Irish Arts & Entertainment Halloween Special

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CALENDAR UPDATED!! Enhanced & NEW List ings!

Vo l . X X I X , # X

O ct o b er ~~ D ei r ead h Fó m h ai r

20 21

THI S WEEK: Scotober Fest In Ir vine 20 21 Fir st Time Event Celtic Music & Soccer

t o b er

Ou t lan der St ar Sam Heu gh an & Piper Joh n M cLean Allan Pg 7

Cr aic In Th e St on e Fest ival Cover age Starts on Pg 5


AN IRISH CHRISTMAS & D) Pgs 7 & 20 CHRIS TMAS FROM A CELTIC TABLE Belf ast based Celebr it y Ch ef

Pau l Wat t er s & h is Fall Feast Starts on Page 21

H) Pg 8

On t h e lef t , t h e

Ker r y Voice Squ ad

As Seen On PBS Ch r ist m as Sh ow s Pr eview ! G) Pg 23

Starts on Page 8

WREN THEATRE IS OPEN! See listings in Calendar The Hollywood Landmark with the biggest little theatre surprise in town! Be the best and most original house on the block this year with TREATS from Ireland...the land that invented Halloween! OUR NEWLY IM PROVED WEBSITE IS UP!!

w w ish im por t sh

w w ish im por t sh

MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Hallow een Hist or t Th an k Th e Ir ish

Page 3 You n g Du bs Con cer t Review ;

w e w er e t h er e w it h Tin a Day Pagg 5

AER LINGUS is an xiou s t o be back at est u pdat e in t h r ee w eek s. M au r ice Fit zpat r ick View f r om Ir elan d

Hou sin g Woes an d Hom eless...sad st at e in vest igat ed Special Cover age on BREXIT/ Ir ish Un it y con t in u es w it h Joh n M cNally CELTIC CAM ERA Page 2 9 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 31

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails


SA M H A I N H u d so n T h eat r e H olly w ood www.celt ic-rhyt

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Th e GREAT PARK OC f or Soccer an d Celt ic M u sic

HIGHLIGHTS OF SCOTOBERFEST!!! Cillian s Br idge - 5 m u sically accom plish ed in dividu als per f or m t oget h er t o cr eat e a h ybr id of f am iliar f avor it es in an acou st ic r ock sou n d played w it h a n od t o t h eir Ir ish r oot s Celt ic Bagpipe Rock by Joh n Allan - playin g an assor t m en t of t oe t appin g, h ear t pou n din g r eels an d jigs on t h e bagpipe t o a r ock sou n d t r ack alon g w it h an d ar r an gem en t of Am azin g Gr ace lik e you h aven't h ear d bef or e. Celt ish - An acou st ic t r io t h at per f or m s m an y Scot t ish An d Ir ish f avor it es Kevin an d Colin - Scot t ish sin ger an d gu it ar ist t h at br in g t h e r ou sin g Scot lan d t h e Br ave t o lif e w it h t h eir r ivet in g per f or m an ces Also Feat u r in gHigh lan d Dan cin g : Em m a Sch if f Wor ld Ch am pion High lan d Dan cer - Em m a is on e of t h e m ost aw ar ded High lan d Dan cer s in t h e Un it ed St at es an d h as w on t h e Wor ld Ch am pion sh ip at t h e Cow ell High lan d Gam es in Scot lan d. L.A Scot s Pipe Ban d - Wor ld Ch am pion Pipe Ban d celebr at in g t h eir diam on d ju bilee.Th e LA Scot s ar e t h e best ban d in t h e Un it ed St at es.A var iet y of player s f or 15 year s old t o over 60 year s old t h is pr em ier e ban d deliver s qu alit y en t er t ain m en t t h at ever yon e can en joy. Royal Scot t ish Cou n t r y Dan cin g & Solo Pipin g Com pet it ion


Cr aic In Th e St on e con sist s of : Jan elle Vion e- vocals Ch r is Capu t o- vocals M at t Br islaw n- violin, mandolin Jay Rof sk y- guitar Bill St r on gin- piano/bass guitar Scot t Well- bodhrán/percussion

w w aicin t h est on

Just part of the Irish Contingent set to perform at this year 's In au gu r al SCOTOBER FEST! Since breaking into the Irish music scene in 2013, Craic In The Stone quickly became the hottest band of their genre in Southern California - selling out local venues with their die-hard fans, better known as ?Craic-Heads.? Now, after more than a year off due to the pandemic ? Craic is back and happy to be playing live once again! Janelle?s powerfully expressive voice tells the stories while Chris blends with magical harmonies. Matt?s fiery fiddling brings down the house, alongside Jay?s rocking guitar work. Driving the rhythm is Scott on Bodhran and cajon, with Bill laying down his tasty bass lines. Their fourth CD, PUB TUNES, features trads, rock covers, and originals, including a tribute to their favorite ale, "It?s Guinness.?

October. 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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JO H N M cL EA N A L L A N O n e of th e m ost w el l k n ow n an d tal en t ed p i p er s i n t h e w or l d w i l l be p er f or m i n g at th e u p com i n g Scot ober Fest th i s m on t h ! Joh n M cL ean A l l an l ef t Scotl an d f or L os A n gel es t o m ake i t as a r ock gu i tar i st bu t en d ed u p p i p i n g h i s w ay i n to H ol ly w ood . A l l an f r om K i r k i n ti l l och , n ear Gl asgow, w an t ed t o p u r su e h i s r ock d r eam i n Cal i f or n i a, f ol l ow i n g i n t h e f oot st ep s of i d ol s M otl ey Cr ü e an d Gu n s N ? Roses bu t i n stead got i n to f i l m s A N D car ved ou t a n i ch e as a sou gh t af t er p i p er an d m u si ci an . A s t h e Scotti sh Su n r ep or ted , h i s H ol ly w ood car eer h as l an d ed h i m i n m an y i n t er est i n g si t u at i on s an d on f i l m sets bu t bu t A l l an i s alw ay s u p t o t h e task

www.bagpipet RIGHT: Ou t lan der st ar Sam Heu gh an an d Joh n M cLean Allan at a Bu r n s su pper . Allan w as t h e Ver y Im por t an t Piper

Celt ish Set To Play At Gr eat Par k in Ir vin e The roots of Celtish started in the basement of their church. Its members had sung together for years in their church choir when they stumbled upon their mutual appreciation of playing Traditional Irish music and Celtish was born. Over time, they added Scottish and non-traditional tunes into their repertoire. Their unique Celtic sound and harmonies can also be heard in everything they perform. The best way to describe Celtish would be a traditional Irish pub band with a twist (hence the ?ish?) Celtish has performed at benefits, fundraisers, concerts, private events and naturally, the occasional brewery. They genuinely enjoy performing together and their only goal is for our audiences to be entertained. They encourage their audiences to participate, sing along and join us in their Celtish spirit.

Dan Th om as ? Gu it ar , pen n y w h ist le an d vocals Kelly Lau er ? ?Ir ish? u k u lele, Bodh r ain an d vocals Les Eisel ? Gu it ar , m an dolin an d vocals

ALSO FEATURING ON TWO STAGES! Scot t ish Cou n t r y Dan cin g

High lan d Dan cin g

Kevin & Colin Th e LA Scot t s Pipe Ban d w w t ish f est .com

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s An n ou n ces Ch r ist m as Season Sh ow s & Ar t ist s C h r i st m as f r o m a C el t i c T ab l e C u r l u p i n y o u r seat f o r a w o n d er f u l ev en i n g o f st o r y t el l i n g! (? San t a l et t er s? ?T w as t h e N i gh t b ef o r e C h r i st m as, T h e L i t t l e M at ch Gi r l ? t o n am e a f ew ). A m agi cal ev en i n g o f f am i l y en t er t ai n m en t p er f ect f o r t h e h o l i d ay seaso n . Si n gi n g, d an ci n g, st o r y t el l i n g? .w h at co u l d b e b et t er ! A n an n u al f av o r i t e f o r t h e en t i r e f am i l y. A l l ages ar e w el co m e!

W i t h : Sh eel agh C u l l en , M ar i an T o m as Gr i f f i n , T h e K er r y D an ce T r o u p e, Pat r i ci a H an n i f i n , an d t h e si n gi n g h o l i d ay f av o r i t es w i t h sp eci al ar t i st s! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! SEE TICKET LINKS ON PAGE 11

Hailing from Lancaster, California, Em ily M acCon n ell danced under the direction of the Butler Fearon O'Connor School of Irish Dance and reached competitive highs of 8th in the world, 3rd nationally, 3rd at the All-Scotland championships, and 1st in her own and Southern England regions. Since earning a B.A. from the University of Southern California's School of Dramatic Arts, she has danced and toured in the US, UK, Germany and Taiwan with a multitude of shows including the most recent: Michael Flatley?s Feet of Flames?Im possible Tou r .? She is very excited and delighted to return to An Irish Christmasas as principal dancer!

Int roducing t he Am azing M em bers of t he KERRY VOICE SQUAD

Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad.

Fr om ou r cover Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad: Kor al Aak r e/ Rosa Evan gelin a/ M ar yAn n Di Piet r o; t h is t alen t ed t r io w ill appear t h is Season in bot h pr odu ct ion s

Five year s ago a sear ch began f or t h r ee classically t r ain ed voices t h at w ou ld be equ ally at h om e sin gin g t h e classics an dt r adit ion al Ir ish son gs. Th e sear ch br ou gh t t oget h er a t eam of ext r aor din ar y ar t ist s an d Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad w as bor n ! Sin ce t h en , t h e en sem ble h as per f or m ed in over 50 US cit ies t o dat e w it h Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s

October, 2021

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An I r i sh Ch r i st m as As seen on PBS!

St ar r i n g W or l d Ch am pi on Dan cer s: Tyl er Sch w ar t z an d Em i l y M acCon n el l Take a journey through Christmas in Ireland with superb dancing, singing and Irish traditional music celebrating the international spirit of the holiday season. Join an award-winning cast led by World Champion dancers Tyler Schwartz (Magic of the Dance, An Irish Christmas, Celtic Fyre, Celtic Wings and ReelRhythm) and Emily MacConnell (Dance Masters, Rockin?Road to Dublin, Magic of the Dance, An Irish Christmas Celtic Fyre and Celtic Wings) in a celebration of the great traditions of Christmas in Ireland: butter-making, chasing the wren on St. Stephen?s Day, drawing down the half door and more! Come enjoy spectacular dance, the singing of traditional Christmas Carols from the Kerry Voice Squad and superb music from the Kerry Traditional Orchestra in a celebration of the international spirit of the holiday season.

?Gen u in ely ast on ish in g?elect r ic!?

Kerry Irish Productions Inc. is an Irish owned company based in Los Angeles. The company promotes and celebrates Irish culture and its rich traditions through the medium of music, dance, song and storytelling.The company?s Irish productions are presented in performing arts centers throughout the United States. Corporate work: Kerry Irish Productions works closely with corporations nationwide providng high-end corporate entertanment for its many clients. Contact the President, Margaret O' Carroll, ATCL, LTCL, Dip CSM Kerry Irish Productions Inc. & Th e Ir elan dvAgen 818-221-8113 (Office)

The Village News

w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion

Ch r i st m as Fr om A Cel t i c Tabl e A perfect family event! An en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d's past an d pr esen t . Feat u r in g aw ar d-w in n in g Du blin -bor n Ir ish act or Sh eelagh Cu llen as pr esen t er / n ar r at or in t h e deligh t f u l pr ogr am Ch r ist m as f r om a Celt ic Table! Join in g Sh eelagh w ill be sopr an o Kor al Aak r e, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad, Cat er in a Coyn e (Pr in cipal Dan cer , River dan ce), Tyler Sch w ar t z (Pr in cipal Dan cer ), M ar k Alf r ed (M u sical Dir ect or , River dan ce) an d pian ist Pat r icia Han n if in . Wit h t ou r -de-f or ce st or yt ellin g f r om Sh eelagh Cu llen en ch an t in g u s w it h t im eless h oliday f avor it es (?Tw as t h e Nigh t bef or e Ch r ist m as, Th e Lit t le M at ch Gir l...?), su per b dan ce f r om Cat er in a Coyn e an d Tyler Sch w ar t z, an d Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad sin gin g t r adit ion al car ols in clu din g Silen t Nigh t , Th e 12 Days of Ch r ist m as an d Wexf or d Car ol, a w on der f u l h oliday ?M u st See!?is assu r ed! Do n ot m iss t h is en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d?s past an d pr esen t . A ?M u st See!?t h is h oliday Season .

Join us ?round the hearth on this gracious evening....


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Hallow een Cost u m e Par t y Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 9:00 PM

Be an im por t an t par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ch r i st m as f r om a Cel t i c Tabl e i s a per f ect f am i l y ev en t " Enchanting, engrossing? a tour-de-force? ?? Irish Arts & Entertainment

TICKETS NOW ON SALE Ir vin e Bar clay Th eat r e: M on day, Novem ber 29, 2021 at 8pm w w w.t h ebar clay.or g/ bu y-t ick et s/ 2021-2022-season -even t s/ 11-29-2021-ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able.h t m l ASU Ker r Cu lt u r al Cen t er , Scot t sdale: Wedn esday, Decem ber 8 at 7:30 p.m . h t t ps:/ / asu k er r .com / asu -k er r -w elcom es Clar k Cen t er f or t h e Per f or m in g Ar t s, Ar r oyo Gr an de: Fr iday, Decem ber 17, 2021 at 7:30pm h t t ps:/ / clar k cen t er .or g/ sh ow s/ ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able/ Vacaville, Per f or m in g Ar t s Th eat r e: Fr iday, Decem ber 19, 2021 at 2:30pm h t t ps:/ / vpat .n et / even t / ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able/

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October, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Tyler Sch w ar t z (DANCER) has been Irish

Cat er in a Coyn e (Dan cer ) Born in London and raised in Connemara Ireland Caterina always had a keen interest in Irish Dancing. Having competed at the highest level Caterina won numerous major competition titles and was ranked in the top 5 in the World. After she joined the troupe of Riverdance it wasn?t long before she was made Principle Dancer, a position she held for ten years She has danced on some of the most prestigious stages in the world such as Radio City Music Hall, NYC, andthe Gaiety Theatre Dublin and in front of royalty, dignitaries and celebrities. Her years with

dancing for the past 20 years; competing, performing and spreading the art form. He w as most recently named Irish Dancing Magazine?s ?Man of the Year ?! A World Champion, Tyler has also competed and won the All-Ireland, North American, Great Britain, and the All Scotland Championships. He has been the lead dancer in many productions, including Rockin?Road to Dublin, Busch Gardens Celtic Fyre, and Gaelforce Dance. Most recently, Tyler gained global attention as Instagram?s St. Patrick?s Day featured dancer. Since then, he has been highlighted in a Now This video, as well as BuzzFeed, and othes!

Riverdance took her all over the World and she has been gifted and fortunate to teach and hold workshops for hundreds of aspiring dancers along the way. Cat er in a is a qu alif ied T.C.R.G

Tyler Sch w ar t z is also a br an d am bassador f or Capezio, t ak in g Ir ish dan ce t o t h e m ain st r eam st age! Th is is Tyler ?s f ir st season as pr in cipal

October. 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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LivestreamonFacebookfromtheHudsonTheatre,Hollywood Do you lik e scar y gh ost st or ies? Wan n a see som e m agic, or people dan cin g w it h r eal axe h an dles an d sw or ds? Do you lik e sin gin g alon g an d st om pin g you r f eet t o t h e beat ? Th en you don't w an t t o m iss

Samhain Th e Celt ic Hallow een M u sical!

Ever w on der abou t t h e or igin s of ou r spook y Hallow een pu m pk in s? Or t h e h eadless h or sem an ? Do you love h igh en er gy Ir ish dan cin g? Or t h e dr ivin g m u sic f r om t h e Celt ic lan ds, an d t igh t vocal h ar m on ies? Join in f or an excit in g an d f u n even in g of All Hallow s Eve cr aic (t h at 's " f u n" in Ir ish ). Visit ou r h om e page f or m or e in f o:h t t ps:/ / celt ic-r h yt h m /

T h e K i n g's H ead Pu b f o r T ak e O u t & Sh o p p e i n San t a M o n i ca

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S A Con cer t Review : You n g Du blin er s at t h e Can yon Clu b in Agou r a Hills By Tin a Day Boy, things have changed since early 2020. I distinctly remember the day when things changed for me personally, March 12, 2020.That was the day we were told at my day job that we were going work from home for ?a couple of weeks until we flattened the curve.?Yeah, a couple of weeks.I haven?t been back to the office since, which is fine by me. This year things have been slowly starting to get back to normal with little milestones:First movie in a theatre; first meal inside a restaurant; first baseball game; first concert at the Hollywood Bowl; and, on September 19, 2021, first concert in a club.For me, each of these milestones is met with some trepidation, but each one gets a little easier. I first saw the Young Dubliners almost 30 years ago when they opened for Black 47 at a show in Santa Monica. Now, usually opening bands are nothing to write home about, but the Young Dubliners definitely caught my attention.Even though I was there to write a concert review of Black 47, I had to put in a couple of paragraphs about the Young Dubliners. There have been many more concerts and venues since then. So, what better way to jump back into the concert milieu than with a familiar friend. I got there early and just caught the end of Kris Colt & the Black Rose Band.Kris Colt has a beautiful, angelic voice. Her lilting vocals and haunting melodies belied the music that was upcoming. The next act was Duncan and the Dragonslayers.The first thing that caught my eye when they took the stage was ?Is that an electric Banjo??It was indeed, and never has a banjo sounded less like a banjo. My brief impression of this band was that the musicianship seemed to be there, but the composition and performance needed some polish.It would be interesting to see this trio again in a few years. Finally, it was time for the band that we had all been waiting for, the Young Dubliners.Looking around at the crowd, I was pleased to see that it had picked up in number, it was quite sparse earlier.The Dubs only started touring again recently, and this was the SoCal debut of their new bass player, Ethan Jones, who has recently taken over for long-time bassist

Brendan Holmes. The dance floor at the Canyon Club already had some people on it in anticipation of the Dubs taking the stage.They came out and started strong, as they always do, getting the crowd into it right away.The evening?s set was perfectly constructed for a much needed concert following a long pandemic. The concert felt very much like St. Patrick?s Day in September, a celebration of where we have been over the past 18 months, and a look forward to better days ahead.In fact, although there were some sprinklings of original songs from their many albums, the set was heavily from theirIrish Sessionsalbum. The crowd seemed to be more than happy with the strategy, as the dance floor got more and more packed with each song. At one point as I looked around, there appeared to be the beginnings of a mosh pit forming to the side, which is nothing too surprising at a Dubs show, but the median age of the crowd appeared to be around 40.I was just hoping that someone didn?t end up breaking a hip.

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Cen t er : Keit h Rober t s; Fou n din g M em ber & Lead Vocals alon g w it h ban d m at es: Ju st in Pecot an d Et h an Jon es Photos By TINA DAY Let us not forget Keith?s sharp Irish wit, at one point apologizing for an ?F? bomb explaining that they had been playing a lot of all-ages shows and he had to temper his language, but now he could just let them all out.He then proceeded to let 4-5 out in repetition. I think that it is safe to say that the entire experience was much welcomed by those in attendance and also much needed.Thank you Young Dubliners for leading us out of the darkness.

Th e u ber t alen t ed sin ger -son gw r it er KRIS COLT an d t h e Black Rose Ban d open ed u p t h e sh ow !

w w n gdu blin er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Abou t Cr af t er s of Ir elan d Ber n adet t e Clan cy t h e f ou n der of Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is t ot ally su ppor t ive of all h er m em ber s. Says Clan cy " I h ave got t en t o k n ow each of t h e cr af t er s t h at com e on boar d. I h ave t o say t h at ever yon e of t h em ar e so easy t o w or k w it h , even t h ou gh t h ey ar e all f r om t h e f ou r cor n er s of Ir elan d an d ver y dif f er en t in t h eir sk ill. On e t h in g t h ey all h ave in com m on is - t h ey f in d it h ar d t o t ak e a com plim en t w it h ou t f eelin g a


Deireadh Fómhair

lit t le em bar r assed, bu t lik e u s all, u n der n eat h it t h ey love it , it gives t h em t h e m ot ivat ion t o con t in u e.

w w st agr am .com / cr af t er sof ir elan d/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Ir elan dCr af t er s h t t ps:/ / solu t ion scon su lt an cyir elan / lin k edin .com / in / ber n adet t e-m ir iam -clan cy-7b7b261b8 Dir ect Lin e: 353 (0)87 421 0829




Ye O l d e K i n g's H ead Pu b & Gi f t Sh o p p e 116 San t a M o n i ca B l San t a M o n i ca 310 4 51- 14 0 2

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Page 18

Irish Arts & Entertainment

The View from Ireland Af f or dable Hou sin g f or All? By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick On Sept em ber 2n d, t h e Ir ish gover n m en t lau n ch ed a f ou r billion eu r o per year plan t o su pply on aver age 33,000 h om es ever y year over t h e n ext decade u n der t h e ban n er ?Hou sin g f or All?. The government claims that the programme will constitute the biggest delivery of affordable homes in the history of the state. In addition, the government will introduce a vacant property tax in 2022 to force the hand of those who are sitting on vacant properties in the midst of a housing crisis. Minister for Housing, Darragh O?Brien, also wrote to Catholic Primate of All Ireland, Eamon Martin, to encourage him to make the church?s extensive portfolio of vacant land and property available to facilitate the government?s plans. This all amounts to serious and concerted action. Our politicians are obviously worried about something. Three years ago, in September 2018, this column wrote that it was a student protest that inspired the occupation of a vacant house in Dublin City Centre in August 2018: ?the occupy movement has since then seized a second house and now a third one in the city? The good news is that rectifying the housing crisis is a doddle: build higher in the cities, instigate government forced purchases of land and mass social housing provisions in city centres (parts of which have had vacant buildings for years) and introduce better tax breaks for young buyers. This would be instituting an Irish version of the New Deal? call itAn Déil Nua?. The government is calling its plan ?Housing for All?, but it amounts to something similar. But will it deliver sufficient housing to alleviate a crisis that has been decades in the making? Over the past four decades a sharp division in property ownership has emerged in Ireland. As political scientist Aidan Regan has argued: ?In 1987, the middle to top 70-90 percent owned 50 percent of housing wealth. Today, it has declined to 35 percent. Meanwhile, the share of housing wealth going to the top 10 percent has increased from 20 to 32 percent?. Property ownership thus has become an index of political constituencies that have aligned to political parties accordingly. The very wealthy own an abundance while many

Deireadh Fómhair

Au t h or , Hist or ian an d Sch olar M au r ice Fit zpat r ick is cu r r en t ly on a Fellow sh ip at Not r e Dam e Un iver sit y in Sou t h Ben d, IN young couples and families own nothing. It will take a great deal of adjustment to reverse that process and to de-politicise property in Ireland. Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Housing, Eoin Ó Broin, has just published a new book on the property crisis,Defects: Living with the Legacy of the Celtic Tiger, in which he details to embarrassing effect the greed of developers (abetted by Fianna Fáil), disregarding home-owners who innocently bought shoddy housing during the Celtic Tiger: ?Families are living in fire-defective and structurally unsound apartments and houses across the state, and homes in Donegal, Mayo and elsewhere are literally crumbling apart as a result of mica and pyrite in defective building blocks?. In promotional interviews for his book, Ó Broin availed of every chance to hammer the coalition parties in government. That parti prisstance is wholly expectable. It is less acceptable that journalists failed to ask Ó Broin why it is that, if his party so fervidly roots for the ?ordinary people?, it did not vote against the Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill the Northern Ireland Assembly on November 15th 2015. That legislation imposed welfare cuts in Northern Ireland. In the intervening years, since Sinn Féin espoused economic austerity in the North, the party has seen that the key to power in the South is the unambiguous embrace of affordable housing as its mantra.

Su b st an dar d apar t m en t s, over cr ow din g an d h igh r en t s h ave been a pr oblem in Du blin f or m an y year s. Th e Ir ish pr oper t y boom h as m ade t h e divide gr eat er .

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and change of government that year) was to have dramatic consequences a generation later when the re-zoning of land became a national bait and switch operation in which Fianna Fáil and big developers procured fortunes and elections. (The electorate cannot claim to have been blameless in the process). Hence the Celtic Tiger and the exorbitant property prices. Ultimately, the bubble burst and the corruption of land re-zoning, whereby landowners were rewarded far beyond anything recommended in the Kenny Report, gave rise to the Mahon Tribunal. Will the Private Sector be included in future housing in Ireland? Irish Government has big plans! Given that Sinn Féin has never been in government in the South, the other parties are accountable for the housing mess in a way that Sinn Féin is not. And those parties certainly are answerable for another major obstacle to a more equitable housing system in Ireland: the financialisation of property through the mass purchase of property by tax-incentivised vulture funds,which have been abetted by all the political parties and governments during and since the Celtic Tiger.

Bringing sanity back to the Irish housing system (housing prices have jumped by 99% nationally since 2013) will take time as housing reform is a slow burn. It remains to be seen whether the parties currently in government succeed in enforcing their new policies and whether they survive in government long enough to reap any reward for doing so. They should be in no doubt, however, that housing will be the matter that determines the next election in 2025, if not before.

In 1973, a government inquiry into housing, The Kenny Report, recommended that local housing authorities be granted the right to force the sale of land in suburban areas, and that owners of such land should be compensated according to its agricultural valuation plus 25%. The failure to implement the Kenny Report (after the election

Feat u r e Com in g in ou r Novem ber Issu e!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

News Analysis & Commentary By John McNally

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Goes Head To Head with Joe Biden Over Brexit, Ireland & Trade British Prime Minister Boris Johnson got an embarrassing dose of reality on his first visit with the new US President. Johnson's attempts to secure trade deals with the US were dashed by Joe Biden, who cited London's refusal to honor treaty obligations with Ireland. A letter, promoted by the Ancient Order of Hibernians and signed by 39 Congress members, reinforced Biden's position while the British continue to say Biden doesn't understand the complexity of Brexit. Taoiseach Micheál Martin, also in the US, said: "Anybody who suggests that President Biden

doesn't get northern Ireland or understand it is wrong. He understands it very well." Johnson claims Brexit's Irish Protocol (Irish Sea border) doesn't work because it impedes trade. Unionists, meanwhile, have threatened to collapse the Stormont Government if the Irish Protocol is not rejected. Unionists were probably going to back out of Stormont after next year 's election anyway when Sinn Fein likely become the largest party making Michelle O'Neill First Minister. Trade between Northern Ireland and Britain is delayed because of the lack of lorry drivers and infrastructure rather than the Protocol's sea border. While trade within the island of Ireland is booming, deepening

Northern Ireland's ties with the Irish Republic are making Irish unity that much closer. Brexit is backfiring as 90 percent of petrol stations in Britain have run dry. It seems that most of the truck drivers in Britain were non-nationals,

and they have all been sent home or left after Brexit. Shut gas stations and empty shelves in many groceries stores were not supposed to be Britain's "new" reality. British Sky News presenter Ian King said: "England has become a country where the pubs have no beer, farmers don't have anyone to pick their fruit and even if they did there aren't enough lorry drivers to get it to the shops."


Dism issive an d ill-m an n er ed Bor is Joh n son didn't w ear a m ask w h en r equ ir ed f or h is f ir st visit t o Wash in gt on sin ce Pr esiden t Bide t ook of f ice

is a lon gt im e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d or gan izer . His k een in sigh t s on Ir ish polit ics an d t r en ds h ave est ablish ed h im as a popu lar con t r ibu t or t o t h is pu blicat ion ,

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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I r i sh C h ef Pau l W at t t er s' O ct o b er Fal l Feast

Co n ch i gl i e Past a w i t h Pr o sci u t t o H am , Sh i t ak e M u sh r o o m s an d a Par m esan C h eese Sau ce Serves 4

you w ill n eed

Th e w h it e Sau ce 50g u n salt ed bu t t er 50g plain f lou r 500m l of w h ole/ sem i sk im m ed m ilk 2 t ablespoon s of dou ble cr eam 1 Clove of gar lic (cr u sh ed) 50g Sh aved par m esan ch eese For Th e past a 300g Con ch iglie past a 500m l of boilin g w at er 2 t ablespoon s of salt Th e M u sh r oom s an d pr osciu t t o.

Bel f ast Based I r i sh Ch ef , Paul W at t er s Celebrity Chef Watters h as been w or k in g as a ch ef f or 30 year s. He h as w or k ed all over t h e w or ld f r om t h e Savoy Hot el in Lon don t o as f ar as t h e Sydn ey Oper a Hou se, Au st r alia. Th e Ch ef is cu r r en t ly livin g in Belf ast an d is con t in u in g t o cook in var iou s h ot els an d r est au r an t s t h r ou gh ou t t h e ar ea. Du r in g t h e lock dow n h e h as set set u p a cook in g page on Facebook t o sh ar e h is love of f ood an d cook in g. Ch ef Pau l's Facebook page is called:

sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw

200g pr osciu t t o h am 200g Sh it ak e M u sh r oom s (sliced)

Th e Ch eese & Th e M et h od Go t o Page 23

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhai

Wells of Lif e Ir elan d Wells of Lif e is a 501(c)(3) n on -pr of it Ch r ist ian or gan izat ion w h ose m ission is t o pr ovide r u r al Ugan dan s access t o saf e, clean w at er t h r ou gh t h e in st allat ion or r est or at ion of su st ain able bor eh ole w at er w ells an d WASH (w at er , san it at ion , an d h ygien e) edu cat ion al pr ogr am s.

There are two options in relation to supplying water to a community: a restoration well or a new borehole well. A well can be donated with a single donation of $8,000 or ?7000 or by crowd-funding your well with your family, friends, school, church or business. A donation of $4000 or ?3500 will restore a previously abandoned, non-functional well to full and safe functionality. These wells were not drilled by Wells of Life, but rather by the national government or other NGOs, some of them as long as a decade ago .

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Th e Ch eese 200g Parmesan Cheese (shaved)

Th e M et h od. Firstly get the water on for the pasta. Adding the Salt and bring to the boil.Add the pasta and stir to prevent sticking and cook for 12 minutes and stir occasionally. While the pasta is cooking bring the 500ml of milk to the boil. In a separate pan melt down the butter add the garlic and cook for a few minutes. Mix in the flour well until a paste has formed.With a whisk gradually add the milk until a sauce has formed add parmesan (To do parmesan shavings get the parmesan and with a potato peeler simply peel the parmesan from the side this is parmesan shavings). In a separate pan drizzle in a little olive oil and add a knob of butter add mushrooms and season with salt black pepper. Add half of the prosciutto and cook for a few minutes stirring well, add the parmesan cheese sauce and simmer for 2-3 minutes. By this stage the pasta should be cooked and strain add to the sauce and mix well, check the seasoning. And serve in heated bowls or plates, add the remaining parmesan on top and Place the remaining prosciutto on top. For a extra finish why not try some chopped flat leaf parsley for extra colour and serve delicious with garlic bread. For any further ideas please contact me on or on my Facebook page simple tasty healthy by pw.

ABOVE: The delicious full flavor of the Prosciutto Ham is balanced perfectly with the pasta and the rich creamy Parmesan. BELOW: Serve the meal with Garlic Bread & flat leaf parsley !

Deligh t ed t o be back in Belf ast n ear f am ily an d f r ien ds; ou r Ch ef an d con t r ibu t or , Pau l Wat t er s an d h is w if e h ave set t led in t o a n ew r ou t in e, t h at in clu des w r it in g, con su lt in g a a lot of ver y cr eat ive t im e in t h e k it ch en !

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhai

FALL FEAST Continued

Oven Roasted Pumpkin & Sweet Potato Soup Serves 4

YOU WILL NEED 1 lar ge on ion (peeled an d ch opped r ou gh ) 1 t ablespoon s of t u r m er ic 1 k g o pu m pk in (peeled deseeded an d r ou gh ch opped) 500g sw eet pot at o (peeled, r in sed an d r ou gh ch opped) 1 t easpoon of dr ied ch illi pow der (opt ion al) 1 t ablespoon s of t om at o pu r ee/ past e 5 oz bu t t er 5 oz plain f lou r 1 lit r e of veget able/ ch ick en st ock 4 spr igs of r osem ar y pick ed

THE M ETHOD First off pre heat the oven to 180C (350F) and mix the pumpkin and sweet potato with a little olive oil and salt and pepper and cook for 15 minutes. While cooking gather a large sauce pan or pot. Melt the butter and add spices cook for 3? 4 minutes on a medium heat. Remove from the heat and add flour and tomato paste mix well until a paste has been formed. Bring back to the heat and gradually whisk in the stock until a sauce consistency has formed.

Simmer for 5 minutes and check the pumpkin and sweet potato in the oven they should be soft. If not its OK as every oven is different. Add to the mix and stir Cook until soft and blend with a hand blender or food processor until smooth. Bring back to the boil season with salt and pepper. Transfer to large bowls and add the picked rosemary on top and crumble the cheese on top. This can be served with or without croutons a matter of taste and enjoy.

PLEASE RESPOND TO OUR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER IN THIS ISSUE! EXTENDED THROUGH the end of OCTOBER! Our r eader s ar e i n v i t ed t o si gn up i f at al l possi bl e. Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on 37/ 38

October, 2021

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Ou r on goin g ser ies pr of iles Ir ish Cr af t er Lau r a Caw ley Lau r a is t h e f ou n der of Sou t h Over Gem in i Design s w h ich is locat ed in a sm all t ow n in t h e w est coast of Ir elan d, Co.M ayo. Says Lau r a abou t h er locat ion in M ayo, " I am so blessed t o be su r r ou n ded by w ildlif e an d n at u r e an d n o m at t er w h at t h e w eat h er t h e cou n t r yside alw ays look s so beau t if u l. Abou t 25 m in u t es f r om m y h om e is m y f avor it e place in t h e w or ld, Dow n Pat r ick Head in Ballycast le. It is a w ell-k n ow n discover y poin t on t h e Wild At lan t ic Way f or t ou r ist s an d also f or people w h o love t o explor e. Fr om t h e h eigh t s of t h e m agn if icen t clif f s in Dow n Pat r ick Head you can see Dú n Br ist e in all it s glor y. Dú n Br ist e (m ean in g Br ok en For t ) is a sea st ack w h ich w as separ at ed f r om t h e m ain lan d in 1393 du e t o sea er osion . St . Pat r ick t h e pat r on sain t of Ir elan d w as said t o h ave visit ed Ballycast le. Legen d h as it t h at Cr om Du bh w h o w as a pagan ch ief t ain w h o lived on t h e edge of Dow n Pat r ick Head w ou ld n ot con ver t t o Ch r ist ian it y so St . Pat r ick slam m ed h is st af f t o t h e gr ou n d w h ich f or ced t h e sea st ack t o separ at e f r om t h e m ain lan d r esu lt in g in Cr om Du bh?s deat h . Du r in g t h e secon d w or ld w ar m y Gr eat Gr an d Un cles M ich ael an d Pet er w ait ed at t h e look ou t h u t w h ich is st ill locat ed t h er e t o w ar n people if en em ies w er e appr oach in g.

Ballycast le also h olds a ver y special place in m y h ear t as it is w h er e m y gr an dm ot h er M ar gar et w as bor n an d r ear ed. I spen t a lot of m y ch ildh ood dow n t h er e look in g at t h e w aves cr ash in g again st t h e clif f s an d also list en in g t o st or ies f r om m y gr an d au n t s of all t h e people w h o h ad gon e bef or e m e. I su ppose t h at is w h er e I get a lot of m y in spir at ion f or m y ar t . Th e n at u r e, t h e ocean an d also t h e Celt ic k n ot s t h at I h ave cr eat ed.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Dr op By and Hang Out Wander ing Souls Welcome....

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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22nd ANNUAL NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL CELEBRATES IRISH CINEMA AND CULTURE Sunday, October 24 Souther n Califor nia Cinema Event to Spotlight 15 Films from I reland

for Best I nter national Film for the 2022 Academy Awar ds.

The 22nd annual Newpor t Beach Film Festival (NBFF) will present the lar gest celebr ation of I r ish Cinema in Nor th Amer ica dur ing its eight-day r un

NBFF To Host I nter national Premiere of I r ish Oscar Submissions Highlights include an Irish Showcase event, red carpet premieres, seven Irish feature length films, six Irish short films and the participation of Irish filmmakers and dignitaries.

On Sunday, October 24, the Festival will present its I r ish Spotlight , an evening celebration of Irish cinema and culture. The event will feature the premiere of the three highly anticipated Irish films, Deadly Cuts, Redemption of a Rogue and Shelter (?Foscadh?) followed by a festive post-screening reception. The Irish Spotlight films will screen at Edwards Big Newport (300 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach, The post-screening celebration will take place at Muldoon?s Irish Pub and will feature live music and hosted hors d'oeuvres. Directed by Rachel Carey, Deadly Cuts (US Premiere) (6:00pm) Stars Victoria Smurfit, Ericka Roe and Angelina Ball. A black comedy set in a working-class Dublin hair salon where the stylists become accidental vigilantes and community heroes as they take on gang members and gentrifiers threatening their community. Directed by Philip Doherty, Redemption of a Rogue (US Premiere) (6:00pm) Stars Aaron Monaghan, Ciaran Roche, Aisling O?Mara, Pat McCabe, Shane Connoughton and Liz . Jimmy carries a black leather doctor?s bag around with him containing the rope he plans to hang himself with. He returns home to the fictional town of Ballylough in the cold austere beauty of West Cavan to seek salvation for his sins. Written and directed by Seán Breathnach and produced by Paddy Hayes, Shelter (?Foscadh?) (International Premiere) (6:15pm) Stars Dónall Ó Héalai, Fionnuala Flaherty and Cillian O?Gairbhí. When his overprotective parents pass away, friendless and guileless recluse, John Cunliffe, discovers their land to be extremely valuable. He is soon forced to navigate the choppy waters of courtship, trust, and vengeance for the first time in his 28 years.

Shelter ~Foscadh ~ is I reland?s Oscar submission

The Newpor t Beach Film Festival I r ish Showcase is presented by Aer L ingus ? LAX to DUB and supported by Culture Ireland, Screen Ireland and The Joseph A. Lynch Trust in partnership with California's premier Irish publication, now Digital and Print on demand, the I rish Arts and Entertainment. Other notable sponsors include the Irish Film and Television Academy, Irish Film Institute, Galway Film Fleadh, Irish American Magazine, Kerrygold, Celtic Nations Magazine, Cork Film Festival, The Ireland Funds & Irish Screen America, Richard Harris International Film Festival, Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival, Irish Fair Foundation, Consulate General of Ireland, Los Angeles and Muldoon?s Irish Pub.

?Culture Ireland is delighted to support the presentation of Irish films at Newport Beach Film Festival. Again this year the Festival has selected some truly memorable recent films from a pool of fantastic filmmakers we are lucky to have in Ireland. ?, stated Christine Sisk, Director of Culture Ireland.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

NBFF Presents I ts Annual I r ish Shor ts The Festival will also present a curated Irish Shorts program. The slate features several North American Premieres and represents some of the strongest narrative, documentary and short films available on the international festival circuit. On Sunday, October 24th, the Festival will screen the short program Irish Shorts - All Sorts at 1:00pm at Th e Lot - Fash ion Islan d 999 Newport Canter Dr, Newport Beach Films in the program include: How to Fall in Love in a Pandemic, Drifting , Fatherly, Life After Life, The Invisible Boy and

Deireadh Fómhair

For t ick et in f or m at ion & u pdat es New por t Beach Film Fest .com . The Yellow Dress.

Adm ission t o Ir ish Sh or t s Pr ogr am : $15.00. Other Irish feature length films screening at the Newport Beach Film Festival include the international premiere of Director, Ross Killeen?s film, Love Yourself Today as well asacclaimed Irish documentarian, Kim Bartley?s, Pure Grit (US Premiere) and Tomás Seoighe?s, The Queen V Patrick O'Donnell( US Premiere). The Irish horror feature, Let the Wrong One In (Regional Premiere) directed by Conor McMahon will also screen. ?The Festival is extremely proud to showcase outstanding Irish Cinema. We are honored to host the most comprehensive collection of Irish film in North America. This year ?s program reflects the exceptionally strong creative talent in Ireland?, stated Gregg Schwenk, CEO of the Newport Beach Film Festival.


P.O. Box 7000-690

Er in Scot t -Hain es M cNu lt y Sch ool Of Ir ish Dan ce, Los An geles

Redon do Beach , CA 90277 1-614-6-DNC-JIG 1 (614) 636-2544

Ir ish Dan cin gLosAn

Gr eat In t r o t o M cNu lt y Ir ish Dan ce

The Celtic Camer a

Page 29

We are here looking for you!

October 2021

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


Roger Casem en t St at u e In st alled at Dú n Laogh air e Bat h s

Th e Roger Casem en t St at u e in t h e st u dio M or e on t h e scu lpt or : w w w.m ar k r ich ar dscu pt u r The magnificent work by world renowned artist and public sculptor Mark Richards had been in the works for many years. and was finally lifted into place at the end of the new jetty at the Dún Laoghaire Baths project in mid September. The statue was commissioned by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The work commemorates Casement became an early international human rights campaigner and who was executed for his part in the 1916 Rising.

Th e Casem en t Scu lpt u r e by M ar k Rich ar ds bein g lif t ed in t o posit ion in Dú n Laogh air e.

Click to sign up f or The Weekly

IRISH E MISSIVE Calendar, Links, Listings& More

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Deireadh Fómhair

?This is the condemnation of English rule, of English-made law, of English government in Ireland, that it dare not rest on the will of the Irish people, but exists in defiance of their will: that it is a rule, derived not from right, but from conquest. I am proud to be a rebel and shall cling to my 'rebellion' with the last drop of my blood.? A f ew of Roger Casem en t ?s last w or ds at h is t r ial.

Born in Sandycove in 1864 to an Anglo-Irish family, Casement entered the British Foreign Service in 1892 and earned an international humanitarian reputation for exposing the exploitation and abuse of natives in the Congo and Peru. Casement rejected colonialism and imperialism and helped found the Irish Volunteers in 1913. He traveled to the USA to raise money and then to Germany to obtain weapons for the Easter Rising. In April 1916, the British captured Casement after trying to smuggle 20,000 German rifles into Ireland near Banna Strand, County Kerry. Sent to London to stand trial, George Bernard Shaw and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fought hard to keep Casement from the gallows. Shaw said, ?I remain an Irishman, and I am bound to contradict any implication that I can regard as a traitor any Irishman taken in a fight for Irish independence against the British Government.? And Doyle circulated a petition calling upon Prime Minister Asquith to commute Casement?s sentence from death to life imprisonment. Casement was hanged and buried in an unmarked grave in a London prison. His remains were interred in

Dublin?s Glasnevin Cemetery in 1965. However, he loved the Glens of Antrim, and a new effort is currently underway to reinter his remains as his last wish was to be buried at Murlough Bay on the North Antrim Coast. Roger Casement was a humanitarian, patriot, gaeilgeoir, and homosexual. Con t r ibu t ed by Joh n M cNally

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

w w w.h ar pin n .com

Page 32

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Ir ish Im por t Sh op is get t in g r eady t o pack t h e sh op w it h all k in ds of goodies an d gif t s f or t h e h olidays.

Saturday October 23 2 @ 8:00 PM | 1hr Duration

M ean w h ile in t h e Wr en t h eat er Last ch an ce t o see Th e aw ar d w in n in g Fr in ge Fest ival sh ow Th e Layer s of Tom Leh r er

Deireadh Fómhair

Body text

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 33

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. SHOW @ 7:00pm Ticket s: $20 Ir ish / Celt ic TRAD/ Folk / Rock ! Th e Cof f ee Galler y Back st age2029 N. Lak e Alt aden a, CA. Ph on e For Reser vat ion s: (626) 798-6236


w w w.cof f eegaller

Page 34

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Deireadh Fómhair

Focu s Feat u r es w ill r elease BELFAST

Ou r Fall Qu ar t er

in t h eat er s on Novem ber 12, 2021

Adver t isin g Season Devot ed t o t h e RE OPENING of M u sic an d Even t s is n f u ll sw in g! You can get

THREE M ONTHS of Cover age... a f u ll 1/ 4 of t h e year f or a

ONE ISSUE AD BUY! Sign u p n ow an d w e give you Week ly E- Blast s t h r ou gh Oct ober at n o ext r a ch ar ge. You also r eceive THREE Display ads f or t h e pr ice of ONE an d you get list ed in ou r Decem ber Celt ic Ch r ist m as Bu yin g Gu ide. Social M edia Pr om ot ion s, LINKS/ LISTINGS ar e in clu ded! Th is is t h e best Ad an d Pr om ot ion s Deal t h at w e h ave ever of f er ed!

Pack ages st ar t at $300. INTERESTED??? Con t act Jim @ 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm


IRISH ARTS & ENTERTAINM ENT BUY ONE YEAR @ $25. an d Get A Secon d Year FREE Or GET A GIFT SUB FREE! ir ish m issive@gm

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

SAVE THE WEEKENDS Sat u r days & Su n days

Page 35


Lady Black Rose Novem ber 5 t o 7 Hot Spr in gs Ren aissan ce Fair .

w w w.f acebook .com / HSr en f sir e/ Novem ber 20 & 21 Ju bilee Ren aissan ce Fair e & Nigh t s of a Valou r Alabam a w w w.ext r em ejou st in / Ju bileef air e

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld

NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

Los An geles...f or 2021 is Com in g ...Det ails Soon !

Page 36

Irish Arts & Entertainment

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:

Deireadh Fómhair

PIPER ANDY SCOTT is playing every Saturday this f ootball season prior to

All Notre Dame Games Join the pre-game f un!!

10201 Slater Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708


(w w ysu llivan

Peace Lu t h er an Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g. CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r

digitCelt al pu ic blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck Th u nback dert h e t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in gs t o: i r ish m issive@gm

Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!

w w ishr ep.or g

ht t ps:// ireland-t onight

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

Page 37


Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

members of our VIP Group.

Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: Gr eat Dads at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm


Page 38

GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL

951 216-1493

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AN I RI SH CH RI STM AS AS SEEN ON PBS! COM ING TO A THEATRE NEAR YOU!! TO SEE TH I S I N CREDI BLE SH OW W I TH DAN CE LED BY W ORLD CH AM PI ON , TYLER SCH W ARTZ SELECT YOUR FAVORI TE CI TY AN D BOOK YOUR SEATS! ?? Genuinely astonishing? electric!?? Th e Vi l l age N ew s 12/ 01 ? Tu r lock Com m u n it y Th eat r e: w w / t ick et / p/ 5665799/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-t u r lock -t u r lock -com m u n it y-t h eat r e 12/ 02?,Golden St at e Th eat r e, M on t er ey: w w w.even t br it / e/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-t ick et s-168771458977 12/ 03 ? Upt ow n Th eat r e, Napa: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / an .../ even t / 1C005B2FA6985320 12/ 05 ?Lober o Th eat r e, San t a Bar bar a: w w w.lober o.or g/ even t s/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-2/ 12/ 10 ?Fox Rialt o Th eat r e, Tu cson , AZ: w w w.r ial:t ot h eat r / .../ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as.../ 12/ 12 ? Sedon a PAC, Ar izon a: h t t ps:/ / w w w.even t br it / e/ 175768407037 12/ 16- Sch er r For u m Th eat r e, Th ou san d Oak s: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / even t / 0B005B14D9FC262F 12/ 17- Sch er r For u m Th eat r e, Th ou san d Oak s: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / even t / 0B005B14DA012631 12/ 18 ? Clar k Cen t er , Ar r oyo Gr an de :h t t ps:/ / clar k cen t er .or g/ sh ow s/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as/ 12/ 19 ? Balboa Th eat r e, San Diego :h t t ps:/ / san diegot h eat r es.or g/ even t / 2021/ 12/ ir ish -ch r ist m as 12/ 20 & 12/ 21 Yu caipa PAC :h t t ps:/ / yu caipaper f or m in gar t s.or g/ even t / ir ish ch r ist m as/

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