Mission Statement
Logo Isolation
Logo / Possibilities
Secondary Logo Use
Incorrect Logo Use
Type Family
Type Layout & Point Size
Type Colour
Writing Copy
Writing Numbers
13 Logo Location & Proportion
Mission Statement
Velocity is a reliable and dependable road bike repair maintenance company. With expertly qualified mechanics, we offer a professional, quality service, whether you are a tour racer or a casual rider.
We strive to provide excellence at sensible prices.
The logo should be used as the presented circle and in the Velo/city colour, where appropriate. If the blue does not work then the then it can appear in black and black at 25% opacity.
The logo is interchangeable in terms of which areas are filled with colour. For example the type ‘Velo/city’ should appeasr in whit if you circle is coloured. If the background is coloured, however, the circle should be whiteand then the type should be coloured.
Logo Isolation
The Velo/city logo should never be positioned or have things prositioned within a certain distance of the logo.
The distance is defined by the size of the ‘o’ in the logo. This distance should be enforced at all times to prevent the logo being swamped.
Pantone P 124-5 C c/60 m/0 y/25 k/0
Black 25% c/0 m/0 y/0 k/25
Black 55% c/0 m/0 y/0 k/55
Black 100% c/0 m/0 y/0 k/100
There are three colours that should be used with the logo and anything associated with the brand. Velc/city’s primary colour is Blue, with black as a supporting colour along with two tints of black at 55% and 25%.
The branding should predominantly be blue, however, when there is a situation where the blue does not work or is not applicable, the other colours can be used.
Logo / Possibilities
Although there is one primary logo, thsi has two secondary logo options, which can then be translated into all the colours.
Secondary Logo Use
Although we have a specific primary logo and a selection of colour possibilities, the secondary logo is very important. This logo must be used in any and all situation where a circular logo is not aesthetically or functionally approprate.
This logo can be used in the various colours, however, where possible the company blue should be used.
Incorrect Logo Use
Correct use:
incorrect use:
When used in headings or sub-headings Velo/city should always be written with a upper-case ‘v’, an acute accent on the ‘e’ and a forward slash between the ‘o’ and the ‘c’. If used incorrectly, the logo loses its signature and becomes unidentifiable with the company.
Using any other form of break in the word is also incorrect and should never be reproduced in logo, headings, subheadings or copy.
Type Family Edmondsans Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 *#@+<=>’”÷±%⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚!?¿¡(/)[\]{|}® ©ÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãå çéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõùûüÿ†‡§ao°~^ˆ?-–_ Edmondsans Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 *#@+<=>’”÷±%⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚!?¿¡(/)[\]{|}® ©ÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãå çéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõùûüÿ†‡§ao°~^ˆ?-–_ Edmondsans Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 *#@+<=>’”÷±%⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚!?¿¡(/)[\]{|}® ©ÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãå çéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõùûüÿ†‡§ao°~^ˆ?-–_ Edmondsans is a modern, sans-serif font designed by James T. Edmondson. The type family used for the logo, headings, sub-headings and copy is Edmondsans. It is used in a variety of weights depending on its function. The logo uses Edmondsans Regular and Edmondsans Bold. Headings use Edmondsans Bold. Sub-headings use Edmondsans Medium. Copy uses Edmondsans Regular.
Edmondsans is an Open Type and therefore supported on both Mac and PC.
Type Layout & Point Size
The best up-and-coming bicycle mechanics in Europe. Tour racer or casual rider - it doesnt matter. Gia con por sandipietus non ernatiissum fugit, ius nullam repudig entotaque explame nimilicit faccusam incid ut fugitendus venihic iendit iundi dolor molenis as voluptas resequa sinvelis experro beatenis inciam, officil laturiae ne dolum laboreptiis ma volupta ipienduciet laborem olorrovit maiorem aut dent hilisitin excestrum et faccatae re nonsequo tem rest dem is estiatquunt et qui dolorio verundant eturibus rerro omnimiliqui del et, soloreceat. Anis sapicil liquos pel eosae. Nam fuga. Menditaspis sinciuscim quo totaturem eos doluptur aspiditia voluptis.
Magnimaio tendes nulluptatium doles quostia volum anis id quia exerchictusa imus dem aut labo. Nem et volorer fereris dio quam rest lam volorem untemo int fugiti volum il ea conseque venest, utatquibea quatiiste re volupta aborerum core net volenim porentinim rerspernam et aut mo et utae poritatqui blam, sent porerit atemperem. Et res aut essinctur, cusae dus et, cumqui consedi testion plandundiaes atem volor sitasim consequo opta verupturem eseque vent facima imus molupta dis earunde ndisquation nectotati omnietur, nihitia vellorerios que porempos sus quiature culpa voloreptur?
Poratis dolorem. Erumet aut aborum vendaep erendae rumque nam suntur as quid qui ommodic ientissi non cus, simoditios exerspe volor sae voloria sincid quatur sint faccum que et, sequam res aliquiam endanihicias moditat ureiciatem nobit as aperibus ex ex et rerit ipistem olluptatur? Oditatur? Mus at fuga. Uga. Nam ipsam, occum reptate ceaquunt, optatur?
The point size of the type is dependant on the location and situation. We have set out a selection of point sizes that work well together, and only these should be used in any work to do with Velo/city. The point sizes are; 10/ 15/ 23/ 36/ 57/ 91/ 146/ 235
Headlines should alwasy be in Edmondsans Bold, sub-headings should alway be in Edmondsan with highlighted Edmondsans Bold and copy should always be in Edmondsans Regular.
Type Colour
New international success. London / Barcalona / Paris / Berlin / Amsterdam / Stockholm
Copy should always be produced in either black or black at 55% as the others are neither ledgible or readable. Headlines and sub-headings can use any of the companies colours, however, they must work aesthetically with each other.
The blue can be used to highlight specific information. The tints can also be used to draw the focus to specific areas.
Writing Copy
⁄:Éé? -–_‘’‹› When writing copy there are several rules that should be followed. ‘Velo/city’ should always be written with the accent and forward slash. Numbers should always be numerals and when the numbers get larger that 1,000, a commer should be used.
The copy should follow all standard English grammatical requirements and restrictions.
Writing Numbers
01234 56789 Any time numbers are used, they should be written as numerical digits rather than words.
Digits should be used as the company is number heavy and therefore the use of digits saves time, space and are easier to identify.
Logo Location and Proportion
The logo should be positioned in the top right corner of any media it is placed on, where possible. The logo should be 18% of the total height of the media that the logo is to be placed on. The logod size is something that must be followed trough everyhing.
The secondary logo should be used on web based media as it more appropriate with the layout and alignment.