Portfolio Jaroslav Dědič
June 2017 - now project coord i nati on, urb a n d es i g n s trateg i es , urb an ec onom i c s a nal ys i s
February 2016 - October 2016 int erier des i g n, fa m i l y hous es d es i g n, l and s c a p e d es i g n, p hys i c al and 3 d m od el p rod uc ti o n , v i s u a li z a t i o n
24-year old student of architecture
July 2015 - August 2016 planning p ub l i c i ty c a m p ai g ns , events p l a nni ng , s p eaki ng p ub l i c l y at i ntervi ew s , c om m uni ca t i o n
July 2015 - October 2015 hist orical res earc h, b ui l d i ng g a ug i ng , d oc um entati on p rep arati on
from Czech Republic exploring the world. Being in love with architecture, nature, music and sport. Working hard, being
FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE @ UNIVRSITY OF WATERLOO, CANADA January 2017 - June 2017 - Exchange student
patient and have strong sense for empathy. Believing in freedom.
ENERGY EFFICIENT HOUSES @ VIA UNIVERSITY COLLAGE, DENMARK July 2014 - September 2014 - Summer school student
FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE @ CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY October 2015 - now - Master Degree September 2012 - June 2015 - Bachelor Degree
+420 605 709 354 Kolmá 453, Velká Dobrá, Czech Republic
COMPETITIONS SKILLS MASONRY DESIGN COMPETITION, CANADA June 2017 - Final round participant Adobe Studio (Ps, Ai, Id)
120 HOURS COMPETITION, NORWAY March 2016 Autodesk Autocad
ANTONÍN RAYMONT COMPETITION, CZECH REPUBLIC September 2015 - Final round participant Autodesk Revit
WORKSHOPS Graphisoft Archicad
Visualization (V-Ray, Artlantis)
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 - J u n e 2 0 1 5 - p ol i ti c al , ec onom i c , s oc i al and i ns ti tuti onal d i m ens i on s o f ci t y p la n n i n g
FORMS OF METAL STRUCTURES M a y 2 0 1 6 - real i za ti on p roc es s from i d ea to fi nal p rod uc t hand c ra fti ng , m eta l m ateri a ls a p p li ca t i o n
ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION IN ELEMENATRY SCHOOLS J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 - J u n e 2 0 1 5 - a rc hi tec ture ed uc a ti on ap p roac hi ng to young er g enera t i o n
Wellington´s new city fabric Mix-use development in Toronto university of waterloo, Canada
Development around railways and re-using trains as the fastest way how to get to the city centre is one of the positive and unavoidable trends of these days. The site on the Wellington Street is ideal case of this problematic with already planned railway station. Better place for new development would be difficult to find. Wellington site is located between the Trinity Bellwood Park and Garrison Common and creates connection of recreation and traffic. Characteristic sign for this site is historical building called “The Wellington Destructor�. This building was put to the inventory of heritage structures in 2005. Main goal of the new development was to create livable and pleasant city fabric on the unique place. Inclusion of new buildings to the city fabric, to use all qualities of the site and bring new potential and energy to the place, was main requirements. New development includes residential buildings with variety of typologies, business office centre, creative hub, and public school. Main volumes and heights are situated along the railway to preserve quite feeling of the Wellington Street. Buildings are organized into two groups with open courtyard typology and creates varieties of public, semi-public and private spaces. Every single building works individually however together creates connected piece of the city.
First floor plan / Site plan
Metropolitan Avenues of Prague Design studio 1+xx Doc. Ing. arch. Roman Koucký Ing. Arch. Edita Lisecová
Metropolitan avenue is a “spine” of the city, its showcase, and place with the highest intensity of activity. Our source of inspiration is Camps – Elysées, 2x 5 traffic lines, pavements, shops, avenues of trees, no one doubts about her beauty and gorgeousness. Arterial road and the Northern Diameter as streets with the importance for the whole metropolis. 2x 20 km, leading from North to South, from East to West. First is a medial celebrity, second is the opposite. In some aspects, they are in contrast and in others they are very similar. They symbolically cross each other in the middle of the meander of Holešovice. They should join Prague together not to separate her. North Diameter. Historically evolved, nowadays unclearly defined. Where is the beginning and where is the end? Which way it leads? From one airport to another, from East to West, symmetrically, from “Černý most” to “Divoká Šárka”. Key theme – wholeness and to emphasize its importance. We are looking for its integration into the city. North-Southern arterial road. The only Prague’s North-Southern interconnection. Passing through the center of Prague. Nowadays seen as a traffic barrier, highway throughout the city, an annoying issue. Our attitude. Balance, street isn’t a road, it is not always about cars. We keep on our minds the basic principles: security, communication, representation. Street is formed by houses, therefore we suggest possible land parcels for new buildings. Furthermore, we work with the profile of streets, with lines of public transport, composition of public spaces and adjoining these avenues. We imply regulation of individual elements.
Většina jízdních pruhů magistrály i diametru je zbytečně široká. Jsou dimenzovány na dálniční provoz. A to i přímo ve městě. Čím širší silnice, tím rychleji po ní řidič pojede. Zúžením (až o půl metru na pruh) tedy dosáhneme nižší rychlosti aut a více místa např. pro chodníky nebo podélné parkování.
V centru města úzké pruhy, na periferii ponechat široké.
Nádr. Holešovice
Nová zastavka
Praha 7 5
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní Holešovice - Obchodní centrum Letňany
Nová zastavka
Nová zastavka
Nádr. Holešovice
Návrh: propojení tramvajových tratí zřízení nové vlakové zastávky Praha- Bubny vybudování druhého výlezu z metra Vltavská
Hlavní nádraží
Návrh: zavedení tramvajové trati do horní části Václavského náměstí, její propojení na Vinohradskou ulici s odbočením před budovu hlavního nádraží, skrze Vrchlického sady.
Dětská nemocnice Karlov
Pražs. povstání
V Holešovičkách 68 000
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní Holešovice - Obchodní centrum Letňany
Bulovka (T3,T10,T17,N55,201,295,505,511)
Pelc Tyrolka
(156,505,511) Návrh: zřízení tramvajové zastávky
Pražská tržnice
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
Nová zastavka - Štvanice
Návrh: možnost zavedení tramvajové trati na těleso magistrály v úseku Hlavní nádraží-Vltavská
Hlavní nádraží (505,511) Návrh: zavedení tramvajové trati před hlavní budovu, srkze Vrchlického sady zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
(T4,T10,T11,T13,T16,T22,N51,N56,N57,N59) (504,505,510,511,291)
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
Návrh: zastávka nově zavedené autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
Vozovna Pankrác
most barikádníků 87 100 Liberecká 60 000
Nákupní centrum Letňany
(navrhovaný veřejný prostor u zastávky metra)
Na Veselí
(118,121,124,170,205,510,505,606) (332,335,337,339,362)
argentinská 52 300
Střížkovské náměstí
(předprostor nádraží)
Nová zastavka
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
(106,113,114,139,150,157,189,196,293,215,510) (331,333)
hlávkův most 74 800
Nemocnice Bulovka
38320 (nově vzniklé náměstí u bývalého nádraží)
(nově vzniklé náměstí u stanice metra)
Praha 1
Náměstí Bubny
Nová zastavka
jižní spojka 106 200
Univerzitní kampus UK
16690 Muzeum města Prahy
20 Autobusové nádraží Florenc
Hlavní nádraží
Plocha (ha) _ Cena Kč/m2 Ministertvo obchodu a průmyslu
Masarykovo nádraží
_ekonomický potenciál Štvanice
wilsonova 92 600
Nákupní centrum Bubny Vltavská
Praha 2
(Florenc, předprostor muzea Hl.M.P)
Návrh: zavedení autobusové linky Hlavní nádraží- Kačerov
wilsonova 80 300
Náměstí Těšnov
5. května 78 100
Hlavní nádraží Vrchlického sady
Václavské Náměstí
Náměstí I.P. Pavlova
Fugnerovo náměstí
Pankrácké náměstí
Státní opera
MAGISTRÁLA _ fakta / potenciál / návrh 2
Národní muzeum
_řez 3
22 4
(Kongresové centrum, úpravy předprostorů)
Pod dálnicí
Pod Chodovcem
Muzeum Policie ČR
Městský soud
5500 Praha 4
_správní členění / kilometráž
Kongresové centrum
25 20 15 10 5
Náměstí Lounských
Praha 11
5. května 77 500
Metro _ tramvaj _ autobus _ vlak
_zastávky MHD 5. května 90 100
_veřejné budovy Gymnázium 5.května
Národní archiv
5 10 15 20 25 [Ha]
5. května 80 400
Náměstí Hrdinů
5. května 104 300
Pankrác Nákupní centrum Arkády
Praha Újezd
10km 5. května 104 500
brněnská 98 200
Nákupní centrum Chodov
_šířka ulice
_dopravní intenzita jižní spojka 130 400 Liberecká 70 100 Cínovecká 76 700
Praha 8 8
Cínovecká 69 200
_semafory, přechody, podchody, nadchody Nové_stávající
22 + 8 12 + 12 24
Praha 8 Ďáblice 9
_struktura města
_veřejné prostory
_charakter parteru - stávající stav
Zástavba s parterem_Zástavba bez parteru _Předměstská zástavba (ploty)_Městská zeleň_Zbytkové plochy_Parkování_Stromořadí
_charakter parteru - návrh
Zástavba s parterem_Zástavba bez parteru _Předměstská zástavba (ploty)_Městská zeleň_Zbytkové plochy_Parkování_Stromořadí
12 500 10 000 7 500 5 000 2 500
2 500 5 000 7 500 10 000 12 500 [Kč/m2]
_výška zástavby
Levá strana
Pravá strana
Railway Station Výstaviště Design studio Kuzemenský & Synek Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský MgA. Ondřej Synek
Buildings for transport in the city centre are the important topic of nowadays and close future. Movement, transport, and transit are main functions of a city and we need to know how to integrate them to the complex city structure. Design, position in the city, context, usability, social aspect, and economy. All these factors need to be integrated. Chosen site for the railway station is not the typical and repeatable situation. Výstaviště in Holešovice is the place with high potential of development in Prague. Holešovice is the place with more than 50Ha of plots determined for new buildings. Apart from this fact there is also Výstaviště, spacious exhibition place for thousands of people and Stromovka, the greatest park in the Prague. Not exceeding, clear, urban, and usable railway station. With these attributes was this railway station designed. Main concept works on technical, local, and functional requirements. I understand railway station in this part of the city as a new usable public space with high influence to all complex place. Clarity, lucidity, and openness for everybody are main asset of the new station. I am designing railway station with one main building and two staircases on each side. Main building has entrance to the both sides of the railway. It is equipped with lounge, toilets, showers, information point and escalators to the platform. Main building also offers two commercial premises to rent. Under the staircase are situated next commercial premises, stores, and technical rooms. All the space is very variable. Partly roofed platforms are situated on each side of the railway. Added value brings footbridge with great view to the park and to the whole complex. Staircase, platforms, and railway station should be benefit for travellers and also for people without purpose to travel.
First floor plan / Site plan
Tigrid´s Garden Design studio kolařík doc. Ing. arch. Radek Kolařík Ing. arch. Lada Kolaříková
This is the place for the interactions of the people. The place where it is possible to meet people going to the work, do shopping, going to the church, or just people who wants calm down and sit. The place open and pleasant. The inner space is demarcated from the busy street by the separating wall. My design includes marketplace as an open roofed public space, the hub with rental workshops or offices, and semiclose garden as a memorial for Pavel Tigrid. The garden is surrounded by the colonnade. All the design is embedded to the slope terrain and the fourth side of the garden is enclosed by the staircase. Newly designed buildings and the garden provide the full-fledge space for the church, which until very recently was neglected. All these buildings create the unique compact structure with the specific character.
Site plan
First floor plan / Site plan GSPublisherVersion
Residential Building “Na Zatlance” Design studio Kuzemenský & Synek Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský MgA. Ondřej Synek I am designing a building to be situated in Smíchov by Mrázovka hill. I am adapting this building to contemporary housing structures and fully utilising the potential of living under a hill. I am designing a house which looks simple and clear from the street as well as terraced and open from the inner space of the building. I am trying to find added value for every apartment with space and create comfort, quality and attractive housing under a hill. The shape of the building is designed with a few principles. The building should blend in with the current structures of the existing buildings. I am designing with an adequate living exterior in mind and another important specification is the distance between my building and the existing buildings. The building is separated into two parts. The first building stands in line with Na Zatlance Street. The building has 5 floors above the cross roads and it is a corner building with commercial parterre. The whole building is built on the original wall from cyclops masonry. From the street, it looks simple and clean cut and is terraced and open from the inner space of the building. There are huge terraces shaped into the building and private enclosed balconies for all of apartments. The second building is designed at a right angle to the hill. The height of the building is culminated by the edge of the hill to the height of 8 floors. The apartments in this part of the building have full views of the hill and some of them have terraces made from the jumping shape of the building. Both buildings are connected and make a single structure which is connected by a two storey underground garage with cellars. In the space between the buildings there is a semi-public courtyard and semiprivate gardens. In the middle of the gardens there is a tree alley which streamlines on to the trees on the hill. My design is high quality living with big terraces and enclosed balconies. The apartments are of mixed sizes. The main volume of apartments is around 100 m2. The apartments get bigger with the rising number of floors. All the flats are made with genesis and modifications.
First floor plan / Site plan
115 m2
170 m2
70 m2
80 m2 92 m2
Day Centre for Homeless People Design studio Kuzemenský & Synek Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský MgA. Ondřej Synek
We are standing in Prague Žižkov. It is a few metres from the Main Railway Station and The High School Of Economy in Prague. It is a world of contrast. During the day, it is a hive of activity with students and busy bars and during the night people begging and homeless people. We are next to Seifert Street which is one of the main streets in Žižkov. It is a place predestined and carrying the potential for economy housing to accommodate the homeless in Prague as well as day centres. The site is situated on a steep slope made with three plans of a different character. In the first plan, there is a well-maintained park with direct access to the road. The second plan is situated at the football stadium of Victoria Žižkov with parking space. It is behind the wall which runs around the site of the football club. In the third plan, we can see the backs of the houses made from incomplete blocks and the Žižkov Tower. My building is a day centre and accommodation for homeless people. My concept is not to build permanent housing but rather to create a hostel where homeless people can come to during a crisis to help them find a better quality of life. The building is made from two basic relationships. The first relationship is between the city, its surroundings and new buildings. It is important that this building should be in touch with the current building structures. This building must keep the character of the place, it must not be aggressive or too different. The second relationship is between the user and the building. The building should be open and welcoming for potential visitors and be barrier free. It must be a solid building. Strong and almost indestructible. My new building reacts to the inclination of the site and naturally finishing character of buildings around. It is aligned but stands out from the other buildings. My building would be like an extension of the current buildings. Access to the building is situated from the north side to enable control from Seifertova Street. It is a one storey brick building with local extensions to the second storey. The light in the inner rooms is provided by atriums. It is zoned into three parts. The day centre, accommodation for men and accommodation for women.
First floor plan / Site plan
First floor plan
P P P ka ka Sušič ka Sušič Sušič
GSEducationalVersion GSPublisherEngine
House Above the Lake Design studio fenclova & kvizova Ing. akad. arch. Daniela FenclovĂĄ Ing. arch. Pavla KvĂzovĂĄ
The site is situated on the small imaginary island. Each student was asked to design small house with 25m2 of building area. Program of the building was not strictly specified. I chose summerhouse with sauna as my program for the building. Connection with the lake was determining. The building is situated on the site as close to the weather as possible. Water and nature act main role in my design. Water itself is invited to the house and provide the connection between interior and exterior. The building is partly buried under the terrain level and the shape of the building is continuance of the island. Glassed entrance is the only building segment going against shape of the terrain and the only thing visible from the top of the site. Entrance floor of the house is used for the consoled bedroom which levitate above the water surface. The lower floor contains living area with kitchen and sauna area. It is possible to connect living area, sauna area, large terrace, and lake together to create the unique open space with outstanding atmosphere.
Půdorys 2.NP
Půdorys 1.NP
Půdorys 2.NP
Půdorys 1.NP
Půdorys 2.NP
Three Shades of Oak Design studio MOMENTURA Architecture Intern, Apartment Interior Design Cooperation: Michal Rouha, Filip Kocourek
NON Space Workshop Structures & Metal Abstract sculpture of the structure
Photography Architecture & NATURE & LIFE