關 於 賽馬會創意藝術中心 賽馬會創意藝術中心(簡稱JCCAC)所處建築物的前身是「山寨廠」 (即上世紀
六、七十年代本土家庭式輕工業)林立的「石硤尾工廠大廈」。中心保留昔日工 廠大廈建築特色,是一項獲得香港建築師學會「全年境內建築大獎」的改建項 目。
作者對藝術工作室和展示場地的需要,培育創意人才和推廣藝術文化,為推動 香港藝術發展出一分力。 藝術村
作為藝術村,JCCAC是近140位不同類型藝術家或藝術團體的運作基地。當 中涵蓋多個藝術範疇,以視覺藝術為主(包括中西畫、攝影、陶藝、雕塑、版
畫、玻璃藝術、多媒體裝置等),亦包含表演藝術(包括音樂、舞蹈、戲劇等) 和其他應用藝術(如設計、電影、社區藝術等)。
傳品)。大部分藝術家均身兼多職,既要在基地埋首創作,亦要分配時間於中 心以外工作。有興趣參觀藝術工作室的公眾,可直接聯絡有關藝術家或藝團預 約,或報名參加JCCAC定期舉辦的公眾導賞活動。 藝術中心
作為藝術中心,JCCAC內有茶藝館、咖啡室、創意工藝店等;並設正規場地, 包括「賽馬會黑盒劇場」、兩層「藝廊」展覽廳和中央庭園,多於周末舉行各色
「公共空間」,舉行特色小型展覽。JCCAC還會定期主辦大型公開活動,包括 每年12月的「JCCAC藝術節」、季度「手作市集」、露天電影會和工作室導賞等。 緊貼最新活動資訊,歡迎︰ •
• •
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
免費取閱或下載每月出版的《節目表》 關注JCCAC Facebook及Instagram專頁
About Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
JCCAC is the acronym of the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre. It is housed in an award
winning architectural conversion from the former Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate, which was a stronghold for cottage industries half a century ago.
Opened in 2008 and operating as a self-financed, registered charity, JCCAC is positioned
as a multi-disciplinary arts village and arts centre, providing studio facilities for the arts community and a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Visitors are welcome to stroll around freely during opening hours to discover for themselves the
creative spirit of the place. JCCAC strives to support arts development in Hong Kong by helping to nurture young talents and generally promote arts and culture through the provision of space (arts studios and display venues) for creative work. Our Aspiration
We believe in the importance of the arts in helping to build a creative and civilised society.
Through our work in helping to answer arts practitioners' needs for arts studio and display facilities, we hope to play an active part in supporting the nurture of young talents and the general development of arts in Hong Kong. Arts Village
As an arts village, JCCAC is the operation base for nearly 140 artists and art organisations pursuing their work in a wide array of art forms, mainly in visual arts (including Chinese
and Western painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, glass, multimedia
installation, etc.) but also in performing arts (e.g. music, dance, drama, etc.) and applied arts (e.g. design, film, community art, etc.). The units at JCCAC mostly serve as arts
studios and/or offices, where at the door visitors can often find programmes and contact
information about the resident artist or arts organisation. Many artists are self-employed and have to juggle multiple demands on their time split between their studios at JCCAC
and outside projects. Visitors interested to visit art studios may directly contact the artist for appointment, or may register to join in one of the regular public guided tours organised by JCCAC.
Arts Centre
As an arts centre, JCCAC houses a tea house, café and craft shops. The main venues for exhibitions and performances are namely the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, two levels
of exhibition Galleries and the Central Courtyard. Independent arts programmes (such as
experimental stage performances, themed exhibitions and art workshops) are usually held on weekends. Artworks can be found dotted around the common spaces. Regular public events presented by JCCAC include the annual "JCCAC Festival" in December, quarterly "JCCAC Handicraft Fair", rooftop film screening and public guided tours.
www.jccac.org.hk jccacpage
Visitors may gain an overview of current programmes: •
by visiting www.jccac.org.hk
by subscribing to JCCAC e-news
• •
from the monthly published programme guide by following JCCAC on Facebook and Instagram
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
正 規 場 地 Main Venues
Central Courtyard 位於L1的中央庭園,在玻璃天幕下提供空曠的環境,適合進行各類 大型公眾活動。 Under a glass canopy, the Central Courtyard at L1 offers a spacious environment to stage large-scale creative events and community programmes.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Jockey Club Black Box Theatre
藝廊 Galleries
位於L0的黑盒劇場,可容納百名觀眾。表 演空間佈局靈活,麻雀雖小五臟俱全,特別 適合發揮創意的實驗性演出。
分設於L0和L1的兩層藝廊,設計簡約而富彈性,由一條樓梯相 連,可分開或一起使用舉行展覽。L0藝廊樓高超過四米,可容 納大型展品;而L1藝廊的落地玻璃窗,則可引入天然光線。
Located at L0, the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre has a seating capacity of 100. It is a well equipped and flexible venue most suited to showcasing innovative and experimental performances.
The Galleries are located over two levels on L0 and L1. Linked by an internal staircase, the two levels can be used separately or together for exhibitions. The 4 meter high ceiling at L0 makes it particularly suitable for displaying large-scale artworks, while full length glass windows at L1 allows the space to be flooded with natural light.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
主 題 活 動 Signature Programmes
JCCAC 藝術節 Festival
JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair
每年12月由JCCAC主辦的重點節目;當中包括藝廊大型 專題展覽、各樓層公共空間的小型展覽、露天電影會、 藝術工作坊、演出及工作室導賞等。
每季一次於周末舉行的大型創意市集,除了雲集逾百位 手作人擺攤,分享自家設計的手作產品外,亦設有露天 電影會、工作室導賞等節目讓公眾參與,每次吸引上萬 市民。
An annual signature event organised by JCCAC in December, it features a feature exhibition in the Galleries, other smaller exhibitions dotted around the Centre' s common spaces, film screening on the roof terrace, art workshops, performances and guided tours of open studios.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The fair is held over a weekend once every three months. Visitors can see original handicraft creations on offer by over 100 artisans and can also register to see the rooftop film screening or join in the guided tour of open studios.
導賞團 Guided Tours
免費藝術節目 Free Art Programmes
JCCAC平日提供「團體導賞」服務,歡迎學校和非牟利 機構報名預約參加。個別公眾人士如有興趣參觀藝術工 作室,可報名參加於「JCCAC手作市集」或「JCCAC 藝術節」期間進行的「公眾導賞團」。
在天台舉行的免費露天電影會,由JCCAC和MOViE MOViE合辦。置身星空下,欣賞精采得獎電影,並在映 後座談會與資深影評人交流,別有風味,萬勿錯過!
Schools and non-profit-making organisations are welcome to make appointment for "group guided tours" on weekdays. Individuals interested to visit arts studios may register to join in "special public guided tour groups" during "JCCAC Handicraft Fair" or "JCCAC Festival".
Regular free screening of films on our roof terrace is co-organised by JCCAC and MOViE MOViE. Movie buffs should not miss the chance to see award-winning films and participate in post-screening sharing sessions with film critics, all held under the stars.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
L0-02 L0-04
PLOTZ Studio
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
賽馬會黑盒劇場入口 Jockey Club Block Box
Theatre Audience Entrance
升降機 Lifts
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
喜居生活 Lively Life
琉金穗月 Café Golden
L1-03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port L1-06
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
樓梯連接地面 Links to L0
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
BY Y.B. Expostore
L2-03 L2-04
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) 白盒藝坊 WHITE BOX STUDIO 香港藝術及設計聯會
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心
Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD)
G.O.D. HK Street Culture Gallery
L2-09, L3-06 住好D街頭文化館 L2-10 L2-12 L2-13 L2-14 L2-15
光影作坊 Lumenvisum 玩.藝 Art.Play
當下藝術工作室 Present in Art 藝吔 Art-oh
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
公共空間 Common Space
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
Chinese Therapeutic and Applied Art Services
L3-02 L3-03 L3-04
L3-05B L3-05C
自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房 Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio,
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
月樓手作 moongateworks
何兆基工作室 Ho Siu Kee's Studio
L3-05D,07 動藝 DanceArt Hong Kong
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
活動室 Activity Room
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
L4-05 L4-06 L4-07 L4-08
劇作社 Drama's Group
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture goodmonday
攪伴工作室 Blend in with Studio 兩點塵工作室 Two Dust Studio 亮點.空間
CreationPlace - stained glass mix and match
L4-09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio L4-11
魚竇 Fish Hub
2x2 Studio
L4-12 L4-15 L4-16
陶作坊 Potter Fun HK Carbon
Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base 家課製作 Homework Production
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
公共空間 Common Spaces
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop
八十四粵弦坊 84 String
L5-02 L5-04 L5-05 L5-06
L5-07 L5-08 L5-09 L5-10 L5-11 L5-12
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop 杜綺璇工作室
鄧氏工作室 TANG's Studio 蔡福記中西樂器製造廠
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory Ancha Vista
冷計劃 uncommon PROJECT 509工作室 Studio 509
格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues 林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio 寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio
L5-14 L5-16 L5-17 L5-18 L5-19 L5-20 L5-21 L5-22 L5-23 L5-24 L5-25
雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang W Studio
三彩堂 Invision Images
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio
海潮沙畫藝術工作室 Hoichiu Art Workshop 520 小空間 520 Dimension Perfect Music Works
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery Z Unit Gallery
安之自在 An Gee's Studio
指非指出版社 The Signifier
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
公共空間 Common Space
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
工作室 Studio
Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society -
L6-03 L6-04 L6-05 L6-07 L6-08
L6-09 L6-10 L6-11 L6-12
香港現代水墨畫會 - 陳成球現代水墨工作室 Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU 三頁 3 Page Microwave
樂堂 Jovial Cocktail Gallery Psypedia
Hong Kong Film Critics Society FrozenFire
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club
藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio 多元智能工作室
Locus Studio Company Limited 香港偶影藝術中心
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center
L6-16 L6-18 L6-19 L6-20 L6-22 L6-23 L6-24 L6-25
L6-26 L6-27 L6-28 L6-29 L6-30
Playback Concept Dodo Animation 後欄 Backstreet
袁婉荷 謝諾麟 Yuen Yuen Ho / Tse Lok Lun
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu ALTERNATIF
Artisens Studio
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會
Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association 譚嘉儀 Tam Ka Yee
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio 六樓28室
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio 疊字與筆記本
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
升降機 Lifts
活動室 Activity Room
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley's Studio
熊陶坊 Panda Workshop
Nick Foxall video
有時候工作室 Sometimes Studio
L7-02 L7-04 L7-05
L7-06 L7-07 L7-08 L7-09 L7-10 L7-11
Riceism Young Designers Association Atelier of Atmosphere
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass Cozy Workshop
細勢力空間 small power space :Phoebe Hui Studio
賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio 環境藝術館/ 林漢堅
Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin
L7-13 L7-15 L7-16 L7-17 L7-18 L7-20 L7-21
L7-22 L7-23
嘉意設計 Graphics Plus
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio 717 Arts
A & M繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop 空間工作室 Anispace Ltd 香港國際攝影節
Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) 失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop
Quabitat陶瓷 / 攝影工作室“椏Ablaze合作社” Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio "Ablaze Gallery"
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
To roof terrace
To roof terrace
To roof terrace
升降機 Lifts
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
不可進入 No Entry
801a一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會藝術通達服務中心
排場好戲 Epictudio
Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre (ADAHK)
Active Concept @ Live Culture
L8-04A L8-04B
Active Concept @拉闊文化 Studio 3+
都市視藝空間 Metro Art Gallery (MAG)
L8-06 L8-08 L8-09 L8-10 L8-11 L8-12
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop 工作中工作室 Working Workshop MIO Studio
leewa studio
The missing piece 翔平書畫室
To roof terrace
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
目 錄 Contents
L0 L1
PLOTZ Studio
喜居生活 Lively Life
琉金穗月 Café Golden
BY Y.B. Expostore
L1-03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port L1-06
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong
L2-03 L2-04
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) 白盒藝坊 WHITE BOX STUDIO 香港藝術及設計聯會
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心
Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD)
G.O.D. HK Street Culture Gallery
L2-09, L3-06住好D街頭文化館 L2-10 L2-12 L2-13 L2-14 L2-15
光影作坊 Lumenvisum 玩.藝 Art.Play
當下藝術工作室 Present in Art 藝吔 Art-oh
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery
Chinese Therapeutic and Applied Art Services
L3-02 L3-03 L3-04
L3-05B L3-05C
自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房 Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio,
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
月樓手作 moongateworks
何兆基工作室 Ho Siu Kee's Studio
L3-05D,07 動藝 DanceArt Hong Kong
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide 2015-2016
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
L4-05 L4-06 L4-07 L4-08
劇作社 Drama's Group
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture goodmonday
攪伴工作室 Blend in with Studio 兩點塵工作室 Two Dust Studio 亮點.空間
CreationPlace - stained glass mix and match
L4-09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio L4-11
魚竇 Fish Hub
2x2 Studio
L4-12 L4-15 L4-16
陶作坊 Potter Fun HK Carbon
Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base 家課製作 Homework Production
石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop
L5-02 L5-04 L5-05 L5-06
L5-07 L5-08 L5-09 L5-10 L5-11 L5-12 L5-13 L5-14 L5-15 L5-16 L5-17 L5-18 L5-19 L5-20 L5-21 L5-22 L5-23 L5-24 L5-25
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop 杜綺璇工作室
鄧氏工作室 TANG's Studio 蔡福記中西樂器製造廠
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory Ancha Vista
冷計劃 uncommon PROJECT 509工作室 Studio 509
格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues 林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio 寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio Cyressland
雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang
八十四粵弦坊 84 String W Studio
三彩堂 Invision Images
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio
海潮沙畫藝術工作室 Hoichiu Art Workshop 520 小空間 520 Dimension Perfect Music Works
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery Z Unit Gallery
安之自在 An Gee's Studio
指非指出版社 The Signifier
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide 2015-2016 |
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society -
L6-03 L6-04 L6-05 L6-07 L6-08
L6-09 L6-10 L6-11 L6-12 L6-13
L6-15 L6-16 L6-17 L6-18 L6-19 L6-20 L6-22 L6-23 L6-24 L6-25
L6-26 L6-27 L6-28 L6-29 L6-30
樂堂 Jovial Cocktail Gallery Psypedia
Hong Kong Film Critics Society FrozenFire
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club
藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio
多元智能工作室 Locus Studio Company Limited 香港偶影藝術中心
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center 工作室 Studio
Playback Concept Scenery
Dodo Animation 後欄 Backstreet
袁婉荷 謝諾麟 Yuen Yuen Ho / Tse Lok Lun
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu ALTERNATIF
Artisens Studio
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會
Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association 譚嘉儀 Tam Ka Yee
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio 六樓28室
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio 疊字與筆記本
Nick Foxall video
L7-06 L7-07 L7-08
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide 2015-2016
三頁 3 Page
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley's Studio
L7-02 L7-05
Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU
L7-01 L7-04
香港現代水墨畫會 - 陳成球現代水墨工作室
Riceism Young Designers Association Atelier of Atmosphere
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass Cozy Workshop
細勢力空間 small power space
賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio
L7-10 L7-12A
L7-12B L7-13 L7-14 L7-15 L7-16 L7-17 L7-18 L7-20 L7-21
L7-22 L7-23
:Phoebe Hui Studio
環境藝術館/ 林漢堅
Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin 熊陶坊 Panda Workshop 嘉意設計 Graphics Plus
有時候工作室 Sometimes Studio
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio 717 Arts
A & M繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop 空間工作室 Anispace Ltd 香港國際攝影節
Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) 失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop
Quabitat陶瓷 / 攝影工作室“椏Ablaze合作社”
Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio "Ablaze Gallery"
801a一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會藝術通達服務中心
排場好戲 Epictudio
Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre (ADAHK) LOUIS SK ART STUDIO
Active Concept @拉闊文化
Active Concept @ Live Culture Studio 3+
都市視藝空間 Metro Art Gallery (MAG)
L8-06 L8-08 L8-09 L8-10 L8-11 L8-12
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop 工作中工作室 Working Workshop MIO Studio
leewa studio
The missing piece 翔平書畫室
備註︰本指南資料有效至2016年6 月30日。因工作室時有流轉調遷,最新資料請參考本中心網頁www.jccac.org.hk Note: Information published herein correct as at 30 June 2016. Due to relocations and turnover, for up-to-dated information about studio units please visit www.jccac.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide 2015-2016 |
PLOTZ Studio 時裝、設計、攝影 | fashion, design, photography
盧聲前畢業於香港理工大學設計學系;2007年創立時裝品牌 PLOTZ。設計著重實用性及生活感,同時注入一直堅持的藝術概 念,亦充滿戲劇化的衝擊,從而達致視覺與穿感之和諧。 PLOTZ成立於2007年,意味著陰謀與詭計,暗地裡為埋藏的小秘密 而沾沾自喜。PLOTZ以立體剪裁為主,每個摺位、起伏、打結都是 構成衣服整體線條的重要一環,力求從主流意念中創出獨立的時裝 風格,發揮具前瞻性的細緻剪裁。 A graduate from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of
Design, Lo created his label PLOTZ in 2007. His philosophy in design is to develop and convey an understanding of how to flatter a woman's body through detailed patchwork and contour silhouette.
PLOTZ explores the spirit of communication between garments
and human beings derived from hints of conspiracy, little secrecies and dramatic effect. The central idea of PLOTZ design conveys an
understanding of fabrics that translates the uniqueness of the human body. Without distorting the originality of clothing, PLOTZ makes
every piece of design come alive. Design serves not only one' s basic needs, but also excites one' s artistic and creative expectations.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 盧聲前, Lo Sing Chin 2420 2100 info@plotz.co www.plotz.co
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Eman Ng eman@plotz.co
Studio Glass Hong Kong 香港玻璃工作室 玻璃藝術 | glass art
香港玻璃工作室,創立於1993年,是中國首個藝術玻璃工作室,致 力推動藝術教育及文化交流,普及玻璃藝術在香港的發展。 Studio Glass Hong Kong is a pioneer studio glass workshop
established in 1993. It aims at promoting glass art development
through glass art education and cultural exchange programmes in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃國忠, Wong Kwok Chung 2728 4224 info@studioglass.hk www.studioglass.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Lively Life 喜居生活 社區經濟互動平台 | an interactive economic platform for the community 使命︰ • 鼓勵真正的社區、本土、有機、公平、永續生產模式 • 提供生活必需品而非消費品
小店舖實踐的經濟模式,以社區和尋常百姓起居生活為重心。喜居生 活不想成為經濟巨無霸,只希望讓所在的社區有更多的生產者和更多 的社區經濟互助連結。 具體而言,作為一間立足於社區的社區經濟互動平台,喜居生活會: 1. 銷售有機、公平貿易、本地生產的日常物品; 2. 舉辦農墟,鼓勵本地農業生產,提供銷售渠道; 3. 推廣產品待用; 4. 提倡社區廚房 – 食物自煮滋養身體平台; 5. 舉行起居生活工作坊 – 自己的起居生活,由掌握基礎手藝開始。 營業時間:每日中午12時至晚上8時 Missions:
• To encourage a truely community, local, organic, fair and sustainable production model.
• To supply necessities but not consumer products.
The shop practises a business model focused on the community and providing for people's every day needs. Not interested in economic
domination, it would like to see more local producers and community based economic network in society.
Lively Life is a retail store but also an interactive economic platform for the community. What do they do?
1. Selling organic, fair-trade and locally produced daily necessities.
2. Organising farmer's market and motivating more local production by providing more choices in sales channel.
3. Promoting community sharing and help through "suspended products". 4. Advocating community kitchen - autonomy in cooking what you eat, a 5. place where you can nourish your health.
Organising "Lively Life" workshops - Control your own life by mastering basic crafts.
Opening hours: Daily from 12noon to 8pm
聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳家儀, Ivy Chan 5542 3204 ivy@livelylifehk.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Joe Yiu joe@livelylifehk.com
Ida Wong ida@livelylifehk.com
www.facebook.com/livelylifehk skm-shop@livelylifehk.com
BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port 皮革設計、手作工藝等 | leather art, handicraft, etc BEIS Leather Workshop 是本地皮革工作坊,為喜愛手作及皮革的朋友設 計及製作可使用一生的皮革工藝品;亦開辦私人及團體(如保良局、東華 三院、澳門旅遊學院、中小學、私人機構等)皮革課程,分享製作經驗。
Design Port 售賣擁有溫度和夢想的手作設計、原創品牌和生活小品,包括 本地和海外不同的手作作品;同時引進環保耐用和良心製作的產品。 BEIS Leather Workshop is a local leather brand in Hong Kong. They design
unique leather products based on clients' requirements which are handmade to last a life time. They hold private as well as group leather workshops for clients, which include Po Leung Kuk, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Macau Institute for Tourism Studies and various local schools.
Design Port acts as an international port for designs. It is a platform for
designers from all over the world to share their concepts and passion and to promote their best products to admirers on a global level. It consists of
a Select Shop, Workshops and Exhibitions to drive the best quality traffic to those passionate about arts, design and handicraft!
劉子軒, Ryan Lau
聯絡方法 Contact Details
凌苑珊, Catherine Ling 2576 9993 / 5198 1566 info@beisleather.com info@d-port.co
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Café Golden 琉金穗月 咖啡室 | coffee shop
琉金穗月(Café Golden) 給所有咖啡愛好者、胸懷大志的藝術家和喜歡探究的 遊客,提供一個優質的聚會場所。 咖啡室致力推廣精品咖啡文化,以及提供新鮮烘焙的手泡咖啡;亦提供新鮮食 物,如意式沙律和各款三文治小吃,希望客人能夠在一個友善、輕鬆的環境下 享受美味的咖啡和食物。 Café Golden is a quality gathering spot for coffee lovers, an avenue for aspiring artists and curious tourists.
The café provides freshly brewed specialty coffee and aims to promote specialty
coffee as a culture. It also serves fresh quality light food in a neighborhood setting with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 周志勤, Gary Chow 2408 8255 www.cafegolden.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Heritage Tea House 文博軒 茶藝 | tea culture
來享受品茗的適意,悠遠時空沏成一只握在手 心的茶盞,清心怡人。 文博軒提供︰ • • • •
品茗及點心 茶道藝術課程 - 茶藝示範 - 基礎茶藝課程 常設展覽 茶葉及茶具零售
Tea brings comfort and joy to us with its long
history and profound cultural stand, something that we need to slow down and feel with our heart to appreciate.
Heritage Tea House offers: • Tea and refreshments • Tea art course -
- Tea ceremony
- Foundation tea course
• Regular exhibitions
• Tea and tea ware retail
聯絡方法 Contact Details
余文心, Katherine Yu 2779 1030 kmsy_kmsy@yahoo.com.hk www.hkhth.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) 香港美術教育協會
藝術教育推廣 | promotion of art education 香港美術教育協會(HKSEA)於1992年成立,屬香港非牟利慈善團體。1998年起獲香港藝術發展局行 政資助至今,為本地最具代表性的美術教育團體。曾三度獲得香港藝術發展局所頒發的「香港藝術發 展獎」︰2003年榮獲「藝術推廣獎‧優秀藝術教育獎(非學校組)」金獎;2008年獲「藝術教育獎(非學校 組)」銅獎;以及2010年獲「藝術教育獎(非學校組)」銀獎,成果備受業界及社會人士的認同和肯定。現 為獲得香港藝術發展局三年資助團體之一。 協會舉辦的活動主要圍繞推廣本地藝術文化及美術教育方面,計有:各項美術教學研習班、視覺藝術 工作坊、展覽、參觀交流團、專題講座、本港及外國美術教學交流、國際美術教育座談會等。歷年致 力推廣美術教育與教師專業的發展;出版的美育書刊,亦成為海內外美育同工的重要參考刊物。會員 包括大專、中小學、幼稚園美術教師、藝術家及藝術行政人員等。 Since its establishment in 1992, the HKSEA, a non-profit organisation, has been making continuous progress in its work. The Association was honoured to receive from Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) the "Award for Arts Promotion: Outstanding Arts Education Award (Non-School) Gold Prize" in 2003, "Award for Arts Education (Non-School Division)" Bronze Prize in 2008 and Silver Prize in 2010. The HKSEA is currently a three-year grant recipient of HKADC. The activities organised by the HKSEA mainly aim at promoting art and art education. They include art education workshops, visits, topical talks, exhibitions, international interface on art education methodology, international art education panel discussions, etc. The HKSEA publishes the "Hong Kong Art Education Journal" which is currently the only periodical journal for art education professionals. It is distributed to art teachers, arts administrators, public libraries and other education professionals. Members of the HKSEA include art teachers of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions and arts administrators.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄺啟德, Kwong Kai Tak(會長President) 2234 6096 info@hksea.org.hk www.hksea.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
BY Y.B. Expostore 編織 | knit design
BY Y.B. Expostore是一個讓大眾認識編織的平台,提供的設施包括︰藝廊、圖 書館、工作坊、銷售處、咖啡閣等。歡迎有興趣以編織創作的朋友前來,一起 分享、交流、合作。 BY Y.B. Expostore provides a platform for people to learn more about "knits
and yarns". The services provided include: Gallery, Outlet, Library, Workshop,
Conference and Café Corner. You are most welcome to share or collaborate with them in any creative project related to "knit and yarns".
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2779 3188 expo@byyb.com.hk expo.byyb.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
WHITE BOX STUDIO 白盒藝坊 水墨畫、油畫、雕塑 | ink painting, painting, sculpture, etc
白盒藝坊基本是水墨畫及裝裱國畫的工作坊。 除此之外, 藝坊亦包含其他藝 術範疇,如書法、陶瓷、平面藝術、立體藝術、裝置、版畫、雕塑、篆刻、工 藝、油畫、電影及錄像藝術及其他各類藝術等;還會提供場地作畫班、展覽及 售賣藝術和工藝品之用。 WHITE BOX STUDIO is basically an arts workshop mainly for ink painting and
mounting of Chinese paintings. Besides, the studio is also involved with 2D and 3D
arts, ceramics, calligraphy, sculpture, print-making, seal carving, oil painting, paper
craft, video editing and practically all fields in fine, applied and media arts. It is also a place for arts and crafts classes, exhibitions and selling of artworks.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 左燕芬, Jor Yim Fun 9412 1360 jyffyj1@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
左治江, Cho Chi Kong 9732 3888 edwincho07@gmail.com
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
香港藝術及設計聯會 設計、攝影 | design, photography
香港藝術及設計聯會致力推動香港藝術及設計的整體發展。活動不只與業界 有關,亦推展到業界以外的相關範疇;而形式不限於一般聯誼聚會,同時包 括研討會、展覽、研究和出版等活動。 Hong Kong Art & Design Community is dedicated to promoting all aspects of
art and design. Their activities are not bound to, and extend beyond to related areas of the art field and design industry. Not limited to social gatherings,
their regular functions and projects include seminar, exhibition, research and publishing.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
何慧森, Angel Ho 6281 2029
陳嘉興, Chan Ka Hing 9019 4679 info@hkadc.org www.hkadc.org
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Centre for Community Cultural Development 社區文化發展中心 (CCCD)
社區藝術、藝術治療等 | community arts, arts therapy, etc 中心籌組不同類型的文化藝術活動,包括演出、工作坊、出版、研討會等,推展且活現社區文化 潛能;並期望透過各種支援,協助社區與社群面對因社會變遷而出現的挑戰;致力拓展社區文化 空間,積極進行文化建設,締造全人藝術的社會。 社區文化發展中心於2014年設立「藝術治療服務中心」,繼續以工作坊及研討會等形式,推廣藝術 治療;並開設個人及小組臨床服務。自2015年起,中心與歐洲研究院及KUNST合作,提供表達藝 術治療碩士課程。歡迎查詢。 The Centre' s goal and mission are to promote and practise community cultural development, i.e.
cultural activities that empower the underprivileged, in particular persons with disabilities, migrant workers and ethnic minorities, and to uphold diversity in cultural development in the face of the onslaught of the homogenising forces of globalisation.
CCCD established the "Creative Arts Therapy Centre" in 2014, which continues to promote arts therapy through workshops, conferences and symposiums. The Centre also provides clinical services for
individuals and group. They have been collaborating with European Graduate School and Kunst EXA
Training and Consulting since 2015, to launch "Master of Arts in Expressive Arts Therapy with Minor in Psychology" programmes. Enquiries are welcome.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 莫昭如, Mok Chiu Yu 2891 8488 / 2891 8482 2891 8483 (Fax) cccd@cccd.hk www.cccd.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
社區音樂 Community Music
L2-09, L3-06
G.O.D. HK Street Culture Gallery 住好D街頭文化館
設計、 香港文物收藏 | design, Hong Kong heritage collection 本館內藏數百件香港街頭文物,由「住好啲」創辦人楊志超,及其設計團隊十七年來不斷搜尋回來。 它們全都是古董與垃圾一線之差的珍貴本土舊物。預約參觀,請電郵至info@god.com.hk。 The collection in this Gallery holds hundreds of items that represent Hong Kong' s famously
underrepresented street culture. Douglas Young and his design team at G.O.D. have amassed this range of everyday objects over a period of seventeen years. Tossed away by locals, they exist in the twilight zone where the blurred line between "junk" and "antique" meets. Visits by appointment only - please contact info@god.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2544 5615 2543 9337 (Fax) info@streetculture.hk www.god.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Lumenvisum 光影作坊 當代攝影 | contemporary photography
光影作坊為香港註冊非牟利慈善文化團體,2007年由四位攝影家成立;成立以 來,致力推動香港攝影文化,為本地唯一綜合教育、交流、推廣和資源匯集的 攝影平台,定期舉辦不同主題的攝影展覽、講座、課程和各種交流活動。位於 JCCAC的工作室設有展覽廳、圖書館及書店。 逢星期二至日,上午11時至下午6時開放;星期一及公眾假期休館。
Lumenvisum is a non-profit arts organisation dedicated to the promotion of
contemporary photography. Founded by four veteran photographers in 2007, it is a platform for cultural exchange, educational outreach, sharing of resources and building of knowledge.
At its studio at JCCAC, apart from hosting exhibitions regularly, it also runs a wide range of photography courses, talks and workshops. It also functions as a library and a bookstore.
Open every Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 6pm. Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays.
展覽「珍影集:常惠珍鏡頭下的1960年代香港女性」 The exhibition Rare Encounters: Nancy Sheung's Portraits of Hong Kong Women in the 1960s 譚瑋衡攝 Photographed by Gary Tam
聯絡方法 Contact Details 3177 9159 3177 9172 (Fax) info@lumenvisum.org www.lumenvisum.org
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
MARSMARY x SLOOOOOOWORKSHOP 繪畫 | painting 工作室由兩個創作單位組成︰Belle和Hoyan聯合租用;創作媒介以繪畫為主。工作室以半商店形式運 作,售賣和展示兩位創作人的藝術作品和商品(繪畫、布藝、飾物),並定期舉辦工作坊和繪畫課程。
關於SLOOOOOOWORKSHOP 慢慢工作室 於2012年由Hoyan成立,創作以繪畫人像為主;利用線條描繪每一張陌生的面孔。繪畫風格奇特,色彩 鮮明、誇張;希望通過創造怪異的人物,讓觀賞者會心微笑。
關於MARSMARY 於2012年11月由Belle成立,反映她要到英國繼續升學的一個夢想。創作以插畫為主;在MARSMARY筆 下,英國著名的人物和建築都顯得格外有趣和幽默。Belle希望透過MARSMARY,讓身邊每位都感受到英 國這個國度的美麗。 MARSMARY x SLOOOOOOWORKSHOP is a creative studio formed by Belle and Hoyan in 2015. They mainly
focus on illustration, handicraft and painting. Their studio also operates as a shop for selling and displaying their artistic works and handmade products, such as paintings, bags and accessories. They also organise regular workshops and painting classes for children. About SLOOOOOOWORKSHOP
It features a signature group of illustrations created by Hoyan in 2012, with freaky characters and humorous line drawing to bring a smile to the viewer' s face. About MARSMARY
Established in 2012, MARSMARY is inspired by Bell' s dream to pursue her studies in the UK. Mesmerised by the beauty of London, her illustrations are both about its magnificence and its bits and pieces that touch her soul. MARSMARY also represents craftsmanship and originality.
"Creating my kingdom of beauty. Sharing my love with you, always."
Belle (Marsmary) 6026 8973 marsmary2012@gmail.com www.facebook.com/marsmaryyy
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Hoyan(SLOOOOOOWORKSHOP 慢慢工作室) 6205 1619 slooooooworkshop@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Slooooooworkshop
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
玩.藝 Art.Play 陶藝 | ceramics
藝術家陶藝創作的工作室。 創作過程中,涉及很多好玩的創作媒體及模式,大家在玩.藝工作室內,分享 藝術創作的樂趣。 This is an artist studio.
In the process of creation, there is lots of fun in exploring different media and modes. You are welcome to share the joy of art creation in Art.Play studio.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 阮素玲 Yuen So Ling 9256 3199 ali_ng2012@ymail.com Miracle-journey.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
層次_2015_4 Layers_ 2015_4 阮素玲 Yuen So Ling 陶瓷 Ceramics 2015
Present in Art 當下藝術工作室 油畫、雕塑、行為藝術 | painting, sculpture, performing art
Philippe Charmes,巴黎畫家,法國斯特拉斯堡國立美術學院碩士;曾任中國天津 國立美術學院外籍專家;現於香港教授藝術史及繪畫。
黃懷琰,法國斯特拉斯堡國立美術學院碩士;曾任中國天津國立美術學院教授及系 主任;在香港任專上學院藝術講師。生活於香港巴黎兩地;曾於多國遊歷、工作及 展覽。 Philippe Charmes is a painter from Paris. He graduated from the National Art
School of Strasbourg in France and has worked as a foreign expert at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He has exhibited in Europe and Asia and now teaches art history and drawing in Hong Kong.
Wong Wai Yim lives and works in Hong Kong and Paris. She holds a Master and a Post Master Degree of Art from the National Art School of Strasbourg in France.
She was Professor and Dean of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and has worked as
art lecturer in Hong Kong since 2005. She has exhibited in various countries and galleries, including the Burger Collection.
Wong Wai Yim Installation, glass works and performance 2013 photo by Allan Yau
Turning red
Philippe Charmes Part of the “Twelfth Night”performance 2014 photo by Ariom Leung
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Philippe Charmes 9477 5291 im@presentinart.com www.presentinart.com JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Art-oh 藝吔
繪畫、混合媒介、裝置 | painting, mixed media, installation
藝吔工作室成立於2015年7月。藝術家李碧琪認為,每個藝術創作皆源於生活中的小 意外或忽發奇想的小意念。李善於運用不同的創作媒介,包括繪畫、混合媒介及裝 置,透過幽默和互動的方式探討生活。
工作室舉行多元化藝術活動,包括展覽、藝術教育及藝術品展銷等,致力成為藝術交 流平台。歡迎與不同界別人士合辦活動。 Art-oh was founded in July 2015 by artist Peggy Lee, who believes that every creation
originates from life' s inspiration and imagination. She specialises in interdisciplinary arts
crossing painting, mixed media to installation, to explore everyday life in a humorous and interactive manner.
The studio aims to establish a platform for artistic communication and interaction by
organising a variety of exhibitions and educational events. Collaborations are welcome.
軟武器系列─手榴彈 Series of‘Soft Weapon’– Grenade 李碧琪 Lee Pik Ki 塑膠彩、波波紙 Acrylic on bubble wrap 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李碧琪, Lee Pik Ki Peggy 9587 2323 artohroom214@gmail.com pikleeki@gmail.com 46
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
www.facebook.com/ArtohL214 leepikki.wordpress.com
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery 插畫、首飾設計 | illustration, jewellery
工作室由插畫師Carmen Ng和金工藝術家Victor Wong聯合租用,以半工作 室、半商店形式運作,售賣和展示兩位創作人的藝術作品和商品(紙品、首 飾)。Carmen Ng 的插畫以富想像力和精緻的構圖見稱;Victor Wong 分別 以個人和「VW Jewellery」名義發表作品,風格簡約、理念多變。 營業時間為星期五、六、日下午2時至晚上8時 The room is shared by two artists (Carmen Ng and Victor Wong) as studio and
shop. Carmen Ng works as an illustrator. She loves to create detailed drawings with very fine lines and soft colours. Victor Wong is a contemporary jewellery artist. He founded VW Jewellery in 2012. Minimal and playful is the signature style of his works. Their art works and products are showcased in this studio they share.
Opening hours: 2 – 8pm every Friday to Sunday
Victor Wong 黃銅 Brass 2014
Carmen Ng 水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper 2014
Victor Wong 6207 9040 vwjewellery@hotmail.com.hk www.facebook.com/vwjewellery
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Carmen Ng 9744 7446 carmenng70@gmail.com carmen-ng.com www.facebook.com/carmenng.art JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
STUDIO301 建築設計、文化保育 | architectural design, cultural preservation
主要工作包括: • 保育、本土建築及藝術文化 • 建築設計教育 Focus of work:
• Research on preservation, local architecture and art culture • Teaching pedagogy in architectural design
Chang Hoi Wood was Senior Architectural Designer at EDGE Design Institute in-charge of the award-
winning project "Suitcase House, Commune by the Great Wall" (Beijing). From December 2003 to June
2005, he received a fellowship from the state government of Baden-Württemberg, Germany to be artist-
in-residence at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. After his return from Germany, Chang started teaching at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. He now leads the Associate Degree Scheme in Design at the Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Gary Yeung is a Registered Architect and Adjunct Assistant Professor of School of Architecture at The
Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has won awards at the Public Art Scheme Open Competition for
work on Fanling Public Library"HUNG" and Yuen Long Theatre "SHAN.SHI". His art sculpture and graphic works were nominated finalists ofthe Philippe Charriol Foundation Arts Competition. Yeung has been
researching architectural preservation for over ten years. His recent focus is on the traditionally built Tai O Pang Uk. Published articles include "圖解棚屋精神" in Ming Pao Weekly, "Practicing the Built Traditions in Tai O" in HKIA Journal, as well as his presentation at the IASTE 9th International Conference in Dubai. L3
聯絡方法 Contact Details 張海活, Chang Hoi Wood
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
楊煒強, Gary Yeung
Chinese Therapeutic and Applied Art Services
華人藝術治療及應用美學學社 藝術治療 | art therapy 華人藝術治療及應用美學學社提供︰ • 藝術工作坊 • 藝術治療理論系列工作坊 Chinese Therapeutic and Applied Art Services provides: • arts workshops
• art therapy workshops
聯絡方法 Contact Details
林茱莉, Zarina Lam 9143 8435 z_lam@hotmail.com ctaa@live.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 自得窰石硤尾工作室 陶藝、雕塑 | ceramics, sculpture
自得窰工作室於1996年由陳錦成成立。工作室的信念乃為陶藝愛好者提 供完善空間,以利創作,並獲得樂趣。 I-Kiln Studio was founded in 1996 by Chan Kam Shing. The studio aims to promote the art of ceramics in Hong Kong.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄭明輝, Reed Cheng 9778 0300 chengmingfai@gmail.com www.i-kiln.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房 社區藝術 | community arts
工房以「藝術同參與」作宗旨,為香港首個迎合殘疾人士需要的藝術工作室。當中的《賽馬會共融 藝術計劃》更榮獲香港藝術發展獎「藝術教育獎(非學校組)金獎」。繼完成2013至2016年度的《香港 賽馬會社區資助計劃:共融藝術計劃》,計劃可繼續推行至2019年,透過「藝術筆友」、「開放工作 室」、「展能工作室」、「展能藝術培訓」、「導師培訓」、「周年展覽及演出」多個項目,以藝術連繫 不同社群,將共融的訊息廣傳,以建立尊重差異的多元社會。 The Studio is the first arts studio in Hong Kong which accommodates people with disabilities to create arts. It strives towards the belief of "Arts are for Everyone". Its Jockey Club Inclusive Arts
Programme is the recipient of the Gold Award of Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2012, Award in Arts Education (Non-School Division). Upon the completion of "Hong Kong Jockey Club Community
Project Grant: Inclusive Arts Project 2013-16", the Studio will continue the project till 2019. It continues to connect communities and promote the message of inclusion through programmes such as
"Artlink", "Open Studio", "People with Disabilities Studio", "Training for Artists with Disabilities", "Trainthe-Trainers" and "Annual Exhibition and Performance" to build a more inclusive society.
L3 藝術筆友 Artlink
開放工作室 Open Studio
展能藝術培訓 Training for Artists with Disabilities
導師培訓課程 Train-the-Trainers 周年演出及展覽: 多一點藝術節 Annual performance and exhibition: A Bit More than Arts Festival
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2777 8664 2777 8669 (Fax) jcias@adahk.org.hk www.adahk.org.hk/jcias www.facebook.com/jcias
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
SculpTUDIO 集雕坊 雕塑 | sculpture
集雕坊是戴尚誠為雕塑而設的展覽暨工作室,歡迎參觀交流。戴尚誠畢業於加 拿大卡爾頓大學建築系,並獲廣州美術學院雕塑系碩士;從事木雕塑20載,近 年專注公共藝術及數碼雕塑研究。 SculpTUDIO is Victor' s sculpture studio-cum-exhibition space. Victor graduated
from the School of Architecture, Carleton University, Canada and he obtained his Master of Arts from the Department of Sculpture, Guangzhou Academy of Fine
Arts. Victor has been a wood sculptor for 20 years and has been focusing on the research of public arts and digital sculpture in recent years.
城市鑰匙 Key to the City
戴尚誠 Victor Tai 不鏽鋼、瓷漆 Stainless Steel with Enamel Paint 2012
城市鑰匙(吊墜)Key to the City (pendant)
戴尚誠 Victor Tai 立體打印黃銅、銀、鋼合金鍍金 3D Printing Brass, Silver, Gold plated Steel Alloy 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details 戴尚誠, Victor Tai 9181 8800 taissv@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
moongateworks 月樓手作 陶瓷、繪畫、首飾、設計 | ceramics, painting, jewellery, design
"So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them."
– Sylvia Plath –
Mimosa Pudica, a plant that I ran my fingers through ritually every morning on my way to school, is also known as 'touch-me-not'. It curls up when being touched. When I was a
little girl I did close myself to the world and opened up only occasionally. I am struggling with this urge even today, though I try hard not to be too introverted. I hope one day I learn how to thrive in an extrovert world.
Mimosa N22 20 03 E114 10 56
Fonny Lau Mimosa Pudica, soil, polyethylene sticker Dimensions variable 2013
Zamuel Chang zamuelchang@moongateworks.com
Rex Chan rexchan@moongateworks.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Fonny Lau fonny@moongateworks.com
2529 6855 www.moongateworks.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Ho Siu Kee’s Studio 何兆基工作室 雕塑、裝置藝術 | sculpture, installation art
一個可供專心工作及與朋友相聚的地方。 The working place, the meeting place.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 何兆基, Ho Siu Kee 9263 0305 getkee@yahoo.com www.siu-kee.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L3-05D, L3-07
DanceArt Hong Kong 動藝 舞蹈 | dance
香港獨立舞蹈創作先鋒,自2013年起獲香港藝術發展 局兩年資助;2014年憑《M事件》獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發 香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚獨立舞蹈製作」。 動藝提供各項舞蹈課程,並發展「白盒子舞蹈系列」, 創作及演出實驗舞蹈作品,為愛好當代舞人士建立交 流平台。
DanceArt is a pioneer in producing independent creative dance works which fuse the cross-era and cross-
boundary life experience with various cultural issues. It has been a two-year grant recipient of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council since 2013.
The studio provides space as a cultural promotion hub and welcomes collaboration with external users.
《更衣記》Genyi Ji
編舞:黃茹 Choreographer: Yvette Huang Contemporary Dance (Photo by Jess Wong) 2015
編舞:黃茹、黃磊 Choreographers: Yvette Huang, Louis Huang 舞蹈劇場 Dance Theatre (Photo by Jesse Clockwork) 2013
聯絡方法 Contact Details
梁家權, Francis Leung (藝術總監 Artistic Director) 2793 9957 danceart@danceart.com.hk www.danceart.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Exploration Theatre 赫墾坊劇團 戲劇 | drama
赫墾坊劇團成立於1982年,曾製作的本地原創劇目逾百齣。踏進新 世紀,劇團以發展本地戲劇教育為目標,迄今曾參與劇團創意戲劇 教育活動的師生及家長人數接近十萬。 Established in 1982, Exploration Theatre has produced over 100
original drama productions. Since 2000, it has been developing its
unique methodology in localising Drama-in-Education in Hong Kong. Exploration Theatre has reached out to nearly 100,000 teachers, students and parents through initiated creative projects.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 吳家禧, Karley Ng 9195 7799 etdrama@yahoo.com.hk www.etdrama.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Drama’s Group 劇作社 戲劇、粵劇 | drama, Cantonese opera
劇作社於1997年3月成立,初期以推廣話劇和培訓演員為主,其後亦嘗 試排演粵劇折子戲及長劇。曾經演出的話劇、折子戲及長劇,均受觀 眾歡迎。2012年1月更開始與「菱湘雅敍」合辦粵曲基礎班,為六歲以上 的粵曲愛好者提供學習渠道。 Founded in March 1997, Drama's Group was originally established
mainly to promote drama and to provide training for people interested
in drama, before its development diversified to include Cantonese opera
performance. In January 2012, it began to collaborate with Ling' s Artistic Club to offer foundation classes for Cantonese opera lovers .
綜合表演樂萬家 劇作社委員及會員合演 2015年4月18日
何雅欣, Agnes Ho 9340 0727
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周念勤 9517 0397
盧豔芬(菱湘) 9332 2103 lingsac@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture 香港中華文化促進中心 文化推廣 | cultural promotion 香港中華文化促進中心成立於1985年,是政府認可的慈善團體,宗旨為: • 提倡、介紹和發揚中華文化; • 推動香港、海內外中華文化的發展; • 聯繫世界各地的學術文化機構,促進中外文化交流 過去30年來,中心舉辦過無數活動,主題多圍繞︰ 1. 傳統中華文化的普及與弘揚;以及 2. 走進學校,面向青年人的文化通識教育。
活動範圍涵蓋:傳統及創意文化、學術研究、視藝、文學、電影、戲劇音樂、民族文化、 民間藝術、歷史文化等;而形式多元化,包括講座、展覽、課程、座談會、舞台劇、示範 演講、工作坊、校際比賽、導賞考察等。 Established in 1985, The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture is a registered charitable organisation which aims to promote and foster the development of Chinese
culture. It enriches the cultural life of people in Hong Kong and encourages cultural exchange through organising a wide variety of cultural events, such as literature seminars, musical,
Chinese opera, archaeological, historical and visual arts activities. The Institute believes that
the spread of Chinese culture should go with contemporary trends and global vision. Everyone is welcome to join as a member and enjoy its diversified activities.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2559 4904 info@hkipcc.org.hk www.chineseculture.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
goodmonday 設計、紙製品、手造品、 社區計劃 | design, handicraft, community project
以視覺設計作主導,goodmonday定期進行不同社區計劃,包括回收茶渣製作生活物 品、製作小書本,及設計網上平台協助讀寫障礙的小朋友。
工作室亦專注研究各色印刷方法,包括利用天然物料,將圖像設計印製於布料或紙製品 上,例如月曆、布藝、記事本等。除了推出實體產品外,亦會每月舉辦相關工作坊,讓 大家體驗學習。 With a focus on visual communication design, goodmonday regularly organises community projects, including the recycling tea leaves to create useful handmade items and small
books, or making use of the internet platform to assist children suffering from dyslexia.
The studio also experiments with printing methods, such as transferring graphic designs
onto paper products like calendars and clothes using natural materials. Apart from creating actual products, it also offers workshops and classes to teach and share their experimental crafts.
Teamade 用茶
Wong Ching Yi 紙, 社區計劃, 品牌設計 Paper, community project, brand design 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Wong Ching Yi 9023 1659 wong.ching.yi@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Blend in with Studio 攪伴工作室 混合媒介—纖維、陶瓷、紙 | mixed media - fiber, ceramics, paper 「攪」,意為混和、拌合;而「伴」,則是「拌」的諧音,指同伴組成的集體。攪伴工作室 由三位善於運用不同物料創作的夥伴組成,希望在同一空間內攪拌各自的想法和養分, 創造更多意想不到的可能性。 工作室亦會不定期舉行工作坊及展覽。
"Blend in with" was established by three friends who independently work on various art
medium. They aim to blend their ideas and thoughts together in the studio so as to open up further possibilities.
Occassional workshops and exhibitions are held.
a pile of snot rug
Lai Wing Shan 鈎針編織、咕 Crocheted acrylic yarn on cushions 2015
The gesture of sleeping
Vong Chui Man 塑膠彩、透明膠片、油畫布 Acrylic and transparency on canvas 2015
Shocked monster
Wong Ching Yu 玉米粉、漿糊、塑膠彩 Corn starch, glue, acrylic
聯絡方法 Contact Details
blendinwith@gmail.com www.facebook.com/blendinwith instagram: blendinwith
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Vong Chui Man, Amanda 9784 9337
Wong Ching Yu, 清渝 6793 2997 oliviachingyu@gmail.com www.facebook.com/shockedmonster
Lai Wing Shan, 阿泥 6034 5931 imsandysoil@gmail.com
Two Dust Studio 兩點塵工作室 花藝、中國書畫、篆刻 | floriculture, Chinese painting and calligraphy, seal carving
鹿走過,翻起泥土,揚起了兩點塵。 塵降落,升空,卻不斷前進。為了把心中的想法,一一實現。 兩點塵工作室是林嘉裕(Inkgo)及何頴姿(Gigi)的創作空間,在創作中留下自己的塵埃。
林嘉裕(Inkgo),喜歡樹葉,尤其銀杏葉(Ginkgo)。銀杏葉的葉尾巴引領她每天創作,以 樹葉、樹枝、果實做藝術品。 何頴姿(Gigi),熱衷於中國書畫篆刻藝術;努力創作之餘,亦希望將之推廣,為大眾帶來 中國藝術創作體驗。 A deer trod by and two specks of dust soared, rising and falling with their ideas.
Two Dust Studio is the creative space of Gigi and Inkgo, where they leave their dust in creation.
Lam Ka Yu, Inkgo, named after the plant Ginkgo that is believed to lead people to a blessed life, has a special fondness for the leaves of that plant. She particularly enjoys the process of making artworks and craft with leaves, seeds and branches.
Ho Weng Chi, Gigi is enthusiastic about Chinese calligraphy, painting and seal carving. She is
dedicated to creating works for promoting Chinese art to the public.
何頴姿, Gigi Ho Weng Chi 6579 5246 homegigi14@hotmail.com www.howengchi.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 林嘉裕, Inkgo Lam 6748 1310 kayulky729@gmail.com www.inkgolam.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
CreationPlace - stained glass mix and match 亮點.空間
玻璃鑲嵌 | stained glass CreationPlace Workshop 是玻璃鑲嵌專門製品的工 作室,不定期發表及展售個人作品,並提供玻璃鑲嵌 製品工作坊。她們由創意出發,並樂於分享玻璃鑲嵌 的樂趣。
CreationPlace於2002年創立;2008年遷入賽馬會創 意藝術中心至今,一直熱衷於創作及設計具型格的玻 璃鑲嵌作品。她們不以主流市場的玻璃鑲嵌吊飾或擺 設為創作目標,而是致力以獨特的方法和敏銳的觸 覺,利用玻璃鑲嵌與不同的素材作Mix & Match ,形 成獨特而令人眼前一亮的作品,讓玻璃的透光性、斑 斕的色彩和高度的可塑性在大家的生活中發放獨特的 光彩。 Founded in 2002 and established in JCCAC in 2008,
CreationPlace Workshop focuses on making unique
stained glass art. It experiments with the cross over of
different material and periodically presents exhibitions to showcase and sell stained glass art works. It also
provides workshops to share the fun and joy of creating stained glass art with the public.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
龔夏慧, Circle Kung 9750 4918 contact@creationplace.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Brush Castle de Studio 筆加思索 繪畫、音樂 | painting, music 曹幗婷現任香港演藝學院學位課程繪畫講師;獲英國University of the Arts London頒授藝術碩士,並獲香港演藝學 院頒授榮譽學士。鑽研中西繪畫,並師從嶺南派國畫大師黎明先生習畫。創作融會油畫及國畫範疇。一幀五幅《水天 系列》國畫作品入選「香港當代藝術獎2012」,於香港藝術館展出,並獲立法會綜合大樓永久收藏及展出;作品《魚樂 圖》獲全廣東省國畫比賽二等獎;2015年於法國五月藝術節「Water Light Graffiti」即席繪畫。
鄭展文獲英國文化協會「Chevening Scholarship」赴英國The University of Manchester修畢作曲碩士課程;現於香港 中文大學修讀藝術文學碩士課程。研習中西繪畫,並師從國畫大師黎明先生習畫。創作範疇包括繪畫、裝置藝術和 當代音樂。音樂創作上,他致力探索聲音組合之可能性,電子音樂作品《Amalgamation》獲美國Pytheas Centre for Contemporary Music 推薦。藝術創作上,他探求中西美學;2012年起創作《胚胎系列》;2013及2014年參與「JCCAC 藝術節」;2015及2016年參與香港旅遊發展局「香港藝術月 - 藝術空間@港鐵」;並曾於法國五月藝術節「Water Light Graffiti」即席繪畫。 Connie Cho is a lecturer in painting at The Academy for Performing Arts. She holds a master degree in Fine Art (Painting) from the University of the Arts London. Her works include oil painting, Chinese painting and mixed media, characterised by their permeation of Chinese and Western elements. Her five Chinese paintings from《Reflections》series were selected for the "Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012", and have been collected by and exhibited in the Legislative Council of HKSAR. She was invited for on-site painting at "Water Light Graffiti" of Le French May Arts Festival 2015.
Cheng Chin Man obtained his master degree in music composition from The University of Manchester supported by the Chevening Postgraduate Scholarships of The British Council. He is currently studying for a Master of Arts in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His works include Western painting, Chinese painting, contemporary music and other media. His electroacoustic music《Amalgamation》is featured by Pytheas Centre for Contemporary Music, US. Since 2012, he has been developing his《Embryo series》of paintings. His works participated at the "JCCAC Art Festival" in 2013 and 2014. In 2015 and 2016, he participated in the Hong Kong Arts Month exhibition "Art@MTR" and was invited for on-site painting at "Water Light Graffiti" of Le French May Arts Festival.
水天系列 Reflections
雙連畫 - 鴿子和蛇 (胚胎系列) Diptych - Dove & Snake (Embryo series) 鄭展文 Cheng Chin Man, Mangorgor 油畫 Oil on canvas 2015
鄭展文, Cheng Chin Man 9511 0605 chengchinmanhk@yahoo.com.hk
曹幗婷 Connie Cho 國畫 Chinese painting 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details
曹幗婷, Connie Cho 9201 2220 chokwokting@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Fish Hub 魚竇 水墨、行為藝術、攝影 | ink painting, performance art, photography 魚王法興畫魚,大寫意。 發揮藝術創意,以畫會友,鼓勵年輕人從事藝術、設計及書法創作,回饋社會,步向 世界,勇闖明天。 Fish King is especially fond of painting fish.
He aims to boost creativity among young people, encouraging them to work in art, design and calligraphy, so as to enrich their lives and make contribution towards society.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 魚王 陳法興, Fish King 6198 6877 2884 0934 chanfishking@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Potter Fun 陶作坊 陶藝 | ceramics 封愛賢於2014年獲得藝術文學士及應用心理學文憑,同年成立「陶作坊」;曾參 與多個團體展覽和講座,致力推廣陶藝及本土文化。她專注於陶瓷創作及不同 物料的鑽研,並舉辦有趣課程,從而普及陶藝,並將之融入日常生活,提升人 們對本土歷史及文化的興趣。 Janice Fung obtained a BA degree in Fine Art (ceramics) and a Diploma of Applied Psychology in 2014, the same year that she established "Potter Fun". She has
participated in various group exhibitions and seminars to promote ceramics and local heritage. By active arts creation with ceramics, exploring different materials
and offering interesting workshops, she encourages people to enjoy and enhance knowledge about ceramics, local heritages and history.
角度 Angle
封愛賢 Janice Fung 陶瓷 Ceramics 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details
封愛賢, Janice Fung 9663 6361 Potterfun18@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Potter-Fun-816214151756396
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
2x2 Studio 時裝設計 | fashion design 2x2 Studio由Andy Chiu及Soyan So共同經營。他 們在這裡做衣服首飾,實現有趣的構思。歡迎預約 參觀。 2x2 Studio is shared by fashion artists Andy Chiu and
Soyan So. They realise interesting ideas and speak the language of art by designing outfits and accessories. Visits by appointment are welcome.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Andy Chiu 9414 5858 Andykit19339@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Soyan So 6577 9502 soyansohk@gmail.com
HK Carbon 雕塑、首飾 | sculpture, jewellery 李紹忠,一直喜歡創作,從事首飾設計和製作多年。在視覺藝術中心雕塑專修 課程後,開始首飾和雕塑混合創作。由2012年起於視覺藝術中心雕塑專修班擔 任焊接導師;現專注藝術教育及藝術創作。 Joe Li, who loves artistic creation, has been designing and making accessories for
many years. After attending a sculpture course at the Visual Arts Centre, he started experimenting with the crossover of sculpture and jewellery. Apart from artistic
creation, he is also enthusiastic about teaching, and has been a welding instructor at the Visual Arts Centre since 2012.
目標 Goal
李紹忠 Joe Li 銅、合金 Copper, alloy
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李紹忠, Joe Li 9773 4100 hk.carbon@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base 李香蘭生活研究房 插畫 | illustration 李香蘭,土生土長香港畫家,喜歡觀察人和聽故事;畫風自由奔放,擅長以線條捕捉當下狀態。2009年出版《上‧ 下禾輋》,描繪在鄉村長大的故事,帶出關懷老人和愛護大自然的信息;2012年出版《尋人啟事上‧下冊》,細緻記 錄香港老百姓的故事;2015年獲邀參與《Pop Up Press #3》,學習平版畫技術,創作關於沙田故事的作品,表達對 城鄉共融發展的嚮往。另一方面,作為藝術導師的她,亦穿梭於小學、中學和大專院校,擔任導師和分享嘉賓。 2016年在JCCAC成立的李香蘭生活研究房,既提供繪畫啓蒙課程,亦是一個創作者與公眾交流的空間。 Rainbow Leung grew up in Ha Wo Che Village in Hong Kong with tiny insects, kittens and puppies among her
childhood friends . She is especially fond of sleeping in the company of fireflies under the vast summer sky. She
enjoys observing people and listening to stories. Characterised by free-flowing spontaneity, her art is balanced and orderly, and every stroke she paints captures fleeting moments in life.
Leung published her first book《Sha Ha Wo Che Village》in 2009 with messages about caring for the elderly and nature. She later collaborated with good friend Bei Bei to illustrate ordinary folks in a Ming Pao column called
"Hong Kong Citizen Dictionary", which was collated and published in book form in 2012. After taking part in the
"Pop Up Press #3" programme in 2015, she created a series of art pieces about Shatin expressing her wish for city development to find harmonious co-existence with suburban landscape preservation.
Leung is also an art tutor who encourages students to experience the world through field trips and outdoor drawing. She believes that learning to appreciate the small things in life is key to spiritual development. She devotes herself to community art projects and uses the paint brush to expess her insight and love for Hong Kong. She established her studio Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base in 2016 at JCCAC as a place for art education and sharing stories about Hong Kong with the public.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 李香蘭, Rainbow Leung 6229 1143
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Rainbow310786@gmail.com www.facebook.com/leexianglan
Homework Production 家課製作 設計、攝影、漫畫、出版 | design, photography, comics, publication
歐陽應霽與一眾好友的創作基地。 跨越漫畫藝術、設計、出版等領域。 兼附工作室、資料庫及展覽場地等多元開放功能。 定期舉辦以中外當代漫畫藝術為主的相關交流活動。 A creative hub of Craig Au Yeung and friends for comic arts, design, publication etc.
黃美蘭, Wong Mei Lan 9272 6886 milliewong4@netvigator.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
歐陽應霽, Au Yeung Ying Chai 9272 8668 craig@auyeungishere.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Clayground 陶藝、雕塑 | ceramics, sculpture
何敏儀現為藝術教育及陶藝/雕塑工作者;2005 年獲澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術文學士學位 (主修陶瓷);2011年獲香港中文大學藝術文學 碩士學位;並曾於紐約視覺藝術學校(SVA)及香 港視覺藝術中心(VAC)修畢雕塑課程。
何敏儀於2012年分別入選「臺灣國際陶藝雙年展」 及入圍「香港當代藝術奬」;曾於澳洲、台灣、澳 門、上海、成都及香港等地參與展覧;作品為臺 灣新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館、香港藝術中心、民 政事務局、香港滙豐私人銀行、酒店與私人委約 及收藏。
Blanche Ho graduated with a bachelor degree
of Arts in Fine Art (major in ceramics) from RMIT
University in 2005 and a master degree of Arts in Fine Arts from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. She also received training in
sculpture at School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York and Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre (VAC).
In 2012, Blanche was final-listed in "Taiwan
Ceramics Biennial" and shortlisted for "Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award". Her works have been
exhibited in Australia, Taiwan, Macau, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong, and collected or
commissioned by New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Home Affair
Bureau, HSBC Private Bank, hotels and private collectors.
Blanche is currently a teaching artist, ceramicist and sculptor.
泡沫 The Bubble
何敏儀 Blanche Ho 不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details 何敏儀, Blanche Ho 9024 9763 clayg round@ymail.com blancheho.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
WY Creative Workshop 黃英創作社 油畫、雕塑、設計、攝影等 painting, sculpture, design, photography, etc 一個反璞歸真及參與跨媒體創作的工作室。 A workshop back to basics: painting, photography & moving pictures.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃英, Wong Ying 9095 7634 wongying@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Touch Stone Workshop 石門畫室 水墨畫、書法 | Chinese ink painting, calligraphy
石門畫室乃一個水墨畫工作室,專注香港生活情況和環境的變化,反映畫者對生活歷史的關注;經常舉辦友 好新作欣賞及茶聚,亦提供一個書法揮毫和創作的交流平台;計劃每年組織一系列的小組畫展於JCCAC介紹 新作,亦打算轉為「客至清談」的地方,舉辦專題的畫班、速寫班、人物畫班等。
Touch Stone Workshop is a gathering place for Chinese ink painting artists to hold seminars and exhibitions. The studio also offers art classes.
書法對聯 Calligraphy in Running Script 徐子雄 Chui Tze Hung 行書水墨紙本 Ink on paper 2013
聯絡方法 Contact Details
徐子雄, Chui Tze Hung 2571 8880 / 9708 4807 chuitzehung@gmail.com www.chuitzehung.blogspot.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
徐子雄 Chui Tze Hung 混合媒介紙本 Mixed media on paper 2013
王翠英, Wong Chui Ying 9709 2466
杜綺璇工作室 繪畫 | painting
杜綺璇希望透過繪畫,表達對生活的觀察與反思。她的繪畫作品經常圍繞人類情感;作品取向多結合寫實 與浪漫風格;繪畫元素主要提煉自現實城市生活。 To Yee Shuen's paintings, which are realistic yet romantic, reflects her observations of the environment around
her. Since she is confronted by doubts, isolation, anxiety and contradiction, human love and hate are the subject matters of her paintings. She extracts artistic elements from our present city life. As she believes that paintings speak softly, rather than shouting out, she intends to talk to those who listen through such artistic means.
Entrance of the palace 杜綺璇 To Yee Shuen
油畫布本 Oil on canvas 2014
Go with the flow
杜綺璇 To Yee Shuen
油畫布本 Oil on canvas 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
杜綺璇, To Yee Shuen 6172 5141 dodobirdto@gmail.com www.toyeeshuen.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
TANG’s Studio 鄧氏工作室 油畫、雕塑 | painting, sculpture
鄧凝姿及鄧凝梅從事繪畫、版畫、紡織、裝置及混合媒介等創作,以日常生活、社會事件及文化 身份等為探討方向。工作室同時成立「正/側畫廊」,專為推薦香港本土出色藝術家的作品而設。 Using painting, printmaking, textile, installation and mixed media as their media, Stella and Grace explore issues of culture and identity, every day things and social matters. The Front/Side Gallery aims at promoting the best works from local artists in Hong Kong.
D君屋子的門打開了 The door of Mr.D’s house is open 鄧凝姿, Tang Ying Chi, Stella 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄧凝姿, Tang Ying Chi, Stella yingchitang@yahoo.com.hk www.tangyingchi.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
鄧凝梅, Tang Ying Mui, Grace gymtang@gmail.com www.tangyingmui.com
借來的春天,借來的香港 Borrowed Spring, borrowed Hong Kong
鄧凝梅, Tang Ying Mui, Grace 包膠鐵缐、各種物件 Plastic wrapped wire, various objects 2015
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory
蔡福記中西樂器製造廠 樂器製作 | musical instrument
「蔡福記樂器廠」創辦人為蔡春福先生;長子蔡維經先生於1930年,將業務由潮 州拓展到香港。在孫兒昌壽先生中二的時侯,琴家徐文鏡先生有古琴壞了,派 工人送到蔡福記修理。古琴修好後,由昌壽先生送回。徐先生對修琴成果相當 滿意,後來想按他所書寫的琴銘製造12張古琴。由於當時徐先生視力不佳,故 由昌壽先生做木工,徐先生上灰,兩人合作做了三張古琴。第四張古琴開始, 在徐先生指導下,由昌壽先生擔當全部工序。從此,昌壽先生承傳了徐文鏡先 生精湛的製琴工藝。 昌壽先生從事製造古琴及其他中國樂器已超過半個世紀; 直至1993年, 開始 傳授製琴工藝予有志之士,其中大部分為琴人;至今門生逾20名,可謂桃李滿 門。環顧香港,以至內地,蔡先生授徒的數量可謂非常罕見,對於日漸式微的 斲琴藝術,發揮薪火相傳的作用。
"Choi Fook Kee" was established in 1904 by Mr. Choi Chang Sau's grandfather. Choi learnt the craft of making various traditional Chinese musical instruments from
his family and later under mentorship of the Qin master Xu Wen Jing . Mr. Choi has
been making Qin for more than five decades, with a remarkable following by more than 20 apprentices.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2756 1879 choifookkee@yahoo.com www.choifookkee.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Ancha Vista 跨媒介藝術 | multi-disciplinary arts
西班牙語「Ancha Vista」的意思,即「寬闊景觀」。
「在 『 寬 闊 景 觀 』 內 , 我 們 看 見 平 面 、 立 體 、 跨 媒 介 、 多 元 文 化 、 藝 術 、 設 計 、 民 間 生 活、創意、策劃、耐性、幽默……」 積極地生活、盡情地享受、活在藝術當下。
Ancha Vista近年與JCCAC其他租戶合作,籌劃「習慣 x 自然 」。這是一個關於食物來源、生 產方法、自耕自吃和永續生活的計劃,在城市生活中透過觀察、互動、學習和行動,跟自 然規律相認。
"Ancha Vista" means "wide view" in Spanish.
'In the "wide view", we see 2-dimensional, 3-dimentional, mixed media, multi-culture, arts, design, community culture, creative, strategy, long-term relationship, humour...... We enjoy art as part of our lives.'
In recent years, Ancha Vista has co-organised the "Daily Practices with Nature" project with
other JCCAC tenants. It is a project about food resources, food production, self-sustainability and sustainable lifestyle. Through daily practice of observation, interaction, education and action, they re-establish the relationship between lives in the city and mother nature.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2520 0622 2520 0293 (Fax) www.anchavista.com info@anchavista.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
陳家儀, Ivy Chan ivy@anchavista.com
陳錦成, Chris Chan chris@anchavista.com
uncommon PROJECT 冷計劃 跨媒介藝術 | multi-disciplinary arts
「 冷計劃 —— 不一樣的藝術角度,充斥在我們生活的周遭,卻鮮為人注意。」
冷計劃創立於2014年,是一個拓展多樣性的藝術空間,致力推動藝術創作及文化交 流。透過不同媒介的展覽、交流活動、講座和教育,使空間成為一個凝聚藝術的接觸 點。 "Uncommon PROJECT - Our lives are filled with various aspects of arts which we rarely pay notice." Established in 2014, Uncommon PROJECT is a space for the promotion of artistic
creations and sharing. The space aims to create an open platform for interaction between artists and art lovers through various kinds of exhibitions, art events and workshops.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
區家耀, Gavin Au 5406 0042 uncommonprojectaboutart@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Studio 509 509工作室 繪畫、雕塑 | painting, sculpture
509工作室主要成員為岑嘉慧和馮淑霞;創作媒介主要為繪畫、雕塑、混合媒 介和手作工藝。各成員積極參與當代藝術創作。工作室會定期參與及安排公 開展覽、舉辦工作坊和繪畫課程,以及參與不同社區團體、機構、中小學及 各大專院校等藝術教育工作。 The key members of Studio 509 are Violet Shum and Yvette Fung. Artworks
include painting, sculpture, mixed-media installation and handicrafts. They
actively participate in various exhibitions and art projects. They also regularly run creative workshops, painting classes and develop art projects for educational institutions, community groups and other organisations.
One Day
馮淑霞, Yvette Fung 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 2009
聯絡方法 Contact Details 岑嘉慧, Violet Shum 9260 7203 violetshum@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
馮淑霞, Yvette Fung 9098 7921 yvettefung2003@yahoo.com.hk
Dialogue with Darkness 黑暗中的對話
岑嘉慧, Violet Shum 鐵絲網、布料及霓虹光管 Wire, Fabric and Neon Light 2015
The Fighting Blues 格詠藍調 跨媒介藝術 | multi-disciplinary arts
因「聚攏」而組成,被投訴撃鼓浪聲太大乃家常便飯。「頗難界定本組織從事哪類 (演藝)活動 —— 雖然以跨媒體街頭表演較多。」 Members hang out together and loosely became a group. "We often receive
complaints about the racket we make on our big drums. It is hard to define which arts genre our group works in, but let' s say its mainly cross-media street performance."
馮國基, Gabriel Fung gabskee@yahoo.com
楊展強, Eugene Yeung 6434 0414 ckeugene@gmail.com
劉銘鏗(神父), Sunfool 9263 1940 mrsunfool@yahoo.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李志文, Man Lee 9228 3302 man_lee_hk@yahoo.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Lam Pei Studio 林皮工作室 繪畫、雕塑、設計 | painting, sculpture, design
林皮,「Flying Sofye」品牌創立人;現職自由工作者,以漫畫、 紙糊及收藏舊木為創作媒介。喜歡以塗鴉記錄生活,作品分享 珍惜舊物之情。2014年自家品牌「Flying Sofye」獲第三屆中華區 插畫獎「中華區最佳品牌插畫獎」季軍獎;2013年獲邀於始創中 心商場展出「蘇飛中秋星際遊樂園」;2012年於APM商場展出「復 活節蘇飛夢幻樂園」;2008年於石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心設工 作室。 Lam Pei is a Hong Kong illustrator, visual artist and founder of the "Flying Sofye" brand of products. She mainly works in the
media of comics, paper-mache and recycled wood. She likes to record her life by daily doodles, and to express and share with
her audience her nostalgic love of old things. In 2014, her brand "Flying Sofye" won the second runner-up of "The 3rd Greater
China Illustration Awards - The Best Illustration (Self – Initiation & For Sale)". Between 2012 and 2013, Lam Pei has participated in various shopping mall events, including "The Autumn Star Playground of Flying Sofye" at Pioneer Centre, Mongkok and
"The Easter Paradise of Flying Sofye" at APM Mall, Kwun Tong.
林皮 Lam Pei 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on fabric 2015
生日快樂 Happy Birthday 林皮 Lam Pei 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details 林皮, Lam Pei 2602 5718 www.lampei.com contact@lampei.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Lonely Studio 寂寞工作室 繪畫 | painting
喜愛用油彩繪畫香港這繁忙城市,那來去匆匆的道路是劉兆聰對香港生活的深 刻印象。記憶像是長期曝光下的照片,重重複複的經歷,呈現出物象在一個時 期而非一瞬間的表現。透過作品的複合和抽象的表現,他的繪畫是記憶混合後 的生活體驗。 Oil is Lonely Lau Siu Chung' s preferred medium. He loves to paint the bustling
cityscape of Hong Kong. Rushing around on the busy roads is the most profound impression he has of living in this crowded city. Memories are like repeated
experiences captured on long exposure photographs, with images representing
periods of time rather than the fleeting moment. His paintings are complex and abstract expressions mixing his memory and life experiences.
旺角十月 Mong Kok October 劉兆聰 Lonely Lau Siu Chung 油彩布本 Oil on canvas
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉兆聰, Lonely Lau Siu Chung 6704 3708 lonely.lau@hotmail.com sites.google.com/site/lonelylsc
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Cyressland 跨媒體創作 | multimedia
電影創作 — 電影跨媒體創作 Movie X Multimedia
聯絡方法 Contact Details
梁柏堅, Leung Pak Kin 6805 6262 pakin_leung@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Yar Lan Grang 雅蘭館 描金漆畫、仿古家具及裝飾、國畫 gold-line lacquer painting, art furniture and furnishing, Chinese painting 設有仿古描金畫、國畫、家具、裝飾品等工藝。
Artisan work in gold-line lacquer painting, Chinese painting, and the production of art furnitures and furnishings.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 馮德文, Fung Tak Man 6692 4300
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
84 String 八十四粵弦坊 中國音樂 | Chinese music
在中國傳統樂器當中,許多人喜歡二胡,原因是她獨特的造型及優美的音色。 二胡是最常被用來擔任中高音主旋律的弦樂器,無論在佛教心靈音樂、流行歌 曲,甚至電影配樂,都能輕易地發現二胡優美的琴聲。 想學習二胡演奏,請向八十四粵弦坊查詢。其他中國樂器課程包括琵琶、揚 琴、柳琴、敲擊、古箏及笛子。 Learning Er-hu is becoming fashionable because of the beauty of the instrument
and its sound. It has also been made popular by use in pop songs and movie
soundtracks. It is not as difficult to learn as people think. Enquiries about lessons are welcome.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 周志豪, Henry Chau 9338 1279 84string@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
W Studio 跨媒介或其他藝術範疇 | multi-disciplinary arts or other arts discipline
W Studio 的目標是希望透過藝術,讓大眾認識著重分析批判的左腦思維以外的另一片天地。「我們 熱愛推動社區藝術交流,鼓勵年輕人了解自己,讓兒童發揮天賦,將潛藏的創意發揮出來,啟發身 邊的人追求心中最重要的價值。 」 現與位於西班牙的Estudio Nómada合作,舉辦全新的跨國交流藝術課程,詳情可瀏覽網址。
除了熱愛探索不同種類的藝術展覽及體驗外,他們還提供以下工作坊及課程:WArt Jam 、 親子藝 術、石頭彩繪、瓶子彩繪、布藝手作、畫出感覺、壁畫創作、創意繪畫、裝置藝術、右腦潛能⋯⋯ What' s life without hope, dream, or passion? W Studio aims to widen your horizons and take you on a creative journey in search of the important values closest to your heart. Take a leap of faith. Let art be
your guide.
The studio is currently collaborating with Estudio Nómada in Barcelona to launch an international art programme. For details, please visit their website.
They love to experiment with different forms of exhibitions and artistic possibilities. They offer art courses on drawing, painting, design, sculpture, installation, enhancement of right brain creative potential, etc.
wstudio516@gmail.com www.wstudio516.com
許婉汶, Yanki Hui 5199 9700
劉俊賢, Winston Lau 6076 3663
聯絡方法 Contact Details 邵麗華, Wallis Chiu 9334 3864 +61 411 084 0833
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Invision Images 三彩堂 攝影、電影製作、新媒體 | photography, film, new media
三彩堂影像工作室,從事攝影、電影製作、文字創作及新媒體應用。 紀錄片、劇情片、微電影、音樂錄像 微電影製作中心 x 視藝文化教育培訓基地 創辦人周輝,資深影視製作人,監製及導演
Frank Chow is a film director, producer and media expert. The studio operates documentary, drama and MTV production, and runs courses and workshops in media arts.
www.beyond17.tv is a web TV channel established to encourage young people' s interest in production.
「創業都市」紀錄片2015 ENTREPRENEUR CITY Directed by Frank Chow
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周輝, Frank Chow 5119 6466 francchow@hotmail.com frank@invisionimages.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
www.invisionimages.com www.beyond17.tv
Choi Hung Studio 蔡雄工作室 水墨畫 | ink painting
Ink painting workshop
聯絡方法 Contact Details 雲抱山水
蔡雄 Choi Hung 水墨設色紙本 Ink and colour on paper
蔡雄, Choi Hung
9458 7056 choiroger@yahoo.com www.yausir.com/hkchoihung
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Hoichiu Art Workshop 海潮沙畫藝術工作室 跨媒介藝術、沙畫 | multi-disciplinary arts, sand drawing
香港著名沙畫藝術家海潮 以沙畫作主題的工作室、沙畫藝術展覽小館;定期舉辦沙畫藝術講座,並開放給 公眾參觀及學習沙畫。 Renowned Hong Kong sand art artist Hoi Chiu
A specialised studio and exhibition space for sand art, it offers regular sand drawing seminars and workshops for the public.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
海潮, Hoi Chiu hoichiu@alltheatreco.com www.alltheatreco.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
520 Dimension 520小空間 設計、攝影 | design, photography
設計、攝影、藝術欣賞 空間小小,可以胡思亂想,作為創作動力…… Design, photography, art appreciation
A small space for boundless imagination.
謝文彪, Billy Tse 9288 7517 applebilly@gmail.com
趙麗娟, Susanna Chiu 6330 4393 susanna.chiu@gmail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 水禾田, Water Poon water-poon@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Perfect Music Works 音樂創作 | music production
Perfect Music Works 是一個專業的音樂團體,除了提供專業的錄音、作曲 及編曲服務外,亦致力於原創音樂的推廣及發展,希望透過舉辦各類音樂 教育及音樂活動,讓音樂家及藝術家有更多互動空間。歡迎提出任何合作 或交流的建議。 Perfect Music Works is a professional music group which provides service in
professional recording, composing and music production. They also promote original music through various kinds of activities. They hope to enlarge the
interactive space between musicians and artists, and welcome proposals for possible collaboration and exchange.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
歐天勇, Alex Au 6126 9286 perfectmusic.works@gmail.com www.alexau-composer.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Postapoem / Gallery Z 詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 油畫、攝影 | painting, photography
工作室「私畫廊」是用以創作和展覽的空間,不定期提供對外開放的展覽。因應有限的空 間,展覽內容以個人創作為主要策展的方向,故名為「私畫廊」;英文名字為最後一個字母 「Z」,取其跟中文音形相近。除了定時讓「詩郵寄」的創作人作展覽外,攝影創作亦是私 畫廊的重點策展方向。 畫廊展覽消息可以從Gallery Z私畫廊的Facebook得知。而由畫廊策展人主理的攝影網誌 postnphoto.blogspot.hk,亦會發放攝影、展覽或其他創作活動等的消息。 Gallery Z is both a workshop for creative works and an exhibition venue. The Gallery
periodically opens to the public. Owing to limited space, it mostly presents solo exhibitions,
and therefore adopted the last alphabet "Z" as the gallery name as it sounds like the Chinese
word for "personal".
Information about its exhibitions can be found on Facebook and the curator' s blogspot (postnphoto.blogspot.hk).
www.facebook.com/pages/Gallery-Z-私畫廊/540778399351127 postnphoto.blogspot.hk
陳明明 9416 0967
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉清平, Lau Ching Ping 2372 0681 / 9481 6234 tlife@hkstar.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Unit Gallery 陶藝 | ceramics
Unit Gallery 由張煒詩於2010年在JCCAC創立。此空間 的設立,是將既有的根基與資源作延伸運用,為藝術創 作者提供一個友善輕鬆的交流平台,分享當代藝術。 Unit Gallery is founded by Rachel Cheung at JCCAC in
2010. She set up this art space to develop her career in a new dimension and to make an effort in promoting
contemporary art. The venue provides artists with a cozy and relaxed space to share their works and ideas.
Fables & Spells 張煒詩, Rachel Cheung 陶瓷及紙 Ceramics and Paper 2009
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張煒詩, Rachel Cheung 9453 1626 unit.gallery@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
An Gee’s Studio 安之自在 版畫、油畫、陶藝 | printmaking, painting, ceramics
創作媒介以版畫、油畫和陶瓷為主。 工作室主要用作個人創作,亦會定期舉辦版畫課程及小型展覽。 The studio specialises in printmaking, painting and ceramics, offering regular exhibitions and printmaking workshops.
You're always in front of me Chan An Gee mono screen print 2014
Mum and I
Chan An Gee mono screen print 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details Chan An Gee 9369 5665 chanangee@gmail.com www.chanangee.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
The Signifier 指非指出版社 藝術評論、出版 | art critiques, publication
指非指出版社成立於2009年,名字取《公孫龍子‧指物》 「 物莫非指而指非指」;旨在推廣精神分析及 藝術評論;同時參與藝術治療的研究工作;並出版精神分析有關的書籍及藝術評論作品。自2010年 移至JCCAC起,總共舉辦約180場哲學及精神分析學的免費講座,包括逢星期四舉辦佛洛伊德閱讀會 及拉康閱讀會;並多次邀請國內外嘉賓,主講佛洛伊德及拉康的精神分析學及其他哲學討論,包括 馬元龍教授的「拉康與莎士比亞的哈姆雷特」、趙崇熙先生的「王陽明的美學對照存在主義觀點」及「王 陽明的致良知和現代中國政治」等。曾出版刊物包括符瑋《口腔期都市》及《台北蓮蓬》等。 The Signifier is a local organisation promoting psychoanalytic culture in Hong Kong. Since 2009, The
Signifier has organised more than 180 workshops and seminars on Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, art
critiques, postmodernism, and published various items on psychoanalytic cultural analysis. The Signifier
also offers Thursday Freud Reading Group, Monthly Lacan Seminars and free-trial Rorschach Inkblot test.
Publications included Fu Wai' s "City in Oral Stage" (2010) and "Taipei Lotus" (2011).
台北蓮蓬(出版物) 符瑋 出版物 2011
聯絡方法 Contact Details 符瑋博士, Dr. Fu Wai 謝昭銳, Plato Tse 劉軒朗, Samson Lau 符史冠
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Sean Fung Nick Ching Hydra Ng Maisie Lo
2806 5118 / 5104 0612 thesignifierhk@gmail.com www.facebook.com/thesignifier
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur 繪畫 | painting
Spitting Gecko Studio 是 John McArthur 的工作室,他希望提供一個個人創作、教 學及展覽的場地以推廣藝術。
John來自澳洲,自1999年起定居香港,以書法和亞洲文化藝術為創作主題,不時 舉辦人體素描活動。
Spitting Gecko Studio is the art space of John McArthur. The studio is a space for personal art projects and development. Its mission is to provide a teaching and
exhibition space to promote art in Hong Kong. It is a space for learning, collaborating and expressing unique and creative statements.
John McArthur, an Australian artisit who has been a resident of Hong Kong since 1999, has been captivated by art. Calligraphy and Asian culture has had a profound effect and is often represented as common themes in his work. He often uses the human body and portraits as an inspiration for his own visual images. He has held solo
exhibitions and participated in group shows and regularly creates artwork at his studio with people who share a passion for art.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
John McArthur 9614 4658 spittinggecko@gmail.com www.spittinggecko.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU
香港現代水墨畫會-陳成球現代水墨工作室 現代水墨、書法、國畫 | contemporary ink painting, calligraphy, Chinese painting 「我嘗試選擇用水墨畫作為表達內心思想的一種媒介; 運用細膩的肌理變化、墨色的渾厚滋潤,創造出能傳達 個人信息、意境高遠的作品。」
陳成球,生於香港;香港現代水墨畫會董事兼副會長; 師從劉國松教授、馬國權教授;多次舉辦個展及國際水 墨畫大展;被授「中華傑出藝術家」稱號。 Chan Shing Kau uses Chinese ink painting as a
medium to express his personal thoughts. He has
organised exhibitions and curated international ink painting exhibitions. Chan is the President of the Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society.
陳成球, Chan Shing Kau 水墨設色紙本 Colour and ink on paper 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳成球, Chan Shing Kau 9408 0793 / 6736 6344 csklcp@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
3 Page 三頁 首飾創作 | jewellery design
三頁,是由專注首飾創作的三位女生組成的工作室。作品喜愛採用自然物料, 加上金工製作而成;風格以簡潔鮮明為主,自然流露一份悠然。 3 Page, is a studio formed by three girls who love jewellery design. They explore
blending natural materials with metal work in their creations. The minimalistic and unique style of their works naturally reveals a sense of ease and leisure.
朱文婷 Clio Chu 銀及混合媒介 Silver and mixed media 2012
聯絡方法 Contact Details 吳綺琪, Ng Yee Ki 6796 9637 jubu0702@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The ocean
黃嘉玲 Wong Ka Ling 銀及混合媒介 Silver and mixed media 2014
朱文婷, Chu Man Ting 6708 6161 cliochu@gmail.com
Make yourself
吳綺琪 Ng Yee Ki 銀及混合媒介 Silver and mixed media 2014
黃嘉玲, Wong Ka Ling 9646 6547 klwong2460@gmail.com
Microwave 媒體藝術 | media art
Microwave希望改變電子媒體藝術冰冷、遙不可及的印象;自1996年起, 每年舉辦「微波國際新媒體藝術節」,向香港群眾展示新媒體的發展。 Having in mind the goal to break the cold and unreachable image of electronic
media-arts in people' s perception, Microwave introduces cutting edge
technology to Hong Kong through various events and its annual "Microwave International New Media Arts Festival" which has been held since 1996.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄺佳玲, Joel Kwong joel@microwavefest.net www.microwavefest.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Jovial Cocktail 樂堂 玻璃 | glass art 楊碧琪,香港玻璃藝術家;2012年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院取得學士學位;作品多次於香港及 海外展出,更憑藉首創的玻璃針畫獲得美國玻璃協會頒發「2014年新晉玻璃藝術家榮譽獎」及「中國 當代玻璃藝術展優秀獎」。 樂堂是一個手工玻璃工作室;取其諧音「落糖」,希望透過分享創作的快樂,以玻璃的美為生活增添 一絲甜味。工作室定期舉辦工作坊,教授專業玻璃創作技法及相關知識,讓學員親手製造出獨特的 手工玻璃飾品;除個別教授外,亦和學校、慈善機構和其他企業合作,舉辦團體工作坊。
Jovial Yeung is a Hong Kong glass artist who has obtained her B.A. in Visual Arts with Honours from
Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012. Her works have been exhibited in different shows in Hong Kong
and overseas. With her unique "Glass-pinning" technique in recent artworks, she was presented with an
"Honourable Mention in the 2014 Emerging Artists category" by the Glass Art Society in the United State, and was awarded a Merit Prize at the Chinese Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition 2014.
Jovial Cocktail is a glass art studio which leads you to mix life with the beauty of handmade glass. The
studio provides different courses of glass art for individuals and groups, like schools, organisations and corporations. Students will be able to create glass artworks by learning professional techniques and acquiring knowledge in glass making.
受害者系列:熊 The Victim: Bear 楊碧琪 Jovial Yeung 玻璃及金箔布本 Glass and gold leaf on canvas 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details 楊碧琪, Jovial Yeung 9660 7762 jovial.yeung@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
www.jovialyeung.com www.facebook.com/jovial.glass
Gallery Psypedia 中國畫、油畫、雕塑、攝影、裝置藝術 Chinese painting, oil painting, sculpture, photography, installation art 畫廊Psypedia由梁家儀女士(視覺藝術家及前精神科護士)和左思賦醫生(執業精神 科顧問醫生及業餘攝影師)成立,旨在透過視覺藝術和創意促進心理健康,並探索 心理、精神健康、人類與精神疾病的複雜關係;同時亦為年輕和經驗豐富的藝術家 提供一個展示才華的平台,從而促進他們的個人成長和發展。
畫廊會在非展覽期間關閉,用作工作室。歡迎預約參觀。 開放時間:不定期開放
Gallery Psypedia was established in 2013 by Ms. Jessie Leung (a full time visual
artist and previous psychiatric nurse) and Dr. Steve Tso (a practising Consultant Psychiatrist and an enthusiastic amateur photographer), with the ethos of
promoting psychological well-being by exploring the intricate relationship
between art, creativity, human experience and mental illness. Gallery Psypedia provides a platform for emerging and experienced artists to showcase their talents and to facilitate their personal growth and development.
The gallery is closed during non-exhibition periods for use as an artist studio. Visit by appointment is welcome.
打小人 Villain Hitting
梁家儀, Jessie Leung 水墨設色絹本 Colour and ink on silk 2011
www.gallerypsypedia.com info@gallerypsypedia.com
左思賦, Steve Tso 5546 1640 tsos@ymail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
梁家儀, Jessie Leung 9308 0486 jessiekyleung@gmail.com www.jessiekyleung.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Hong Kong Film Critics Society 香港電影評論學會 電影評論 | film critics 香港電影評論學會於1995年3月正式成立,宗旨是:團結 一群志同道合的影評人,促進電影評論的獨立自主精神; 倡導從文化和藝術角度評論香港電影;重新評價香港電影 的成就。
The society aims to unite all critics who share the common goals of fostering an independent spirit of film criticism, encouraging critical writing on Hong Kong cinema from the perspective of culture and art, and reaffirming the achievements of Hong Kong cinema.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2575 5149 info@filmcritics.org.hk www.filmcritics.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
FrozenFire 攝影、戲劇 | photography, drama
一樣的場景;一樣的人物;一樣的事情 不一樣的角度和目光。
FrozenFire透過攝影、戲劇及文化創作等不同媒體藝術的演繹,捕捉生活 場景中獨特而熾烈的一刻。FrozenFire亦策劃不同的藝術項目及計劃,產 生無限的變化和生命力。
The same scene. The same faces. The same happenings. A different perspective.
FrozenFire captures unique and passionate moments through photography,
drama, cultural creation and other art forms. They also undertake various art
projects and programmes, to inject dynamics and energy into people' s lives!
光.暗之間 Sunshine in the darkness 林羽 Lin Yu 攝影 Photography 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details 林羽, Lin Yu 9664 7992 kkinglam@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Amity Drama Club 致群劇社 戲劇 | drama
致群劇社為香港最資深的劇社之一;成立於1972年;演出劇目逾80齣,內容以偏重社會 氣息、關心中國的創作劇為主。重要演出包括︰《飛越瘋人院》、《武士英魂》、《人啊!人》 (初演及重演)、《瞿秋白之死》、《起航,討海號!》、《哈姆雷特/哈姆雷特》、《袁崇煥之 死》、《陽光站長》、《關人車事》、《對決》及《斜路上》系列。其創作劇本及製作,曾多次獲 得香港戲劇協會主辦的「香港舞台劇獎」。
致群劇社近20年的骨幹成員多從事文化教育工作,因此多次演出均以歷史事件或人物為 素材,觀眾以中學生、大專學生、教師和知識分子為主要對象,確立了歷史戲劇嚴謹與趣 味、藝術與教育並重的獨特風格。除劇場內的專業演出外,當中亦輔以演出前、後的導 賞講座及分享座談會;加上所派發的資料冊內含豐富詳盡的歷史和語文參考材料,製作認 真,早有口碑,務求引導觀眾「從歷史走進戲劇,從戲劇回歸歷史」。 這兩年來,劇社更積極開拓「漫步歷史、體味文學、穿梭舞台」的新路向,將戲劇、文學和 歷史實地學習結合起來,如《風雨橫斜》和《戰火梨園》,都成功將社區劇場和遊史跡、尋舊 蹤的活動配套成一獨特的學與教模式,為倡言「走出課堂、活化學習、提升果效」的教育改 革,提供了鮮明適切的示例。 A drama group established in 1972, Amity Drama Club combines arts and education to present drama productions focused on Chinese history, literature and social issues.
方競生(召集人)、張秉權、 白耀燦、張華慶、羅靜雯
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
余世騰(主席)、羅潔瑩、卓躒、 鍾寶強、蕭新泉、張樂勤
amitydrama2013@gmail.com amitydramaclub.com
Blueprint Studio 藍圖工作室 藝術教學、 文字創作 、設計 | art teaching, creative writing, design 一張藍圖,就是花一生去做一件作品。要成為「一」,須尋找接合的方法。
「藍圖」的基本概念是多組圖像互相拼合及伸延。最後,藍圖希望以「一」為單位,在不同形式的個體中 組合著。藍圖作品之展示形式包括:抽象水墨創作、水彩創作、浮雕創作和裝置藝術等。藍圖工作室 以藝術創作、藝術作品展覽、繪畫教學、創意寫作及文字編輯等活動為主。
張浩強,畢業於香港理工大學設計系,應屆香港中文大學藝術文學碩士生;多年來從事藝術創作,曾 參與、舉辦及入選各大藝術展,主要展覽包括︰2013年入選「香港藝術獎2013」、2012年《兩個海洋藝 術展》、2008年入選澳門藝術博物館《超以象外——中國抽象繪畫作品展》、2000年巴黎《L' art de Vivre la Difference》,以及入選「香港藝術雙年展2001」和「當代香港藝術雙年展1996」等。
李佩玲,畢業於香港嶺南大學翻譯系;自小喜歡文字及語言,多年來從事翻譯、編輯及創意寫作工 作,範疇涵蓋美容、休閒、健康、投資及保險。曾編輯書籍包括:《曾經》林夕著、《我所愛的香港》林 夕著及《孩子生病了,媽媽怎麼辦》劉海燕著。 Blueprint is about the creation of one artwork during a lifetime. To make it "One" artwork, it means trying to find a way to make connections.
'I have been creating a series of works under the name "Blueprint", with its creative concept based on a group of pictures which combine and unfold.' "In One" is an important element in Blueprint, which is about artistic expectations. The past, the present, the future all come together to form Blueprint. The creative media of Blueprint include abstract Chinese ink and wash, watercolour, relief and installation. Blueprint Studio focuses on artwork creation, art exhibition, art teaching, creative writing and book editing.
Edward Cheung graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design and is currently a postgraduate student of The Chinese University of Hong Kong studying Master of Arts in Fine Arts. For years, he has been a prolific artist whose works had participated in, or launched or selected by, various art competitions and exhibitions, including "Hong Kong Art Prize 2013", "Two Ocean Art Exhibition" (Solo Exhibition) in 2012, "Beyond the Surface Chinese Abstract Art"(in Museu de Arte de Macau) in 2008, "L' art de Vivre la Difference" (in Paris) in 2000, "Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2001" and "Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial 1996". Roxane Lee has been passionate about language and writing since childhood. Since obtaining her Bachelor Degree in Translation from Lingnan University in Hong Kong, she has worked as translator, editor and writer
covering various fields from commercial to creative, including beauty, health, leisure, insurance and investment.
藍圖—影子 BLUEPRINT – Shadow at midnight 張浩強 Edward Cheung 混合媒介(樹葉、混凝土) Mixed media (leaves, concrete) 2015
www.theblueprint.hk www.theblueprint.hk/STUDIO www.theblueprint.hk/REAM
李佩玲, Roxane Lee 9428 3863 roxanelee@gmail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張浩強, Edward Cheung 9858 8520 edward_cheung@yahoo.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Locus Studio Company Limited 多元智能工作室
設計、攝影 | design, photography 多元智能工作室由丘子乎(Anthony)創辦。丘子乎為專業攝影師、數碼多媒體設計師及藝術工作 者;擅長數碼攝影、多媒體、網頁、錄像及虛擬空間的藝術創作及研究;自90年代初已從事數碼藝 術創作及教育等工作。丘子乎亦是攝影教室創辦人、SONY數碼培訓中心首席講師、理工大學設計系 兼職講師及中學駐校藝術家。
丘子乎舉辦過多次個人及聯合攝影和藝術展覽,其中包括《香港國際攝影節︰「丘子乎寫意荷花」及 「情繫香港︰集體回憶」》、《平遙國際攝影節交流考察》、《F-STOP X SLR MAGIC發現。我們的香港 拍攝計劃2012》、《對啊!門打開了 – 當代視覺藝術展2011》、《Leica上海世博背後︰一塊麵包?》、 《Sony獨家贊助 –「天路行」– 丘子乎青藏高原攝影展》、《生命之荷2009》、《藝術@廠夏2008》、《我 的集體回憶2008》、《集體回憶︰石硤尾2008》等,並撰寫專題文章。丘氏亦曾製作及拍攝多部獨立 影片,作品包括《Julie’s Weekend》、《牆內‧牆外》、《英年早逝》、《我的攻略世界》、《另類空間》、 《三維立體虛擬畫廊》和《地下空間 Underground Space》等。 Locus Studio is founded by Anthony Yau, a photographer, digital media designer and artist specialising in photography, video and web productions. He has over 18 years of experience in digital art, design
and education. He is currently the founder of Photoclassroom, Creative Director of Locus Studio, Course Director of Sony Hong Kong Style Studio, Visiting Lecturer of Polytechnic University and resident artist at JCCAC. Yau also contributes articles to various magazines including "DiGi" and "DC Fever", and was adjudicator for various photography competitions.
北極光風暴 Aurora Storm
丘子乎 Anthony Yau 數碼攝影 Digital Photography 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
丘子乎, Anthony Yau 3484 3539 anthonylocus@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
www.photoclassroom.net www.locusstudio.net
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center
傳統木偶皮影 | puppet & shadow art performance 技承傳統,融和創新──展示並介紹各地名家木偶、皮影 作品;提供木偶、皮影演出活動資訊;教授各類木偶及皮 影製作、表演和演出技巧。另教授(小班、個人)各級古箏 彈奏、吸管藝術和絲帶編織。
中心提供: • 藝術課程 • 作品售賣 • 創作表演
The Center showcases puppets from around the world
and organises puppet shows and relevant activities for
the public. Courses on offer include puppet making and
performance, as well as straw art and ribbon weaving. It also offers artworks for sale.
莊玉麗, Chong Yuk Lai 9629 3158
黃慧真, Janet Wong 6333 6213 janetwong1222@yahoo.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details 黃暉, Wong Fai 9217 1635 wongfai@hkpsac.org www.hkpsac.org
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Studio 工作室 混合媒介 | mixed media 生於1990,陳楚翹畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院;以觀察事物風景百態為 始,對美感經驗尤感興趣。 L6
Born in 1990, Chan Cho Kiu Bunchi graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University. She specialises in painting and photography,
and dabbles in ceramics, jewellery and video arts. Her current art practices and inspirations are derived from her visual experience in everyday life, which reexamine the visual routines within the limitations of the human senses.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳楚翹, Chan Cho Kiu Bunchi 9889 3289 chanchokiu@gmail.com www.chanchokiu.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Playback Concept 當代首飾、社區藝術 | contemporary jewellery, community art 陳寶鋒, 香港獨立設計師及藝術工作者, 先後修讀視覺傳意及視覺藝術; 創作媒介主要為當代藝術首飾及社區藝術。2012年末,他開創獨立設計品牌 「Playback Concept」,致力結合工藝、歷史脈絡及社區文化。
Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts, Chan Po Fung currently works as an Individual artist in Hong Kong and established his design brand "Playback Concept" in 2012. He specialises in contemporary jewellery and
contemporary art. He explores the blending of craftsmanship with historical context, community and culture.
Chinese Dream of Train – Limitation of Body Movement 陳寶鋒 Chan Po Fung Body sculpture 2014
周紫茵, Candice Chow 5631 8335 candice@playbackconcept.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳寶鋒, Chan Po Fung 6441 0622 pfchan@playbackconcept.com www.playbackconcept.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Scenery 繪畫 | painting
馮祺1990年畢業於法國巴黎國立高等美術學院;從事視覺藝術創作、混合媒介 繪畫和攝影;曾舉辦及參與多次個展和群展。 2008年至2010年,作品曾展於香港會議展覧中心之「香港國際藝術博覽會」; 藝術作品獲私人、香港文化博物館、梁潔華藝術基金會和其他機構收藏。
Jolans Fung , graduated from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-arts of Paris in France in 1990. He engages in visual art creations, mixed-media painting and photography and has participated in many solo and group exhibitions.
From 2008 to 2010 his works have been shown at the "Hong Kong International
Art Fair" held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. His art works have been collected by private collectors, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Annie Wong Art Foundation and other organisations.
一花一世界 one flower one world
馮祺 Jolans Fung 炭筆及墨紙 Charcoal and ink on paper 109 x 79 cm 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details 馮祺, Jolans Fung 9779 8151 jolansfung@gmail.com www.jolansfung.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
一花一世界 one flower one world
馮祺 Jolans Fung 油畫布本 Oil on canvas 61 x 61 cm 2015
Dodo Animation 定格動畫 | stop motion animation
黃麗明(Emily)藉著動畫的神奇變化尋找故事,創作活潑、有靈魂的作品,娛人娛 己;並希望推廣這有趣又神奇古老的藝術形式。
她近年學習耕種,成立「習慣x自然」。這是一個關於食物來源、自耕自吃的永續生活 計劃,透過在城市生活中觀察、互動、學習和行動,跟自然規律相認。 In Latin, "animation" means breath, life and spirit...
Emily Wong is dedicated to creating stop motion or object animation and works with
magic and life. She is also involved in stop motion educational work in various schools.
In recent years, she has co-organised the "Daily Practices with Nature" project with other JCCAC tenants. It is a project about food resources, food production, self-sustainability and sustainable lifestyle. Through the daily practising of observation, interaction,
education and action, the project re-establishes the relationship between our lives in the city and mother nature.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃麗明, Emily Wong 9773 6176 emilywlm@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Backstreet 後欄 攝影 | photography
當代攝影著重哲學思考及文化內涵,是現實與思想的混合物。地景經常是蕭氏的題 材;而地景不只是風景,更是經歷時空洗禮的保存物。一切歷史、人文活動,不論 大如建築,還是小如塵埃,都一一被地景保留著,那是一直被關注的人文風景。
With emphasis on the philosophical and cultural, contemporary photography fuses reality and imagination to form a "fabricated reality".
"Landscape highlights humanity" is an important idea in Siu's photography,
connecting his perceptions and reality. Landscape is perpetual. All marks and traces
of human activities, whether huge buildings, constructions and highways, or things as tiny as dust and particles, are captured in the landscape.
南生圍 Nam Sang Wai
聯絡方法 Contact Details 蕭偉恒, Siu Wai Hang 9633 5762 siuwaihang@gmail.com www.siuwaihang.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
蕭偉恒 Siu Wai Hang 燈片連燈箱Transparency with light box 2013
新圍軍營 San Wai Barracks
蕭偉恒 Siu Wai Hang 木箱、機械部件及相紙 Wooden box, mechanical components & photo paper 2015
Yuen Yuen Ho / Tse Lok Lun 袁婉荷 謝諾麟 繪畫、錄像、裝置藝術、攝影 | painting, video, installation, photography
謝諾麟以不同的媒體探討生活循環及自身之間的關係(其創作媒體包括錄像、攝影及 裝置)。同時,謝氏現為獨立策展人、藝評人及「藝術本地」的召集人。
Yuen Yuen Ho (YY) explores the continuation of life and tradition through wood. She is a member of "Artlocal".
Tse Lok Lun, Laurence, works in video, photography and installation. His work meditates the concept of circularity and how our bodies respond to it. He is a curator, art critic and active art practitioner. He is also the convener of "Artlocal".
…日夜…(2.7) ...daynight... (2.7) 謝諾麟 Tse Lok Lun 裝置 Installation 2011
hkartlocal.blogspot.hk fineartfindart.blogspot.hk
延續7:從裂縫中走來 Continuation no.7: Come from the crack 袁婉荷 Yuen Yuen Ho 塑膠彩木本 Acrylic on board 2011
袁婉荷, Yuen Yuen Ho hopperyy@gmail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
謝諾麟, Tse Lok Lun laurencetse@yahoo.com.hk tseloklun.blogspot.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Studio de Dimension de Tofu 豆腐膶工作室 攝影、藝術教育 | photography, arts education
豆腐膶工作室於2008年成立,由兩位攝影工作者組成。在這個空間裡面,他們積極推廣與攝 影有關的活動:社區攝影、自製針孔相機、黑房沖曬、攝影藝術教育,以及與影像創作有關 的工作坊,希望透過活動、攝影展覽和工作坊,提高不同人士體驗和交流攝影的機會,體會 攝影真正的意義和趣味。
他們設計、策劃及提供一系列 「 Foto Lab 」的活動,包括:不同類型針孔攝影活動、黑房體 驗、社區夠POP!立體相簿製作、社區影像研究、數碼攝影及與攝影有關的培訓工作坊,歡 迎學校、團體及機構查詢。 Studio de Dimension de Tofu was founded by two photography artists in 2008. They focus on art education, creation, exhibitions and workshops related to photography, in order to increase the chance for different people to experience community photography, pinhole camera making as
well as opportunities in exchanging photography concepts, thus sharing the real meaning and joy of photography.
They organise and provide a variety of "Foto Lab" workshops. They include various forms of
pinhole photography, darkroom experiences, community pop-up album making, community image research, digital photography and training programme related to photography. Collaborations with schools, organisations and institutions are welcome.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
廖慧怡, Ceci Liu | 伍偉昌, Stanley Ng studio.de.tofu@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
ALTERNATIF 時裝設計 | fashion design
ALTERNATIF是一個創意時裝工作室,承傳中國服飾文化。工作室分為教學與 硏究兩方面︰ 教學——課程包括時裝設計、化妝造型、紙樣製作、裁剪製辦、時裝插圖; 硏究——包括中國男裝、中國女裝、香港服飾、東西方服飾文化比較等。
陳仲輝,從事設計工作30多年,曾參展紐約時裝周和東京時裝周;曾任中國李 寧運動品牌創意總監;出版包括《中國男裝》和《中國潮男》。 ALTERNATIF is a creative fashion workshop which aims to promote the culture of Chinese costumes. The studio serves two purposes - teaching and research. Teaching: Classes include fashion design, fashion make-up, pattern cutting, garment construction and fashion illustration.
Research: Research area includes Chinese menswear and womenswear, Hong Kong fashion, comparision of costumes between the east and west.
Silvio Chan has over 30 years of experience in design. He has participated in New York Fashion Week and Tokyo Fashion Week, worked at Li-ning Sports Company as creative director, and has authored publications about Chinese Menswear.
陳仲輝 Silvio Chan 皮革及金屬 Leather and metal 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳仲輝, Silvio Chan 9126 5137 d505982@netvigator.com www.silviochan.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Artisens Studio 混合媒介(玻璃、金屬) | mixed media (glass, metal)
工作室名字解釋是「Art Is Sense」,代表藝術是一種每個人都可以演繹、表達及享受的感覺。
工作範圍:玻璃製作、本地玻璃藝術教學及展覽;意大利威尼斯玻璃工作坊,包括燈工、吹 製、熱融、雕刻和馬賽克等。
陸珊 (Shan Luk) 2005年開始玻璃燈工創作;多次遠赴意大利威尼斯學藝及舉辦國際大師玻 璃藝術工作坊;為世界著名玻璃藝術家Lucio Bubacco的第一位華人學生。 The studio name stands for "Art Is Sense" which represents the idea that art is a kind of sense that everyone can feel, express and enjoy.
Areas of work: Art glass making, local art glass workshop and exhibition, art glass workshop in Murano/ Venice including lampworking, glass blowing, fusing, engraving, mosaic, etc.
Shan Luk has been working in glass since 2005. She frequently visits Murano/ Venice to attend
and organise international workshops with world-class masters. She is the first Chinese student of Venetian lampwork master Lucio Bubacco.
I am watching you.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 陸珊, Shan Luk 6896 9289 +86 1821 9526 689
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
shanluk88@gmail.com www.artisens.com www.facebook.com/artisens.studio
Shan Luk Lampworked soft glass 2015/ Murano glass seed beads dated 1900 2015
Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會 音樂、陶笛 | music, ocarina
以推動本土原創音樂、陶笛文化及舞台表演藝術為己任,定期開辦兒童及成人 工作坊,為本地公開演出最頻繁之藝團。
With a passion for original Hong Kong pop music, Ivan Hui, a lyricist and
professional ocarina performer, works hand-in-hand with Irene Choi, a plucked-
string instrument expert. They offer various music courses and expand the horizon of music by embracing valuable local traditions.
蔡美華, Irene Choi 9285 7513
聯絡方法 Contact Details 許少榮, Ivan Hui 9277 2571 hkoca@ymail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
TAM Ka Yee 譚嘉儀 設計、攝影 | design, photography
舞台服裝設計及製作。 Theatre costume design and production. L6
《大煙》服裝設計, Costume design of "Opium" 譚嘉儀 Tam Ka Yee 2004
聯絡方法 Contact Details 譚嘉儀, Tam Ka Yee 9028 6285 apactt@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Miss FAT Studio 肥娃藝術工作室 繪畫、雕塑、裝置、 短片 | painting, sculpture, installation, video art
廖家宜,別名 Miss FAT,1987年出生;中四時患上思覺失調,透過藝術治療治癒自己,從此離不開 藝術。澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學純藝術系畢業;2008年成立「肥娃藝術工作室」,她開始全職藝術創 作生「捱」 身兼多職,包括創作、教育、設計、展覽策劃、宣傳等。
《肥娃Miss FAT》是自畫像系列,內容有關女性成長、性愛、社會角色等,是當代女性的寫照。作品 以超現實主義風格為主,以鮮艷及極強對比色凸顯少女對刺激的追求及引人注目的渴望。創作元素參 考各類神話故事及民間傳說,運用當中的視覺符號及意念,部分作品亦注入環保、社區保育等議題。 Liu Ka Yee, Kiwi graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art). The series of self-
portraits "Miss FAT" are descriptive of her life and expressive of her emotions, while also reflecting the posture and position of the contemporary female.
Services: Arts education, exhibition, product design, illustration, graphic design, arts administration and cultural tour. Partners: HKBU, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hang Seng Bank, Yahoo, K11, Social Welfare Department and Hopewell Centre.
肥娃系列:土瓜灣浮世十八層 Miss FAT series - To Kwa Wan ukiyo-e 廖家宜(肥娃) Liu Ka Yee, Kiwi (Miss FAT) 塑膠彩繪畫 Acrylic painting 2015
iloveukiwi2.wix.com/missfatstudio www.facebook.com/cubestudio627 www.youtube.com/user/iloveukiwi
聯絡方法 Contact Details
廖家宜(肥娃), Liu Ka Yee (Miss FAT) 9527 7070 iloveukiwi2@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
六樓 28 室 跨媒介藝術 | interdisciplinary arts
一個與大眾交流分享的平台。工作室串連各類藝術活動,如個人創作、 展覽、工作坊、作品銷售、講座交流和共融空間等,從生活探索藝術的 可能性。歡迎聯絡。
A sharing platform for everyone in pursuit of inspiration and joy. Aiming to explore further possibilities in life-art transformation, the studio organises a variety of cultural exchange activities such as exhibition, artwork sale, discussion forum and performance. Enquiries are welcome.
Undocumented, 2013
2013 裝置 – 彩虹約定 Installation, 2013 – A promise of rainbow
秦家鈞 Tsun Ka Kwan 一組攝影, 彩色影印紙本 Photography, coloured photocopies
聯絡方法 Contact Details 秦家鈞, Tsun Ka Kwan 9731 1636 kadytk@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
秦家鈞 Tsun Ka Kwan 裝置、壓凸飾膠帶 Installation, embossed on plastic tapes
Earthen Light Studio 影.陶工作室 陶藝、攝影 | ceramics, photography
陶藝及攝影,為此工作室藝術家的主要創作媒體。工作室不定期舉辦展覽及 籌辦課程,向公眾推廣陶藝及攝影,致力推動本土藝術。 L6
Ceramics and photography are the artists' major creative media. They strive to
assimilate these media into a new form of art and promote them to the public.
馬麗華, Mary Mar 6603 3676
聯絡方法 Contact Details
馬秀娟, Esther Mar 9381 9436
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
疊字與筆記本 跨媒介藝術 | mixed media
作品透過多種媒介——包括繪畫、攝影、雕塑、錄像和混合媒介等進行創作、 呈現主題。文氏大部分題材圍繞身體,擅長將人體的質感和肌理轉化成符 號,作為溝通的渠道,探討人與人之間的關係。
Man Mei To works in various medium, including painting, photography, video
recording and mixed media. Through symbolic representation of skin, muscle and texture of the human body, she establishes communication and explores interpersonal relationships through her artistic work.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 文美桃, Man Mei To 6192 4266 to.man.mmt@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
CHENG Halley’s Studio 鄭哈雷工作室 L7
繪畫、混合媒介 | painting, mixed media
鄭哈雷是一位年輕的藝術工作者,2008年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系;2013年於香港浸會大學 取得視覺藝術碩士學位。鄭氏作品主要探討物料、繪畫性和幽默性。
鄭氏曾獲「夏利豪基金會2006年藝術比賽」冠軍、「雅加達藝術獎2010」。展覽有《鬼王︰鄭哈雷 作品展》、《遊戲理論︰鄭哈雷作品展》、「香港國際藝術當代博覽會2010」、「香港國際藝術展」 等。作品由多間畫廊和私人收藏。 Cheng received his Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008 and Master of Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. He employs a broad range of media including painting, mixed media, installation and video. His works involve personal exploration of the cities to reinvent the audiences' idea about city realism, and address the absurdity within our contemporary lives.
Cheng' s works have been exhibited in London, Basel, Miami, Jakata, Hong Kong, Taipei and
Guangzhou, including "START Art Fair 2014" in Saatchi Gallery, Solo exhibition in "Art Basel HK 2013", "Art Taipei 2013" and "The Spirit of Ink"in Sotheby' s Hong Kong Gallery (2013). Cheng has won
numerous awards, including the "Asian Contemporary Art Show Young Artist Award" - Grand Prize (2012), "Jakarta Art Award" (2010) and "Philippe Charriol Competition Winner" (2006).
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄭哈雷, Halley Cheng 6084 8121 chenghayu@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
白南準大戰吉爾伯特與喬治 Nam June Paik VS Gilbert & George
鄭哈雷 Halley Cheng 原子筆、鉛筆、炭筆、油性科學毛筆、木顏色、壓克力木本 Ball pen, copic sketch, pencil, charcoal, colour pencil, acrylic on wood 2014
fm702 L7
繪畫 | painting
fm702是Ling Lai的個人工作室、創作及靈感之地。 fm702 is Ling Lai' s artist space. The studio is a personal space to create, collaborate and to inspire.
After the rain
賴玉玲 Ling Lai 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas
聯絡方法 Contact Details 賴玉玲, Ling Lai 9631 3900 yllai112@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Nick Foxall video L7
錄像、電影 | video, film
Nick Foxall (尼克·科素)是媒體藝術工作者、攝影 師兼電影人,一直致力探索錄像、電影和互動視覺 藝術的極限。他的作品曾入選多個藝術展,其中包 括「微波新媒體藝術節」。他的紀錄片作品《馬可船 長的故事》更於2005年「第五屆北京大學生錄像短片 大賽」榮獲一等獎。他同時亦是一名自由攝影師, 專門攝製紀錄片及商業錄像,曾受聘於多個知名機 構,包括阿拉比亞電視台、國家地理頻道和英國廣 播公司新聞。 Nick Foxall is a media artist, photographer and
filmmaker, exploring the boundaries of video, film and interactive visual media. His work has been
featured in a number of exhibitions, including the "Microwave International Media Art Festival". His
short documentary《Adventure Under Sail》won
First Prize at the "Beijing International Student Film
Festival" (2005). Nick is also a freelance cameraman,
specialising in documentary and corporate video. He has worked for a number of organisations, including Al Arabiya, National Geographic Channel, and BBC News.
聯絡方法 Contact Details Nick Foxall 9802 7782 more@nickfoxall.com nickfoxall.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
ManyMoons L7
繪畫、插畫、設計 | painting, illustration, design
工作室以創作金工首飾為主,主要媒介包括黃銅、紅銅和純銀;透過切割和重組,令平面金屬片變得立體。 工作室定期舉辦金工工作坊,教授切割、焊接、拋光和打字等基本金工技術,讓初學者體驗製作金屬首飾的 步驟和過程,享受金工創作的樂趣。另外,工作室亦進行不同的圖像項目,包括插畫、平面設計、油畫及中 國媒介。 ManyMoons studio specialises in metal works and contemporary jewellery. With brass, copper and silver as the medium, it is dedicated to exploring the possibilities of metal and the sculpturing the material into art pieces.
The studio offers regular metalwork workshops in cutting, soldering, polishing, pattern-making and other basic
silversmith techniques to encourage beginners to create their unique pieces of handmade jewellery. It also works in graphics, including illustration, digital graphic design, painting and Chinese media.
涓 A trickle
黃芷櫻 Tania Wong Copper, concrete and cooling device ( Various dimensions) 2013
物錄 Friday diary
姚宛兒 Gemma Yiu Brass, copper, pearl and silver 2015
葉子之內 Inside the leaf 李美茵 Limeiyan Chinese painting 2014
李美茵, Limeiyan 6202 4395 liiliimmyy@gmail.com
黃芷櫻, Tania Wong 9885 3040 tzeying414@gmail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
姚宛兒, Gemma Yiu 6507 8826 yuenyiyiu@gmail.com sites.google.com/site/ gemmametaljewellery JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Riceism Young Designers Association 飯團青年設計師協會
錄像、電影 | video, film 創始於2003年7月 , 飯團為非牟利藝術團體 , 致力提供多元化設計服務 。 現與 Artouch Store繪畫工作室合作,教授各類美術媒體的課程,包括鉛筆及炭筆素 描、粉彩、塑膠彩、油畫等,並定期舉辦美術展覽。 Founded in July 2003, Riceism is a non-profit arts organisation committed to provide diversified design services. In collaboration with Artouch Store, they provide different art media courses such as pencil and charcoal drawings, pastels, acrylics and oil painting, etc. They also regularly host art exhibitions.
聯絡方法 Contact Details Clement Siu 9341 0336
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Heiko Kwan 6176 4990
Fung Lai 6094 1567
support@riceism.org www.riceism.org
Atelier of Atmosphere L7
繪畫 | painting
吳森枝於2014年獲香港浸會大學視覺藝術院頒授視覺藝術(榮譽)文學士學位。同年(2014), 吳氏入圍「香港視覺藝術獎」 (前身為「香港當代藝術獎」),並前往英國倫敦作駐留藝術家,作品 於英國皇家藝術學院展出;2012年及2013年,分別在德國德累斯頓及日本名古屋展出作品。 About the studio Atelier of Atmosphere – Things have a life of its own. What we are doing is trying to wake up its soul. Every presence, no matter whether it is a person or an object, is from nature and will go back to nature. Nature is an ascription for everything. It depicts not merely beauty, but also buries our history. About the artist Ng Sum Chi received his BA from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. He was one of the finalists at the "Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award (2014)"and was invited the same year to be a resident artist of The Royal Academy of Arts. In 2012 and 2013, his works were respectively exhibited in Dresden (Germany) and Nagoya (Japan).
About the artworks With a respect for everything, Ng creates with all kinds of materials sourced from across various cultures. He believes that changing the nature of the material during the painting process is a way of waking up its soul. "The more ways I can find to transform the material, the more convinced I am about the brilliance of life."
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Ng Sum Chi (Tristan) 6157 4867 sumching0215@gmail.com sumching0215.blogspot.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
rubywooglass 紅宝工作室 L7
玻璃 | glass art
Ruby於英國考獲玻璃藝術碩士學位。作品曾於英國、意大利、德國、美國等地展 出。紅宝工作室提供玻璃藝術的製作、籌劃及顧問服務,並開辦不同類型的專業玻 璃創作課程。 Something which can be transparent, hard, brittle, solid and liquid, glass is an extremely versatile and challenging medium.
Ruby Woo obtained a Master of Arts in Glass from UK. Her works have been exhibited in England, Italy, Germany and the USA. rubywooglass provides professional glass
art lessons covering various genres, art consultancy services and contemporary glass production.
Frozen in 2007 Melted in 1997
聯絡方法 Contact Details 胡修美, Ruby Woo 9439 6529 rubysmw@yahoo.com.hk www.rubywooglass.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Kilncast and enameled glass with wood h17 x 95 x 3.5cm - installed
Cozy Workshop L7
陶藝、雕塑 | ceramics, sculpture
Cozy工作室包括兩部分,一方是李善琨的陶瓷工作室;另一方是「a cozy square」小店, 寄賣李氏及陶友們的作品。希望創作更多陶土的故事,以陶會友。 Anna creates pottery stories and through them makes friends with fellow pottery enthusiasts.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李善琨, Anna Li mscatlover@gmail.com www.facebook.com/cozycatceramic www.facebook.com/acozysquare
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
small power space 細勢力空間 L7
設計、攝影 | design, photography
創作和展示小物件丶首飾。 Creation and sharing of studio jewellery and small objects.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 程詩賢, Cicy Ching cicy@cicy.net www.cicy.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
:Phoebe Hui Studio L7
媒體藝術 | media art
許方華,別名靜兒;從事跨媒體創作與研究,作品主要探討文字、 聲音與科技之間的關係。畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,後於 英國中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院完成藝術碩士(M.A.),及於美國加 州大學洛杉磯分校研讀媒體設計與藝術碩士(MFA)課程。許氏先後 獲得「亞洲文化協會李子潔獎助金」、「美國日本藝術計劃研究獎助 金」、「彭博新一代藝術家資助獎」、「香港藝術發展局藝術新秀獎」、 「香港藝術發展局藝術獎學金」和「香港設計師協會設計獎學金」等。 :Phoebe Hui is the eponymous studio of an interdisciplinary artist and researcher who primarily works in the relationship between language,
sound and technology. Hui received her MFA from UCLA Design Media
Art, MA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and her BA in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong. She
has participated in a number of solo and group exhibitions locally and internationally. She is also the recipient of a number of grants and
awards, including "Award for Young Artist (Media Art)" from The Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Altius Fellowship from The Asian Cultural Council, and "Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award", among others.
:Phoebe Hui Wood, graphite, motor, electronics, speakers, conductive tape, wires, glass 2012-2013
Graphite Piano
:Phoebe Hui Pencils, wood, acrylic, electronics, conductive tape, wires, coppers, speakers, Japanese ladle 2013
聯絡方法 Contact Details
許方華, Phoebe Hui phoebe@earthlinginger.com www.earthlinginger.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Mo Studio 賴恩慈工作室 L7
戲劇、錄像 | drama, video art
遊走於劇場與錄像界的好戲量助理總監c(毛) 一個有賴你支持的工作室,不但OK,而且位於7.11,24小時創作。 Assistant Artistic Director of FM Theatre Power, Lai Yan Chi (Mo), is an active theatre
worker and independent film maker. She is OK at 7.11, twenty-four hours creativity.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 賴恩慈, Mo Lai 6807 0870 mo@fmtp.net www.fmtp.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Museum of Site (MOST)/ Lam Hon Kin
多媒體、裝置藝術 | multimedia, installation art 林漢堅於劍橋、倫敦及香港修讀藝術及建築史。MOST(Museum of Site)曾參與廣州三年展、 香港藝術雙年展、光州雙年展、深圳香港城市\建築雙城雙年展、烏茲別克塔什干國際當代藝 術雙年展、意大利﹣中國當代藝術雙年展﹣米蘭舉行、鹿特丹(國際建築)雙年展、連州(國際) 攝影年展、馬德利ARCO(藝術)博覽會、澳門博覽等。作品為AIG藝術基金會等收藏。 Lam studied art in Cambridge, London and HK. Founded by him, the Museum of Site has
articipated in projects including Guangzhou Triennial, Hong Kong Art Biennale, Gwangju Biennale, Hong Kiong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture, Uzbekistan Biennale,
Biennale China-Italia(Milan), International Architecture Biennal Rotterdam , Lianzhou Foto Festival, ARCOmadrid Expo, Macau Expo, etc. His paintings were collected by AIG Art Foundation, etc.
Dada Installation 2013
聯絡方法 Contact Details
林漢堅, Andrew Lam Hon Kin 9802 9440 artopia_net@yahoo.com www.jccac.org.hk/?a=group&id=d&cat_id=25&doc_id=381
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Panda Workshop 熊陶坊 L7
陶藝、雕塑 | ceramics, sculpture
周文強著重研究矽酸鋅之結晶釉——電窯中窯變的一種釉。它們艷麗的色彩圖案變化, 剛好是女性時裝設計上的無限追求。他相信,這正是他的旗袍作品的良好配對。 Ceramic artworks, decoration design, courses and educational programmes about ceramics.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周文強, Chow Man Keung 9688 2593 pandaworkshop@163.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
旗袍 Cheong-sam
周文強 Chow Man Keung 陶及瓷 Ceramics and porcelain 2009-2014
Graphics Plus 嘉意設計 L7
設計、攝影、混合媒介 design, photography, mixed media 美學概念及藝術觀感深受時裝設計師Issey Miyake與插畫師Katsu影響,以「一心一 生」的精神,創作出熱情洋溢的現代主義藝術作品。 Artistic vision greatly influenced by fashion designer Issey Miyake and illustrator Katsu. Passionate about creating modern art works.
香江花月夜 - 浪漫婚紗插畫 Hong Kong Nocturne - Wedding Gown illustration 杜成禮 Janson To 混合媒介 Mixed media 2014
張煒, Jackey Cheung 9498 6976 jackey@think-dot.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
杜成禮, Janson To 9365 2126 jansonto@netvigator.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Sometimes Studio 有時候工作室 L7
混合媒介 | mixed media 兩個人,一堆雜物,共用一個空間。 有時候創作,有時候發夢,有時候無所事事。
林嘉寶,2013年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術(榮譽) 文學士課程。林氏作品多以現成物及混合媒介為主; 透過觀察日常生活中常見但常被忽略的物件和情況, 以勞動性的處理方法、隱喻性及以他物為主的思考角 度,凸顯隱藏的日常矛盾經驗。 莫亭殷,2015年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。作品多 以木板繪畫及混合媒介為主;相信創作的過程是對於 生活的自白、紀錄、反省,並是一種悼念逝去的人、 事和物的儀式。莫氏之作品為香港藝術中心、遠東發 展有限公司,以及香港和美國私人收藏家所收藏。 Two people, bits and pieces, sharing a space.
Sometimes working, sometimes dreaming, sometimes just idle.
Lam Ka Po graduated with a BA in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. Lam' s work specialises in found objects and mixed media. Her inspiration
usually comes from the observation of daily objects
and situations, which are commonly seen but easily
ignored. By creating works physically and expressing
them metaphorically, Lam' s works indicate the hidden contradictory daily experience of human thoughts. Mok Ting Yan Vivien graduated from the Fine Arts
Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015. Working mostly on plywood drawing and mixed
media, she believes that the process of creation likens to the confession of life; it highlights, remodels and records the passage of time and the consumption of daily
objects. Mok' s works are collected by the Hong Kong
Arts Centre, Far East Consortium International Limited and private collectors in Hong Kong and the USA.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
林嘉寶, Lam Ka Po 9582 9786 hesper.kplam@gmail.com hesperlam.weebly.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
莫亭殷, Mok Ting Yan, Vivien 6339 3673 moktingyan.info@gmail.com www.moktingyan.com
人們總說我犯下了惡魔般的罪行 People will say I am a monster with what I have done 莫亭殷 Mok Ting Yan Vivien 混合媒介︰香口膠、冷藏溫度、單頻數碼錄像、現成物、文字 Mixed media: chewing gum, refrigeration temperature, single channel digital video, found objects, text 2015
保護安全島 Protect the refugee island 林嘉寶 Lam Ka Po 混合媒介︰膠紙 Mixed media: tapes 2013
Tse Kong Wah Studio 謝江華工作室 L7
繪畫 / painting
Creative painting in oil, gouache and mixed-media.
梁羣卿, Leung Kwan Hing 9553 4226
聯絡方法 Contact Details
謝江華, Tse Kong Wah 9315 3304
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Hau Siu Ching Art Studio 侯紹政繪畫工作室 L7
繪畫、素描 | painting, drawing
藝術毋須說明。畫者,畫也。度物象而寫其真,心隨筆運,取象不惑;筆隨念 轉,悠遊自得,再造蒼生。 Provides pencil drawing and sketching courses.
侯紹政與他學生們的素描習作 Hau Siu Ching and drawings of his students
聯絡方法 Contact Details 侯紹政, Hau Siu Ching 9622 9388
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
張美玲 9253 6207
717 Arts L7
時裝、紡織、攝影、 數碼藝術、策展 fashion, textiles, photography, digital art, curation 717 Arts是一個跨界別的設計和藝術工作坊,重點在實驗創意概念和策展方針; 媒介包括時裝、印花、攝影、數碼藝術等。717的成員亦會通過展覽、網上平台 與社區計劃,發掘設計和藝術的展示方式。 717 Arts is a cross-disciplinary design and art workshop focused on experimental
design and contemporary curation. It supports the development of original ideas
in interdisciplinary media such as fashion, textiles, digital art and photography. The workshop's members also explore contemporary presentations of art and design
through retail platforms, online platforms, collaborative exhibitions and community projects.
Deco Diamond
Love BBW Venus
Karie Hare 數碼布料印花 Digital printing on fabric 2014
Rachel Chan 印花及刺繡 Print and embroidery 2014
Carrie Chan (Karie Hare) kalichanc@gmail.com
Rachel Chan 9121 8346 shop@cho-chan.com www.cho-chan.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
何美君, Helen Ho 9279 3195 bhtyhelen@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
A & M Art Workshop A & M 繪畫室 L7
繪畫| painting
兩位留學美國而熱愛繪畫創作的藝術工作者 April Chan 及 Mac Mak,深明繪畫 創作並非難事——只要懂得技法操控和材料運用。因著一個心願:期望透過簡單 易學的方法,將西洋繪畫的精髓引進香港,兩人毅然於1997年從美國返港,踏 上推廣西洋繪畫藝術普及化的路途。 A & M Art Workshop was established by two artists, April Chan and Mac Mak. They
love to paint and believe art should present evocative and innovative images that address ideas about various aspects of our age. To share in the continuing task of
creating such communication, they came back to Hong Kong from San Francisco in 1997. They share a vision in culture to promote and popularise art, and to help art students acquire the highly disciplined skills needed to create such works.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳香如, April Chan 9271 7835 contact@am-artworkshop.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
麥強偉, Mac Mak 6255 6526 mac@am-artworkshop.com
Anispace Ltd 空間工作室 L7
設計、攝影、動畫 | design, photography, animation
空間工作室於2000年由多位熱愛電腦動畫的成 員組成;專注製作電腦動畫,致力將電腦動畫 融入生活中。 Established in 2000, Anispace is a digital
production house co-founded by the senior
staff members of the company. They have been working as a team for years, and aim to make computer animation a part of life.
周世明, Chow Sai Ming 9272 8735 smc@anispace.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳卿東, Chan Hing Tung 8202 7512 mactony@anispace.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Hong Kong International Photo Festival 香港國際攝影節 (HKIPF)
攝影 | photography
香港國際攝影節始於2010年,每兩年舉辦一次,旨在 推廣香港攝影藝術與文化。攝影節由一系列主題展覽及 活動組成,涵蓋多個範疇,橫跨不同地區,吸引成千上 萬觀眾,帶動全城攝影氣氛。通過與本港境內外攝影組 織合作,香港國際攝影節積極發展香港成為交流攝影創 意、技術和經驗的集中地。攝影節於2011年榮獲香港藝 術發展局頒發「藝術推廣獎」,並自2014年起獲香港特別 行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助。香港國際 攝影節由香港攝影文化協會主辦,協會現時主席為高志 強。
創會成員包括︰又一山人、王禾璧、司馬十一、朱德 華、余偉建、吳文正、吳世傑、沈嘉豪、孫樹坤、高志 強、梁家泰、馮漢紀、黃啟裕、黃淑琪、劉清平、黎健 強、謝至德、謝明莊、蘇慶強。(排名按筆劃序) 現任成員包括︰王禾璧、司馬十一、丘禮強、朱德華、余 偉建、吳文正、吳世傑、沈嘉豪、孫樹坤、高志強、容 匡彝、秦美娜、梁家泰、馮漢紀、張諾文、黃定敏、黃 啟裕、黃淑琪、黃耀霖、鄭秋瑜、劉天麟、劉文邦、劉 祖江、劉清平、黎健強、黎頌霖、黎銘業、練錦順、謝 至德、謝明莊、蘇慶強。(排名按筆劃序) The Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) is a
biennial festival dedicated to promoting photographic art
and culture in Hong Kong. Launched in 2010, every edition
of HKIPF features a series of themed exhibitions in different areas of photography covering a wide spectrum of subject
matters, and an array of events throughout the territory. The Festival has attracted tens of thousands of visitors, creating a photographic ethos and fostering the art and culture of photography in Hong Kong. Through collaboration with
local and international photographic organisations, HKIPF
aims to develop Hong Kong into a hub for the exchange and sharing of creative ideas, technical knowledge and valuable
exper ience in photography. In 2011, the Festival is honoured with the "Award for Arts Promotion" from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Since 2014, it is financially
supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Hong Kong
International Photo Festival is organised by the Hong Kong
Photographic Culture Association, currently chaired by Alfred Ko Chi Keung.
Founding members include (in alphabetical order of
surname): anothermountainman, Almond Chu Tak Wah,
Joseph Fung Hon Kee, Simon Go Man Ching, Alfred Ko Chi
Keung, Edwin Lai Kin Keung, Lau Ching Ping, Leong Ka Tai,
Ng Sai Kit, Bobby Sham Ka Ho, Shima Eleven, So Hing Keung, Leon Suen Shu Kwan, Ducky Tse Chi Tak, Tse Ming Chong,
Blues Wong Kai Yu, Ki Wong Suk Ki, Wong Wo Bik, Vincent Yu Wai Kin.
Current members include (in alphabetical order of surname): Ike Cheung, Almond Chu Tak Wah, Lorraine Cultfish, Mimi
Chun, Joseph Fung Hon Kee, Simon Go Man Ching, Alfred
Ko Chi Keung, Rambo Lai Chung Lam, Edwin Lai Kin Keung,
Lai Ming Yip, Alex, Lau Ching Ping, Joe Lau, Dick Lau Tin Lun, Peter Lau Man Pong, Leong Ka Tai, Thomas Lin Kam Shun,
Ng Sai Kit, Bobby Sham Ka Ho, Shima Eleven, So Hing Keung,
Leon Suen Shu Kwan, Ducky Tse Chi Tak, Tse Ming Chong, Dio Wong, Blues Wong Kai Yu, Ki Wong Suk Ki, Wong Ting Man,
Wong Wo Bik, Keith Yau, Vincent Yu Wai Kin, Kenneth Yung.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
高志強(主席), Alfred Ko (Chairman) 孫樹坤(副主席), Leon Suen (Vice Chairman) 黎頌霖(常務秘書), Rambo Lai (Secretary) 丘禮強(財務秘書), Keith Yau (Treasurer) 劉清平(執委會委員), Lau Ching Ping (Committee Member) 練錦順(執委會委員), Thomas Lin (Committee Member) 余偉建(執委會委員), Vincent Yu (Committee Member)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
2777 0955 info@hkipf.org.hk www.hkipf.org.hk www.facebook.com/HKPF.HKPCA
Outfocus Group Workshop 失焦工作室 L7
設計、攝影 、多媒體藝術 | design, photography, multimedia art 一群攝影工作者,在影像紛陳的年代,彷彿失去創作的焦點。成立「失 焦」,是希望從迷失中再出發,因此他們積極參與並策劃不同攝影展覽、 教育及文化研究等活動。 A group of photography enthusiasts finding their direction in the "outfocus" space. The studio organises exhibitions, educational activities and cultural researches.
Untitled 2014-5
(West Kowloon Reclamation Photography Series 1994-2014)
謝至德 Ducky Tse Archival fine art print 2014
吳世傑 Ng Sai Kit 黎健強 Edwin Lai 衛維賡 Duncan Wai 李創鑫 Anthony Lee
聯絡方法 Contact Details 謝至德, Ducky Tse 9274 4688 duckytse@yahoo.com www.duckytse.com thresh-old@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Ablaze Gallery”
Quabitat 陶瓷 / 攝影工作室”椏Ablaze合作社”
陶藝、雕塑、攝影 | ceramics, sculpture, photography 於2011年獲皇家墨爾本理工大學學士學位,主修 陶瓷;2001年成為專業攝影師,同時從事陶瓷創 作。梁祖彝認為,陶瓷和攝影兩種不同媒介都能 表達他對個人及社會的想法。
「魚 —— 無 論 是 手 繪 青 花 魚 盤 , 還 是 立 體 魚 形 雕 塑,都是我的陶瓷作品的一個標誌。魚象徵甚 麼?我在創作中注入感情及思想,希望透過作品 給人們思考的機會,而非只看作品是否『美麗』。」 Joey graduated from RMIT University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) degree majoring in
ceramics. He has been a professional photographer since 2001, while at the same time developing
artistically to become a professional ceramicist. He uses both ceramics and photography to express himself and his opinions on the relationships between people, society and nature.
'I try to reveal my mind through my works, ranging from seeking traces of social traditions, recording images of happenings in society, to predicting
how people could enjoy or preserve their lives in the future. More than just about creating
something "beautiful" , I strive to put my emotions and thoughts into the works so as to inspire the audience to feel and think.'
魚與槍2 Fish and Gun 2
聯絡方法 Contact Details
梁祖彝, Joey Leung 9529 1789 joey3074@gmail.com www.facebook.com/QUABITAT
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
梁祖彝 Joey Leung 陶瓷 Ceramics 2014
魚盤Z20 Fish Dish Z20 梁祖彝 Joey Leung 陶瓷 Ceramics
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Soil in Ditty @ 801a 801a一闋泥歌工作台 音樂、戲劇 | music, drama
一個500多呎的自由活動平台。 A 500sq.ft. platform for freedom and action.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉銘鏗, Lau Ming Hang 9263 1940 mrsunfool@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
王秀雯, Wong Sau Man 9250 0301 saumanwsm@yahoo.com.hk
Epictudio 排場好戲 音樂、戲劇、錄像(戲劇及紀實) | music, drama, video art
「不想因循,所以我們期望每次創作都有突破。我們相信,只要有求真求美的 實驗精神,險就可以化為夷。社會各階層都呼喊著『學習』,要求有質素的老師/ 導師/教師,而為求培養具競爭力的香港接班人,教師和學生都要有自己的聲 音,告訴大家我們在想甚麼。」 藝團期待與學校機構合作,發展以下藝術工作: • 戲劇 / 錄像培訓及製作 • 文字培訓及創作 • 通識藝術課程策劃及實踐
李健文畢業於英國 Middlesex University 戲劇學院碩士課程,先後憑短片《紅白 藍》獲「第43屆芝加哥國際傳播影視展優異獎」,及《沒有手提號碼的機主》獲「第 26屆香港青年文學獎高級劇本獎」。 The studio provides drama courses and education packages for teenagers and
schools. "We aim to educate the younger generation by stimulating their creativity, self-expression and problem solving skills through drama experience."
Simon Li graduated with a degree in MA Theatre from Middlesex University (UK) and has received a number of film awards.
《彩虹下,抱擁牠》劇照 李健文, Yero Ng, Bills Tin 戲劇、舞蹈 Drama, dance 2014
《老豆,我已經三十歲》劇照 李健文, Corvus, Bills Tin 無伴奏演唱、戲劇 Acapella, drama 2013
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李健文, Simon Li 9053 3185 epictudiotheatre@gmail.com www.epictudio.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre (ADAHK)
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會藝術通達服務中心 藝術通達 | arts accessibility 為各類藝團提供藝術通達節目,以拓展觀眾層面至殘疾人士,包括:口述影像、 劇場視形傳譯、通達導賞、觸感製作等。 The Centre helps to build a broader audience base by accommodating the specific needs of people with disabilities during their participation in various arts events.
Arts organisations are welcome to contact them regarding implementation of audio description, theatrical interpretation, accessible guided tours, tactile production or other arts accessibility services.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2777 1771 2777 1211 (Fax) enquiry@jcaasc.hk www.jcaasc.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
LOUIS SK ART STUDIO 陶藝、 玻璃 | ceramics, glass
盧世強,生於香港,畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術文學士 課程, 主修陶藝。 自小沉迷石灣陶瓷人物創作; 2006年曾遠赴 美國,於著名玻璃藝術工作室「Urban Glass, Brooklyn」和「The Studio, Corning Museum of Glass, New York」專研暖玻璃藝術。 盧氏積極發揮陶泥與玻璃的獨特個性,一方面表現個人美學思 想,另一方面反映現今人類社會現象。 Born in Hong Kong, Louis Lo graduated from RMIT University,
majoring in ceramics. He is especially interested in "Shiwan" ceramic figurative sculptures when he was young. In 2006, he practised glass art at "Urban Glass" and "The Studio of Corning Museum of Glass", both renowned studios in New York.
Louis specialises in ceramics and glass art as revelators of social phenomenon in the modern world.
祈盼 Expectation
盧世強 Louis Sai-keung Lo 瓷 Porcelain 2014
富足 Satisfaction
盧世強 Louis Sai-keung Lo 瓷 Porcelain 2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details
盧世強 , Louis Lo Sai Keung 9636 2329 louissaikeung@gmail.com louissaikeung.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Active Concept @ Live Culture Active Concept @ 拉闊文化 文化活動 | cultural activities 「拉闊文化」是一個非牟利教育團體,由文潔華、盧偉力、盧婉雯三位香港浸會大 學老師策劃,旨在將教育理念擴展到社區大眾,實踐「知識轉移」、跨文化共融; 提供多類文化及藝術課程,讓大眾在輕鬆的情况下增進知識,培養文化及藝術的 素養,潤飾生活。
「拉闊文化」目前在石硤尾「賽馬會創意藝術中心」 (JCCAC)進行各類活動。夏季 課程包括:品茶文化、電影、音樂、戲劇、攝影等藝術的欣賞,以及強調通過體 驗而自我提昇的黑白街拍攝影、感性攝影、身體中的音樂、朗誦藝術、說話藝術 等。每位教授課程的導師均學有精專,具豐富教學經驗的文化人及藝術人。他們 實踐專業多年,希望面向社區,加強大眾對文化和藝術認知的深度和闊度。 Established in 2008, Active Concept has been motivating the inner most desire within an individual to learn and respect the aesthetics in different cultures. Facing the
influences of globalisation and increasingly rapid flow of information, it organises a
variety of cultural courses and performances to enhance inter-cultural interactions. It
believes that quality cultural activities can break the walls between different cultures, and bring together people and opportunities from different backgrounds!
聯絡方法 Contact Details 梁銘誌, Linus Leung 2334 6778 linus@activeconcept.org
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Studio 3+ 混合媒介 | mixed media 來自不同藝術工作崗位的李坤儀(Janice Lee)、楊婉玉(Jody Yang)與張樺(BirchCheung),對藝術有 著同樣的熱愛、追求與堅持。Studio3+不但讓三位藝術家聚在一起創作,更為他們提供與不同藝術家和 社群接觸的機會,跟更多朋友分享他們創作的喜悅! 工作室不定時開放; 不定時展出繪畫、裝置、攝影等作品; 不定時售賣小手作、藝術相關物品; 不定時舉行藝術聚會與分享會; 還有隨時發生藝術工作坊…… 隨心隨意、以藝會友、隨緣相遇!
Birch, Janice, and Jody have different professions and work in different art genres. But they have one thing
in common; they have the same goal - to dedicate themselves to art. Studio 3+ is the spot where they work together, inspire ideas and share materials with one another. The connection exists not only between the three of them, but also between them and the community. They cherish the opportunity to interact with
other artists and art groups at JCCAC, and enjoy extending their joy in art creation from Studio 3+ to visitors.
倦鳥戀舊林 A tired bird misses its previous habitat 張樺, Birch Cheung 混合媒介 Mixed media 2011
新一代 our new generation 楊婉玉, Jody Yang 混合媒介 Mixed media 2015
楊婉玉, Jody Yang 6025 3436 jodyyang2004@yahoo.com.hk
今夜的那年秋 Those autumns in this evening 李坤儀, Janice Lee 混合媒介 Mixed media 2008
李坤儀, Janice Lee 9781 8839 janicelee317@yahoo.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張樺, Birch Cheung 6150 5819 siuwa819@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
ZHANG ZHE X Mistake 雕塑、攝影、繪畫 | sculpture, photography, painting
工作室以多媒體創作為主,當中包括雕塑、攝影、繪畫! 而另一空間功能以「Mistake」命名,主要作為兩岸三地藝術家之交流和展覽的平台。 A studio for mixed media installations, sculptures, photography and painting. A part of the studio is named "Mistake" ; it functions as a space to provide artists with an exchange and exhibition platform.
空中回塑系列作品—衣架的 反撲III《牛頭》動物靈魂 Recollection of Time Series – Counterattack of The Clothes Hangers, III 張哲 Ban Zhang 不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel
聯絡方法 Contact Details 張哲, Ban Zhang 9801 6764 ban105@yahoo.com.tw
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong Open Printshop 香港版畫工作室 版畫、繪畫 | printmaking, painting 香港版畫工作室成立於2000年,是香港首個由版畫家創辦及管理的專業藝術團體,並於2012 年正式成為非牟利慈善團體。工作室致力推廣和普及當代版畫圖像藝術。他們除從事個人創作 外,還希望略盡己能,回饋社會,提升社群藝術水平;希望不同年齡、不同階層的人,都可享 受和欣賞藝術。 願景與使命 • 促進國際性版畫圖像藝術和文化交流 • 介紹及推廣本地版畫圖像藝術到世界各地 • 為本地藝術界及創意文化產業培育人才 • 鼓勵市民參與,普及藝術,提升人文生活質素
Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong' s first non-profit open printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a charitable organisation. Their main aim is to promote visual arts with emphasis on image making, and to give back to the community by providing art programmes that people of all ages and from all walks of life can enjoy. Vision and Mission
• To promote graphic art and encourage international cultural exchange • To bring Hong Kong printmaking to an international audience
• To nurture young talents in the field of printmaking and generally for the arts and cultural industry in Hong Kong
• To share the joy of printmaking with the public
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2319 1660 contactus@open-printshop.org.hk www.open-printshop.org.hk www.facebook.com/hkopenprintshop
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
Metro Art Gallery (MAG) 都市視藝空間 攝影、藝術教育 | photography, arts education
Visual arts and photography education, photo exhibition services.
My roots Cherry Ng’s Exhibition Photo by Alex NG 2015
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2815 4284 mag@popart.hk www.mag.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Working Workshop 工作中工作室 繪畫、版畫、混合媒介 | painting, printmaking, mixed media
出生於香港的丘藝藍,於2003-2005年間修讀平面 設計。2011年完成澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術學 士課程,現於香港設立工作室及進行創作。 丘藝藍深信,藝術創作與日常生活密不可分。她 的作品以探討人與人、身體與心靈之間的關係為 主題;而形式則以油彩、繪畫、版畫及混合媒介為 主;主旨鮮明,風格不一。 Hong Kong born and based artist Yau Ngai Lam
studied Graphics & Multi Media Design in 2003-2005
and obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Painting from RMIT University in 2011.
Yau believes that our daily lives and art are closely
connected. She explores human relationships and daily life experiences through distinct symbolic
meanings expressed in various art forms, including painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking.
分離 Separated Yau Ngai Lam Wire installation 2012
聚與散 Together and Alone Yau Ngai Lam Wire installation 2012
聯絡方法 Contact Details 丘藝藍 Yau Ngai Lam 6133 9734 ngailam.yau@gmail.com www.yaungailam.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
MIO Studio 繪畫 | painting
作品以BB為題材,意念出於對人單純真摯的 關心。主角BB流露真摯單純的表情,對周遭 所有東西都充滿善意的好奇心,不修飾的舉 止神態,彷彿表達對擁抱愛的希望,旁人看 見都會受感動。幸福就是這樣簡單:自然的 一種世界觀。而BB亦透過形體表達,展現藝 術最大的價值,在人類的文明與真、善、美 之間畫上等號。 To portray love and care, Chris Cheung has chosen the baby as his motif. The baby is genuine, innocent and curious about the
world around it. Seeking love, its laughter is so pure: happiness is simple. Stretching its body instinctively, it expresses art: truth, goodness and beauty.
Cheung' s paintings are in numerous private collections. In his work he often uses
contemporary ideas combined with strong
traditional techniques and different disciplines. He continues to explore new ways to present his expression.
Tracy Chow
張銳焯 Chris Cheung 油彩布本 Oil on canvas 2011
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張銳焯, Chris Cheung 9774 6636 cheuk_design@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
leewa studio 陶藝 | ceramics
在設計陶瓷的十年間,伍利華走遍大江南北,細閱製陶者的生活與工作。她的創 作啟發自種種閱歷,專注研究陶瓷與不同物料的關係、新色釉,以及所有非傳統 製陶方法,藉此重新定義陶瓷藝術。 leewa studio 是一處製陶、釉繪、雕塑和陶藝研討的空間;2015年開始,重點推 動再生陶藝,從而探討一些矛盾相對的社會規範和既定模式。 Having been a ceramic designer for more than 10 years, Eva Ng has visited many kilns in China and learnt how people work and live in the ceramic industry. The experience inspired her to start her own ceramic creations. Her work is about a new form of
ceramic and her practice is rooted in material investigation, new glaze research and non-traditional working methods.
leewa studio is a place for ceramic art, glaze painting, ceramic sculpture, and regular ceramic forum. A focus from 2015 is in recycling ceramic art. This is to challenge the norms and stereotypes of contradictory phrases.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 伍利華, Eva Ng 9803 6558 leewaart@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
The missing piece 雕塑、設計 | sculpture, design
The Missing Piece(TMP)於2014年12月成立,是由三人組成的創作團隊;以木 材作為主要創作媒介,製作各式各樣的作品。從物料到工具,由想法到成品, 用一雙手去尋找各人生活中的missing piece。 Founded in December 2014, The missing piece (TMP) is a workshop that focuses
on both traditional and modern craftsmanship on woodworking. From materials
to tools, from ideas to creations, they try to find their missing piece in life though handcrafting.
Follow them on: Facebook: The missing piece Instagram: the_missing_piece_
聯絡方法 Contact Details Nico Wong 9806 4206 nico8734@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Brandon Chan 6022 1437 bcmon4@hotmail.com
Elvis Luk 9750 8618 elvis.luk@phresh.com.hk
翔平書畫室 中國書畫 | Chinese painting & calligraphy
教授中國書畫、藝術創作研討、書畫作品展銷。 The studio offers Chinese calligraphy courses, and provides a platform for artistic discussions and the selling of artworks.
陳東平, Chan Tung Ping 5102 8673
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李頌翔, Lee Chung Cheung 6211 7191 +86 1342 3793 843 chanyu615@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
純 藝 術
陶藝 ceramics
fine art
玻璃 glass art
中國書畫 Chinese painting & calligraphy
素描 drawing
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong
水墨 ink painting
裝置藝術 installation art 繪畫 painting
剪紙 paper-cutting 版畫 printmaking 雕塑 sculpture
篆刻 seal carving
L2-03 L2-12 L2-13 L3-03
L3-05B L3-05C L4-07
自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
月樓手作 moongateworks
何兆基工作室 Ho Siu Kee's Studio 兩點塵工作室 Two Dust Studio 魚竇 Fish Hub
L5-04 L5-05
L5-09 L5-12 L5-18 L5-22
L5-23 L5-24 L6-01 L6-02
L6-05 L6-07
L6-17 L6-29 L7-01
L7-02 L7-06 L7-07
L7-12B L7-15 L7-16 L7-18
陶作坊 Potter Fun 石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop 杜綺璇工作室
鄧氏工作室 TANG's Studio 509工作室 Studio 509
寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery Z Unit Gallery
安之自在 An Gee's Studio
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
香港現代水墨畫會 - 陳成球現代水墨工作室 Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU 樂堂 Jovial Cocktail Gallery Psypedia Scenery
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley's Studio fm702
Atelier of Atmosphere
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass Cozy Workshop
熊陶坊 Panda Workshop
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio A & M繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop
Quabitat陶瓷 / 攝影工作室“椏Ablaze合作社”
"Ablaze Gallery"
L8-03 L8-06 L8-08 L8-09 L8-10 L8-12
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
當下藝術工作室 Present in Art
L4-11 L5-03
玩.藝 Art.Play
L4-09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio L4-12
Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio LOUIS SK ART STUDIO
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop 工作中工作室 Working Workshop MIO Studio
leewa studio 翔平書畫室
設計 design
時裝 fashion
描金漆畫、仿古家具及裝飾 手作、工藝 handicraft 插畫 illustration
室內設計 interior design
applied art
gold-line lacquer painting,
art furniture and furnishing
應 用 藝 術
首飾 jewellery
編織 knitting
皮革 leather art
攝影 photography
印花 printing
PLOTZ Studio
BY Y.B. Expostore
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L1-03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port L2-04 L2-10
L2-15 L4-05 L4-08
L4-13 L4-16
L5-11 L5-14
L5-20 L6-03 L6-12
L6-23 L6-26 L7-05
L7-09 L7-13 L7-21
L7-22 L8-07
光影作坊 Lumenvisum
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery goodmonday 亮點.空間
CreationPlace - stained glass mix and match 2x2 Studio
Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base 林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio 雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang
520 小空間 520 Dimension 三頁 3 Page
Locus Studio Company Limited 後欄 Backstreet ALTERNATIF
譚嘉儀 Tam Ka Yee
Riceism Young Designers Association 細勢力空間 small power space 嘉意設計 Graphics Plus 香港國際攝影節
Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) 失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop 都市視藝空間 Metro Art Gallery (MAG) The missing piece
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
媒 體 藝 術
動畫 animation
數碼藝術 digital art 新媒體 new media
performing art
media art
錄像 video art, film production
表 演 藝 術
中國樂器製作 Chinese instrument making
粵劇 Cantonese opera 舞蹈 dance
戲劇、舞台劇 drama 音樂 music
陶笛 ocarina
puppet & shadow art performance
三彩堂 Invision Images
Dodo Animation
L6-04 L7-03
L7-10 L7-20
Nick Foxall video
:Phoebe Hui Studio
空間工作室 Anispace Ltd
L3-05D, L3-07 動藝 DanceArt Hong Kong L4-01
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
L5-15 L5-21
L6-09 L6-10 L6-13
L8-01A L8-01B
飲 食 food art 164
L1-05 L1-06
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
琉金穗月 Café Golden
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
劇作社 Drama's Group
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory 八十四粵弦坊 84 String Perfect Music Works FrozenFire
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club 香港偶影藝術中心
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center 音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會 Aborigine Music Workshop /
Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association 801a一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a 排場好戲 Epictudio
藝術評論 art critiques L1-02
喜居生活 Lively Life
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA)
藝術治療 art therapy
藝術通達 arts accessibility
藝術教育 arts education/ teaching
L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心
漫畫 comics
Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD)
L2-09, L3-06 住好D街頭文化館
G.O.D. HK Street Culture Gallery
L2-14 L3-02
藝吔 Art-oh
Chinese Therapeutic and Applied Art Services 香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房
Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 香港中華文化促進中心
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture
攪伴工作室 Blend in with Studio
家課製作 Homework Production
L4-15 L5-02
L5-07 L5-08 L5-10
L5-13 L5-16 L5-19 L5-25 L6-08 L6-11 L6-15
L6-16 L6-20 L6-22 L6-24 L6-27 L6-28
L6-30 L7-04 L7-11
L7-12A L7-14
L7-17 L8-02
L8-04B L8-05
社區計劃 community arts / projects
HK Carbon
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop
文字創作 creative writing
cultural activities & promotion 策展 curation
電影評論 film critics
畫廊 gallery
Hong Kong heritage collection 混合媒介 mixed media
跨媒體創作 multimedia
公共藝術 public arts 出版 publication
沙畫 sand drawing
interdisciplinar y arts & other arts disciplines
書籍 books
跨 媒 介 或 其 他 藝 術 範 疇
Ancha Vista
冷計劃 uncommon PROJECT 格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues Cyressland W Studio
海潮沙畫藝術工作室 Hoichiu Art Workshop 指非指出版社 The Signifier
香港電影評論學會 Hong Kong Film Critics Society 藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio 工作室 Studio
Playback Concept
袁婉荷 謝諾麟 Yuen Yuen Ho / Tse Lok Lun
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu Artisens Studio
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio 六樓28室
疊字與筆記本 ManyMoons
賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio
環境藝術館/ 林漢堅 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin 有時候工作室 Sometimes Studio 717 Arts
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會藝術通達服務中心
Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre (ADAHK) Active Concept @拉闊文化
Active Concept @ Live Culture Studio 3+
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |
JCCAC每日上午10時至晚上10時開放,農曆新年假期除外。公眾 可自由參觀而毋須預約,但請留意個別展覽及藝術活動會有不同的 開放日期和時間,為免向隅,請向主辦單位直接查詢確定。中心亦 提供預約的團體導賞服務,如有興趣,歡迎查詢。
開 放 時 間 Opening hours
L1 接待處
JCCAC is open to the public from 10am to 10pm daily except the Chinese New Year public holidays. While no appointment is required for general visits, visitors should check the date and time of specific exhibitions or art activities to avoid disappointment. JCCAC also offers group guided tours; interested parties may contact us for details.
L4-03 中心辦事處 星期一至五 星期六
上午10時至下午1時,下午2時至晚上6時 下午2時半至5時半
賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) 地址: 電話: 電郵: 網址: Facebook: Instagram:
L1 Front Desk Daily
九龍石硤尾白田街30號(港鐵石硤尾站C出口,步行約7分鐘) (852) 2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk jccacpage jccac_artsvillage 10am-7:30pm
L4-03 Management Office Mon to Fri
10am-1pm, 2pm-6pm 2:30-5:30pm
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) Address:
Tel: Email: Website: Facebook: Instagram:
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C, 7 mins walk) (852) 2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk jccacpage jccac_artsvillage
JCCAC藝術工作室指南 編輯: 設計: 出版: 電話: 電郵: 網址: 出版日期: 印量:
賽馬會創意藝術中心 Carmen Ng 賽馬會創意藝術中心 九龍石硤尾白田街30號 2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk 二零一六年七月初版 1, 500本
免責聲明 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。中心及本工作室 指南內展示的藝術作品/活動內容由有關藝術家/藝術團體提供及負責其內容準確 性,概不代表本中心立場,敬請留意。 ©2016 賽馬會創意藝術中心 版權所有 不得翻印
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide Editor: Design: Publisher: Tel: Email: Website: Publishing Date: Printing Quantity:
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Carmen Ng Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon , Hong Kong 2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk July 2016 First Edition 1, 500pcs
Disclaimer Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic expression. Artistic works and activities presented in the Centre and in this Arts Studio Guide are provided by the relevant artists/art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. ©2016 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre All Rights Reserved
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide |