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IRISH M USIC News& Reviews New Album by Joby Fox

I Once Was a Hawk Now I?m a Dove

?He has alw ays been an em ot ional art ist , but t his is except ional w ork w it h a brooding pow er t hat ?s akin t o Christ y Moore and Van Morrison ? (St uart Bailie)


Joby w as visit ing fam ily in Denm ark w hen t he w orld closed dow n in 2020 Trapped am ong t he forest s and lakes in Cent ral Jut land he w rot e a host of new songs w hile com ing t o t erm s w it h a changed realit y and a longing for hom e

Recorded in Denm ark w it h a young jazz group, Joby st art ed a great collaborat ion w it h one of Denm ark?s t op producers, Søren Mikkelsen in Medley St udios, Copenhagen The songs are a great am algam at ion of cult ures, fusing folk, pop and jazz

Listen to all tracks of the album


Joby Fox is a nat ive of Belfast and a songw rit er, m usician and st oryt eller; an aut hent ic m usical voice of his hom et ow n, and a hum anit arian act ivist Joby is a diverse art ist current ly living bet w een Ireland and Denm ark, but alw ays w it h his root s firm ly in Irish soil, int erpret ing his cult ure in new w ays t hrough int ernat ional collaborat ions

Joby st art ed his career in a post -punk band called The Bankrobbers, m ent ored and produced by The Rory Gallagher Band They w ere scooped up by EMI t hey w ent t o London, w here Joby w ent on t o form Energy Orchard w hen The Bankrobbers t ook a nat ural hiat us


Music/ Lyrics: Joby Fox

Vocal & guit ar: Joby Fox

Guit ar: Søren Nissum

Piano: Nikolaj Svaneborg

Bass: Mark Kuhn

Drum s: Aske St ubkjær Madsen

Backing Vocals: Freja Wurt z

Recorded in Hideout St udios, Aalborg, Denm ark

Product ion, m ix & m ast ering: Søren Mikkelsen, Medley St udios

Copenhagen, Denm ark

Joby Fox

Energy Orchard landed a 5-album s deal w it h MCA. It w as Energy Orchard's first single 'Belfast' w rit t en by Fox as a t eenager t hat m ade it t o No 1 in Ireland and becam e a UK chart success The song becam e t he unofficial ant hem for t he cit y

Aft er his m uch celebrat ed w ilderness years Joby em barked on a solo career and released his first solo album End of the War in 2011 The Irish New s described it as ? beaut ifully w rapped up for m ass consum pt ion, like an iron fist in a velvet glove?

As a diverse art ist w it h his root s firm ly in Irish soil Joby is know n for his involvem ent in great int ernat ional init iat ives using m usic as an advocat e for peace and hum anit arian w ork He w as aw arded 'Best of t he West Songw rit er ' by Belfast Media Group and achieved an Aisling Aw ard in his hom et ow n for his m usic and hum anit arian w ork in 2018

Joby t ravels ext ensively w it h his m usic, from Nort h Am erica t o t he Middle East and Asia In 2015 he opened t he inaugural United Nations Peace Festival in Hong Kong, and in 2016 he w as m usical direct or of t he Orchestre des Refugies et Amis, fusing cont em porary sounds w it h t radit ional t unes from t he hom elands of m igrant s and refugees

In 2018 he joined t he renow ned art ist residency, Byrdcliffe, in Woodst ock, New York w here Bob Dylan w rot e som e of his best w orks in t he early 1960?s In 2020 he com m enced a new collaborat ion w it h som e of Denm ark?s upcom ing young jazz and folk m usicians, and w it h t op producer Soren Mikkelsen from Medley St udios in Copenhagen w w w jobyfox com

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