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Tourism Ireland Prom ot es Best of Ireland in California

Phot os and St ory by Barbara



It w as t he ?Best of Ireland? event t hat ent iced t he t ravel t rade and m edia t o t he Hot el Maybourne in Beverly Hills t his February. As alw ays Ireland has so m uch t o offer t ravelers plus new direct non-st op access t o Dublin and Shannon from 13 US gat ew ays. In t he spot light t he ever popular and savvy Rut h Moran, Publicit y and Com m unicat ions Manager for Tourism Ireland, greet ed t he lively crow d w it h t he new m essage ?Fill your heart with Ireland.? This inform at ive and inspirat ional aft ernoon included t he lat est t ravel new s, int eract ion w it h Ireland's part ners in t ourism , savory dining and even a free t rip t o Ireland t o a lucky w inner

Joining Rut h Moran, t ravel part ners arrived direct ly from Ireland t o share a w arm Irish w elcom e and enlight en guest s w it h everyt hing new and excit ing in t he realm of luxury, out door act ivit ies and Irish cult ure and m ore Colin Ham ell, t he ent ert aining Mast er of Cerem onies, int roduced represent at ives from diversified hot els and spas, First Class rail-t ours, specialized t ravel services and unique t ravel experiences In addit ion, Jim Bochneak, Regional Sales Manager West Coast for Aer Lingus, inform ed t he group of t he t he new services and flight s

According t o Alison Met calf, Tourism Ireland's Execut ive Vice President , Nort h Am erica and Aust ralia, ?There's a new focus on revenue-by t arget ing visit ors, w ho st ay longer, spend m ore t im e in t he region and in Nort hern Ireland, enjoy t raveling during t he shoulder season and consider t heir im pact on t he environm ent ? Ireland's recovery post Covid has been st rong; how ever t hough prom ot ions, m arket ing and publicit y for t ourism in Ireland and t he Unit ed St at es, it is expect ed t o facilit at e sales st ronger t han ever

Market ing priorit y in t he Unit ed St at es kicks off a new global cam paign aft er St . Pat ricks's Day. Fest ivals are alw ays an incent ive t o visit Ireland and new non-st op flight s encourage visit ors t o indulge in Irish dest inat ions, w hile im m ersing in t he 'Best of Ireland' Looking forw ard t o t hese fest ivals: St Pat rick's Fest ival, t he Galw ay Int ernat ional Art s fest ival, Hallow een at t he Puca Fest ival in Count y Meat h and Cit y of Derry

ABOVE: Rut h Moran, Ireland's Publicit y & Com m unicat ions Manager, w elcom es t ravel and m edia indust ry

BELOW: Barbara Singer m eet s Colin Ham ell, M C Best of Ireland

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