Irish Arts and Entertainment for June, 2021

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Ju n e ~ M í M ei t h eam h

Vo l . X X I X , # V I

20 21


IRISH MUSIC IS BACK Live Concer ts & CD Release Young Dubliner s, Pg 21

Str ings and Things, Shown her e on the top r ight Pg 25 C) Pg 19

Wells Of Lif e RUN4WATER 2021 Set f or Ju ly 1 t h r ou gh Ju ly 11

B) Pg 9 E) Pg 22

RYANAIR FLIGHT DIVERTED Th e EU's lar gest low cost air lin e h ad a f or ced lan din g of a sch edu led & 20 in t er D) n atPgs ion7al f ligh t in lat e M ay. RYANAIR CEO M ich ael O'Lear y (Below ) is en r aged over " St at e spon sor ed h ijack in g!' See page 3

H) Pg 8

V i r tu al RU N 4 W AT ER

p r of i l ed star t i n g on

Page 5

Page 11

f eatu r e G) Pg 23

Tou r i sm I r i sh an d . Beekeep er It rnenI rdel s t ow ar d r e- op en i n g Page 16

w w ish im por t sh

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the sour ce for the best in Ir ish Food and Gifts for SoCal's Ir ish Community! FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL All Guinness Br anded Gifts for Gr ads & Dads Cadbur y Tr eats ar e in Stock

Fat h er 's Day Day HQ


Special Cover age on Ir ish Un it y con t in u es w it h Joh n M cNally an d

Ou t r age in Eu r ope an d Ir elan d over Belar u s Figh t er s in t er cept in g com m er cial f ligh t ! Also Ir elan d is f ir st EU Nat ion t o speak ou t again st Isr aeli set t lem en t s Page 3

M au r ice Fit zpat r ick st ar t in g on Page 19 View f r om Ir elan d

Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4

Ir ish Tou r ism Slow ly Open in g Up!

CELTIC CAM ERA Page 2 7 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 30

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 34 & 35

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N O PEN M A RC H 16

O U R C O V ER St r i n gs & T h i n gs p h o t o by JO E O RM O N D E RYA N A I R & M i ch ael O 'L ear y co u r t esy o g Get t y I m ages W el l s o f L i f e RU N 4W AT ER 20 21

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 3

May Headlines:

Ir elan d Tak es Cen t er St age In EU an d M id East New s Commentary on the news by your publisher, Jim M cDon ou gh

Ir elan d Speak s Ou t Again st West ban k Set t lem en t s & M id-East Ch aos

RYANAIR Fligh t Diver t ed Ir elan d w as in t h e US n ew s m u ch m or e t h an u su al t h e last w eek of M ay. Tw o m ajor developm en t s cau gh t t h e at t en t ion of Am er ican s

The Republic of Ireland is now on record as the only EU Member state to voice a critical opinion of recent developments in Gaza, Jerusalum and the West Bank. Ireland's choice of words were harsh calling Israel's actions, the "de facto annexation?of Palestinian land by Israel."

First off was the interception of Irish owned airline RYANAIR flight from Athens on May 27 This was an absolute outrage and the dust still has not yet settled from the incident nor should it! A Belarus dissident journalist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend were aboard a RYANAIR flight that was diverted to the Minsk airport because of an alleged bomb threat. The flight was flying over Belarus en route from Athens, Greece, to Vilnius, Lithuania. The move sparked wide denunciation in the West as an act of hijacking.

Th e f or eign m in ist er , Sim on Coven ey, h ailed t h e m ot ion as ?clear sign al?of t h e dept h of f eelin g in Ir elan d. The measure was introduced by Sinn Fein but Government and opposition parties united to back the motion that excoriated Israel?s treatment of Palestinians.. Israel hit back with a strong statement that called the motion ?outrageous?, ?baseless? and a ?victory for extremist Palestinian factions?. Lior Haiat, a spokesperson for the foreign ministry, said it would distance Ireland from its ambition of playing a constructive role in the conflict. John Brady, a member of parliament for Ireland?s opposition party Sinn Féin, which sponsored the motion, called the vote a victory for justice. The Dail rejected an amendment from People Before Profit, a small leftwing party, to expel the Israeli ambassador.

Coverage Continues on Page 6

Sim on Coven t r y also in sist ed t h at t h e act ion s of Ham as be con dem n ed in t h e r esolu t ion .

PLEASE RESPON D TO M or e on page 6 OUR SUBSCRI PTI ON OFFER I N TH I S I SSUE! The Weekly To k eep goi n g w e n eed our r eader s t o si gn up IRISH i f at al l possi bl e. Ri gh t E MISSIVE n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s Calendar, Links, Listings& More on Page 34/ 35

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 27

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er Graphics/ Ad Design

Ch r is On yeagh or Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:

in f o@ir ish

ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia

M í M eitheamh

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers Once upon a time in a far away land, June was a ver y big issue for the I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment and a busy, fun, lucr ative and productive time for us. Father 's Day...DAD'S & GRADS were feted at the Great Amer ican I r ish Fair held at var ious locations throughout L os Angeles and Or ange Counties. All this excitement was on the heels of the amazing Scottish Fair and Clan Gather ing held at the Or ange County Fair grounds over the M emor ial Day Weekend! The I r ish Ar ts par ticipated with a booth and volunteer s & family at almost all of them over the past two or so (Pre Pandemic) decades. L et's hope those days retur n as good as ever by next year. M eanwhile HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all those great Dad;s out there. Congr atulation to all the gr aduates who are star ting their new chapter s this year as well. Father 's Day is one of the holidays that is celebr ated on the same day in I reland, the UK and the US, the thir d Sunday of June. This year, June 20th. Also, it is recent, only since 1910. However, since the middle ages, Father 's have been honored in Catholic Countr ies on St. Joseph's Day, M arch 19.

Jim M cDonough, Publisher One last point, we still need volunteer s to help us spread the wor d about our upcoming L ive Stream Shows. Alone/TOGETHER was an amazing success because of all the help we had. We are thinking of doing something over L abor Day! I f you have ideas and exper ience on how to spread the news and get attention to a vir tual event like that; please contact us,

June, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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RUN 4W ATER W el l s of Li f e' s Fr om Jul y t o Run4Wat er is a great opport unit y f or f amilies, t eam-building, and anyone who loves t o have f un while giving back! This event is OPEN t o t he public so everyone can join.

t hose records and Irish Arts and Entertinment readers. advert isers and f riends are invit ed t o part icipat e in t his great event f or a very wort hy cause.

For t he f irst t ime in Wells of Lif e hist ory, t he excit ing Run4Wat er event has expanded beyond t he Sout hern Calif ornia region! What does t his mean f or small businesses? An opport unit y f or great exposure and advert ising, all while t ransf orming lives! Their last virt ual event in November 2020 generat ed part icipat ion f rom 14 dif f erent count ries all around t he world! This year Wells of Lif e expect s t o shat t er

Across low-income count ries, women and girls have t he primary responsibilit y t o procure wat er. The need is dire and t he opport unit y t o help is at hand. The benef it s are immediat e, posit ive and except ionally easy t o reap! Simply click t he links on t his page t o get st art ed,

www.wellsof lif run4wat er2021

Sponsorship Opport unit ies Avail able Calling all business owners! For t he f irst t ime in Wells of Lif e hist or y, our Run4Wat er event has expanded beyond t he Sout hern Calif ornia region! What does t his mean f or small businesses? An opport unit y f or great exposure and advert ising, all while t ransf orming lives! From in-kind donat ions t o our Gold Sponsor Package, t here are a variet y of dif f erent sponsorship opt ions t o choose f rom. For more inf ormat ion cont act Ashley@Wellsof Lif Ou r Cover Ph ot o an d t h e pict u r es h er e ar e f r om t h e 2019 Ru n 4Wat er in Or an ge Cou n t y. Th e en t h u siasm an d dedicat ion of ever yon e h as been scat t er ed bu t n ot dim in ish ed by t h e Pan dem ic.

The basic gift of water brings great relief and changes lives for the better! Nick Jor dan , Fou n der / CEO

Click t h e icon h er e t o see t h e Wells Of Lif e Spot on ou r You Tu be Ch an n el:

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Headlines from page 3

M or e on RYANAIR Fligh t Pratasevich is charged with organizing riots, a charge that carries a potential sentence of 15 years. Demands were also immediately made for Pratasevich's release. In retaliation, the European Union banned flights from Belarus. In Dublin, the CEO of RYANAIR was enraged, Michael O'Leary called the Belarus Flight Diversion a ?Premeditated Hijacking? According to the Wall Street Journal, RYANAIR hasn?t provided its own detailed account, but Michael O?Leary is disputing Belarus?s version of events in private letter. Also according to Business Insider, "The letter, which hasn?t previously been reported, was sent to the director of Belarus?s department of aviation. In the letter, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. O?Leary described the incident as a ?premeditated and unlawful? hijacking and ?an illegal and reprehensible action.? Belarus says it diverted the plane because of a suspected bomb aboard which is simply not true. It is also believed Belarus Security Agents were on the flight watching the journalist Pratasevich.. and immediately on landing, they arrested him along with his girlfriend. The European Union and the U.S. have called the incident a brazen case of interference with civilian aviation. The EU has urged its carriers not to fly over Belarus. Belarus said it acted responsibly and in accordance with international protocols for dealing with a bomb threat.

Wh o is t h e Ryan Air passen ger at t h e h ear t of Diver t ed Ou t r age In Ir elan d?

M í M eitheamh

De Fact o An n exat ion Worldwide and again in the US, the news out of Dublin made headlines last week. American media is so bad that it was not nearly as big here especially on the broadcast networks but major papers did carry the story. In the EU, the coverage was much greater; something on the order of " After the recent bombardment of Gaza, the Irish parliament passes a motion condemning Israel?s ?de facto annexation?of Palestinian land." was a

common theme from Athens to Zagreb. In reality the views were more tempered in Ireland, mainly that a more balanced approach toward the crisis is needed seemed to be the over riding concern of Irish lawmakers. Also, there is still strong support for Israel's position and some MPs are quick to point out the Hamas is also to blame for the rocket attacks targeting only civilians. However, the fact remains that Ireland is the first EU country to condemn ?de facto annexation? of Palestinian land. The two-state solution has been conventional wisdom for a generation. As the Israeli political landscape shifts, does Ireland?s move show that a new reality is intruding on the international consensus? Also will Ireland's change of heart and mind toward the crisis spart more EU nations or in point of fact maybe even the US to re-think the unwavering support that Israel has enjoyed in the West. Arab states were of course delighted with the resolution from the Dail and it was major news especially on Al Jazeera.

Ram an Pr at asevich is a dissiden t Belar u s jou r n alist w h o w as alr eady livin g in exile in Viln iu s, t h e capit ol of Lit h u an ia. Large protests broke out last August after a presidential election that officials said overwhelmingly gave a sixth term in office to Lukashenko, who has consistently repressed opposition since coming to power in 1994. Police detained more than 30,000 people in the course of the protests, which persisted for months. Although protests died down during the winter, authorities have continued strong actions against opposition supporters

Nu m er ou s Pr o-Palest in e pr ot est s h ave t ak en place in Du blin (Above on M ay 30) an d m an y ot h er Ir ish Cit ies sin ce m id Apr il. Ir ish sen t im en t s over t h e lat est deat h s an d violen ce h ave been vocal an d h ave r em ain ed peacef u l.

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

UNITY IN OUR TIM E Th an k s t o Joh n M cNally f or aler t in g u s t o t h is im por t an t f ilm . Sim ply click t h e

Page 7

icon t o w at ch . Please em ail u s you r t h ou gh t s f or a f eat u r e n ext m on t h on t h e pr ospect s of a UNITED IRELAND in ou r lif et in e: ir ish m issive@gm

VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 06-08-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!

ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.

h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

FAI RY W ATERFALL By Dorothy C Stansell Enchant ing and alluring In robes of flow ing grace, Silver folds of cryst al Cascades of foam y lace. A cat aract of w at er Forever falling dow n, Whose m yriads of diam onds Were once a fairy?s crow n. At m oonlight in t he dingle And w hen t he dew w as sw eet , Elfin sprit es cam e dancing Wit h daint y, nim ble feet . As Faint er grew t he m oonbeam s And crim son daw ned t he day, In silver gow n, t he fairy queen Called her court aw ay. Neireve, a t iny fairy Grew t ired of t he pace, Invisibly and deft ly She spun a w eb of lace.

Wr it t en in 1955 by Dor ot h y C St an sell w h o w as t h e gr an dm ot h er an d n am esak e of ou r lon gt im e f r ien d an d su bscr iber , Dor ot y St an sell Fr edet t e.

So airily she draped it , Now flow ing w at ers run, And fairy t ears are sm iling Bejew eled in t he sun. This deligthtful poem was composed for baby Dorothy by her grandmother. We are honored to share it with our readers and we appreciate the submission from her grandchild. Dorothy Stansell nee Carroll, was born in 1884 in Booterstown and lived mostly in Dublin. She left Ireland in 1911, bound for Canada, then the U.S. She was in Canada for a number of years before taking the boat to Michigan around 1918. Sher married Herbert Stansell in 1920 in Missouri and ended up living in Boulder Colorado where Dorothy Fredette's Father was born. Our poet for June Dorothy Carroll Stanselle died in 1957.

June 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

Be par t an im por t an t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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M r s C 's H er b s & C an d l es Our June profile for our Cr after s Of I reland ser ies is I mgar d Considine who lives and wor ks on a far m near Ennis in West County Clare. Irmgard was born in Austria in a small industrial town called Neunkirchen and from an early age was interested in nature on the one hand and crafts on the other. She says about her youth, ?Either I was outside spending hours watching butterflies or bees, or I was busy knitting or crocheting. There was a strong do-it-yourself mentality in our household, and we would mend or make something rather than buy ? not necessarily out of lack of funds, but because great value was put on hand-made quality items.? When I was a bit older, I traveled across Europe in a VW camper van or on an Interrail ticket. On one of these journeys I fell in love with the northern countries and Scotland in particular, and this influenced my later decision to come to Ireland. Imgard followed the traditional path of marriage and family, and after raising three beautiful children; she decided that a new start was needed ? in a new country. "So I upped sticks (and kids) and moved to Ireland (back in the Celtic Tiger years there were plenty of jobs for German speakers), initially for a year.....but as happens with so many people in similar situations, fate got in the way and I fell in love with the country and with a West Clare man, and stayed."

Tu r n s ou t Au st r ia's loss w as ver y good f or t u n e f or Cou n t y Clar e an d Ir elan d Imgard's love for nature and crafts stayed strong and led her to her current livelihood; self sufficiently growing organic vegetables, fruit and wild flowers on a small farm. Imgard explained the farm and the intricacies of her business; "The outfit produces enough to feed ourselves and the thousands of bees that we keep, and from the wax I make pure beeswax candles. We also grow herbs, but in the west of Ireland this is a very weather-dependent business and not every year is a harvest year. I started Mrs. C's Herbs and Candles in 2018 and it has grown steadily." She continues, ?I love working with beeswax, you can smell the flowers and herbs of summer when melting the

Cr af t er Im gar d Con sidin e, h er special Pu r e Beesw ax Can dles ar e all Hand made in Ireland!

wax, and it is a very luxurious and indulgent material to work with. My bees spent hours and hours collecting pollen and nectar to be able to produce the wax, so I have great respect for the material, and nothing is every wasted. That's the good thing about wax ? if something goes wrong, I just melt it and start again. Having a small impact on the world we inhabit is very important to me. I am a vegan, I make my own clothes from eco-friendly fabrics or buy second-hand, and this also translates to my business. I don't use plastic packaging ? on the contrary, I try to limit packaging to the absolute minimum, so no fancy tags, labels, pouches.... with me! All my candles are hand-made, and therefore perfectly imperfect, but they are made with love and respect and will light up any room beautifully and infuse the house with a natural honey scent.?

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

This issue our ongoing Crafters Of Ireland Series brings us to Ennis in County Clare. Ennis is the largest town in County Clare and it is a delight; full of charm and one of the besttowns in Ireland. The entire are is enchanting with seemingly endless villages and natural beauty. No trip to Ireland will be complete without spending a few days in and around County Clare. Just a few of the highlights:

Bunratty Castle & Folk Park Cliffs of Moher Popular cliffs & visitor centre "Our method of beekeeping is completely bee-centred. We only take excess honey, don't clip queens, use Rose hives for free movement of the queen, no use of chemical treatment or industrial sugar."

BARREN National Park

Mrs. C You can learn more about Mrs C's products online at:

Clif f s of M oh er , Cou n t y Clar e Pict u r e t h an k s t o:Clif f s of M oh er Ret r eat Cen t r e, Liscan n or , Cou n t y

ABOVE: M ap of Cou n t y Clar e on t h e West Coast of Ir elan d. En n is is sit u at ed in t h e cen t er ! It is on e of t h e m ost beau t if u l cou n t ies w it h qu ain t t ow n s an d villages w it h h u n dr eds of r u in s t o explor e. Alon g t h e Wild At lan t ic Way ; t h e en t ir e cou n t r yside is per f ect f or h ik es, w alk in g an d bik er s

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 13

Pu r e Wh it e Beesw ax can dle w it h leaf decor

Hor se Can dle...det ailed descr ipt ion , pr icin g an d sh ippin g in f o on t h e w ebsit e: w w w.h er bsan dcan BELOW: Assor t ed Celt ic Design

Abou t Cr af t er s of Ir elan d Bernadette Clancy the founder of Crafters of Ireland is totally supportive of all her members. Says Clancy, " I have gotten to know each of the crafters that come on board. I have to say that everyone of them are so easy to work with, even though they are all from the four corners of Ireland and very different in their skill. One thing they all have in common is - they find it hard to take a compliment without feeling a little embarrassed, but like us all, underneath it they love it, it gives them the motivation to continue.

h t t ps:/ / w w st agr am .com / cr af t er sof ir elan d/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Ir elan dCr af t er s h t t ps:/ / solu t ion scon su lt an cyir elan / lin k edin .com / in / ber n adet t e-m ir iam -clan cy-7b7b261b8 +353 (0)87 421 0829

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

Ir ish Ch ef Pau l Wat t t er s Fat h er 's Day Feast Slow oven cooked salmon with prawn tails,on a bed of spaghetti and rosemary, with crispy prosciutto and tender stemed broccoli. M et h od Preheat the oven to 170

Spaghetti 8 0z of spaghetti 500ml 0f boiling salted water to taste First of all get the spaghetti on to cook and allow to cook for 10-12 mins and stir occasionally to prevent sticking together. Later(add a little oil to prevent sticking) 8 sprigs of rosemary 16 prawn tails(available in all good supermarkets) Shrimp can also be used,

4 Salmon filets & 4 rashers of prosciutto Heat a large frying pan to a medium to high heat. Add a little oil, add salmon skin side down first and season with salt and pepper cook for 5 mins allowing skin to crisp up.

Belf ast Based Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called:

sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw

Ser ves 4

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 15

This is a very hearty seafood and meat dish, very filling and of course healthy and tasty!!

Ch ef Pau l SALM ON & PASTA Turn over salmon and add prawns, Then add Broccoli for four and cook for a further five minutes. Then add rosemary Meanwhile the spaghetti will be cooked so strain well and bring back to the heat add a little more olive Finally, layer seafood, broccoli with the prosciutto on top in an uncovered baking dish and place in the over for the final 5 minutes.

Enjoy! & be sure to check out Simple Tasty Healthy by Chef Paul


Top Righ t : In t h e pan seer in g an d cook in g f or t h e salm on an d pr aw n s is on ly abou t 4-6 m in u t es on a m ediu m t o h igh h eat . Next add t h e Br occoli an d cook t ill t en der , add m or e oil if n eeded. Fin ally, plat e over t h e past a. Th is is a dish t h at w ill m ak e an y Dad Happy!

Finished meal with the prosciutto crispy on top is shown on page 14!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

Ir elan d's Open ! Best Tr avel & Tou r s

Tu lip Display 2021 " Dur ing the 17th centur y, the Dutch exper ienced ? Tulip mania.? I n 2021 at Power scour t Hotel , Golf Cour se and Gar dens...set on 47 acres in I nnisker r y, County Wicklow , throughout Spr ing and into Summer, locals and visitor s can exper ienced ?Tulip hyster ia!!!!? This is all according to Rosemary O?Flynn - Gardener at Powerscourt The splendid display consists of 25 different varieties of tulips such as ?Smirnoff,? ?Neper,? and ?La Belle Époque,? started blooming in late March. And it?s not over yet! Presently, late blooming varieties such as ?Renown Unique? - a stunning deep pink double and ?Cummins?- a beautiful purple from the fringed variety. "Our pastel colour scheme this year has taken everyone?s breath away, including mine!!! Shades of pink, purple, apricot, yellow and white have certainly created a massive ?Wow? factor!! Our teamwork last November has paid dividends!! Irish residents and visitors alike are delighted that Ireland is slowly starting to open up again. after a grueling year plus of lockdown. Powers Court has announced some Spring and Fall activities that will serve to brighten the travel season for all of us. As we enter into the summer months they are inviting you to Indulge your curiosity for nature and immerse your senses in the wonderful seasonal colours and scents of the gardens in bloom. We are now looking forward to creating an even better display for next year......Is this possible???"

Wor ld Fam ou s Dest in at ion ! On e of Ir elan d's m ost popu lar an d visit ed t ou r ist locat ion s! w w w.pow er scou r t .com

We invite submissions to the

Irish Poetry Corner (SEE PAGE 8 of this issue...) A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. We prefer shorter works to fit on a page but we make exceptions E-Mail us:

June, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Page 17

This is my take* * on t h e n ew ly pu blish ed (Ju n e 1) qu ar an t in e r egu lat ion s f or t r aveller s f r om USA &Can ada, t r avellin g t o Ir elan d (an d/ or m ost ot h er EU cou n t r ies) By Brian Nolan Th ose t r avellin g t o Ir elan d bef or e Ju ly 19* f r om ou t side EU/ EEA. 1. Passengers must have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of travel (mostly required by the airline you are flying on). 2. Passengers must show Proof of Vaccination (to the Irish authorities). 3. Passengers must self-quarantine for 14 days at their declared residence (hotel/B&B/Apartment/cottage/home), and then, after 5 days, if they do another negative PCR test, they are free to travel about the country. Th ose t r avellin g t o Ir elan d af t er Ju ly 19* f r om ou t side EU/ EEA.

* From 19 July, Ireland will also broadly align itself to the EU approach to non-essential travel into the EU from third countries. To protect its citizens against importation of variants, an ?emergency brake? mechanism will be coordinated at EU level to react swiftly to the emergence of a variant of concern or variant of interest. If your journey originates in a country to which the EU has not applied an ?Emergency Brake?the above rules apply. * * If in any further doubt, go the the Irish government website Gov .ie or call the Irish Embassy in USA or Canada

Feature thanks to: Brian Nolan; Walking Tours, Social Media, Blog & Content Creator Email:

1. If passenger has a valid proof of vaccination, then NO travel-related testing or quarantine will be necessary when arriving in Ireland. 2. Your airline may require you to have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of travelling to Ireland. Or; 3. If the passenger does not have valid proof of vaccination, they will need to: A/ Present evidence of a negative PCR test result within 72 hours prior to arrival into the country B/ Self-quarantine for 14 days at their declared residence (hotel/B&B/Apartment/cottage/home). C/ Undergo post-arrival testing after 5 days - this will be provided through the Irish Health Authorities. If that test is negative, they will be free to travel about the country.

Ph ot o; 'Kylem or e Abbey, t h r ou gh t h e t r ee', by Br ian Nolan

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

M í M eitheamh

The View from Ireland Nor t h er n Ir elan d?s Cen t en ar y By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Cen t en ar ies ou gh t t o be a t im e f or r ef lect ion .

Frequently, however, centenaries occasion the past to be refracted through the prism of the present. The central debate that attended the centenary of Northern Ireland, by contrast, has been the future. Specifically, the question has been repeatedly pondered whether the place can continue to exist and for how long. The contrast between the narratives of unionism and nationalism crystallised during the centenary and no volume of trite appeals to mark the achievements of unifying figures (in sport or in the arts) could hide that. There are, we are often told, two communities in Northern Ireland. It is less remarked that in Northern Ireland there is a constituency that fervidly seeks to glorify and live in the past. Another constituency, while its exemplars are in the past, even the ancient past, is increasingly plausible in its fixation upon a future when Northern Ireland does not exist. There is nothing new in unionism doing everything in its power to retain the status quo or nationalism striving for a United Ireland. What is new is the degree of momentum against the first and in favour of the latter. Unionism is badly in need of a fresh narrative that can unify it and help the community to imagine a new politics for the future. Apart from its centenary, Northern Ireland has had a torrid time of it in the past month or so. Both of the major unionist parties saw their leaders resign (or be pushed) and Sinn Féin fired all of its Derry leadership. The British government provoked ire from all sides by floating the idea that it would unilaterally grant an amnesty to all of its soldiers who served in the North during the Troubles even as the same government recognised the innocence of the ?Ballymurphy 10?, a group of people murdered by the British Army in 1971. And there are more torrents ahead. The psychological impact of unionism losing its majority in the Northern

Ireland Assembly elections in 2017 stands every chance of being compounded at the next assembly election a year from now (or sooner). That election could well see the DUP slip to second place, which would be the first time since the Good Friday Agreement that a unionist party did not top the polls. That would entail a non-unionist (almost certainly a Sinn Féin politician) holding the post of First Minister: a vista that appals the unionist community. Unionism, in the post-Brexit reality, is experiencing the worst crisis in its history and its base can hardly be blamed for defecting. Edwin Poots, the newly elected leader of the DUP, is not the man to stanch the haemorrhage. Poots inherits a party on a downward spiral due to its disastrous sponsorship of Brexit and he is facing a very tough election. Poots has been widely ridiculed for his creationist beliefs and condemned for his intolerance of homosexuality. He is also a charisma vacuum and visibly uncomfortable in interviews (when he gives them). It is hard to know what to hope for with the DUP. By backing Brexit and now rejecting the Northern Ireland Protocol (the post-Brexit trade arrangements, which place a customs barrier between Northern Ireland and the island of Great Britain) they have dug the deepest of all graves for themselves. Doug Beattie, the newly elected leader of the UUP, is a very different proposition. He exudes solidity and speaks a language of inclusion. Unionism needs someone who will lead them to accept the Northern Ireland Protocol and embrace strong relations with the rest of Ireland and with Europe. Can Beattie do that? Unfortunately, he will not get the chance. The UUP?s electoral figures are on the floor. He may well raise the party?s stock but Poots? DUP will remain the dominant unionist party.

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

VIEW Fr om IRELAND con t in u ed f r om page 18.. The crisis in unionism will probably not benefit the biggest nationalist party, Sinn Féin. The purge of Sinn Féin?s leadership in Derry is the clearest signal the party has yet given of its nervousness about how the Foyle (Derry) constituency will vote in the next assembly election. Derry is the biggest urban nationalist area in Northern Ireland and, as such, it is a bellwether constituency. When Sinn Féin begins to knock on doors in Derry the party will face questions about what it has delivered to Derry to merit support. Sinn Féin will try to avoid explaining why it channelled a great deal of its political capital in the past decade into North Belfast. (They succeeded in capturing the North Belfast Westminster seat from the DUP in December 2019). Sinn Féin did so in the assumption that Derry was a stronghold for them, as it was during Martin McGuinness?period as Deputy First Minister of the assembly. However, a stratagem Sinn Féin deployed to do so was to ply the University of Ulster ?s North Belfast campus with

Ir elan d is at a cr ossr oads in h er h ist or y. Bot h of ou r con t r ibu t or s, M au r ice Fit zpat r ick , au t h or an d colu m n ist an d Joh n M cNally, SoCal Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d ou r f r equ en t com m en t at or con t in u e t o explor e t h e t opics of 100 year s of par t it ion in Ir elan d an d Ir ish Un it y. Th e pr ospect of Ir ish Un it y is t ak in g on a n ew lif e spu r r ed on in par t by Br exit . Th er e is also a lot of eviden ce; via n ew s, sh if t in g at t it u des an d polls in bot h t h e Repu blic an d in t h e Nor t h of Ir elan d t h at t h e polit ical lan dscape is bein g alt er ed!

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finance earmarked for the UU campus in Derry. Prioritising Belfast and disinvesting in Derry is endemic in Northern Ireland and sectarianism is the root cause. Now Sinn Féin can no longer pretend that impoverishing Derry is exclusively a unionist policy. The real winners from the decline of the DUP will be the non-aligned parties? the Greens and the Alliance? whose base comprises younger voters who are disaffected with tribal politics. The next Northern Ireland Assembly election looks set to be one of the biggest departures since the Good Friday Agreement and it will almost certainly see non-aligned parties continuing to gain ground. If their gains are such that, combined, they outnumber either the nationalist or unionist bloc then the argument that the Good Friday Agreement?s provisions need to expand to account for the ?third force?in Northern Irish politics will have a democratic mandate. And there is another compelling reason to accommodate that constituency: they are the people who will almost certainly be decisive in a referendum on the removal of the Irish border.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

New Analysis & Commentary for June

Joh n M cNally On Ir ish Un it y This year marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of Northern Ireland, which was meant to be a short-term arrangement to prevent a civil war when the British refused to stand up to Unionists' threats. The Southern government went on to give the Catholic Church too much control over people's lives. While the North, fearing an Irish Nationalists/Catholic take-over used apartheid-style repression in an unsuccessful attempt to hang on to their quasi-democratic majority. The subsequent Anglo-Irish or Nationalist-Unionist or Catholic-Protestant (depends on your level of education) conflict substantially ended with the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and created a peaceful route to Irish Unity for the first time in history.

Sinn Fein, the only all-Ireland party, is leading a push for a referendum on Irish Unity as included in the Good Friday Agreement. With their growing popularity, North and South, a border poll looks to be inevitable. The immediate question is when to hold the referenda. United Irelanders says 4 or 5 years should be adequate time to debate and negotiate the structure of a new Ireland. Fine Gael and Fianna Fail don't like this idea, primarily because they will lose even more power than they already have to Sinn Fein. Brexit was the catalyst, but demographics and the logic of an all-Ireland economy underscore the inevitability and benefits of a United Ireland. A referendum on Irish Unity is achievable and winnable. It's time to set a date for the referendum and to let the people have their say. Irish America and people of goodwill everywhere can ensure this process is peaceful and democratic by advancing these ideas among our families, friends, and communities to build international support.

Nor t h er n Ir elan d Par t ies

JOHN M cNALLY is a lon gt im e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d or gan izer . His k een in sigh t s on Ir ish polit ics an d t r en ds h ave est ablish ed h im as a popu lar con t r ibu t or t o t h is pu blicat ion ,

M í M eitheamh

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Lat est All Ir elan d Polls 67% in Repu blic f avou r u n it ed Ir elan d

% ?In Favou r ?by r egion Leinster/Laighin: 70% Conn-Ulster/Conn-Uladh: 65% Munster/Mumhan: 65% Dublin/ÁC: 60%

Nor t h er n Ir elan d su r vey f in ds t h e Un ion on a k n if e-edge

Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Tak e Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

June , 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S Ir ish Sin ger an d Son gw r it er Colm Gallagh er Dies In Los An geles I n Memor ium COLM GALLAGHER,

Los Angeles Ca. and formerly of Iona Villas Glasnevin Dublin Best remembered as Irish Born Singer/Entertainer died in Los Angeles on May 7, 2021. Colm was the eldest son of the late Colm Gallagher TD and Margaret (Peggy) Gallagher. He will be sadly missed by his family, Patricia, John, Sheila, Tim Snr, Ernie, Tim Jnr, Megan, the Ferry family (Los Angeles) and by his two brothers in Ireland Brendan and Kieran and their extended families. . Funeral Mass was held at St John Eudes Church, Chatsworth, California on Thursday May 2021

Colm Gallagh er Tr ibu t e By Ken O'Malley For most of his time here, Colm preferred the solo troubadour role, though he played with several other Irish musicians in the late 60?s and early 70?s, most notably the late Des Regan from Moycullen, Co. Galway. Born in Ireland on February 16th, 1943, arriving here in Los Angeles in 1965, Colm left his family at home in Iona Villas, Glasnevin in Dublin city and began plying his trade in two of the LA's original famous pubs, Molly Malone?s in the Fairfax district and Ireland?s 32 in Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley. I met Colm not long after I arrived here in 1974 and was fascinated by his dry wit, very subtle drole humor and his overall very entertaining shows. Accompanying himself with guitar, harmonica and very rudimentary for it?s time, a drum percussion machine, Colm would regale his audiences with Irish rebel songs, songs of emigration and loss and many of his own penned masterpieces, several of which were recorded by Liam Clancy and Tommy Makem and more recently Christy Moore. Some of the most memorable songs are ?Drop your tears on a Silver Star ?, ?Sister Bridie Murphy and the Kamikaze Pilot?, ?If I was a Dog? and only Colm could write the likes of ?If you want to keep the beer cold, put it to my ex-wife?s heart? another priceless gem. Perhaps his most popular hit, recorded by many including Christy. Moore is ?Reel in the Flickering Light? a delightful little story about

the antics of a gathering of creatures at the crossroads for an Irish dance? .pigeons, rats, worms, weeds and the main character, the daddy long legs? . Colm was predeceased by his lovely wife Helen just a couple of years ago and is survived by several step children and grand children. We became close friends over the years though my greatest regret is that we didn?t see nearly enough of each other. Any time spent with Colm was a guaranteed entertainment in itself. He had a brilliant mind and also worked in the field of anesthesiology at a number of Los Angeles hospitals after his retirement from regular music performances. Over the last several years I worked with Colm singing on many of his song demos which were usually sent on to Christy Moore and others and Colm was a tireless song writer right up to the end. Colm was a gentleman, a family man, a friend to many and a rare artist. For those of you who did not know him, check out his music on YouTube? .he was an amazing entertainer and had a great run. I will miss him greatly, his death is a huge loss and the passing of a true Irish bard.

?Ar Dheis Dé, go raibh a anam? ? . May his soul sit at the right hand of God. Goodbye dear friend? ..Ken O'Malley

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

M í M eitheamh

w w n gdu blin er

June, 2021

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June, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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STRINGS & THINGS NEW CD RELEASE SET FOR JUNE 18 Neo Traditional Folk band, Strings & Things are set to release their highly anticipated new album, The Unsolicited Dance, this summer. The Unsolicited Dance is their second original instaulmet following Turbulence in 2017. The album opens with a ?moody? atmospheric tune leading into an upbeat folk sound that really shows off how far the band has come over the last number of years. The album moves into a more emotional range with songs about happiness, loss, depression and love. James O?Meara Ryan (Guitar/Lead Vocals) explains the story of the title track, ??The song is about freedom of expression, based on the whole incident involved with the cancellation of a local festival. People should have their freedom of expression left alone and not be tainted by ancient laws??The album has a good feel vibe as well as a dark undertone that makes all the St r eam in g an d M u sic Sou r ces tracks sound similar but also vastly different from Listen to ??The Unsolicited Dance??on one another. Soundcloud Stringsandthings.bandListen: Spotify Apple Music Follow: Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter Bandcam

Ban d m em ber s in clu de, Jam es O?M ear a Ryan (Gu it ar / Lead Vocals), Eoin Sh elly (Per cu ssion / Vocals), Sean M on gey (Ban jo, M an dolin ) an d Eoin Salm on (Bass)

Fit zger ald Fam ily CELTIC Fiddle Folk NEW CD available by contacting: Or via digital download at CD Baby or iTunes

w w w.t h ef it zger alds.n et

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M í M eitheamh

Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell. Th is m on t h

w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive! We w ill be ask in g ou r r eader s t o join ou r


The Celtic Camer a

Page 27

We are here looking for you!

June ~ M í M eitheamh 2021

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


This beautiful sculpture was built by the Irish people to honor the American Choctaw Indian tribe. They were grateful because in 1847 the Choctaw people sent money to Ireland when they learned that Irish people were starving due to the potato famine. The Choctaw themselves were living in hardship and poverty, having recently endured the Trail of Tears.

Kin dr ed Spir it s is a large stainless steel outdoor sculpture in Bailick Park in Midleton, County Cork, Ireland. The shape of the feathers is intended to represent a bowl of food.

Com e u p t o t h e Cr est lin e Ven dor Ren aissan ce Fair t h is w eek en d JUNE 5 & 6 Locat ed at Th e Tr easu r e Box on M an zan it a Dr . Won der f u l en ic locat ion ! KRIS COLT w ill be sin gin g at I?be sin gin g 2 & 5 PM

Los An geles...Com in g t h is Fall...Det ails Soon !

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

In f o & Tick et s PLEASE NOTE: Th is cou r se is pr esen t ed in m odu les..t h er e ar e FIVE TO GO; You can st ill t ak e par t an d pay per cou r se! GO TO: w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back t h e t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in gs t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Thursday June 10


Irish American Business Network together with Crafters of Ireland would like to invite you to their second virtual art gallery where you can meet a group of Irish Artists, Crafters and Designers while they deliver a live exhibition of their work. This is a unique opportunity for the audience to see and interact with this talented group themselves. Connect via Zoom at 04.30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Here is the Link to book your place

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

M í M eitheamh

Fr iday, June 18 to Sunday, June 20 Dalkey Book Festival celebr ates and foster s liter ar y talent in I reland as well as hosting some of the wor ld?s leading wr iter s and thinker s.

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld

NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

Pulling from the strong literary heritage and natural beauty of Dalkey the annual festival runs across the third weekend in June. Over the years the event has welcomed internationally renowned writers, world leaders, Oscar winners and Nobel Laureates. From compelling conversations to live performances and debate, Dalkey Book Festival has fostered a community that ignites dialogue, facilitates conversation and programmes the unexpected ? unusual combinations that have strong editorial and curatorial twist. The event is usually held in different indoor and outdoor venues in Dalkey; however, due to government restrictions, the 2021 event will be a virtual experience ? a streamed programme encompassing a mix of remote discussions and in-studio events.

w w w.dalk ybook f est ival.or g


Th e Bloom sday Film Lect u r e: Don al Fallon on Ulysses (1967) While Ulysses was never formally banned in Ireland in print, it was banned on the big screen. Joseph Strick's 1967 take on Joyce's classic, with Milo O'Shea in the role of Bloom, was deeply controversial internationally at the time of its release but is now recognised as a cinematic masterpiece. Historian Donal Fallon will explore the movie and responses to it. Donal Fallon is a historian, writer and broadcaster based in Dublin. His work has appeared in History Ireland, Spiked, Jacobin and other outlets. He is the creator of the Three Castles Burning podcast and co-editor of the Dublin history blog Come Here To Me. w w eh er et om

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ou r Ju ly Au gu st SUM M ER SPECIAL Adver t isin g Sect ion Devot ed t o M u sic an d Even t s is Com in g Soon !

Sat u r day, Ju n e 19 St ar t in g @ 9:00pm t ill 1:00pm

THE CHANCERS OC's m ost au t h en t ic Ir ish Pu b f eat u r in g OC's f in est Ir ish -Cen t r ic r ock ban d playin g h it s f r om U2, Dr op Kick M u r ph y & Van M or r ison alon g w it h Elvis, Th e Beat les, CCR & a h eavy dose of cou n t r y.

You can get THREE M ONTHS of Cover age... a f u ll 1/ 4 of t h e year f or a

ONE ISSUE AD BUY! Sign u p n ow an d w e give you Sept em ber 's Adver t at n o ext r a ch ar ge. You get TWO Display ads pLUS 12 Week s of Social M edia Pr om ot ion s an d 8 LINKS/ LISTINGS in ou r E M AIL BLASTS! Th is is t h e best Su m m er Deal t h at w e h ave ever of f er ed! In t er est ed? Con t act Jim @ 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm We ar e also seek in g pu bs, r et ailer s an d all ot h er Ir ish / Celt ic bu sin esses/ even t s & gr ou ps w it h a ver y special of f er f or par t icipan t s in ou r

VERY IRISH PERKS pr ogr am f or su bscr iber s Det ails!!?? Call Jim @ 951 216-1493

Page 31

Th e Har p In n , 130 E 17t h St , Cost a M esa

w w w.h ar pin n .com

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

M í M eitheamh

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:

Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic LIVESTREAM & M u sic



Ar t s & Wor ld Wide f r om Ir elan d! As close as you r com pu t er or ph on e...

War r en poin t Co Dow n?s br an d n ew r adio st at ion w it h gr eat m u sic, gr eat h ost s an d even bet t er cr aic!

Now on An dr oid in t h e Google Play St or e

traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!

ht t ps:// ireland-t onight Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d in f o t o:

8 Dock St r eet , War r en poin t War r en poin t , UK

w w w.h ar bou r sider

Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

ir ish m issive @gm

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 33


BUY ONE YEAR @ $25. an d Get A Secon d Year FREE Or GET A GIFT SUB FREE!!

If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice

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FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:

JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

June, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

Page 35


Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

members of our VIP Group.

Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: Gr eat Dads at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm

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