Earth Artifacts Research doc HUDGraphics

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Earth Artifacts

BA Graphic design James Alex Thornes

Earth Artifacts

Golden Record

The ‘Golden records’ are two records that were sent into space to try and tell anything out there about us and where we are. This they think is a good idea as it is a show of peace. This record contains many different things from the planet that we knew when it was sent up in 1977. These things include sounds made by natural occurrences like waves, wind and animals noise such as songs of birds and whales. They also included a range of music from all different musical and cultural backgrounds, this includes such music like Australia’s aboriginal songs and Beethovens classical string pieces. With music they have also included a range of different greetings in different languages to welcome anything that comes into contact with the space ship. Some of the languages included are Ancient Greek, Korean, Russian and French. On the record they also included a range of images allowing anything to see what the planet we live on looks like. I really like this idea because it also shows how far we have come in a small time when compared to how long the earth has been around. Overall there is about 116 images. Along with the sound, music and images there is also brainwaves of Ann Druyan, she later married Carl Sagan the creator of the ‘Golden record’.

Earth Artifacts

Voyager 1+2

The Voyager 1 & 2 are small lightweight spacecrafts that were lauched by NASA on september 5th 1977. They were lauched to study the outer solar system. The sapcecrafts were not meant to last untl now, but to this day they still communicate with the DSN (Deep Space Network) to receive routine commands and return data when needed. The primary mission ended in the 1980’s after the Jovian system was found in 1979 and the Satumian system in 1980. These spacecrafts were the first probes to provide us with detailed images of the two planets and their moons.

On september 12, 2013 NASA confirmed that Voyager 1 had crossed the heliopause and entered interstellar space on August 25, 2012. This made it the first spacecraft to do so.

Earth Artifacts

Art Movement of the 1970’s

During the time of the spacecraft lauches there was many different movements going on, This meant it was a difficult time for artists to change how there work looked, this means that new artists were allowed to get onto the scene. Some of the main art movements of the 1970’s were: • Post-minimalism • Postmodern art • Mail art • Neo-experssionism • Neoism

I really like some of these art movements and i think that some of them could be used to inspire the way that i work on this project. Some of the projects that i am going to look at in more detail is Mail art and Neoism. I think these could be great movements to look at as they are clear and would work well with some of my ideas for this project.

Earth Artifacts

Mail Art

Mail art also known as Postal art is a populist artistic movement centered on sending small scale works through the postal service. It initially developed out of the Fluxus movement in the 1950’s. though it has developed into a global movement that to this day still goes on to the present day. The American artist Ray Johnson is considered to be one of the first well known mail artist and for this reason i will be looking into his work in more detail. He was also considered the first self-conscious network of mail artists. Mail art can nomarlly be found in most places and you see it everday but to this day you look over it due to it been everywhere.

Some of the styles it can take include: • Postcards • Stamps • Paper • Collage of found or recycled images or objects During the launch of the spacecrafts in 1977 the practice of mail art grew providing a cheap and flexable channel of experssion for new and up coming artists. Some of the artists that i will follow up on during this research are: • Ray Johnson • Michael Scott

Earth Artifacts

Ray Johnson

Ray Johnson was a Mail artist that was primarily known as a collagist and correspondence artist. He was mainly known as a artist of conceptual art and mail art. After working in New york on such art movements as Neo-Dada and early Pop art he was known as the best and became the best and most famous unknown artist of his time. Ray Johnson used his own brand of semantic structure to create a complex and multi-layered portraits of hinself and of other people. This on the right is half of the best peice in my opinion of Ray Johnsons work. It is called “Not Nothing�, it is a peice that Ray went on to create a book. The reason that he did this with his peice rather than showing them in a museum is because when people looked at his Mail art they considered it more of a reading than a looking experience and that in a museum his peieces would be visibility fairly low. Instead of doing that the book sold well as it was filled with intellectual energy with enough drawings and mini-collages embedded in its reproduced text to hold a nonreader attention.

Earth Artifacts

Ray Johnson

Along with Mail art, Ray Johnson also focused some of his time on collages. As you can see around this is some of his best collage work. He did these between 1950 and 1992. I think these can help me when designing my work as i can use it to sort out ideas and themes that work and dont work well together.

Earth Artifacts

Michael Scott

Earth Artifacts

Michael Scott

Michael Scott is a British graphic design that focuses his artwork around mail art during the art movement of 1970-1980. His work is cluttered and meaningful, it shows how mail is and what its like. I really like how Michael has designed and layout his work, it really shows me what my wokr needs to look like if i was to take up this design method over others that i have looked at from the same movement. I think that if i was to show the same designing styling to the spacecrafts or the golden record my work could come out on top and look something like the work around.

Earth Artifacts

Art Movements of the present day

In the modern era artists take it among themselves to create new art movements al the time, this is all put in to a art movement called Post- Modern or Post Post- Modern. Within this art movement there are many smaller movements that people are creating art from below are come of the main ones that have been going for a while and are still large in the art world. • Contemporary Art • Minimalism I really like these art movements and i think that with these movements i can make any of the ideas i have work well and look upgraded and professional.

Earth Artifacts

Contemporary Art

Contemporary art is an art form that has gone through many different periods of time first been shown in work in Abstract Expressionism in the 1950’s all the way to the present day with the art form of Altermodern. As i want to be looking at present day artist there isnt much history on them, because of this artists have been very hard to find as it is present day art that is needed. Some of the artist that i found and liked there work are below: • TYPOE • Marco Sodano

Earth Artifacts TYPOE

The piece below is done by TYPOE and is called Fountain and was created to be used a series of work called Confetti Death. In this work he used plastic skulls, spray paint caps and resin and glue. I think that if i was to use this design style i would change the spray caps into paper as it would be cheaper for me and also would give me a wider range or colours and shades. I really like the art work done by TYPOE, i think that if i was to be making a sculpture of the rocket that Voyager went up on then this would be a abstract modern way in which i could do it. I really like how he has used colour within his work to brighten the mood f his work but also to give it something other than a skull to look at. I think that if the artwork below also had been done as an painting or a photograph then the overall outcome of the piece would have been less impressive and wouldn’t have been in the spotlight a a great piece of modern contemporary artwork.

Earth Artifacts TYPOE

I really like the piece to the right and i think that i could use this to create a view of space or earth from the moon. The piece is called Untitled and is from the series Aligned Right. This piece is called Confetti Death and was the first piece of the series called Confetti Death. I think this piece has a better style compared to the others as it uses other materials to create the confetti and not just spray caps like the Fountain did on the other side.

Earth Artifacts

Marco Sodano

These pieces are Marco Sodano Lego interpretation of famous artwork created by various artists, I really like how he has taken the pixelatd approach to some of these peices and i think it give sit a really modern feel as Lego is something many people see on a day to day basis making it something great to create artwork from as other people can also create this type of artwork easily and make it their own. This would be a great way to create artwork if you were starting out as a new artist in the art world as it is something everyone can relate tto as they have used it at some point during their lives themselves and so seeing it makes them think about the past times.

Earth Artifacts Marco Sodano

His inventive artwork received widespread attention last year and most recently his work has become even more known by other people rather than just artists and they even now appear as Lego Official Adverts in the USA. Sodano uses the various colour schemes within the Lego to function as building blocks for each of his prefigured models and i think that each of these hep him as you can get Lego in almost any colour these days as there is so many sets and variations.

Earth Artifacts


Earth Artifacts Colour Schemes



Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

First i wanted to look at infographics, these are the first few that i found, I didnt like these as they looked nothing like what i was thinking they looked handmade and less modern from what my work was going to feel and look like. From these two though i did take away how some of the worked was presented. Within the first one below i really liked the use of scale to show of some things are better than others or just higher in the list. Within the second infographic i really liked how he had used many different ways of showing the information that he had found. I liked his use of circles and how the simple pie charts had been reinvented to show the information.

Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

This poster here was more modern than the others that i had found before and i think that this gave me a better indication into what i was looking for within this research. Within it i looked for the same ways as what i did within the other poster and this is the way that information is laid out. I really like how the type has been used to show information that is more important. I think that within this work the main focus is based on the type and how this is affected by the use of the circles messes with this creating an infographic that is all over the place and messy.

Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

This infographic i think really uses the use of circles to another level and i think that this is very good for this piece as it uses it as its main feature which i think is the best thing for an infographic as if you have lots of things it doesnt work well and the main reason of the infographic can become unclear and people can take your work for something different. In this work i really like the use of type, it is kept simple and so within the work the main feature is still kept as that even if the type is the thing that you need to read to understand what it is asking you. I also really like the way that the background has been created using a faded white creating the look of a canvas that has been left out in the rain and so now has defects.

Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

Once i had found the infographic on the other page i decided to carry on looking within that same area as it was what i was looking for, modern and simple in style which is what idea i had in my head about my final idea. I think that the graphic used to show the information within this infographic were very

good and i think that i might use a similar way of showing the information that i have found about the Voyager.

Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

I think that i have found the work that i would really like to set out my work out like. Within this work i feel like i have found what i am looking for, a simple modern infographic. I really like how the whole thing has been laid out with the main information been showed off in the middle of the page and then the type been small and around it showing what it actually needs before you can understand what i going on within the infographic. I like how the graphic is kept simple and then the meaning for the graphic is around the edge with this consisting of the type and the key.

Earth Artifacts Infographics layouts

Even though this is a simple infographic i feel like it is too simple as it doesnt use any of the page and the type is very minimal and doesnt tell you anything about what is happening. But even after this if you have any knowledge and Michael Jackson then this infographic is ok and the info you already know can be used to understand this graphic, because of this i dont think that this is really a infographic and is really just a graphic that has been categorised wrong even though it is still correct. I do though like the graphic that he has used and i feel like they are very meaningful when you know the information that is meant to be told when you look at it. I like how minimal the graphic is and how modern it feels.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

At first i was going to create a USB style app layout to show the information that was put on the Golden Record. The reason that i chose to do this is because at the time it was a thought of mine and i thought it would be a good idea to recreate the whole Golden Record in a modern style. I quickly though changed my mind about the whole idea after i looked into engraving a USB stick with information on the outside and then everything laid out in the style of Finder it all became hard and costly while not looking as good as my other ideas.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

First mock-up of Finder

Earth Artifacts Ideas

As one of my last ideas i went with a recreation of some of the pieces that were originally on the Golden record back in 1977. Here i was going to use an art movement from around that time to create art work from that era showing off what was going on in the art world during the satellites launch. I also chose to use a art movement from the present day and using this also recreate some of the pieces that were on the Golden record. The reason for doing this is because i wanted to show off how far art has come since the satellite went up and what it has missed since leaving the Solar system. i think this is a good idea as it shows time and what can be achieved in the short amount of time that the satellite has been gone. I think that this is one of my best ideas and i think that i am going to carry on at this stage and keep working on this as one of my final pieces for the project.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

Earth Artifacts Ideas

One of my first ideas was to recreate the entire Golden record showing off what has changed and what has been accomplished since the launch of the satellite in 1977. To make this work I think this would be a good yet hard idea to chose as i would need to collect tons of data to be able to put together such a assortment of materials to be used in the “2015 version� of the Golden record, this takes time which i dont have much of, because of this i dont think that i am going to be using this as a real idea more as just a concept of an idea that i can go on and change.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

Using some of the recent technology that was released i found a new way that ay data could be stored. This is by the invention of Hololens. This is a new development from the company Microsoft and is at the forefront of technology as we know as of 2015 just like records were back in 1977 when the launch of the satellites were. Using this new technology i thought that i could find a way so that using holograms create a 3D network of storage just like a warehouse, it could be a place where everything is stored that we have found in the 38 years since the launch of the satellites. Unfortunately in Microsoft next press conference they said that they would not be releasing the coding or graphic capabilities out in the time frame that i had to complete this project because of this i had to crap this idea as i would only be able to create concept ideas of what i wanted it to look like.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

My last idea that i thought of was to create a simple poster to show off the passing of the satellite in to deep space outside of our solar system, it would show the earth at the bottom and then as ii got further up the poster would show different layers of the atmosphere showing spacecraft and how far they have got, finally it would show the satellite of Voyager 1 and 2 the furthest up the page. I think that this would be a good idea to show the satellite entering deep space as it would show the distance it has travelled compared to anything else we have ever sent up to space as i dont think people realise how far they are away. I would create this in a modern way to show how art has changed since the launch of the spacecraft back in 1977. I think that this would be the best way to produce it and also would look the best as it is my preferred art form.

Earth Artifacts Ideas

First mock-up


The travel to deep space

Earth Artifacts Development

In my first development of my idea i decided that i needed to add a system to show how far the satellites were away from each other and from earth. to do this i marked out each of the regions of space and labelled them each with their own name. I used white text for this and the same font as the title as i think that it is something special and not any main body of text that will be on the poster at some point. I really like the white in this piece and i will be using white on all text within the poster. As you can see i have also added more detail to the earth at the bottom of the poster. I have done this so that later on i can add a zoomed area to show the different layers of the earth (Core, Mantle and Crust). This wont add to anything about the Voyager but i think it is important in this poster as it is about distance and the earth is a main part of it as it is where all of the journeys start.

Voyager: Deep space


Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Sea Level

The travel to deep space

Earth Artifacts Development

Here i have added a zoomed area of the Earth. I have done this to show off the home planet and how big the darkness is outside of the Earths atmosphere. I think as we know so much about our home planet it would be a start to show people how far it is as we can use it to show how big it is. I really like the colours that i have used so far in the production of this piece, i think that they show the areas of space off well and have enough of a colour change so that it can be seen when printed using a RGB or CMYK printer. After this i went back to the design and realised that i had missed out the sea from the diagram. So i went back and changed it to include this layer.


The travel to deep space

Deep space



The travel to deep space

Deep space

Sea Soil Crust


Mantle Core Sea Soil Crust Mantle

Exosphere Thermosphere


Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Mesosphere Sea Level

Sea Level

Earth Artifacts Development

At this stage i went on to design each of the crafts that i would put on the poster to show depth and scale in space. As you can see i havent added the Voyager crafts yet as i was still working on the design for that one as it is a very important part of the design. I made each of the design seperately on Illistrator before importing them into this save fike. I did this so that i could work on them easily without different guides getting in the way of me designing. Once i had imported them and scaled them to their correct size i decided to go work on the layout of different fotn styles instead of carrying on with the designs. This means that this isnt the final design layout of the crafts and also that it isnt the finished product.


The travel to deep space

Deep space


Sea Soil Crust Mantle Core

Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Sea Level

Earth Artifacts Development

As you can see in this version of the first poster i created and imported the Voyager crafts. These i decided that they needed to be spaced apart as they are very far apart when it comes to looking at them from space. I think that this version is one that i really like and even though i am still working on the final version i think that this is mostly what it will look like at the end.


The travel to deep space

Deep space


Sea Soil Crust Mantle Core

Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Sea Level

Earth Artifacts Development

In this version i have added the facts that go with each of the crafts. For the facts i have only added the main ones that are needed, these been: • Name of craft • Date launched • Attitude above earth I really like that way that the poster has turned out and i think that i am going to leave it like this as part of my final piece.

Voyager: Deep space

The travel to deep space

Name: Voyager 1 Altitude: ~19B km Launched: 1977

Name: Voyager 2 Altitude: ~16B km Launched: 1977

Space Name: Moon (Luna) Altitude: ~400,000 km Launched: ~4.5B BC

Sea Soil Crust Mantle Core

Exosphere Thermosphere Name: GPS IIR-11 Altitude: 20,200 km Launched: 2004

Name: LANDSAT 7 Altitude: 705 km Launched: 1999

Mesosphere Sea Level

Name: GOES-12 Altitude: 35,790 km Launched: 2001

Name: ISS (International Space Station) Altitude: 340 km Launched: 1998

Name: Galaxy 14 Altitude: 35,780 km Launched: 2005

Name: Hubble Telescope Altitude: 569 km Launched: 1990

Earth Artifacts Development

As you can see i have not left it like the one of the left. Infact i have only changed one element of the design and that iis the title. As you can see on previous version i have had the title in a font isnt condensed, in the version below i have changed this to be a condensed version of the same font. I think that overall this looks better as the other version took up too much space and left the top of the poster looking full and too spaced out.

Voyager: Deep space

The travel to deep space

Name: Voyager 1 Altitude: ~19B km Launched: 1977

Name: Voyager 2 Altitude: ~16B km Launched: 1977

Space Name: Moon (Luna) Altitude: ~400,000 km Launched: ~4.5B BC

Sea Soil Crust Mantle Core

Exosphere Thermosphere Name: GPS IIR-11 Altitude: 20,200 km Launched: 2004

Name: LANDSAT 7 Altitude: 705 km Launched: 1999

Mesosphere Sea Level

Name: GOES-12 Altitude: 35,790 km Launched: 2001

Name: ISS (International Space Station) Altitude: 340 km Launched: 1998

Name: Galaxy 14 Altitude: 35,780 km Launched: 2005

Name: Hubble Telescope Altitude: 569 km Launched: 1990

Earth Artifacts Second development

After i had completed all of the posters to a standard which i liked i went back and looked at the work using comments that were made by friends that were on and off the course. The comment i looked at first was one involving the Earth and how it looked. People off the course said that it was hard to understand with all of the different colours and it made it hard to focus on the real meaning of the infographic, because of this i decided to take all the colours out and just have the original colour that i started with in version one. After that i looked at another comment that said that i should look at the Earth too and that it should be curved to show the curve of the Earth so i did this too to the right. I didnt like this as much though and so i wont be using it.

Voyager: Deep space



The travel to deep space

Deep space


Exosphere Thermosphere

Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Mesosphere Sea Level

Sea Level

The travel to deep space

Earth Artifacts

Second development

The next comment i looked at said that the bar to the left was too demanding on the eyes and so it stood out, because of this i decided to move the whole layer to the left a little more and then i made the stroke 1 less making it only 11pt instead of 12pt. I dont have a feeling or another suggestion into what i could do to resolve this problem that has arisen and so this is how i am going to leave it. When speaking with my tutor he said that the first typeface used in the infographic for the title was better and that i should go back to using it, he said that it looked spaced out and so giving the sense that everything was very far apart in space which it is.

Voyager: Deep space


Exosphere Thermosphere

Mesosphere Sea Level

The travel to deep space

Earth Artifacts Development

This is the starting of my next poster, As yuo can see the poster is in the same styling as the last one. The styling that i have chosen to use for this one uses simple bright colours on a dark background to give the sence of space around the poster. Any text that is then involved witiin the design as then uses white as it colour so that it can stand out easiser on the page. At first i was going to use a grey text colour as then it would have looked more metalic and so less like text and more like a space craft. In the end though i didnt go with this as on some of the pages it bended in too well with the background and so was too far to see. In the start i focused on getting the right side of the poster done first. as you can see to the right, this is the most complext peiece on the right sode of the poster and so i started with designign this in a seperate save file before importing it on to the posters save file later on. I really like the way that this has turned out using the colour scheme for the rocket that has been used on the real rocket used to launch the Voyagers into space.

Earth Artifacts Development

After i had created one part of the rocket it was easy to go back and complete the rest of it later on during the week. First i copied the file and split the rocket in half to show the seperation of the rocket into its first and second stage. The first stage was used to get the rocket into orbit and then the second stage was used to boost the remaining rocket past the planets Jupiter and Saturn. I then created a new version of the rocket once it had split from them, this is what you can see in the third stage. In this version i also added a title. When creating this title i didnt want the overall poster to look formatted and laid out in any sort of order, because of this i decided to create a title that was used as a logo and a title and that was not the the place where you would normallu see a title. When you think of a title you think it would be at the top before you start to look at the poster, i changed this so that the title was at teh bottom. I then added the American flag as the logo to make it look like the title was coming out of the flag. I used the American flag in this because the rocket was created and lauched on American soil and so it made sence to do it this way.

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Earth Artifacts Development

In this version i went very minimal and so decided to look at other infographic posters to see how they illustrated different facts. I found a book called “infromation is beautiful, i really liked this book and what it had to offer, it showed me some great work from other people and it also gave me a look into what i could do with some of it. As you can see to the right the “Burn time� part of the poster has been added. At first i didnt know if i should go with naming each of the sections or if i should just put it out there, but it didnt look right without it so i added them but kept them small and to the point so that the veiwer could focus on the main information that was on the poster. I used circles to show the burn time and the longer the burn time the bigger the circle would be. I then coloured the circles with a colour scheme that used red that got darker the longer the burn time and so the bigger the circle was the darker to colour was. I reall liked how this section turned out and i think that if i was to go back and change anything about the poster this section would not be one of them.

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

Burn time (Seconds)





Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Earth Artifacts Development


Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid

Here I added the next section of the infographic. Here i used rockets to show off the different stages and what rocket power that thet used in each of them. I think that this was the best way to show off each of the engine types as i could easily show off each of the rocket types and not the engines as most of them looked the same. I really like the way that they turned out but i didnt knwo if i should put the section in the middle of the poster like i had done at first or if i should put it at the side like i have in the design to my right. I didnt chose here what i wante dto do and decided that i wanted to carry on with each of the design seperatly.

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D)

Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid

Stage II 2 LR87 - 11


Stage II 2 LR87 - 11

20 August 5th September

Voyager 1+2 Stage 4) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D)

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1

20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11


Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1

20 August 5th September

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

Fuel types

20 August 5th September

Burn time (Seconds)

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

20 August 5th September

IV 470

Burn time (Seconds)

III 205

II 147

I 115

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

IV 470

III 205

II 147

I 115

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Earth Artifacts Development



Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid

Voyager 1+2 Stage 4) 20 August 5th September

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11

Burn time (Seconds) IV 470

20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Stage II 2 LR87 - 11

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D)

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

As you can see i carried on with each idea using the space to find a way to show off the content in the best way. In this version i looked at the possibility of having the title like a flag flowing down the middle of the page. I dont think that this really worked and it left too much space in the middle of the poster making it looked too spaced out which i wasnt looking for in this design of the poster. This is as far as this design went and so the title went back to its normal area of the poster and then i put the engine section into the middle.

III 205

II 147

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

I 115

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Earth Artifacts Development

Fuel types


Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid


There are two many tpyes of fuel in this rocket. These been Liquid and Solid. Fuel types that include Solid fuel are: .Stage 0: Solid Boosters

Voyager 1+2 Stage 4) 20 August 5th September

Stage II 2 LR87 - 11

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11

20 August 5th September

The stages that use Liquid fuel are: .Stage 1: A-50/N204 .Stage2: A-50/ N204 .Stage3: Lh2/ LOX

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

In this version i went added the next section, this was to be the last section of the infograhpic as it was looking full. In this section i looked at fuel types that were used in each of the stages of the rockets launch. To do this i chose the the two types of fuel that where used, these been solid and liquid fuel. I then used this information to create fuel tanks like the ones you see in the screen gab to the right. I coloured it yellow as after research this is the colour i found to be used. I then wrote in each of these fuel tanks to show the stages that used each. This was the final part of the poster and so once i had finished i moved on to the next poster which was going to be on the Voyager space craft themselves.

Burn time (Seconds) IV 470

III 205

II 147

I 115

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Earth Artifacts Second development

Next i moved onto the second infographic poster looking at the comments made from peers and tutors, from these comments i chose two main ones to focus on them been: • Make it more minimalistic • Change the layout of the final design So i started fist by choosing the minimal styling comment, at first i didnt ave any ideas, so i did some quick research and found out about minimal layouts. I then started by taking away alot of the information that was not needed if you wanted to know minimal information, because of this i chose to only keep the rocket and the title and then center the rocket in the middle of the infographic to make it the main focus over the title which i made larger and kept at the bottom of the infographic. Even once i had done this i didnt like the layout so i removed the title from the infographic.

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Earth Artifacts

Second development

Fuel types

II 147

III 205


Voyager 1+2 Stage 4) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D) 20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2 20 August 5th September

There are two many tpyes of fuel in this rocket. These been Liquid and Solid. Fuel types that include Solid fuel are: .Stage 0: Solid Boosters

IV 470

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 3 (Centaur-D)

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11

20 August 5th September

20 August 5th September

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 2

Stage III 1 LR91 - 11

Fuel types

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

The stages that use Liquid fuel are: .Stage 1: A-50/N204 .Stage2: A-50/ N204 .Stage3: Lh2/ LOX

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1 20 August 5th September

There are two many tpyes of fuel in this rocket. These been Liquid and Solid. Fuel types that include Solid fuel are: .Stage 0: Solid Boosters

Burn time (Seconds) III 205

II 147

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 1

Stage IV 1 RL - 10A - 3

Stage II 2 LR87 - 11

20 August 5th September

20 August 5th September

IV 470


Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid

I 115


Voyager 1+2 Stage 4)

Stage I 2 N oBoosters 1 Solid


Burn time (Seconds)

Stage II 2 LR87 - 11

I then looked at the second comment, this been about the layout it was much quicker to get started. At first i looked at the final design and cleared everything off the page and then looked at rearranging the content in different ways, below i have added the redesigns of the final design. I didnt really like many of these and so decided to stick with the original one that i had created at first. I did though chose to look at the first development of the infographic to the left and i have chosen this to also feature on the infographic along with the other infographic posters.

I 115

Titan- Centaur Rocket

The stages that use Liquid fuel are: .Stage 1: A-50/N204 .Stage2: A-50/ N204 .Stage3: Lh2/ LOX

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Titan III 23E-7 Stage 0 (Boosters) 20 August 5th September

Earth Artifacts Development

I then started my next project, this was an idea that i got while doing the last infographic. This idea was to use the Voyager from the last infographic to create one for itself as it is very different from the rocket that it launched from. As you can see in this screen grab i have laid out the poster so that i can use the space more efficiently. I did this by using the size of the Voyager to create a size for the first area to which i could then lay out the rest of the page.

Earth Artifacts Development

In this grab i started work on the second area of the poster. Here i decided to use the route of the Voyager craft to create a detailed plan to show where it went at what dates it did it at. I then used more information to plot when it will leave our Solar system or when i did leave and then i plotted this on there too with an arrow as nobody really knows what will happen after it leaves our solar system.

Deep Space

September 12th 2012




November 12th 1980


March 5th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

In this part i used the same styling for the title as the last as i wanted to keep the same styling and colour schemes that i have used before. I did this by copying the files from the last poster and putting them with the other parts of this poster. I then changed each of the titles styling or developments so that the title would show to say Voyager 1 rather than what the past poster was representing. I really liked how the title was on the other poster and how it was laid out so i tried to copy this style but it did look right, so in the end i used the normal method and put the title at the top of the poster which i had also changed so that it was landscape instead of portrait.

Voyager 1

Deep Space

September 12th 2012




November 12th 1980


March 5th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

Here i added text to the Voyager part of the poster, i did this because i thought that the poster was missing something and by doing this i thought that it would make the poster/ infogaphic look more full and so would make people look at it for longer. In this text i used the detailed information i found when looking on the NASA page about the Voyager. I found all of the information about what instruments were on the Voyager and so i think that the information was very related and i couldn’t think of another way to lay it out.

Titan- Centaur Rocket

Deep Space

September 12th 2012

Neptune Instruments: .High-gain antenna .Low-energy charged particle .Cosmic ray .Plasma .Ultraviolet spectrometer .Imaging narrow angle camera .Imaging wide angle camera .Photopolarimeter .Interferometer spectrometer .Optical calibration target .Magnetometer boom .Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator X3 .Planetary radio astronomy and plasma wave antenna X2



November 12th 1980


March 5th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

After making the first poster on the Voyagers i realised that there was alot of information that was different when looking at the two different Voyagers because of this i decided to create two posters/ inforgraphics with the Voyager on them, one showing off the information from Voyager 1 and one with the information from Voyager 2. I think that this idea was for the best as i couldn’t fit all the information on one page.

Earth Artifacts Development

In this grab i started work on the second area of the poster. Here i decided to use the route of the Voyager craft to create a detailed plan to show where it went at what dates it did it at. I then used more information to plot when it will leave our Solar system or when i did leave and then i plotted this on there too with an arrow as nobody really knows what will happen after it leaves our solar system. I really like the blue colour that i used for the planets of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and i think that it has sparked another idea for a poster.

Deep Space


August 25th 1989


january 24th 1986


August 26th 1981


July 9th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

In this part i used the same styling for the title as the last as i wanted to keep the same styling and colour schemes that i have used before. I did this by copying the files from the last poster and putting them with the other parts of this poster. I then changed each of the titles styling or developments so that the title would show to say Voyager 1 rather than what the past poster was representing. I really liked how the title was on the other poster and how it was laid out so i tried to copy this style but it did look right, so in the end i used the normal method and put the title at the top of the poster which i had also changed so that it was landscape instead of portrait.

Voyager 2

Deep Space


August 25th 1989


january 24th 1986


August 26th 1981


July 9th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

Here i added text to the Voyager part of the poster, i did this because i thought that the poster was missing something and by doing this i thought that it would make the poster/ infogaphic look more full and so would make people look at it for longer. In this text i used the detailed information i found when looking on the NASA page about the Voyager. I found all of the information about what instruments were on the Voyager and so i think that the information was very related and i couldn’t think of another way to lay it out.

Voyager 2

Deep Space


August 25th 1989

Instruments: .High-gain antenna 3.7 meter diameter .Low-energy charged particle .Cosmic ray .Plasma .Ultraviolet spectrometer .Imaging narrow angle camera .Imaging wide angle camera .Photopolarimeter .Interferometer spectrometer .Optical calibration target .Magnetometer boom .Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator X3 .Planetary radio astronomy and plasma wave antenna X2


january 24th 1986


August 26th 1981


July 9th 1979

Earth Artifacts Development

This is the idea for the other poster/ infographic that i had. In this i was going to create a full Solar system showing off each of the planets in a minimalistic style that i have used throughout the design of these posters. I really like the styling that has been used throughout the posters and i really like how they have made the planets turn out. I think that if i was to change anything on this design i would change the asteroids as i dont like how they are so small and are al the size.

Earth Artifacts Development

Because i really liked the design and idea i decided to make it into a full poster. I started by creating the rest of the planets and scaling them in an A3 artboard in Illustrator. I really like this piece and i think that this could be its own piece now without me having to do anything else to it. i think that i am going to release this as a piece of my own art work and use it as my first real piece of design work for my website.

Earth Artifacts Development

Here i decided to extent the asteroid belt as it looked weird before as it was so small. I then used a rectangle to add a black background to the poster, i really like how these have turned out on the other posters that i have created and i think that in not doing this on the other posters it would look weird or out of place from the rest if i had to showcase all my work at once next to each other. I also changed the colours of the rings that were around two of the planets, i did this because i think that it blended in too much and so you couldn’t tell they were planets.

Earth Artifacts Development

As you can see in this preview i have added the route that each of the Voyager crafts. I think that these are the worst part of the whole design going towards the final outcome of the poster/ infographic and so i think that i am going to make a change to this when i can. I think that a solid, flat, straight line would look alot better in this design as it is minimalistic and with this it makes it look one rushed and not thought out but it also makes it look messy and doesnt link to anything else that i have done so far during this project. I also took the asteroids out of this esign i think they also made it look too messy i think that if i was to add them back in it would be at a later date.

Earth Artifacts Development

Voyage r2

Voyager 1

Here i added the writing to the design, I didnt really want to add anything to the might make it look complex or busy like my other work on this project. The reason for this is that it is a poster/ inforgraphic on space and so filling it wouldnt make it space and so keeping it minimal and clean i think adds to the effect that the craft is on its own are very far away from anything that is out there.

Earth Artifacts Development

Voyage r2

Voyager 1

After completing the poster i decided to change it again by adding the orbits they take around the sun to the image. I really like the way that these have turned out. I did it by taking circles and making them bigger the further way from the sun they got, i then centred them in the middle of the sun and gave each one a clear fill with a grey stroke, i think that this really works well to finish off the poster/ inforgraphic.

Earth Artifacts Development

Voyage r2

Voyager 1

This is the final outcome of the piece, here i added the final ring to the design after realising that i had missed out one in the last screen grab. This one also adds a different colour to the sun, when making the work i really didnt like the colour, it was too bright when you compared it to the other planets.

Earth Artifacts Development

Once completing and printing off i decided to change the final outcome to what you see below. Here i have made it so the line are now solid and are more straight. I like this alot more than what it was before and i think i will now print it and remount it so it is like the others are.

Earth Artifacts

Second development

The only constructive comment that came for this infographic poster was the same one that i had tried to fix before, this been the trajectory line that each of the Voyager took when they left Earth. I took these comments and then decided to use the same method that i had used prevouisly which was the 5 px white stroke. Once i had created these in straight lines i used the Direct selection tool to make them curve, i curved them to 8.81% which keep most of the line still straight which i like as everything else on the infographic poster is made from circles and so this has more of a focus.

Earth Artifacts Development

Earth Artifacts Development

Earth Artifacts Development

Earth Artifacts

Poster 1

Final Piece

Earth Artifacts

Poster 2

Final Piece

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 3

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 4

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 5

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 1

As i had decdided to change some of the designs for my final pieces i had to the reprint them and mount them again. These are the finished pieces that i changed or added.

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 5

Earth Artifacts Final Piece

Poster 6

As taken from poster two, this is a recreation in a more minimal styling, i really like how this piece has turned out and i hope to now get a better satisfactory comments from my tutors.

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