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Loreena McKennit t t o be induct ed int o Canadian Songw
rit er ?s Hall of Fam e
In recognit ion of nearly four decades as a dist inct ive perform ing art ist , Loreena w ill be t he first 2023 induct ee int o t heCanadian Songw rit ers Hall of Fam e(CSHF). The present at ion w ill t ake place at t he Opera House in Toront o on Wednesday March 8t h ? Int ernat ional Wom en?s Day. A highlight of t he evening w ill be Loreena?s perform ance of several songs, accom panied by Brian Hughes on guit ar, Hugh Marsh on violin and Joe Phillips on bass TICKETS?I am deeply honoured to be receiving this recognition,?says Loreena.?For 25 years this organization has shown a deep devotion to celebrating and promoting Canadian songwriters and this country?s rich, musical legacy. We have all been enriched by their work. I feel so privileged to have my name added to their list of distinguished Canadian songwriters.?The induct ion w ill be dovet ailed w it h t he inauguralWom en in Music Canada Honoursevent , w hich celebrat es and support s fem ale Canadian innovat ors and creat ors w ho have had out st anding success in t heir field ?Loreena is a musical enigma whose songs are seamlessly timeless yet current; rooted in tradition yet inventive. She is a storyteller who can weave through eras, cultures, and transcend boundaries,?says St an Meissner, Board Chairm an of CSHF ?Loreena has achieved global success on her own terms and has remained steadfast as an independent recording artist, which is both admirable and deserving of recognition.?The Canadian Songw rit ers Hall of Fam e, a nat ional, non-profit organizat ion, honours and celebrat es Canadian songw rit ers and t hose w ho?ve dedicat ed t heir lives t o t he legacy of m usic, and w orks t o educat e t he public about t hese achievem ent s. Aft er t he March 8t hevent , a perm anent exhibit w ill be dedicat ed t o Loreena at t he Canadian Songw rit ers Hall of Fam e at t he Nat ional Music Cent re in Calgary.Previous induct ees include Leonard Cohen,
ABOVE: Loreena McKennit t
Our Annual Irish Music
Makers Coverage is over t w o issues t his year.
We st art here w it h Belfast
Singer/ Songw rit er Joby Fox and our favorit e Canadian songst ress, Loreena McKennit t and w e have m ore Music Makers in our St . Pat rick's Day Special issue next w eek!
Our next issue w ill include our updat ed and expanded calendar, a new feat ure by Greg Pat rick, a new Travel Feat ure by freelance Travel Writ er and Phot ographer Richard At kins and an am azing Irish Oscar St ory.
Eric Roebuck duo: t o 4pm Jeff Livingst one t rio: 8pm t o 12am