Sun & Earth

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Sun&Earth cleans your house eco friendly.


S u n & Ea r t h / In t rodu c t ion


Our Commitment to You After many years of watching advertisements claiming that petrochemicals with mysterious names were the best way to clean house, we set out to prove that non-toxic cleaners can clean as well or better than more well-known national brands. We knew people wanted products made with non-toxic ingredients that didn’t sacrifice performance. After extensive research, we developed cleaners made from coconut and orange oils that clean and shine beautifully and have an appealing fresh citrus scent. Sun & Earth formulated cleaners for people sensitive to the harsh chemicals found in most national brands. Our satisfied customers told their friends about Sun & Earth and now we are a leading brand of safe, natural, non-toxic cleaning products. No Performance Compromise : Our Laundry and cleaning products work as well as, or better than, leading national brands at removing grease, dirt, stains and odors. Safeguarding Your Family’s Health : All our laundry products and cleaning products are free of petroleum based cleaners, chlorine, phosphates, dyes and perfumes that leave behind residue that could be harmful to your family, children and pet’s health. Non-Toxic and Earth-Friendly : We use the latest technology to create cleaning agents from plant, fruit and vegetable oils that are non-toxic to your family and safe for the Earth.



S u n & Ea r t h / Hea lt h an d En v ironme nt


The cleaning products in your house might not be safe to your family’s health. Research suggests that certain chemicals in some household cleaning products may be hazardous to our health. Recent studies point to a link between certain chemicals in some cleaning products and asthma and reproductive harm.


1 S a f e f or was h i n g bab y o r ch i l d re n ’s c l o t h i n g a n d b ed d i n g .



Id ea l fo r p eop le w ith s ens itive s kin.

Remov ing o dors, s ta ins a nd d irt.

4 A c l e an, fre sh sme l l i ng, c h e mi c al fre e l oad of l aundr y.


S u n & Ea r th / Healt h an d En v iron me nt

The average American uses about 40 pounds of toxic household cleaning products each year. These cleaning products contain dangerous ingredients, including neurotoxins, carcinogens, allergens, central nervous system depressants, heavy metals, and other agents that cause or contribute to cancer, respiratory problems, reproductive abnormalities, allergic reactions, and behavioral problems, among other issues. Ingredients from household cleaning products make their way into the environment through various routes: they are flushed down toilets, poured down sinks, sprayed into the air, thrown into the trash, and dumped onto the ground. In fact, many hazardous cleaning products are land filled or incinerated, upon which they release their toxins into the environment and contribute to depletion of the ozone layer, pollute groundwater, contaminate the soil, and harm plant and animal life. Health Impacts We know specifically that there are potential health impacts associated with the use of cleaning chemicals, including questions about their stainability because most are made from petroleum. We also know that some cleaning chemicals can cause health issues, such as asthma and respiratory irritation because they are inhaled by both product users and building applicants when they evaporate. Some cleaning products contain ingredients capable of burning eyes and skin, or can cause reproductive and other problems after being absorbed through the skin. When used and disposed of, some products can contribute to atmospheric smog, sicken aquatic life and persist in the environment to accumulate in living organisms, including both people and organisms across the entire chain.


Ingred i en t s : Nat u ral s u r fac t a nts ( ma d e fro m co co nut , pal m an d ve g e t ab le oil) , ora ng e oil, so d i um c ar b o n at e, p re s e r vative, wa ter.



S u n & Ea r t h / Hea lt h an d En v ironme nt

17,000: the number of petrochemicals available for home use, only 30 percent of which have been tested for exposure to human health and the environment. 63: the number of synthetic chemical products found in the average American home, translating to roughly 10 gallons of harmful chemicals.


Women and Children Research suggests that certain chemicals in some household cleaning products may be hazardous to our health. This is of particular concern to women and children. Recent studies point to a link between certain chemicals in some cleaning products and asthma and reproductive harm. That means that children, preg nant women, trying to get pregnant, and persons with asthma are especially vulnerable to these chemicals. Many household cleaners contain chemicals, some of which are toxic. These chemicals may cause short-term health problems like skin and eye irritation when you use them and they may have health impacts as well. Exposure to toxic chemicals are part of our everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Many chemicals contained in the most commonly used cleaning products contaminate indoor air quality and can cause or exacerbate asthma and other health problems for those exposed, including janitorial staff, teachers and schoolchildren. According to a September 2007 Boston Globe article, a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that looked at worker data from Massachusetts and three other states found that exposure to cleaning products was associated with 12 percent of total asthma cases across all jobs surveyed. The Environmental Concerns Chemicals in cleaning products can pollute when they are sprayed in the air or washed down the drain. That jeopardizes the health of our ecosystems. The United States Geological Survey found breakdown products of laundry detergents in 70% of North American streams. These chemicals can cause harm to fish, frogs, turtles and other aquatic life. Studies have shown that even low-level exposure has reduced the number of fertilized trout eggs and caused reduced embryo survival and abnormal embryos in another fish, the Japanese Medaka. S UN & EA RTH ULTRA FA BRI C SOF TENE R

Ing red ients : Na tura l s oftener ( ma d e from ca nola o il) , fra g ra nce ma d e fro m na tural oi l s, p res er va tive, wa ter.


S u n & Ea r th / T he Nu mber

If every household in the United States replaced just one bottle of solution with plant-based cleaning products,




oz. cleaning

S u n & Ea r t h / T he Fac t s

We could save



barrels of oil 09


S u n & Ea r t h / Ben efit Of Bu y in g Gre e n


Now it is time to buy green cleaning products. Natural cleaning products offer environmentally sound, cost-efficient alternatives to the toxic and potentially lethal household cleaning products used in many homes today. They are good for you, your family and the environment.


S a f e t o u s e f o r bab y bo t t l es, u t e n s i l s an d a n y ki nd s o f d i s h e s.



Wa s hing fine wa s ha b les b y ha nd s.

Toug h on g re ase and ba ked - on foods,


S u n & Ea r th / Ben efit of Bu y in g Gre e n

Achieve a greener clean by dumping hazardous synthetic-chemical-based cleaning supplies for one of these six cleaning kits. Engineered to transform your home into the nontoxic haven your family deserves, each kit offers a budget-friendly package deal on products far gentler on the environment—not to mention your health. Persistent exposure to the toxic chemicals many common household products contain can wreak havoc with your central nervous system, leading to brain fog, breathing difficulties, and even sudden mood changes. And, because their bodies are still developing, babies and children are particularly vulnerable to low levels of neurotoxins, which have been linked to everything from developmental abnormalities to cancer. Benefits of Buying Green Choosing less hazardous products that have positive environmental attributes (e.g., biodegradability, low toxicity, low volatile organic compound (VOC) content, reduced packaging, low life cycle energy use) and taking steps to reduce exposure can minimize harmful impacts to custodial workers and building occupants, improve indoor air quality, and reduce water and ambient air pollution while also ensuring the effectiveness of cleaning in removing biological and other contaminants from the building’s interior. Buying cleaners in concentrates with appropriate handling safeguards, and reusable, reduced, or recyclable packaging, reduces packaging waste and transportation energy. Buying less hazardous cleaners may reduce costs when it comes time to properly dispose of leftover cleaners.


Ingred i en t s : Nat u ral s u r fa cta nts ( ma d e from co co nut an d ve g e t ab l e o i l ) , o ra ng e o il, a loe, preser va t i ve, wat e r.



100: the number of times higher that indoor air pollution levels can be above outdoor air pollution levels, according to US EPA estimates. 275: the number of active ingredients in antimicrobials that the EPA classifies as pesticides because they are designed to kill the microbes.

S u n & Ea r t h / Ben efit of Bu y in g Gre e n


What Can You Do? When purchasing cleaning products, the overall best value takes into account performance, price, availability, regulatory requirements, and environmental impact. Purchasers should examine as many relevant product attributes as possible, recognizing that tradeoffs are inevitable. For example, one product may be made with renewable resources (a desirable characteristic), while another product has a lower VOC content (also a desirable characteristic). Purchasers should be especially careful in interpreting vague or generic claims such as “environmentally friendly,” “eco safe,” etc. Purchasers should ask vendors and manufacturers offering green cleaning products to clearly and specifically define their green claims. Guidance on the use and interpretation of environmental marketing claims is available from the Federal Trade Commission. In addition, purchasers should ask manufacturers if they have conducted life cycle studies on their products. In the absence of comprehensive life cycle data, purchasers must simply make the best decision possible with the information available. Purchasers have to make a decision about the overall best value, taking into account their own organization’s policies and priorities. So how can you make an informed purchasing decision? Consider this list of attributes, in addition to price and performance, when selecting environmentally preferable cleaning products. Many organizations incorporate some of these attributes into their cleaning service contract specifications.


Ing red ients : Na tura l s urfa cta nts ( ma d e from coconut a nd veg eta b le oil) , ora ng e oil, al oe, p res er va tive, wa ter.


S u n & Ea r th / T he Nu mber

If we could save




barrels of oil,

S u n & Ea r t h / T he Fac t s

These oil are enough to heat and cool



homes in the United States for a year. 15


S u n & Ea r t h / Hea lt h an d En v ironme nt


The cleaning products in your house might not be safe to your family’s health. Research suggests that certain chemicals in some household cleaning products may be hazardous to our health. Recent studies point to a link between certain chemicals in some cleaning products and asthma and reproductive harm.


1 S a f e f or was h i n g bab y o r ch i l d re n ’s c l o t h i n g a n d b ed d i n g .



Id ea l fo r p eop le w ith s ens itive s kin.

Remov ing o dors, s ta ins a nd d irt.

4 A c l e an, fre sh sme l l i ng, c h e mi c al fre e l oad of l aundr y.


S u n & Ea r th / C hec kin g t he La bels

What Are Good Here’s help in judging “green” claims on cleaning product. Biodegradable Chlorine-Free

Nontoxic Oxygenated Phosphate-Free Surfactants Organic

The product will break down over time into harmless materials. Con tains no c hlor ine, a toxic c hem ical responsibl e fo r more household poisonings annually then any other a nd a cau se of ozone depletion. Only a very large amount will cause damage. He lp s whiten and brighten by releasing oxygen, wh i c h breaks up stains and elim inates mildew. Con tains no phosphates ( whic h inc rease a deterg ent ’s e f fe ctiveness) . W hen phosphates enter waterways , t hey spu r algae to overgrow, depleting oxygen and ki l l i ng fish . The ac tive c leaning agent in detergents. Convent i o nal p rod uc ts often use petroleum -based sur fac tants. Hou sehold c leaning produc ts aren’t regulated by t he Orga nic Foods P roduc tion Ac t, but some of their i ng red ie n ts , suc h as plant oils, can be labeled “certified o rga ni c .”


Ingred i en t s : Nat u ral s u r fac t a nts ( ma d e fro m co co nut an d ve g e t ab l e o i l ) , ora ng e oil, preser va t i ve, wat e r.



S u n & Ea r t h / C hec kin g t he Labe ls

23: the average gallons of chemicals (that’s 87 liters) that a janitor uses each year, 25 percent of which are hazardous. 5 billion: the umber of pounds of the chemicals that the institutional cleaning industry uses for each year.


What Are Bed There are some materials you don’t want in your cleaning products. Alkylphenol ethoxylates

Com mon in deterg ents a nd d is i nfec ta nts , a re su sp ec ted hormone disrupte rs .


I t is poisonous when swal l owed , ex t remely i rri tat i ng to respiratory passag es when i nhal ed a nd ca n bu rn t he sk i n on contac t. I ndiscri mi nate u se o f A nt ibac terial c l ea nsers containing tr ic losa n may b e co nt ribu t i ng to t he rise o f antibiotic -resistant g erms .

Butyl cellosolve

I t is poisonous when swal l owed a nd a lu ng - t is su e i rri ta nt .

Chlorine bleach

I t is an all-purpose wh i teni ng ag ent . Ch l o ri ne b l eac h ca n irritate the lungs a nd eyes a nd i n waterways ca n b eco me toxic organoc hlor i nes .


I t can combine wi t h ni t ro so mes to p ro d u ce ca rc i no g eni c nitrosamines that p enet rate sk i n.


Fragrance frequently co nta i ns p h t halates , c hemi cals linked to reprodu c t ive ab no rmal i t i es a nd l iver ca ncer i n lab animals and to as t h ma i n c h i l d ren.


These will soften water fo r d eterg ents bu t co nt ribu te to algae blooms in ou r waterways , wh i c h ca n k i l l o ff fish populations.

Sodium hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide, fou nd i n d ra i n, metal a nd oven c leaners, is extremely i rri tat i ng to eyes , no se a nd t h roat and can burn those t is su es o n co ntac t .

Sodium lauryl sulfate

Sodium lauryl sul fate, a co mmo n su ds i ng ag ent , ca n penetrate the skin a nd cau se co ntac t d ermat i t is .


Ing red ients : Na tura l a lcohol fro m co rn, natural s urfa cta nts ( ma d e from co conut a nd ve ge tabl e o il) , ora ng e oil, a lo e, p res er va tive, wa te r.


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