Research doc (unfnished)

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Research and Development

James Thornes

YCN Brief

What is it ?

Brief As this is a live brief the brief is very small and yet there is still alot of information that needs to be looked through before i can start doing anything that is research and idea based. For this brief i have chosen to look at Fedrigoni, this company is the leading suppliers for paper in the UK and is known in the graphic world as the place to go if you are having troble with paper. At the moment the Fedrigoni warehouse in Northampton serves the majority of the clients may this be with a bulk order or a single sheet because of this the branch is in stress and so they have decided to open a new branch that will deal with the single sheet orders, this branch is going to be in London at the London Graphic Centre. The brief is for to create a way to show off the branch and we have been told not to just create a leaflet, we have to focus on the paper and nothing else. we need to introduce customers to their new retail space.

What is it ?

Basic Research To start my basic research i wanted to look into the company a little more, i did this by looking at many different website trying to find out information about the company and the new branch that they are moving into in the new year. The first bit of information i found was that the company is mostly based in their main warehouse in Northapton, i also found that they are getting some more space in a shop in London (TheGraphicsCentre). The reason for this is that they want a place where people can go if they just want samples are small amounts of paper and then the other warehouse can focus on large batch orders. After looking into the company a litle more i found that the company was big on the enviroment and saving the planet. The company has dedicated many years to expanding its rang of papers sticking to the FSC Chain of Custody certification. The company pays large attension to sustainability and respect for the enviroment, that attension starts with the raw material and continues right through to the

finished product and distribution. I think whatever i end up doing, the way that i source and use what i find needs to follow this to make sure that the companies views come out in the final piece. To the left is the website for the company, i really like this design and i think that within my design i would like to use the themes that they have used. One part that i really like and i am definatly going to use is the squares and how everything fits together. i think that if i was to create a multi media idea the squares would come into play in that sence and would be a main factor in the design and how th elayout would work. I also really like th euse of colours, i like the fact that the only colours that are vibratent are the ones from work that has been done and the website sticks to a greyscale theme only using white for backgrounds and black as the acent colour and the text.

What is it ?

YCN - Fedrigoni Here i wanted to look at work that people have made for this company in the past. After doing some research i found that the company have worked with YCN before and this is some work that people have made before. I really like some of this work and i now think that i will have alot of work to do if i want to create something which is up to the standard that the work here is.

What is it ?

First ideas After looking at some other work that people have created in the past and what they are looking for within the adverts i think i have a good idea of what i want to create for them. The first idea i have to to create something using the paper that they use, for this i really want to show the company and how enviromental it is, because of this my idea was to show the way they create the paper, this may start with the tree been cut down and transported to the facotry where it is chnaged into paper, it can then go through the whole process before been delivered to the shop and been put on sale. The last thing i want to happen is the top piece of paper to fall off showing the piece underneath, this piece of paper will have the logo of the company and then the day that the new shop opens. My next idea was to create a similar advert using stop motion or a similar recording way, this idea was to create the inside of the shop and then have people buying the paper, the ending scene fro this would also feature the same ending idea as the last one, with somebody moving something and the logo and opening

date shown on the piece below. I really like this idea and i think that if i was to go with this idea i would need to get alot of help form others so that i can firstly model and then film within such a small enviroment. My final idea was going to be short and sweet, short enough that you could get in all the infomation that you needed and yet long enough that the audience wouldnt get bored and turn off the advert. I would do this by showing what people go through when searching for the correct pieve of paper. I would start with an empty table with the question ‘What paper should i use ?’ i would then tip a box full of different papers onto the table covering the question making it look like it was cloudy and hard to chose. I would then using my hands qucikly run my hands through all the paper finding one i liked and getting rid of the rest that i didnt like. It would end with two pieces of paper. The top piece i would then pick up and move out of shot leaving one piece left, this piece would have the logo and opening day on it.

What is it ?

Idea 1 Research - Johnathan lindley This to the left is some work that i looked at when coming up with the idea for the first idea, i found this guy a couple of months ago and i really fell in love with some of his work. i think that this piece that he created for the ‘Yellow Bird Project� really inspired this idea as it kind of follows the same idea i have in my head. Even though he doesnt move in this idea it is the same idea that i want for the start, out in the countryside alone with one main character. I really like how he has used the stop motion here to create such a beutiful

piece of work that i really love. I really like the 2D effect that is been used and i like how he hasnt tried to make everything look realistic and normal but has gone for a sort of different look keeping the paper aspect as part of the final piece. i think that to recreate this with a different program would be wrong and you wouldnt get the same effect. If i was to use this as one of my final ideas i would use this method as i think it would work and would look very good as an end product.

What is it ?

Idea 1 Research - Lucas Zanotto This is also another opition for how i could do some stop motion and over the past couple of years this has been the way to create stop motion animation without acutally using stop motion techniques. I think that this is a better and quicker way in which stop motion can be created and should be used wherever is possible instead of the old techniques. The reason for this is that this technique uses video instead of picture at a time and people have to be quick getting each of the props in

and out of the scenes as quickly as possible. As you can see this work was created so that the scens and props could be pulled away quickly leaving as little time between allowing for this technique to be used. I think that this effect could be used in this idea and the next one as they both use a effect with paper that could easily be implimented.

What is it ?

Idea 2 Research - Interior design For my second idea i said that i wanted to create a stop motion animation that used a model of the shop they are going to be opening showing people buying paper, i think that this could be a cool concept and would show the shop and how the customers would be interacting with the shop and product. I really like the idea of creating my own model to then film around, it gives a sort of film set idea that always look very cool when looking at. I think trying to create this from paper wouldnt work and so to create this i would need to use cardboard

and then stick the paper to the walls and floor making the paper more of a colour palette rather than material that is used to create the piece. Most of this animation is going to be filmed within this model and so creating at the correct size so that it can be filmed but also so that it looks correct if it is put on show at the shop after when it is complete, i think that this will be a hard thing to get correct but once i can get it correct then i will be able to start recroding and wont have to put any effort into the backgrounds like i would have to if i was to create the other idea.

What is it ?

Idea 2 Research - Tilt shift video As i am using a model to create some of the shots for this piece i wanted to use a technique that would allow me to create video that had this effect so that it made it look like a miniture set of what the final piece is going to look like. I think that this could be a make or break technique that if i could get correct would be great for the piece and if i couldnt et it to work then i would be missing out on what could make the animation what it is.

What is it ?

Idea 3 Research - Casey Neistat Casey Neistat is a producer that i have been following now for about 2 years, he is a great producer and everything that he creates and does on a day to day basis i think makes me think about whatever he is talking about or doing. All of it connects with the auidence, the customer if you will. To the left is his animation table. He uses alot throughout his vieos mainly using it to show off things that would be on a table, i think that if i had one of these the third idea could be made even better and it could

become something better than what the idea could be if i was to use my own ideas. i think that what comes with the table also comes with his mind for making videos and films and how he does it. I think that the idea of the table is what made me come up with the idea for the design in the first place.

What is it ?

Chosen idea and refinement I have chosen to use idea 3 for my final idea, the reason for this is because i think that the others have potential its just i dont think they would have the same viewing platfom that this idea will, if i have time i will go back and take the other ideas forward but for now i think im just going to stick to one idea and expanding that idea into something bigger than just an idea. As i am taking this idea forward i am going to expand on the idea and show off what it cold be. For example i am going to be using an old rustic wooden table and then im going to create some sort of question, along the lines of ‘What paper should i use ?’. I am going to be refining this question but for now i think it works well with the rest of the idea. After this i am going to pour different paper on top of the question covering it, i think that this is good because if someone isnt sure what paper they want everything can be a bit much and it all falls on you like it does when you pour it onto the table. It would also cover the question making it seem more

blurred and the paper takes a front seat rather than the question that you started with. I am then going to put my hands into the video moving the paper around trying to find the best piece of paper that i could find, once most of the paper has gone there will be two ways that the film could go. One way would be that there is 2 pieces of paper left, i then pick one up and move it out of the way and it leaves the last piece with the logo of the company with the day that the new shop opens. the second option is to have one piece of paper left, the one i want. I would then lift the piece of paper up and turn it over, on the other side would be the logo of the comapny and the day the new shop opens. I think that this idea could work very well and if i create it right could be the one that wins. The reason for this is that it is catchy and simple and so people wont get bored of it and also people will remeber it and that is what you are looking for in an advert.

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