CPD • Gifted and Talented • INSET Training • Events • Courses
Shhhhh! Codes and Ciphers
Maths Upper KS2, KS3, G&T
This will be useful for teachers who are trying to provide a problem solving activity for upper KS2 or KS3 students. This activity will challenge students to solve problems, either in a team or on their own. The topic could be used to facilitate a “maths day” in school or be integrated into the curriculum. It brings together maths, literacy, ICT and history in an unusual way.
Where and When Wednesday 6 July 2011 1.00pm-3.30pm
South eLearning Centre Summerwood Lane Clifton Nottingham NG11 9DR Tel. 0115 915 2971
Book a place at www.nelc.net