We Love Dogs but Eat Pigs

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We Love Dogs but Eat Pigs

We Love Dogs but Eat Pigs why we should be open to more kinds of meat

Lu-Ning, Wang - Jamie





Contents Introduction

Me About Me Meat & Me

13 11 16 14

The Precis

39 53


Meat & Market The Future 8

The World Meat & History


Meat & Culture




Meat & Government



Meat & Health

Meat & Environment


“ People have been eating meat for a long time but some meats are food taboos. I think more animals should be acceptable to eat.�



The meats I have eaten chicken, cow, buffalo, pig, lamb, duck, turkey, frog, fish, alligator, rabbit, turtle The meats I want to try horse, venison, wild boar,kangaroo, snail The meats I will never try human, dog, cat, some raw meats


What I think about unusual meat.

We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

“ I eat meat and I want to try different kinds of meat and food.�

About Me I am an international student from Taiwan. I have been to several countries and experienced different cultures and customs while sightseeing and studying aboard.



When I go to a new country, I sometimes need time to adapt to their culture. Eating is one part of culture shock. I realized that some meats which are popular to eat in my country are hard to find outside of Asia. I always wonder why some people like to eat white meat over red meat. Even with chicken, some people prefer legs while others prefer breast. What influences their meat choices and why don’t they like to eat certain meat? In my country, there is a wide variety of foods and cooking styles. Both our local food and other kinds of food have been influenced by many cultures. As a result, we eat almost every part of the pig. We use the pig’s blood to make sticky rice cakes, pig’s liver to make soups and pig’s ears to make small side dishes. I have been eating these since I was little and I like them. We also eat turtles to make soups and ferment snakes to make wines. Even thought they are considered normal and they are easy to find in my country, people who are not from Asia might never taste this kind of food and might be afraid to try it. Different countries have different food cultures. In Japan people have been eating horse meat for a long time. However, people in Taiwan might think eating horse meat is strange because horses are for viewing and gambling in my country. Eating horse meat is their food culture just like eating turtle meat is our food culture. I don’t think eating unusual foods is wrong just because of my fear of eating them.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Meat & Me I have been eating meat for a long time since I was little; eating meat is a part of my memories of food. Everybody in my family is a meat-eater and we love to eat meat.



I like to eat meat and also like to cook it. The meats I usually eat are chicken, pork, beef and fish. My favorite meat dish is beef noodle soup. This is very popular in Taiwan and my mother sometimes made this soup at home, so this dish brings back memories of my family and home country. For me, meat is not only a source of nutrition, but also a part of my daily diet. In my opinion, an animal is an animal. Eating meat is eating animals. If I can eat a cow then I should be able to eat a dog. I understand some people don’t eat some animals because of religion beliefs or food taboos. But what I don’t understand is why people are against other people who eat animals they don’t eat. People think dogs and cats are loyal friends to humans, so we should not eat them. However, rabbits and pigs are loyal friends for some people, but there is no law saying we can’t eat them. Governments ban eating certain meats because of moral pressures. What is the standard governments use to ban eating meat and what is the reasoning of people who don’t eat certain meats? Some people think killing pets is cruel, but many edible dogs and cats are factory-farmed, just like cows and chickens. They are all animals raised for meat. I think as long as all meat sources are legal and safe, we are not wrong to eat all animals. If you eat meat, no matter what meat you eat it , is killing animals.

“ In my opinion, an animal is an animal. Eating meat is eating animals.”


What countries eat the most meat? Denmark New Zealand Cyprus United Stated Spain Greenland French Sirreleone India Rwanda Burundi Bhutan


321.7 pounds 313.3 pounds 289.5 pounds 275.1 pounds 261.5 pounds 250.9 pounds 247.4 pounds 13.4 pounds 11.5 pounds 9.7 pounds 7.7 pounds 6.6 pounds


Animals people usually eat chicken, cow, pig, lamb, duck, turkey, fish Animals people usually don’t eat horse, venison, kangaroo, cat, dog, bird, insect, rats, elephant Animals people will never eat human

The World How unusual meat may impact the world

We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Meat & History Humans evolved beyond their vegetarian roots and became meat-eaters at the dawn of the genus Homo, around 2.5 million years ago, according to a study of our ancestors’ teeth.

Dog meat Dog meat is eaten in some countries and the dogs for eating are raised specifically for meat, not those raised as pets. Dog meat has been a food in some areas of China from around 500 BC. Chinese people have been eating dogs for at least 7,000 years. Koreans have been eating dogs for about 3,000 years. Also, dog meat is a transitional food in Vietnam and the Philippines.

Horse meat In the late Palaeolithic, wild horse was an important source of food. Now horse meat is major meat in some countries. The top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses a year. French, Italians, Swiss, Japanese and Quebecois in Canada eat horse meat and most of the 65,000 horses slaughtered in the country were shipped to these countries. 


The world

Kangaroo meat Kangaroo is the largest native Australian animal and Kangaroo meat is produced in Australia from wild animals. It was the food for Aboriginal tribe members for the past 40,000 years. It was legalized for consumption in South Australia in 1980, and in all other Australian states in 1993. In 2007, kangaroo meat was being exported to over 55 countries worldwide.

Rabbit meat Rabbit is a native animal to North Africa and Spain. The Romans began importing rabbits to Italy in around the third century BC. During medieval times, rabbit meats were eaten in Spain and Italy. Now rabbit is food meat in Europe, South America, North America, and some parts of the Middle East, and China, among other places.

Venison meat Historians discovered that venison has been consumed as meat longer than other common meats, including beef, chicken and pork. The practice of domesticating venison for food have begun in ancient times, during the Stone Age. The ancient Greeks might be the first culture that printed a guide to hunting, the ancient Romans lauded the pleasures of hunting and consuming wild game.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

“ I believe one person’s taboo meat might be another’s favorite food.

Meat & Culture Many people don’t eat certain meats because of religious, cultural or hygienic taboos. Many people don’t eat certain meats because of food taboos. Taboo food is food which people refuse to eat and consume for religious, cultural or hygienic reasons. Food taboos are rules about which foods may not be eaten and how animals are to be slaughtered. Dogs are not eaten in the Western world and many other cultures because people there have dogs as their best friends. Horse is not eaten in the U.S. because people think horses are raised for pets, for working or for sport. However, one person’s favorite meat might be another’s poison. The hamburger, a common U.S. cuisine, is a forbidden food for Hindus. Pork is not an acceptable meat for many Jews and Muslims. More than 1,400 species of insects are included in the parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Latin America, but you will be hard pressed to find one (and thinks it’s creepy) in a U.S. restaurant. Another reason why people don’t eat certain meat is because of personal habits. People are used to eating meat because their family gives them meat to eat when they are little. They eat what their parents eat. If their parents eat pork, people will think eating pork is normal. If their parents give their children frogs to eat, they will think eating frog is natural. They are used to eating certain meats and it is hard to change their habits. In contrast, if we changed what we ate in our past, we might be used to eating foods we don’t like to eat now. If we start to eat horse and rabbit meat when we are little, maybe we would think it is normal to eat horse and rabbit.


The world

“ What we consider normal is, in fact, nothing more than the beliefs and behaviors of the majority.” - Melanie Joy

“ We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are.” - Anais Nin

“ All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. - George Orwell, Animal Farm

“ The French, who love their dogs, sometimes eat their horses. The Spanish, who love their horses, sometimes eat their cows. The Indians, who love their cows, sometimes eat their dogs. - Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animal

“ If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?” - Tom Snyder 25

We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

International student, Japan “ I like raw horse meat. It’s hard to find it here but you can find it Japan. “

Bank accountant China “ My father eats any kinds of meat, even dog and cat meats.”

Fine art artist, Hong Kong “ I will never eat dogs because I have two dogs .They are my best friends.”

Travel agent, Thailand “ Some people in my country eat elephant. But I have never tried it.”

International student, India “ I will eat some uncommon meats if they are good for my body.”


The world

Web Designers, U.S. “ My favorite meat is beef. I love steak and hamburger.”

International student, Malaysia “ I think the government should not control what meat we can eat and what we can’t.”

Supermarket Cashier, China “ I have tried dog meat once without notice, but I will never eat that again.”

International student, Taiwan “ I am fine to eat all kinds of meat.”

International student, Taiwan “ I can eat all kinds of meat but not dog and cat meat. “


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

What people think about uncommon meats 80% of people say they don’t eat uncommon meats, such as dog, rabbit, deer, or kangaroo.




The world

70% people think the government should not ban eating uncommon meats even they don’t eat.




We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Meat & Government Dog and cat meats are a traditional food in China and can be seen in cities throughout the country. However, the Chinese government is considering banning these meats in the future. These two meats could be taken off the menu in restaurants due to animal rights’ groups’ claims of abuse. Also, Italy is the largest consumer of horse meat in Europe and it is a popular family dish. It has been a delicacy in Italy since the Roman times. But horse meat faces ban in Italy. Now politicians are considering banning horse meat slaughter and sale. Does the government have the right to ban meat production and consumption? Different countries have different meat eating traditions. People in Italy have been eating horse meat for a long time just like Americans like to eat beef. Eating habits are not easy to change. The governments can forbid meats but they cannot forbid food tradition or culture. If the Italian government is going to ban horse meat, people might find another source to get their meat. They might buy their horse meat illegal or from the black market. That will increase the sale of meat on the black market.


The world The world

The meat is available on the black market because people want to eat unconventional meats. If the government can stop banning meats and control meat sources, people won’t need to buy their meat illegally. One reason the government is banning meat is because of animal welfare. Some people think eating domesticated animals, like dog, cat and horse, is cruel and barbaric. However, some people might not think that way. They think eating meat is eating meat, no matter what animal they eat. Likewise, vegetarians don’t agree with eating meat, but meat-eaters have different opinions from vegetarians. If the reasoning behind meat government banning is because these animals are endangered, or because eating them will affect our earth, then I agree that the government should ban eating these animals. However, as I will explain in later chapters, conventional meat eating like the beef industry has a detrimental effect on the earth. The government should stop supporting these industries and educate people how unhealthy factory-farm meats are. Also, the government should encourage exotic or game meat markets so people can eat these healthier meats cheaper. Frankly, I think the government should ban unhealthy meat instead of the health but unusual meat.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Meat & Environment Eating kangaroo could reduce global warming effects. Eating kangaroo could reduce globalz-warming effects as well. According to Australia’s climate change adviser, Ross Garnaut, farmers should raise kangaroos instead of cattle and sheep to avoid higher costs of greenhouse gas. And they release much less methane because of their different digestive system. Cows fart and kangaroos don’t. Moreover, cows and sheep need huge amounts of water and their heavy hooves erode the soil. So if you look at the impact on the environment, you might find that kangaroo meat is a better choice than beef or lamb. Eating game meat is another ways to improve our environment. Raising beef and pork makes a great deal of waste. Antibiotics and hormones used in raising animals go into the environment. The grain and corn that are fed to these animals requires the heavy use of chemicals. These chemicals are bad for our Earth. However, game animals are free on the ground and eat natural grass. So they don’t have back chemicals on their bodies. As result, eating game meat allows people to enjoy meat but not harming our environment.


The world The world

Eco-footprint = 0.84 hectares

Eco-footprint = 0.41 hectares

The eco-pawprint of a pet dog is twice that of a Land Cruiser driven 10,000 kilometres a year. Many people love their pets and think of these animals as part of their family or best friends. However, some people consider it might be time to start eating dogs and cats. In a recent study, New Scientist calculated that a medium dog eats 164 kg of meat and 95kg of dog food every year. It takes 43.3 square meters of land to produce 1kg of chicken a year. This means it takes 0.84 ha to feed your pet dog. They compared this with the footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser, which driven 10,000 km a year, uses 55.1 gigajoules. One hectare of land can produce 135 gigajoules a year, which means the vehicle’s eco-footprint is about 0.41ha. It is less than having half of a dog. They also found cats have an eco-footprint of 0.15ha. It is a little less than a compact car. Hamsters have a footprint of 0.014ha. If you are keeping two of them, that is equal to owning a big screen TV.

“ In my opinion, factory-farming has bad effects on our environments.”


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Meat & Health Meat eating can be healthy if you choose the right meats to eat. Natural, organic and game meat are good choices. Human beings eat meat. Many people feel we are designed to eat meat and we need it. People eat meat everyday and think it’s nutritious, but what we eat might be unhealthy. If you are buying factory-farmed meat, what you eat is unhealthy and lower quality meat. For example, the beef we buy in the supermarkets may be fed cattle grain and corn instead of grass. We use to have all grass-fed beef but now it is mostly corn-fed beef. Corn-fed beef grows faster and therefore is more advantageous for the meat industry. It makes beef fatten up quickly and tastes tender. However, corn-fed is an unnatural diet for cows. The corn-fed beef is full of hormones, protein supplements and antibiotics. It is not only bad for your body but also the environment.


The world The world

Meat eating can be healthy if you choose the right meats to eat. Natural or organic meat is one choice; game meat is also a good choice. Game is any animal hunted for food or not normally domesticated. Game meat includes venison, boar, kangaroo, rabbit, buffalo and other wild animals. Wild game meat has many benefits to our diet. The first is game meat doesn’t have much artificial preservatives. It has less fat than beef or pork. Also, wild game meat has not been raised being given hormones and steroids. It is a much more natural food choice. Venison, kangaroo and rabbit meats are good game meats to eat. They are all low in fat and high in protein. They also contain fewer calories. Venison is a good source of iron, providing more than a quarter of the daily value for iron in that same four-ounce serving. Kangaroo meat is very lean and has high minerals. Also, it is a good source of omega-3 fats, a good source of zinc and an excellent source of iron.

“ I think people should eat natural or game meat instead of unhealthy factory-farm meat.�


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Factory-farm meat is an unhealthy meat choice, try natural or game meats Nearly one-third of the land suface of the planet is dedicated to livestock.


The world

Less than 1% of the animals killed for meat in America come from family farms.


The Future What we can do to promote unusual meat.

We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs


The future The Future

Campaigns to promote exotic meats I will design a set of campaigns to promote exotic and game meats. Some exotic and game meats are less fatty and healthier than the meats we eat everyday. In the campaigns, there will be a set of posters and post cards and booklets. Posters and post cards will introduce these unusual meats. The nutrition fact of these meats and what they taste like will be included in the posters, post cards and the booklet. Also, there will be the information about how these meats are safe and legal to eat and why it’s fine to eat them. The posters will be posted on the window of the meat shops or supermarkets. The post cards and the booklet will be placed in the stores so consumers can take one if they are interested.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Exotic meats online shop Exotic meats are becoming more commonplace because of the increase of restaurants and home diners. I will design a website for online exotic and game meat shopping. Sometimes unusual meat is hard to find in the retail store, like horse, kangaroo and rabbit meat. For people who want to eat or buy exotic meats, the online shopping website can help them. In this website, consumers are able to buy meats online and ship them to their door. They can choose what meats they want to buy and try different kinds of meats. They can experience these exotic or game meats anytime they want. The nutritional information and recipes for these unusual meats are also available on the website. The meats sold in the market are safe and legal. They are born and raised in USA or imported from all over the world.


The future The Future


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Rabbit Ste w 1 frozen dressed rabbit 1 large onion, cut-up 1 small green pepper, cut-up 1-2 stalks celery, sliced 2 cloves garlic, chopped Salt and pepper 1/2 tsp. oregano 1 tbsp. dried parsley 1-2 carrots, cut-up 3 tbsp. catsup or tomato paste Cayenne pepper to taste 1 cup dry vermouth, 1 bay leaf--crumbled, and 3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice. Def rost rabbit meat overnight in one of the marinades abo ve. Brown rabbit with v egetables in hot skillet for 5-1 0 minutes. Place rabbit and other ingr edients in crock pot. Cover and cook on low 8- 10 hours.

Roast V enison 4 lb venison roast. 6 rashers of bacon. 1 cup of red wine. 1 sprig of rosemary. 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs. 2 tablespoons of butter. 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. 1 teaspoon of vinegar. 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. 1/4 teaspoon of ginger. Salt and pepper. Wrap the bacon rashers ar ound the r oast. Put the rosemary in a r oasting pan and place the roast on top of i t. Mix together the wine, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and suga r. Pour around roast. Season with salt and pepper . Roast at 360째F oven for about 2 hours and 30 minu res. Remove from pan to a serving platter; strain off juices into a saucepan . Over a low heat, cook the juices with the br eadcrumbs until boilin g. Add the vinegar and butter; pour o ver roast.


The future

Exotic meat recipe cards Exotic and game meat recipes are not found in everyone’s kitchen. Sometime people don’t know how to cook these meats because they are not familiar with these meats. So they might cook it wrong and don’t want to try it again. I will create a set of exotic meat recipes cards that teach people how to cook these exotic or game meats. Once they cook their meats right, they might love the taste of these meats. For people who like to experiment and try new things, theses exotic meat recipes are what they need. The recipe cards will be sold in the bookstore, supermarkets, meat shops and online.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Tour guide for exotic meat buyer and eater It is not easy to find exotic meat restaurants in the town if you don’t have an idea where to find them. I will design a tour guide with a map to tell people where to buy and eat exotic and game meats. In the map, the restaurants serving exotic meats and the shops selling exotic meats will be marked on the map. People will know where to eat and where to buy if they want to try unusual meats or try something they haven’t try before. So they won’t miss the opportunity to eat what they want to eat. It will be easier to find an exotic restaurants or shops if they have the tour guide on their hand. This tour guide can be found in the local bookstores or supermarkets.


The future The Future

3 1


Exotic Meat Restaurant



House of P rime Rib

Exotic Meat Shop 1


Espetus Churrascaria


Golden Gate Me at Company 1 Ferry Building Ste 13 San Francisco, CA 9 4111 Neighborhood: Embarcadero (415) 983-7800

Fresh Meat Market 2704 Mission St (between 23rd St & 24th St ) San Francisco, CA 9 4110 Neighborhood: Mission (415) 550-8044

1686 Market S t (between Gough St & V alencia St) San Francisco, CA 94102 Neighborhoods: Hayes Valley, SOMA (415) 552-8792


Polarica 105 Quint S t (between Arthur A ve & Custer Av e) San Francisco, CA 94124 Neighborhood: Bayview/Hunters Point (415) 647-1300

1906 Van Ness Av e San Francisco, CA 94109 Neighborhood: Nob Hill (415) 885-4605


Golden Natural Foods 130 Church St (between Duboce Av e & Reser voir St) San Francisco, CA 9 4114 Neighborhood: Castro (415) 864-2107

2 1


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Exotic Meat Market

Ground Kangaroo Kangaroo is a highly sui table meat source in more w ays than one. Kangaroo is considered a "cooling" meat, as it li ve s in a v er y dr y and arid e nvironment . 3






Exotic Meat Market

Venison Patties Our Ne w Zealand Ve nison is l ow in f at, lo w in calories and lo w in ch olesterol. V enison is dark er red and more ric hly fl avored than beef .

1 2


3 4



The future The Future

Exotic meat packages I will design meat packages of exotic meat. Sometime people don’t want to buy unusual meats because they look different than other meats we see everyday. I would like to design a package set for these unusual meats so they will look like usual meats and don’t look too scary. In the package, there will be nutrition facts and the benefit of eating this meat. Also, the source of these meats will be on the package to tell people where these meats come from and if they are safe and legal to eat. Also, there will be a quick recipe of how to cook this meat in case people don’t know how to cook it. These meat packages are for exotic meats that sell in the supermarkets.


We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

Nutrition Fact for Meats Kangaroo meat is a champion lean meat with less than 2% fat.

Kangaroo fillet or steak

Lean beef fillet

Lean beef rump

Trim lamb steak

Chicken breast

Total fat (g) content per 100g of raw meat

Fat content per 100g of raw meat Kangaroo fillet or steak Total fat (g) Saturated fats (g) Trans fats (g) Polyunsaturated fats (g) Monounsaturated fats (g)


Lean beef fillet

Lean beef rump

Trim lamb steak

Lean chicken breast

1.3 6.3 4.6 5.8 1.6 0.3 2.4 1.7 2.0 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 n/a 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 2.5 1.9 2.3 0.7

The future

In 3 oz. lean meats, deer has more than two times iron than beef.

Deer tenderloin

Beef tenderloin

Chicken breast tender

Pork tenderloin

Chicken breast

Total Iron content per 3 oz lean meat

Venison Nutrition Cal

Saturated Monounsat. Cholesterol Iron

3 oz lean Deer tenderloin Beef tenderloin Pork tenderloin Chicken breast tender Chicken breast

127 185 171 249 157

1 4.3 2.5 3.2 1.8

0.5 4.6 2.8 5.8 2.5

75 71 80 37 64

3.6 1.5 1.2 1 1


The Precis What the summary of the main points is

“ I think people should accept more meats, choose right meats to eat and know what is truly good for you health and our earth.�



We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs We Love Dogs and Eat Pigs

What do they taste like? Venison tastes like beef but it’s darker and more gamey flavor. Elk meat is the sweetest of the deer meats. It tastes like mild beef, with a faint venison flavor. Caribou tastes like veal or antelope. It is sweeter than other venison. Antelope meat has mild taste. It is leaner but similar to deer. Horse meat is sweet. It tastes like beef but less fatty.

Rabbit meat is lean and slightly sweet. It tastes like dry chicken.


The Precis The world

Turtle has the texture of frog legs or lobster. Alligator tastes between pork and chicken. It has a strong taste and tougher texture. Wild Boar tastes like pork but leaner and darker. It has a sweet, nutty, and intense flavor. Rattlesnake is light and chewy. It tastes like chicken. Kangaroo meat is similar to venison in flavor. It is tender and has a rich, strong taste. Frog tastes like chicken and a little like rabbit meat.


Credits Jonathan Safran Foer. Eating Animal. Little, Brown and Company, 2009

Scott Gold. The Shameless Carnivore: A Manifesto for Meat Lovers. Broadway, 2008

Michael Pollan. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Penguin Press HC, 2006

Christa Well. Fierce Food: The Intrepid Diner’s Guide to the Unusual, Exotic, and Downright Bizarre. Plume, 2006

Christa Well. Fierce Food: The Intrepid Diner’s Guide to the Unusual, Exotic, and Downright Bizarre. Plume, 2006

Melanie Joy PhD . Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism. Conari Press, 2009

Nicholas Day. “They Eat Horses, Don’t They?“ CHOW. 17 Nov 2006 < http://www.chow.com/stories/10298 > Emily Chang. “Inside the cat and dog meat market in China “ CNN.com. 09 Mar 2010 < http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/ asiapcf/03/09/china.animals/index.html > Tanya katterns. “Save the planet: time to eat dog? “ Stuff.co.nz.com. 22 Oct 2009 < http://www.stuff.co.nz/ environment/2987848/Save-the-planet-time-to-eat-dog > William Saletan. “Wok the Dog “ Slate Magazine. 16 Jan 2002 < http://www.slate.com/id/2060840 >

Jonathan Safran Foer. “Let Them Eat Do“ WSJ.com. 31 Oct 2009 < http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487035746 04574499880131341174.html > Dave Hansford. “Kangaroo Meat Could Help Australia Cut Gas Emissions“ National Geographic News. 22 Aug 2008 < http:// news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/08/080822-kangaroomeat.html> 58

“history notes-meat“ Food Timeline. <http://www.foodtimeline. org/foodmeats.htmlm>

“Meat History“ Animal Liberation Front. <http://www. animalliberationfront.com/Practical/Health/MeatHistory.htm>

“Game“ The Cook’s Theasurus <http://sonic.net/~alden/ Game.html>

“Nutrition in Game Meat“ Calories Information. <http://www. calorie-counter.net/nutrition-game-meat.htm>

“American Wild Game / Nutritional Value“ Gunners Den. <http://www.gunnersden.com/index.htm.hunting-gamenutrition-value.html> “Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Game meat, deer, loin, separable lean only, 1 steak, cooked, broiled“ Nutrition Data. <http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/lamb-veal-and-gameproducts/4814/2> Farm Sanctuary . < http://www.farmsanctuary.org/issues/ factoryfarming/ > “Factory Farming, what is factory farm? - The Issues “ Sustainable Table. < http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/ factoryfarming/ > “Organic vs. Factory Farming” Socyberty. 06 Sep 2009 <http://socyberty.com/issues/organic-vs-factory-farming/>

Exotic Meats USA. <http://www.exoticmeatsandmore.com/> Exotic Meat Sales. <http://www.exoticmeatsales.com/> Fossil Farms. <http://www.fossilfarms.com/> allrecipes.com. <http://allrecipes.com/> COOKS.COM. <allrecipes.com> 59

Author Lu-Ning,Wang -Jamie (415) 810-1059 luning_wang@yahoo.com.tw 861 Sutter St. Apt 500 CA 94109, San Francisco Typeface Univers - light, roman, bold Calson - book, bold, black Illustration Lu-Ning,Wang Photography Lu-Ning,Wang Steve Chan Printing Epson Photo R2400 Paper MOAB kayenta photo mate 205


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