INFLIGHT Have a pleasant journey
– small enough to know you
REBILDCENTRET with Thingbæk Limestone Mines
NORTH FLYING A/S Aalborg Lufthavn DK-9400 Nørresundby Phone 24H: +45 9632 2900 Fax: +45 9632 2909 E-mail:
ADVERTISEMENT AND PRODUCTION Media Link Taarbæksvej 11C 2930 Klampenborg Phone: +45 22 59 96 07 E-mail:
EDITOR IN CHIEF Jan Ege Schmidt Responsible under Danish press law
PHOTO FRONT PAGE Take-off North Flying jet
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– an explorer’s life
The new revolutionary DB11
North Flying Inflight Magazine is distributed three times a year by North Flying. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. North Flying Inflight Magazine does not consider unsolicited manuscripts. Photographs and illustrations are submitted at the owner´s risk. North Flying Inflight Magazine accepts no liability for loss of, og damage to, such material.
DEAR PASSENGER At North Flying we focus on confidence, safety, efficiency, precision, and also the pleasant sides of life. This is why we have chosen articles about some of the things which sweeten life: special wines, excellent whisky, stories about exciting people, interesting food, and new angles on well-known destinations. Also read the History of North Flying. The company to which we are all dedicated, about our planes, our special inflight service and about all the things our whole organization does to make your trip perfect.
Should you have any questions or comments concerning our magazine, please talk to our crew – and please feel free to take the magazine with you. Enjoy the reading – and have a pleasant journey.
Winston Rose M. D.
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Aston Martin Copenhagen, Bryggervangen 39, DK-2100 Copenhagen +45 70 256 007,
Aston Martin DB11 Coupe fra kr. 4.080.000. Forbrug 8,7 km/l. CO2 265g/km
Audi Q7 e-tron
Plug-in-hybrid SUV med 374 hk
Audi Q7 e-tron 3.0 TDI quattro er verdens første plug-in-hybrid med V6 TDI og permanent fire-hjulstræk. Når både el- og forbrændingsmotoren er slået til, sætter den nye rekorder med 374 hk, et drejningsmoment på 700 Nm og en acceleration fra 0-100 km/t på blot 6,2 sek. Ifølge NEDC kører den ved kombineret forbrug op til 55,6 km/l - og har en rækkevidde på op til 1320 km fuldt tanket op med el og brændstof. Audi Q7 e-tron koster fra 1.435.732 kr. Læs mere på
Audi Aalborg Ny Kærvej 47, 9000 Aalborg, tlf. 7070 1025 Audi Q7 e-tron 3.0 TDI quattro 374 HK (samlet ydelse) tiptronic: 1.435.732 kr. Ekskl. lev. omk. 3.880 kr. Forbrug v/bl. kørsel: 55,6 km/l. CO2: 46 g/km. Halvårlig grøn ejerafgift: 310 kr.
Symmetry Ring 18 Karat Hvid, Gul el. Rosa Guld, 0,75CT m. 41 Diamanter Fra 23.000,- dkr.
Parallel Ring 18 Karat Hvid el. Rosa Guld Fra 22.400,- dkr.
Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og prisĂŚndringer.
AIRCRAFT FLEET Anywhere · Anytime · 24hours · +45 96 32 29 00
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CITATION VII Passengers: 7 · Toilet: ✓ · Bar: ✓ Cruisespeed (k.p.h.): 850 Max range (km): 3700 Operating altitude (km): 13 · Crew: 2 Number of aircraft: 1
METRO 23 Passengers: 19 · Toilet: ✓ Cruisespeed (k.p.h.): 550 Max range (km): 3350 Operating altitude (km): 7 · Crew: 2 Number of aircraft: 4
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CITATION III Passengers: 8 (9) · Toilet: ✓ · Bar: ✓ Cruisespeed (k.p.h.): 850 Max range (km): 3700 Operating altitude (km): 13 · Crew: 2 Number of aircraft: 3
CITATION II Passengers: 8 (9) · Toilet: ✓ · Bar: ✓ Cruisespeed (k.p.h.): 650 Max range (km): 2750 Operating altitude (km): 13 · Crew: 2 Number of aircraft: 1
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Romantiskt ophold – Gourmetrestaurant Eksklusive fest- og konferencelokaler
Strandvejen 267 · DK-2920 Charlottenlund · Tel. +45 39640028 ·
NORTH FLYING MASTER ALL AREAS Anywhere. Anytime. Service 24-7 VIP FLIGHTS Our VIP flights are of true first-class standard. On board North Flying’s business jets our VIP passengers experience the -highest level of comfort, efficiency and service. Everything is planned and executed with a professional eye for every little detail before, during and after the journey.
CARGO Our Metroliners are also well equipped for cargo flight. Our Metros can accommodate almost any type of cargo, which can be delivered quickly and safely to almost any destination. No matter what you need to move at speed, North Flying Cargo is the right partner. North Flying is certifired dangerous operator. AMBULANCE FLIGHT Specially equipped and certified for air ambulance, North Flying’s jets offer a safe and efficient solution when acute air ambulance is needed. We have been providing air ambulance service since 2004 with our own highly qualified and dedicated team of pilots and anestesi doctors and nurses – transporting patients and doctors safely and in comfort even from one continent to the next.
CHARTER GROUP North Flying’s fleet of metrolines offer the perfect solution for groups travelling to conferences, trade fairs, visiting customers or suppliers abroad. Chartering an aircraft is always a time-saving, economical and suitable choice for groups of up to 19 persons. You can fly directly to your local airport closer to the final destination and back at times that suit you.
AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT A partnership between you as a private aircraft owner and North Flying’s professional expertise, giving you the very best of two worlds: an aircraft available when required and the cost offset earned by adding your aircraft to our fleet, when otherwise idle.
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THE WORLD is our market
Totally independent and mobile
North Flying travel all over the world – and there is hardly any airport where we cannot land safely, comfortably and precisely. This is the whole secret behind our success. We are totally independent and mobile, and we have only one goal in mind, to make the right decisions for our customers. You tell us where you want to travel to and when, and we take care of all the rest. This is a precise and geographical reality. From Denmark our operations have spread all over the world. Today we land regularly in practically all European airports, and very often we fly to even the farthest continents. Our pilots are at home everywhere. The world is becoming smaller. As the internet and other modern means of communication break the global borders, so does North Flying. At the end it is just another side of the same coin, to ease the communication between people across any border or culture, and to forge valuable links around the globe. We hope that you will experience this feeling when you take a seat in one of our aircrafts to conquer the world – and this feeling of freedom of travel is the single most important factor behind our company.
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THE HISTORY OF NORTH FLYING Everything great starts out small
One small plane on a grass runway in Western Jutland was the start of Nordfly in 1963. 7 years later the company took over Aalborg Flying Center, moved to Aalborg and changed its name to North Flying. In 1994 North Flying merged with Nordic Air and became the largest General Aviation company in Denmark. By taking over Aalborg Airtaxi in 1996 and Falck Air in 1998, Scandinavia’s largest airtaxi company was formed. The backbone of North Flying A/S today is a modern fleet, numbering 7 Jets and 3 Metroliners. Each member of the fleet is a specialized machine, designated for its individual tasks.
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North Flying is managed, run by and cared by its dedicated, highly motivated staff at Aalborg and Kastrup Airports. From the pilots to service specialists and administration, each person is part of the common mission: to offer precise, comfortable, safe and individually tailored travel solutions of the highest class. This is the foundation on which North Flying A/S is building its continued expansion. The most reliable planes, best trained pilots, extensive service facilities for the planes, and the most modern general facilities are all very strong tools, with which we are ready to meet the challenges of the future.
Mulighedernes land ligger ved Allerød
…og i Vejle. Flexleasing, Del-leasing og Formula Leasing giver dig mulighed for at vælge mellem biler, du hidtil kun har drømt om. For den, der elsker biler, kan de høje, danske afgifter være noget af en barriere. Men de betyder også store muligheder for den, der kender reglerne og markedet indgående. Siden 2010 har vi specialiseret os i finansiering af biler. Og gjort det umulige muligt for tusinder af bilelskere. Tal med os om Flexleasing eller Del-leasing – tjek dine muligheder. Det er et frit land.
Eksempel: Flex-leasing Mercedes 350 CDI, 4-Matic Feb. 2012, 42.000 km, alt udstyr 5.400 kr./md inkl. forsikring*
Formula Leasing har årelang erfaring med finansiering af eksklusive biler – lige fra køb af bilen til hjemtransport, toldsyn, klargøring, indregistrering og levering til din dør. Formula Leasing er en del af Formula-gruppen. Vi håndterer alle mærker og hjemtager biler, især fra Tyskland. Formula Leasings aftaler er godkendt af SKAT. | *Alle priser er ekskl. moms. Førstegangsydelse 60.849 kr. som indbefatter kontraktoprettelse, gps-tracker og forventet afskrivning. Herudover depositum 17.571 kr. som tilbagebetales efter endt leasing. Ydelse baseret på 12 måneders erhvervsleasing, men privatleasing også muligt.
Formula Leasing AS Bjarkesvej 3, 3450 Allerød | Wittrupvej 1, 7120 Vejle +45 7023 0901 |
BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU – small enough to know you The cold and dark season is upon us, and Skovshoved Hotel opens its door and welcomes you into the warmth where one can enjoy a good book by the cozy fireplace.
here are a countless amount candles placed around the hotel that gives a special feeling of Danish coziness to the atmosphere.
The halls of the hotel are filled with laughter and smiles as Skovshoved Hotel yet again this year holds plenty of events from romantic weddings, festive 50th birthdays, and families who are looking for a special place to hold christenings.
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The hotel has everything to offer and is the perfect place with both the fairytale surroundings and a great location. During the last few years, Skovshoved Hotel has held many successful events for people of all ages. These festivities include lectures, concerts, dinners and other exciting experiences.
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Amongst other things, there are intimate concerts with Erann DD and Søs Fenger, giving a very special musical experience at the beautiful hotel. Skovshoved Hotel also participates in Copenhagen Dining Week, which is one of Copenhagen’s hottest gastronomic experiences. Here you can taste some of the numerous specialties, the award-winning French chef Phillipe Houdet cooks in the hotel’s fine cuisine. With his Danish and French Michellin background, he puts his own unique mark on the gastronomic world. When there are special occasions, Phillipe gives an extra special touch in the kitchen, which can be experienced particularly on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Midsummer. For New Year’s Eve, Phillipe and his team will provide five dishes accompanied with an exquisite wine menu. The old hotel dating from 1660 has many varied offerings to suit any pleasure, and with the beautiful view over the ocean and the forest in the backyard, you are set for many pleasant hours at one of finest gems in the wonderful area north of Copenhagen. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
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Visionen om, gennem kompromisløst håndværk, at skabe unikke rum, startede helt tilbage i 1995. Siden har der været en stræben efter det fuldendte. Efter at dyrke det traditionelle håndværk. Blandt andet fordi det ægte er så uendeligt meget skønnere. Her arbejdes der tæt sammen for at tilføre køkkener, badeværelser og garderober en nerve af ophøjet æstetik. Specialbyggede funktionelle løsninger, der emmer af tradition og faglig stolthed. Hos Kitchen Tailor findes der ikke et fast sortiment. Den første streg sættes på et blankt ark. Herefter tilpasses alt den enkelte med en udpræget sans for detaljen. Sådan forvandles rum til levesteder og inventar til personlige fortællinger.
Kitchen Tailor Aps. Strandvejen 140 2900 Hellerup Tlf. +45 39642345
A GENTLEMAN’S SPORT – an explorer’s life
hen one walks in nature with a stick, one observes – when one walks with a gun, one engages.” – Kaj Munk.
The lure of exploring the world through travel is a temptation difficult to resist. The thrill your senses feel when discovering new smells, sights and cultures for the first time is both an exhilarating and grounding rush. As the globally iterated belief, originally articulated by author Hans Christian Andersen, says: to travel is to live. Yes, indeed. But if to travel is to live, to hunt is to travel. Travel and hunting are inextricably paired. The sport itself demands venturing, exploring and moving through the world with heightened senses and a keen attention to environment. To hunt while travelling is to experience travel in a holistic and full form. A good hunter knows the peculiar privilege in engaging with new forms of nature and becoming acquainted with new people. To hunt, and to honour tradition, is to travel and to learn. This is no secret to Jan Nancke, co-founder of Nancke Jagtliv, a hunting shop tucked away in the charming area of Gentofte in Denmark. A seasoned hunter with more than 40 years experience hunting in over 20 countries, Jan holds great insight to travelling with the sport. To visit the shop and speak with him is to get a taste of the attraction of travel hunting and the nuances of hunting culture in different locations.
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“What you see when you’re a hunter or a huntress – you see all the things you don’t see as a tourist. You see the diverse places. You see places so beautiful, you can’t imagine. You see the local people and you eat their food. All because you go 25 kilometres into the mountains. No one else does that and it gives you a very remarkable experience. To learn the traditions and practices of different regions is fantastic – you would be surprised at how varied they are.” As with cultures themselves, hunting in different areas of the world presents myriad customs, game and dressing styles for the adventurous soul to discover. A quick look at three different hunting grounds gives a glimpse at the depth and variance in hunting culture worldwide a curious shot may encounter in their travels. THE RITE OF HUNTING IN EUROPE In continental Europe, many countries are big hunting destinations. Germany, Poland and Hungary often top the list but Spain, Romania and Lithuania also harbour a robust and interesting history. Hunting on the European continent introduces the hunter to a rich and strict tradition of rituals. One must give ‘communion’ to the land as a moral declaration of respect to nature and wildlife. This declaration is followed by numerous other customs during the hunt that are incredibly important to continental European hunting. At the end of the hunt, all downed game is placed on their right side in a square of branches. A twig is positioned in their mouth to signify their last meal. It is incumbent that hunters honour the deceased wildlife by facing them towards the forest they came from while blowing horns during this closing ceremony.
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In this region, one will typically go on stalking or driven hunts for wild boar, Roebuck deer, Fallow deer and bears. In pursuing these animals one must not arrive late, one must abide by the rules and one must be impeccably dressed in a uniform like fashion. Clothing typically consists of a loden coat (a waterproof wool, typically greenish in colour), leather pants, and a hat. Nancke Jagtliv offers a premiere selection of brands such as Franken & Cie, Rey Pavon, Merkel and Waldkauz for any hunter interested in exploring the deep traditions of continental Europe. FEELINGS OF FRATERNITY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The traditions of the United Kingdom are as old as continental Europe but have an entirely different feel. Across the plains of England, the rolling hills of Ireland and the mountains of Scotland; the customs of hunting reside in a more social and light atmosphere - though it still has many rules. To hunt with the Anglo-Saxons is an ode to camaraderie and brotherhood. It is not uncommon to hear witty banter and sarcasm between hunters as they stalk the lands, remembering their ancestors and offering salutations of scotch and sloe gin to their memories all the while. While on a hunt in the UK, decorum is as much a part of the package as it is in the English culture itself. Tweed is in high demand as is the durable and practical material of wax cotton. The look is finished off with a hat, necktie and ribbons around the socks. It is imperative to look the part in England. For if you don’t, you may find yourself in the unfortunate position of being at the receiving end of numerous jokes from your fellow hunters - though it will be light-hearted. While hunting in the UK, Nancke recommends to look to brands such as Holland & Holland, Alan Paine, Wendy Keith and Croots as you search
for the high flying pheasants, deer and that famously elusive grouse. AN ODE TO ORIGIN IN AFRICA A completely different hunting experience altogether is to hunt on the continent of Africa. In the Serengeti or further south in the Kalahari desert, a hunter is met with completely new challenges and traditions. One of the strongest appeals of travelling in Africa on a hunt is the genuine connection to the vast and beautiful landscape. It is where the elegance of hunting meets the dangerous conditions of pursuing large, prized game of antelopes, buffalo and lions. “You see a lot and you learn a lot. Because you are forced to go where the game is, to the remote areas. You have to be focused, you have to pay attention and you will be amazed at what you learn about nature, people and yourself,” remarks Nancke on the existential abilities of the African setting. A hunt in central or southern Africa is a classic safari with evidence of colonialism and British influence. Typically one hunter will have five to 10 people to service them by guiding the hunt, driving the vehicle, preparing food or keeping watch for animals around the tent camp at night. Strong bonds are formed as much time is spent together in the boundless expanse of the African savannah. The premier attire for hunting of this sort is light and breathable cotton with a hat for sun protection - ideal garb for keeping the body cool in extreme heat. Nancke stocks brands such as Els &Co., Mauser, Rugged Wear and Jensen Rifle Co. for exactly this climate and magnum calibre hunting needs. TRAVELLING TO HUNT, HUNTING TO TRAVEL All across the globe, hunting provides an additional dimension to exploration. Travelling to hunt – or hunting to travel – gives the hunter or huntress the ability to broaden their horizons and commune with nature while sharpening their skill at the sport. Nancke’s advice to those interested in the activity comes down to a mind-set: “you’re more than a hunter. You’re also a traveller and an adventurer. Open your ears and open your eyes. Be open-minded and don’t judge. Learn from the local traditions.” Phenomenal experiences abound if you traverse the world with the mind and attitude of a hunter. The international community of like-minded outdoorsmen will welcome and educate you in fantastic ways. Before you venture off, be sure to pay Jan a visit at the Nancke Jagtliv shop in Gentofte for the answers to all your hunting needs; no matter the hunt, no matter the country. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
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with ThingbĂŚk Limestone Mines
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hingbæk Limestone Mines have been open to the public since 1935. With the opening in 2015 of a new welcome center next to the mines the activities on offer have expanded significantly. The view from the entrance area to Thingbæk Limestone Mines is an attraction in its own right. Here you look out over a glacial melt valley to Denmark’s largest forest and the famous moorland hills of Rebild.
The contrast is great when you walk into he dark and cool mine shafts. You walk directly into the underground and into the past. At close range you can study how the land was created. 50 million years ago microscopic animals deposited their skeletons at the bottom of the warm ocean in what what was to become Denmark. The deposits were eventually pushed hard together and thereby turned into limestone, which for generations has been retrieved from open fractures in Thingbæk and used for mortar and soil treatment.
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In 1926 the sculptor Anders Bundgaard established mining galleries and industrial chalk production in a large scale on the site. As they moved still further into the limestone hill, the miners left behind gigantic empty halls which Bundgaard, who had a sharp eye for dramatic aesthetics soon found a good use for. Here in ”Denmark’s most distinctive museum” Bundgaards original plaster figures are surrounded by a magic atmosphere, that enhances the artistic qualities. The figures are original works of art, which famous bronze momoments are cast by. Museum and mining existed side by side until the 1950s, when the mine became unprofitable. In 1969 the city af Aalborg placed original plaster figures by Carl Johan Bonnesen in Thingbæk Limestone Mines. Artwork by the two sculptors, who were competitors in their lifetime, can still be enjoyed in the mines along with a few works by other artists. Contemporary art is also represented by occasional exhibitions in both welcome center as in the mines, where new artwork now and then correspond with Bundgaards and Bonnesens classics. Just like the museum founder, the current owner is a visionary man. He is in the process of creating a vibrant cultural and leisure center on the basis of what Bundgaard started. In the large new welcome building you buy your ticket and get an introduction to current exhibitions and events. You can drink a cup of coffee while enjoying the sight of clean water springing from the underground behind the building, you can study the exhibitions, you can meet the local witch in her workshop, or you can relax in the cinema watching short films
about the site-specific focus topics of the center: GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, ART AND THE COLD WAR. During the Cold War this local area had a great but secret importance. A large nuclear bunker was built into the chalk hills a few hundret meter from the mines. In the event of nuclear war the government and royal family were to rule Denmark from this bunker. Fortunately, the bunker was never used and recently it was taken out of defense preparedness. Rebildcentret tells both the local and the global political stories from the Cold War. The 70 hectares of nature belonging to the center is perfect for outdoor activities. Hiking the 8 km of marked trails you will encounter works of art land, which are created especially for this beautiful landscape. Visit for opening hours and upcoming events.hills a few hundret meter from the mines. In the event
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of nuclear war the government and royal family were to rule Denmark from this bunker. Fortunately, the bunker was never used and recently it was taken out of defense preparedness. Rebildcentret tells both the local and the global political stories from the Cold War. The 70 hectares of nature belonging to the center is perfect for outdoor activities.
NAME: Rebildcentret with Thingbæk Limestone Mines ADDRESS: Røde Møllevej 4, DK 9520 Skørping PHONE: +45 98 37 55 00 / +45 98 37 51 12
Hiking the 8 km of marked trails you will encounter works of art land, which are created especially for this beautiful landscape.
Visit for opening hours and upcoming events.
OPEN FOR VISITORS: 1. May – 30. September, Easter holidays and week 42.
Klar parat start
- og du er flyvende
Hvad enten det drejer sig om en skræddersyet sportsrejse eller en effektiv forretningsrejse er Roskilde Lufthavn helt ideel. Her er ingen spildtid, åbent 24 timer i døgnet 365 dage om året, og gratis P-plads til bilen. En lille, men international lufthavn med fokus på den personlige oplevelse og service. Roskilde lufthavn er i 2016 blevet kåret som den bedste Lufthavn til håndtering af forretningsflyvninger blandt mere end 400 lufthavne. Københavns Lufthavne A/S - Roskilde, Lufthavnsvej 20, DK-4000 Roskilde, Tlf. 32 31 62 20 / Fax 32 31 62 77,
34 | Inflight Magazine no. 32
Mindre, mellem eller stor virksomhed. Hos os vil du altid være nummer 1
REVISION . REGNSKAB . RÅDGIVNING . SKAT Voergaardvej 2 . 9200 Aalborg . Tel. 98 18 72 00
ASTON MARTIN The new revolutionary DB11
A DESIGN EVOLUTION History could have clipped our creative wings, but we used it to our advantage. To honour the ‘DB’ legacy we distilled Aston Martin design down to its very essence and used it to create something evolved, bold and fresh. Something called DB11.
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nstantly recognisable, its design looks inherently right , yet utterly different . Its form develops organically from nose to tail; muscle and sinew building volume and shaping surface details, with classical proportions providing the perfect bone structure beneath. Familiar elements have evolved. The iconic radiator grille has been reinterpreted, it s lines and features amplified and celebrated. All new LED head and tail-lights create expressive visual signatures. Triumphant new elements, such as the dramatic roof strake, underline DB11’s confidence and originality, while the new side strakes, key to DB11’s pioneering aerodynamics, bring harmony of form and function. The pure and honest product of authentic, justified lines, DB11 is an immaculate work of automotive art. POWERFUL SYMBOLS Two of the most dist inct features of DB11 ar e the st riking new grille and clamshell bonnet. Truly an iconic signature, the front grille has been developed into a more dominant feature. Exerting greater influence on the overall design, it is the source from which the body’s form and surface lines emanate, and a power ful symbol of the extent to which DB11 has moved the game on.
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The clamshell bonnet is a continuation of this fearless design philosophy, succeeding to reconcile the conflicting demands of styling and stringent pedestrian safety legislation. Its wraparound form minimises unsightly shut-lines for a pure, sculptural quality not seen on other cars. Its size means it is also exceptionally effective at dissipating energy, negating the need for space-consuming pedestrian safety systems that would compromise DB11’s crisply tailored lines.
weight distribution. The door apertures are larger, front seat occupants enjoy 10 mm of extra headroom, while rearwards, a 54 mm increase in headroom and 87 mm more legroom mean DB11 is a t rue 2+2. With a luggage compartment that can swallow two golf bags and ISOFIX points enabling the fitment of two child seats, this exhilarating Grand Tourer is realworld prepared.
ENGINEERED TO EXHILARATE Stronger, safer, more dynamic and space-efficient. These are the ambitious targets we set when creating DB11’s body structure.
POWERTRAIN DB11’s new twin-turbocharged 5.2-litre V12 engine, boasting 600 bhp and 700 Nm of torque, makes this the most powerful DB production model in Aston Martin’s history. It’s also the most dynamic, reaching 200 mph, with 62 mph dispatched in 3.9 seconds. What’s less expected is that DB11 should also be the cleanest and most fuel efficient DB ever produced, yet such are the tremendous advances made by this landmark car.
Increasing the wheelbase by 65 mm has enabled the positioning of the V12 engine further back for near-perfect
Effortlessly potent, DB11’s beating heart has huge reserves of power, delivered as the revsclimb, with a rich, potent howl.
The clamshell provides delight ful theatre, hinging forwards to reveal a spectacular panoramic view of the magnificent V12 engine beneath.
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Intelligent bank activation means DB11’s appetite for the open road is not matched by thirst. By alternating between banks of cylinders during low demand periods, less fuel is consumed. Full performance is immediately restored on driver demand. PERFORMANCE DRIVING DYNAMICS DB11 exploits its inner strength and immense V12 per formance with completely re-worked chassis, suspension, steering and electronics. Revised suspension with adaptive damping and multiple driver-selectable dynamics enrich DB11’s adaptability. Select GT mode for exemplary ride quality, or switch to Sport for added firmness and agility assisted by the new electric power steering and Torque Vectoring limited-slip differential. Selecting Sport Plus entirely turns-up the intensity; suspension, steering, eight-speed automatic transmission and Torque
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Vectoring system work in unison to truly awaken the sportscar within. ASTON MARTIN ACCESSORIES We styled DB11 to take your breath away and crafted it to delight your senses, but above all we designed it to be driven. With this in mind we’ve developed an extensive range of Aston Martin Accessories to enhance your ownership experience. For year-round driving confidence the Winter Wheel and Tyre Kit helps deliver traction and sure-footed handling when temperatures drop below 7°C.
long weekend. If you desire the ultimate in personalisation Q by Aston Martin Accessories can even match your luggage to your DB11’s interior, while the Aston Martin Signature Pack is perfect for those final finishing touches, even down to your own signature on the door sill plaques. Protection. All-weather performance. Bespoke personalisation. Whatever itis you need, Aston Martin Accessories has the perfect solution. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
For the ultimate in luxury why not choose our tailored 4-Piece Luggage Set? Handmade in England by master craftsmen these beautiful bags make the best use of boot space for the perfect
Inflight Magazine no. 32 | 41
Explore diversity of nature
See our exhibitions
Enjoy the original sculptures by Anders Bundgaard and C.J. Bonnesen in Thingbæk Limestone Mines Meet the local witch
Experience magical festivals of lights
Discover the area’s role in the Cold War
Visit a historic fish farm in function
Røde Møllevej 4, 9520 Skørping +45 98 37 51 12
s ge
us S
i 20
Vi bygger på tillid
Det hele startede i en gammel lade i 1977. Her så byggefirmaet Keld & Johs første gang dagens lys med Keld Kristensen og Johannes Jørgensen som de to bagmænd. I disse år er vi ved at gennemgå et generationsskifte med Peter Christensen, som med tiden overtager efter Keld Kristensen. Mange folk kender vores navn, og det forpligter. Vi har et ansvar at leve op til, og det forsøger vi på hver dag. Siden 1977 har vi bygget for mange familier i området, i dag bygger vi for flere af deres børn og børnebørn.
Klik ind og få inspiration på vores hjemmeside:
Håndværkervej 4 · 9493 Saltum · Tlf. 9888 1544 · Peter Christensen 29 27 27 32 Keld Kristensen 20 73 15 44
Erhvervslivet har ikke brug for konflikter. De har brug for løsninger. Man skal være løsningsorienteret, hvis man vil være erhvervslivets foretrukne advokat. Det er vi hos DELACOUR. Vi tror på, at den bedste juridiske rådgivning sker på baggrund af den størst mulige forretningsmæssige forståelse.
Band Tours North Flying are specialists in arranging complete arrangements for bands on tour. We have been complimented for being very flexible and effective on band tour flights. This is of great importance for these particular trips between concerts where equipment, managers and group are to be loaded and seated often in a tight time schedule.
Our Metroliner aircraft can be configured into a version of 13 passengers + 750 kgs luggage/equipment and have the range to cover all Europe nonstop ! Besides our many band flights the last 20 years, we are arranging sporting events, fair trips, holidays and business flights. Smaller airports closer to the final destination are often chosen and are more flexible and ready to handle special flights around the clock. For further information, please contact our Charter Sales Department 24/7 on +45 9632 2900 /
Band Tour references: Lukas Graham, Kylie Minogue, Sting, Mads Langer, Tom Odell, House of Pain, David Guetta.
Inflight Magazine no. 32 | 45
Franskmændenes foretrukne Champagne! Champagne har det hele. Flere hundrede års historie med både kongelige, politikere, skuespillere og kendisser, alle med forkærlighed for de berusende perler. Desuden signalerer Champagne fest, farver og ekstravagance. Deutz hører til blandt eliten af Champagne-producenter, der er med i organisationen, Club des Grandes Marques (De Store Brands Klub), en lille eksklusiv klub af de fireogtyve vigtigste Champagnemærker.
VIDET TILBUD A 1. APRIL Ørland Gardermoen Aalborg
dermoen ANK.
Gardermoen – Ørland DAG
07.25 Man 07.55 09.05 15.20 15.50 17.00 07.25 Tirs 07.55 09.05 07.25 Ons 07.55 09.05 15.20 15.50 17.00 07.25 Tors 07.55 09.05 17.30 Ørland (OLA) 18.00 19.10 – Gardermoen (OSL) 16.10 Søn 16.50 18.00 DAG AVG. ANK. Man 06.15 07.25 Tirs 06.15 07.25 Ons 06.15 07.25 – Gardermoen – Aalborg (AAL) (OSL) 14.10 15.20 ANK. Tors 06.15 07.25 OLA) 16.10 (OSL) 16.20 17.30 OSL) 17.40 (AAL) Fre 15.00 16.10
– Gardermoen (OSL) – Ørland (OLA)
Gardermoen (OSL) – Ørland (OLA) DAG AVG. ANK. Man 07.55 09.05 Tirs 07.55 09.05 Ons 07.55 09.05 15.50 17.00 Tors 07.55 09.05 18.00 19.10 Søn 16.50 18.00
15.20 (OSL) Gardermoen (OSL) – Aalborg (AAL) 18.00 (OLA) DAG AVG. Fre 16.40
ANK. 17.40
Aalborg (AAL) – Gardermoen (OSL) DAG AVG. Søn 14.20
ANK. 15.20
HYPNOSE FOR HER 48 | Inflight Magazine no. 32
Cartier stands for many people as a jewellery store in the upper class and it is also true. But their watches also has a space in the upper segment, not at least the models, that since 2010 has seen the light of the day. This is because Cartier has begun to produce their own works and this is in so great style, that more and more of the company’s watches are using inhouseworks.
By Kristian Haagen
RIVE DE CARTIER Cartier has maded an entirely new model for men. Drive de Cartier. According to Cartier himself, they have found inspiration for the form of the watch in older cars, for excample the round shapes from the icnic Porche 356. The lines from the Older cars comes among other things reflected in the curved sapphire glass “cushion-form” as well as a winding crown looks like a nut.
news, is steel blue hour markers, matching the bluish markers absolutely perfect. Cle’ de Cartier of steel is offered both with straf and with matching bracelet. The model is also avaiable in red and white gold, with a diameter of 31 and 35 millimeter, both of which the latter uses Cartier’s inhousework, caliber 1847 MC. The two smaller models are also avaible with diamonds.
Despite the comparatively generous diameter of 40 millimeter, has Cartier preserved a very limited height of 11.25 millimeter, and this despite the fact the inhousework, caliber 1904 MC, is automatically and thus pulled up through a crescent-shaped rotor, which is located behind the work. Both the work and the works rotor can be seen through the glass. Drive de Cartier is offered in steel and pink gold. CLE’ DE CARTIER Cle’ de Cartier is offered for the first time entirely of steel. Altthough similar to the launch model from 2015 of whitegold. The steelversion has the same diameter 40 millimeter, and are using one of the newer inhouseworks from Cartier, caliber 1847 MC with date and automatically winding.. In addition to this
HYPNOSE Hypnose is a completely new ringe of watches to the female wrist. The watch has an oval shape and is inspired by Louis Cartier design, an oval watch in 1912, however it first entered prduction in 1956, and later was given the name Baignoire (bathtub). The difference between the Baignoire and the new Hypnose is that Hypnose does not have a curved shape. In addition, the design provides a unique way to put the diamonds and thereby make the watch double luxurios to look at. Hypnose is quartz powered and is offered in two sizes. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Inflight Magazine no. 32 | 49
20 ÅRS JUBILÆUMSSÆSON Byens bedste gourmet Byens førende Gourmetrestaurant med 3 stjerner i den danske spiseguide, eneste restaurant i byen i 66 Best Nordic Restaurants. Vi har skiftende tastingmenuer og signaturretter året rundt. Vi har også danmarks største og mest komplette Dom Perignon samling. Bestil på eller på 98124860
Frokost to go & to stay På Mortens Kro serverer vi klassiske gourmetsmørrebrød til dig, der skal have en ekstra god frokost. Du kan spise i restauranten, eller du kan tage frokosten med dig på kontoret eller på farten. Vi skifter menukortet 6-8 gange om året, for altid at kunne tilbyde dig sæsonens bedste og mest friske råvarer. Pris 65 kr. pr. stk / 3 stk 150 kr. Bestil på eller på 98124860
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