YCN Fedrigoni (Brief 2)

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Research and Development

James Thornes

YCN Brief

What is it ?

Brief As this is a live brief the brief is very small and yet there is still alot of information that needs to be looked through before i can start doing anything that is research and idea based. For this brief i have chosen to look at Fedrigoni, this company is the leading suppliers for paper in the UK and is known in the graphic world as the place to go if you are having troble with paper. At the moment the Fedrigoni warehouse in Northampton serves the majority of the clients may this be with a bulk order or a single sheet because of this the branch is in stress and so they have decided to open a new branch that will deal with the single sheet orders, this branch is going to be in London at the London Graphic Centre. The brief is for to create a way to show off the branch and we have been told not to just create a leaflet, we have to focus on the paper and nothing else. we need to introduce customers to their new retail space.

What is it ?

Basic Research To start my basic research i wanted to look into the company a little more, i did this by looking at many different website trying to find out information about the company and the new branch that they are moving into in the new year. The first bit of information i found was that the company is mostly based in their main warehouse in Northapton, i also found that they are getting some more space in a shop in London (TheGraphicsCentre). The reason for this is that they want a place where people can go if they just want samples are small amounts of paper and then the other warehouse can focus on large batch orders. After looking into the company a litle more i found that the company was big on the enviroment and saving the planet. The company has dedicated many years to expanding its rang of papers sticking to the FSC Chain of Custody certification. The company pays large attension to sustainability and respect for the enviroment, that attension starts with the raw material and continues right through to the

finished product and distribution. I think whatever i end up doing, the way that i source and use what i find needs to follow this to make sure that the companies views come out in the final piece. To the left is the website for the company, i really like this design and i think that within my design i would like to use the themes that they have used. One part that i really like and i am definatly going to use is the squares and how everything fits together. i think that if i was to create a multi media idea the squares would come into play in that sence and would be a main factor in the design and how th elayout would work. I also really like th euse of colours, i like the fact that the only colours that are vibratent are the ones from work that has been done and the website sticks to a greyscale theme only using white for backgrounds and black as the acent colour and the text.

What is it ?

YCN - Fedrigoni Here i wanted to look at work that people have made for this company in the past. After doing some research i found that the company have worked with YCN before and this is some work that people have made before. I really like some of this work and i now think that i will have alot of work to do if i want to create something which is up to the standard that the work here is.

What is it ?

First idea For my first idea i wanted to look into the things that you can do with paper other than just printing. For this reason i am going to be doing a project on how origami can be used to create amazing shapes and designs without having to use any sort of adhesives. For the outcomes i want to create some posters that look like the origami is in a large studio and are massive. One way that i could achieve this is by having people next to the origami or just something to give the pieces some sort of perspective on scale. I think that this will look very good and will give a sence of something that other people will want to do too. For this brief i also want to create some origami that is the size of people nd have it as a peice that

would stand in a shopping centre or in athe shop, i think that this would attract more people to look and so gainng more people to look within the shop. I also want to include a clever strapline that will allow me to entice people to rethink how they use paper. I think that if done correctly this project could turn out very well and could be used as a real advertisement towards the opening of the new Fedrigoni shop.

What is it ?

Idea Research - Paul Jackson Paul Jackson is an origami designer and has been since 1982. Since he started he has created many different origami sets includingsets called ‘Organic Abstracts’, ‘One crease’ and some work from the set ‘Geometic” which can be seen to the left. The first one doesnt have a name and he classes it as a failed modular Icosahedron. I really like this one and how the colours on it gives the look of patchwork. The second in the bottom left is a 30 piece strut icosidodecahedron and is made from a module that resembles a strawberry ontop of 4 legs. I think that this on and the one

next to it are very differenet from the normal origami that ive seen as it is hollow in the middle. I think that this would make it very unstable and so very delicate. The one next to it as i said is just like the previous the only difference here is that the module here is used to create a octahedron. He has also done alot of commissed work including the one below and even though he doesnt gives these names or who he made then for i think that it is some of his best work.

What is it ?

Idea Research - Eric Joisel Eric Joisel is also a Origami artist who creates very detailed origami pieces that uses one colour to show the details better, i think that this is a good reason and ill use this within my work to show details if i end up using details as a large piece of what i do. At first he started working with clay, stone and wood and this is why he doesnt like moving aay from what he knows with adding colour to his pieces. He says that origami is ‘Magic’ and he uses that to his benifits and creates peice which are very magical in how they work.

What is it ?

Idea Research - Chungkong Chungkong is a designer based in the netherlands and he focuses his passion of the arts around minimalistic pieces. I really love his piece and want to use the methods he goes by to create the final outcomes for the posters. Anna Magrath says that he ‘strips the subject down to their bare bones and by doing brings then to life in vibant and playful designs.’

What is it ?

Idea Research - Sipho Mabona Sipho Mabona is a large origami artist who doesnt like to stay quiet in his chosen area of design. This is appartent when you see some of his work that he creates. Sipho is one of the best large scale origami artists in the world currently not working on anything unfortunately. To the left is one of his greatest peices. Its called White elephant

and was created in the space it was going to be shown in. It was also created only using one piece of paper and many people working on it to make the folds needed for it to stand by itself without any framing or supports.

What is it ?

Typeface selection Typeface set1 Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book Helvectica Reg Baskerville Reg Arial Black Reg DIN Alternate Bold Bodoni 72 Book

For my typeface i wanted something that fit with the logos typeface, because of this i couldnt use the normal typefaces as they are too modern and simple. As you can see i have selected fonts that use many different variants of looks. I have included some of the fonts which i like to use alot but most of them are just ones that i have found that look well with the main font that the company uses. For the first set of typefaces i really

like how the Bodoni typefaces look and how they work wel together. I think that with some eperiments these two fonts could be used in some way to apply a cool modern yet classic look.

What is it ?

Logo changes 1


Here i wanted to look at a range of variations of layoits for the prints for my final piece, because of this i have created alot of different layouts. Here are just a few of them that i have taken as far as this without hating them. As you can see im having only really one problem with the layout and that is the icon of the logo they have given us. I only like one of the layout i have created and that is number 3, the reason for this is because it is all center and works well. The problem that i have with number 1 and 2 is that the either the text isnt centred with itself because of the logo and how its all the same size or that the text underneth doesnt line up

4 3

with logos text. The problem i have with number 4 is that the icon is put under the text which doesnt work and the reason it doesnt work is because the icon should be the main part as its easy to remember and the other problem is that the centre there goes from biggest to smallest. Because of this i then tried to create the icon bigger than the text so it lok like it was all included within the logo. I think i like how this has turned out but i dont know what fedrigoni would think about changing their logo that much.


What is it ?

Colour palette For the colour palette i wanted to keep all the typefaces in black and the backgrounds in white, the reason for this is that i want the origami to stand out the most on the page giving it the center of attension and making it the focal point. I think that this will be the best and will make more people look at them rather than the posters just been ignored. To completment the simple type and background colour the main origami piece is going to be bright and colourful giving you something to catch your eye. The colours that i want to focus on the most are, • yellows • oranges • pinks

• • • • • •

purples turquoise greens light blues dark blues reds

i think that these colours will really make the paper pop and will add something to boring posters which i think is missing in other peoples work. I also want to have some sort of paper layout at the bottom of each poster made from coloured paper i have left over, this will give the look of the colours taking over a boring canvas, i think this will look cool and different giving a 3D aspect within a 2D surface.

Background colour

Typeface colour

What is it ?

• Papers not just for printing, use your imagination • Dont be boring, use your imagination • Dont grow up, use imagination with paper • You can make anything out of one sheet of paper, dont waste it • With you in mind • Making it simple • Imagination. Paper, Anything

Straplines For the piece i wanted to add a slogan or strapline. I think that these ork very well when try to get a mesage to another person. It only need two things, one it needs to be legible and the second it needs to be catchy. As you can see i have come up with a few and im going to use these within the posters trying to see which fits the best. Im also going to ask people which they think is the best and get results to strengthen the choice that i choose. After i have done this i may come out with two final straplines/ slogans,

if this happens i wil use both within the posters to create different things for people to look at without thinking that they have aleady read th same thing just down the street or on a different day. I think for the strapline im going to make it so its below the origami figure making you looing at it in a reading pattern.

What is it ?

Origami ideas For the center piece i am wanting to do some sort of origami piece that wil be bright and colourful, for this reason i want to do some idea generation in what sort of things i want for the main piece. Im also thinking of doing 4 or 5 variations of the posters so i will need 4 or 5 different pieces of origami to put in the middle of them. For this reason i want to do some brain storming to see what sort of thing would be the best for a beginner origami artist to try. I want to try and focus on things that are interseting and cool to look at

but i also want it to show that people can create what is on the poster and so they can be like ‘Hey, i made that thing that was on the Fedrigoni poster’ and then think about going there. This is something that i really want to get across when doing the final pieces. I think that if i focus on the animals and flowers side of origami i will do well becuase people like animals and most females like flowers so these areas will do the best.

What is it ?

Testing for testing i wanted to see what origami i could do well and what i just failed at, it was very helpful in showing me what sort of level im at in terms of skill and astethics. I have done around 10 differnet pieces of origami and these are some of the best that ive created. As you can see they are not the best and some part do need glue so that they stick together better but i didnt have any on me at the time. On the left is a fish, this fish wasnt that hard to make and ive found that the harder the piece to make the

less and less astethically pleasing it looked overall, I think that i am going to practice more on the flowers section as i dont think any of them ended up coming out how they were supposed to look. The piece below is called ‘Whale�, thee was an easier whale which i had also done and i may use that piece for a kids version of the advertisments and use the one below as a more proessional and adults focused skill set.

What is it ?

Layout For my posters i want to keep the same style throughout, because of this i want to stick to a layout i know i can follow well and to key points. As you can see to the right i have added a layout idea that ive had since i started with this project. As you can see ive gone for a simple layout making it easy for people to see and understand without needing anything else to go on. I wanted to hit a target audience of artists and artists can be born at any time throughout their lives and so everyone has to understand it. I have added the name of the company and the store that they are opening together like i did above with the logo. As you can see ive made one difference to this logo though as i have taken away the ‘Opening January 2016’ and added

loer down below the main focal point, this been the origami piece. I have then added the address of the shop below the opening date, the reason for this is so that people know where to head or what to look out for as they are looking around London. I have also added a bottom piece also to give more colour to the poster, the reason ive done this is because i think at the minute it looked bland and needed something to make it stand out that little bit more. This part is going to have paper placed in it but its going to look like the paper is stuck to the bottom like the poster is a box holding it all in. I really like this iea and i think that it will make more people look at it as it stand out more than just with one piece of origami..

Origami final piece

Opening January 2016 16-18 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JL

What is it ?

Final outcomes As you can see this is my finished piece. I deicded to go with the simple layout from above and used the colour of the origami to show off the poster and draw people in. In the end i deicded to use a fish for the piece of origami because i think if you read into it the fish works as a methaphor. The reason for this is that the fish is a creature that swims all its life looking for something better and Fedrigoni is something that could make your worklife better so using it could excel your carrer prospects.

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