Irish Arts and Entertainment SAMHAIN, Updated Calendar Special (Mid November, 2021)

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A Very Blessed SAM HAIN To All!

Vo l . X X I X , # X

See Irish Lit erary Showcase

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N ov em b er ~~ Sam h ai n

20 21



L to R: An dr eas Du r k in , M ylo M oylan , Der ek War f ield,

Dam ar is Woods & Cor m ac M cGu in n ess :

Paddy M al on ey




Chieftains Founder Dies In Ireland


H) Pg 8

Tyler Sch w ar t z an d Evelyn Th om G) Pg 23

Sen sat ion al Cast M em ber s Tou r in g Wit h Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s Starts on Page 9

Starts on Pg 3 M or e Feat u r es i n t h i s i ssu e i n cl u de: Cel t i c Cam er a See Page 27 By Dat e & On Goi n g CALEN DARS St art on Page 30



See Pages



See list in gs in Calen dar Th e Hollyw ood Lan dm ar k w it h t h e biggest lit t le t h eat r e su r pr ise in t ow n !

vip~af f iliat e

No sh or t ages h er e! Have t h e BEST CHRISTM AS EVER w it h Gif t s & GOODIES dir ect f r om Ir elan d! OUR NEWLY IM PROVED WEBSITE IS UP!! w w ish im por t sh

MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Paddy M olon ey Wor ldw ide Tr ibu t es t o a gr eat lif e dedicat ed t o Ir ish M u sic

Starts on Page 3

SAM HAIN See page 6

Der ek War f ield & You n g Wolf Ton es Com in g To Tor r an ce See page 7 KERRY IRISH PRODUCTIONS TWO Xm as Sh ow s Coverage starts on Page 9

M au r ice Fit zpat r ick San it y or Sn u b View f r om Ir elan d Joh n M cNally Com m en t ar y See page CELTIC CAM ERA Page 2 9 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 31

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Details on Pages 37 & 38

RIP Ch ar ly Gien au 1984~2021 A v er y sp eci al an d so m b er d ed i cat i o n i n t h i s i ssu e. O u r go o d f r i en d an d co n t r i b u t i n g w r i t er Gr eg Pat r i ck l o st o n e o f h i s d ear f r i en d s i n a t r agi c acci d en t r ecen t l y. H i s st o r y i n t h i s i ssu e i s d ed i cat ed t o h er w o n d er f u l l i f e an d m em o r y.

7 6Worldwide Outpouring Of Gratitude and Tears

Paddy M olon ey Laid To Rest In Ir elan d

Paddy Moloney, Irish folk music legend and founder of The Chieftains, has Tr ibutes poured into his family and the remaining Chieftains from around the wor ld.

Moloney was self-taught musician, he told NPR in a 2002 interview that his mom bought him a tin whistle when he was six years old, and learning that opened the door to other instruments. "Because it gives you great insight into instruments and formation of scales and that kind of stuff," he said.

"Paddy Moloney: The man who put I rish music on the map ." accor ding to the Rolling

Sharing his insights on music, he also said, "But also the other beauty of this little tin whistle is that once you get over the mechanics of it, you can really get into improvisation," he added, "and you can start to see the music and out it comes."

Stones' K eith Richar ds. Ciar an M cCauley of the BBC/NI reminded us that K ieth Richar ds said that about Paddy of The Chieftains. The Chieftains founder Paddy Moloney collaborated with everyone from Kieth Richards and The Rolling Stones to Emmylou Harris and The Pogues during his six decades-long career so Irish Music Makers and other admirers from round the world have expressed their appreciation, love and sorrow at the news of his death.

Rita O'Reilly (second left carrying stick), wife of Chieftains founder Paddy Moloney, follows his coffin from St Kevin's Church in County Wicklow during his funeral. Paddy's son, Aonghus eulogized his father with moving comments that showed great love.

Massimo Giuntini, an Italian Uilleann piper who played with the Chieftains expressed his feelings. "Millions of people worldwide play Irish music because of this man. I had the honor to share the stage with him, even. Thank you Mr Paddy Moloney, RI P"

Novem ber in Ir ish is SAM HAIN w h ich is a m on t h an d a Feast Day on t h e Celt ic Calen dar . In ancient Ireland (and to a lesser extent today); the evening of October 31st. to mid-morning of November 1st. was a very mysterious and special few hours! In the belief of our ancient ancestors and the Druids, it was the time when our world of the present was closest to the nether-worlds of the dead and all the "others" who dwelled in the spirit realms. Much of our customs and religious belief stem from those early practices. The Catholic/Christian church celebrates All Souls and All Saint's Days on these two days. All of our modern day Halloween observances and traditions started with the Irish. (See our last issue: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3pr pCsP )

So u t h er n C al i f o r n i a A d m i r er s an d Fan s Rem em b er Pad d y M o l o n ey MaryBeth McCartan of the McCartan School of Irish Dance provided Paddy and The Chieftains local Irish Dance students on several occasions through the years. "We danced with The Chieftains many times including concerts at Disney Hall, Cerritos Center and in Thousand Paddy especially was kind and always spoke to the dancers. He was very friendly and interested in children learning Irish Dance and Music. He championed both. He loved seeing it all carried on." Griffin Healy of Huntington Beach, who is now the President of the Irish Fair Foundation has fond memories of his dealings and the time he spent with Paddy Moloney and The Chieftains from the 1980s. He remembered well that the Chieftains were the headliners in 1986. At the time, Healy was the Security and Stage manager for the Irish Fair which was held at the Equestrian Center on the border of Burbank and Los Angeles, adjacent to Griffith Park. On opening day, Saturday, Grif ?s job was to take Paddy from the Green Room at the Polo Club to the stadium. ?But, Paddy also wanted a tour of the fair and grounds.? Recalls Healy. ?He was magnificent, he loved the people and his fans and the 10 minute ride took almost an hour, He was even a few minutes late for his sound check. He wanted to stop at all the vendors, and he bought souvenirs from them. He happily chatted with everyone and signed Irish Fair Program Books! He absolutely loved everyone he met and was tireless talking about the music and taking requests! He especially liked meeting musicians and invited several to come by the stage and some even got to sit in on the finale of each show!0" Grif summed up the memory with his final thoughts on Paddy. " Without a doubt, one of the nicest people that I ever met, and the best groups ever! One of our

Released in 2006, an am azin g gr eat est son g CD! In clu ded w er e: Matt Molloy, Paddy Moloney, Seán Potts, Michael Tubridy, David Fallon, Martin Fay (Now deceased), Peadar Mercier, Seán Keane and the late Derek Bell.

best Irish Fairs EVER!? Margaret Cleary of the Cleary School of Irish Dancers echoed the other members of the Irish Community who had the good fortune to know, meet or work with him. " Caring, kind, very interest in meeting the aspiring dancers and musicians. Always encouraged them!" The Cleary Irish Dancers appeared with The Chieftains at several fine concerts throughout the years!

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TH E CH I EFTAI N S t oget h er f or t h ei r l ast t our .

M at t M al oy Paddy M ol on ey Kev i n Con n ef f Sean Kean e

Links & Resources f or much more on Paddy Maloney and The CHIEFTAINS BBC Sh ow on Th e CHIEFTAINSxt



P.O. Box 7000-690

Er in Scot t -Hain es M cNu lt y Sch ool Of Ir ish Dan ce, Los An geles

Redon do Beach , CA 90277 1-614-6-DNC-JIG 1 (614) 636-2544

Ir ish Dan cin gLosAn

Gr eat In t r o t o M cNu lt y Ir ish Dan ce

November. 2021

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Tickets On Sale NOW

Der ek War f ield an d t h e You n g Wolf e Ton es Set For Tor r an ce Con cer t Witness Ireland?s Bardic Tradition With Derek Warfield And His Band

last decade across the world.

By John McNally Southern California will have a rare opportunity on November 11th to experience a memorable evening with legendary Derek Warfield and his band, The Young Wolfe Tones. Derek Warfield is the master of blending Irish ballads and storytelling, patriotic songs and recitations, backed by an exceptionally talented crew of musicians. You will leave this performance with a reverence for Ireland?s past and the energy and optimism of a new generation of traditional Irish music virtuosos. That is why you should not just attend this event but also bring your family and friends too. Derek is a true Shanachie, an Irish storyteller, but the stories he tells aren?t about fairies and leprechauns; his stories are of the true history of Ireland from the dark days of Gorta Mor (the great hunger) to the influence of Irish America and the founding of the Irish Nation. Revered for his ability to transmit the ethos, the spirit, of Ireland and her diaspora, Derek has also studied the participation of Irish people in our revolutionary and civil wars and has recorded illuminative CDs on the subject. After spending nearly 40 years as founder, leader, and frontman of the legendary Wolfe Tones (named after the 18th century Irish Revolutionary Theobald Wolfe Tone), Derek Warfield put together a band containing some of the finest musicians and singers in Irish music ?Th e You n g Wolf e Ton es. This talented young band brings youthful energy and enthusiasm to both the music and songs.No other Irish folk group, before or since, tells the story of Ireland so passionately. Dam ar is Woods(Banjo) from County Meath is recognized as one of the foremost banjo players in Irish music. She has made a significant

contribution in popularizing the banjo within Irish traditional music. Damaris has performed an extremely hectic touring schedule over the

Above, Der ek in t h e cen t er & t h e You n g Wolf e Ton es in Oh io

Tor r an ce Con cer t Det ails on Page 31 an d r em ain in g US Tou r Dat es on In side Back Cover M ylo M oylan (Guitar and vocals) is an Irish Folk Singer/Songwriter originally from Kildare Town, Co. Kildare; he moved to Dublin and became a unique artist in the Dublin music scene. His repertoire involves the most famous compositions from Irish artists such as The Dubliners, Christy Moore, The Pogues, The Clancy Brothers, and others. Cor m ac M cGu in n ess(vocals) is from Tallaght in Co Dublin. He has been playing music and singing songs from an early age. Cormac is ?the festivous? of the band, and his sense of humor brings a spirit of laughter to anyone fortunate enough to meet him. His nickname is the Foggy Dude. An dr eas Du r k in (Keyboard/Vocals) is a native of Co. Cavan, Ireland, brings his contagious enthusiasm and musical virtuosity to his keyboard playing and singing. Andreas has featured on the Cruise of Irish Stars, where he gets the chance to share the stage with Ronan Tynan, Andy Cooney, and many more. Andreas has performed on many Irish television shows, including Glór Tire on TG4 and Open House on RTÉ.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Derek Warfield?s lifelong passion for engaging people in the music and story of Ireland is also very present in the other band members: ?Communication with a live audience through music is what I believed to be of primary importance when I founded the Old Wolfe Tones in 1963. In performing with The Young Wolfe Tones, I communicate with audiences while also passing on an important tradition to a new generation. The experience has reinvigorated me and allowed the young players and singers to display their skills and talents worldwide. And I believe that I am passing on an ancient Irish bardic tradition worthy of preservation to a younger generation.? - Derek Warfield. Derek Warfield & The Young Wolfe Tones were the Official performers for the 2015 Friends Of Ireland St Patrick?s Day


Luncheon in Capitol Hill for President Obama, Vice President Biden, Taoiseach Enda Kenny & many other distinguished friends of Irish America. They have been a headlining act at Milwaukee?s Irish Festival (The biggest Irish Festival in the world). And Derek received The AOH Spirit Of Freedom Award 2017. Don?t miss Derek Warfield and The Young Wolfe Tones in their only Southern California performance on November 11 in Torrance:, California, For in f o & Tick et s: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3Gf pDGh

Please check out the website w w w.t h eyou n gw olf et on

for other tour dates, CDs, and merchandise.

November, 2021

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Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s An n ou n ces Ch r ist m as Season Sh ow s & Ar t ist s C h r i st m as f r o m a C el t i c T ab l e C u r l u p i n y o u r seat f o r a w o n d er f u l ev en i n g o f st o r y t el l i n g! (? San t a l et t er s? ?T w as t h e N i gh t b ef o r e C h r i st m as, T h e L i t t l e M at ch Gi r l ? t o n am e a f ew ). A m agi cal ev en i n g o f f am i l y en t er t ai n m en t p er f ect f o r t h e h o l i d ay seaso n . Si n gi n g, d an ci n g, st o r y t el l i n g? .w h at co u l d b e b et t er ! A n an n u al f av o r i t e f o r t h e en t i r e f am i l y. A l l ages ar e w el co m e!

W i t h : Sh eel agh C u l l en , M ar i an T o m as Gr i f f i n , T h e K er r y D an ce T r o u p e, Pat r i ci a H an n i f i n , an d t h e si n gi n g h o l i d ay f av o r i t es w i t h sp eci al ar t i st s! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! SEE TICKET LINKS ON PAGE 11

From our cover

Evelyn Th om (Fiddle) .Hailin g

f r om Ch icago, Evelyn Th o m is a multi-instrumentalist with focus on guitar and fiddle. She was thrilled to open for Lúnasa with the Irish Music School of Chicago, and for Socks in the Frying Pan with the Shepherd School of Music. At a soloist, Evelyn has competed at the All-Ireland many times and holds several regional medals from the Midwest Fleadh, winning the gold standard in 2020. She was also a youth scholarship recipient for the Swannanoa Gathering, Scoil Éigse, and the Francis O?Neill Irish Arts week. Evelyn started fiddle lessons at nine years old and now studies with Sean Cleland and

Rachel Brown on fiddle/violin. Evelyn also studies with Jesse Langen on Irish and jazz guitar. In part, she attributes her success to the teachings of Liz Carroll, Dylan Foley, Oisín Mac Diarmada, James Kelly, Martin Hayes, Liz Knowles, Devin Shepherd, and Marta Cook. Currently, Evelyn teaches her own students in the Chicagoland area. Evelyn has enjoyed performing around Chicago and on the gig rig stages at the All-Ireland Fleadh. She frequents local sessions and has competed with bands from the Irish Music School of Chicago, the Shepherd School of Music, and the Center for Irish Music from Minnesota. Additionally, her music can be heard on all social media platforms, including the podcastFor No Reason,hosted by Hollie Greenwood and Evelyn. She is the 2019 winner of the Ireland Agency Award in recognition of her passionate work with the Chicago music community as

teacher, performer and artist. Evelyn will began studying Music Performance at Cornish College of the Arts this fall and is excited to continue playing, learning, performing, and teaching music for the rest of her life! This is Evelyn?s first tour with An Irish Christmas and Christmas from a Celtic Table 2021. Rarely would I give the title of virtuoso to any artist, but Evelyn Thom is in this category. She is a star in the making in the Irish music world and way beyond that. It will be very interesting to watch her path emerge, but even now, she can stand toe to toe with the great traditional players.? ..Kerry Irish Productions is fortunate to have her as one of the company?s superb musicians for 2021 winter performances.. .

Jesse Lan gen (Gu it ar ) is a guitarist who plays a variety of styles of music. He has been featured with The Chicago Symphony, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and recently in ?I am Ireland? on PBS. Jesse and his brother Tim grew up learning fiddle tunes from their grandfather Clarence, and that grounding laid the foundation for Jesse?s approach to traditional music. In Irish music, he can be heard regularly in sessions around Chicago, as well as in the band Compas with his brother Tim and bodhran player Amy Richter. In other styles of music, he can be heard in Chicago, throughout the country and elsewhere in the world with Ensemble Dal Niente, in Hasco Duo with Soprano Amanda DeBoer Bartlett, in Soundboard with harpist Ben Melsky, and in Katet with singer/songwriter Katie Jimoh and percussionist Tim Mulvenna. He teaches guitar and composition at Chicago Academy for the Arts

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


An I r i sh Ch r i st m as As seen on PBS!

St ar r i n g W or l d Ch am pi on Dan cer s: Tyl er Sch w ar t z an d Em i l y M acCon n el l

Ch r i st m as Fr om A Cel t i c Tabl e A perfect family event! An en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d's past an d pr esen t . Feat u r in g aw ar d-w in n in g Du blin -bor n Ir ish act or Sh eelagh Cu llen as pr esen t er / n ar r at or in t h e deligh t f u l pr ogr am Ch r ist m as f r om a Celt ic Table! Join in g Sh eelagh w ill be sopr an o Kor al Aak r e, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad, Cat er in a Coyn e (Pr in cipal Dan cer , River dan ce), Tyler Sch w ar t z (Pr in cipal Dan cer ), M ar k Alf r ed (M u sical Dir ect or , River dan ce) an d pian ist Pat r icia Han n if in . Wit h t ou r -de-f or ce st or yt ellin g f r om Sh eelagh Cu llen en ch an t in g u s w it h t im eless h oliday f avor it es (?Tw as t h e Nigh t bef or e Ch r ist m as, Th e Lit t le M at ch Gir l...?), su per b dan ce f r om Cat er in a Coyn e an d Tyler Sch w ar t z, an d Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad sin gin g t r adit ion al car ols in clu din g Silen t Nigh t , Th e 12 Days of Ch r ist m as an d Wexf or d Car ol, a w on der f u l h oliday ?M u st See!?is assu r ed! Join us ?round the hearth on this gracious evening....


Do n ot m iss t h is en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d?s past an d pr esen t . A ?M u st See!?t h is h oliday Season .

November, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ch r i st m as f r om a Cel t i c Tabl e i s a per f ect f am i l y ev en t " Enchanting, engrossing? a tour-de-force? ?? Irish Arts & Entertainment

TICKETS NOW ON SALE Ir vin e Bar clay Th eat r e: M on day, Novem ber 29, 2021 at 8pm w w w.t h ebar clay.or g/ bu y-t ick et s/ 2021-2022-season -even t s/ 11-29-2021-ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able.h t m l ASU Ker r Cu lt u r al Cen t er , Scot t sdale: Wedn esday, Decem ber 8 at 7:30 p.m . h t t ps:/ / asu k er r .com / asu -k er r -w elcom es Clar k Cen t er f or t h e Per f or m in g Ar t s, Ar r oyo Gr an de: Fr iday, Decem ber 17, 2021 at 7:30pm h t t ps:/ / clar k cen t er .or g/ sh ow s/ ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able/ Vacaville, Per f or m in g Ar t s Th eat r e: Fr iday, Decem ber 19, 2021 at 2:30pm h t t ps:/ / vpat .n et / even t / ch r ist m as-f r om -a-celt ic-t able/

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Sat u r day, Novem ber 6 St ar t in g @ 3PM TROOPER THORN

Be an im por t an t par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

November. 2021

10 m in u t es

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Filming To Begin In Ireland In March, 2022

Liam Neeson & Ciar a Hin ds To St ar In Ir ish Th r iller The Land Of Saints And Sinners is set for production in March, 2022 Liam Neeson(Taken) will co-star in the film which will be filmed and set in Ireland this coming Spring. Ireland-set thrillerIn The Land Of Saints And Sinners, which will re-team the actor withThe Marksmandirector Robert Lorenz. Their previous collaboration topped the U.S. box office earlier this year. Set in a remote Irish village, Neeson will play a newly retired assassin who finds himself drawn into a lethal game of cat and mouse with a trio of vengeful terrorists. Belfast and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy actor Ciarán Hinds also stars. Principal photography is being lined up for March 2022 in Ireland. Bleiberg/Dimbort is launching international sales at the upcoming virtual American Film Market. CAA Media Finance and UTA Independent Film Group are co-representing domestic.

T h e K i n g's H ead Pu b f o r T ak e O u t & Sh o p p e i n San t a M o n i ca

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S L o r een a M cK en n i t t Fi f t een t h A n n i v er sar y Rel ease

Lor een a M cKen n it t Click f or Or der in g in f o: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3o2BLm 3 Loreena McKennitt?s ?eclectic Celtic? music has won critical acclaim worldwide and gold, platinum and Nights from the Alhambrais set for re- release for the multi-platinum sales awards in 15 fir st time on clear double vinyl. The or iginal 2014 black vinyl r un of 7,500 copies sold countries across four continents. out and has long since been unavailable outside of the specialist collector s' market. The two- disc set was the For much more on music & CDs, future fir st Loreena McKennitt live recording made available development, Info on Loreena in the revived lp for mat. McKennitt's work on behalf of This re- release marks the 15th anniver sar y of the or iginal concer t in September 2006 and will beavailable fr om October 29th 2021, direct- from- ar ti

Also Available for download and streaming

Independent Music Makers Vs. Big Tech and much more: . GET

of Nights from the Alhambra, the TV concer t is also


available through iTunes, Apple TV and select

ir ish m issive@gm :

To fur ther mark 15 year s since the or iginal recording

provider sin most countries On a more optimist note, Loreena McKennitt is considering a tour in 2022. Details as soon as we know anything!

November, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 11-15-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!

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UNITY IN OUR TIM E Th an k s t o Joh n M cNally f or

aler t in g u s t o t h is im por t an t f ilm . Sim ply click t h e icon t o w at ch .

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Abou t Cr af t er s of Ir elan d Ber n adet t e Clan cy t h e f ou n der of Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is t ot ally su ppor t ive of all h er m em ber s. Says Clan cy " I h ave got t en t o k n ow each of t h e cr af t er s t h at com e on boar d. I h ave t o say t h at ever yon e of t h em ar e so easy t o w or k w it h , even t h ou gh t h ey ar e all f r om t h e f ou r cor n er s of Ir elan d an d ver y dif f er en t in t h eir sk ill. On e t h in g t h ey all h ave in com m on is - t h ey f in d it h ar d t o t ak e a com plim en t w it h ou t f eelin g a



lit t le em bar r assed, bu t lik e u s all, u n der n eat h it t h ey love it , it gives t h em t h e m ot ivat ion t o con t in u e.

w w st agr am .com / cr af t er sof ir elan d/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Ir elan dCr af t er s h t t ps:/ / solu t ion scon su lt an cyir elan / lin k edin .com / in / ber n adet t e-m ir iam -clan cy-7b7b261b8 Dir ect Lin e: 353 (0)87 421 0829




Ye O l d e K i n g's H ead Pu b & Gi f t Sh o p p e 116 San t a M o n i ca B l San t a M o n i ca 310 4 51- 14 0 2

November, 2021

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I also specialise in r ecr eat in g gow n / ou t f it s f r om t h at ch er ish ed w eddin g dr ess t o cr eat e h eir loom s t h at w ill be passed f r om on e gen er at ion t o t h e n ext .

Ou r on goin g ser ies pr of iles Ir ish Cr af t er Ber n ie M agu ir e Ber n ie M agu ir e is a dr ess-m ak er based in Don egal w h o also m ak es beau t if u l ch r ist en in g ou t f it s. Ber n adet t e M cGu ir e is t h e ow n er of ?St it ch it Ber n ie? based on t h e Don egal Rd Ballybof ey Co. Don egal.

Sh e loves w h at sh e does ?I am n ever h appier t h an w h en I am cr eat in g som et h in g beau t if u l f r om f abr ic, w h et h er t h at is bespok e ch r ist en in g gow n s available t o sh ip w or ldw ide f r om m y on lin e st or e or br idal alt er at ion s t o a beau t if u l gow n f or a br ides special day. On e of m y m ost popu lar ser vices is t h e r edesign of w eddin g or com m u n ion dr ess in t o a u n iqu e ch r ist en in g gow n .

Th is can be a ver y per son al, an d em ot ion al exper ien ce, I h ave been pr ivileged t o be par t of t h is beau t if u l on goin g st or y. Sh e k ept f ocu sed du r in g t h e lock dow n s an d expan ded h er ser vice w h ich h as pr oven t o be h igh ly su ccessf u l. Ber n ie's pr im ar y goal is br in gin g t h e ver y best t o h er cu st om er s an d sh e w ill w or k w it h each on e t o design t h e per f ect piece,

Ber n ie M agu ir e lau n ch ed h er bu sin ess f ive year s ago bu t t h e t alen t ed design er an d seam st r ess h ad 32 year s?exper ien ce of dr essm ak in g an d alt er at ion s beh in d h er ,, Ber n ie decided t o f ocu s on design in g h er ow n collect ion of bespok e ch r ist en in g gow n s. ?I com bin e t r adit ion al an d m oder n ou t f it s an d I also design h at s, bibs an d sh oes t o pr ovide m y cu st om er w it h a com plet e bapt ism al/ ch r ist en in g ou t f it f or t h eir special celebr at ion .I per son alise t h ese gow n s t o m eet m y cu st om er ?s n eeds.

We ar e deligh t ed f or h er an d ar e so pr ou d t o h ave as on e of ou r Cr af t er s Of Ir elan d says Ber n ie Clan cy of C of I. ED NOTE: Special thanks to Larissa and Bernie Clancy for their hard work at Crafters of Ireland and for submitting this feature,

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

The View from Ireland

Ref lect ion s an d Hopes f or Nor t h er n Ir elan d By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick By the time you read this, it will probably be known who attended the ecumenical service at St Patrick?s Church of Ireland Cathedral in Downpatrick, Armagh, on October 21st, entitled a "service of reflection and hope to mark the centenary of the partition of Ireland and the formation of Northern Ireland?. We know that the Queen of England is scheduled to attend.* It is safe to say, about whoever else is there, that their attendance will be consequential. The reason that the service gained such prominence was the response of Irish President, Michael D. Higgins, to being invited. Higgins took issue with the title when he received the invitation in March, and he informed the organisers that it would have to change or ?I will have to wish you well?. For the president, the title of the event was not ?a neutral statement politically?. So, he decided against attending the event, but this did not become known to the public until September. When the news broke, the church leaders who organised the event expressed strong disappointment that the title was thesticking point. They claimed that they would have been happy to consider alternative wording. So,what we have is a breakdown in diplomacy? That is remarkable given that there is a team of civil servants who work at the president?s residence, Áras an Uachtaráin, and that theyreport to a still bigger team of officials at the Department of Foreign Affairs. The DFA obviously has diminishing control over,and communication lines with,the president. That may not be the DFA?s fault, but there is egg on their faces nonetheless.

Au t h or , Hist or ian an d Sch olar M au r ice Fit zpat r ick is cu r r en t ly on a Fellow sh ip at Not r e Dam e Un iver sit y in Sou t h Ben d, In dian a That is far from the only diplomatic incident that sprang from Higgins ?decision. Former Taoiseach John Bruton rashly chimed in on the airwaves that Higgins is bound to accept government advice and to attend. He is not. Higgins has clear obligations to the government on constitutional matters. Accepting an invitation to attend a church service is obviously not an infringement of Article 13 of the constitution; it is not a constitutional issue at all. Bruton?s criticism elicited a rebuke from Higgins: ?I have to take exception, quite frankly, to people who have suggested I have broken the Constitution. I find it a very extraordinary comment from the former prime minister and a member of the consulate of state?. There was further sparring. Bruton maintained that ?this was one of the most important invitations he would have received as president ? it wasn't an invitation to the opening of a credit union in Co Kerry?. Higgins responded by urging Bruton to?withdraw his remarks about the significance of a credit union meeting in Kerry because I can?t think of any more important organisation than the credit union movement?. In a country where royalism is anathema, Bruton?s effusive response to the British royal family in the past is remembered, and his sneer about credit unions does nothing to dispel the perception that an admiration for royalty is bound up with contempt for less elevated people. The most difficult critique for the president to read may have been from Denis Bradley. A former priest in Derry, Bradley has been clear-sighted in approaching the demons of the past in the North and attempting to facilitate dialogue between the communities. Bradley illustrated in an article the reasons why a change of heart on Higgins?part would have constituted leadership at a time when Anglo-Irish relations have been terribly damaged by Brexit. Colum Eastwood, leader of the SDLP, indicated that his party will send a representative and argued that Downpatrick is the ancient ecclesiastical centre of Ireland;

For m er Taoiseach Joh n Br u t on


November, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

-- creative thinking about decentralisation in Ireland is in vogue just now. Similarly, the party that calls itself?the republican party?, Fianna Fáil, will send representatives,including the taoiseach. Initially, Fine Gael seemed intent on sending Minister Heather Humphreys to the service. Humphreys hails from Drum, County Monaghan, just south of the border, a majorityProtestant place which was designated part of the South when the border was drawn. Fine Gael will now send the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, which highlights the difference between the government?s policy and the president?s view on m issue. Sinn Féin will not attend and Higgins? this absence provides them with useful cover. The DUP will be there with bells on and with good recording devices: from the moment that Higgins? decline became known the DUP never missed a chance to portray his decision as lacking inclusivity and generosity. The DUP is hanging in with a 13% approval rating so they are making hay out of the?snub?.

Ir ish Pr esiden t M ich ael Higgin s

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St . Pat r ick 's Cat h edr al Ar m agh w w pat r ick s-cat h edr al.or g/ It will now become harder for Higgins to invite unionists to Áras an Uachtaráin because even moderate unionists will find it harder to accept his invitation, and that is a pity. The president?s home, particularly since Mary McAleese?s two terms in office, has become a site of facilitation of intercommunal dialogue and, to adopt McAleese?s mantra, bridge-building. Higgins was a successful politician long before he was president. The presidency is allegedly?above politics?. But a shrewd political commentator during the 1960s and 1970s, John Healy, was apt to write that as ?Above Politics?. Higgins knew he had the support of the people in not attending the church service in Armagh. A poll taken after the flare-up duly found that fully 68% of Irish people think he was right. Higgins is 80 years old and has secured his second term as president. He will not be seeking a mandate for public office again and, even if he were to seek one, he would not be damaged electorally by this episode. Unless, of course, there was a United Ireland and he had to appeal to unionists for a vote.


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News Analysis & Commentary By John McNally The latest hullabaloo in Ireland was over IrishUachtarán (President) Michael Higgins's decision to decline an invitation to the centenary commemoration of Northern Ireland. Ireland has been engaging in multiple commemorative events surrounding the Easter Rising and the birth of the Irish Free State, so why not honor the partition of Ireland? Let's look at the reasons; First, it was undemocratic. In the all-Ireland election in 1918 (the first where women, over 30, were allowed to vote), seventy percent voted for Irish nationalist parties determined to end British rule. Instead of honoring the will of the Irish people, Britain carved out the six Northeastern counties by drawing a border based on a religious headcount locking the Irish into political sectarianism. Unionists were permitted to set up an Apartheid-like state that would make Jim Crow blush. What was billed as a practical solution caused deadly pogroms against Catholics, discrimination on a m assive scale, and eventually Th e Tr ou bles. All because British Imperialism includes the assumption of the superiority of their culture and its inherent

violence. For some, the rush to condemn the excesses of Irish Nationalismsufferfrom a kind of amnesia where they ignore the role of British atrocities in Ireland from the Siege of Drogheda to Operation Banner. Fortunately, 81 percent of Irish people interviewed in a Daily Mail poll last weekend sided with Ireland'sPresident Michael D. Higgins on his decision not to attend an Armagh event commemorating the partition of Ireland 100 years ago this year. Why on God's good earth would anyone want to celebrate the most disastrous event of the 20th century in Ireland? Explained Higgins. Church leaders who organized the benighted ceremony had urged all sides to show up to portray a "message of hope" for all of Ireland.

M ich ael Dan iel Higgin s Mícheál Dónal Ó hUigínn; born 18 April 1941) is an Irish politician, poet, sociologist, and broadcaster ] who has served as the ninth president of Ireland since November 2011.

Hope for what? Continuation of the division of Ireland? It is time for Britain to live up to the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement, which states that's it up to the people of Ireland alone to exercise their right to self-determination. Now is the time to call for a referendum on Irish unit y!

JOHN M cNALLY is a lon gt im e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d or gan izer . His k een in sigh t s on Ir ish polit ics an d t r en ds h ave est ablish ed h im as a popu lar con t r ibu t or t o t h is pu blicat ion ,

October, 2021

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I r i sh C h ef Pau l W at t t er s' f o r N ov em b er A H ear t y A u t u m n Fav o r i t e So u p A Del i ci ous r eci pe f or m i n est r on e soup i n f used w i t h sm ok ed papr i k a, cayen n e, I t al i an h er bs con ch i gl i on i past a w i t h sea sal t an d r osem ar y cr out on s

SERVES 4 You w ill n eed 2 onions (peeled and diced) 4 carrots (peeled and diced 4 sticks of celrery (peeled and diced) 1 cup of frozen peas 200g of pasta (spaghetti, fusili, penne, conchiglie you choose) 1 tin of 400g chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons of tomato puree 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika 1 tablespoons of cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon of dried basil 1 teaspoon of dried oregano 2 sprigs of rosemary (chopped) 6 slices of bread (crust removed and cut into dice 1 litre of vegetable/chicken stock

M ETHOD In a large pot drizzle in a little olive oil, add vegetables and spices and cook for 3? 4 minutes add tomato paste and stir well. Add stock and chopped tomatoes and bring to the boil. Add pasta and cook for a further 8 until the pasta is soft. For a final touch add a little fresh chopped parsley if desired. Croutons Heat a pan to a medium heat and add a little olive oil and add diced bread and stir and colour for a few minutes drain on absorbent paper place into a bowl and add chopped rosemary and a little salt and pepper and serve with the soup

Bel f ast Based I r i sh Ch ef , Paul W at t er s Celebrity Chef Watters h as been w or k in g as a ch ef f or 30 year s. He h as w or k ed all over t h e w or ld f r om t h e Savoy Hot el in Lon don t o as f ar as t h e Sydn ey Oper a Hou se, Au st r alia. Th e Ch ef is cu r r en t ly livin g in Belf ast an d is con t in u in g t o cook in var iou s h ot els an d r est au r an t s t h r ou gh ou t t h e ar ea. Du r in g t h e lock dow n h e h as set set up a cook in g page on Facebook t o sh ar e h is love of f ood an d cook in g. Ch ef Pau l's Facebook page is called:

sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw

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Deireadh Fómhai

Wells of Lif e Ir elan d Wells of Lif e is a 501(c)(3) n on -pr of it Ch r ist ian or gan izat ion w h ose m ission is t o pr ovide r u r al Ugan dan s access t o saf e, clean w at er t h r ou gh t h e in st allat ion or r est or at ion of su st ain able bor eh ole w at er w ells an d WASH (w at er , san it at ion , an d h ygien e) edu cat ion al pr ogr am s.

There are two options in relation to supplying water to a community: a restoration well or a new borehole well. A well can be donated with a single donation of $8,000 or ?7000 or by crowd-funding your well with your family, friends, school, church or business. A donation of $4000 or ?3500 will restore a previously abandoned, non-functional well to full and safe functionality. These wells were not drilled by Wells of Life, but rather by the national government or other NGOs, some of them as long as a decade ago .

November, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Tom m y an d t h e Br ot h er s A m ajor t h eat r ical w or k com in g soon t o Hollyw ood In the 1960s The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem became a worldwide phenomena and changed Irish music forever. A new tribute to them called "Tommy and the Brothers" is currently in rehearsal and set to premier at The Wren Theater soon. How did four struggling actors go from Greenich Village to The Ed Sullivan Show? How where they connected to Bob Dylan, Barbara

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Streisand and the American Folk scene? How did they decide to wear their famous sweaters? Where were they originally from and why did they break up? All these questions and many more are answered in this intimate portrait of these iconic singers. The show is produced by Thom MacNamara and Ken O'Malley and is sure to become part of the greatest works in Irish theatre and music history! a great night that includes live performances of over 20 of their beloved hits as well. Watch for more information in the coming weeks.


Fr i en ds & Reader s! PLEASE RESPOND TO OUR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER IN THIS ISSUE! NOW EXTENDED THROUGH the end of NOVEM BER! Our r eader s ar e i n v i t ed t o si gn up i f at al l possi bl e. Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on 37/ 38

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?IRELAND HOM E SERIES? THE JOURNEY ? PAST TO PRESENT Come and join one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a look back on some of their favorite moments over the last 18 months during the IRELAND HOME SERIES, a JOURNEY accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. THANKSGIVING NIGHT WITH CELTIC THUNDER - A special night for YOU for this episode, come and join the guys and share some of YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES - FUN, LAUGHTER, THANKSGIVING MEMORIES and GREAT SONGS with the guys. THE COM PLETE LIVE STREAM ING EVENTS OVER THANKSGIVING WEEK SUNDAY NOVEM BER 21ST AT 6:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) 'THE JOURNEY - PAST TO PRESENT' - Come and join one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a look back on some of their favorite moments over the last 18 months during the IRELAND HOME SERIES, a JOURNEY accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. M ONDAY NOVEM BER 22ND AT 7:00 PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) 'THE JOURNEY - PAST TO PRESENT'- Come and join one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a look back on some of their favorite moments over the last 18 months during the IRELAND HOME SERIES, a JOURNEY accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs.

TUESDAY NOVEM BER 23RD AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) 'THE JOURNEY - PAST TO PRESENT'- Come and join one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a look back on some of their favorite moments over the last 18 months during the IRELAND HOME SERIES, a JOURNEY accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. WEDNESDAY NOVEM BER 24TH AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) 'THE JOURNEY - PAST TO PRESENT' - Come and join one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a look back on some of their favorite moments over the last 18 months during the IRELAND HOME SERIES, a JOURNEY accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. THURSDAY NOVEM BER 25TH AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) ''THANKSGIVING NIGHT WITH CELTIC THUNDER'- A special night for YOU for this episode, come and join the guys and share some of YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES. FUN, LAUGHTER, THANKSGIVING MEMORIES and GREAT SONGS with the guys. The Stageit Website has an interactive chatroom for each streaming show, where you can chat in real time with Celtic Thunder Fans across the globe to catch up with old friends or make new ones.

Celtic Thunder

put on a lavish in person dance and music show with a live audience! They will be back in their element and in top form soon. For now live streams, buying digital music or cds/dvds; works as we wait, Stage It has bee in the forefront of the digital concert experience. Celtic Thunder hasve been active artist participants since the beginning.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Feast of Sam h ain Féar Gortach By Gr eg Pat r ick ?I see t h e com pan y of t im id gh ost s. At even in g also w h en t h e su n is low. Each w it h it s f in ger t o it s lips goes by poor w ild u n u t t er able m yst er ies? ~~William Butler Yeats

Ir elan d, Oct ober 1847 The young physician from London had just arrived in Ireland at the urgent invitation of a famed colleague, regarding a mysterious exotic ailment. His host refused to elaborate further. Intrigued, he had accepted and soon came to regret it. He had naively anticipated being enchanted by the cheer of friendly locals and the picturesque sight of lush green hills and fields. Instead, he was confronted by a people and land tortured by starvation and desperate poverty. The country roads that he traveled by horse-drawn hansom carriage, were thronged with the dispossessed and starving...some accepting exile to the Americas. Others aimlessly staggered wandering the roads weakened by hunger, having suffered eviction, and now were condemned to freeze and starve. Caravans of wagons loaded with bountiful food rode past the emaciated spectres of people. One wagon was stuck in the uneven road and it was swarmed by men, women, and children maddened by hunger. Armed men beat them off. ?Move back or will shoot ye!? The shots that ensued and the prolonged bereaved wail would echo in his recurring nightmares. A perpetual keening haunted the air. Condemned poachers stealing to feed their families were hanged by makes shift gallows on the roadside as ?an example.? His eyes lingered on those of an emaciated woman clutching an incessantly crying child. She soothed him with an almost skeletal hand. ?They brought this all on themselves...don't heed any Fenian talk to the contrary,? the pompous Coachman advised him. "We have a gentleman passenger onboard. Keep off. I'm warning you..." Hands reached through the coach window, begging for the smallest scrap of food. The coachman intervened with his whip... He opened his mouth to object yet timidly held his tongue. It would not do to alienate his hosts prematurely he reluctantly reasoned. He curtained his window and sighed deeply, brooding over


the mysterious circumstances of his invitation from a prominent colleague. The storm had swept in suddenly and fiercely. In the aftermath the local patrols found an entire shipwrecked fleet broken on the rocky shore? some were merchant ships, most were coffin ships, ships carrying refugees and exiles of hunger. One ship especially harboured a dark secret? An inspection revealed a grisly discovery. ?A slave smuggler ? it was determined. The lone survivor was shackled amid rows of chained corpses in the hold. He was oblivious to the rescuers, gibbering and singing feverishly it seemed and shaking from exposure to the elements. The captain and crew were unaccounted for. Suddenly a prominent physician who catered to the local elite, arrived on the scene, insisting that the enigmatic castaway be placed under his care. The condition of the enigmatic castaway, eluded him? he consulted standard references and then more obscure text to no avail, before sending for a distant relation? a novice physician he could manipulate. Whatever is afflicting him, it must be contained he resolved. Warm broth by the bedside remained untouched. ?Feed him. I need him alive...for my studies...His condition is...most intriguing...? ?How so Sir?? his steward asked. ?As if I would ever consult you. You are in my service for your brawn not your brain...? ?One of the housemaids was caught stealing food...says its for her starving family.? ?Throw her out of this house and whip her beforehand. We'll have none of that.? He pored over his books, consulted obscure texts... ?His affliction is unknown to me...some exotic malady. it must be contained here...and not allowed to spread in these shores. Restrain him.? ?The bindings won?t hold? He bit me!? ?Restrain him I said!? ?It's George sir...the bite he got from the patient is getting getting worse...? his steward fretted. ?I'll see to it later,? he said dismissively. The patient thrashed, shuddered convulsively, writhing in the throes of some malaria-like fever, his mouth frothing. His eyes turned pupilless. In feverish dreams and red visions? of a tropical island and flames, ritual dancing, and drums in atavistic rapture. He thrashed, writhing violently as if in fever, envisioning himself dancing around flames to drumbeats...The drum increased in tempo like a climax to a ritual.

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November, 2021

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The young physician was greeted outside by one of the manor house maids. Maeve he learned her name was. ?They're torturing him? she confessed. ?Please don't tell the master I said anything? ?I am sworn to professional discretion Miss.? ?You are a gentleman.? ?I'd like to think so...? ?What are ye doing here then?? He found himself blushing awkwardly at her deep green eyes and lilting brogue of her melodious voice? found himself thinking of her later as he donned his best suit for a party at the invitation of his host at a stately country manor house against a background of brooding hills. The matriarch of the manor had taken to sleep-walking in nights leading to the storm? She had stepped out of the manor house during the raging maelstrom. She was found shuffling aimlessly amid a procession of starving wanderers, frozen in place from the deep cold like eerie statues. She succumbed to illness and lay in state amid flowers and candles in a dark room. ?The hearse carriage is late...Must have stopped at a tavern no doubt? the lord of the manor grimaced skeptically. In the depth of the night, the enigmatic patient suddenly began to sing in a Calypso voice. Incantations of necromancy echoed down the corridor to the room of the deceased. Eyes opened suddenly and she rose at his bidding from the coffin... ?Untie me...remove the chains...? he whispered. Maeve making her rounds, saw him illuminated in the candelabrum light, his frightened eyes met hers. She sighed compassionately. She looked around to see that they were alone.

?Sorry, I didn?t hear you approach. Here... I packed away some food...? He dropped it as the figure lunged forward with startling speed, others appeared thronging the food ravenously. He backed away unnerved. Something uncanny about this. He retreated to the stables? The horses were nervous as if they sensed something. Outside the mastiff barked repeatedly as the host tried to address the company for a toast. ?Do see what's bothering him,? he muttered irritably to his steward. Mist clouded the window? Suddenly a pale hand materialised? thin, almost skeletal-armed and trailed over the pane searchingly, leaving scratch marks? Then others appeared and began to claw at the window. ?How unsightly? My apologies ladies and gentlemen,? the host grimaced. ?Perhaps offer them food?? a guest ventured. ?How gracious Miss, but one mustn?t encourage begging. If they are hungry her majesty has graciously established proper facilities for their benefit? ? ?You mean workhouses? ? ?No need to trouble yourselves over such matters on this auspicious occasion dear guests. My man will see that these uninvited guests will not trouble us further? See to them Giles,? he ordered his thuggish game keeper? ?Beat then back if you need to. They are alarming the guests.

A f ew leagu es dist an t , a British officer drew reign before a mist-enshrouded field, ordering his command of redcoats to halt .

?Rider approaching! Who goes there??. ?God save the queen a voice cried out in a frantic tone.

?Go then...out the window...quickly before they see you...Godspeed.?

?Hold your fire!?

She watched his retreating form, before he was enveloped in the mist...She blew out some of the candles and in the darkened manor she saw a gowned figure at the foot of the stairs, trailing shadows as it seemed to glide rather than stride back to her room...and coffin...

?Captain? ? a haggard disheveled rider saluted.

?Sweet Mary and Joseph...? She crossed herself. He fled under cover of mist and darkness...drawn to a place of ancient power. crisscrossed wounds of the lashes inflicted slaver 's whip pulsed in the cold. He stood amid a ring of ancient monoliths and lit a fire, its flames swayed like charmed serpents as he began to chant. Transfixed, he fell on the cold ground, shuddering spasmodically. Hundreds of eyes reopened with his in the darkness? Bodies rose with him? ?I hope you've brought your appetites,? the affable host welcomed his many guests to his manor house. They were escorted from their carriages by liveried servants into an opulent banquet hall and ballroom. The young doctor politely excused himself. Guided by a lantern, he turned as he saw a shadow and almost dropped the lantern. He saw a pale sunken-cheeked face watching him intensely.

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?What news?? ?Our fort and garrison have been overrun.? ?Those guns are new and some of the finest in her majesty?s army. Nothing living could withstand those guns.? ?Nothing did,? He answered cryptically. ?The regiments have fallen back to Dublin. You?ve been ordered to cover the retreat, to the last man if need be? Orders from the top. Good protect you all.? The rider galloped away with a nervous glance behind, leaving them waiting in tense expectation in the rising mist hovering before them eerily. ?Form ranks!? He heard a drum then? an ominous throb in the darkness? not the anticipated regimental drum of an advancing army. Like a tribal drum? Its tempo increased like the climax of a dark ritual.

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They clutched their rifles in anticipation of what would emerge from the mist. Suddenly a riderless cavalry force erupted from the mist, throwing their ranks into wild disarray. ?Regroup! Form ranks!? He expected a great force of regular French soldiers to approach and intended to meet them fire for fire. Shapes stirred in the mist, amorphous at first. As if restless shadows were granted form and face gaunt figures stirred in the mist. A crowd of haggard famished people? Only a rising then? All thisfor a mere peasant uprising? He scowled contemptuously. "You are to disperse in the Queen's name or face royal justice...Failure to comply will be treated as an act of treason. That is an offense punishable by death..." They seemed oblivious to threat of the guns. His horse seemed uncharacteristically skittish...stomping and bucking? something was making it nervous... They pressed forward and a nagging feeling of alarm vexed him. Something was untoward about this...Every word he uttered and snort by his unusually restless horse, steamed in the chill air, yet despite the many present among the advancing crowd, none could be seen breathing visibly. They appeared unarmed...not a pike or scythe to be seen among them. They reached out their hands moaning. ?Disperse in the King?s name! Rebellion will not be tolerated. Under her majesty?s law it is punishable by? death? ? he repeated. His eyes locked on a pale face amid the throng with startling recognition. His façade of composed and stern gravitas faltered? ?This? this is impossible? I had you hanged? and you? ? His horse grew more restless and wheeled uncontrollably as they began to mass in greater numbers and shuffle forward, their hands reaching out? He raised his sabre? His hand trembled at the hilt. ?Orders? Orders Sir?? a soldier prompted?


?Fix bayonets!? He was thrown from his rearing horse, that promptly bolted. He had fallen awkwardly and struggled to rise, suppressing an unseemly, agonised cry. They came then? like a wild force of nature? a dark wave of insatiable hunger. He brandished the sabre but they heeded it not? ?God save the? ?He screamed as teeth bit into his arm and his sabre fell? .and he was submerged by the onslaught? ?Regroup!? he cried out? ?Regroup!? They were already in full retreat? Scattered shots? then silence. Inside the mansion, their congenial host reassured his guests. "And with that our valiant protectors have no doubt set our enemy to flight? No doubt the rabble have been put in their place by her majesty's finest. A toast then. God save the queen and her valiant soldiery. ?God save the queen, ?they choired raising their glasses. Some music then? Stradivarius? Please feel free to waltz? ? Strains of the music could be heard outside as massing shadows were cast on the wrought iron fence? It fell to a sudden onslaught that converged on the manor house. ?Ah, one of our gallant saviours? Dudley, a bottle of our finest for our good Captain. A bloodied wild-eyed redcoat with a torn uniform burst in. "Run ye fools!? A few others followed. They broke the panes of the windows with their muskets and fired out nto the darkness. Suddenly the gamekeeper outside, was pressed against the glass shattering the panes, hands reached through, forcing the door open. Knowing what was coming, one of the redcoats put his gun to his own temple. They undead swarmed the banquet table, devouring the goose and venison. The more frail figures were crowded out. Their eyes turned to the host and guests intently. Tables were overturned as barricades to hinder their inexorable advance as the guests cowered in terror as flames rose higher and the dead drew ever closer?

?You heard him! Volley!?

?Take them...take them all if you?re hungry...leave me!? the host screamed. On impulse he grabbed a serving girl. ?Here! Here! Take her instead! She is nobody!?

Their ranks erupted in a devastating salvo.

He shoved her forward. ?Maeve!?

?First rank fire! Second rank fire! Third rank Fire! Fire at will!?

The doctor pulled a medieval sword and shield mounted on the wall and stepped in to save her as hands reached for her...

?Give? give them a volley!?

Acrid dark smoke mingled with the mist? miasmically. ?Cease fire!? Surely nothing could survive that? Suddenly figures lunged in from the mist?

PART II in Decem ber of ou r Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case w ill con clu de Gr eg Pat r ick 's Fam in e Tale.

The Celtic Camer a

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We are here looking for you!

November 2021

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


Th e Wr en is a beau t if u lly design ed sm all t h eat er that is home to concerts, plays, play readings, poetry nights, cabaret shows and traditional Celtic music sessions among other productions. It is located in the Irish Import Shop, a 58 year old Hollywood icon of imported candy, groceries and gifts from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. The facade of the store is that of an old European Shoppe right out of a quaint old Irish Village and the theater is reminiscent of gold gilded melodrama theaters of days gone by. The theater is named after the King of all birds in Ireland, The Wren. It is small but mighty! We like to think of it as the biggest little theater in Hollywood. The theater is similar to a black box in that it is adaptable to host different types of performances. As a traditional theater it can seat 40 with room for more if needed. it

can be configured with small tables as a cabaret or comedy space.

As a class room it can host improv or acting classes as well as dance classes with a wall of mirrors It is an adaptable, intimate. artistic work space that is unique in Hollywood. VIP (Ver y Ir ish Per k s SPECIAL ? as low as $100 a sh ow ! Call f or det ails 323 467 6714

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I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

KRIS COLT Solo & As Th e Lady Black Rose Novem ber 5 t o 7 Hot Spr in gs Ren aissan ce Fair .

w w w.f acebook .com / HSr en f sir e/ Novem ber 20 & 21 Ju bilee Ren aissan ce Fair e & Nigh t s of a Valou r Alabam a w w w.ext r em ejou st in / Ju bileef air e

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Tr ooper Th or n Nov 06, 3:00 PM ? 7:00 PM Th e Har p In n , 130 E 17t h St

Cost a M esa

w w w.h ar pin n .com

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

h t t ps:/ / w w ageit .com / CTLive


November, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

SAVE THE DATE! Su n day, Decem ber 12 Ir ish Cen t er Lu n ch t o Hon or Tom M cCon ville, Ir ish Cen t er Fou n der & Host of Th e Ir ish Hou r .

Page 33

Wedn esday, Nov. 17, 7:00pm


IAW&A Pr esen t s An Even in g w it h Der ek Dem psey Musician, performer, author and IAW&A memberDer ek Dem pseywill be performing original songs interspersed with stories from his life and career as a musician inIrelandand America. Also,Br en dan Cost ello Jr .(VP of IAW&A) will sit down with Derek for a brief discussion of his writing, both musical and literary. Derek's first novel,Anthony's Aria, The Story of a Working Class Opera God, is forthcoming from Boann Books and Media. CLICK HERE for tickets and more information.

M u sic By THE M ULLIGANS an d f r ien ds. Ir ish Dan cin g by Th e Clear y Sch ool of Ir ish Dan ce Fu ll pr ogr am t o be an n ou n ced soon !

LA M ar r iot Bu r ban k Air por t Hot el 2500 Hollyw ood Way To get on t h e r eser vat ion list an d r eceive det ails w h en available, E M ail you r con t act in f o t o:

We hope you can join us for this special event at the cell theatre (338 W. 23rd Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues) ? our first in-person, indoor event since Feb. 2020! Please n ot ewe are observing COVID protocols for in-person attendees of this event. Proof of vaccination is required for entry, and in keeping with Broadway theater policy, we ask that attendees wear a mask for the duration of the event. NOTE:There is a special discount for IAW&A members! for the code. Click here for more about Derek Dempsey.

Ir ish Cen t er SoCal@gm THE WREN THEATRE at t h e Hollyw ood Ir ish Im por t Sh op r esen t a special Celt ic M u sic Nigh t ! Fr iday, Novem ber 19 st ar t in g @ 8PM Tick et s: $20 Call f or t ick et s: 323 467-6714 742 Vin e, LA, CA w w w ,ir ish im por t sh

Colin Cot t er


Neil Pear lm an

Page 34

Irish Arts & Entertainment

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:



PIPER ANDY SCOTT is playing every Saturday this f ootball season prior to

All Notre Dame Games Join the pre-game f un!!

10201 Slater Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

(w w ysu llivan

Peace Lu t h er an Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g. CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g ic allow s ch an ges so ch eck back t h e Celt t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Th u n der Sen d list in gs t o: i r ish m issive@gm

November, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

SAVE THE WEEKENDS Sat u r days & Su n days

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld

NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

Los An geles...f or 2021 is Com in g ...Det ails Soon !

Page 35

Page 36

Irish Arts & Entertainment

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

Con t act u s u s f or det ails Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 jim @pu bgu


Ou r Fall Qu ar t er Adver t isin g Season Devot ed t o t h e RE OPENING of M u sic an d Even t s is n f u ll sw in g! You can get

THREE M ONTHS of Cover age... a f u ll 1/ 4 of t h e year f or a

Focu s Feat u r es w ill r elease BELFAST


in t h eat er s on Novem ber 12, 2021

Sign u p n ow an d w e give you Week ly E- Blast s t h r ou gh Novem ber at n o ext r a ch ar ge. You also r eceive THREE Display ads f or t h e pr ice of ONE an d you get list ed in ou r Decem ber Celt ic Ch r ist m as Bu yin g Gu ide. Social M edia Pr om ot ion s, LINKS/ LISTINGS ar e in clu ded! Also, w e can pu t you an d you r bu sin ess, bn d or or gan izat ion in ou r Year In Review Pict or ial issu e! Th is is t h e best Ad an d Pr om ot ion s Deal t h at w e h ave ever of f er ed!

Pack ages st ar t at $300. INTERESTED??? Con t act Jim @ 951 216-1493

ir ish m issive@gm We ar e also seek in g pu bs, r et ailer s an d all ot h er Ir ish / Celt ic bu sin esses/ even t s & gr ou ps w it h a ver y special of f er f or par t icipan t s in ou r

VERY IRISH PERKS pr ogr am f or su bscr iber s Det ails!!?? Call Jim @ 951 216-1493

October, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

Page 37


Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com


Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

All subscribers become members

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e

Com in g on st r on g as t h e Pan dem ic w an es an d ju st in t im e f or Ch r ist m as! Ou r VIP AFFILIATE discou n t of f er s k ick in ! w w w.t om m ym olon

r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: Celt ic at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

of our VIP Group. LOOK FOR: VIP~~AFFILIATE Sym bol!

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion .


Page 38

GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL

951 216-1493

ir ish m issive@gm

FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:

JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

AN I RI SH CH RI STM AS AS SEEN ON PBS! COM ING TO A THEATRE NEAR YOU!! TO SEE TH I S I N CREDI BLE SH OW W I TH DAN CE LED BY W ORLD CH AM PI ON , TYLER SCH W ARTZ SELECT YOUR FAVORI TE CI TY AN D BOOK YOUR SEATS! ?? Genuinely astonishing? electric!?? Th e Vi l l age N ew s 12/ 01 ? Tu r lock Com m u n it y Th eat r e: w w / t ick et / p/ 5665799/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-t u r lock -t u r lock -com m u n it y-t h eat r e 12/ 02?,Golden St at e Th eat r e, M on t er ey: w w w.even t br it / e/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-t ick et s-168771458977 12/ 03 ? Upt ow n Th eat r e, Napa: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / an .../ even t / 1C005B2FA6985320 12/ 05 ?Lober o Th eat r e, San t a Bar bar a: w w w.lober o.or g/ even t s/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as-2/ 12/ 10 ?Fox Rialt o Th eat r e, Tu cson , AZ: w w w.r ial:t ot h eat r / .../ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as.../ 12/ 12 ? Sedon a PAC, Ar izon a: h t t ps:/ / w w w.even t br it / e/ 175768407037 12/ 16- Sch er r For u m Th eat r e, Th ou san d Oak s: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / even t / 0B005B14D9FC262F 12/ 17- Sch er r For u m Th eat r e, Th ou san d Oak s: w w w.t ick et m ast er .com / even t / 0B005B14DA012631 12/ 18 ? Clar k Cen t er , Ar r oyo Gr an de :h t t ps:/ / clar k cen t er .or g/ sh ow s/ an -ir ish -ch r ist m as/ 12/ 19 ? Balboa Th eat r e, San Diego :h t t ps:/ / san diegot h eat r es.or g/ even t / 2021/ 12/ ir ish -ch r ist m as 12/ 20 & 12/ 21 Yu caipa PAC :h t t ps:/ / yu caipaper f or m in gar t s.or g/ even t / ir ish ch r ist m as/

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