New Visual Language Magazine

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Modernism Post-Modernism City in Flux Earth Artifacts Typography

Voyager: Deep space

The travel to deep space

Name: Voyager 1 Altitude: ~19B km Launched: 1977

Name: Voyager 2 Altitude: ~16B km Launched: 1977

Space Name: Moon (Luna) Altitude: ~400,000 km Launched: ~4.5B BC

Exosphere Thermosphere Name: GPS IIR-11 Altitude: 20,200 km Launched: 2004

Name: LANDSAT 7 Altitude: 705 km Launched: 1999

Mesosphere Sea Level

Name: GOES-12 Altitude: 35,790 km Launched: 2001

Name: ISS (International Space Station) Altitude: 340 km Launched: 1998

Name: Galaxy 14 Altitude: 35,780 km Launched: 2005

Name: Hubble Telescope Altitude: 569 km Launched: 1990

MODERNISM Modernism is a philosophical movement that along with cultural trends of the time arose from wide-scale and farreaching transformations in the western society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped Modernism were the developments of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed then by the horror of WW1. Modernism also rejected the certainty of enlightenment thinking and many modernists rejected regions belief.

literature, architecture, religious views and social organization. Also with the daily lives of people becoming outdated in the new economic, social and political environment of an emerging fully industrialized world.

One way to tell Modernism apart from any other movement is by the characteristics that it shows off, one of these is selfconsciousness, this then often led to experiments with form along with the use of techniques that drew attention to the Modernism in general processes and materials includes the activities and used in creating a painting, creations of those who felt building or poem. the traditional forms of art,


Modernism forcefully rejects the ideology of realism and makes use of the works of the past by the employment of reprise, rewriting and recapitulation. Some commentators define Modernism as a socially progressive trend that really mixes with the thought of the times. Through that affirms the power of human beings to create and improve and reshape their knowledge for technology and science.

against the points and terms behind modernism and it is typically marked by revival of older terms and techniques. Some of the best known artists and designers of this time were some of the best at creating abstract pieces, some of the artists that i think were the best are Wim Crouwel for his work on the New Alphabet in 1967 and The terms that are used Neville Brody for his work around post-modernism on many magazines such as was mostly popular around The Face and Arena. the 20th century and helped to gain a meaning or relation to life at that time. The term post-modernism has been applied to a host of movements many in the arts and music that reacted Post-modernism is a late 20th century movement. Post-modernism includes sceptical interpretations of culture, literature, philosophy, history and art. It is often associated with the deconstruction of art work that has been previously made to create new abstract pieces.



My City in Flux project started off with many problems causing a waste of my time, fortunately i had a couple of ideas that were presentable. This one is one of the better ideas that i had, the idea consists of creating some sort of magazine or booklet that showed off the movement of people throughout the city of Huddersfield.

eye problems may this be short or long sighted people may have. To make it so there were no problems for anyone i would resize the icons for the inner pages of the booklet making it easier for people in general to see. To create this piece i started by focusing on the city of Huddersfield itself, looking at layouts, building structure and the placement of public I think that in my opinion the and government buildings. idea worked well and looks great now that i have printed After this i took a few ideas the booklet. I dont think and recreated some of them that there are many if any giving them my own personal problems with the booklet touch that i wanted to give itself but if you were to ask throughout the booklet. I if i was to release it then i started by trying to map would say no due to little out the city, this became a problems that people with tedious task and so i decided

to just use the city centre as my map and focus primarily on that. I then looked at public and government buildings creating some icons that showed them off well and in detail. I then marked these out on the map i ha previously created adding in the names of the places which i had added. I think this really look good and so i decided to add the government buildings in. It then became too crowded so i chose to layout each of the different public buildings class on different pages, this then gave the government no need as a page for each of them were not needed.



The icons which i had previously made were in my mind one of the best parts of this project giving me the knowledge and confidence to create my own icons on anything and with precise details. With this in mind i used each of the icons on their own page next to where the map of these places were, this gave the double page a title and a logo that could be seen clearly. At first i was designing the piece in a A4 landscape styling, this was good but i didn’t think that it would work as a final piece as it would have been too large and bulky for people to carry around with them if they were new to the city, because of this problem i scaled everything down so that i could fit into a back pocket or handbag with ease, this sizing made it a A5 booklet which in my mind

was alot better and created new ideas that i could act on. This idea was to create a stand or a board that these booklet could be placed in. This stand would include the map i created of the city of Huddersfield with all the icons on, this would be created from layered glass and each page of the icons would be a different sheet of glass, this also include the government icons which would not be in the booklets. I would then add a open topped box that would house the booklets, this box would have a lid that could be added and locked at night so that they wouldn’t blow away or be taken when not needed. I would place these in high impact public places this would allow for the highest amount of people to see the booklet as possible. I would place two of them in the

Kingsgte centre as it could show people other parts of the city rather than just itself. I would also place one in the bus and train station as this would catch the main bubble of people which enter the city everyday.







Earth artifacts was a great project to start as i already had some ideas going into it. Some of the ideas consisted of a remake of the Voyager record using the sounds and music from today and a redesign of the artwork from the voyager. After a while i decided to do the movement of the voyager through space and the way that they got it up into space. As you can see i decided to do this as 5 different infographics, these i think were the best way that i could layout the work with it looking the best. To do this i research into the details of the Voyager


spacecraft and anything else that i could find out about it. Throughout the magazine i wanted to keep a colours scheme which was very easy to mess with one that i could add acolour to in one infographic but not in the next, i think this was a good think as i didnt want them all to look the same as the rest and so this hopefully would make each of them stand out in there own way. I started off with a simple colour scheme, it had the colours black for the background and white as the text colour, this made it easier to see compared to the grey text that i started off with. I then for the first infographic added the colours of the Earth, these

been red, yellow, blue and green. For the second one i used hot colours such as red, orange and yellow. I really liked this infographic and how everything came together as there is alot of info on this one and so it could have been messed up easily. In the next few i didnt add anything to the colour scheme as i wanted it to keep them simple and focused more on the text rather than the colours. The last infographic i think looked the best out of them all as it was the simplest and only had the planet and their routes on them.

Voyager 2

Deep Space


August 25th 1989


january 24th 1986


August 26th 1981


July 9th 1979

Instruments: .High-gain antenna 3.7 meter diameter .Low-energy charged particle .Cosmic ray .Plasma .Ultraviolet spectrometer .Imaging narrow angle camera .Imaging wide angle camera .Photopolarimeter .Interferometer spectrometer .Optical calibration target .Magnetometer boom .Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator X3 .Planetary radio astronomy and plasma wave antenna X2




I am normally ok at creating typefaces, i really like doing it and i think that this may have been one of my quickest and yet most thought about project that i had created. To do this i started by looking at a LEGO brick trying to come up with a idea that was different from anything i had ever seen, this is where the idea for a LEGO font came from. I searched the web for a couple of hours trying to find a 2D LEGO font and couldn’t find one.

I then went on to designing the first few characters that i would then use to create the full typeface. I didn’t use colour on my first layout of the typeface as i wanted to create it using a colour scheme that was very vibrant this i couldn’t achieve wit the coloured pencils which i own. The colour scheme would follow the bright colours which were used on the first batch of LEGO. This batch could only use the three primary colours as that all plastic

could do when LEGO was first created, this made my typeface even more limited as not many people would have known that or stuck to just the primary colours.


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