Performance in Opening Ceremony
公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces
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手作市集及藝術活動 Handicraft Fair & Art Activities
工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours
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藝術工作坊 Art Workshops
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JCCAC 藝術節 Festival 2022節目指南 Festival Guide Contents 編輯 Editor 設計 Design 出版 Publisher 電話 Tel 電郵 Email 網址 Website
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賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Fundamental Studio Limited 賽馬會創意藝術中心 香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2353 1311 二零二二年十一月 November 2022 1,000 本 目 錄 2 - 3 4 - 6 7 8 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 26 27 28 29 30 - 31 32 - 33 34 - 35 36 前言 Foreword 主題展覽「訪古.講古」Feature Exhibition “Classics Revisited · Classics Reinvented” 開幕表演 Live
免責聲明 Disclaimer 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。中心及本節目指南內展示的藝術作品/活動 內容由有關藝術家/藝術團體提供及負責其內容準確性,概不代表本中心立場,敬請留意。 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic expression. Artistic works and activities presented in the Centre and in this Festival Guide are provided by the relevant artists / art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. © 2022 賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 版權所有 不得翻印 All Rights Reserved
栩栩如生,高山流水躍然於紙 上,流淌的音符穿越朝暮,舞者 舉手投足劃破穹蒼。藝術突破地
域界限,跨越中西南北,甚至不 受限於語言種族。今年JCCAC藝 術節以「擺渡」為主題,超過60
的可能。香港、塞爾維亞及義大 利的藝術家以觀摩壁畫彩塑後得
熟練的技巧,創造出新的作品。 每件創作都在訴說一個關於歷 史、關於文化的故事。 如果說藝術家是「擺渡人」, JCCAC就是那承載著眾人的一 葉輕舟。我們一直致力為藝術界 別提供運作基地和場地租賃服 務,作展覽、表演等用途。在藝 術節期間,只要你願意花時間上 下求索,你將會在中心各樓層的
All things become ephemeral in the torrent of time, but art is able to remain timeless Hair on statues with immaculate details and landscape paintings feel like they are brought to life. Flowing melodies resonate throughout time as dancers pierce the sky with mere gestures and movements. The arts transcend geographical boundaries, span all directions and even overcome language and racial barriers. With the theme of “Shuttling”, this year’s JCCAC Festival presents more than 60 artists as ferrymen in the river of time, shuttling the audience from traditional to contemporary and connecting the past and future through art.
Jor Yin Fun of the White Box Studio will kick off the Festival with “Classics Revisited·Classics Reinvented”, curated by Jor and her team, as the Festival’s feature exhibition which takes the audience on a trip to Dunhuang. As glimpsing into the past brings insight for the future, a visit to antiquated sites and objects is not just a lesson in history but also an inspiration for possibilities. With Dunhuang murals and sculptures as muse, artists from Hong Kong, Serbia and Italy are inspired to create new works. Through skilled techniques and use of materials the artists are adept in, every new work is a story in itself on history and culture.
If the artists are the “ferrymen”, JCCAC is not unlike the small and light boat that carries the people. JCCAC has been committed to provide the art sector a base of operation and venue hiring for exhibitions, performances and other purposes. During the Festival, please feel free to explore the exhibitions curated by fellow tenant artists around JCCAC’s premises. These exhibitions are heartfelt responses of the ferrymen’s myriad insight
feelings towards daily living and life in general as they fondly reminisce on the past, rediscover their initial passions, focus on the present, enjoy life in general or hold their heads up high in anticipation of the exciting future ahead.
The JCCAC Festival, being an annual flagship event, features an exciting array of exhibitions. The highly popular Handicraft Fair will make its triumphant return after revamp and with a brand-new look. As always, the Handicraft Fair is a showcase of arts and crafts perfect for gifts and personal use. The Festival also offers a fine selection of films to be screened at the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre. Covering a wide range of art mediums, other free festival-affiliated programmes include art demonstrations, workshops, talks, art performances and screening of film shorts. A riveting music experience is also in store for the audience as we have invited the Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble to perform on the Festival’s opening night.
Art is always in motion and belongs to the present with new works constantly being produced and new vessels to appear in the future. We wish for JCCAC Festival 2022 to be a vessel in art across the river of time, allowing all visitors to fully enjoy art in the here and now while enriching their artistic vision.
Lillian Hau Executive Director
2 3 Foreword 前 言
公共空間發掘到由駐村藝術家及 藝團悉心策劃的展覽。不論是回 首過去、尋找初心,專注當下、 享受生活,還是舉首戴目、展望 將來,皆是各位「擺渡人」對生 命、生活的體會和感受。
and JCCAC藝術節作為年度盛事,除 了有目不暇給的展覽,一向大受 歡迎的手作市集亦會在重整後以 全新面貌載譽歸來。一如既往, 手作市集搜羅了送禮自用皆宜的 文創小物;黑盒劇場將會同時舉 行與香港藝術中心合作之ifva短片
放映會,播放多套在精挑細選的 本地原創短片。一連串涵蓋眾多 藝術範疇的免費藝文活動,例如 藝術示範、工作坊、講座、現場
聽覺感受敦煌文化的音樂表演, 務求令大家有耳目一新的體驗。 藝術屬於現在進行式,不斷有新的 創作產生,而未來亦會持續出現 不同的載體。希望JCCAC藝術節 2022能夠擺動藝術之船,渡過時間 之河,帶領每位到訪的你以藝術共 渡當下,迎向憧憬的彼岸。 侯婥琪 行政總裁 賽馬會創意藝術中心
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
Human history moves forward in time in a relentless march. By revisiting the classics, we study historical values; by reinventing the classics, we tell our own Stories. Exploring the past, we acknowledge our identity and look for future possibilities.
The Art of Dunhuang illustrates a history of ethnic harmony, finding important meaning for the present through a journey into the past, in the form of an artistic discovery which found echoes of Dunhuang art in the late Byzantine frescos preserved in Serbian churches and early Renaissance wall paintings in Italy.
Inspired by their visit to Dunhuang, Serbia and Italy, artists created new artworks which, together with those by their comtemporaries in the host countries, are featured in this exhibition at JCCAC to tell a compelling story about the modern and ancient story of cultural exchange between the East and West.
Participating artists
surname in alphabetical order
Au Ho Lam Suzanne
Chan Chok Ki
Chan Fung Yee Flora
Chan Wing Yin Alice
Cheng Chi Kei Dennis
Cheng Cho Yin Fong Yvonne
Cheng Yee Nar Martha
Cheung Chun Tin Anthony Cheung Ho Yin Cheung Sau Kwan Gloria
Cheung Tsz Man Vivien Cheung Yau Fat Chew Oi Ping Olga Chor Yin Ming Christy
Chow Kwai Ning Januce Fung Huang Hsin Ying Tracy Hui Hung Yuk Kuen Elson Jor Yin Fun
Ko Ka Lee Kacey
Lau Chi Keung Steve Lee Wai Sum
Leung May Bo Leung Siu Mei Leung Sze Man Li Wei Han Rosanna
Lo Sai Keung Louis Luk Woon Chi Clara Ng Hoi Man Alice
Pang Ching Kwan Elizabeth Violet Shum
區灝藍 陳作基 陳鳳儀 陳詠然
鄭子祈 左燕芳 張綺娜 張俊賢 張浩然 張秀群 張子敏 張有發 趙愛萍 左燕明 周桂玲 封愛賢 黃心穎 許翠玉 孔玉娟 左燕芬 高嘉莉 劉志強 李慧心 梁美寶 梁少美 梁詩敏 李慧嫻 盧世強 陸換芝 伍凱敏 彭靜君 岑嘉慧
Shum Yuen Wah Ferna
Tam Man Ling
Tsang Choi Wan Carroll
Grace Wong Wong Kwok Chung
Wong Sing Yiu
Wu Siu Ping Evan
Wu Wing Tak Alex
Yau Wai Hoi Adwin
Yu Chi Man Sophie
Leung Tat Hung
Aleksandra Mećava
Ana Azdejković
Andrija Živanović
Bojan Veljković
Braco Azarić
Đorđe Radović
Isidora Jancić
Jana Nikić
Miloš Đuran Smiljana Šalgo
Violeta Marković
譚敏玲 曾彩雲 黃佩賢 黃國忠 黃成耀 胡小萍 胡永德 尤偉海 余志雯 梁達鴻
Davide Dicorato
Erica Battello
Gabriel Stockli
Lia Ronchi
4 5 活動詳情 Event Details
Box Studio
Friends 聯絡方法 Contact Details 左燕芬 Jor Yin Fun 延伸活動 Extended Programmes P.28 藝術示範 Art Demonstrations P.29 藝術工作坊 Art Workshops P.30 藝術分享 Art Talks 訪古‧講古 Classics Revisited · Classics Reinvented 主 題 展 覽 Feature Exhibition
9 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 11:00 - 20:00 (每日 Daily) L0及L1藝廓 L0 and L1
合辦 Co-presented JCCAC 白盒藝坊 White
白盒之友 White Box
人類歷史隨時間推移向前, 造訪和重塑的進程永無止 境。是次展覽「訪古‧講 古」昐透過研究固有的事物 和價值,重新演繹考查過程 的體會,確立身份認同和文 化歷史,並尋找更多可能。 敦煌彩塑藝術表現民族融和 的歷史,能將遠在塞爾維亞 留存的拜占庭晚期壁畫,和 意大利文藝復興早期教堂壁 畫,與前者作比照創作,意 義重大。藝術家從敦煌藝術 獲得靈感重塑,在完成塞 爾維亞及意大利的交流後, 連同當地藝術家的創作於 JCCAC展出。配合延伸活 動,讓公眾感悟文化交流的 成果及作品背後的故事。
on the theme of Dunhuang murals, Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble aiming at manifesting the richness in historical, cultural and artistic elements. The Ensemble will perform two pieces , including Fugue in C Major and Offering, during the Opening Ceremony of JCCAC Festival 2022.
6 7 活動詳情 Event Details 9 / 12 / 2022 (星期五 Fri L2 平台 Terrace 僅限邀請 By Invitation Only 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311
開 幕 表 演 Live Performance in Opening Ceremony Based
以敦煌壁畫為主題,香港天 籟敦煌樂團力求將壁畫中濃 厚的文化藝術色彩透過音樂 表現出來。樂團將會在藝術 節開幕禮演奏兩首曲目,包 括輕快的《水鼓子》和舞曲 風格的《禮佛供養》。 開幕表演 Live Performance in Opening Ceremony
mini exhibition aims to introduce and showcase the attractiveness and healing effect of abstract decor paintings to the public. Photographs are welcomed. Tag “@ lab.on.the.balconi” (IG). Works are also for purchase. Workshops available at L4-05 by appointment. The Balconi ARTLAB hopes to bring fine art closer to each community — we can all own and make beautiful paintings!
8 9 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 芳舟之旅 Rafting Journey L5-15 五一五 515 L6-20 Chantal Fok Studio L6-23 Haystack Studio 活動詳情 Event Details 10 /
/ 2023 11:00
L1 中庭 Central Courtyard 聯絡方法 Contact Details Haynie Sze 6232 2612 (Whatsapp only) //The
//擺渡人說:讓我將今昔海 岸線上的記憶混進陶土中, 塑捏萬千輕舟。// 擺渡人可以是我、是你、是 物件、甚至是土地本身。 當昔日海岸線已非海與陸地 的邊界,擺渡人的角色又是 如何 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 現代掛畫.抒壓繪 Modern Decor.Healing Art L4-05 405 Island 活動詳情 Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L2 藍牆 Blue Wall 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio 敬請預約 By Appointment Only 聯絡方法 Contact Details 方家榆 Fong Ka Yu 9518 0063
是次藍牆展覽皆在展示一些 裝飾繪畫供來訪者欣賞及感 受抽象畫的美妙之處及心 靈療癒效果。歡迎各位拍攝 及標籤@lab.on.the.balconi (IG)。作品接受購買收藏或 工作坊報名。The Balconi 藝術實驗室希望將精緻藝 術帶入社區--每個人可以 擁有及製作令人賞心悅目 的畫作!
12 /
- 1 / 1
- 17:00
Ferrymen say, let us mix the memories of the past & present coastline, to shape the clay boats of the souls.//
Ferryman can be you, me, an object, or even the land we live in. When the ‘coastline’ no longer refers to the boundary between the Sea and the Land, what will the role of the Ferryman be?
lab.on.the.balconi The
/ 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00
聯絡方法 Contact Details 廖家宜 Liu Ka Yee
Printmaking is a complex process, it is not as direct as painting, and it does not necessarily achieve the exact effect as expected, however, this unpredictability often leads to unexpected print textures. The exhibition takes the everyday-life perspective, using prints to record the details of life, depicting what is seen and heard.
10 11 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 肥娃的藝術十八 Miss FAT 18 years L6-27 肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio
《肥娃的藝術十八》2004 年,就是開始創作的那一 年。成長與迂腐、受傷與傷 害、創作與創傷、情緒與生 病、離別與重逢、時代與 重生……又纏繞著生命。以 十八種藝術技巧、形式、物 料,以肥娃的面貌和身體, 展示出十八年來,十八個 階段/情緒/技術/思考…… 也是十八年來回天堂與地獄 般的歷程。 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 日常版畫作品展覽 Printmaking artworks showcase L4-05 405 Island 活動詳情 Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L3 藍牆 Blue Wall 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio 自助蓋印章體驗 Stamping Station 敬請預約 By Appointment Only 聯絡方法 Contact Details 李柏萱 Li Pak Huen 5423 0323 onlineportfolio 活動詳情 Event Details 3
L3 公共空間
“Miss FAT 18 years” 2004 is the year when I started to create. Growth and corruption, injury and hurt, creation and trauma, emotion and illness, parting and resemblance, era and rebirth... All these have been repeated and entangled in life in these 18 years. With eighteen artistic techniques, forms, materials, and the face and body of a fat baby, eighteen years, eighteen stages/emotions/ techniques/thinking... is also a journey back to heaven and hell over the past eighteen years. 版畫製作步驟較為繁複,它 不像繪畫般直接,也不一定 做到跟預期一模一樣的效 果,然而,這種不可預測性 往往帶來意想不到的印刷質 感。是次展覽將會從日常角 度切入,以版畫記錄生活細 節,刻劃意料之內與外的所 見所聞。
Common Space 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio 3, 4, 31 / 12 / 2022, 1 / 1/ 2023 13:00 - 18:00
9527 7070 missfatstudio
“False proposition: I don’t know how to draw but I draw” is a rethinking of the meaning of drawing and redefining my drawing practice and style.
Three artists from Studio 3+ with different backgrounds and styles collaborate to hold the exhibition, taking “This shore The other shore” as the theme, which echoing the previous theme of “Dream”.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 林重賢 Jason
4, 11 / 12 / 2022(星期日
12 13 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 偽命題:我不懂繪畫但我繪畫
proposition: I don’t know
L5-19 粗糙模糊工作室 The Studio of the Coarseness and Blurriness
draw but I draw
「偽命題:我不懂繪畫但我 繪畫」是一個反思關於繪畫 的意義及再定義屬於自己的 繪畫形式。 何謂繪畫?繪畫什麼?世上 有形形色色的繪畫方式、風 格、理論和主題。然而繪畫 要畫的或許不只是對象,更 多的是畫家的「自我」。由 題材、畫具、角度和風格等 等,一連串的細節和決定造 就而成的「自我」。而這幅 風格不是常見的畫,甚至不 被認為是繪畫。但這些方 格,方格連成的線條,線條 組成的形象,形象重複疊 合成更複雜的形象,於我而 言,這是我所見,我所思, 我所呈現的繪畫形式。 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 此岸.彼岸 This shore.The other shore L8-04B Studio 3+ 活動詳情 Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L5 公共空間 Common Space 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio
敬請預約 By Appointment Only 聯絡方法 Contact Details Jody Yang
Despite, what is drawing? What to draw? There are dozens of drawing methods, styles, theories and topics of drawing. Probably the drawing is not to depict the object but the ‘self’. This piece of drawing with an unusual style may not be considered a drawing. Nonetheless, the pixels, the lines that are composed by the pixels, the image that is formed by the lines and the more complex image that is duplicated and reformed by its original, to me, it is what I see and think. Moreover, it is my way of presentation of drawing. 今次展覽以「此岸‧彼岸」 為主題,承上年「夢想」的 主題,今次遊走此岸彼岸繼 續追夢,為要找尋不一樣的 風景 由804b三位藝術家合辦今 次展覽 從此岸到彼岸 尋找更美麗的風景 我們 搭上這一葉輕舟 徘徊 前進 回望 從此岸到彼岸 Studio3+ 的藝術家 各有不同的夢想 各有獨特的風格 不論在此岸彼岸 努力尋找不一樣 的風景
14:00 - 17:00
6025 3436
/ 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023
- 22:00 L4 藍牆 Blue Wall 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio 4, 11, 18 / 12 / 2022(星期日 Sun) 14:00 - 17:00
Lam 5996 1023
art journey is just like taking in the same boat, shuttling from this shore to the other shore, flowing back and forth to continue the pursue of dreams and looking for the extraordinary scenery.
am tired to be good. I doubt that why should I have to follow the so called
the chance of study Chinese seal again by the elder master, I tried to be the worst student and see what would the teacher comment. Wait and see.
This is my first joint exhibition with students. During the lessons, young students serve as a mirror which reflects the vitality of youth. The pain and sadness of growing up can’t be easily healed and the past is too hard to recall but fortunately staying with the youngsters is relieving. Only if we can understand the youth, can we be a more tender and humbler person.
Hoi Kan 6222 3224
14 15 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 做更壞的事 I am tired to be good
對於一式一樣一板一眼的工 藝規範好厭好厭和好厭。 我質疑:「其實我點解要做 好件事啫?」 藉著一次重新學習篆刻的 過程,我偏偏就是要做一 個壞學生,聽聽老師有甚 麼話好說。 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 空氣 Air
Soul 陶 Soul Tou
首次和學生一起聯展。教學 時覺得學生像一面鏡,映照 著無數個青春本身,由以前 覺得急速成長盛載了太多墜 落與幻變,重提和拾起都好 不容易,可幸與擁有青春的 人相處下去有無數個瞬間感 到實在地呼吸。因為懂得青 春,理解青春才會更善解人 意,柔和謙卑。
Kong’s Chinese seal studio
craftsmanship? By
Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L6 公共空間 Common Space
Contact Details
Kuby Cheung 6357 0213
Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L5 藍牆 Blue Wall 延伸活動 Extended Programme
Open Studio 6 - 9 , 13 - 16, 20 - 23, 28 - 30 / 12 / 2022 14:00 - 18:00
Contact Details 江凱勤 Kong saleforhonor
Since a joint exhibition “Sunrise” last year, three artists from JCCAC, Anna, Birch and Tenny reunion again. Those works are pottery sculptures, cross over with her kid, using mix media painting and handmade craft soap. They keep exploring their dreams, hopes and memories of stories.
/ 12 /
16 17 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 豬仔熊仔日常 Little Bear and Pig Daily L6-16 奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio
豬仔熊仔在毫無疑惑的在繪 畫的世界裡簡單地生活,進 入豬仔熊仔的世界裏,今天 想做什麼就做什麼、隨心所 欲,時間在這個世界只是一 個有趣的玩具,牠們就是用 想像來生活的,沒有什麼要 多想的,作者的已經為牠們 的世界移除了所有紛擾。 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 日出而創-年聚 Sunrise Reunion L7-08 Cozy Workshop L8-04B Studio 3+ 活動詳情 Event Details 3
聯絡方法 Contact Details 李小姐
The simple life of Piggy 三位JCCAC村友,繼去年 「日出而創」後,再度相聚 搞作。安娜的陶塑,樺樺與 孩子的互動畫及拾拾的手工 皂,為夢想、回憶和願景說 故事。
Bear in the world of painting without doubt, Entering the world of Piggy and Bear,
can do whatever you want . Time is just an interesting toy in this world. They live by imagination. There is nothing to worry about. The authors have removed all distractions from their world.
- 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L7 綠色空間 Green Space
Extended Programme
Open Studio 3, 4, 17 / 12 / 2022 14:00 - 18:00 L7-08 Cozy Workshop
Anna acozysquare
Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 L6 藍牆 Blue Wall 延伸活動 Extended Programme 開放工作室 Open Studio 10, 17 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) 16:30 - 18:30
Contact Details 禤紀君
Huen Kei Kwan, Oona 9206 1501 littlebearandpig
“sketch” and “color” are both important forms and means of plastic art, and are the most important subjects of the foundation of art. Sketch is to use monochromatic light and shade and line structure to create a three-dimensional image, while color expresses the scene through colorful colors. Although there are differences between the two in terms of picture effects, aesthetic tastes and forms of expression, shaping the image is the common goal in visual art. Just like the two piers in the big river in the art world, the painter is the steerer of the ferry boat, sailing freely between the two art piers of sketching and color, making the works of art exude brilliance!
以人手創作的 Macramé 法式 編織作品,每 一 個都是獨
一無二的。法語 Macramé 是 一種古老的編織工藝,不用 任何工具,只用雙手打結編 織。 Macramé 一字可追溯至 13世紀阿拉伯語,意指流 蘇,古人用打結編織,為織 物做出裝飾性的邊緣。隨 後傳到歐洲,在維多利亞 時期盛 行 ,又深受英國瑪麗 女皇喜愛,歐洲皇室更把 Macramé 應用到宮廷服裝及 各種用品上,如咕��、窗 簾、枱布等。 現在雖已進入自動化時代,
Macramé is a form of fiber art which is unlike crochet or knitting, it is done without tools but by knotting with hands. Its rich history can be dated back centuries when ancients used decorative knots to secure the excess thread of woven pieces. It peaked high popularity in Victorian period and Queen Mary even taught her ladies-inwaiting macrame class! You can find many macramé decorations on fashion, curtains, tablecloths from that period.
Though in this automation age, macramé cannot be replaced by machines. As times change, various macramé techniques has been continuously developed. And in different times, the artworks reveal the culture, aesthetic, and the story of that unique period. Though they may look very different, there are hidden wisdom accumulated by ancients. In addition to the exhibition artworks, there are online links which link to the making of videos. You can enjoy watching them or even try to create the pieces by yourself. Hope we can enjoy and taste the beauty of this historical handmade art together.
18 19 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 從素描「擺渡」到色彩 Sketch Ferrying Colors L7-16 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio
「素描」與「色彩」兩項都 是造型藝術的重要形式和手 段,是美術基礎的最重要的 科目。素描是運用單色的明 暗和線條結構來塑造立體形 象,而色彩則通過豐富多彩 的顏色來表現景物。雖然兩 者之間在書面效果、審美情 趣和表達形式上各有千秋, 但塑造形象則是視覺藝術中 的共同目標。如同藝術世界 的大江河中兩個碼頭,畫家 就是擺渡船上的操舵人,在 素描和色彩兩個藝術碼頭之 間自由穿梭航行讓藝術作品 散發燦爛的光輝! 公 共 空 間 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces 自己繩結自己綁 Macramé Home Sweet Home L7-17
Collective 活動詳情 Event Details
L8 藍牆 Blue Wall 聯絡方法 Contact Details
活動詳情 Event Details 3
聯絡方法 Contact Details 侯紹政 Hau Siu Ching
3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00
Rachel Chan 5539 2086
/ 12 / 2022
1 / 1
- 22:00 L7 藍牆 Blue Wall
9622 9388
傳統工藝 Macramé
被機器取代。隨著時代演 變, Macramé 技巧變化愈來 愈豐富,作品也反映每個時 代的文化、審美觀、故事等 等。即使不同時代的藝術品 看似不同,卻都暗藏著古 人一點一滴累積的智慧。展 覽除了展品,更可連結到網 上影片,於家中欣賞創作過 程,或嘗試跟著編織。
延伸活動 Extended
3 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) 16:00 藝術家講座 Artist Talk 2: 粵語 Cantonese 10 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) 14:30 李正年、郭玲利、楊麗樺、楊樂愉 Lee Ching Nin, Ling Lee Kwok, Yeung Lai Wa, Yeung Lok Yue, Natalie
The fourth year “Joint Exhibition of Young Artists” aims to provide the young artists with more exhibition opportunities and at the same time allow the public to appreciate the outstanding video works of graduates of different tertiary institutions. Many students are affected by the social movement and epidemic these years, under which they have to face different challenges both in their life and mind, but on the other hand get a valuable chance to examine themselves.
再以創作方式,重現此岸生 活與心態的種種變化,連結 心目中的彼岸。 活動詳情 Event Details
聯絡方法 Contact Details 3177 9159
Curator Paul Yeung described the young artists as “kind and resilience”, saying that “Young people who have gone through difficulties are not as weak and powerless as we think, hearing the murmur of the main theme but insisting on believing in their inner voice, it is not easy at all in this new era.” The works of young artists remind us how to carry on with all kinds of difficulties ahead and calmly say “Noted with thanks.”
The Ferryman invites you to share various memories and lives on this shore, and the wishes on the other shore, through clay boat making. Boats may sail, house and moor. We gather stories from thousands of boats, to build a new coastline that transcends the past and present.
By Appointment Only
最新活動詳情請留意JCCAC網頁及社 交平台資訊
Please stay tuned for the updates on JCCAC website and social media platforms
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Haynie Sze 6232 2612 (Whatsapp only)
20 21 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Arts Studios Noted with thanks —— 青年藝術家聯展 Noted with thanks –A
L2-02 光影作坊 Lumenvisum
Joint Exhibition of Young Artists
光影作坊第四年舉辦「青年 藝術家聯展」,目的是為 年輕藝術家提供更多展出機 會,同時讓公眾欣賞各大專 院校畢業生優秀的影像作 品。近幾年的社會事件及新 冠疫情,多少對學生帶來不 同程度的打擊。他們的創作 正反映了年輕學生的面孔, 在面對種種挑戰時所帶來生 活和心態上的變化,亦是一 個審視自我的機會。 策展人楊德銘形容參展藝術 家為他帶來「一點堅韌固執 的溫暖感覺」,感慨「經歷 過試煉的年輕人們並非如我 們想像般脆弱無力,聽見 了主旋律的雜音但堅持相信 自己內在的心聲,在這新時 代下一點都不容易。」青年 藝術家的作品正好提醒我 們,在面對種種艱險時,如 何堅走我路,平常心地說聲 「Noted with thanks.」 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽 Exhibitions @ Arts Studios 芳舟之旅工作坊 |芳舟工作坊 Rafting Journey Workshop | Ceramic Boatbuilding Workshop 芳舟之旅感知體驗|此岸.彼岸 Rafting Journey Sensory Experience | The Shores L5-15 五一五 515 L6-20 Chantal Fok Studio L6-23 Haystack Studio 活動詳情 Event Details 10, 17, 24 / 12 / 2022 13:00 - 14:00, 14:30 - 15:30, 16:00 - 17:00 最新活動詳情請留意JCCAC網頁及社 交平台資訊
Please stay tuned for the updates on JCCAC website and social media platforms 聯絡方法 Contact Details Haynie Sze 6232 2612 (Whatsapp only)
Event Details 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 / 12 / 2022, 1 / 1 / 2023 11:00 - 17:00 敬請預約
The audience are invited to exercise their creativity to express their observations upon various changes in life and state of mind on This Shore, and to connect with the Other Shore in their thoughts and aspirations. 擺渡人邀請大家以造船的過 程分享此岸的種種回憶、生 活或對彼岸的想望,船可以 遊、可以居、可以泊岸。我 們集合千隻小船的故事,構 建一條超越古今的海岸線。 邀請觀眾觀察土地、城市,
3 / 12 / 2022 - 1 / 1 / 2023 10:00 - 22:00 星期二至星期日,星期一休息(公眾 假期除外) Tuesday to Sunday, Closed on Monday (except public holiday)
Programme 藝術家講座 Artist Talk 1: 粵語 Cantonese 3 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) 14:30 梁芷珊、吳康熙、陳心兒、 馮可貝、李森 Canny Leung Chi Shan, Ng Hong Hei, Chan Sum Yi, Fung Ho Pui, Lee Sum 開幕接待 Opening Reception:
Event Details 3 - 4 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 13:00 - 19:00 L0 & L1藝廊;中央庭園; 賽馬會黑盒劇場 (電影放映) L0 & L1 Galleries; Central Courtyard; Jockey Club Black Box Theatre (Film Screening) 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311
As the preliminary activity of the annual Festival, JCCAC Handicraft Fair will follows the theme of the JCCAC Festival 2022, “Shuttling”, hoping to use the works as a carrier to lead everyone through the local cultural creation. The fair has become a unique art and cultural space, through free activities such as art exhibitions, film screenings, music performances and studio guided tours, so that the public can have a deeper understanding of Hong Kong’s local art and culture. In addition, young singer Ho Pui is invited to perform live music. At the screening of the new series ifva short films, young local directors will share the process of creation with audience after screening.
Frogs are capable of living vividly either in water or on land and exploring the two different worlds freely, Frog King takes the flexible and fluid amphibious nature of frogs as the core of his arts, symbolizing the exchange of different cultures, the fusion of traditional and contemporary skills and also the philosophy of life that is always adaptable.
During the JCCAC Handicraft Fair, Frog King will hold a two-day exhibition showcasing his ink paintings, mixed-media installations, collage art and performance art, shuttling the audience from pandemic to the natural world and metaverse, exploring between reality and imagination as well as the uncharted territory.
3 - 4 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 13:00 - 19:00 L0 藝廊 Gallery
Contact Details 2353 1311
22 23 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 Handicraft Fair & Art Activities Handicraft Fair & Art Activities JCCAC手作市集 Handicraft
作為每年藝術節的前哨活 動,今次的手作市集將會承 繼JCCAC藝術節2022的主 題「擺渡」,希望以作品為 載體,帶領大家穿梭本地的 文化創作。為期兩天的市集 會化身成獨一無二的藝文空 間,透過藝術展覽、電影放 映、音樂表演、藝術示範、 工作室開放及導賞等免費活 動,讓公眾可以選購五花八 門的創意產品之餘,同時 對香港在地藝術文化有更深 入的認識。另外,我們更邀 請到年輕歌手何佩作現場演 出;全新系列ifva短片放映 會,本地年青導演將於放映 完結後親身與觀眾交流影片 創作的心路歷程。 擺渡蛙行 Froggy Shuttling
活動詳情 Event Details
青蛙可隨意在水陸之間移 動,兩棲的特性靈活而流 動,蛙王的藝術以青蛙為 核心,既代表不同文化的交 流、傳統與當代風格的融 合,也蘊含隨時變通的人生 哲理。 JCCAC手作市集期間,蛙王 將舉辦為期兩天的展覽,透 過水墨畫作、立體雕塑、拼 貼大畫及行為藝術,帶領大 家由疫下日常穿梭至自然世 界和元宇宙,遊走於現實與 想像之間,探索已知和未知 的領域。
JCCAC Handicraft Fair will follow the theme of the JCCAC Festival 2022, “Shuttling”, hoping to use the works as a carrier to lead everyone through the local cultural creation. We invited independent musician Ho Pui to perform her own works. She is widely known for her participation in the ViuTV programme " Good Night Show IV". In addition to performing popular works, she will also bring new creations. Ho Jazz Trio lead by Wong Ka Ho, featuring jazz guitarist Eric Chong and bassist Wong Tak Chung will perform different styles of jazz songs, to create a free and relaxed atmosphere for the handicraft fair.
24 25 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 Handicraft Fair & Art Activities Handicraft Fair & Art Activities 藝術示範 Art Demonstrations Get up close and personal with our tenant artists in action - join us in the afternoon where tenant artistss “bring their studios out” and demonstrate creation of various art mediums. All are welcome! 由駐村藝術家即場作藝術示 範,並分享日常生活的創作 點滴,讓公眾了解不同形式 及範疇的藝術,拉近市民和 藝術的距離。 針孔相機示範 Demonstration for hand made pinhole camera 14:30 15:00 廖慧怡 Ceci Lin (L6 22 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de dimension de Tofu) 銅版畫示範 Demonstration for copper plate etching 15:30 16:00 劉杭霖 Avery Lau (L6 26 劉杭霖工作室 Lau Hong Lam Studio) 岩繪示範 Demonstration for mineral art 16:30 17:00 羅小曼 Manto Lo (L2 14 岩語 The Words of Rock) 手作市集現場音樂演出 Live
Performance at Handicraft Fair 活動詳情 Event Details 4 / 12 / 2022 (星期日 Sun) 15:30 - 16:00 (何佩 Ho Pui); 17:15 - 18:00 (Ka Ho Jazz Trio) L2 平台 Terrace 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311 活動詳情 Event Details 3 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) L2 平台 Terrace 粵語 Cantonese 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311
今次的手作市集將承繼 JCCAC藝術節2022的主題 「擺渡」,希望以作品為載 體,帶領大家穿梭本地的 文化創作。我們邀請到獨立 音樂人何佩演唱自創作品, 她曾參加ViuTV選秀節目 《全民造星IV》而廣為人 知。除了演出熱門作品之 外,她亦會帶來全新創作。 由黃嘉豪、莊軒偉、黃德聰 組成的爵士三重奏將會為大 家帶來不同風格的爵士歌 曲,包括快、慢、抒情歌曲 等,為市集營造自由輕鬆的 氛圍。
活動詳情 Event Details
3 - 4 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun)
賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre
影片設中英文字幕 With Chinese and English subtitles 免費入場,需網上登記。名額有限, 先到先得。
Free of charge and online pre-registration required. Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
(每場放映後均設20分鐘導演座談) (With 20 minutes post talk with directors after each session)
Studio Guided Tours
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311
JCCAC Handicraft Fair will follow the theme of the JCCAC Festival 2022, “Shut tling”. During these two days, the brand new ifva short film screening will lead everyone to travel through local cultural creations. We will also invite young local directors to share their experience when filming with the audience.
3/12/2022 14:00
Plain Sailing by Sasha Chuk Tsz Yin Moonshine by Yeung King Lun
3/12/2022 16:00
The Sea Within by Wong Wai Nap Be a Rider or a Fool by Law Wai Leung
4/12/2022 14:00
A Long Ride by Ng Chun
Yeung Yeung with Cows by Wong Cheuk Man, Law WanI, Law Hoi Ki, Leung Wing Sze, Tang Ka Hei
4/12/2022 16:00
Family Family Day by Lee Wai Shing
And Afterwards by Law Sin Yan
參觀工作室 Studio Visit 3 / 12 / 2022(星期六
)15:00 16:
L6 27 肥娃工作室 Miss FAT Studio L7 08 Cozy Workshop 4 / 12 / 2022(星期日Sun)15:00 16:00 L4 05 405 ISLAND L8 05 張哲工作室 Ban Zhang Workshop 10 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat)15:00 16:00 L2 02 光影作坊 Lumenvisum L6 22 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de dimension de Tofu
活動詳情 Event Details
粵語 Cantonese
集合點 Assembly Point: L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 費用全免,需網上登記。名額有限, 先到先得。
Free of charge and online preregistration required. Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
參閱 JCCAC 網站及社交平台。 Please refer to JCCAC website and so cial media platforms for the latest details and updates on studio guided tours.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311
26 27 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 手 作 市 集 及 藝 術 活 動 Handicraft Fair & Art Activities Handicraft Fair & Art Activities JCCAC x ifva短片放映「擺渡」
《凪》祝紫嫣 《明月光》楊景麟 3/12/2022 16:00 《他們的海》黃瑋納 《星燦騎士》羅偉良 4/12/2022 14:00 《長途列車》吳雋 《牽牛花》黃勺嫚、羅韻貽、羅凱麒、 梁穎思、鄧家熙 4/12/2022 16:00 《團團圓》李偉盛 《後來怎麼了》羅倩欣 影片評級 本節目推出時,部分影片仍未經電影、報刊及 物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有節目被檢定為 第三級者,未滿十八歲的登記人士將未能入內 觀賞。主辦單位保留更改節目及放映的影片、 時間及地點之權利。所有節目內容並不反映主 辦機構的意見。 Film Classification At the time this programme release, some films have not been submitted to the Office for Film Newspaper and Article Administration In the event that a film/video is subsequently classified as Cate gory III, registered persons under 18 years
今次的手作市集將承繼JCCAC藝術節 2022的主題「擺渡」。一連兩日,全新 的ifva短片放映會將帶領大家穿梭本地 的文化創作。我們更將邀請本地年青導 演與觀眾交流影片創作的心路歷程
/12/2022 14:00
not be able to enter for the
Presenter reserves the right to change the programmes time and
All programme content does not reflect the view of the organiser
17 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat)15:00 16:00 L6 11 木玫工作室 Mukmui Studio L6 16 奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio 18 / 12 / 2022(星期日 Sun)15:00 16:00 L7 11 Atarox Studios by Rebe Wong L8 13 穴 Cathleen Lau’s Studio 26 / 12 / 2022(星期一 Mon)15:00 16:00 L0 04 香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong L5 09 Studio Fontaine 鳴謝香港青年協會協作導賞 Thanks to The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups for Guided Tour Collaborative Docent 「訪古‧講古」主題展覽導賞 Classics Revisited.Classics Reinvented” Feature Exhibition Tours 活動詳情 Event Details 10, 17, 18, 26 / 12 / 2022 16:00 - 17:00 集合點 Assembly Point L1 藝廊接待處 Gallery Reception
Paper quilling is also known as paper scrolling. It is a paper art that involves techniques of scrolling, pinching and pasting. In this workshop, participants will create a pendant in Dun huang style with their creativities and the guidance of local artist Carroll Tsang.
Suitable for aged 16 or above
參與藝術家 Participating artist
曾彩雲 Carroll Tsang
運用敦煌壁畫空間處理方法,藝術家左燕芬(L2-03)會教導 參加者合作繪畫中國畫的長手卷。
Using the spatial composition principles of Dunhuang murals, participants will be able to create long scroll paintings in Chinese style with the guidance of the artist Jor Yin Fun. Parents and children (8-years old or above) are welcome.
參與藝術家 Participating artist
左燕芬 Jor Yin Fun (L2-03)
在藝術家的指導下,參加者會利用粟米的外皮及鬚,製作 環保及有獨特風格的天使娃娃。
28 29 藝 術 示 範 藝 術 工 作 室 Art Demonstrations Art Workshops 陶塑敦煌人物製作示範 Making of Dunhuang Pottery Figures Demonstration 衍紙敦煌吊飾工作坊 Paper Quilling with Dunhuang Pendants Workshop 壁畫.手卷工作坊 Murals and Paper Scrolls Workshop 粟米衣天使工作坊 Corn Doll Angels Workshop 敦煌壁畫製作示範 Making of Dunhuang Murals Demonstration 栗米飛天製作示範 Making of Dunhuang Apsaras with Corn Sheaths Demonstration 陶藝家盧世強會示範如何運用陶泥,以傳統石灣陶塑技 巧,向現場公眾介紹敦煌佛教藝術裡的人物特色! Ceramics artist Louis Lo, is going to demonstrate the creation of a special Dunhuang Buddhist figure with Shiwan Ceramics Sculpting techniques. 參與藝術家 Participating artist 盧世強 Louis Lo (L3-05C) 衍紙亦稱捲紙,運用捲、揑、拼貼等技巧將紙條組合,成 為獨一無二的藝術作品。參加者將會在本地藝術家曾彩雲 的指導下發揮創意,製成具敦煌藝術色彩的吊墜。
Using the silk and sheaths of corn, participants will learn how to make a corn doll angel with the guidance of the artist Jor Yin Fun. For teachers and adults only 參與藝術家 Participating artist 左燕芬 Jor Yin Fun (L2-03) 曾經親身前往敦煌學習的藝術家余志雯,將會向公眾示範 所學——製作敦煌壁畫的過程。 Sophie Yu, who had studied in Dunhuang, will demonstrate the making process of Dunhuang murals to the public. 參與藝術家 Participating artist 余志雯 Yu Chi Man, Sophie 藝術家左燕芬會向公眾示範其獨特的粟米飛天製作過程, 讓大家認識到農產品和自然物料作為藝術創作的可行性 和趣味。 Artist Jor Yin Fun will demonstrate how to create Dunhuang apsaras with corn sheaths. Through the demonstration, the participants can explore the possibilities of using natural farm products as the materials for artwork. 參與藝術家 Participating artist 左燕芬 Jor Yin Fun (L2-03) 活動詳情 Event Details 10, 11 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 14:00 - 15:00 L2 平台 Terrace 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 11 / 12 / 2022 (星期日 Sun) 11:00 - 13:00 L4-03A 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 18 / 12 / 2022 (星期日 Sun) 11:00 - 13:00 L4-03A 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 26 - 27 / 12 / 2022 (星期一及二 Mon & Tue) 11:00 - 13:00 L4-03A 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 17 - 18 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 14:00 - 15:00 L2 平台 Terrace 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 26 - 27 / 12 / 2022 (星期一及二 Mon & Tue) 14:00 - 15:00 L2 平台 Terrace 粵語 Cantonese
The murals of the Mogao Grottoes, Italian Renaissance murals and Byzantine murals are well-known as part of the world’s cultural heritage. Art talks will focus on the characterisation, features of ancient architecture, style and spatial composition of these world-class murals in an approachable way. Art talks will be conducted in a hybrid online and offline approach and some speakers may host the talk via Zoom. For details, please visit our social media.
in ancient and modern comes from? And what is the relations between Indigo and Blue?
In the world we have Woad from Europe, Awa Indigo from Japan and Guizhou Indigo from China, are there any stories and allusions on our local Hong Kong’s Indigo?
Let Eric, the curator of Dyelicious, starts the Indigo story with you.
the past two years, many art spaces have been established in Hong Kong. In fact, different art spaces have appeared at different period of times, as if one wave followed another, each with different rea sons and characteristics. In Hong Kong, where rents are uneven, what is the purpose of having an art space? What are the implications for artists, art professions, and communities?
Is it still necessary to define the medium in today's ART? Same with painting and ceramics, Sculpture is a long-standing to be one of the category in fine art. Yet painting still to be the mainstream. With the emerging of different forms of media, cross-disciplinary and technological creation, what is the on-going develop in space and sculpture in Hong Kong?
for all ages. Free of charge, please register online in advance. she is indulged in the creation of glass art. Through the creation process and in-depth knowledge of the material, the artistic vision can be broadened with innovative thinking. After the lecture, there will be a glass coaster workshop! Ten places only! First come first served! Free of charge!
30 31 活動詳情 Event Details 10 / 12 / 2022 (星期六 Sat) 11:00 - 11:45(講座) 11:45 - 12:30(工作坊) L4 - 03A 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2353 1311 敦煌藝術資深導賞陳淑蕙老師 Ms. Chan Shuk Wai, Dunhuang Art Senior Docent 旅居意大利畫家曹仲權 Mr. Cho Chung Kuen, Painter based in Italy 拜占庭壁畫研究生葉希文 Jelenkovic Nadja Hej Man, Byzantine Mural Researcher 玻璃是一種可塑性很高的物料,其 創作能力可以說是無窮無盡及極富 挑戰性。 正因這個物料太好玩的緣故,講者會 敍述如何沉迷於玻璃藝術創作,透過 創作過程及對物料的認識,擴闊藝術 視野和啟發創新思維。 講座完畢後會有一個玻璃杯墊工作坊 給大家挑戰!名額十個!先報先得! 費用全免! Glass with the characteristics of trans parent, hard, brittle, solid and liquid, is an extremely creative medium. During the lecture, the speaker will describe why 藝 術 分 享 藝 術 分 享 Art Talks Art Talks 壁畫大比照 Mural comparison 意大利文藝復興壁畫 Renaissance Murals of Italy 玻璃藝術創作講座及玻璃杯墊工作坊 How to make Artwork with Glass 聯絡方法 Contact Details Eric Cheung 9858 3616 活動詳情 Event Details 11 / 12 / 2022(星期日 Sun) 15:30 - 16:30 L2 平台 Terrace Eric Cheung 粵語 Cantonese 三時三地的壁畫——敦煌莫高窟、意大利文藝 復興和拜占庭——皆是聞名於世的文化遺產。 講座將會針對壁畫的格局、人物造像,古代 建築和空間處理等,深入淺出地介紹三者的特 色。講座會以混合模式進行,部分講者將以視 像形式分享。詳情請留意社交媒體公告。
活動詳情 Event Details 10 - 11 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 17:00
19:00 L7-19 粵語、英語 Cantonese,
活動詳情 Event Details 17
18 / 12 / 2022 (星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 17:00
粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 28 - 29 / 12 / 2022 (星期三及四 Wed & Thur) 17:00
L7-19 粵語、英語 Cantonese,
活動詳情 Event
梁展峯 Jeff Leung、葉偉靖 Jeremy Ip、其他嘉賓待定 Other speakers are to be confirmed 粵語 Cantonese 活動詳情 Event Details 31
Sat) 15:00
L4-03A 林嵐 Jaffa
聯絡方法 Contact Details 劉菁兒 Cathleen Lau
聯絡方法 Contact Details 劉菁兒 Cathleen Lau
敦煌壁畫 Art of Dunhuang 香港獨立藝術空間的循環衝浪 Surfing — Discussion on Hong Kong's independent art space 空間創作與雕塑 The Art of Space and Sculpture 拜占庭壁畫 Byzantine Murals 從藍說起 - 世界與香港藍染故事 Indigo Story - from world to Hong Kong 「青出於藍」這成語不陌生,但原來 此藍非我們熟知的藍? 那麽古今中外的「藍」又是從何而 來? Indigo 與 Blue 又有什麽關聯? 世界有歐洲的菘藍、日本的阿波藍、 中國的貴州藍、香港藍又有沒有故 事與典故? 讓染樂工房的館長Eric與你「從藍 說起」。 You may be familiarise with the Chinese idiom "green comes from blue", but is this the same shade of blue we are used to? So where did the "blue"
- 19:00
Details 17 / 12 / 2022(星期六 Sat) 17:30 - 18:30 L4-03A
/ 12 / 2022(星期六
- 16:00
speakers are to be confirmed 粵語 Cantonese
6014 9148 mist_gallery_hk
6014 9148 mist_gallery_hk
這一兩年都有不少藝術空間的成立, 其實在不同的時間都有不同的藝術空 間出 現,彷彿是一個浪然後另 個浪 緊接,各有不同出現的原因及特色。 在租⾦租⾦不平的香港香港,擘一 個 個藝術空間究竟做乜?對於藝術 家、藝術專業、社區又有甚麼影響? In
今日的創作仍有需要界定媒介?雕塑 是 個悠久純藝術的媒介分類,就如 繪畫、陶瓷一樣,繪畫仍然能佔主 流,在形形式式不同媒體、跨領域及 科技創作的出現,空間創作與雕塑在 香港是怎樣的 回事?
免費入場,需網上登記。名額有限,先到先得。 Free
of charge and online pre-registration required. Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
P 9 4
現代掛畫・抒壓繪 Modern Decor・Healing Art 405 Island L2 藍牆 Blue Wall
Noted with thanks -青年藝術家聯展
Noted with thanks - A Joint Exhibition of Young Artists P 20 5
光影作坊 Lumenvisum L2 - 02
P 10 6
肥娃的藝術十八 Miss FAT 18 years 肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio L3 公共空間 Common Space
P 11 7
日常版畫作品展覽 Printmaking artworks showcase 405 Island L3 藍牆 Blue Wall
P 12 8
False proposition: I don’ t know how to draw but I draw 粗糙模糊工作室 The Studio of the Coarseness and Blurriness L4 藍牆 Blue Wall
32 33 展 覽 地 圖 Exhibition Navigator 展 覽 地 圖 Exhibition Navigator
白盒藝坊 White Box
1 主題展覽《訪古‧講古》 Feature Exhibition “Classics Rrevisited‧, Classics
白盒藝坊 White Box Studio、 白盒之友 White Box Friends L1 藝廊 Galleries 2 P 4 - P.5 芳舟之旅 Rafting Journey 五一五 515 / Chantal Fok Studio / Haystack Studio L1 中庭 Central Courtyard P 8 3 空氣 Air Soul 陶 Soul Tou Studio L6 公共空間 Common Space P 15 11 豬仔熊仔日常 Little Bear and Pig Daily 奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio L6 藍牆 Blue Wall P.16 12 自己繩結自己綁 Macramé Home Sweet Home 717 Collective L8 藍牆 Blue Wall P 19 15 此岸.彼岸 This shore.The other shore Studio 3+ L5 公共空間 Common Space P 13 9 做更壞的事 I am tired to be good 【話事齋】篆刻工作室 Kong’ s Chinese seal studio L5 藍牆 Blue Wall P 14 10 日出而創 —— 年聚 Sunrise Reunion Cozy Workshop / Studio 3+ L7 綠色空間 Green Space P 17 13 從素描「擺渡」到色彩 Sketch Ferrying Colors 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio L7 藍牆 Blue Wall P 18 14 L 3 7 6 L 2 4 5 L 0 1 L 1 3 2 L 6 11 12 L 7 13 14 L 8 15 L 4 8 L 5 10 9 蛙王 Frog King 3 - 4 / 12 /2022 L0 藝廊 Galleries 1 擺渡蛙行 Froggy Shuttling P 23
Exhibition “Classics Rrevisited‧, Classics Rreinvented”
White Box Friends L0 藝廊 Galleries P 4 - P.6
開放時間 Opening Hours
JCCAC 每日上午10 時至晚上10 時開 放,農曆新年假期除外。公眾可自由參 觀而毋須預約,但請留意個別展覽及藝 術活動會有不同的開放日期和時間,為 免向隅,請向主辦單位直接查詢確定。 我們亦提供預約的團體導賞服務,如有 興趣,歡迎查詢。
JCCAC is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Chinese New Year holidays. While no appointment is required for general visits,visitors should check the date and time of specific exhibitions or art activities to avoid disappointment. JCCAC also offers group guided tours; interested parties may contact us for details.
於2008年開幕的賽馬會創意 藝術中心(JCCAC),是香 港首間由整幢廠廈活化而成的 藝術村兼藝術中心。JCCAC 為自負盈虧非牟利慈善團體及 香港浸會大學附屬機構,作為 一所多元化及對外開放的藝文 場地,JCCAC既為藝術家及 藝文團體提供價格實惠的工作 室及設施,也為公眾營造親切 的環境,體驗藝術文化活動和 感受創意氛圍,讓藝術更靠近 社區,並走得更遠。佔地約二 十萬平方呎的JCCAC是近140 個各類型藝術家和文化團體的 運作基地,當中更特別預留近 四份之一的工作室以支持具潛 質的新晉藝術家。
Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is the first factory-turned artist village and arts centre in Hong Kong. JCCAC is a selffinanced registered charity and Hong Kong Baptist University's subsidiary. The multidisciplinary arts and cultural venue is open to the public and is dedicated to meet the arts community’s need for affordable arts studio and display facilities, nurture young creative talents for Hong Kong and provide a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Spread over 200,000 square feet, JCCAC is the operation base for around 140 artists and cultural organisations of a wide array of art forms, of which around a quarter of its studios are dedicated specifically to support development of promising emerging artists.
主辦 Presented by 主題展覽 Feature exhibition 合辦 Co-presented by 媒體合作夥伴 Media Partner 電影夥伴 Movie Partner
36 37 JCCAC
支持機構 Supporting organisations 關 於 About JCCAC