Jandwee Journal issue 1 - State of Freedom

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V I S U A L A R T & C U LT U R E


Designed by : M. Fahrozi @zorhworkspace 2


Welcome to the premiere issue of Jandwee Journal. Thank you to those who put their trust on Jandwee Journal to carry the voices of your brands and creations. This journal is made for you creative artist to share your voices and to showcase all the vibrant colours through art, literature, photography and food, all that makes our life a lot like an adventure. In this issue, we are going to explore the ‘State of Freedom’, something that we all hold dearly to our hearts and beliefs. Freedom can’t be bought, given or borrowed, it can be achieved once we have accepted and embrace ourself as who we are. I can only hope that one day, we will not be judged by the wealth we accumulated, or by the clothes we put on, but simply how we care for our world and for each other. We are all beautifully different We are made different and we live differently We see different things, differently and that is the beauty of ‘freedom’. This journal is my homage to you once a lost soul that wants to be found and to be heard to be seen, to be understood and most of all... to be free. I can’t say thank you enough for my family, friends, Jandwee team and all the contributors who puts their believe in Jandwee Journal to carry out unique voices that we all crave to hear from. With great pleasure I present you our premiere issue, i hope to see a lot more of you in this pages soon.

Januardy Wijaya

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ART SECTION 06 Contributors 07 Playlist 10 Art! 12 Featured Talent

BRAND SECTION 28 Munchies 30 Fashion 32 Inspiring Brand 34 First Glance 38 Human 46 Potraits 48 Sypnosis

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Jandwee Journal Team Editor in chief Januardy Wijaya @januardywijaya Writer Lisa Chan @kreativekoven Editor Fanny Tjandra @fannytjandra Senior Graphic Designer Fikri Setiadi @fikristd Graphic Designer M.Fahrozi, Eko Septiyanto @zorhworkspace , @eko_septiyanto Photographer Januardy Wijaya, Riandy Yulvian @riandyyiu Photo Editor Harni Pinem @harnipinem Cinematographer Andy Gho, Niki Milala @andygho , @nikimilala Social Media Fanny Tjandra Business Development Manager Dolly Evans @dollyevanss Printing and Publishing Seeis @seeisalbum

Thanks to : Damn! I Love Indonesia, Darwis Taniwan, Cindy Priscilla Hutagaol , Hartono Gan, Kevin Hasan , Stephanie Cahyadi , Budi Mahonc

Contributors Reffy Nugraha – Musician @reffynh Claudia – Make Up Artist @clawdiiaa Amalia Ainun – Model @amalia_ain Fedora Yovita – Make Up Artist @fedorayovita

Jandwee Jl. Sriwijaya no. 4/4A Medan 20153 North Sumatra, Indonesia +62 61 456 1522 @jandwee www.jandwee.com journal@jandwee.com For Advertising : Dolly Evans +62 811 636 1199


Illustration by :



State of Freedom


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Visually stimulating creations curated specifically to trigger whats within

THE MONDRIAN STYLE Artwork : Courtesy of Edwin Abdullah


Kuocheng Liao Artwork : Courtesy of Kuocheng Liao

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Budi Mahonc I always like every aspect of surrealism when it comes to art, because there’s a lot of combination of what is not suppose to be together but they make perfect sense. Just like whenever I feel so uninspired. I would spoil myself to

When things don’t seem to belong together,

play games, and then all of sudden I’ll find myself mimicking

that’s where the magic happens.

the style or movement of those games and I will modify it and transform it into my own.


I also tend to take other people’s struggles and problems as

Interviewed by :

inspirations, to somehow represent the issues and mold it into my interpretation, but I will never tell them they are behind the inspirations. Simply because I like to create without any boundaries or limitations, it could be hard sometimes because I do have to follow what my clients want, so it’s a tricky effort to consistently infuse my style with the market’s demand.


The Surrealist.

Lisa Chan

Artwork by : Budi Mahonc

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Stephanie Cahyadi Femme Fatale Feminist

The very definition of a bad-ass creative thinker of the 21st Century, her super power: being a bad ass woman. @tepicurry


Interviewed by :

Artwork by :

Lisa Chan

Stephanie Cahyadi

I have always been inspired by street arts,

my art, I simply don’t want to offend anyone or to

cartoons and graphic novels. That is why my art is

be imprisoned. But even with that boundaries, we

very loud and playful, because I want to wake the

are all creators.

inner child within us all.

We’ve got to keep our hands moving and keep on

As a female artist, I’ve experienced few restrictions

trying and refining, until we are satisfied. Whenever

for drawing provocative images of human anatomy

I have that creative block I’ll always remind myself

or anything with sexual innuendos.

to just try my best and to simply create, no matter

Perhaps because I’m in Asia, people are still

how lousy the results will be.

quite conservative, some of my friends got quite

One day, I wish to work with fellow artist from

shocked when they see my art. While I really

fashion, music or movies, or perhaps curate pieces

believe there is nothing to be ashamed for.

to exhibit. From the lightings to the munchies, and

It’s a part of us, and something that we enjoy. I will

to experience different cultures and people in

never intentionally invoke a political trigger through

every continents.

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Kevin Hasan Master of the Ink

Read on how every simple stroke of ink brings more hope to the nation. @kevinhasan

Interviewed by :

Artwork by :

Lisa Chan

Kevin Hasan

In today’s growing digital world, there is an infinite freedom in which an artist can express their mind. From a simple doodle drawn on your desk, to sharing it to everyone around the world. Even an old-fashioned journal can be transformed into a blog or vlog. The only limitations lies in how we use our freedom to utilize the digital world. I was in Malaysia for college, I decided to come back to Medan because I truly want to create new opportunities in my hometown. But the struggles is not about designing, it is educating the market of what effective advertisement is, creating awareness not by putting everything in a single billboard, but putting the right message effectively for the brand message to be delivered, for that people need to be a lot more open minded and be willing to learn a lot more outside their personal taste. That might cause a little mind block but daily routine is the archenemy of creativity. Never stay in one place, even if it simply your work space. Move around, exercise, just keep on refreshing yourself. All of that is important Jandwee Journal // 21

because I believe artistic style is not something simply chosen, but it is a portray of what you are within through your work of art. The variety of emotions, events, colors that I experienced to form my ideals. I initiated the Inktober in Indonesia through social media in 2015. It’s an annual event in October where artists from all around the world create an ink-based drawing once a day throughout October in order to create a creative drawing habit. In a month, the movement managed to received more than 16.000 artworks from all over Indonesia and still increasing. I take great pride to be able to inspire people nationwide scale to freely express themselves through the work of pen, with great hope that we can be free to draw whatever we want someday. 22

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Diversity Flavour of Indonesia All the good savoury of Indonesia, served in one restaurant. Written by : Lisa Chan

Photography : Courtesy of Sajian Bhinneka


Nasi Pertiwi

Nasi Goreng Bebek

Ayam Halilintar

Cumi Telur Asin

The specialty of Sajian Bhinneka is their great commitment to

Get your loved ones to experience all the goodness of the

give you an escape, somewhere out of the hustle of the city,

famous Nasi Pertiwi, with Andaliman numb kick, or Nasi Goreng

with the great greeneries of Indonesia, warm touches of wooden

Bebek with its strong kincung flavour, served with sambal matah

bamboos decors. With that, it piles up the excitement that our

and emping as condiments. Don’t forget our favorite cumi telur

tongue can experience when you explore the rich flavors of

asin, deep fried calamari rings that blend the herbs well together


with the popular salted egg yolk sauce.

Picture you and your family travelling to the coast of Padang, go

To complete your foodie adventure, dessert is a must, BB Cream,

for the signature Gulai Kepala Ikan Kakap, it has that light kick of

or better known as Bhinneka Bomb, serving you both the exotic

asam belimbing that compliments the freshness of the fish, make

durian and avocado, with the mouthwatering vanilla ice cream

sure everyone gets a share, it is something that you’ll fight for.

and drizzles of chocolate that melts the coldest heart in the

Continue the journey with spicy Ayam Halilintar, sending your

hottest weather.

tongue into a frenzy, swirling in the pool of dancing chilies. The

Every meal in Sajian Bhinneka is served with their own key traits

spices and herbs are marinated to perfection, it’s hard to imagine

in combining all the kindness of Indonesia and transforming it

that it’ll take only a minute to ravish it all.

into a family of flavors.

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Hartono Gan When I first came back to Medan, the market did not understand the value of couture. There is a major differences with being a tailor and a designer, each with their own respective skills, but sometimes the

He is known to be bold and brave. What else hiding inside his fashionable pocket?

craftsmanship and the detailing cannot be put into

Made In Indonesia

creativity and details that should be put in a look. People

Interviewed by :

not only survive in the business, but I am lucky enough to

Lisa Chan

still have room to experiment.

Photographed by :

My brand is as diverse as Indonesia. From the catwalk

Januardy Wijaya

numbers. It took me years to educate the market about how in Medan have the money, they just need the right reason why. Through durability of my products, my brand does

collections, I am selling the current trend with my core ideals, but I balance it all with my ready-to-wear that are accessible for the women, and if they are ready for their dreams to come true, they can always have my prive line. Everything is still under Hartono Gan that I hold very dearly, so my customers knows what are they investing


on, every designs are catered for the very unique request that women has. Being a designer is much more than simply being a label, or a brand. It is about embracing yourself and to not live in denial. You have to create something you love, but you have to make sure you can sell those. Never be satisfied with what you have already achieved. Be secure but always be curious, always thirst for more, and that is the only way you can conquer. Rules and regulations can be an unfamiliar ground for creative minds, but always take responsibility to your decisions. To establish your brand, you should never go with the flow. To me, it is not simply about gracing batik to embrace my Indonesian roots, it’s a lot more. People know a lot of stuff that are made in China, but they only know the cheap stuff that are made there, not the skills nor the craftsmanship. My core brand value is to showcase pieces that are made in Indonesia, by Indonesians, that’s how you truly embrace the meaning of local going global. To achieve that, I believe to never go with flow, instead, go against the streams. Lead your customer to understand why certain pieces will cost them extra. There are so many unwritten societal rules and regulations in Indonesia. but for creative thinkers, it is indeed an unfamiliar ground. I can only hope that one day, we can all accept everyone’s different views and taste as it is, as they are. When we can accept each other, then we have achieved an absolute freedom.

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Damn! I Love Indonesia Interviewed by :

Interviewee :

Photography :

Lisa Chan

Maria Madiman, Marketing of Damn! I Love Indonesia

Courtesy of Damn! I Love Indonesia

Q: What’s Damn! I love Indonesia in 3 words?

to have wider varieties of products. Our loyal customers can


expect a great innovations from our products, especially now

Q: Damn! I love Indonesia has been well known amongst

that our products are available to be purchased worldwide

the youth, what elements of being ‘patriotic’ that the brand

through our website. (www.damniloveindonesia.com)

wants the youth to have?

Q: Damn! I love Indonesia’s brand is very close to how the

A: Damn! I Love Indonesia wants all the youth generation to

CEO, Daniel evolve his career from those days he started as

understand the wealth of Indonesia & feel proud about it &

a VJ. What inspirational points that the youth can take from

love more of their country and make a modern patriotism as

his experiences?

part of their lifestyle.

A: Daniel has a true calling and passion in making Indonesia

Q: How do you want the youth to start revolutionizing their

better, he wants to be impactful for the nation, Damn! I love

life in order to reach their own version of state of freedom? A: Damn! I Love Indonesia believe that today’s generations are cool & unique. So go out! & express yourself, create your life and achieve your dream, just remember our freedom can’t be bought, and give back for our proud country Indonesia. Q: Indonesia’s fashion scene has been improving, what do you think the next step for Damn!I love Indonesia to further spread its wings? A : This year is going to be Damn! I love Indonesia most expansive year. We plan to collaborate with international brand and working with local designers, also start licensing our brand

Indonesia is one of his way of showing it Daniel understands that dreams are nothing without the hard work. He would pursue things by starting small, but with bigger vision in mind. “Vision = Dream + Work “ Q: Every good designs have a risk of being copied, how does Damn! I love Indonesia keeps the motivation up without being discouraged, and still have the freedom to express? A : A product can be easily copied but Our brand was built with trust, relationship and personality, therefore it will always be unique and We always try to be the best simply by being the trendsetter, to be ahead of the game.

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Visual designs that might be strange at first, but pay closer attention

Extrem Iberian Ham Packaging Project : Packaging Design

Designed by : Lavernia & Cienfuegos Trendland. ( Š 2014). Trendland. Retrieved 29 June, 2016, from http://trendland.com/extrem-packaging/


Waldo Trommler Paints Project : Waldo Trommler Paints

Designed by Brand Identity Reynold & reyner. ( Š 2005 - 2016). Reynold & Reyner. Retrieved 29 June, 2016, from http://reynoldsandreyner.com/

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DARWIS: UNVEILED A dear brother, a best friend, but what else don’t we know about one of the creative pioneer of Medan? Interviewed by :

Photographed by :

Lisa Chan

Januardy Wijaya

I am a simple man with a simple dream, but the

focus and not consumed by rage.

road to simplicity is filled with complexity. I’d like

I chose to release myself from all of those

to think that I am evolving, with no limits to how I

burdens, to accept and to just keep going. I

can upgrade myself. I want to join the marathon,

know myself, and that is the key to success.

and perhaps one day, reach Mount Everest, but

Knowing yourself. Knowing what you want and

most importantly my main goal is to make sure

how to achieve those goals.

that my surroundings are happy, my family, my

The youngsters can sometimes be sucked into

team, and from there I know I have unlock the

the habit of following what others are doing

ultimate accomplishment.

these days, but that will not help you to sustain

There will be no stopping point for me to keep on

in business, be it in a creative industry, F&B,

going, because I have seen how rapid is our city

property or anything.

Medan is growing. With many growing talents

The lines are blurred sometimes, the right and

and innovations, the ups and downs of success

wrong, what can we accept and what society

will only makes us tougher. I believe when you

deems worthy is different every time.

can tackle Medan and its surroundings, you can

You can’t make anyone happy without getting to

pretty much succeed anywhere you go.

know them, and we are all different.

It’s like driving in Medan. You are challenged by

So you have to put yourself in different situation

all of the motorbikes, the becak, the people, but

and condition, and in order to make a decision,

you still need to maintain your inner balance to

good or bad, you have to decide who you are.

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Achieve your sense of self, and that will be your real state of freedom.

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Cindy Priscilla Taking over the people’s heart through social media. Interviewed by :

Photographed by :

Lisa Chan

Januardy Wijaya

Q: So, with age comes wisdom, who is Cindy in 2016? A: I’ve become someone who strives harder both in academically and works. I go out more this past months which help me become someone wiser and more open minded. Q: With so many influencers, bloggers, instragammers, how do you differentiate yourself and stay unique? A: I always make sure that every single thing that I post defines me. I follow some of the fashion trend and always give my own stamp on everything that I use and publish. Q: Medan is vastly improving, from design, business and event fashion. What are the major changes you have experienced with your friends that makes you realized, ‘Medan is actually doing better’ ? A: Young adults of Medan are improving so much, they are a lot more open-minded to creativity. There’s a lot more room for arts, fashion, sports and culinary and everything is just on the next level. It is now a huge deal to be in those industries, it’s amazing that we are able to reach this level of interest. Q: What is your personal icon that you look up to in your daily life? A: I don’t really have a personal icon, I like to wear and use products that are close to my heart and my comfort level. Everything that is personalised is always better, so that my friends and followers can truly know what I am truly about.



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Discovering what is beyond the mask



1. Naga Satya Siregar @nagasatya Photographer : Fadli Rahman Suit by bespoke Tailor @satyagrahaofficial 2. Fanny Tjandra @fannytjandra Photographer : Michael Tenar 3. Claudia @clawdiiaa Photographer : Wilson Kongadian 4. Yoovina Prastianti @yoovina Photographer : M.Fauzi 5. Gita Aisyah @gitaisyah Photographer : M.Fauzi







6. Larrisa Japardi @larrisajapardi Photographer : Inez Japardi

7. Devina Putri @devinaputrii Photographer : Albert Leo 8. Megan Pannata @meganpannata Photographer : Andreas Ciugianto

9. Yunita Elisabeth @yunitaelisabeth Photographer : William Iskandar


10. Adi Putra Raharja @adiraharjaa Photographer : Diana Fugu



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Sneak a peek at whats happening behind the creatives.


Old Logo

New Logo

“There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is

the Moses band’s music video, everything is simply about

reflection, which is the highest. The second is limitation, which

wanting to understand the very core needs of the client and

is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest”-

society, but to never lose ourselves in the process.


Jandwee Studio, as initially known has now expanded into

We have completed a 365 days cycle, and every day we have

two departments, with great hope that we can cater better

faced different kinds of struggles. It’s true what they say,

experiences for current and future collaborators. We have

when you love something the most that is when everything

Jandwee Studio, focusing on photography and videography

becomes elevated. They way you think, The way you feel,

productions, complete with a little twist of motion graphics,

The way you want to be seen, and the way you want to be



fulfilling needs of creative advertising designs, marketing

A creative agency is widely known as a place where we make

communication that includes both offline and digital branding

logos, and whatever visual needs our clients requested, but

managements There is never a stopping point in which we

we are simply more than that. In every project, we made sure

will feel satisfied, and we promise to always be curious. Be

that our clients would feel understood. To know that we fill

curious of the people, of the business, and most importantly,

a void and complete a circle. From creating a sensual Prive

be curious of what can make us all better, happier…

Lashes ads to taking creative collaborative risk when we shot

‘Till then,










1. Photographer : Januardy Wijaya Model : Tiffanyfani MUA : Claudia Stylist : Viera Lie

2. Photographer : Januardy Wijaya Model : Ika Pertiwi MUA : Fedora Yovita Stylist : Kelana Limster

3. Photographer : Januardy Wijaya Model : Dewi Nadapdap Make up and hair do : Steve Salon Stylist : Just Andi

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渀漀 戀甀氀氀猀栀⨀琀 稀漀渀攀 50


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