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Tuesday 2 August MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK When you speak to any pilgrim who has been to Lourdes on our Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage, most will tell you that one of the highlights is Mass with the Anointing of the Sick. The origin of anointing and prayers for strength to accept sickness dates back to Jesus’ time. In the Gospels we find many references to Jesus caring for the sick and disabled and it was good that He gave special attention to them. You will recall the story of the paralytic, where Jesus said “Your sins are forgiven” “But to prove to you that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” - He said to the paralytic - “Get up and pick up your bed and go off home” (Matthew 9:3, 6-8). “The Apostles set off to preach repentance and they anointed many sick people with oil.” (Mark 6:12-15). Also, on many occasions He would say to those calling for help “Do you believe?” You will recall the leper who came to Jesus after sunset – “If it be your will, you have power to make me clean”. Jesus was moved to pity, held out His hand and touched him and said “I will, be clean.” (Mark 1:40-45). Note that the leper said “If it be your will”. Jesus knows what is best for us. He taught us in the ‘Our Father’ – “Thy will be done”. “Is there a man among you who would hand his son a stone when he asked for bread, or a snake for a fish? If you know to give your children what is good, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good things to those who love Him” (Matthew 7:9-11). In his agony in the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed “Abba (Father) everything is possible for you – take this cup away from me; but let it be as you, not I, would have it.” (Mark 14:36). When at home, struggling to be faithful members of the Church, or here in Lourdes awaiting to receive the Sacrament, we must try and pray for the graces to accept God’s will in every day of our lives. God will answer our prayers for good health and relief from pain, in His own way and time and in the way best for each of us. Prayer for each other is the best gift for us all now, on our Pilgrimage and when we go back home. 98