CPD • Gifted and Talented • INSET Training • Events • Courses For: Free mindmapping all subjects and presentation tools Primary
Where and When
Are you looking for new opportunities to encourage students to write and communicate?
This course is an introduction to free mindmapping and presentation tools. We shall explore both online tools and software that can be downloaded and installed at school or home. Something for everyone. An opportunity to tryout some great new ideas!
Wednesday June 15th 2011 South eLearning Centre Summerwood Lane Clifton Nottingham NG11 9DR Tel 01159152971 Book a place at www.nelc.net
Encourage pupils to write Introduction
This is an opportunity to try out some online and free resources for presenting information and creating mindmaps. All of which can be used to encourage reluctant writers.
Mindmapping tools that you can download and install at school avoid internet problems. We’ll explore some of the best known!
Create online presentations with a school login. Incorporate videos, images and text. A schools favourite.
There are several online tools tha are very similar to Power Point
Students can use them anywher online.
They can share them with other or email them to a teacher.
Spicynodes Simple to Offers lots of fu
and share without cost!
at t.
is great. o use. unctionality.
On this course you will: • Use mind mapping programs like Xmind, freemind and mindmeister. • Use online mind mapping tools like spicy nodes and bubbl.us. • Use online presentation tools like prezi, sliderocket, zoho show and popplet. • Consider the e-safety implications of using online tools and which offer privacy settings to accommodate this.
Bubbl.us is probably the easiest mind mapping tool in the world!
CPD • Gifted and Talented • INSET Training • Events • Courses •
Explore free software & online tools This course is ideal for staff who: • want to explore the use of free resources • want to encourage writing • Share my vision of collaboration and learning using ICT.
Additional Information: • refreshments • ample parking available • bring a usb pen to copy resources onto
Course run by:
Janet Simner Maths, Textiles, Science, ICT
eLearning Consultant tel. 0115 9152971 e. janet.simner@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
NeLC contacts:
Martin MacGillivray Centre Manger tel. 0115 915 9511 e. martin.macgillivray@nottinghamcity.gov.uk Marie-Line Antoine Media, Languages, Video, Photography tel. 0115 915 9511 e. mantoine@nottinghamcity.gov.uk Jan Gray Primary, Video, Animation tel. 0115 915 2971 e. jan.gray@nottinghamcity.gov.uk David Ellis Music, Media, Animation, 3D modelling tel. 0115 915 9511 e. david.ellis@nottinghamcity.gov.uk Jamie Tinney D&T, Animation, Art & Design tel. 0115 915 2971 e. jamie.tinney@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Book a place at www.nelc.net
The cost of this course is: £50 per person Discounts apply: Deduct 50% for maintained Nottingham City Schools Deduct 15% for other Nottingham City Schools. Or use credits from your Course Bundle.