6 minute read
Irish Act ors Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson Honored at Sant a Barbara Film Fest ival
The Irish film ?Banshees of Inisherin? has been an im m ense aw ards cont ender Direct or Mart in McDonagh w rot e t his film for beloved Irish act ors Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson Bot h act ors have had a longt im e affect ion for each ot her and bot h are first t im e Oscar nom inees for t heir roles in t his film and recent ly have garnered num erous aw ards and accolades
The ?Banshees of Inisherin? w as t w o t im e w inner at t he BAFTAS for Out st anding Brit ish Film and Best Original Screenplay by Mart in McDonagh
The 2023 Sant a Barbara Int ernat ional Film Fest ival (SBIFF) aw arded Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson t heir covet ed Cinem a Vanguard Aw ard in February This aw ard, present ed at t he hist oric Arlingt on Theat er, is a bright light in t he yearly fest ival paying t ribut e t o act ors, w ho have forged t heir ow n pat h t aking art ist ic risks and m aking significant and unique cont ribut ion t o film .
Roger Durling, Execut ive Direct or of t he SBIFF relat ed about bot h Irish act ors, ?They're a joy t o behold and it 's quit e a t reat for us t o get t o celebrat e t hem t oget her.?
Arriving at t he Arlingt on Theat er Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson w alked t he Red Carpet , chat t ed w it h m edia and fans and t ook a blast of phot os. When t he light s w ent dow n inside, Dave Karger, Host of Turner Classics Movies and aw ard-w inning int erview er w as at t he helm and explored t he careers of t he t w o st ars discussing t heir w ork w it h m ont ages of t heir film s. Som e of Farrell's w ork consist ed of: ?Tigerland?, ?The Lobst er ? and ?Bat m an?; w hile Gleeson w as rem em bered for ?The General,? ?Cold Mount ain? and ?In t o t he St orm .?
Bot h act ors w orked t oget her 14 years ago in Mart in McDonagh's ?In Bruges,? w here t hey w ere cast as unlikely hit m en.
Brendan Gleeson w as born in Dublin, Ireland is an act or and direct or and has received m any aw ards for his w ork w it h 5 Golden Globe nom inat ions and a BAFTA and Academ y Aw ard nom inat ion w it h an Em m y Aw ard for his port rayal of Winst on Churchill. He w as a form er Cat holic School t eacher before em barking on an act ing career. Born in Cast lerock Dublin, Colin Farrell has been a successful leading m an in m any m em orable roles and has received t w o Golden Globe Aw ards and an Academ y Aw ard
Nom Inat Ion
Durling w as cert ain w hen he st at ed,?Gleeson and Farrells's individual careers have been exem plary, and t heir collaborat ions in t w o McDonagh film s show us t w o act ors perfect ly in sync-in bot h pat hos and hum or ? These t w o act ors have a deep friendship and affect ion for each ot her They first m et in 2006 and m ade an im m ediat e connect ion
In ?The Banshees of Inisherin? t hese t w o m en are best friends, w hich t akes an abrupt t urn, Padraic (Farrell) w as an overly em ot ional young m an, act ing inappropriat e in public and his best friend Colm (Gleeson) does not w ant t o be friends w it h him anym ore, no reason st at ed Colm is m elancholy and rarely converses and refuses t o even speak w it h Padraic, w ho is disraught and can't underst and t his change of heart This is a serious fallout w it h disast rous consequences.
Mart in McDonagh relat ed t hat ?No ot her act ors in t he w orld could have played t hese charact ers. No one else has t he int egrit y, sensit ivit y and gent leness t o show t he fragilit y and quiet despair by t hose m en, and t o do so w it hout judgem ent , inst ead of leaving it for t he audience t o decide w ho is right or w ho is w rong. And t o do all t hat w hile st ill being hilarious.? He present ed t he Cinem a Vanguard aw ards t o Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson in front of t he delight ed and recept ive Sant a Barbara audience.
Cert ainly bot h Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson have been busy t his aw ards season of 2023 We enjoyed t heir perform ances and w ish t hem all t he best ! t he t alent ed pair of act ors and Mart in McDonagh have a good chance of m aking t his a very Irish Oscars year

The RISE Continued...
Since Sinn Féin needs both constituencies, its response to the anti-immigration demonstration has been to prevaricate. Mary Lou McDonald has taken to the airwaves to lecture people on aiming their anger at the government parties. While this is faintly amusing, it is a clear sign of panic. It is also disconcerting for her that she was personally singled out by the demonstrators for abuse. The magic of populism is that it can provide all answers to all problems. Yet if those problems persist, the smug source of all the ?solutions?becomes a target. Sinn Féin has never before been confronted with such antagonism from this source. Leo Varadkar recently sounded an unsympathetic note on immigration: ?Refugees are welcome in Ireland. People who need our protection should get it. We also need to be firm with people who come to Ireland with a false story or false pretences? .We should decide who enters our country, not criminal gangs? [and asked] how we can better secure our external borders around Europe? . In contrast to Sinn Féin, Varadkar?s base has not reacted at all to this position. The instigators of the far-right demos understand that if they can build sufficient momentum they may form a political movement that stands to dilute Sinn Féin?s support in the next general election, which will be held in 2025, if not before.
The right-wing debate has firmly forced itself into Irish politics, as never before
The Irish political pot is stirred.
Riverdance w ill m ake it s Los Angeles ret urn at t he Dolby Theat re in Hollyw ood from April 18 ?23; One Week Only.
Ticket s st art at $39 and are available for purchase at w w w.Broadw ayInHollyw ood.com or w w w Ticket m ast er com
Abhann Product ions is t hrilled t o announce t hat t he 25t h anniversary product ion of Riverdance w ill cont inue it s crit ically acclaim ed t our in over 50 cit ies across Nort h Am erica in 2023. Riverdance com plet ed a successful 40-cit y Nort h Am erican
Tour w hich m arked t he dance phenom enon?s long-aw ait ed ret urn t o st ages aft er t he COVID-19 pandem ic shut dow n The 2022 t our included a sold-out , t w o-w eek inaugural run at Washingt on DC?s hist oric Kennedy Cent er, a special perform ance for President Joe Biden and Speaker of t he House Nancy Pelosi and nat ional t elevision appearances on The Tonight Show st arring Jim m y Fallon, Good Morning Am erica, GMA3 and Wat ch What Happens Live The 2023 Tour recent ly kicked off w it h a special perform ance on Am erica?s Got Talent , seen by over 7 m illion people across t he count ry
Get not ified of Kerry Irish Product ions t our dat es and
For t he com plet e Riverdance 25t h Anniversary Show 2023 Nort h Am erican Tour schedule and updat es please visit w w w.riverdance.com .