 5 They are doing m ore t o keep Irish Music and Dance in t he forefront t han any pub in SoCal so please support t hem !

w w

TRIVIA, w e have a list ! See OnGoing Calendar!

Tw o of our favorit e Irish Groups, Gaelic St orm and Celt ic Thunder have special offers for t he 4t h, of July.

See Calendar Section.

In our last issue, w e had t w o feat ures t hat bot h generat ed a lot of ext ra int erest ! The feat ure w rit t en by our t ravel & film w rit er Barbara Singer om IMAX Ireland generat ed a lot of int erest and w e have a follow up t his m ont h t o answ er at least som e of t he quest ions.

The Grace Kelly st ories w ere also really appreciat ed and shared m uch m ore t han usual w e even got a link t o t he feat ure on t he Grace Kelly Library and Museum w ebsit e.

ht t ps:/ / w w w pgil m c/ Thanks t o our form er edit or and friend Troy Korjuslom m i for t hat one! In case you m issed it , Here is a link t o our June issue:

Our avid & loyal readers w ant t o know about you and your business! Get your m edia kit now :

Em ail us at : irishm issive@gm ail com

Or call Jim , our publisher at 951 216-1493

Page 2 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa

The Celtic Rebels & Heroes of the American Revolution

Those who conceived this great experiment in self government were for the most part loyal subjects of the British who primarily wanted more say in local affairs for many various reasons. Among them were a multitude of patriots of Irish birth or extraction. A lot more were Celts of every kind including primarily Scots-Irish and Scots by either ancestry or birth.

Our purpose with this feature is to single out a few of the most prominent of these brave and inspired souls and to raise a general awareness of the grand and far reaching

1776 Pr om i n en t I r i sh Si gn er s A n d Patr i ots

Even prior to theremarkable contingent of Irish born Officers and soldiers that General GeorgeWashington drew to service during theWar for Independence, the Colonial Irish were deeply committed to the American Cause

Nine Colonials with clear ties to Ireland were signers to theoriginal Declaration Of Independencein 1776 It was an All In Game as each of them not only opted for freedom; they signed their own British Death Warrantstoo Some signatories to thefabled document did pay the ultimateprice and many lost their fortunes and homes

The nine signerswho were of Irish extraction wereIrish born, Scots Irish or Ulster Irish and only one was Catholic They all had a deeper disdain for the British Monarchy and rule than the average Colonial

roles that the Irish and all of our Celtic forbears played in helping to create the most amazing and enduring Republic that has existed so far in the history of man

It seems to be one of those fascinating paradoxes of life that the more that we learn on a subject; the more aware we become of how little we know That is what will happen now if you read on

The Irish were an integral part of the revolutionary team and eclectic bunch of factions, individuals, groups and allied countries that under George Washington's inspired leadership helped forge the first Democratic Republic

An enduring legacy that is still one of the freest and most promising nations on our planet!

among them was James Smith. who was born about 1719 The family became Colonistsin order to survive and escape the abusiveland clearings (ethnic cleansing) of thetimes taking placein Ireland. In 1729 when Smith was 10 years old, the family started their new lifein Chester, PA Smith apprenticed law and quickly became a well known and respected lawyer He took to writing legal opinions denying the authority theBritish Crown over the coloniesin America Hewas one of thefirst patriots to raise a militia group in York, PA Healso joined the American Continental Congress in July 1775; a year before the Declaration was proclaimed and ratified Smith stayed as a member of the Continental Congress till 1778

GeorgeTaylor was born in Ulster in 1716 and emigrated to America in 1736 at theage of 20 Taylor was indentured to an Ironmaster (the only signer who had that distinction) and ended up owning a foundry and was an iron manufacturer in Pennsylvania He was a member of the Committee of Correspondence, 1774-1776 and kater served briefly, only 7 months in the Continental Congress Ill health forced him from Public Service

Thornton was born in Ireland in 1714 and went out to America as a four year old child in thepassage of five ships carrying 120 Irish families to New England. Apparently his family prospered and he was educated or apprenticed as a physician Later he would practicemedicine and become activein pre-revolutionary agitation before being elected to become a member of the Continental Congress in 1776 He was a Colonel of New Hampshire Militia from 1775-1783

Charles Carroll of Carrollton in Maryland was the only Catholic among them Carrol also has the distinction of being the longest-lived signatory of the Declaration of Independence, dying at age 95

Four of the eight were born in Ireland;

John Dunlap was born in Strabane, County Tyronein 1747 At the age of ten, he was apprenticed to hisuncle, William Dunlap, a printer and bookseller in Philadelphia. The craft served him well as he was later to print thefirst 200 copies of theDeclaration of Independenceat the request of John Hancock. Dunlap becamean officer in

the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry and fought General Washington at the battles of Trenton and Princeton

Thomas McKean was from an Antrim Family. McKean' father was brought to Pennsylvania via thecity of Derry as a child and later married Letitia Finney whose family was also from Ireland

Thomas McKean was a very active and successful lawyer and politician In his lifetime; he served as President of Delaware, then Chief Justiceand later Governor of Pennsylvania. During the American Revolution, he was a delegate to the Continental Congress wherehe signed the United StatesDeclaration of Independence and served as a President of Congress. McKean led the movement in Delaware for American independenceand served as commander of a patriot militia group known as thePennsylvania ?Associators ?

Edward Rutledge

(November 23, 1749 ? January 23, 1800) was the youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence. His father Dr. John Rutledge left Co Tyrone, Ireland in 1735 Rutledge would raise a son to be 39th Governor of South Carolina. Edward Rutledge and his brother John were both elected to the Continental Congress in July, 1774

Thomas Lynch Jr of South Carolina was a signer by happenstance; his father Thomas Lynch Sr was unable to represent South Carolina dueto illness His grandfather Jonas Lynch was from Galway Sadly, the young Irish Patriot and his wife were believed to have been lost at sea on a trip to the West Indies in late 1776 Their ship disappeared and there is no record of his life after

George Read was born in Maryland in 1733. He was theson of John Read and Mary Howell Read from Dublin who emigrated to Maryland. When George Read was an infant thefamily moved to Delaware. Ashe grew up, Read joined Thomas McKean at an Academy in Pennsylvania.

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 3

John Barry was an American Colonist and Sea Captain who traced his roots to County Wexford.

With the blessings and hopes of his own parents, he had fled Ireland and goneto see under the guidanceof his uncleabout 1755 at the ageof 10

Because of the upheavals and land policies in Ireland, his family had been driven from their ancestral homeby the British His parents and four siblings were impoverished and existing as poor tenant farmers under theDraconian penal and land laws of thetime which discriminated against Catholics

After a few yearsat serving on his uncles' ships, Barry arrived in Philadelphia as a young teenager His ambitious natureand abilities helped him quickly rise from seaman to mate to Captain at theage of 21 In 1776, he was given his first command, a schooner and a crew of five, making several voyages a year to Barbados

A captain?s pay meant moremoney could be sent home It also allowed him to marry a young Irish girl, Mary Cleary, and move into a small house near the Philadelphia waterfront By thestart of the American War of Independence,

W ex f or d Bor n

Com m od or e Joh n Bar r


"Father of theAmerican Navy"

Barry had became a prominent, prosperous transatlantic trader and Sea Captain.

At thestart of hostilities, Barry was chosen to outfit and provision ships for thefledgling Continental Navy. He did thejob so well that in December 1775, he was given command of the U.S.S. Lexington, the first commission issued by theContinental Congress, Just three months later, Barry became thefirst U.S. Navy captain to seize a British ship (H.M.S. Edward). Later in the closing days of thewar whilecommanding the U S S Alliance in March of 1783; Barry and crew won the final naval battleof theAmerican Revolution off thecoast of Cape Canaveral. In 1797, Barry, who is now known and remembered as The Father of theAmerican Navy, was issued Commodore Commission Number One in theU S Navy by President George Washington.

Barry was an honorableand fearless leader as well as a man of great integrity; he was aboveall an American Patriot. As did all of theFounding Fathers, Military Leaders and " Rebels" in the War Of Independence; he risked everything to help thecause.

Once offered 100,000 British pounds and command of any frigate in theBritish Navy if he would desert theAmerican

Washington's Irish Spy

One of thebest shows with an historic theme on Netflix over the past few years has been Washington's Spies. It turns out, one of the characters is based on a real lifehero of the Revolutionary War era, Hercules Mulligan

Mulligan was born in County Derry and may well have been one of the key players in the War because

Navy, an outraged Barry replied that not all the money in theBritish treasury or command of its entirefleet could tempt him to desert his adopted country

Franklin Park, Washingt on, DC

his intelligence probably saved Washington's life. When the British took control of New York, Mulligan remained in the city as an espionage agent, posing as a Loyalist and gathering vital information from British soldiers during their meetings in his clothing store. Mulligan?s vital communiqués included the British plan to invade Pennsylvania and a warning that British agents intended to kidnap George Washington

Page 4 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa
Joh n Bar r y i s p i ctu r ed h er e i n h i s i con i c p or tr ai t by Gi lber t Stu ar t
John Barry
July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 5 TheAuld Dubliner Irish Pub & Restaurant 71S. PineStreet Long Beach, CA 90802 562 437-8300

Irish born Brigadier General

Richard Montgomery

General Montgomery was an officer in theContinental Army who had first served honorably in theBritish Army Montgomery was born in County Donegal around 1737 and he was raised and educated in Ireland In 1754, heenrolled at Trinity College, Dublin, and two years later (August, 1738) enlisted in theBritish Army and was sent to servein Nova Scotia soon after Hesteadily rosethrough the ranks, serving in Colonial North America and then theCaribbean Hewas then stationed at theBritish outpost, Fort Detroit and then New York Unhappy because of lack of promotion, hewent back to England In 1772, heleft theBritish Army and then went to back to the American Colony of New York There, in 1773, he married Janet Livingston who was from a prominent Colonial Family and they started farming

When the American Revolutionary War broke out, Montgomery immediately joined the Rebellion! In May, 1775, he was elected as a delegate to theNew York Provincial Congress Events were moving quickly and by June of 1775, he had been commissioned as a Brigadier General in thenewly formed Continental Army

Early War strategy called for an invasion of Canada primarily to get supplies and to guard against an invasion from the north by the British After thecontroversial (some say incompetent) Gen Philip Schuyler becametoo ill to lead the invasion; Montgomery took over thecommand Hecaptured Fort St Johns and then Montreal (then a Fort) in November 1775, and then advanced thebetter fortified garrison city of Quebec Another forceunder thecommand of the (later infamous) General Benedict Arnold was to join Montgomery's contingent in the attack

Despite the seemingly good start for the invasion of Canada; the campaign faltered and then turned into a major setback for the Americans On December 31, 1775, while attacking the Wall of the Fortress Quebec, Montgomery was killed in action He had served honorably in theBritish Army so after find and identifying his body on the battlefield, theBritish buried him with respect His body was returned to theUS in 1818 and buried with honors in New York City

Page 6 Irish Arts & Entertainment Samhradh
Irish Hero of theWar for Independence; Brigadier General Richard Montgomery

WILLOS' It aly Based Irish Music Makers IRISH M USIC News& Reviews

Celtic music with Italian spices

Willos?are an Irish It alian Canadian folk band

Willos?w as founded in Siena (It aly) in January 2001 by Giulio

Put t i and Luca Mercurio As Giulio explained t o t he Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent , "We act ually st art ed in t he spring of 2000 w it h m e and Luca (t he guit ar player) I w as back from a life changing journey t o Ireland and Luca just spent 6 m ont hs as foreign st udent at Universit y of Edinburgh St ephanie joined in early 2001 as she m oved t o live in Tuscany from Belfast

In t he follow ing years Lorenzo (t he flut e player) st art ed w orking w it h us especially on live show s and he becam e a full m em ber of t he band in 2004

Ot her m usicians cam e and left during t his period and w e got in t ouch w it h m usicians like At hena Tergis, John Doyle and Liz Carroll, w ho helped us in t he m aking of our 3d album , Dirt Tracks (2009)

This unique Irish Group offers a repert oire of Irish and Scot t ish folk m usic blended w it h t heir ow n dist inct ive sound Willos?

t oday are St ephanie Mart in ? fiddle ? Belfast (IRL) Fiona King ? voice & keyboards ? Toront o (CAN) Lorenzo Del Grande ? flut es ? (ITA) Luca Mercurio ? folk guit ar & bouzouki ? (ITA) Giulio

Put t i ? percussions ? (ITA) Massim o Giunt ini ? uillean pipes, irish bouzouki, flut es ? (ITALY)


Summer, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment
Us for Live Music Every Friday, Sat urday & Sunday

WILLOS' Continued

The band changed again in 2020 Massim o Giunt ini on t he pipes joined t he project a few w eeks before t he first Covid lockdow n Last but not least , Fiona King, our singer, joined t he t he band in t he sum m er of 2021.

The band has changed over t he years and t hrough various challenges and t rium ps, t hey have got t en bet t er and m ore com plex. A review of t heir disography bears is a t est im ent t o t he changing high qualit y of t heir m usic

During t he period up t o Covid, a lot of concert s, an im pressove creat ions of album s and a good am ount of hard w ork has m ade WILLOS a cut above m ost t radit ional and cont em porary Irish bands. The are m ore of an ensem ble t han t he average Irish group.

During Covid, even as t he rest rict ions w ere really st rong in It aly t he band w as able t o perform a few live gigs at t he end of t he sum m er and t hese w ere t he init ial st eps in t he m aking of t he just released album "FROM NOW ON"

Page 8 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa w w
To listen and perhaps order: Go to: w w w.w ht t ps:/ / w illos.bandcam /

Pauline McDerm ot t of Im pact Product ions in Ireland has a great knack for finding am azing new bands and t alent She referred us t o St rings N Things a few years back Last fall, she int roduced us t o Irish fiddler St ephanie Mart in w ho lives in It aly and is a m em ber of a 6 piece Irish band calle d Willos?

The band is also based in It aly and and t hey perform a m ix of original com posit ions, arrangem ent s and t radit ional Irish m usic

Lead singer Fiona King is from Canada & piper Massim o Giunt ini, is one of t he best It alian pipers. He has played w it h The Chieft ains and Loreena Mckennit .

In May 2022, t hey released a new album , "From now on" and since t hen t he cd and t he band have received really im pressive feedback from a lot of sources like Irish Music Magazine and Celt ic Music Radio

The band has played about 700 gigs in It aly, Ireland, France and Sw it zerland and perform ed w it h John Doyle & Liz Carrol In Ireland WILLOS played t o t he delight of t he Irish crow d at The All Ireland Fleadh And t he perfect gig, t he St Pat rick's Day Ball at t he Irish Em bassey in Rom e!

Hear t his splendid band and t heir t ake on Irish Trad now : w w w.w

https://willos bandcamp com/

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 9 Visit Us Online for lat est list ings and calendar!

As of press t im e, t here is only one theater in California screening IMAX Ireland San Jose has the honor See details on the website.

You can click the link for Vimeo below and sign up for a free screening. Nothing compares to the IMAX presentation but it can get you primed till you find IRELAND on a big screen

Journey to a magical land of stunning natural wonders, ancient cliff top marvels, and a rich, cultural heritage in the new film IRELAND for IMAX® and giant screen theatres.

Follow Irish writer Manchán Magan, violinist Patricia Treacy and four Irish teens on a cross-country adventure as they explore the island of Ireland?s fascinating history and wild, natural beauty, and reconnect with their Irish heritage Experience the cultural wonders of Dublin and Belfast and discover such spectacular natural landmarks as the giant Cliffs of Moher, the volcanic wonder of Giant?s Causeway and the rugged Skellig Islands "

Page 10 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa L atest N ew s O n "1r elan d ? an d I M A X Fore m ore info: w w w.irelandm Click for VIMEO present at ion You can find t railers for t his film on YouTube Click t he icon t o connect : Filmmakers Greg MacGillverey and Freeman on location in Ireland. Find out more: ht t ps:/ / m acgillivrayfreem / project / ireland/

M on d ay, T u esd ay,

W ed n esd ay & T h u r sd ay: 12 N oon to 11:PM

Fr i d ay: 12 N oon to 2:A M

Satu r d ay: 9:A M to 2:A M

Su n d ay: 9:A M tPM

Body text

A Europe-Widearts project has been launched which is aimed at having James Joyce?s most famous novel Ulysses celebrated across the continent

The project actually started last year in April of 2022 but somehow escaped my attention till early Juneof this year just after we had published the Juneissue. I first saw a mention of it in the Irish Post online. This is without a doubt themost ambitious and complex project related to James Joyce and Ulysses that I haveever seen.

The premise is to paint Joyce and Ulysses as a European adventure and to weave a widemix of both artistic and social projects around his work. Thebrush is very broad and it is hard to figure (at least for meas after all this is an upper echelon academia persuit) but from what, I can gather, pretty much any concept or theme has been madeto fit.

... " transnational and multi-disciplinary programe with a variety of events and interventions taking place in those 18 cities, which are Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Cluj, Copenhagen, Derry-Donegal, Dublin, Eleusis, Istanbul, Leeuwarden, Lisbon, Lugo, Marseille, Oulu, Paris, Trieste, Vilnius and Zurich" ;


The concept and scopeof theproject is not just really complex. it is unlike any other series of literary productions ever offered under the guise of commemorating James Joyce, his works and the cities in which he lived and and wrote about.

We are sorry to report that as of now, wehave already missed the entire inaugural year Still, themajority of thevarious activities are set between now and June, 2024.

So in all, there were 14 free public city events which are designed to ?animate the democratic public spaces of modern cities?, the organisers explained ?Individuals from all walks of life ? from doctors to dancers, postmen

ON THE RIGHT: Irish Arts

Entrepeneurs Liam Browne and Séan Doran are the organizers of this extravaganza when 18 cities, " have cometogether to create ULYSSES European Odyssey, a multi-arts program inspired by Joyce?s masterpiece:

ULYSSES European Odyssey takes place until June 2024. For a detailed look and more information go to:

to producers, shopkeepers to surgeons ? are also being invited to come together at cross-sectoral public arts and society symposia in 16 cities,? are expected

Somegood insights into this pan European concept comes from oneof theorganizers in a recent Junefeature on theCurrent Irish Ulysses/Odyssey in the NewEuropean which explained, ?It?s probably a clichéto say that great art is timeless, but it?s also true, I think, to say that different generations engage in very different ways with great work,? says Liam Brownefrom theproject?s lead partner ARTS OVER BORDERS Ireland ?And when it came to this project, we didn?t want to just mark thefact that Ulysses was 100 years old, wewanted to find a way to engage with contemporary Europe ?

Browne?s colleague, Séan Doran, said they fixed on the pan-European nation of Ulysseswhen they set to work deciding how to tackle its centenary With the public events, there was only onestipulation for local organisers ? ?they had the artistic authority and freedom entirely for their own project, but they had to usepublic spaces,? says Doran ?Becausethis is what Joyce always did in thenovel In the library in episodenine, the cemetery in episodesix, the hospital in episode14 and so on ?

Theonly way to get a grasp of thescope of this project is to delve into it by taking the timeto study each city and planned event that is listed on the website

Weplan on doing that and we will turn this feature into a Joycean Series starting with an updatenext week and then continuing through Bloomsday, 2024 will concludethe James Joyce European Oddyssey for Ulysses and our series and updates

Wealso invite our readers who take an interest in All Things Irish & James Joyce/Dublin to join our Facebook Group: TheJames Joyce Colloquium

Seedetails on page 14

Page 12 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa
M u lti N ati on al Jam es Joyce an d U lysses A r ts Celebr ati on Un d er w ay



ED NOTE: See Calendar t his issue for ent ert ainm ent and event s in t he King's Head Pub and for m ore on t heir new Coffee Bar CLICK HERE

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 13


This group has exist ed on Facebook and w as act ive in Los Angeles a bit over 10 years. Aft er one of t he founders died a few years ago, w e becam e inact ive. Now , all t hat has changed ow ing t o a few divergent fact ors, feat ures and quest ions from our readers

Our im m ediat e plan is t o organize online, put t oget her an Out reach Com m it t ee and decide if

t here is enough int erest t o at t em pt som e in person and online event s or readings-.

One t hing for sure, t here is a great reason and t opic for t his Colloquium Reading, and discussing t he w orks of Jam es Joyce is a w onderful and enriching experience. We need t o do posit ive t hings t o m ake an im pact on t he lives w e t ouch in part icular and societ y and our locus in general. Joyce is a great pat hfinder in show ing us how t o navigat e t hrough our t im e and place We w ill look for and share t hat concept at t he Colloquium

Irish born, James Joyce (1882-1941) is considered to be one of the most influential figures in modernist literature.

James Augustine Joyce was born on February 2, 1882, in Rathgar, a suburb of Dublin,Joyce displayed exceptional literary talent from a young age. His works pushed the boundaries of narrative structure, language, and perception, making him a pioneer of experimental writing

Joyce's most famous and groundbreaking work is "Ulysses," p. ublished in 1922. This complex and dense novel follows the lives of several characters over the course of a single day in Dublin, intertwining myth, history, and stream-of-consciousness writing

Despite its initial controversial reception, "Ulysses" is now celebrated as a masterpiece of 20th-century literature

Prior to "Ulysses," Joyce published his debut novel, "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" in 1916 This semi-autobiographical novel explores the development of an artist's identity and is renowned for its innovative use of language and perspective

Joyce's collection of short stories, "Dubliners" (1914), vividly captures the everyday life and struggles of Dublin's inhabitants, revealing his keen observations and mastery of the form In addition to his novels and stories, Joyce also wrote poetry, including the collection "Chamber Music" (1907), which explores themes of love, desire, and spirituality

Throughout his life, Joyce constantly sought new artistic challenges and methods of expression His unfinished work "Finnegans Wake" (1939) represents his most experimental and enigmatic piece, a dense and multilayered dream-like narrative that defies traditional storytelling conventions.

James Joyce's creative output was deeply influenced by his personal experiences and the cities he lived in While Dublin remained his spiritual and literary home, he also spent significant periods in other European cities, such as Paris, Zurich, and Trieste These cities influenced his writing and allowed him to interact with other prominent writers and artists of the time

Sadly, Joyce's later years were marked by deteriorating health and financial struggles He passed away on January 13, 1941, in Zurich, Switzerland. Despite his relatively small body of published works, James Joyce's literary legacy looms large, and his innovative approach to storytelling continues to inspire and challenge writers and readers alike.

Page 14 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas

Modern Library: In 1998, the Modern Library ranked " Ulysses" first on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century This influential list was compiled by a board of renowned literary figures, including writers, scholars, and critics.

TIME magazine: In 2005, TIME magazine included " Ulysses" in its list of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present The list was compiled by TIME critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo.

T. S. Eliot: The esteemed poet and critic T. S. Eliot considered " Ulysses" to be a monumental achievement He famously wrote a positive review of the novel in 1923, stating that Joycehad " succeeded in expressing what [the English language] has been trying to express "

Virginia Woolf: Virginia Woolf, another influential modernist writer, praised Joyce's genius and the impact of " Ulysses." In her diary, she described the novel as " an entirely new thing ? neither what the eyesees nor the mind knows ? but what both see and know and havenever seen or known before "

Anthony Burgess: Anthony Burgess, the author of " A Clockwork Orange," referred to " Ulysses" as " the greatest novel of the century" and considered Joyceto bethe " greatest novelist of the twentieth century " Harold Bloom: Harold Bloom, an eminent literary critic, included " Ulysses" in his influential book " The Western Canon," where he listed the works he believed were essential to Western literature

These are just a few examples of the praise and acclaim that " Ulysses" has received from prominent literary figures and publications. Its innovative narrative style, linguistic prowess, and thematic depth have cemented its status as a groundbreaking and highly regarded work in the English language.

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 15
Numerous critics, scholars, writers and groups have hailed " Ulysses"
by James Joyce as one of the greatest novels in the English language. Here are a few examples:

The View from Ireland

What Maori Can Teach Ireland about Irish

?n? kout ou kat oa. Or, if you have been reading t his colum n f or a w hile and are f am iliar w it h m e, m aybe I should just say Kia Ora Long bef ore I landed in New Zealand, I st ar t ed t o receive em ails f rom t he people w ho w ere helping t o organise m y t our w it h t hat opening greet ing: Kia Ora M aur ice Nobody explained it t o m e Lit t le explanat ion w as needed It is a w ay of saying Hello in M aor i A concer t ed ef f or t t o int egrat e t he M aor i language int o daily discour se in New Zealand st em s f rom t he 1970s Up t o t hat point , t he nar rat ive of t he language, and m uch of t he M aor i cult ure, had been t he usual one of cult ural dispossession t hat at t ended t he colonial ext ir pat ion in t he ?New Wor ld? : new because it w as new t o West er ner s and t hat designat ion w as suf f icient f or West er ner s t o ravish it and push t he nat ives of f t heir lands As w it h hum an beings, so w it h nat ural habit at s Less t han one m illion West er n set t ler s m anaged t o clear over 2 m illion hect ares of f orest in New Zealand bet w een 1886 and 1909

The w ar s bet w een t he nat ives and set t ler s in New Zealand ended w it h a landm ar k t reat y, t he Treat y of Wait angi, signed by M aor i chief s and t he Br it ish in 1840 What is not able about t hat t reat y is t hat it is w r it t en in bot h English and M aor i, and supposedly t he M aor i ver sion had equal w eight In pract ice, t he English language and English law gained a clear m andat e in t he agreem ent

St ill, t he t reat y enshr ined t he ideal of upholding t he dignit y of t he M aor i people, w hich encom passed t he r ight s of t heir language and ident it y It t ook t he M aor i prot est m ovem ent in t he 1970s t o ensure t hat t hat becam e f ully par t of New Zealand cult ure. It is an ideal t hat has becom e a unif ying aspect of t he nat ion since successive gover nm ent s init iat ed a program m at ic response t o prot ect ing and celebrat ing t he language. In t his, New Zealander s st ar t ed w it h a considerable advant age over t heir neighbour s in Aust ralia since t here is pr incipally one M aor i language. By cont rast , t here are around 250 abor iginal languages in Aust ralia, and it w ould be invidious t o single one out f or bolst er ing. So, public event s in Aust ralia t end t o st ar t inst ead w it h an ack now ledgm ent (in English) of t he ?Tradit ional

Ow ner s of t he land on w hich w e m eet t oday I w ould also lik e t o pay respect s t o Elder s past and present ? The result is t hat abor iginal languages f ace an exist ent ial t hreat in Aust ralia w hereas int erest in, and com m it m ent t o, t he M aor i language in New Zealand cont inues t o grow We can lear n a lot f rom t hat in Ireland, w here a t heoret ical int erest in t he Ir ish language has, paradoxically, been one of t he chief obst acles t o it s f lour ishing

One t echnique New Zealander s have adopt ed t o great success is w hat I out lined in t he f ir st paragraph: t hey int er sper se t he language in t heir conver sat ion, em ail com m unicat ion, t elevision and radio broadcast s You do not need t o speak it f luent ly, or even be able t o const r uct f ull sent ences Just use w ords here and t here and t he language becom es m ore of a living t hing t han som et hing conf ined t o t he past w it h connot at ions of division and dispossession Is t his approach, a gat ew ay t o a broad, nat ional revival of t he language? Tim e w ill t ell Yet it s revival in m iniat ure cannot be denied and it is an im por t ant st ep t ow ards em bracing linguist ic pluralism Languages t hr ive on f eeling at t ract ive and giving a sense of belonging t o t he speaker

Page 16 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas
Tradit ional Dance, Tam aki Maori Village

ED NOTE: Check out the website, there is a recap link for last year and you can sign up for updates.

IrelandWeek live from Los Angeles aims to continue to showcase where Ireland excels, in the fields of Entertainment, Arts, Culture, Tourism, Tech, Food, and much more.

We seldom do t his w it h Irish in Ireland It is t rue t hat let t ers t o edit ors of Irish new spapers t end t o begin w it h ?a chara? , w hich t hat it t ranslat es as ?m y friend? ?A chara?as a m ode of addressing a new spaper edit or has now becom e as nat ural as ending t he m issive w it h ?Yours et c ?It is one of t hose rare incidences of t he Irish language being int egrat ed int o everyday English speech in Ireland It s norm alit y proves t hat ot her w ords and phrases could equally be at hom e in speech in Ireland as Maori is in New Zealand The point is t hat Ireland could, w it h very lit t le effort or invest m ent , int egrat e Irish int o public discourse m uch m ore effect ively Alt hough t he language is t aught as an obligat ory subject in Irish schools for t he ent ire span of a child?s educat ion, t he result s are dism al Even so, som e of t he language rem ains dorm ant and subm erged in Irish people?s m inds and m em ories Wit h a shift in governm ent policy and effort in t he general public, m uch m ore of t he language could em erge Is t his just an Aisling (dream )? I do not t hink so Irish parent s rem ain ent husiast ic about best ow ing Irish language nam es on t heir babies Neit her are t here any difficult ies w it h using t he Irish language form of placenam es Moreover, m ost of us know of Irish people w ho, at som e point in t heir lives, decide t o adopt t he Irish language form of t heir nam es inst ead of cont inuing t o use t he English form . That t radit ionally could even happen from very early in life. For exam ple, t he only nam e m y fat her has used, or been called, is t he Irish form of his nam e. How ever, t he nam e on his birt h cert ificat e is an English t ranslat ion of it .

We have a lot t o learn from New Zealanders about adopt ing Irish phrases and w ords int o our daily language. It could ult im at ely enable an ent irely new w ay of seeing t he Irish language.

Tiocfaidh ár t eanga.

This colum n by our great friend of t he Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent and colum nist Maurice Fit zpat rick really resonat ed w it h us, I use t he m ont hs of t he year in each issue but m y Irish is very lim it ed In fact , w orking on t he folio (t he t op of eac page) t his issue, I forgot t he w ord for July in Irish and had t o look it up I found t his really int erest ing YouTube video and share t he link below

I w ould like t o change m y lack of Irish t so st art ing w it h t his issue w e w ill be offering our readers a few w ords or phrases in our Mot her Language,


Calendars! Oct ober 15t h t o Oct ober 23rd w w w.irelandw
It is official!
July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 17

Ireland celebrat es Due West Music Launch

on Aer Lingus Flight s

Story and photos by Barbara Singer

It w as a spirit ed occasion on June 28t h in Los Angeles w here Trasna Music, connect ing Irish Art s and Int ernat ional Indust ries, held an aft ernoon launch of Due West m usic video series on Aer Lingus flight s It 's a t radit ion t hat Aer Lingus feat ures Irish m usic and Irish cinem a on it s int ernat ional rout es

Consul General Marcella Sym t h greet ed guest s and int roduced speakers including t he Honorable Am bassador of Ireland t o t he Unit ed St at es Geraldine Byrne Nason, w ho spoke about Ireland as a nat ion of st ory t ellers and t he im aginat ion of t he Irish as being ?t he essence of w ho and w hat w e are, ? as w ell as com plim ent ing Ireland's part nership w it h Aer Lingus

?Aer Lingus is proud of it s daily flight s from Los Angeles t o Dublin,? t ells Jim Bochneak, Regional Sales Manager West Coast for Aer Lingus. He em phasized

On the right center:

Consul General of Ireland

Marcella Sm yt h m et Barbara

Singer st aff w rit er for t he

Irish Arts & Entertainment Right lower corner; Jim Bochneak, Regional Sales Manager West Coast -Aer

Lingus greet ed t he guest s and prom ot ed non-st op t ravel t o Dublin via Los Angeles and San Francisco

Am bassador of Ireland t o t he Unit ed St at es. t he Honorable Geraldine Byrne Nason,

t hat Irish m usic,it s singers and bands are an int egral part of all of t he flight s. It is not surprising t o an im prom pt u concert or serenade onboard. On St . Pat rick's Day, March 2023 m usicians on t heir flight from Dublin t o JKF ent ert ained passengers w it h fiddle and accordion even an Irish jig Cert ainly list ening t o Irish m usic inflight set s t he m ood for a great journey and t he pleasure of an engaging visit t o Ireland Trasna Music is t he w onderful sound of Irish songs, m usic and band sand t he m ot ivat ion t o "Fill your heart w it h Ireland "

Page 18 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas
Guest s w ere w elcom ed by Consul General of Ireland Marcella Sm yt h


First in a series: through June of 2024, this series will follow the expoits and "multi programme presentations" being planned around Ireland and another half dozen or so European cities.

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 19

New s & Com m ent ary


The keynot e speaker at an Ireland's Future event , act or Jam es Nesbit t , a Nort hern Irish Prot est ant from a unionist background, declared it w as t im e for a "new union of Ireland," w hich accom m odat ed all ident it ies and allegiances " We're st anding at a profound m om ent here in t he hist ory of t he islands " Thousands of people from all w alks of Irish life at t end t hese and sim ilar island-w ide m eet ings t o discuss ideas for a unit ed Ireland

The Good Friday Agreem ent does not m andat e any specific out com e but provides a peaceful and dem ocrat ic pat hw ay t ow ard unit y. Polls show an increasing am ount of people w ould vot e for a unit ed Ireland in a border poll. In t he 2021 Nort hern Ireland census of t he 1.9 m illion populat ion, Cat holics (Most ly Nat ionalist s) now out num ber Prot est ant s (m ost ly Unionist s): 45.7% versus 43.48%.

An inform ed and respect ful debat e bet w een nat ionalist s, unionist s, and non-aligned people of Ireland is essent ial, as w ell as a dialog bet w een t he Irish and Brit ish governm ent s. Since t he Tory part y cam e int o pow er in 2010 t hrough Brexit t o t oday, Brit ain's int erest in keeping t he six nort hern Irish count ies in t heir Kingdom has w aned; m any, if not m ost , w ould be happy t o see it go. Unfort unat ely, current Irish governm ent s claim t he call for a border poll is dest abilizing. Many suspect t heir real concern is losing pow er for t hem selves and t heir part ies. To reject direct discussion of a unit ed Ireland for fear of loyalist s' violence only encourages unionist s/ loyalist s t o t hreat en m ore inst abilit y. It is m orally and polit ically unaccept able t o allow t hreat s of violence t o alt er t he dem ocrat ic w ill of t he people. Sinn Fein is dest ined t o t ake pow er in t he Sout h, w hich w ill be a gam e-changer since Irish unit y is high on t heir plat form .

John McNally, our feat ured w rit er and Irish Com m unit y Act ivist and Colum nist shares his t hought s on t he lat est new s and t rends concerning Ireland and Irish Am erica. Different opinions and view s are essent ial in any. free societ y. We deeply appreciat e our press freedom s. Now , m ore t han ever, it is im port ant t o have Irish Com m unit y act ivism , diversit y and input

Econom ist s agree t hat a unified Ireland w ill bring m any econom ic advant ages t hat t he Nort h and Sout h of Ireland could not reap independent ly. The reunificat ion of Ireland w ill creat e a single econom y w it h a single currency and no border issues. This w ill draw increased invest m ent s from Europe and elsew here; goods and labor can flow easily across t he borders. Elim inat ing t he dual econom ic syst em s of t he Nort h and Sout h of Ireland w ill creat e a m ore unified approach t o t axat ion, invest m ent , and econom ic developm ent This w ill also offer im proved prot ect ion for cit izens' right s, increasing safet y and securit y for bot h com m unit ies Conflict s previously root ed in opposit ion t o different governm ent policies can now t ake a backseat as people increasingly join forces for t he com m on goal of creat ing a prosperous Ireland.

Where Irish nat ionalist s w ere forced int o a part it ioned Ireland a hundred years ago by loyalist and Brit ish st at e violence, t he Good Friday Agreem ent placed t he fut ure const it ut ional posit ion in t he hands of t he people If a m ajorit y vot ed for unit y in referendum s, Nort h and Sout h, t hen Ireland w ould be unit ed

Here is a chance t o right a hist orical w rong, and w hen t his idea cat ches fire, people of goodw ill w orldw ide w ill join in t his effort ; as t he old saying goes, " There are decades w hen not hing happens and t hen w eeks w hen decades happen "

Page 20 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnasa

What You Can Do To Help Irish Unit y

Hist ory is m ade by people, just like you and I, w ho st and up and speak out Circulat e t he idea of Irish Unit y and st art a dialogue am ong your peers and t hose of different backgrounds. Please w rit e t o your congressional represent at ives and ask t hat t hey support t he Friends of Ireland Congressional Caucus; t his is one of t he few areas t hat bot h Dem ocrat s and Republicans agree on Let Unit ed Islanders know you

support t hem Finally, join and/ or donat e t o organizat ions t hat support Irish Unit y, such as t he AOH, Irish Nat ional Caucus, Friends of Sinn Fein, and t he Irish Unit y Conference. By donat ing, you can help t o support t he cause and ensure t hat it cont inues t o have a voice in t he int ernat ional com m unit y When Ireland is unit ed, w ouldn't you like t o say you helped m ake it happen?

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 21
You can help build a new and unit ed Ireland w w

Rebel's Heart

1798 West Ireland

"I arise t oday Through t he st rengt h of heaven: Light of sun, Radiance of m oon, Splendour of fire, Speed of light ning, Sw ift ness of w ind, Dept h of sea, St abilit y of eart h, Firm ness of rock

St. Patrick's Breastplate

From aerial perspect ive an eagle soared t hrough a brooding darkness of grum bling st orm clouds t hen burst ing int o t he sunlight hovered over a lonely figure st anding on t he w indsw ept sum m it of m ist w reat hed Croagh Pat rick It lingered; it s m ajest ic w ings illum inat ed like a vision of an illum inat ed m anuscript scribe The rapt or 's keen eyes saw t he int ricacies of t he t alism an dangling and shim m ering over his heart . The eyes of eagle and m an m et . It s shrill cry sw ept and rallied his heart as it s descending shadow seem ed like a dark t eardrop flow ing dow n t he face of pale st one His breat h st eam ed in a sigh in t he chill air w here old w arrior 's w ounds pulsed Had one follow ed red foot print s on t he m ist enshrouded sum m it of Croagh

Pat rick one m ay have found him overlooking t he vale below , t hinking t he resplendent green w as no m at ch for t he im possibly green eyes of his lost love, Sorcha. He rem em bered w hen t heir eyes last m et at t he gallow s. She had been execut ed on suspicion of st ealing bread for sunken cheek w eans He w as held at bay by t he bayonet s of redcoat s as she w as hanged Their eyes m et am id t he drum roll before t he drop and her feet kicked on air t o t he keening of t he crow d When t he soldiers left , he st eadied her as she sw ayed in t he chill w ind kissing her feet . He lingered oblivious t o t he cold rain as ot hers left and ret urned t o t heir hom es.

Under cover of m ist and darkness he ret urned t o t he sit e of her execut ion He collect ed her body by t orchlight kissed her cold lips and pressed her pale hands t o his heart in farew ell before her burial in secret before a long-abandoned pilgrim 's shrine in t he rem ot e w ilds As if he w as haunt ed by t he radiant ghost of her, m em ories of her cam e back t o him . And she w as a vision of rare beaut y. Her flushed face and m elodious laught er. Her lilt ing brogue? t he special w ay her eyes lit up w hen she sm iled

On t he t ow ering sum m it of Croagh Pat rick, he t hrew back his head suddenly and cried out in anguish t hat he could display before no one The roar echoed and re-echoed He rem ained silhouet t ed against t he crim son dusk rem em bering her? .how t he last layer of eart h covered her, and he st aggered hom e cursing t heir king and his lackeys. Haunt ed by t he visions of a crow nless Ireland, he read t he not e left by a runner in

t he night nam ing t he secluded place for t he gat hering of pikes. He crum pled t he not e and cast it t o t he peat fire It ignit ed and flared cast ing his face in crim son on his brooding face and light ing his eyes He found him self feeling for t hen draw ing a rust ed sw ord he had hidden in t he t hat ched roof

How he t hirst ed for vengeance? He left his drink unt ouched. His m ind had t o be sharp as a sw ord blade t o avenge her. It w as close t o w int er. His sigh st eam ed in t he chill air and old w ounds pulsed as t he long night s closed in He sought an elusive solace in t he w indsw ept height s of m ount ains and t he solit ude of t he w ilds t o com pose a song in her honour yet t he w ords provide m addeningly elusive Shepherds grazing t heir flocks avoided t he ruins of a siege shat t ered cast le because t hey believed it haunt ed by t he ghost of an et ernally lovesick bard for t he harp songs t hey heard in t he hollow of it s shat t ered halls, but it w as him . As he fell asleep in t he m idst of com posing, he dream t he w as visit ed by t he ghost of a bard w ho w as blinded t ongueless and fingerless condem ned t o never w rit e anot her rebel song by Norm an lords and exiled t o w ander t he w ilds haunt ed his sleep The apparit ion t ouched his fingerless hand t o his forehead, and t he lim b glow ed w it h eerie light infect ing him w it h a poet 's inspirat ion. Yet for t hat he felt t he right w ords for her w as ever a song unsung for t here w ere no w ords in t he t ongues of m en t o do her m em ory just ice Every place he had a m em ory w as a haunt ed place t o him now One night he ret urned haggard and disheveled t o t he pub. Sit t ing w it h drink unt ouched, His haunt ed eyes looking over t he rim of his cup int o t he red dept hs of t he flam es in t he heart h.

Then t he redcoat s ent ered, dem anding t he best drink in t he house w it hout pay They sang ?God save t he king? as m en avoided t heir eyes m eekly

Only w hen one of t hem grabbed t he barm aid by t he hair did he m ove Suddenly he rose and began t o sing an out law ed rebel song in Irish Gaelic Ot hers spont aneously joined. Rallied, t hey rose and overpow ered t he redcoat s in a m ob. He grabbed t he redcoat officer by t he t hroat and forced his head int o t he heart h fire There w as a shocked silence aft er t he last of t he scream s ceased Then t hey began t o sing again in chorus as t hey left t he pub Children and ot hers follow ed t hem as t heir procession becam e a m arch. Hidden pikes w ere uncovered. St ashed rust ed sw ords w ere pulled from t hat ched roofs. The redcoat s from t he garrison expect ed t hem t o scat t er at shot s in t he air Yet t hey dipped t heir pikes in t he flam es and lift ed t hem now burning, t he blades sm oldering red To t he eyes of t he soldiers st range crim son light s seem ed t o hover in t he air before t hem like fireflies The rebels advanced at a run, t heir spears im paling t he scream ing redcoat s, t he pikes sizzling int o t heir flesh The rebels m arched across t he m ist -enshrouded burren. The caress of t he w ind sw ept his face and soul like a ghost ly prophet ic lam ent for t he m en about t o fall on t he m orrow w hen t hey faced Brit ish reinforcem ent s

Page 22 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas

He had been an eager st udent of a sacred hedge school before his t eacher w as cornered and hanged. He w as capt ivat ed by t he legends of old Ireland peopled w it h w arriors, princesses, and t ragic High Kings As he w alked t he w indsw ept burren he envisioned w it h daydream haunt ed eyes horsem an of t he Fianna riding w it h t hem , t heir t all proud form s silhouet t ed in t he verm illion t w ilight racing t he fall of night . That eve of bat t le t he rebels encam ped under t he m yriad of st ars. He st ood aloof from t he ot hers his eyes haunt ed and dist ant

?Sing for us w ill you not ?? he w as asked He nodded and silhouet t ed against t heir bonfire he sang a poignant lam ent for his lost love as t hey list ened spellbound.

?Not so sadly brot her. It w ill infect t he m en? t heir com m ander w hispered ?Som et hing t o rally t heir spirit s inst ead?? He sang a rebel song:

?Out from many a mud wall cabin

Eyes were watching through the night,

Many a manly heart was beating, For the blessed morning light.

Murmurs rang along the valleys, To the banshee?s lonely croon And a thousand pikes were flashing, By the rising of the moon.?

That night he st rayed sleepw alking from t he cam p and cam e t o rest in t he m idst of an ancient circle of st anding st ones haunt ed by st range dream s As t he m oon cast it s ghost ly spell over his sleep he dream t he w as a bard w it h harp in hand announced int o t he bannered hall of an ancient Celt ic chieft ain and t he lords and ladies m ade w ay before him . The Chieft ain flanked by w olfhounds on a proud golden t hrone beckoned him t o pay hom age t o his m use w ho he beheld as a Celt ic lady of radiant beaut y in gold t rim gow n of green and m ajest ic red hair falling in w aves from a golden diadem on her brow

"Forgive m e My Lady for I have not t he w ords " The figures dem at erialised w it h t he red daw n of bat t le as if burnt aw ay as he opened his eyes.

The grey m orn w as ushered in by t he chill w ind's disem bodied lam ent t hat caressed his soul A fugit ive priest absolved and blessed t hem as t hey knelt in prayer w it h t heir pikes The radiance of t he sun undulat ed in radiance over t he array of raised pikes before being im m ersed by t he m ist t hat sw ept over t hem like t he w aves of a ghost ly sea. They m arched under cover of rain and m ist singing an old rebel song A reinforcem ent of garrison redcoat s had been sent t o put t heir rebellion dow n The arrogant young redcoat com m ander w ho bought his com m and flat t ered him self

t hat he st ruck a form idable figure He had every expect at ion t hat t he rebels w ould be overaw ed by t he sight of regular redcoat s.

?Halt !? he suddenly ordered. He cursed t he m ist t hat sw ept in, enveloping t hem , and obscuring t he vale. His horse st om ped rest lessly

?Som et hing is spooking him ? ? he fret t ed

?I see not hing sir ? his second in com m and said His last w ords He w as unhorsed, im paled by pikes The com m ander ?s horse t hrew him as Gaelic bat t le cries erupt ed in t he m ist He scram bled on t op of a rock form at ion frant ically fending off pike t hrust s w it h his sabre and" scream ing for help.

"Fix bayonet s!" he cried out

A volley! Red lances of m usket fire st reaked crim son t hrough t he m ist

?Cavalry! Charge!?

Horses snort ed blood and reared and t hrew t heir riders The redcoat s reeled back from t he red pikes The song for her t hat eluded him for so long cam e t o him in a w ave of inspirat ion, a force of nat ure like t he cold w ind t hat sw ept t he Burren like t he ghost ly bat t le cry of w arriors w ho fell on t he field cent uries before he first drew breat h and shuddered t hrough him sw eeping and caressing his soul He envisioned her as t he office';s sabre sw ept dow n t o com m and a volley, his eyes t ranscendent He beheld her, t he very essence of a Celt ic bards inspirat ion in t he rapt ure w hen songs and poem s cam e t o him . He rem em bered like a poem in crim son and pallor am id burning debris snow hailing her like frozen t ears m elt ing in m idair from t he flam es The rebels roared from t he m ist and int o a series of volleys ranks fired by t he redcoat s in succession When t he sm oke cleared only ghost s rem ained it seem ed t he last Gaelic bat t le cry cut off The w ind st irred t he m anes and hair of fallen horses and m en. St ill t rem bling, he accept ed a hand dow n from his perch laughing nervously.

Continued on next page

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 23

Rebel's Heart, Conclusion

" Well? This vict ory cert ainly m erit s a t oast of fine w ine at m y count ry m anor house and a vict ory banquet and ball are in order. Foolish peasant s. They never really st ood a chance I w onder w hy t hey even t ried...?

"Som et hing a m an like you w ould never underst and A lone figure confront ed him in t he m ist ?Bring him dow n!?

The Brit ish com m ander fum bled t o reload as he st rode forw ard Musket shot s hit him and st ill he

st rode gripping a sharp shard of a broken pike He st aggered but st eeled him self t o endure as he w as run t hrough w it h a bayonet

He looked int o t he com m ander 's fright ened eyes as he lift ed t he officer 's dropped pist ol cocked and leveled it at his heart ?A vict ory t oast you said???To Sorcha!?

His young eyes burnt w it h ancient hat red

He locked eyes on t he m an w it h t he horse like crossed blades He saw t he confident sm ile w aver ?You have no honour!?

The w ords w ere like a bat t le cry, before pulling t he t rigger

Greg Pat rick, our int repid t raveler and cont ribut ing w rit er is pict ured here at t he Giant s Causew ay

Also heart felt and w ell deserved Congrat ulat ions are in order for Greg t oo for his recent graduat ion w it h a Mast ers Degree in hist ory from t he Universit y of Phoenix

New dat es Det ails online: w w w.crum / t ours/ t roubles-t our-w alking/ Page 24 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas


Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you!

Submissions wanted send jpeg & caption to: ir

Ann & Andy Scot t at t he Clam Scot t t ent in Cost a Mesa. Special t hanks t o t hem for filling in for us at t he Mem orial Day w eekend t his year!

Friends since childhood, Jim McMahon & Harry Hughes pict ured here at anot her st op on m y Irish Spring visit , t he Irish Charit y THE CABBAGE PATCHERS w hich w as founded by Harry Hughes. The Cabbages Pat chers have a com m unit y garden and t hey help seniors and t he infirm t end t o t heir ow n yards by organizing at risk yout h and volunt eers

Page 25 July ~~ Iuil 2023
The General Post Office, Dublin Spirng, 2023 THe GPO w as t aken over by a cont ingent of ill fat ed Irish Rebels in t he East er Rising of 1916 You can st ill see scars on t he building from t he bat t le GO GREEN! Visit our Travel Part ner AER LINGUS w w See BACK PAGE 4t h. of July Sale on NOW

Top: At t he helm of t he LEADER on t he Irish Sea just off Warrenpoint , Nort hern Ireland

Right: Greet ing t he daw n on t he Irish Sea en rout e t o Belfast .

Below: Arrival, dusk at dockside aft er a day at sea not far from t he Irish coast but an experience root ed far in t he past !

The w ooden ship LEADER w as built in 1892

Phot os by Seb Lat ura

Yet anot her am azing part of m y Spring in Ireland We m et t he ow ners of t he LEADER, w hich is a "Brixham Traw ler Gaff Ket ch" built in 1892 in Gam lm pt om , Devon It is on t he UK Regist ry of hist oric ships. The ship fished in Brit ish, Irish and Sw edish w at ers for over half a cent ury.

Current ly ow ned by a t rust ; for m uch m ore inform at ion, go t o : w w w.silverylight .org

Page 26 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas

OC Wild Geese vs Set ant a GFC


Our good friend and Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent 's Roving Am bassador, Jim McMahon and his grandson Dylan w it h Jim 's daught er Am y at Dylan's graduat ion in Vent ura in June. Am y is also an Irish Art s volunt eer w ho helped us at t he Seaside Highland Gam es.

Top right: Rick Boyle of TROOPER THORN and Pat ricia McKay at THE HARP

On the right: An aerial view of t he Dunlough Cast le, w hich is perched at t he t op of 100m cliffs above t he At lant ic Ocean and next t o a fresh w at er lake on t he nort hern t ip of Mizen Peninsula. Founded in 1207 by Donagh O?Mahony, Dunlough is one of t he oldest cast les in Ireland

The Geese host San Diego this Saturday morning in Huntington Beach. Come down and support the lads as they push for a strong finish to the season Throw in at 10.30 am.

In the left corner: From Count y Dow n looking across t he Carringford Lough t o t he Republic of Ireland Wit h t he t ides of unit y rising, m aybe t his divide w ill be goone in a few m ore years

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 27

Ken O'Mal l ey's Hal l oween Tour t o I r el and

Ret urn t o t he cradle of Celt ic civilizat ion and celebrat e Sam hain - Hallow een 2023 in Ireland! Sam hain is t he pagan religious fest ival originat ing from an ancient Celt ic spirit ual t radit ion In m odern t im es, Sam hain (a Gaelic w ord pronounced ?sow -w in?) is usually celebrat ed from Oct ober 31 t o Novem ber 1 t o w elcom e in t he harvest and usher in ?t he dark half of t he year ? Celebrant s believe t hat t he barriers bet w een t he physical w orld and t he spirit w orld break dow n during Sam hain, allow ing m ore int eract ion bet w een hum ans and denizensof t he Ot herw orld The days w hen t he veil bet w een t he dead, undead and t he living w as at it s t hinnest

Around t he 6t h Cent ury, Pope Gregory had t he bright idea t o fuse t he old Celt ic cust om s and beliefs w it h Christ ian celebrat ions and it act ually w orked for t he m issionaries in Ireland at t he t im e Sam hain becam e All Hallow s Eve, hallow ed m eaning sacred, and t he next day becam e All Saint ?s Day Hallow een had arrived

Our t our begins in Dublin on Oct ober 27t h for t hree day. We arrive t o w it ness t he m yst erious Bram St oker Fest ival over t he w eekend. St oker, t he aut hor of Dracula w as Born in Dublin. Dracula, w rit t en in 1897, is one of t he great est blood curdling rom ance novels ever w rit t en. During t hese t hree days w e w ill visit t he neolit hic passage t om b of New grange in t he Boyne Valley, older t han t he Egypt ian pyram ids and St onehenge. This place of w orship and sacred burials is st ill a m yst ery as t o it ?s m at hem at ical design. Is t here an Alien connect ion? Our group w ill ent er t he 5,200 year old t om b, a privilege not available t o t he general public at all t im es.

Then w e w ill t our Dublin?s m ain Glasnevin Cem et ery and visit t he rest ing places of so m any hist orical heroes and charact ers

Also in Dublin, w e t ake a t our of Kilm ainham Gaol w here t he leaders of t he 1916 Rising w ere execut ed and st ay in our hot el in t he heart of t he oldest part of Dublin built over t he original Viking set t lem ent

On our fourt h day our t our w ill t ake us nort h t o t he Cit y of Derry and it s fam ous Hallow een Fest ival for t hree days t hrough Hallow een night and t he ext ravaganza of event s w hile w e are t here We w ill t our t he hist oric Walls of Derry and visit a 6t h C st one ring fort in Donegal built by t he Clan O?Neill overlooking Derry and Donegal Bay. We w ill also visit t he Glenveagh Nat ional Park in Donegal, a beaut iful w ilderness surrounding t he lakeside Glenveagh House. The house and gardens are spect acular.

On t o Belfast for t w o night s w here w e w ill visit t he Tit anic Museum and have a guided t our of t he cit y and it ?s t roubled hist ory, ?Up t he Cat holic Falls Road and dow n t he Prot est ant Shankhill Road?, visit ing t he Peace Walls, hist orically dividing neighborhoods.

While in Belfast I w ill perform a concert in a very privat e venue. Im prom pt u concert s during t he ent ire t our w ill also happen!

Back t o Dublin for one final night before m any of us w ill t ravel hom e t o t he US. This t our prom ises t o be a very excit ing and spirit ual ret urn t o t he All Hollow s Eve and All Saint s Day (Day of t he Dead) t hat w ere t he celebrat ions of t he ancient Celt s and t heir Druid priest s. There w ill be m ore t rick or t reat s on t his t our t han you can im agine.

Join me, Ken O?Malley, if you dare!!

Em ail Ken for det ails and and t o book:


w w w.kenom

Page 28 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas

n m en t Calen d ar

NOW WITH By Date& On Going Listingsand Links

SU N D AY, Ju ly 9 Star ti n g @ 2:0 0 p m

K EN O ?M A L L EY 2 to 5 PM / N o Cover T H E SH A M RO CK w elcom es back K en O ?M alley br i n gi n g h i s u n i qu e I RI SH ton es. I f you love ever y th i n g I RI SH , d on ? t m i ss th i s gu y belti n g ou t all you r f avor i tes K en h as p layed i n alm ost ever y I r i sh p u b i n Sou th er n Cali f or n i a over th e year s, so w e? r e r eally lu ck y to get h i m ou t h er e i n M u r r i eta!


Reser vati on s ar e h i gh ly r ecom m en d ed so be su r e to book ear ly to avoi d d i sap p oi n tm en t: th esh am r ock i r i sh p u ban d eater / r eser vati on s

Int ro t o Irish Language On-Going

.This online class assum es no prior know ledge of t he Irish language; if you have already been exposed t o it , t his class m ay serve as a refresher course on t he basics. The prim ary m at erials are "Progress in Irish" and "Gaeilge Gan St ro - Low er Level", bot h of w hich m ay be purchased online The course inst ruct or, Jam es Murphy, w ill be circulat ing t he init ial course m at erials as w ell The first few classes w ill focus on pronunciat ion

If you are int erest ed in part icipat ing or w ould like m ore det ails, please em ail us at language@celt icart scent er com

I r i sh A r ts & En ter tai

Check t he w ebsit e for all of t he ent ert ainm ent , t rivia and sport s 7 Days a Week

The HARP is t he m ost aut hent ic Irish Pub in Orange Count y!

Drop By Soon...

132 17t h, St .

Cost a Mesa

w w

The BEST & BRIGHTEST Irish Music and Entertainment Festival in America!!

There is still time to plan your trip If you miss great Irish Musici LIVE in a festival atmosphere, pack your bags and Book Yer Trip Now!

Gaelic Storm and and a host of other Irish Bands are performing! From indie folk-rock to traditional Irish music, find it all at this year's Irish Fest! If you love the traditional Irish folk & ballad sound be sure to check out artists such as Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones, The Finns, and Colm & Laura Keegan

If you're a fan of Snow Patrol, The Saw Doctors, or The Script, and enjoy the sounds of alternative rock or indie folk, be sure to check out The Coronas and Hermitage Green!

Singer-songwriters Wallis Bird and Polly Barrett will make their festival debut this year, and singer-songwriter/guitarist Shane Hennessy will return!

Check out the full lineup and entertainment schedule and get tickets now:

Page 30 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas



The Harp Inn Irish Pub Pour House Trivia

Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm


130 E. 17t h. St .

Cost a Mesa, CA

w w

See O'Brian's Pub above for t heir Wednesday

det ails


MacLeod Brew ing

Trivia Night

w w w m acleodale com

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 31
Oct ober 14
w w.seasidehighlandgam
Sat urday & Sun day,

Peace Lut heran Church

Irish Sessions

w w w facebook com / groups/ OCCelt icJam

Monday evening.

Com ing In Sept em ber

The Museum t reasures of Ireland. Our youngest w rit er Pat rick Weld is t here researching and w rit ing all sum m er!

Right Paddy?

The Irish Arts & Entertainment

This past year w e celebrat ed 30 years as California's prem ier Irish publicat ion!

We st art ed in Sant a Monica in 1992 as t he Irish News of California

We alw ays w ant t o hear from you, your com m ent s, event s list ings and subm issions are alw ays accept ed. St art ing w it h t his issue,

w e are enhancing t he experience of being a subscriber by expanding our Very Irish Perks and by t he first of 2024, w e w ill fully launch our Might y Irish Net w ork.

The fledgling sit e is already up and subscribers w ill be sent det ails about it t his m ont h. Com m ent s & Quest ions, please em ail: jm cdonough44@gm

IRISH COMMUNITY LISTINGS ARE FREE!! Send t o: Pat rick@ irishm issive@gm For all com m ercial links/ list ings & ads: Cont act Jim at Jim Page 32 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas w w



The Auld Dubliner

Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint

The Auld Dubliner

71 Pine St . Long Beach, CA w w

O'Brien's Irish Pub

St andard Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays Monday st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub. Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee O'Brien's Irish Pub 2226 Wilshire Sant a Monica, CA w w


Ye Olde King's Head

Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant

Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm 116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA

July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 33
ht t p:/ / t ruet hom as com / w eblog/
CELTIC ARTS CENTER CAC/ACS The Mayflower Club 11110 Victor y Blvd., Nor th Hollywood, CA w w w .cel ti car ts cen ter .com Click Here To List en Page 34 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas Brought t o you by t he Dandelion Rebellion

IRISH M USIC News& Reviews

2023 Tour Loreena McKennit t

This August , Loreena w ill also be m aking rare appearances at t hree sum m er folk fest ivals in her hom e province of Ont ario harkening back t o t he root s of her early years and perform ing som e of her m ost t radit ional Celt ic songs w it h special guest s The Bookends, a St rat ford-based Celt ic band.

Loreena w ill bring The Visit

Revisited Tour t o 23 Am erican cit ies in t he U.S. Nort heast , part s of t he Midw est and concluding in t he Canadian prairies t his Oct ober and Novem ber.

Loreena w ill be accom panied on t our by long-t im e m usical com panions Brian Hugheson guit ar,Caroline Lavelleon cello, Hugh Marshon violin and Dudley Phillipson bass. Perform ances w ill include every song on The Visit, (in t he order t hey appear on t he album ), as w ell as ot her fan favourit es from across her cat alogue.

St ay Updat ed

Get not ified of Kerry Irish

Product ions t our dat es and upcom ing event s

December, 2022 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 10
ht t ps:/ / loreenam ckennit t com / t our/
July. 2023 Arts & Page 21


Friday, Decem ber 22, 2023 at 7:30pm

Fred Kavli Theat re Bank of Am erica Perform ing Art s Cent er

Thousand Oaks, CA Box office: (805) 449-2787

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23rd. at 2 & 7 PM

Kerry Irish Product ions present s An Irish Christ m as, a celebrat ion of fam ily and com m unit y t hat show cases som e of t he great Irish holiday t radit ions and feat ures aw ard-w inning dancers from Riverdance, Lord of the Dance and Celtic Wings.!

SAVE$5. per ticket ~ Special runs July 6 - July 12 ~

The King's Head in Sant a Monica has added a COFFEE BAR!

Coffee Lovers rejoice, t he King's Head Shoppe and Bakery are now serving som e of t he best select ions of coffee and specialt y drinks in all of Sant a Monica and t he West Side!

They are also purveyors of exclusive coffees in bulk! Check out t he great select ion, all et hically sourced.

Page 36 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas
BUY TICKETS Lobero Theat re:| box:office@lobero org| 805 963 0761


All subscribers become members of our VIP Group. Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore.

At Present :

O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase w w

Go t o t he m enu click here

An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers! Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and Decem ber 23rd and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on your ow n subscript ion.

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS (VIP) PRIMER

The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program . It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers. The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e

The Pandem ic has set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers. Throughout t his Buying Guide, w e have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion!

Be sure t o check out t he Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages

The Might y Irish Net w ork and Irish Cyber Spaces

We have a fledgling Irish Social Media Sit e and you can join us by sim ply subscribing t o t he Irish Arts & Entertainment. Subscribers also becom e m em bers of t he Might y Irish Net w ork and you are enrolled in our Very Irish Perks, (VIP) deals and discount

program . For our part , w e are pledged t o do all w e can t o Please help us spread t he new s about all t he w onderful event s, experiences and project s t hat are in st ore for our readers and t he Irish/ Irish-Am erican Com m unit y in Sout hern California.


JOIN US ON OUR Might y Irish Net w ork Be part of our Social Media Presence! Check our FACEBOOK PAGES for Daily Updat es: Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent PubGuide E New s LA Count y Irish Event s July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 37
Subscribe NOW and you are aut om at ically ent er int o our Mont hly Subscriber 's Draw ing! Plus you SAVE $15 Only $20. for ONE YEAR....but w ait , t here is m oe! You get enrolled in our VIP Group...see next page for det ails! CHECK or PAYPAL CALL OR EMAIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE 951 216-1493 irishm issive@gm Page 38 Irish Arts & Entertainment Iúil/Lúnas Mí Meitheamh
Click Here for Shop Dealsand Tour Info & Tickets Go Here to Sign Up for the Gaelic Storm E-News July, 2023 Irish Arts & Entertainment Page 39
Happy Birt hday Am erica! Save up t o $100* off r/ t Econom y or $200 off Biz Class fares t o Ireland! Travel Sep 1, 2023 ? Mar 31, 2024 T&C?s apply Hurry! Book July 6t h

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