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Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you!
Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to: ir ishmissive@gmail.com
Ye Olde King's Head Pub and Restaurant is always a beacon of British Hospitality and a warm welcome in Santa Monica. The landmark pub recently had a very special guest; pictured here, Singer/songwriter, Louis Thomlinson. The British singing sensation was very appreciative of the pub and all of the dedicated staff of Ye Olde King's Head who made his visit so great!
An Marta ~~ March 2023
LEFT: Larry Kirwan rof Black 47 received the Irish American Business Chamber & Network (IABCN) 2023
Uachtarán (President) Award in Philadelphia from Irish Ambassador to the USA, Geraldine Byrne Nason at a Union League luncheon on Friday February 24, 2023.
Sundays are special at t he Auld Dubliner
Dancers from t he McNult y
Win a pair of t icket s t o Dublin Sim ply subscribe t o t he Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent and you are ent ered t o w in R/ T LAX t o Dublin / Econom y Seat s!
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Em ail: irishm issive@gm ail.com
Continued from page 14
The quaint lit t le t ow n of Kenm are w as next , buzzing w it h energy including an enjoyable flea m arket surrounding t he t ow n square.
Aft er t he excit em ent of t ow n, head for t he Sheen Falls Lodge
It ?s a m yst ical place in t he Irish count ryside w here you can enjoy horseback riding, archery, golf at t he nearby Kenm are Golf Club, bicycling, not t o m ent ion a fit ness room , spa and culinary delight s at t he Falls rest aurant I have t o say t hat t he Sheen Falls Lodge experience is unequivocally, off-t he-chart s, glorious
We arrived next in Dingle and st ayed at t he Greenm ount House B & B, a charm ing accom m odat ion overlooking Dingle Bay Gary Curran is t he highly inform at ive host of t he propert y w hich feat ures a delicious breakfast , a piano parlor and cozy guest room s From t he B & B, it ?s a short w alk int o t ow n for great pubs w it h even bet t er m usic as w ell as fine dining offerings t hat m ake a killer, seafood chow der. For a day t rip, t he Slea Head Drive is 2 hours around t he Dingle Peninsula and undoubt edly t he m ost spect acular drive on t he planet
The bust ling t ow n of Lim erick cam e next as w e st ayed at t he St rand Hot el overlooking t he river Shannon.
A fam ous pub in Clifden!
Our final st op w as Belfast and t he phenom enal Fit zw illiam hot el feat uring luxurious room s, at t ent ive st aff and a w onderful fine dining rest aurant and bar dow nst airs.
Our bucket list in Belfast w as t he m assive Tit anic exhibit . It ?s a m ind blow ing, six st ory t ribut e t o t he doom ed ocean liner including m ult i-m edia displays, reenact m ent s and reconst ruct ed st at e room s. Green w it h envy? Then get yourself t o Ireland
RIGHT: Lim erick on t he Shannon River and BELOW: A page from t he Book of Kells at Trinit y in Dublin in April, w e w ill finish t his feat ure w it h a Part II Pict orial w it h m ore great pict ures subm it t ed by our guest w rit er Richard At kins.
Blarney Cast le near Cork is a m ust st op Every Irish Am erican should kiss t he Blarney St one and receive t he "Gift of Gab"
Driving: Rent ing a car is t he w ay t o t ravel effect ively in Ireland, how ever narrow t he roads m ay be. In addit ion, t he speed lim it s are high, so be very careful.
Ireland Travel Feat ure by Richard At kins
ED NOTE: Seniors are rest rict ed rent ing cars in Ireland so check before you go. In recent years, bus t ravel has im proved so it now is a decent and inexpensive w ay t o get around