藝術工作室指南 JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
藝術是推進社會文明和創意的重要動力,JCCAC 希望支援文化藝術工作者對藝術工作 室和展示場地的需要,從而發揮培育創意人才和推廣藝術文化的作用,為推動香港藝術 發展出一分力。 JCCAC 所處建築物的前身是建於 1977 年的「石硤尾工廠大廈」 ,是該年代本地家庭式輕 工業工場林立的「山寨工廠」 。中心保留了昔日工廈的建築特色,是一項獲得香港建築師 學會「全年境內建築大獎」的改建項目。
JCCAC 內有約 140 位藝術家和藝文機構租戶,當中以視覺藝術為主(包括中西畫、攝 影、陶藝、雕塑、版畫、玻璃藝術、多媒體裝置等 ),也有表演藝術(包括音樂、舞蹈、 戲劇等)和應用藝術(例如設計、電影、社區藝術等) 。
駐中心藝術家和藝文機構除了以中心單位為工作室外,亦經常舉辦藝術展覽、節目和課 程(詳情可參閱各單位外的宣傳品) 。不少藝術家身兼多職,既會在工作室埋首創作,亦 很多時在外參與不同的藝文企劃。因此有興趣參觀藝術工作室的公眾,可直接與有關藝 術家或藝團聯絡,或報名參加 JCCAC 定期舉辦的工作室導賞活動。
About Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC)於 2008 年開幕,是香港首間由廠廈活化而成的藝術村 兼藝術中心。多元化及對外開放的 JCCAC 是香港浸會大學的附屬機構,以自負盈虧及 非牟利機構的模式運作,提供一個給藝術家和藝術團體工作和讓公眾近距離接觸藝術的 環境,親身發掘藝術和感受文化創意的氣氛。
Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is the first factory-turned artist village and arts centre in Hong Kong. Positioned as a multi-disciplinary artist village and arts centre, JCCAC is a self-financed, registered charity and a subsidiary of Hong Kong Baptist University. In response to arts practitioners' needs for arts studio and display facilities, JCCAC is devoted to nurturing young creative talents for Hong Kong, helping the promotion of arts and culture in the community, as well as generally supporting arts development in Hong Kong. JCCAC believes in the importance of the arts in catalysing the growth of a creative and civilised society, and endeavours to provide a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Visitors are always welcome to discover the creative spirit of the place. JCCAC is housed in the former Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate, which was built in 1977 and a stronghold for cottage industries. Keeping alive many architectural features of the industrial heritage, the conversion and renovation project was awarded “HKIA Medal of the Year of Hong Kong” by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects.
Artist Village Around 140 artists and cultural organisations make use of JCCAC’s studio spaces to pursue their work in a wide array of art forms, with an emphasis on visual arts (e.g. Chinese and Western paintings, photography, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, glass, multimedia installation), and featuring also performing arts (e.g. music, dance, drama) and applied arts (e.g. design, film, community arts).
The units at JCCAC mostly serve as studios and/or offices for resident artists and cultural organisations, where visitors can often find programmes and contact information about them at respective studios. Many artists are self-employed and have to juggle multiple demands on their time split between their studios at JCCAC and outside projects. Visitors interested to visit art studios may contact the artists for appointment, or register to join in one of the open studio guided tours organised by JCCAC.
Arts Centre
作為藝術中心,JCCAC 設有正規的演出及展覽場地,包括「賽馬會黑盒劇場」 、兩層「藝 廊」展覽廳和中央庭園,空間多用於舉行各式週末活動,例如實驗性舞台演出、主題展 覽、藝術興趣班等; 中心亦於各樓層分設「公共空間」 ,容納各特色小型展覽。JCCAC 還會定期主辦大型公開活動,包括年度「JCCAC 藝術節」 、季度「手作市集」 、露天電影 會、工作室導賞等。中心內亦設有茶藝館、咖啡室及手作工藝小店。 • • • •
瀏覽 www.jccac.org.hk 免費取閱或下載每月出版的《JCCAC 節目表》 訂閱 JCCAC 電子通訊 關注 JCCAC Facebook 及 Instagram 專頁 www.jccac.org.hk jccacpage jccac_artsvillage
As an arts centre, JCCAC’s main venues for exhibitions and performances are namely the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, two levels of exhibition Galleries and the Central Courtyard, which are frequently occupied by weekend independent arts programmes such as experimental stage performances, themed exhibitions and art workshops. Besides, artworks can also be found dotted around the common spaces across different floors. Regular public events presented by JCCAC include the annual "JCCAC Festival" in December, quarterly "JCCAC Handicraft Fair", rooftop film screenings and public guided tours. JCCAC also houses a tea house, café and craft shops. Follow JCCAC’s current programmes via the following: • • • •
Visit www.jccac.org.hk Collect or download a free copy of monthly publication, JCCAC Programmes Subscribe to JCCAC e-news Follow JCCAC on Facebook and Instagram
www.jccac.org.hk jccacpage jccac_artsvillage
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Main Venues
Central Courtyard
位於 L1 的中央庭園,設有玻璃天幕,空曠的環境適合 進行各類大型公眾活動。
位於 L0 的黑盒劇場,可容納百名觀眾。 表演空間佈局靈活,麻雀雖小五臟俱全,
分設於 L0 和 L1 的兩層藝廊,設計簡約而富彈性,由一條樓梯相 連,可分開或一起使用舉行展覽。L0 藝廊樓高超過四米,可容納 大型展品;而 L1 藝廊的落地玻璃窗,則可引入天然光線。
Located at L0, the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre has a seating capacity of 100. It is an intimate but well-equipped and flexible venue, most suited to showcasing innovative and experimental performances.
The Galleries are located over two levels at L0 and L1. Linked by an internal staircase, the two levels can be used separately or together for exhibitions. The four-meter high ceiling at L0 makes it particularly suitable for displaying large-scale artworks, while full length glass windows at L1 allow the space to be flooded with natural light.
Under a glass canopy, the Central Courtyard at L1 offers a spacious environment to stage large-scale creative events and community programmes.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Jockey Club Black Box Theatre 特別適合別具創意的實驗性演出。
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Signature Programmes
JCCAC 藝術節 Festival
導賞團 Guided Tours
興趣參觀藝術工作室,可報名參加於「JCCAC 手作市集」或「JCCAC 藝術節」期間進行的工作室
每年 12 月由 JCCAC 主辦的重點節目 ; 當中包括藝廊大型專題展覽、各樓層公共空間的小型展 An annual signature event organised by JCCAC in December, it encompasses a feature exhibition in the Galleries, affiliated exhibitions dotted around the Centre’s common spaces, a film screening on the roof terrace, art workshops, performances and open studio guided tours.
Schools and non-profit-making organisations are welcome to make appointments for group guided tours on weekdays. Individuals interested to visit arts studios may register to join the open studio guided tours during “JCCAC Handicraft Fair” and “JCCAC Festival”.
JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair
露天放映會 Outdoor Screenings
每季一次於周末舉行的大型創意市集,除了雲集過百位手作人的攤檔,分享自家設計的手作產品 The fair is held over a weekend once every three months. Visitors can see original handicraft creations by over 100 artisans, join rooftop film screenings and open studio guided tours.
JCCAC 平日提供免費團體導賞服務,歡迎學校和非牟利機構報名預約參加。個別公眾人士如有
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC 和 MOViE MOViE 定期在中心天台合辦免費露天電影會,讓公眾置身星空下,欣賞精采的 JCCAC and MOViE MOViE regularly co-organise free film screenings on the Centre’s rooftop, attracting movie buffs from all around town to see award-winning films and participate in postscreening sharing sessions with film critics, all held under the stars.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L0-02 L0-04
普洛茨工作室 PLOTZ Studio
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
孢子花粉 Spores and Pollen
L1-03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port L1-05 L1-06
琉金穗月 Café Golden
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop
BY Y.B. Expostore
香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心
Centre for Community Cultural Development
L2-09 & L3-06A
住好啲設計工作室 G.O.D. Design Studio
光影作坊 Lumenvisum
Mally Cheung and Dai Lok Man Art Studio
陶 · 物 Tao · Mat
當下藝術工作室 Present in Art
碌油工作室 Pomelo Inkdustrial
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery
小星火創作室 Little Spark Studio
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L3 L3-01 L3-02
STUDIO301 香港偶影藝術中心
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center L3-03 L3-04
自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 香港展能藝術會賽馬會共融藝術工房
Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio,
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong L3-05A
集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
月樓手作 Moongateworks
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art
Meta4 Design Forum
國際演藝評論家協會 ( 香港分會 )
International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong) L3-06D
據點。句點 Floating Projects
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L4 L4-01 L4-02 L4-04
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley's Studio 香港中華文化促進中心
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture L4-05 L4-06 L4-07 L4-08
藏 · 香巴拉 Hidden · Shambhala
畫屜子 The Drawer Shed
許開嬌工作室 Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Studio 後欄 Backstreet
L4-09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio L4-11
魚竇 Fish Hub
月球表面 The Moon Surface
漫步堂 Wander Room
L4-16 L4-17
李香蘭生活研究房 Rainbow Leung Life Discovery Base 家課製作 Homework Production
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L5 L5-01
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop
石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop
鄧氏工作室 TANG's Studio
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory
Ancha Vista
半白 Bun3 Baak6 Studio
Studio Fontaine
HK Carbon
林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio
寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio
雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang
W Studio
三彩堂 Invision Images
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio
L5-18 L5-19
老版工作室 No Plan Studio
Perfect Music Works
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery z
Unit Gallery
安之自在 An Gee's Studio
Playback Concept
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L6 L6-01 L6-02
L6-03 L6-04 L6-05 L6-07 L6-08 L6-09 L6-10 L6-11
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
香港現代水墨畫會⸺陳成球現代水墨工作室 Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society - Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU 黑山的烏鴉 Dawning Crow
樂堂 Jovial Cocktail
藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio
香港電影評論學會 Hong Kong Film Critics Society FrozenFire
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club
The Painting Studio
多元智能工作室 Locus Studio Company Limited
繪畫工作室 Drawing Room
L6-13 L6-14
Dirty Paper
工作室 Studio
奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio
L6-16 L6-17
Dodo Animation
L6-19 L6-20 L6 21 L6-22 L6-23 L6-24
蘊月閣 Moonlit Attic 影意志 Ying E Chi
何濼工作室 Ho Lok Studio
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu
Faulo Kitchen
巧工記工作室 Artisens Studio
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會 Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association
Grafie Production
L6-27 L6-28 L6-29 L6-30
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio 鍛煉屋 Jewellers' Tavern
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio 葉建邦工作室 Yip Kin Bon Studio
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L7 05
The World Is Your Osyter
L7 06 L7-07 L7-08 L7-09 L7-10 L7-12A L7-12B L7-13
細勢力空間 small power space 賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio
環境藝術館 / 林漢堅 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin 熊陶坊 Panda Workshop 嘉意設計 Graphics Plus
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio
L7-16 L7-17
717 Arts
L7-18 L7-20
Cozy Workshop
君子不器 CAN
L7-14 L7-15
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass
:Phoebe Hui Studio
去名工作室 A Studio Without Name Studio
A & M 繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop 空間工作室 Anispace Limited
香港國際攝影節 Hong Kong International Photo Festival 失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop
Quabitat 陶瓷 / 攝影工作室「椏 Ablaze 合作社」 Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Ablaze Gallery"
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L8-01A L8-01B L8-02
L8-03 L8-04A L8-04B L8-05 L8-06 L8-07 L8-08 L8-09 L8-10 L8-13
801a 一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a 排場好戲 Epictudio
香港展能藝術會賽馬會藝術通達服務中心 Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, Arts with Disabled Association Hong Kong 火星瑪莉 marsmary
格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues
Studio 3+
張哲工作室 Ban Zhang Workshop
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop
海潮藝術工作室 Hoichiu Production 工作中工作室 Working Workshop
MIO Studio
秘撈工房 Below Shelter
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Contents L0
P30 – 31
P32 – 35
P36 – 48
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong
P62 – 75
L2-02 L2-03 L2-04
L2-10 L2-11 L2-12 L2-13 L2-14 L2-15 L2-16
P50 – 60
L3-02 L3-03 L3-04
L3-05A L3-05B L3-05C L3-05D L3-06B L3-06C L3-06D
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L4-02 L4-04 L4-05
琉金穗月 Café Golden
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
L4-08 L4-11
曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop
BY Y.B. Expostore
香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L4-14 L4-17
住好啲設計工作室 G.O.D. Design Studio
光影作坊 Lumenvisum
陶 · 物 Tao · Mat
P76 – 98
Mally Cheung and Dai Lok Man Art Studio 當下藝術工作室 Present in Art
碌油工作室 Pomelo Inkdustrial
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery 小星火創作室 Little Spark Studio
香港偶影藝術中心 Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center 自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei
香港展能藝術會賽馬會共融藝術工房 Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
L5-01 L5-02 L5-03 L5-04 L5-05 L5-06 L5-07 L5-08
畫屜子 The Drawer Shed
許開嬌工作室 Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Studio 後欄 Backstreet 魚竇 Fish Hub
月球表面 The Moon Surface
漫步堂 Wander Room
李香蘭生活研究房 Rainbow Leung Life Discovery Base 家課製作 Homework Production
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop 石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop
鄧氏工作室 TANG's Studio
蔡福記中西樂器製造廠 Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory Ancha Vista
半白 Bun3 Baak6 Studio
HK Carbon
L5-11 L5-12 L5-13 L5-14 L5-16
香港美術教育協會 Hong Kong Society for Education in Art
據點。句點 Floating Projects
藏 · 香巴拉 Hidden · Shambhala
國際演藝評論家協會 ( 香港分會 ) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
香港中華文化促進中心 The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture
Studio Fontaine
Meta4 Design Forum
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley's Studio
月樓手作 Moongateworks
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
L4-09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio
L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development
L2-09 & L3-06A
孢子花粉 Spores and Pollen
L1-03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port L1-06
普洛茨工作室 PLOTZ Studio
L5-18 L5-21 L5-22 L5-23 L5-24 L5-25
林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio 寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio Cyressland
雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang
W Studio
三彩堂 Invision Images
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio 老版工作室 No Plan Studio
Perfect Music Works
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery z Unit Gallery
安之自在 An Gee's Studio
Playback Concept
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
P100 – 128
L6-03 L6-04 L6-05 L6-07 L6-08 L6-09 L6-10 L6-11 L6-12 L6-13 L6-14 L6-15 L6-16
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
香港現代水墨畫會⸺陳成球現代水墨工作室 Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU
L6-23 L6-24 L6-25
L6-26 L6-27 L6-28 L6-29 L6-30
The World Is Your Osyter
樂堂 Jovial Cocktail
香港電影評論學會 Hong Kong Film Critics Society
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club
多元智能工作室 Locus Studio Company Limited
藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio
The Painting Studio
繪畫工作室 Drawing Room
工作室 Studio
Dirty Paper
奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio
Dodo Animation
黑山的烏鴉 Dawning Crow
L6-18 L6-20
P130 – 150
L6-17 L6-19
L7-18 L7-20
Cozy Workshop
細勢力空間 small power space
:Phoebe Hui Studio
賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio
環境藝術館 / 林漢堅 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin 熊陶坊 Panda Workshop 嘉意設計 Graphics Plus 君子不器 CAN
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio 717 Arts
A & M 繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop 空間工作室 Anispace Limited
香港國際攝影節 Hong Kong International Photo Festival
蘊月閣 Moonlit Attic 何濼工作室 Ho Lok Studio
Quabitat 陶瓷 / 攝影工作室「椏 Ablaze 合作社 」 Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Ablaze Gallery”
801a 一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a
影意志 Ying E Chi
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu Faulo Kitchen
巧工記工作室 Artisens Studio
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會 Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association
P152 – 164
L8-01B L8-02
Grafie Production
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio
鍛煉屋 Jewellers' Tavern
葉建邦工作室 Yip Kin Bon Studio
L8-04A L8-05 L8-06 L8-08 L8-09 L8-10 L8-13
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass
去名工作室 A Studio Without Name Studio
失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop
排場好戲 Epictudio
香港展能藝術會賽馬會藝術通達服務中心 Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 火星瑪莉 marsmary
格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues Studio 3+
張哲工作室 Ban Zhang Workshop
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop 海潮藝術工作室 Hoichiu Production 工作中工作室 Working Workshop MIO Studio
秘撈工房 Below Shelter PM
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
PLOTZ 意味著陰謀與詭計,暗地裡為埋藏的小秘密而沾沾自喜。 PLOTZ 以立體剪裁為主,每個摺位、起伏、打結都是構成衣服整體 線條的重要一環,力求從主流意念中創出獨立的時裝風格,發揮具 前瞻性的細緻剪裁。
Lo Sing Chin is a graduate from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design who subsequently established fashion label PLOTZ in 2007. The central idea of PLOTZ design conveys an understanding of fabrics that translates the uniqueness of the human body.
Studio Glass Hong Kong
PLOTZ Studio
盧聲前畢業於香港理工大學設計學系,於 2007 年創立時裝品牌
PLOTZ explores the spirit of communication between garments and human beings, derived from hints of conspiracy, little secrecies and dramatic effect. Through detailed patchwork and contour silhouette, every piece of PLOTZ design is original, practical and fashionable, not only serving one's basic needs, but also exciting one's artistic and creative expectations.
時裝及紡織、攝影 Fashion & Textiles, Photography
玻璃藝術 Glass art
香港玻璃工作室創立於 1993 年,致力透過藝術教育及文化交 流,促進玻璃藝術在香港的發展。
Studio Glass Hong Kong is a glass workshop established in 1993. Through arts education and cultural exchange, it is dedicated to promoting glass art in Hong Kong.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 盧聲前 Lo Sing Chin 6887 5427 Eman Ng eman@plotz.co info@plotz.co plotz.co
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃國忠 Wong Kwok Chung 2728 4224 info@studioglass.hk studioglass.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port
Spores and Pollen
工作室由 BEIS Leather Workshop 及 Design Port 兩部分所組
她;相信叢林暗處發光的蘑菇、可以為寂寞途人指引明亮道路 手作工藝 Handicraft
孢子花粉是一間專門研究布藝花卉及菌類手作精品的研究所。 在這裡,他們用雙手為作品注入生命,用溫度凝住時間。
成:BEIS Leather Workshop 是本地皮革品牌,既為手作及皮 皮革製作、手作工藝 Leather work, Handicraft
設計師提供一個國際設計平台,售賣滿載理念及夢想的手作設 計、原創品牌和生活小品,當中特別引進環保耐用和良心製作 的產品。透過這裡的「Select Shop」 、工作坊及展覽,Design Port 成為了各滿腔熱忱的設計師及手作人一個重要的支柱。
Spores and Pollen creates handmade fabric flowers and mushroom inspired decorative pieces. Each piece of work is made with tremendous dedication and unremitting devotion to fine details.
The studio comprises the two units – BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port. BEIS Leather Workshop is a local leather brand, customising durable leather products for leathercraft lovers. It holds leather workshops for individuals and organisations, such as Po Leung Kuk, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Macau Institute for Tourism Studies, local primary and secondary schools, and other private companies.
hello@sporesandpollen.com sporesandpollen.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉子軒 Ryan Lau 凌苑珊 Catherine Ling 2576 9993 / 5198 1566 info@beisleather.com info@d-port.co
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
澳門旅遊學院、中小學、其他私人機構等) 。
Design Port 則希望扮演設計港口的角色,為一眾本地和海外
Two daydreamers: one a fancier of withering flowers, forever blossoming in Autumn shades; the other swears by tiny luminescent mushrooms as guiding lights to show loners the way home. Together, they make up Spores and Pollen.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Design Port aspires to provide a platform for designers in Hong Kong and oversea, for sharing their concepts and dreams to further promote original handcrafted products and brands, especially environmental and ethical products. Through its Select Shop, workshops and exhibitions, Design Port has been a key pillar for passionate designers and craftmakers.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
鮮小食,如意式沙律和各款三文治。琉金穗月希望客人能夠在 其親民友善及輕鬆的環境下享受美味的咖啡和食物。
Café Golden is a quality gathering spot for coffee lovers, aspiring artists and curious tourists. Devoted to promoting specialty coffee culture, the Café serves freshly brewed coffee and fresh light food items, such as salads and sandwiches. Café Golden wishes to provide a friendly, relaxed atmosphere for its customers to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and some light dishes within its neighbourhood setting.
咖啡室 Coffee shop
Heritage Tea House
Café Golden
茶藝 Tea culture
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周志勤 Gary Chow 2408 8255 cafegolden.com.hk
基礎茶藝課程、及常設展覽,致力推廣茶藝文化。茶館亦提供 茶葉及茶具零售服務。
聯絡方法 Contact Details
With its long history and profound cultural significance, tea is a cultural heritage that deserves deep appreciation for one to find comfort and joy. Heritage Tea House serves a wide variety of tea and light dishes and endeavours to promote tea culture by presenting tea demonstrations, elementary tea courses and regular exhibitions. A range of loose tea leaves and tea wares are also available for sale at the shop.
余文心 Katherine Yu 2779 1030 kmsy_kmsy@yahoo.com.hk hkhth.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
BY Y.B. Expostore
Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop
BY Y.B. Expostore 是一個開放給大眾認識針織和毛冷編織的 平台,集藝廊、圖書館、工作坊、會客室、零售、咖啡閣等於 一身。
BY Y.B. Expostore is a platform for the general public to learn more about knits and yarns. It also functions as gallery, library, workshop, meeting room, retail outlet and café.
工作室座落於 JCCAC 的一個寧靜角落,像是鬧市中的淨土,
陶藝、雕塑 Ceramics, Sculpture
讓雕塑家曾章成進入平靜及「空」的境界,亦給予了他養份去延 續藝術生命及不斷蛻變,是一個讓他安心創作與靈修的空間。
曾氏擅長以細緻寫實的雕塑手法,表現超現實的意象。2002 年,曾氏開展了其以陶瓷及不鏽鋼塑造飛濺液態的創作手法,
編織 Knitting
作品廣受認同。當中的《鴛鴦系列》獲香港藝術館及台灣新北 市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館收藏。他分別憑雕塑《碗的異想》及《驚奇
的水花》連奪國際陶藝界四大獎項之二:「2011 韓國京畿世界 聯絡方法 Contact Details
曾章成 Tsang Cheung Shing, Johnson 9256 0193 johnsontsanghk@gmail.com johnsontsang.wordpress.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
陶藝雙年展國際競賽特別獎」及「2012 臺灣國際陶藝雙年展首 獎」,為首位同時獲得此兩項殊榮的華人藝術家。
Located in a quiet corner of JCCAC likening to a haven in a bustling city, the studio is a space where sculptor Johnson Tsang enters the realm of calmness and emptiness. A relaxing space for creation and meditation, it nurtures Tsang’s constantly growing and evolving artistic life. Tsang’s creations mostly employ realist sculptural techniques to represent surrealist imagination. In 2002, Tsang developed his signature practice of capturing instantaneous moments of splashes with ceramics and stainless steel. His Yuanyang series were collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taiwan. His works, Bowls of Fantasy and Splash of Wonder were respectively awarded the “Special Prize” of the 2011 Gyeonggi International Ceramix Biennale and the “Grand Prize” of the 2012 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, marking him the first Chinese sculptor to be awarded two of the four most prestigious international ceramics awards.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2779 3188 expo@byyb.com.hk expo.byyb.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
WHITE BOX STUDIO mainly holds ink painting and mounting workshops, but also engages in other art practices – including calligraphy, paper and aluminium sculptures, corn doll and moving image. It facilities are used for painting classes, exhibitions and selling art and handicraft works.
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
水墨、油畫、雕塑 Ink painting, Oil painting, Sculpture
藝術 , 設計 Arts, Design
活動不只與業界有關,亦推展到業界以外的相關範疇,包括一 般聯誼聚會、研討會、展覽、研究和出版等。
Hong Kong Art & Design Community is generally dedicated to the promotion of Hong Kong art and design. It facilitates networking events within the art and design industries and their affiliated circles; general activities include social gatherings, seminars, exhibitions, research and publication.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
左燕芬 Jor Yim Fun 9412 1360 jyffyj1@hotmail.com
左治江 Cho Chi Kong 9732 3888 edwincho07@gmail.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳嘉興 Chan Ka Hing 9019 4679 info@hkadc.org
Hong Kong Art & Design Community
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L2-09, L3-06
G.O.D. Design Studio
Centre for Community Cultural Development
這家工作室是香港時尚生活品牌「住好啲」的設計基地。品牌 團隊技術精湛、創意十足,成員在此設計、製作和改良出別樹 一幟的本土印刷品和自家品牌產品,並陳列於「住好啲」的八
家門市內。工作室內藏數百件香港街頭文物,由創辦人楊志超 及其設計團隊 20 年來不斷搜尋回來,它們全都是古董與垃圾 一線之差的珍貴本土舊物。
Home to Hong Kong lifestyle brand, Goods Of Desire (G.O.D.), this studio is where the unique Hong Kong prints and selfbranded products seen in G.O.D.’s eight store locations are designed, crafted, sampled and finessed. The space also houses a unique collection of hundreds of items that represent Hong Kong’s oft-ignored street culture. Douglas Young and his design team at G.O.D. have amassed this range of everyday objects over a period of twenty years. Tossed away by locals, they exist in the twilight zone where the blurred line between ”junk” and “antique” meets.
社區文化發展中心 (CCCD) 致力推展且活現社區文化潛能; 並期望透過各種支援,協助社區與社群面對因社會變遷而出
社區藝術、藝術治療 Community arts, Arts therapy
現的挑戰; 致力拓展社區文化空間,積極進行文化建設,締
造全人藝術的社會。CCCD 籌組不同類型的文化藝術活動, 包括展覽、工作坊、出版、研討會、表演(社區音樂、共融舞 蹈及社區劇場)、文化旅遊、圓圈藝術、紗鷗麗編織和觸感藝 術等。
設計、香港文物收集 Design, Hong Kong heritage collection
CCCD 於 2014 年設立藝術治療服務中心,續以工作坊及研討
會等形式,推廣藝術治療; 並開設個人及小組臨床服務。由 2016 年起為期三年(至 2019 年 1 月底) ,獲香港藝術發展局委
聯絡方法 Contact Details
莫昭如 Mok Chiu Yu 2891 8482 (電話 Tel) 2891 8483 (傳真Fax) cccd@cccd.hk cccd.hk
Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD) is dedicated to promoting and practising community cultural development. Through developing a support network, CCCD aims to empower the underprivileged, in particular persons with disabilities, migrant workers and ethnic minorities, and to uphold diversity in cultural development in the face of the onslaught of the homogenising forces of globalisation. CCCD organises arts and cultural activities – including exhibitions, workshops, publications, conferences, performances (community music, inclusive dance and community theatre), cultural tours, circle arts, SAORI weaving and touch art. CCCD established the Creative Arts Therapy Centre in 2014, which continues to promote arts therapy through workshops, conferences and symposiums, and also provides clinical services for individuals and groups. For three years from 2016 (until end of January 2019), CCCD has been commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to run the Shanghai Street Artspace.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2544 5615 info@god.com.hk god.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
共享的攝影平台。光影作坊的工作室設有展覽廳、圖書館及書 店,成立以來,定期舉辦不同主題的攝影展覽、講座、課程和 各類交流活動,以推動本地當代攝影。
開放時間:星期二至日,上午 11 時至下午 6 時;星期一及公眾 假期休館。
Founded by four veteran photographers in 2007, Lumenvisum is a registered non-profit charitable cultural organisation, providing a unique local photography platform for integrated education, cultural exchange, resource sharing and knowledge building. The studio has an exhibition gallery, a library and a bookstore, where a wide range of thematic exhibitions, photography courses, talks and workshops are regularly held to promote local contemporary photography.
Mally Cheung and Dai Lok Man Art Studio
光影作坊於 2007 年由四位資深攝影師成立,為香港註冊非牟
Opening hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Tuesday to Sunday; closes on Mondays and public holidays.
攝影 Photography
聯絡方法 Contact Details 3177 9159(電話 Tel) 3020 6012(傳真 Fax) info@lumenvisum.org lumenvisum.org
插畫、平面設計、 繪畫、混合媒介 Illustration, Graphic design, Painting, Mixed media
繪畫作品以鉛筆和水粉彩為主要媒介,不少均取材自兒時的創 作及電影場景,表達其對往事的感受。
創作。戴氏多以鉛筆和炭筆作畫,黑白色調的作品多以生活細 節中的個人情感為創作靈感,探索光線、空間、以至世界。
Mally Cheung received her Bachelor of Visual Arts degree from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014, spending time as an exchange student in the UK during her undergraduate studies to study illustration. Cheung is an illustrator and graphic designer who mainly uses pencil and gouache as mediums. Her works often show nostalgic feelings by referencing her childhood creations and movie scenes.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
戴樂文 Dai Lok Man 9585 2221 mandaai2013@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
曾到英國交流及修讀插畫; 畢業後從事插畫及平面設計工作, 戴樂文在 2015 於香港浸會大學藝術學院畢業,從事素描藝術
《珍影集:常惠珍鏡頭下的 1960 年代香港女性》展覽現場 Exhibition view at Rare Encounters: Nancy Sheung's Portraits of Hong Kong Women in the 1960s 譚瑋衡攝 Photographed by Gary Tam
張述惠在 2014 年於香港浸會大學畢業,主修視覺藝術,其間
Dai Lok Man graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015. He specialises in sketch art and mainly draws with pencil and charcoal pencil. His black and white drawings are often inspired by personal feelings towards the everyday life, with a focus on the exploration of light, space and the world in general.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
陶 · 物是一個藝術實體空間,在 2017 年進駐 JCCAC,當中區
氏以陶瓷創作人的身份與本地不同的創作人進行跨媒介合作; 由共用空間慢慢發展成為協助與記錄本地獨立藝術家或團體的 創作發展的基地。
Au Ho Lam, Suzanne graduated from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme co-presented by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia, and Hong Kong Art School. Au’s works explore the connection between nature and human using an array of perspectives to observe the changing manifestations of the world, while attempting to use substitutional methods to alter different materials and forms. Since its establishment at JCCAC in 2017, Tao · Mat serves as a communal art space in the multidisciplinary art community. A venue for collaboration between ceramists and other local artists, the studio has transformed progressively into a platform for documenting and assisting independent artists and groups. 陶藝、跨媒體創作 Ceramics, Multimedia
聯絡方法 Contact Details
區灝藍 Suzanne Au suzanne_au@hotmail.com auholam.com
Present in Art
· Mat Tao
Murmur 黃懷琰 Wong Wai Yim 裝置、玻璃作品、表演 Installation, glass works and performance 2013 Photo by Allan Yau
油畫、雕塑、行為藝術 Painting, Sculpture, Performance art
Philippe Charmes,來自巴黎的畫家,法國斯特拉斯堡國立美
術學院碩士; 曾任中國天津國立美術學院外籍專家,現於香港 教授藝術史及繪畫,並積極於歐亞兩地參展。
黃懷琰,法國斯特拉斯堡國立美術學院碩士; 曾任中國天津國 立美術學院教授及系主任,現於香港及巴黎兩地生活與工作,
《光 · 言 · 普》 SpectrUM 陶瓷 Ceramics 2017
自 2005 年在香港任專上學院藝術講師。作品曾廣泛展於世界 各地國的展覽,收藏機構包括 Burger Collection。
Philippe Charmes is a Hong Kong-based Parisian painter. He obtained his master’s degree from the National Art School of Strasbourg (France) and was a foreign expert at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts (China). He currently teaches art history and drawing in Hong Kong and has extensively exhibited across Europe and Asia.
L2 聯絡方法 Contact Details Philippe Charmes 9477 5291 黃懷琰 Wong Wai Yim 9814 2781
Wong Wai Yim is a mixed-media artist. She obtained her master and post-master degrees in art from the National Art School of Strasbourg (France) and was Professor and Dean of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts (China). Currently splitting her time between Hong Kong and Paris, Wong has been a lecturer at a Hong Kong tertiary institution since 2005. Her artworks have been widely featured in various countries and collected by institutions such as the Burger Collection.
im@presentinart.com presentinart.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery
Pomelo Inkdustrial
工作室由插畫師吳嘉敏和當代首飾設計師黃紹全共同租用,以 半工作室、半商店的形式運作,售賣和展示兩位創作人的藝術
作品和商品(主要為紙品和首飾) 。吳嘉敏的插畫以富想像力、
精緻構圖及柔和色調見稱; 而黃紹全於 2012 年成立設計品牌
「VW Jewellery」作品則風格簡約、理念多變。
開放時間:星期五、六、日,下午 2 時至晚上 8 時。 Shared by illustrator Carmen Ng and contemporary jewel designer Victor Wong, this studio doubles as a shop to display and sell their works (primarily art prints and jewellery). Carmen Ng’s illustrative works are known for their imaginative, detailed drawings with delicate compositions and soft colours, while Victor Wong’s minimal and unorthodox jewellery brand, VW Jewellery, was founded in 2012. Opening hours: 2 – 8 p.m. every Friday to Sunday.
碌油工作室專注於版畫及圖像製作,四位藝術家以不同印刷方 式,把日常生活中的各種想法、畫面、影像記錄下來,及轉化 成各印刷作品。 版畫、圖像製作 Printmaking, Image-making
Pomelo Inkdustrial specialises in printmaking and image-making. The four artists capture all sorts of thoughts, scenes and images from daily life through different printing methods, and transform them into their artworks.
插畫、首飾設計 Illustration, Jewellery design
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃紹全 Victor Wong 6207 9040 vwjewellery@hotmail.com.hk vwjewellery 吳嘉敏 Carmen Ng 9744 7446 carmenng70@gmail.com carmen-ng.com
上 Above:
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃皓珵 Jeannie Wong 6843 3716 pomeloinkdustrial@gmail.com jeanniewong628@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
黃紹全 Victor Wong Lily 黃銅 Brass 2014 下 Below:
吳嘉敏 Carmen Ng Collectors 水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper 2014
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Little Spark Studio
心智發展,可以讓人抒發情緒,甚至有治療的作用。 創作室的
宗旨是希望透過繪本、藝術創作、遊戲及其他互動,將孩子及 大人連結起來,並期望能讓他們在當中找到樂趣,幫助他們建 立自我,以至長遠的個人發展。
Founder and Director of Little Spark Studio Stephanie Hung received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) degree from the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Props Making. Little Spark believes that arts are a catalyst for mental and intelligence development, a means of emotional ventilation, and a medium of therapy. Through picture books, art-making, games and other interactive activities, the Studio aims to connect kids and adults, bring them joy and help them with the establishment of selfimage and long-term personal growth.
道具製作 Prop making
聯絡方法 Contact Details
孔藝霖 Stephanie Hung 6409 2450 littlespark_ac@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center
主要工作包括: • •
保育、本土建築及藝術文化 建築設計教育
本著「技承傳統,融和創新」的宗旨,香港偶影藝術中心致力推 廣中國傳統木偶皮影藝術。中心舉辦各地名家的作品展,開辦
張海活曾於 EDGE Design Institute 任職高級建築設計師,主理
得奬項目「箱宅」 (長城腳下的公社,北京) ,並曾為德國斯圖加
特獨寂城堡學院的駐機構藝術家;2007 年加入香港理工大學 建築設計、文化保育 Architectural design, Cultural preservation
設計學院教授設計,並於 2009 年加入香港專上學院,現為設 計學副學士(環境及室內設計)課程統籌。
木偶皮影 Puppet & shadow art
作品多次獲公眾藝術計劃公開比賽獎項,並曾入圍夏利豪基金 會藝術比賽。從事建築及保育研究 10 多年,集中研究大澳棚 屋,他曾於《香港建築師學會學報》及《明報周刊》發表文章。
With the notion, “Inheriting traditional skills, incorporating contemporary views”, Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center is committed to promoting traditional Chinese puppet and shadow art. The Centre holds exhibitions, teaches different kinds of puppet-making and operating techniques, and gives professional puppet and shadow art performances. It also provides various handicraft and Guzheng courses.
Focus of work: • Cultural preservation, local architecture and art culture • Architectural design education
Chang Hoi Wood was Senior Architectural Designer at EDGE Design Institute in-charge of the award-winning project "Suitcase House” (Commune by the Great Wall, Beijing) and artist-in-residence at the Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart, Germany). Chang started teaching design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design from 2007 and since 2009 has been the Programme Leader of Hong Kong Community College’s Associate Degree in Design (Environment and Interior Design). 聯絡方法 Contact Details 張海活 Chang Hoi Wood 楊煒強 Gary Yeung jccac301@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Gary Yeung is a Registered Architect and Adjunct Assistant Professor of School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has won awards at the Public Art Scheme Open Competition and was shortlisted for the Philippe Charriol Foundation Arts Competition. Yeung has been practising architectural preservation for over 10 years. His recent focus is on the traditionally built Tai O Pang Uk and has published articles in Ming Pao Weekly and the HKIA Journal.
L3 聯絡方法 Contact Details 黃暉 Wong Fai 9217 1635 wongfai@hkpsac.org
黃慧真 Janet Wong 6333 6213 janetwong1222@yahoo.com.hk 莊玉麗 Chong Yuk Lai 9629 3158 hkpsac.org wongfai.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
I-Kiln Studio was founded by veteran cultural practitioner Chan Kam Shing in 1996. The Studio aims to provide ceramic-lovers with a well-equipped studio to enjoy pottery-making, as well as to promote ceramic art in Hong Kong.
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房
Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei
陶藝、雕塑 Ceramics, Sculpture
自得窰工作室於 1996 年由資深文化工作者陳錦成成立。工作
社區藝術 Community arts
週年展覽及演出:多一點藝術節 Annual Exhibition and Community Showcase: A Bit More than Arts Festival
工房為香港首個配合殘疾人士需要的藝術工作室,除了為殘疾 人士提供藝術培訓,亦讓不同社群和背景的朋友藉藝術互相認
識。工房透過豐富多樣的活動,將共融的訊息廣傳,拓闊社區 人士和藝術家的共融視野,其中的賽馬會共融藝術計劃更榮獲
2012 香港藝術發展獎「藝術教育獎﹙非學校組﹚金獎」 。
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄭明輝 Reed Cheng 9778 0300 chengmingfai@gmail.com i-kiln.org.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Holding the belief, “Arts are for everyone”, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong’s Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio is the first inclusive arts studio located in a mainstream arts venue in Hong Kong. It aims at providing a platform for arts development mainly for the disabled but promoting inclusion as well. Let people from different communities and backgrounds understand and respect each other through various arts activities to widen their visions in arts. In 2012, its Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Project garnered the “Hong Kong Arts Development Awards – Gold Award for Arts Education (Non-School Division)”.
2777 8664(電話 Tel) 2777 8669(傳真 Fax) jcias@adahk.org.hk adahk.org.hk/jcias jcias
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
L3 -05B
很多人平日都像關在盒子裡般,封閉不語, 但當你對他們產生興趣,
──希薇亞 • 普拉斯
含羞草,讓它們通通捲起來。當我還是小女孩時,我已開始自 我封閉,把自己從這個世界隔離,只是偶爾才會打開心扉。即 使到今天,我仍一直掙扎著,努力嘗試變得外向,希望有一天 自己能學懂如何在這鼓吹外向性格的世界中生存。
So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them. ─ Sylvia Plath
《城市鑰匙》 Key to the City 2012 不鏽鋼、瓷漆 Stainless steel with enamel paint
雕塑 Sculpture
陶瓷、繪畫、 首飾設計、設計 Ceramics, Painting, Jewellery design, Design
When I was young, I would run my fingers ritualistically along the Mimosa Pudica plant every morning on my way to school. Also known as “touch-me-not”, the plant would curl up when touched. A natural introvert, I have always “shut up tight” inside myself, opening up only occasionally. I still struggle to this day, trying hard to be more extroverted as quite often demanded in today’s society.
Mimosa N22 20 03 E114 10 56 2013 含羞草、泥土、聚乙烯貼紙 Mimosa Pudica, soil and polyethylene sticker
集雕坊是雕塑家戴尚誠的展覽廳暨工作室。戴尚誠畢業於加拿 大卡爾頓大學建築系,並獲廣州美術學院雕塑系碩士學位; 從 聯絡方法 Contact Details 戴尚誠 Victor Tai 9181 8800 taissv@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
事木雕超過 20 載,近年專注於公共藝術及數碼雕塑研究。
SculpTUDIO is the gallery-cum-studio space of sculptor Victor Tai, who graduated from the School of Architecture, Carleton University, Canada, and obtained his Master of Arts from the Department of Sculpture, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Tai has worked as a wood sculptor for over 20 years, dedicating to the research of public art and digital sculpture in recent years.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉月寶 Fonny Lau 2529 6855 fonnylau@moongateworks.com 陳漢標 Rex Chan rexchan@moongateworks.com moongateworks.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
LOUIS SK ART STUDIO 除了作為盧氏的創作空間外,也是一
個作藝術教學和分享的場所,這裡不時會舉辦公開活動,以推 廣陶瓷和玻璃雕塑藝術。
Sculptor Louis Lo obtained his Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) degree (major in ceramics) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University and had spent three years in New York studying glass casting. Lo specialises in portrait sculpting. His earlier works were mostly Shiwan ceramic figures, while in recent years he turned his interest to merging traditional pottery techniques with contemporary sculptural art concepts.
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art
(主修陶瓷) ,並曾於紐約留學三年,學習玻璃鑄造法。盧氏擅
香港美術教育協會於 1992 年成立,屬註冊非牟利慈善團體, 為本地具代表性的視覺藝術教育團體之一 。1998 年起獲香港
LOUIS SK ART STUDIO is not only a place for artmaking, but also a venue for art education and sharing. Public events are regularly held to promote ceramics and glass sculptural art.
雕塑、陶瓷、玻璃藝術 Sculpture, Ceramics, Glass art
藝術發展局頒發「香港藝術發展獎」 ,包括「藝術推廣獎──優 秀藝術教育獎(非學校組) 」金獎(2003 年)和「藝術教育獎(非 藝術教育 Arts education
學校組) 」銅獎(2008 年)及銀獎(2010 年) 。
協會舉辦的活動及項目以推廣藝術文化及視覺藝術教育為主, 計有各項視覺藝術教學研習班、工作坊、展覽、參觀交流團、
專題講座、本港及外國美術教學交流、國際座談會、以及《香港 美術教育期刊》等。協會的會員包括大專、中小學、幼稚園視 藝教師、藝術家及藝術行政人員等。
聯絡方法 Contact Details
盧世強 Lo Sai Keung, Louis 9636 2329 louissaikeung@gmail.com louissaikeung.com
Established in 1992, Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) is a registered charitable non-profit organisation and one of the key players in the local visual arts educational sector. The Association has been funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (the HKADC) since 1998 and is a threetime awardee of "Hong Kong Arts Development Awards": namely "Award for Arts Promotion ― Outstanding Arts Education Award (Non-School)” Gold Prize (2003), and "Award for Arts Education (Non-School Division)" Bronze Prize (2008) and Silver Prize (2010). HKSEA is currently a three-year grantee of the HKADC.
《請勿打擾》 Do Not Disturb 硬陶 Stoneware 2016
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄺啟德 Kwong Kai Tak (會長 President) 2234 6096 info@hksea.org.hk hksea.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The activities and projects organised by the HKSEA mainly aim at promoting cultural development and visual arts education, including workshops, visits, topical talks, exhibitions, international sharing events on art education methodology, international panel discussions, etc., and periodical Hong Kong Art Education Journal. Members of the HKSEA are mainly visual arts teachers from kindergartens, primary, secondary and tertiary schools, artists and arts administrators.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Meta4 Design Forum
建築設計、設計 Architectural design, Design
藝術評論 Art criticism
聯絡方法 Contact Details
MDFA 建築師事務所成立於 2001 年,致力於各關注社區、視
2872 5525(電話 Tel) 2872 5575(傳真 Fax) mail@mdfa.net
國際演藝評論家協會成立於 1956 年,為聯合國教科文組織轄
下團體。發展至今,關注範疇包括各類表演藝術、電影與電 視、以及視覺藝術。香港分會於 1992 年成立,為協會的第五
個亞洲分會,亦為香港藝術發展局的三年資助藝團之一,目前 是本地唯一推動演藝評論發展的組織。
聚首觀摩,透過舉辦各類藝評活動、出版刊物,和參與國際會 議及海外交流計劃,互相學習以至教育大眾,共同促進藝術界 的藝術水平與公眾的人文素質的提升。
The International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) was founded in 1956 as an institution under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Today, the Association’s focuses are on performing arts, film and television, and visual arts. IATC’s Hong Kong division was established in 1992 and is the Association’s fifth branch in Asia. IATC (Hong Kong) is the recipient of the Three-Year Grant from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and is currently the only local organisation promoting the development of performing arts criticism. The mission of the Hong Kong division is to inherit IATC’s spirit to bring together art critics and artists for mutual exchanges, by holding a range of art criticism activities, publishing, and participating in international conferences and overseas exchange programmes. In doing so, it allows the practitioners to learn from each other and educate the public, jointly enhancing the artistic standard in the arts sector and the humanistic qualities among the public.
要的設計項目就是 JCCAC 所處的前石硤尾工廠大廈之改建工
程,此項目在 2008 年獲頒「香港建築師學會──全年境內建 築大獎」 。
Set up in 2001, Meta4 Design Forum is an architectural practice dedicated to projects about the community, visual arts, architectural heritage, facilities for education and nongovernmental organisations, renovation, social enterprise, exhibition curating and site planning. The conversion of former Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate, now JCCAC, is one of the firm’s most important design projects, which garnered "The Hong Kong Institute of Architects – HKIA Medal of the Year of Hong Kong" in 2008.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2974 0542 iatc@iatc.com.hk iatc.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Floating Projects
據點。句點為一個藝術實驗空間,由一群從事不同媒介創作的 藝術工作者所組成。他們分別專注於媒體藝術、實驗錄像及跨
會、工作坊及研討會等活動。空間亦設圖書館和錄像資料庫, 開放予訪客使用。
工作室由18位主要成員組成:蔡倩怡、周皓風、丁卓藍、黎仲 民、黎肖嫻、黎偉亮、劉清華、林建才、李繼忠、李可穎、李 新傑、勞麗麗、駱敏聰、動動像、王鎮海、黃福權、忻慧妍、 楊鳴謙。
Floating Projects is an experimental arts space established by a group of arts practitioners of various artistic backgrounds, including media art, experimental videography, and other interdisciplinary works. The studio regularly exhibits and curates events such as exhibitions, screenings, workshops and panel discussions, and also established an open library and video archive for public use.
跨媒體創作 Multimedia
Floating Projects has 18 core members: Choi Sin Yi, Emilie, Chow Ho Fung, John, Ding Cheuk Laam, Andio, Lai Chung Man, Linda, Lai Chiu Han, Lai Wai Leung, Wai, Lau Ching Wa, Jess, Lam Kin Choi, Lee Kai Chung, Lee Ho Wing, Michelle, Li San Kit, Andy, Lo Lai Lai, Natalie, Lok Man Chung, Kel, Moving Moving Images, Wong Chun Hoi, Wong Fuk Kuen, Yan Wai Yin, Winnie, and Yeung Ming Him, Hugo.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黎偉亮 Lai Wai Leung, Wai 9030 6444 王鎮海 Wong Chun Hoi 6421 8378 contact@floatingprojectscollective.net floatingprojectscollective.net floatingprojects floatingprojects
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Established in 1982, Exploration Theatre is an independent arts organisation focusing on the promotion of local theatre education and community art. Recent activities include “Artchiving Kwun Tong” – Kwun Tong Community Arts Scheme (2017), the 10th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme – “The Creative + Arts” Camp (2018) and the “Traversing the Forbidden City” series – Secondary School Programme (2018/2019 academic year).
計劃(2017)、第 10 屆校園藝術大使計劃──「敢•創」藝術營
(2018)、及「穿越紫禁城」系列──中學校園計劃(2018 / 19
CHENG Halley’s Studio
Exploration Theatre
赫墾坊劇團成立於 1982 年,是一個專注發展本地戲劇教育
鄭哈雷,2008 年於香港中文大學藝術系畢業,2013 年於香港
括繪畫、混合媒體、裝置及視頻影像,作品主要探討物料、繪 畫性和荒誕感。
鄭氏曾獲第 20 屆夏利豪基金會藝術作品比賽冠軍 ( 香港,
2006)、 「雅加達藝術獎 2010」 (印尼)及亞洲當代藝術展── 香港 2012「青年藝術家獎大獎」 。鄭氏的作品曾於倫敦、巴塞
爾、邁阿密、雅加達、香港、台北和廣州展覽,參與聯展包括: 薩奇畫廊舉辦的 START 藝術博覽會(英國,2014) 、台北國際
藝術博覽會 2013(台灣) 、香港蘇富比藝術空間舉辦的《一墨相
承》 (2013) ; 個人展包括方由美術舉辦的《鄭哈雷作品展》 (香 港巴塞爾藝術展 2013) 、 《遊戲理論︰鄭哈雷作品展》 (2011)及
《鬼王︰鄭哈雷作品展》 (2008)等。
Halley Cheng received his Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008 and Master of Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. He employs a broad range of mediums including painting, mixed media, installation and moving image. His works involve personal exploration to reinvent ideas about city realism and address the absurdity within our contemporary lives. 戲劇 Theatre
繪畫、混合媒介 Painting, Mixed media
聯絡方法 Contact Details
鄭哈雷 Halley Cheng 6084 8121 chenghayu@yahoo.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2889 2132 etdrama@yahoo.com.hk etdrama.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Cheng has won numerous awards, including the “20th Philippe Charriol Foundation Art Competition – First Prize” (Hong Kong, 2006), “Jakarta Art Award 2010” (Indonesia) and the “Asian Contemporary Art Show Young Artist Award – Grand Prize” (2012). Cheng’s works have been exhibited in London, Basel, Miami, Jakata, Hong Kong, Taipei and Guangzhou. Joint exhibitions include START Art Fair in Saatchi Gallery (UK, 2014), Art Taipei (Taiwan, 2013) and “The Spirit of Ink” in Sotheby’s Hong Kong Gallery (2013); solo exhibitions include Gallerie Ora-Ora’s Halley Cheng showcase at Art Basel Hong Kong (2013), “Game Theory” (2011) and “Ghostliness” (2008).
《白南準大戰吉爾伯特與喬治》 Nam June Paik VS Gilbert & George 原子筆、鉛筆、炭筆、油性科學毛筆、木顏 色、壓克力木本 Ball pen, copic sketch, pencil, charcoal, colour pencil and acrylic on wood 2014
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
藏· 香巴拉 · Shambhala Hidden
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture
文化活動及推廣 Cultural activities & promotion
香港中華文化促進中心成立於 1985 年,為註冊慈善團體,宗
佛教藝術、藝術治療 Buddhist art, Arts therapy
育。活動範圍涵蓋傳統及創意文化、學術研究、視藝、文學、 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2559 4904 info@hkipcc.org.hk chineseculture.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
電影、戲劇音樂、民族文化、民間藝術、歷史等; 並帶多元化
開放時間:逢星期六、日 下午 1 時至晚上 7 時。
的形式,包括講座、展覽、課程、座談會、舞台劇、示範、工作 坊、校際比賽、導賞考察等。
The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture is a registered charitable organisation established in 1985. It aims to popularise Chinese culture, connect academic and cultural institutions from around the world, and facilitate cultural exchange. To accomplish its objectives, over the past three decades the Institute has organised a wide variety of events, many of which were held in schools, promoting general cultural education to the younger generation. The events cover traditional and creative cultures, academic research, visual arts, literature, film, theatre music, national culture, folk arts and history. They are presented in a broad range of formats, such as seminar, exhibition, course, talk, theatre, demonstration, workshop, inter-school competition and guided tour.
30 年來,中心舉辦過多個活動,以普及與弘揚傳統中華文化,
Hidden · Shambhala is the studio of Chantal Fok. The studio also regularly organises Thangka and Zentangle workshops.
聯絡方法 Contact Details Chantal Fok 6438 1981 chantalfok@hotmail.com.hk chantalfok.com
Chantal Fok is a Fine Arts graduate from Chinese University of Hong Kong, specialising in Chinese painting and calligraphy. Having a keen interest in Chinese mediums and enriched colours, Fok went to study traditional Thangka at the Thangka Academy in Shangri-La. Her works fuse elements of Thangka to invoke deeper questions on social issues and popular culture. Opening hours: 1 – 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Studio
The Drawer Shed
許開嬌,香港藝術家,2014 年獲得香港浸會大學視覺藝術(榮
譽)學士學位,2017 年獲中央美術學院實驗藝術學院碩士學位, 現於香港及北京生活與創作。
術形式和挪移平常物件去發掘新意義。她的創作曾獲不少獎項 及肯定,包括 2011 年「第 10 屆 L&XF 杯全國時裝畫藝術大賽
優秀獎」 、2015 年「新藝潮國際藝術家銀獎」和 2017 及 2016 年的中國教育發展基金會的二等學金獎。此外許氏為 2014 年
「香港當代藝術獎」的入圍藝術家,而在 2016 年她獲連卡佛公 司邀請參與「新傳承計劃」 ,完成了藝術櫥窗創作《春至的 81
步》 。其作品曾於香港、澳門、北京、上海、成都、深圳、台北 及澳洲展出,並獲藝術機構及私人收藏。
Angel Hui received her Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014 and the Master of Arts in Experimental Art from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2017. She currently lives and works in Hong Kong and Beijing.
繪畫 Painting
中國書畫、裝置藝術 Chinese painting & calligraphy, Installation
聯絡方法 Contact Details 郭子藍 Lamothy Kwok 吳天悅 Noelle Ng 6644 7069 drawershed@gmail.com drawershed drawershed
塗、油,並用新的物料、新的方法,從實驗中挑戰繪畫的可能 性,將奇趣的想法呈現在畫作之中。
畫家郭子藍和吳天悅的理念是透過藝術去探索個人未知的層 面,觀察世界,細味生活,尋找屬於自己的美學觀念,塑造獨 有想法和形態,靈活實淺。畫室設有常規性繪畫課程及藝術探 索課程,供不同背景及年齡人士參加。
Lamothy Kwok and Noelle Ng pursue new layers of self through artistic creation. They believe that every individual can mold his or her uniqueness and creativity through diverse art practices. The studio frequently holds painting and experimental art courses for people of various ages and backgrounds.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
《手繪青花紙巾》系列 Blue and White Facial Tissues series 2014 – 2018 水墨設色面紙巾及紙巾盒 Ink and colour on facial tissues, and paper tissue boxes
Inside The Drawer Shed are two painters who work on expanding the horizon of painting, by experimenting with different drawing techniques to present a myriad of ideas in their artworks.
Hui is fascinated with daily objects, often discovering new meanings by twisting traditional art forms and appropriating ordinary materials in her artistic practice. Hui was the recipient of “Outstanding Award” in the “10th L&XF China Fashion Illustration Competition” in 2011, “Silver Award” in “New Art Wave International Artist Award” in 2015, and the second prize scholarships from China Education Development Foundation in 2016 and 2017. She was also one of the finalists of “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award” in 2014. In 2016, Hui was invited by Lane Crawford to produce a creative window display 81 Steps to Spring for the “New Heritage” project. The artist has exhibited across Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Taipei and Australia.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
許開嬌 Hui Hoi Kiu, Angel +852 6252 1525 +86 150 1051 8604 angel_kiu_kiu@hotmail.com huihoikiuangel.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
大師攝影獎」 (2014 及 2016 年) 及「第 21 屆 ifva 藝術家新秀獎」
(2016) 。作品曾於中港台等地展出,亦為香港立法會、香港半 島酒店及私人藏家所收藏。在創作以外,蕭氏亦致力於藝術教 育,積極在各藝術機構及大專院校任教。
攝影 Photography
Artist Siu Wai Hang graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong, and subsequently obtained a Master of Fine Art degree from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Siu specialises in photography and image-making. He contextualises his artworks with social phenomena and histories, while reflecting on the nature of photography through different approaches. He won the “WYNG Masters Award” (2014 and 2016) and the “Emerging Talent Award in the 21st ifva Awards” (2016). His works have been widely exhibited in various regions, including Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, some of which have been collected by The Legislative Council of Hong Kong, The Peninsula Hong Kong and other private collectors. Apart from creation, Siu also engages in art education, teaching at various art institutes and universities.
Brush Castle de Studio
曹幗婷獲英國倫敦藝術大學頒授藝術碩士,並獲香港演藝學院 頒授榮譽學士。鑽研中西繪畫,並師從嶺南派國畫大師黎明
先生。作品曾入選「香港當代藝術獎 2012」及全廣東省國畫比 賽;並獲立法會綜合大樓永久收藏及展出。
鄭展文獲「英國文化協會志奮領獎學金」赴英國曼徹斯特大 學修讀作曲碩士課程,並於香港中文大學修畢藝術文學碩士 課程。鄭氏研習中西繪畫,師從國畫大師黎明先生,創作範 疇包括繪畫、裝置藝術和當代音樂。作品曾獲美國「Pytheas Centre for Contemporary Music」推薦及於 JCCAC 藝術節 和 JCCAC 與香港旅遊發展局合辦的「香港藝術月──藝術空 間 @ 港鐵」展覽展出。
Connie Cho obtained her master’s degree in Fine Art (Painting) from the University of the Arts London and a bachelor degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Under the tutelage of the maestro of Lingnan School, Lai Ming, Cho’s works permeate Chinese and Western elements. Her works have been awarded the “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012”, and collected and displayed by the Legislative Council of HKSAR.
中國書畫、繪畫、音樂 Chinese painting & calligraphy, Painting, Music
L4 《顧客 03》 Customer 03 2017 熱敏紙 Thermal paper
Cheng Chin Man obtained his master’s degree in music composition from the University of Manchester under the Chevening Scholarship by British Council, and a master’s degree in Fine Art from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His works include Western painting, Chinese painting, contemporary music and other mediums. His works are recommended by Pytheas Centre for Contemporary Music (US) and displayed at JCCAC Art Festivals as well as participating in the “Hong Kong Arts Month – Art@MTR” exhibition, co-presented by JCCAC and the Hong Kong Tourism Board.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 蕭偉恒 Siu Wai Hang 9633 5762 siuwaihang@gmail.com siuwaihang.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
曹幗婷 Cho Kwok Ting, Connie chokwokting@yahoo.com.hk 鄭展文 Cheng Chin Man chengchinmanhk@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The Moon Surface
Fish Hub
月球表面是跨媒介藝術家陳岱昕的工作室。畢業於香港中文大 學建築系及英國倫敦藝術大學切爾西美術學院藝術系,陳氏較 常用的媒介是攝影和繪畫。她著重捕捉城市人的疏離感,在菲 林或畫布上呈現關係與距離。
陳氏不定期於工作室舉辦展覽及工作坊,詳情可參閱工作室於 JCCAC 網站內的頁面了解。
The Moon Surface is the studio of multidisciplinary artist Chan Doi Yan. Graduated in Architectural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fine Arts from Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts, London, Chan mainly uses photography and painting to present the sense of detachment in contemporary society. Chan hosts exhibitions and workshops in the studio from time to time. For information, please visit her studio page on JCCAC website.
水墨、行為藝術、攝影 Ink painting, Performance art, Photography
攝影、繪畫 Photography, Painting
L4 (and) this is not working 一組三幅 A set of three 噴墨打印 Inkjet print 2018
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳岱昕 Chan Doi Yan 9616 9789 themoonsurface@gmail.com doiyanchan.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
魚王 陳法興 Fish King 6198 6877(電話 Tel) 2884 0934(傳真 Fax) chanfishking@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
發揮藝術創意,以畫會友,鼓勵年輕人從事藝術、設計及書法 創作,回饋社會,步向世界,勇闖明天。
Painting fish is especially gratifying for Fish King. He is keen to inspire young people and encourage them to work in art, design and calligraphy, so as to enrich their lives and contribute to the society.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Fung Wing Lam obtained her Bachelor of Arts and Science degree in New Media from the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong. Fung’s interdisciplinary works involve various mediums, including electronics, moving images, and sound and programmed installations. Currently Fung juggles between work with art creation as a freelancer.
Wander Room
大家一起在這𥚃踱步、翻滾、看陽光、聊天、構想、創作。 跨媒體創作 Multimedia
《變奏日常》 variational daily 衍生錄像 Generative video 2018
拼貼、繪畫、版畫 Collage, Painting, Printmaking
為藝術遊牧者,同時參與不同的藝術教育、社區藝術計劃的策 以觀察和記錄社區人物的故事,重建公眾對社區的認識,以藝 術拉近人與人間的關係。
馮穎琳 Fung Wing Lam 6859 0429 catwinglam@hotmail.com fungwinglam.com
Wandering in space, wandering in time, let’s have a wandering session. We can stroll, roll, sunbathe, chitchat, think and create together.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 6335 3927 a.angelpang@gmail.com angel46.weebly.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
學視覺藝術系,副修心理學。作品游走於拼貼、繪畫和版畫之 劃工作;2017 年開始了「社區人物.寫寫畫畫」計劃,希望藉
聯絡方法 Contact Details
駐漫步堂的藝術家彭灼楹生於香港,2015 年畢業於香港浸會大
Wander Room’s Pang Chek Ying, Angel, was born in Hong Kong and graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015, with a minor in Psychology. Moving between collage, printmaking and drawing, Pang likes to adopt her experiences in daily life, such as sailing and enjoying sea views, as subject matters of her works. Pang is an art nomad, concurrently participating in the curatorial work of different community art and arts education projects. In particular, in 2017 she started the “Community Characters Picture Book Project” to observe and record stories of people in the community. In doing so, she hopes to reconstruct the public understanding of the community and build a closer relationship between people.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
結盟,在《上.下禾輋》描繪出大自然與人和諧共處的願景; 其 後創作《尋人啟事上.下冊》 ,高舉老百姓的故事,讚揚每個生
命的獨一無二。於 2016 年成立李香蘭生活研究房,實踐藝術 教育抱負。
Rainbow Leung is a passionate artist. She graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, and City University of Hong Kong School of Creative Media, with majors in Visual Communication and Film. She grew up at Ha Wo Che Village in Hong Kong. Little insects, kittens and puppies are all her childhood friends. Her first book, Sha Ha Wo Che Village (2009), depicts the harmonious relationship between human and nature, while her next book Hong Kong Citizen Dictionary (2012) embraces stories of ordinary folks. In 2016, she set up Rainbow Leung Live Discovery Base, to pursue her passion for arts education.
Homework Production
Rainbow Leung Life Discovery Base
繪畫、藝術教育 Painting, Arts education
計、出版等領域,兼附工作室、資料庫及展覽場地等多元開放 功能;並定期舉辦以中外當代漫畫藝術為主的相關交流活動。
A creative hub by Craig Au Yeung and friends dedicated to comic arts, design, publication, food culture and more.
設計、漫畫、出版、 飲食文化 Design, Comics, Publication, Food culture
L4 聯絡方法 Contact Details
李香蘭 Rainbow Leung rainbow310786@gmail.com leexianglan rainbowcatcat
聯絡方法 Contact Details
歐陽應霽 Au Yeung Ying Chai 9272 8668 aycraig@gmail.com 黃美蘭 Wong Mei Lan 9272 6886 2637575875@qq.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
覧,於 2012 年分別入選臺灣國際陶藝雙年展及入圍「香港當代
藝術奬」 ; 作品為臺灣新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館、香港藝術中 心、民政事務局、香港滙豐私人銀行,及酒店與私人委約和收 藏。
Blanche Ho is a ceramicist, sculptor and art educator in special education. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art (Ceramics) from RMIT University and a master’s degree in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she also received training in sculpture at School of Visual Arts, New York and Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre.
L5 陶藝、雕塑 Ceramics, Sculpture
Ho’s works have been exhibited in Australia, Taiwan, Macau, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hong Kong. Her works were selected for Taiwan Ceramics Biennial, shortlisted for “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award” in 2012, ,and had been collected or commissioned by New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Home Affair Bureau, HSBC Private Bank, as well as hotels and private collectors. 《印 ‧ 記》 Folds in the Days 陶瓷 Ceramics 2017
育; 分別於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學獲藝術文學士學位 ( 陶瓷 )
WY Creative Workshop
L5 油畫、雕塑、設計、攝影 Painting, Sculpture, Design, Photography
Falling Devil 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 2016
聯絡方法 Contact Details 何敏儀 Blanche Ho 9024 9763 clayground@ymail.com blancheho.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 黃英 Wong Ying 9095 7634 wongying@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
一個反璞歸真及參與跨媒體創作的工作室。 A multimedia workshop that goes back to basics.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
新作欣賞及茶聚,亦提供一個書法揮毫和創作的交流平台; 計 劃每年組織一系列的小組畫展於 JCCAC 介紹新作,亦打算轉
Touch Stone Workshop
今日的無常也許來自於昨日的日常,只要記得就有跡可循。 Locus 就像一個座標,指著不忘初心的方向; 又猶如製作陶瓷 和玻璃工藝的雙手,在物料上留下手藝的痕跡,記錄日常裡的 美學與溫度。
Locus 用陶瓷重現日常器物及城市建築,帶有一種脆弱感,如 記憶般時而清晰時而捉不住。作品中,形態和故事都會隨著物
Touch Stone Workshop is the studio of Chui Tze Hung and a gathering place for Chinese ink artists to hold seminars and exhibitions. The studio also offers a variety of art classes.
更多的可能性。Locus 也經常於創作中使用玻璃媒介,它的延
展性和透明度成為作品中重要的元素,再配合光影或裝置的變 化以表達不同想法。
Today’s uncertainty may stem from yesterday’s normality. One only has to remember to trace back to its origin. Locus is like a coordinate that always points to the true north; it is also like the hands of a ceramicist or a glass-maker, with traces that record the beauty and warmth of daily life.
L5 水墨、中國書畫 Ink painting, Chinese painting & calligraphy
《書法對聯》 Calligraphy in Running Script 水墨紙本 Ink on paper 2013
陶藝、玻璃藝術 Ceramics, Glass art
The two artists of Locus use ceramics to reinterpret everyday objects and urban architecture with a sense of fragility like flickering memories. Form and stories may vary according to the materials and environment; the subtle transformation in such drives the artists to explore the infinite possibilities of the materials. Glass is another medium that they often employ in their creation. Its ductility and transparency are important elements of their works; different ideas are expressed in combination with light and shadow or installations.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
徐子雄 Chui Tze Hung 2571 8880 / 9708 4807 chuitzehung@gmail.com chuitzehung.blogspot.com 王翠英 Wong Chui Ying 9709 2466
聯絡方法 Contact Details Tam Shuk Yu, Christina Tang Ming Sum 6343 9013 christinatam@gmail.com locusstudioTT
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The creative works of Tang Ying Chi and Tang Ying Mui, Grace encompasses painting, printmaking, fabric, installation and mixed media practices to explore everyday life as well as social, cultural and identity issues. They set up the Front/Side Gallery to promote their own works and those by other artists.
工作室同時成立「正/側畫廊」 ,推介其創作之餘也展出其他藝
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory
TANG’s Studio
L5 繪畫、裝置 Painting, Installation
中國樂器 Chinese instrument
蔡福記樂器廠創辦人為蔡春福先生,其長子蔡維經先生於 1930
年,將業務由潮州拓展到香港。在孫兒昌壽先生中二的時侯, 琴家徐文鏡先生有古琴壞了,派工人送到蔡福記修理。古琴修
聯絡方法 Contact Details
好後,由昌壽先生送回。徐先生對修琴成果相當滿意,後來想 按他所書寫的琴銘製造 12 張古琴。由於當時徐先生視力不佳,
第四張古琴開始,在徐先生指導下,由昌壽先生擔當全部工 序。從此,昌壽先生承傳了徐文鏡先生精湛的斲琴工藝。
昌壽先生從事製造古琴及其他中國樂器已超過半個世紀,並於 1993 年開始傳授製琴工藝予有志之士,其中大部分為琴人。至
今門生逾 50 名,可謂桃李滿門。環顧香港,以至內地,蔡先 生授徒的數量可謂非常罕見,對於日漸式微的斲琴藝術,發揮
鄧凝姿 Tang Ying Chi 《香港風景(1.2)》 Hong Kong Landscape 1.2 混合媒介布本 Mixed media on canvas 2018
鄧凝梅 Tang Ying Mui, Grace 《時間捕捉器 I》 Time Catcher I 白色包膠鐵缐、椅子、模特兒之日用品、 行李箱 White plastic wrapped wires, chairs, everyday objects from models, and suitcases 2017 – 2018
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2756 1879 choifookkee@yahoo.com choifookkee.com.hk
Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory was established in 1904 by Mr. Choi Chang Sau's grandfather. Choi learnt the crafts of making various traditional Chinese musical instruments from his family and zhuoqin (skills in qin-making) later under mentorship of the qin master Xu Wen Jing. Mr. Choi has been making qin for more than five decades, currently with an apprentice base of more than 50, which is remarkable in Hong Kong and even for mainland China.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Bun3 Baak6 Studio
Ancha Vista
從事藝術創作、教育及設計,主要探討中國繪畫的空間美學及 水墨精神於當代語境的變遷。
Bun3 Baak6 Studio concentrates on art creations, education and design, with a special interest in the spatial aesthetics of Chinese painting and the transition of ink spirit in its contemporary context.
L5 跨媒介藝術 Multi-disciplinary arts
西班牙語「Ancha Vista」的意思,即寬闊的景觀。
在寬闊的景觀內,能看見平面、立體、跨媒介、多元文化、藝 術、設計、民間生活、創意、策劃、耐性、幽默……積極地生
水墨、中國書畫 Ink painting, Chinese painting & calligraphy
Ancha Vista 近年與 JCCAC 另一租戶合作,籌劃「習慣 × 自
然」 。這是一個關於食物來源、生產方法、自耕自吃和永續生 聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳家儀 Ivy Chan ivy@anchavista.com
陳錦成 Chris Chan chris@anchavista.com 2520 0622 2520 0293 (Fax) anchavista.com info@anchavista.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
活的計劃,在城市生活中透過觀察、互動、學習和行動,跟自 然規律相認。
《詭氳邃仞》 Hazy Cliff 水墨設色絹本 Ink and colour on silk 2016
Ancha Vista means “wide view” in Spanish. In the “wide view”, one can see 2-dimensional, 3-dimentional, mixed media, multi-culture, arts, design, community lifestyle, creativity, curating, patience, humour...enjoy art as part of life, living in the artistic present. In recent years, Ancha Vista has co-organised the "Daily Practices with Nature" project with another JCCAC tenant. It is a project about food resources, food production, agricultural selfsustainability and sustainable lifestyle. Through daily practice of observation, interaction, education and action to re-establish the relationship between lives in the city and mother nature.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 邱榮豐 Yau Wing Fung b3b6studio@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
及多個不同的展覽項目,2017 年,工作室正式成立了藝廊並
且對外開放,每季展出不同時期的作品。除此之外,工作室亦 參與社區藝術項目和藝術教育工作,為中小學、各大專院校、 團體機構等設計藝術教育課程和舉辦工作坊。
HK Carbon
Studio Fontaine
Studio Fontaine 主要成員為岑嘉慧和馮淑霞,創作媒介主要
Studio Fontaine is shared by Violet Shum and Yvette Fung, working mainly in painting, sculpture and installation art. The duo actively participates in contemporary art exhibitions and projects. In 2017, Studio Fontaine set up a gallery to showcase artworks to the public on a regular basis. They also host creative workshops and painting classes, while developing art projects for educational institutions, community groups and other organisations.
L5 繪畫、雕塑、裝置 Painting, Sculpture, Installation
雕塑、首飾設計 Sculpture, Jewellery design
李紹忠一直喜歡創作,從事首飾設計和製作多年,在香港視覺 藝術中心修讀雕塑專修課程後開始首飾和雕塑混合創作。由 2012 年起於香港視覺藝術中心雕塑專修班擔任焊接導師,專 注藝術教育及藝術創作。
馮淑霞 Yvette Fung 《花朶 II》 Flower Series 2 炭支、鉛筆、塑膠彩布本 Charcoal, pencil and acrylic on canvas 2018
Joe Li has a passion to create and has been designing and making accessories for years. After completing the Art Specialist Course in Sculpture at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, he started to experiment with combining sculpture and jewellery. Li has been a Welding Instructor at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre since 2012, focusing on both art education and creation.
岑嘉慧 Violet Shum 《夢》 Dream 鋅、不銹鋼、木材 Zinc and stainless steel mesh on wood 2016
聯絡方法 Contact Details 岑嘉慧 Violet Shum 9260 7203 violetshum@gmail.com violetshum.com
馮淑霞 Yvette Fung 9098 7921 yvettefung2003@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李紹忠 Joe Li 9773 4100 hk.carbon@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
香港「最佳新晉授權品牌獎」銀獎及「中華區最佳品牌插畫獎」季 軍獎。
女飛賊蘇飛的形象帶點溫潤俏皮又神秘,令人想起 60、70 年代鋤 強扶弱的黑玫瑰電影,可惜蘇飛無能為力,她只有小本領去發掘舊
場活動; 曾於香港、台灣及上海展出畫作及開設個人畫展。曾獲
Lonely Studio
Lam Pei Studio
林皮(原名: 林沛)愛以插畫、漫畫及紙糊為創作媒介,並分享珍
幅舊風景畫變為垃圾,她冒險跳進舊油畫享受這最後的珍貴景緻。 Lam Pei is a Hong Kong-based illustrator and visual artist whose mainly works in illustration, comics and paper-mache. Best known for and through her “Flying Sofye” illustration series, she shares and expresses her love for nostalgia and nostalgic objects.
L5 插畫 Illustration
The gentle, pretty, lively, yet mysterious Flying Sofye is a nod to the heroine "The Black Rose" from the eponymous 1960-70s Hong Kong movie series, who steals from the corrupted rich and gives to the desperate poor. Flying Sofye steals our hearts by exploring nostalgic objects and stories. It began with her adventure upon jumping into a salvaged old landscape painting to relish the last of its precious but fading beauty.
《黃竹坑站》 Wong Chuk Hang Station 油彩布本 Oil on canvas 2018
L5 油畫 Oil painting
劉兆聰是以油畫作為創作媒介的香港藝術家。2014 年畢業於香 港浸會大學視覺藝術院,繪畫主題側重於自身與其生活環境,
喜歡繪畫與自己生活有關的城市景觀。畫作常帶有強烈的筆觸 及率性的色彩運用。
Lonely Lau is an oil painter from Hong Kong. Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts in 2014, he creates artworks which mainly focus on his thoughts and feelings for the environment that he lives in and the cityscape of his neighbourhood. His works show strong brush strokes and intense colours.
《女飛賊蘇飛與比利兔》手辦公仔 Art Toy Flying Sofye & Rabbit Billy 2017 – 2018
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉兆聰 Lau Siu Chung, Lonely lonely.lau@hotmail.com sites.google.com/site/lonelylsc
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Yar Lan Grang
設有仿古描金畫、國畫、家具、裝飾品等工藝。 Artisan work in gold-line lacquer painting, Chinese painting, and the production of collectable furniture and furnishings.
L5 跨媒體創作 Multimedia
裝飾藝術 、中國書畫 Decorative art, Chinese painting & calligraphy
聯絡方法 Contact Details
梁柏堅 Leung Pak Kin 6805 6262 pakin_leung@yahoo.com.hk
電影創作 ― 電影跨媒體創作 Movie × Multimedia
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
馮德文 Fung Tak Man 6692 4300
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
除探索不同種類的藝術展覽及體驗外,W Studio 提供以下工作
坊及課程: 「W Art Jam」 、油畫創作、圖案藝術、石頭瓶子壁畫 彩繪、創意繪畫、裝置藝術、藝術治療等。
Invision Images
W Studio
W Studio 是劉俊賢的工作室,目標是希望透過藝術,讓大眾認
W Studio aims to widen audiences’ horizons, and take them on a creative journey in search of the important values closest to their hearts. With a passion in facilitating community art exchange, W Studio offers art courses such as W Art Jam, drawing, painting, design, sculpture, installation, art therapy and pattern art, etc.
L5 跨媒介藝術 Multi-disciplinary arts
錄像及電影製作、攝影、文字創作 Video art & Film, Photography, Creative writing
像及文字創作。周氏在 JCCAC 成立工作室 10 年,曾製作紀
聯絡方法 Contact Details
錄片《藝術。人生》、《創業都市》、劇情微電影《婚姻。情人》 及舉辦攝影展「隨心快拍」,亦提供多種攝影、影片、媒體製
劉俊賢 Winston Lau 6076 3663
創作是寂寞的,今年攝影主題「静語」 ,嘗試用文字和影像,與
許婉汶 Yanki Hui 5199 9700 wstudio516@gmail.com wstudio516.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周輝 Frank Chow 5119 6466 francchow@hotmail.com invisionimages.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Invision Images is the ten-year-old studio of film director, producer and media expert Frank Chow, who produced the documentaries Arts Alive and Entrepreneur City, the dramatic short film Lonely Couple, and the photography exhibition “My Snap Shot”. He also runs courses and workshops in media arts, and shares articles via the Wechat account: chuangyedushi. Writing is often a lonely process. This year’s theme for his photography is “Solitude” – an attempt to communicate with his inner self through words and images.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Ink painting
No Plan Studio
Choi Hung Studio
老版工作室的「老」為舊之意, 「版」是濕版或乾版的版。工作 室只有陳俊賢一個雙子座的人,為人現實但憧憬虛幻,濕版的 工序雖然極麻煩,但陳氏最愛拍濕版,因它十分實在,但又不 現實,其他創作主要是一些從現實中看到與現實不一樣的影像。 No Plan Studio mainly practises ambrotype photography, to create positive photographs on glass made by a variant of the wet plate collodion process. Artist Chan Chun Yin is a Gemini – realistic about life but illusory in mind. Although the process is complicated, Chan loves ambrotype photography for its tangible yet unexpected nature. His works mainly present unrealistic images captured from reality.
《雲抱山水》 水墨設色紙本 Ink and colour on paper
L5 水墨 Ink painting
攝影 Photography
聯絡方法 Contact Details 蔡雄 Choi Hung 9458 7056 choiroger@yahoo.com yausir.com/hkchoihung
聯絡方法 Contact Details Chan Chun Yin 9572 2290 yin617@me.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Postapoem / Gallery z
Perfect Music Works L5
L5 音樂 Music
Perfect Music Works 是一個專業音樂團體,除了提供專業的錄 音、作曲及編曲服務外,亦致力於原創音樂的推廣及發展,希
攝影、漫畫 Photography, Comics
聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳明明 Mandy Chan 2372 0681 / 9416 0967
聯絡方法 Contact Details
歐天勇 Alex Au 6126 9286 perfectmusic.works@gmail.com alexau-composer.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
命名為「私畫廊」 。畫廊主要展示攝影和獨立漫畫創作,並會在
Perfect Music Works is a professional music group, which provides service in professional recording, composing and music production. They also promote original music through various kinds of activities. The group aspires to promote interaction between musicians and artists, and welcomes proposals for possible collaborations and exchanges.
Postapoem / Gallery z is a working and exhibition space, where public exhibitions are held regularly. The studio’s curatorial direction focuses on exhibiting artists’ intimate personal contexts, thus named Gallery z to connotatively echo “private/ intimate” in Chinese. Gallery z mainly features photography and independent comics works, with art prints and books exhibited and sold at its space and online store.
劉清平 Lau Ching Ping 2372 0681 / 9481 6234 galleryzhk@gmail.com
Gallery Z 私畫廊 galleryzhk.com postnphoto.blogspot.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Unit Gallery was founded by ceramist Rachel Cheung in 2010. By setting up this space, Cheung extends resources she has to provide other artists with a friendly and relaxed exchange platform to share the enjoyment of contemporary ceramic art.
An Gee’s Studio
Unit Gallery
Unit Gallery 由陶藝家張煒詩於 2010 年創立。此空間的設立,
L5 陶藝 Ceramics
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張煒詩 Rachel Cheung 9453 1626 unit.gallery@yahoo.com.hk
《寓言與魔法》 Fables & Spells 陶瓷及紙 Ceramics and Paper 2009
版畫、油畫、陶藝 Printmaking, Painting, Ceramics
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳安之 Chan An Gee 9369 5665 chanangee@gmail.com chanangee.com
藝術家陳安之的創作媒介以版畫、油畫和陶瓷為主。工作室主 要用作個人創作,亦會定期舉辦版畫課程及小型展覽。 Artist Chan An Gee specialises in printmaking, painting and ceramics. Her studio is used for artmaking, exhibitions and printmaking workshops.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Playback Concept L5
首飾設計、金屬工藝 Jewellery design, Metal craft
藝術家陳寶鋒於 2012 年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院。 曾修讀平面設計課程,同年開始專注於創作小型金屬作品,透 過當代首飾藝術探索個人與群體間之關係。
在其創作實踐中,陳寶鋒擅長物料轉化、機關和金工製作,陳 氏亦熱衷參與不同的社區藝術計劃,發掘工藝與社區的關係, 聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳寶鋒 Chan Po Fung 5631 8335 info@playbackconcept.com playbackconcept.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
並透過其品牌 Playback Concept 實踐以設計集結工藝的理念。 Artist Chan Po Fung graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012. Upon graduation, he started making small metal works, and exploring the relationship between individuals and communities through contemporary jewellery-making. In his artistic practice, Chan is skilled in transforming materials, and producing mechanic parts and metal works. He has also engaged in different community art projects as a way to seek connections between craftsmanship and communities. Through his brand, Playback Concept, he aspires to realise the notion of integrating craftsmanship and design.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
John McArthur’s Spitting Gecko Studio is a space for personal art projects and development. Its mission is to provide a teaching and exhibition space to promote art in Hong Kong. It is a space for learning, collaborating and expressing unique and creative statements. John McArthur, an Australian artist based in Hong Kong since 1999, has been captivated by art. Calligraphy and Asian culture have a profound effect on the artist and are often represented as common themes in his works. He often uses the human body and portraits as an inspiration for his own visual images. He has held solo exhibitions and participated in group shows and regularly creates artwork at his studio with people who share a passion for art.
John 來自澳洲,自 1999 年起定居香港,以書法和亞洲文化藝
香港現代水墨畫會 ─ 陳成球現代水墨工作室
繪畫 Painting
Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society – Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur L6
Spitting Gecko Studio 是 John McArthur 的工作室,他希望此
水墨、中國書畫 Ink painting, Chinese painting & calligraphy
《星塵系列(022)》 水墨設色紙本 Colour and ink on paper 2016
「我嘗試選擇用水墨畫作為表達內心思想的一種媒介; 運用細
膩的肌理變化、墨色的渾厚滋潤,創造出能傳達個人信息、意 境高遠的作品。」
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳成球,生於香港; 香港現代水墨畫會會長; 師從劉國松教
John McArthur 9614 4658 spittinggecko@gmail.com spittinggecko.com
授、馬國權教授。多次舉辦個展及國際水墨畫大展; 被授「中 華傑出藝術家」稱號。現為中國美術家協會會員、2018 年全
球水墨畫大展評委、香港中文大學專業進修學院新水墨畫文憑 聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳成球 Chan Shing Kau 9408 0793/ 6768 6877 csklcp@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Chan Shing Kau uses Chinese ink painting as a medium to express his personal thoughts. Born in Hong Kong, Chan was apprenticed to Prof. Liu Kuo Sung and Prof. Ma Kwok Kuen. He has organised and curated various solo and joint international ink painting exhibitions. Accoladed "Chinese outstanding artist", Chan is the President of the Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society, a member of the China Artists Association, a judge of 2018 Ink Global and an Instructor at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC 市集期間不定時開放予公眾參觀; 後半部則為私人創 作空間。黑山的插畫作品風格隨意輕鬆,筆下的動物表情好玩
Dawning Crow
Kathy Lam is an illustrator from Hong Kong who graduated from the University of Brighton, UK. Using "Dawning Crow" as the name of her illustration website and studio, Kathy produces works which mostly feature animals, and occasionally buildings and landscapes from Hong Kong. She also makes figures. Kathy uses part of her studio as a shop, selling products featuring her illustrations and displaying artworks. It opens from time to time during holidays and JCCAC Handicraft Fair. The other half of the studio space is her private creative space. Kathy likes to illustrate animals in a casual, relaxed style with fun and humorous facial expressions that often bring the audience a knowing smile.
插畫 Illustration
媒體藝術 Media art
Microwave 希望改變電子媒體藝術冰冷、遙不可及的形象; 自 1996 年起,每年舉辦「微波國際新媒體藝術節」,向香港群 眾展示新媒體的發展。
Microwave aims to change the distant and unreachable impression of electronic m e d i a a r t s . S i n c e 1 9 9 6 , th e "Microwave International New Media Art Festival" has been held annually to showcase the development of new media to Hong Kong people.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黑山 Kathy Lam kathylam510@gmail.com dawningcrow.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 鄺佳玲 Joel Kwong joel@microwavefest.net microwavefest.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
樂堂是一個手工玻璃工作室,取諧音「落糖」,藝術家希望透 過分享創作的快樂,以玻璃的美為生活增添一絲甜味。工作室 定期舉辦工作坊,教授專業玻璃創作技法及相關知識,讓學生 親手製造出獨特的手工玻璃飾品。除個別教授外,亦和學校、
創的玻璃針畫獲得美國玻璃協會頒發「2014 年新晉玻璃藝術
學院取得學士學位; 作品多次於香港及海外展出。憑藉其首
Blueprint Studio
Jovial Cocktail
楊碧琪,香港玻璃藝術家;2012 年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術
玻璃藝術 Glass art
Jovial Yeung is a Hong Kong glass artist who obtained her bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts with Honours from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2012. Her works have been showcased in various exhibitions in Hong Kong and overseas. Her unique “glasspin” technique has earned her the “Honourable Mention in the 2014 Emerging Artists category” by the Glass Art Society in the United States, and was awarded a “Merit Prize” at the “Chinese Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition 2014”.
楊碧琪 Jovial Yeung 9660 7762 jovial.yeung@gmail.com jovialyeung.com
同的媒介進行探索,例如水墨、水彩、抽象繪畫、壁畫創作等。 希望在不同的媒介認知及探索之中,能夠擴展每個人的藍圖。
透過展覽,工作坊及個人創作空間,來實現不同的想法,發現 可以拼合的潛能。
文學碩士。多年來從事藝術創作,曾參與、舉辦及入選各大藝 術展,主要展覽包括: 《香港藝術獎 2013》 、2000 年巴黎《L'
art de Vivre la Difference》 、2001 年 的 香 港 藝 術 雙 年 展、 和 1996 年的當代香港藝術雙年展等。
水彩、繪畫 Watercolour, Painting
At her glass art studio – Jovial Cocktail, she wishes to mix life with the beauty of handmade glass. The studio provides a variety of glass art courses to suit individuals and groups, including schools, organisations and corporations. Students can create glass artworks by learning professional techniques and acquiring knowledge in glass-making.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張浩強自 2000 年開始創作《藍圖》作品系列,創作概念圍繞着
Edward Cheung started the Blueprint artwork series in 2000. The creative concept is about dispersion and combination, from numerous individuals into a single piece of artwork. Cheung explores through a variety of mediums – such as ink, watercolour, abstract drawing and mural painting. Cheung hopes that one can understand and explore through different mediums and to extend their own blueprint. Through exhibition, workshop and personal creation, different thoughts can be realised and the potential for combinations can be discovered. After graduating from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, he studied for a master’s degree in Fine Art at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Cheung is a prolific artist whose works had participated in or been launched or selected by various art competitions and exhibitions, including “Hong Kong Art Prize 2013”, “L' art de Vivre la Difference” (in Paris) in 2000, Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition in 2001 and Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial in 1996.
《綻放》 Blossoming 玻璃、石英沙 Glass and quartz sand 2017
《2016 藍圖 - 上一座山 , 磨一面鏡》 2016 BLUEPRINT - Climbing up a mountain, Rubbing a mirror 銅、水、砂、樹葉、乾草、膠紙及影片 Bronze, water, sand, leaf, hay, sticker and video Size variable
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張浩強 Edward Cheung 9858 8520 edward_cheung@yahoo.com theblueprint.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong Film Critics Society
一樣的場景,一樣的人物,一樣的事情;不一樣的目光和呈現。 FrozenFire 透過攝影、文字及手作捕捉及演繹生活中的獨特場 景。策劃的文化及藝術計劃包括視覺藝術創作及展覽、文本及 劇本寫作、生活紀實採訪及手工作坊等。
Same scenes, same faces, same matters, but presented with different perspectives. FrozenFire captures unique and passionate moments through photography, script writing and craft. Its two founders undertake various art projects and programmes, including visual arts exhibitions, book publications, documentary interviews and crafting workshops.
電影評論 Film criticism
攝影、文字創作、手作工藝 Photography, Creative writing, Handicraft 《複雜》 It’s complicated 許瓊霖、楊德銘 King Hui & Paul Yeung 版刻及影像投射 Image projection on engraved soap 2018
香港電影評論學會於 1995 年 3 月正式成立,宗旨是團結志同 聯絡方法 Contact Details 2575 5149 info@filmcritics.org.hk filmcritics.org.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
道合的影評人,促進電影評論的獨立自主精神; 倡導從文化和 藝術角度評論香港電影;重新評價香港電影的成就。
Established in March 1995, the Hong Kong Film Critics Society aims to unite film critics to foster the autonomy of film criticism, encourage critical writing on Hong Kong cinema from the perspective of culture and art, and reevaluate the achievements of Hong Kong cinema.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 許瓊霖 King Hui 9664 7992 kkinglam@gmail.com 楊德銘 Paul Yeung 9224 4930 paultm@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
重要演出包括《飛越瘋人院》 、 《武士英魂》 、 《哈姆雷特/哈姆
雷特》等。其創作劇本及製作,曾多次獲得香港戲劇協會主辦 的「香港舞台劇獎」 。
致群劇社近 20 年的骨幹成員多從事文化教育工作,因此多次 演出均以歷史事件或人物為素材。除劇場內的專業演出外,當
內含豐富詳盡的歷史和語文參考材料,製作認真,早有口碑, 務求引導觀眾「從歷史走進戲劇,從戲劇回歸歷史」 。
目逾 80 齣,內容以偏重社會氣息、關心中國的創作劇為主。
The Painting Studio
Amity Drama Club
於 1972 年成立的致群劇社為香港最資深的劇社之一,演出劇
Established in 1972, Amity Drama Club is one of the longest standing drama troupes in Hong Kong. Having staged over 80 productions, the troupe combines arts and education to present drama productions focused on Chinese history, literature and social issues, and is known for productions such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Man of La Mancha, Hamlet/Hamlet, etc. It has received numerous "Hong Kong Drama Awards" from the Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies.
戲劇 Theatre
Core members of Amity Drama Club have engaged in cultural education for nearly 20 years, therefore many performances are based on historical events or characters. Apart from professional performances in the theatre, the troupe also organises pre- and post-performance talks, and distribute information booklets to share reference historical and language materials in order to guide the audience to "go into history from drama".
繪畫、藝術教育 Painting, Arts education
The Painting Studio 由香港畫家及藝術教育工作者馮明心於
2017 年創辦,以發展實驗性創作,培育繪畫新秀,提昇市民藝 術意識為宗旨。工作室嘗試為不同學校、機構及個別學生提供 另類的藝術教育支援,以推廣繪畫藝術。
The Painting Studio was founded by Hong Kong painter and art educator Fung Ming Sum in 2017, with an aim to develop experimental creations, nurture young painters, and enhance art appreciation by the public. The studio promotes painting by providing alternative art educational support to schools, organisations and individual students.
聯絡方法 Contact Details amitydrama2013@gmail.com amitydramaclub.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details 馮明心 Fung Ming Sum 6044 8962 thepaintingstudio.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Drawing Room
Locus Studio Company Limited L6
設計、攝影 Design, Photography
媒體設計師及藝術工作者; 擅長數碼攝影、多媒體、網頁、錄
跨媒體創作 Multimedia
像及虛擬空間的藝術創作及研究; 自 90 年代初已從事數碼藝 術創作及教育等工作。丘子乎亦是攝影教室創辦人、SONY 數
勇於實驗的精神,兩位藝術家持續探索各種媒介和風格,忠實 不斷地創作。
丘子乎 Anthony Yau 3484 3539 anthonylocus@gmail.com photoclassrooms.com
國際攝影節《丘子乎寫意荷花》及《情繫香港︰集體回憶》 、 《平 遙國際攝影節交流考察》 、 《對啊!門打開了──當代視覺藝
術展 2011》 、 《Sony 獨家贊助 ──「天路行」丘子乎青藏高原 攝影展》 、 《藝術 @ 廠夏 2008》 、 《集體回憶︰石硤尾 2008》
等; 並撰寫專題文章,製作及拍攝多部獨立影片,包括《Julie’s Locus Studio was founded by Anthony Yau. As a photographer, digital media designer and artist specialising in photography, video and web productions, Yau has over 18 years of experience in digital art, design and education. He is the Founder of Photoclassroom, Creative Director of Locus Studio, Course Director of Sony Hong Kong Style Studio, Visiting Lecturer of Polytechnic University and resident artist at JCCAC. Yau also contributes articles to various magazines including DiGi and DC Fever, and was adjudicator for various photography competitions.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Artists Wong Ming Sum and Ko Tat Kuen graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015, and established studio Drawing Room at JCCAC in 2017. Though naming their studio “Drawing Room”, the artists do not only draw, but also work with other mediums such as metalwork and sound art. With a spirit of experimentation, they keep exploring different mediums and styles, creating artworks persistently.
Weekend》 、 《牆內.牆外》 、 《另類空間》等。
2017 年加入 JCCAC 開設「繪畫工作室」 。雖然此空間以「繪畫」 為名,但二人的創作亦涉及其他媒介,如金屬、聲音。秉持著
碼培訓中心首席講師、理工大學設計系兼職講師及中學駐校藝 聯絡方法 Contact Details
藝術家黃銘心和高達權在 2015 年於浸會大學視覺藝術系畢業;
聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃銘心 Wong Ming Sum 9367 5884 wongwesley00@gmail.com 高達權 Ko Tat Kuen 6495 4930 deltaktk@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
say Polo》 (紐約視覺藝術學院,2018)、《逢星期二》 (賽馬會
各畫廊及藝構機構的個人及聯合展覽,包括《I say Marco, you
Dirty Paper
Dirty Paper 由陳惠立和丘國強於 2010 年組成,繪畫作品主題
創意藝術中心,2018)、《你在煩惱甚麼》 (K11 Art Foundation
& chi art space,2016)、《Young Talent Hong Kong》
(Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong,2015)及《過去式》 (奧沙畫 廊,2013)。作品獲多個畫廊及私人收藏。
Dirty Paper is an art collective formed by Chan Wai Lap and Yau Kwok Keung in 2010. Through their paintings, the artists present memories, experiences, and the absurdities around them. Their works have been featured by various galleries and arts organisations at solo and group exhibitions, including “I say Marco, you say Polo” (School of Visual Arts, New York, 2018), “Every Tuesday” (JCCAC, 2018), “Everything’s Alright” (K11 Art Foundation & chi art space, 2016), “Young Talent Hong Kong“ (Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong, 2015) and “Yesterday's” (Osage Gallery, 2013). Their artworks are widely collected by galleries and private collectors.
繪畫 Painting
跨媒體創作 Multimedia
香港藝術家陳楚翹,生於 1990,畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術
院。她的創作涉獵各種媒介,包括繪畫、雕塑、及裝置。陳氏 善於拋開既有定律,透過創作重構萬物間無形的連繫。
Born in 1990, Hong Kong artist Chan Cho Kiu, Bunchi, graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. She works across a range of mediums, including painting, sculpture and installation. Driven by her unorthodox point of view, Chan re-invents the impalpable threads between all lives in her works.
Let’s Swim 鉛筆及木顏色紙本 Pencil and color pencil on paper 2018
聯絡方法 Contact Details 9367 5666 dirty_paper@ymail.com dirtypaper.hk dirtypaper.hk dirty_paper
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳楚翹 Chan Cho Kiu, Bunchi 9889 3289 chanchokiu@gmail.com chanchokiu.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Oo Huen Studio
Artist Huen Kei Kwan of Oo Huen Studio works across illustration, music, and handicraft. Huen aspires to accommodate creation, exhibitions and exchange activities to explore the many possibilities of an art space. Inspired by nature, city life and dreamy imageries, Huen hopes that her works will help viewers find solace and balance amidst the hustle bustle of everyday life.
插畫、音樂、手作工藝 Illustration, Music, Handicraft
素描、繪畫 Drawing, Painting
《香港日常街道》 The Daily Street of Hong Kong
和諧與同異。作品揉合了其想像力以及生活中各種常見的景 物; 意象在舞動中相互對話和對比,徘徊於寫實和想像之間, 現實裡面存在幻象,虛實有致,描繪出個體與整體的關係和萬 物並蒂相連的意境。
馮氏並試圖以此引伸至當今人類社會應該抱有尊重生命、愛護 環境及萬物並存的觀念,想像自我與世界。
聯絡方法 Contact Details 禤紀君 Huen Kei Kwan 9206 1501 oohuen@gmail.com oohuen.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
馮文耀 Fung Man Yiu, Jolans 9779 8151 jolansf@yahoo.com.hk
Jolans Fung’s works explore the realm of heaven and humanity to express the co-ordination and co-existence, harmony and differences of matter through visual images. His works fuse imagination with scenes from ordinary life. He images dance in dialogues and contrasts, hover between realism and imagination, express the relationship between the individual and the whole, and the deep connectivity of everything. Fung attempts to appeal to his viewers to respect life, protect the environment, respect the coexistence of all living things, and to further explore the self and the world.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Moonlit Attic
Dodo Animation
張碧華主修陶瓷,並於 2016 年獲取皇家墨爾本理工大學之藝
修練陶瓷對張氏來說是一個自我發現的途徑。對人類意識的探 索及回憶重塑,往往是她作品的素材。她嘗試透過瓷及光把抽 象的意念或氛圍與觀賞者共享。
蘊月閣對張氏來說不但是一個充滿藝術氣氛的創作環境,也是 一個她與公眾交流的平台。從瓷紙泥漿製作至金繼藝術,工作
室定期舉辦不同類型的工作坊及示範,並定期開放及提供免費 拉坯體驗,希望藉此提升大眾對陶瓷藝術的興趣。
Renita Cheung received her Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Ceramics in 2016, majoring in ceramics. She received the “Giant Year Gallery Award”, the “Mr. Jerry Kwan Memorial Scholarship” and the “Fresh Trend Art Award”. Her works are collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
動畫 Animation
動畫作品包括《意馬心猿》 、 《泥人生》及《樹》 ,曾獲邀參與超過
陶瓷 Ceramics
50 個國際影展及多次榮獲獎項; 喜歡把動畫的創作樂趣分享 開去。 聯絡方法 Contact Details
黃麗明 Emily Wong 9773 6176 emilywlm@yahoo.com.hk vimeo.com/user53688985 dodoanimation.wordpress.com
Emily Wong is a Hong Kong-based stop-motion animator, urban farmer and mother. Wong’s animation works include Trumpet Man, Such is Life, and Tree as Company. Her animated films have been awarded and screened in more than 50 international film festivals. Through teaching stop-motion animation, Wong hopes to share the joy and pleasure of her creative process with others.
Learning ceramics is a self-discovery process for Cheung. Her artworks focus on exploration in human consciousness and memory reconstruction. She attempts to use translucent porcelain and light to materialise abstract ideas or atmosphere for sharing with the audience. Moonlit Attic not only provides Cheung with an artistically ambient creative space, but also an interactive platform with her audience. From making of porcelain paper clay to the art of Kintsugi, Moonlit Attic regularly organises ceramics workshops, demonstrations, open studio events and free trials of wheel throwing sessions to arouse public interest in ceramics arts.
《歌劇辭本》 Libretto 瓷、聲音及光 Porcelain, sound and light 2015
種植香港 Planting Hong Kong
Planting Hong Kong is an agricultural magazine on stories about Hong Kong people
聯絡方法 Contact Details
hello.plantinghk@gmail.com plantinghk.com
Cheung Pik Wa, Renita 9094 1089 renitacat@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
影意志主張獨立精神,以創作人為本──製作模式獨立於主流 工業,題材不以市場作主導; 希望發掘更多具藝術價值、能面 向社會的作品。本團除了發行及放映本地獨立電影,每年還會
獨立電影。2011 年,影意志正式於澳門成立支部,希望加強港
Ho Lok Studio
Ying E Chi
影意志是一個由獨立電影人組成的非牟利團體,成立於 1997
Founded in 1997, Ying E Chi is a non-profit arts organisation established by a group of Hong Kong independent filmmakers. Ying E Chi aims to unite local independent filmmakers, as well as to distribute and promote Hong Kong independent films to the public. In 2011, the Macau branch was founded to strengthen cooperation of independent filmmakers between the two cities.
Ying E Chi places emphasis on the spirit of independence. It believes that creativity comes first and endeavours to discover productions of high artistic and social values. Other than distributing and screening local independent films, it organises Hong Kong Independent Film Festival annually to promote independent films from different countries. 錄像及電影 Video art & film
辦公時間:星期一至五上午 11 時至下午 6 時。
雕塑 Sculpture
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
全職藝術家何濼聰是藝術組合「木碎好少年」之骨幹成員,於香港出 生及工作。作品以木工及雕塑為主,題材探討社會中的畸形面貌,與 各種普世價值。創作經常透過挪用手法去轉化物件的語境,營造輕 鬆的氣氛。 工作室主要為何氏的個人創作空間,亦會定期舉辦藝術教育課程, 包括木工、雕塑及繪圖班等;並配合節日和中心周邊活動開放予公眾 參觀。
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Full-time artist Ho Lok Chung, Dave, is a core member of art collective, Chip Good Guy Studio, who was born and raised in Hong Kong. Ho’s carpentry- and sculpture-orientated works examine bizarre status quos in societies as well as various universal values. Adopting the approach of appropriation, he recontextualises various objects to create a humorous atmosphere in his creations.
2836 6282 yingechi@gmail.com yingechi.org vimeo.com/yingechi 影意志影院
聯絡方法 Contact Details
Ho Lok Studio is primarily Ho’s personal working space, where he regularly hosts a range of art education courses including carpentry, sculpture and drawing classes. The studio is open for public visits to coincide with festivals and affiliated JCCAC events.
何濼聰 Ho Lok Chung, Dave 9302 1358 chungho731@gmail.com chungho0731.wixsite.com/holokchung
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
發現攝影的真正意義,體驗攝影的樂趣,認識影像的價值。歡 迎學校、大學組織、機構及團體查詢。
* 廣東話「豆腐膶」是形容空間面積十分細小的意思。
個「豆腐膶 *」空間,兩人推廣與攝影有關的工作坊和活動,包
Faulo Kitchen
Studio de Dimension de Tofu
攝影師廖慧怡於 2008 年與伍偉昌成立豆腐膶工作室。藉著這
Studio de Dimension de Tofu was founded in 2008 by two photographers, Liu Wai Yee, Ceci, and Ng Wai Cheong, Stanley. In such a “tofu size”* of a studio, the duo focuses on photography activities and workshops, including pinhole photography, hand-made camera, darkroom experiment, optical crafts, digital photography education, talks and guided tours about photography. They aim to provide opportunities for the public to explore and discover the meaning of photography, experience the joy of it, and understand the value behind photos. They welcome discussions with schools, tertiary institutes, groups and NGOs for collaborations.
* “Tofu size” in colloquial Cantonese means an extremely small space. 攝影、藝術教育 Photography, Arts education
繪畫 Painting
吳燕琳於 2015 年獲得香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院的藝術學士
學位,並獲頒「西洋畫優秀青年獎」。 她的作品曾於香港、台 灣及德國柏林展出。
以大地為主題,通過繪畫物料的積累及顏料的沉澱過程,她探 索土地的形成和結構,並展現埋藏其中的情感。
Ann Ng received her Bachelor of Arts from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015, garnering the “Western Painting Young Talent Award”. Her artwork has been exhibited in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Berlin. Ng adopts the land as the motif of her work. Through the process of layering and mixing paints, she explores the formation and structure of the land, unfolding the sentiments embedded in them.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
廖慧怡 Ceci Liu 伍偉昌 Stanley Ng tofu.studio622@gmail.com 聯絡方法 Contact Details
吳燕琳 Ann Ng 6351 6409 ann.ng.yinlam@gmail.com ngyinlam.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
術,及後成為他的教學助理。在創作玻璃的過程中,她遇到中 國古老修復藝術「鋦瓷」 ,並從 2014 年開始跟隨中國非物質文
化遺產代表性傳承人王振海(王老邪)大師學習傳統中國鋦瓷修 復藝術,成為香港少數中國鋦瓷修復專家。
陸氏曾廣泛接受傳媒報導,包括 : 《南華早報》、《旭茉》、商業 電台、TVB 翡翠台、 《飲食男女》、 《瑪莉嘉兒》、 《TVB 周刊》、
“Artisens”, or “art is sense”, represents art as a feeling that everyone can interpret, express and enjoy.
玻璃、陶瓷、藝術教育 Glass art, Ceramics, Arts education
Luk Shan enjoys the creating and regenerating processes of objects. She started her glass art journey in 2004, following maestro Lucio Bubacco of Murano since 2005 and was appointed as his teaching assistant. She subsequently discovered Juci, a traditional type of craft used in repairing ceramics during her journey, and followed Master Wang Lao Xie from 2014 in China, becoming one of the very few Juci restoration professionals in Hong Kong. Her works received broad media coverage in Hong Kong including South China Morning Post, Jessica Magazine, Commercial Radio Hong Kong, TVB Jade, Marie Clare Magazine, TVB Magazine, ETW.hk, Craftland Bookazine and The Culturist webzine.
跟隨國際知名玻璃藝術家布巴克(Lucio Bubacco)學習玻璃藝
陸珊享受跟物件連繫,互相創造及重生的過程。2005 年開始
Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association
Artisens Studio
音樂原住民以推動本土原創音樂、陶笛文化及舞台表演藝術為 己任,並定期開辦兒童及成人工作坊,透過本地文化開拓大眾 的音樂視野。
Aborigine Music Workshop’s mission is to promote local original music, ocarina culture and performance arts. It offers regular music courses for children and adult to expand their horizon of music by embracing valuable local traditions.
音樂、陶笛及排笛 Music, Ocarina & Pan flute
《鋦瓷釉上才白瓷蓋碗》 White Porcelain Tea Bowl with Juci Restoration 白瓷、黃銅合金 White porcelain and bronze alloy 2017
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陸珊 Luk Shan 6896 9289 +86 1821 9526 689 shanluk88@gmail.com artisens.com artisens.studio
聯絡方法 Contact Details 蔡美華 Irene Choi 9285 7513 許少榮 Ivan Hui 9277 2571 hkoca@ymail.com a-origin-music.com/hkoca
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Miss FAT Studio
Grafie Production
廖家宜,別名 Miss FAT,1987 年出生;中四時患上思覺失調, 透過藝術治療治癒自己,從此離不開藝術。澳洲皇家墨爾本理
工大學純藝術系畢業;2008 年成立「肥娃藝術工作室」 ,開始 全職藝術創作生「捱」⸺身兼多職,包括創作、教育、設計、 展覽策劃、宣傳等。
《肥娃 Miss FAT》自畫像系列,內容關於女性成長、性愛、社
會角色等,是當代女性的寫照。作品以超現實主義風格為主, 以鮮艷及極強對比色系凸顯少女對刺激的追求及引人注目的渴
望。創作元素參考各類神話故事及民間傳說,運用當中的視覺 符號及意念,部分作品亦注入環保,社區保育等議題。
廖氏曾於不同大型機構合作,包括: 香港浸會大學、香港賽馬 會、恆生銀行、雅虎、K11、社會福利署及合和中心。
Liu Ka Yee, Kiwi, graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art). She became a full-time artist and established Miss FAT Studio in 2008 to engage in arts education, exhibition, product design, illustration, graphic design, arts administration and cultural tour.
攝影、錄像及電影、 時裝及紡織、平面設計 Photography, Video art & Film, Fashion & Textiles, Graphic design
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳穎妍 Winnie Chan 6083 6370 chanwingin.127@gmail.com co.grafie
由 Donald Chan、陳穎妍和李偲創立的 Grafie Production 致
Donald 是一名攝影師,專注於攝影及各種跨媒體創作,例如
繪畫、雕塑,裝置藝術,錄像及電影 Painting, Sculpture, Installation art, Video art & Film
是造型設計和錄像拍攝。陳穎妍是一名時裝及平面設計師,她 將時尚元素融入到其平面作品中。李偲是一位服裝設計師,擁
Liu has collaborated with many important organisations, including: Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hang Seng Bank, Yahoo, K11, Social Welfare Department and Hopewell Centre.
有屬於自己的時裝品牌 One Peony Atelier。
Founded by Donald Chan, Winnie Chan and Lacey Li, Grafie Production is dedicated to facilitating collaborations with practitioners from different design disciplines. Donald Chan is a photographer who is devoted to photography and various cross-disciplinary projects, such as styling and video shootings; Winnie Chan works as a fashion and graphic designer who incorporates fashion elements in graphic works; Lacey Li is a fashion and costume designer with her own fashion brand called One Peony Atelier.
Self-portrait series Miss FAT relate to the growth of women, sex, and social roles, etc, reflecting on the position of contemporary female gender. Her artworks are influenced by Surrealism, using bright and contrasting colours to reflect the desire to pursue excitement and attention by the female gender. She takes reference from mythological stories and folklores, and combines visual symbols and ideas with environmental protection and community conservation issues.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
廖家宜(肥娃) Liu Ka Yee(Miss FAT) 9527 7070 iloveukiwi2@yahoo.com.hk ilovekiwi2.wix.com/missfatstudio missfatstudio youtube.com/user/iloveukiwi
《肥娃系列:土瓜灣浮世十八層》 Miss FAT series - To Kwa Wan ukiyo-e 塑膠彩繪畫 Acrylic painting 2015
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
空間及工具的藝術工作者使用,輔以恆常展覽和工作坊等,建 立一個支援網絡協助其他具潛質的首飾藝術家,共同創作。
Jewellers’ Tavern was founded by Cecilia Ng and Percy Wong, both graduates from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, with one of them subsequently undertaking a three-year full-time apprenticeship in the local metal industry. Their main research areas cover stones setting techniques in contemporary jewellery and prototype building. Subject matters of their works include but are not limited to body aesthetics and non-materialistic values in contemporary jewellery. Jewellers' Tavern is operated under a co-operative model. Aside from regular exhibitions and workshops, the studio is open for use by other skilled jewellers who may not have access to working space and tools, to help them develop their artistic potential and creativity.
首飾設計、金屬工藝 Jewellery design, Metal craft
陶工作室 •
Earthen Light Studio
Jewellers' Tavern
鍛煉屋兩位創辦人吳施如及 Percy Wong 畢業於香港浸會大學
陶藝、攝影 Ceramics, Photography
陶藝及攝影為此工作室藝術家的主要創作媒體。工作室不定期 舉辦展覽及籌辦課程,向公眾推廣陶藝及攝影,致力推動本土 藝術。
(左 Left) Secret Weapon (Ring) Ng Sze Yu, Cecilia 925 銀、橡皮筋、線 925 Silver, rubber band and thread 2016
Earthen Light Studio focuses on ceramics and photography. The studio organises exhibitions and courses from time to time to promote ceramics and photography as a means to propel local arts and culture.
(右 Right) EVA Play Blocks Wong Ying, Percy 超塑烯、黃銅 EVA and brass 2016
聯絡方法 Contact Details 聯絡方法 Contact Details 6684 0925 sala991925@gmail.com JewellersTavern
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
馬秀娟 Esther Mar 9381 9436
馬麗華 Mary Mar 6603 3676 earthen.light@hotmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Yip Kin Bon Studio L6
混合媒介 Mixed media
聯絡方法 Contact Details
葉建邦工作室 Yip Kin Bon Studio 9049 8090 yipkinbon1989@gmail.com yipkinbon.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
葉建邦,混合媒介藝術家,1989 年生於香港,2013 年畢業於
事件、物件及時間串連,以戲謔的方式諷刺所身處的荒謬世界。 Born in 1989, Yip Kin Bon is a mixed media artist based in Hong Kong. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Academy of Visual Art, Hong Kong Baptist University, in 2013. His practices include collecting, reading, sorting and integrating, presented in forms of collage and assemble. He rearranges the contexts of incidents, objects and time to reflect the absurdity of the world.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
裝設計和製作班,適合有心從事時裝設計的人士 、初學者或在
Alternatif 是一個創意時裝工作室,以教學和硏究為主,硏究方 職人士以小組或個人形式上課,歡迎電郵查詢課程細節。
士課程,對時裝設計、西裝裁剪、紙樣製作及車縫工藝有 20 多年的深入硏究。陳氏著有《中國男裝》,並曾任香港理工大學 客席講師和香港蕯凡納設計學院教授。
Alternatif is a creative fashion workshop that focuses on teaching and research. Its research directions include Chinese clothing, Western tailoring, garment construction and fashion aesthetics. Alternatif regularly offers fashion design and garment production classes for people interested in fashion design, from beginners to practising designers. Please email the studio for information about individual and group classes.
時裝及紡織 Fashion & Textiles
Silvio Chan, mastermind of Alternatif, graduated from the Royal College of Art in the UK. With more than 20 years of expertise, Chan is an all-rounder in menswear tailoring. Author of a book on Chinese menswear, Chan was guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and professor at the Savannah Academy of Arts and Design in Hong Kong.
水墨、插畫、陶藝 Ink painting, Illustration, Ceramics
7:04 工作室由三位藝術家林巧兒、李嘉輝及趙靜雯組成。林氏
畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,期間以交換生身份到台灣東 海大學藝術系學習,她以中國水墨畫作為主要創作媒介,在精
緻細膩的畫風下,以新角度觀察、思考和探索日常事物。李氏 先後修讀平面設計與視覺藝術,於 2010 年創立了「Little Lamb Is Falling Down」插畫品牌,目前為自由身藝術工作者。她創
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳仲輝 Silvio Chan 9126 5137 d505982@netvigator.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details goodmorningstudio704@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
7:04 studio consists of artist trio Lam Hau Yi, Li Ka Fai, Ziggy and Chiu Ching Man. Lam obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University, during when she went on an exchange programme at the College of Arts at Tunghai University in Taiwan. She takes Chinese ink painting as her main medium to create delicate works, observing, reflecting and exploring ordinary everyday issues and objects with a new perspective. Li is a freelancer with backgrounds in graphic design and visual arts. He founded illustration brand Little Lamb Is Falling Down in 2010 to create works about daily life, in the hopes to console his viewers through the joyful elements and positive energy seen in his illustrations. Chiu graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Baptist University of Hong Kong. Through her ceramic works, she explores different forms and textures of clay with her pinching skills.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
具詩意的設計標誌。品牌曾獲不同的大型國際時裝店代售其產 品,銷售點包括中國及美國各城市。
陳氏曾參加不同的時裝設計比賽,如「Tao Design」 、 「Knitwear Symphony」及其他皮草設計比賽,並屢獲殊榮。他在 2015 年
獲授予「DFA 香港青年設計人才大獎」 ,並獲得贊助到海外工作
和進修。而在 2017 年,鄞氏則獲頒「時尚雄安設計師大獎」 ; 同年二人同獲選為「10 Asian Designers to Watch」的人選。
The World Is Your Oyster is a Hong Kong-based contemporary fashion brand founded by designers Calvin Chan and Joyce Kun in 2014. The brand emphasises the importance of exploration – from exploring new fabrics, silhouette and cutting, to injecting designers’ original ideas into each season’s works, the brand redefines contemporary men’s fashion and fabric, crafting its novel and poetic trademark. Its products have been distributed by various well-established international boutiques in different regions, including cities in China and America. 時裝及紡織 Fashion & Textiles
聯絡方法 Contact Details 陳景熙 Calvin Chan 鄞子欣 Joyce Kun info@twiyo-studio.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Chan participated in various fashion design competitions, such as Tao Design, Knitwear Symphony and other fur design competitions, and was awarded frequently. He garnered the “DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award” in 2015, receiving a sponsorship to study and work overseas. In 2017, Kun was awarded the “Designers award for Hung On”; and in the same year, the design duo was selected as the “10 Asian Designers to Watch”.
和鄞子欣於 2014 成立。品牌注重探索的重要性:從不同布料、
A Studio Without Name Studio
The World Is Your Oyster
本地當代時裝品牌 The World Is Your Oyster 由設計師陳景熙
只是閉門作畫。 Painting behind closed doors.
(上Top) 劉彥揚 Lau Yin Yeung Instagram pier 油畫布本 Oil on canvas 2018
(下Bottom) 曾俊軒 Tsang Chun Hin Fish inside the tank 混合媒介 Mixed media 2018
繪畫 Painting
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉彥揚 Lau Yin Yeung loartve@yahoo.com.hk cargocollective.com/LauYinYeung 曾俊軒 Tsang Chun Hin hin5181993@gmail.com cargocollective.com/hin
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Cozy Workshop
Cozy Workshop 包括兩部分:一方是李善琨的陶瓷工作室;另
一方是小店 a cozy square,售賣李氏及陶友們的作品。工作室 希望創作透過陶土故事,以陶會友。
Cozy Workshop consists of two parts: potter Anna Li’s studio and pottery shop – a cozy square. Through creating pottery stories, Li makes friends and gathers fellow enthusiasts in pottery.
Frozen in 2007 Melted in 1997 窯燒及搪瓷玻璃、木 Kilncast and enameled glass with wood
玻璃藝術 Glass art
陶藝、雕塑 Ceramics, Sculpture
利、德國、美國等地展出。紅宝工作室提供玻璃藝術製作、籌 劃及顧問服務,並開辦不同類型的專業玻璃創作課程。
Glass is an extremely versatile and challenging medium, it can be transparent, hard, brittle, solid and liquid. Ruby Woo obtained a Master of Arts in Glass Art in the UK. Her works have been exhibited in England, Italy, Germany and the USA. rubywooglass offers glass-making and art consultancy services, as well as professional glass-making courses.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
胡修美 Ruby Woo 9439 6529 rubysmw@yahoo.com.hk rubywooglass.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details 李善琨 Anna Li mscatlover@gmail.com cozycatceramic acozysquare
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
:Phoebe Hui Studio
small power space
許方華從事跨媒體創作與研究,作品主要探討文字、聲音與科 技之間的關係。畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,先後於英 國中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院完成藝術碩士及於美國加州大學
洛杉磯分校研讀媒體設計與藝術碩士課程。許氏喜歡探索聲 音、科技和語言之間的可能性,跨越多個學科的界限。 她最新 的靈感源自電子學、計算機學、文學理論和定量研究方法論。
許氏先後獲香港藝術發展局「藝術新秀獎」 、 「彭博新一代藝術
家資助獎」 、 「耶魯雅禮藝術獎助金」 、 「亞洲文化協會李子潔獎 助」等等。她曾於不同的地方分享她以研究為基礎的藝術實踐 和論文,包括奧地利電子藝術節、ISEA、大都會藝術博物館、
Phoebe Hui received her MFA at UCLA Design Media Art, MA in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and her BA in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong. She is interested in exploring new possibilities between sound, technology and language, and transgressing ordinary boundaries in multiple disciplines. Her latest inspirations have derived from electronics, computer science, literary theory and quantitative research methodology. 首飾設計 Jewellery design
聯絡方法 Contact Details
程詩賢 Ching Sze Yin, Cicy cicy@cicy.net cicy.net
媒體藝術 Media art
工作室創作及展示原創手作首飾和小物件。 The studio creates and exhibits original handmade jewellery and small objects.
Over the years, she received a number of grants and awards, including the "Hong Kong Arts Development Council Young Artist Award" (Media Art), "Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award", "YaleChina Art Fellowship", "Asian Cultural Council Altius Fellowship" and so on. She presented her research or projects locally and internationally, including Ars Electronica, ISEA, Metropolitan Museum of Art, MIT Media Lab, Hammer Museum, among others.
Pendulum Piano 棄置龬琴琴鍵、橡皮根、電子裝置、 揚聲器、印製電路板 Abandoned piano keys, rubber bands, electronics, speakers and printed circuit boards
smallpowerspace 聯絡方法 Contact Details
許方華 Phoebe Hui phoebe@earthlinginger.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
環境藝術館 林 / 漢堅 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin
Mo Studio L7
多媒體、裝置藝術 Multimedia, Installation art
戲劇、錄像及電影 Theatre, Video art & Film
1993 年起任獨立策展人和博物館策展人; 亦曾為香港文化博 物館、陝西大劇院西安音樂廳、香港藝術發展局及西九文化區 博物館的策劃工作提出意見。近期的策展伙伴分別有基金會、
美術館及歐亞一些藝術空間; 曾合作過的「文件展」藝術家有
10 多位,亦參加近 10 個國際雙年展計劃,包括威尼斯雙年展
( 肯亞館 )、光州雙年展、廣州三年展、UABB 等。在香港,為
Andrew Lam studied art theory at University of Cambridge and Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 1993, Lam has been an independent curator and museum curator. He has advised for the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Xi’an Concert Hall of Shaanxi Opera House, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the museum of the West Kowloon Cultural District. His recent projects include collaborations with National Art Museum of China and various foundations, art galleries and art spaces in Europe and Asia. Lam has worked with over 10 artists from Documenta and participated in over 10 international biennales, including the Venice Biennale (Kanya Pavilion), Gwangju Biennale, Guangzhou Triennial and UABB, etc. Lam was the curator of the “Crossing Border – Border Crossing International Festival” in Hong Kong.
Container Hong Kong 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 2017
聯絡方法 Contact Details 賴恩慈 Mo Lai 5401 2229 mo@fmtp.net fmtp.net
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
賴恩慈(毛)為電影及劇場編導演,其工作室位於 L7-11,每天 24 小時創作。
Lai Yan Chi (Mo) is a film and theatre writer and director. With an address at L7-11, Mo works tirelessly 24 hours a day.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
林漢堅 Lam Hon Kin, Andrew 9802 9440 artopia_net@yahoo.com jccac.org.hk/?a= group&id=d&cat_id=25& doc_id=38
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
瓷裝飾設計和陶瓷產品製作,兼營陶瓷結晶釉作品、陶瓷課程 及陶藝教育推廣。
C h ow M an Ke un g s p e c iali s e s in c r ystal gl aze of zin c citrate in ceramics, for creating endless colour and pattern transformations in the electric kiln. He believes that the technique is the perfect vehicle for expressing the variety and richness of women's fashion, especially his ceramics cheongsam works. Chow’s creative work in ceramics mainly focuses on decorative design, artwork creation, offering of art courses and promotion of ceramic education.
陶藝、雕塑 Ceramics, Sculpture
Graphics Plus
Panda Workshop
張煒和杜成禮的美學概念及藝術觀感深受時裝設計師 Issey
Miyake 與插畫師 Katsu 影響,他們以「一心一生」的精神,創 作出熱情洋溢的現代主義藝術作品。
Influenced by the artistic visions of fashion designer Issey Miyake and illustrator Katsu, Jackey Cheung and Janson To are dedicated to the creation of modernist artworks.
設計、攝影、混合媒介 Design, Photography, Mixed media 杜成禮 Janson To 《香江花月夜 - 浪漫婚紗插畫》 Hong Kong Nocturne – Wedding Gown illustration 混合媒介 Mixed media 2014 《旗袍》 Cheong-sam 陶、瓷 Ceramics and porcelain 2009-2014
聯絡方法 Contact Details 張煒 Jackey Cheung 9498 6976 jackey@think-dot.com
杜成禮 Janson To 9365 2126 jansonto@netvigator.com
聯絡方法 Contact Details
周文強 Chow Man Keung 9688 2593 pandaworkshop@163.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
董仲勤畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院表演系,獲藝術學士(榮 譽)學位; 並於知專設計學院修畢視覺傳意高級文憑課程。董
戲劇、舞蹈 Drama, Dance
Tse Kong Wah Studio
繪畫創作以水彩拼貼及油彩作媒介。 Creative painting in watercolour collage and oil.
繪畫 painting
氏熱衷於創作,定期參與不同類型的社區演出,相信藝術能夠 作為一道溝通的橋樑,為中小學生帶來希望,為香港人帶來歡
笑。作品包括《舞蹈天使──悼鵑》 (編舞)及《剎──音樂形體 舞蹈劇場》 (編導)等。
同的媒介,如設計、戲劇、舞蹈、及手作作品等,打造出一個 與別不同的空間,嘗試為社區帶來一點希望。
聯絡方法 Contact Details
董仲勤 Tung Chung Can 9555 7841 calvinduncancan@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Tung Chung Can earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the School of Drama of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, after receiving his Higher Diploma in Visual Communication from Hong Kong Design Institute. Tung loves to create, and regularly participates in community performances, under the belief that art can be a bridge for communication, to bring hope and laughter to primary and secondary students, as well as Hong Kongers alike. Works include “Dancing Angel – Dao Juan” (choreographer, 2017) and “Dance Sing Angel” (directing and scriptwriting, 2017).
聯絡方法 Contact Details 梁羣卿 Leung Kwan Hing 9553 4226 謝江華 Tse Kong Wah 9315 3304
CAN is a small place but Tung has big dreams ― using different art forms such as design, theatre, dance and handicraft, Tung strives to create an alternative space that brings hope to the community.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Learning how to paint is a good way to cultivate a sense of aesthetics. Hau Siu Ching believes that arts can be used to express everything – like thought, attitude and character, to name just a few.
也。度物象而寫其真,心隨筆運,取象不惑; 筆隨念轉,悠遊
717 Arts
Hau Siu Ching Art Studio
L7 陳嘉莉 Karie Hare Deco Diamond 數碼布料印花 Digital printing on fabric 2014
時裝及紡織、攝影、 數碼藝術、策展 Fashion & textiles, Photography, Digital art, Curation
繪畫、素描、 藝術評論、藝術教育 Painting, Drawing, Arts criticism, Arts education
畫家侯紹政與他的繪畫作品 Painter Hau Siu Ching and his paintings
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳穠 Rachel Chan Love BBW Venus 印花及刺繡 Print and embroidery 2014
717 Arts 是一個跨界別的設計和藝術工作坊,重點在實驗創意 概念和策展方針,媒介包括時裝、印花、攝影、數碼藝術等。
717 的成員亦會通過展覽、網上平台與社區計劃,發掘設計和 藝術的展示方式。
717 Arts is a cross-disciplinary design and art workshop fo c u s i n g o n ex p e ri m e nt a l d e s i g n a n d c o nte m p o ra r y curation. It supports the development of original ideas in interdisciplinary mediums such as fashion, textiles, digital art and photography. Members of 717 Arts explore contemporary presentations of art and design through exhibitions, online platforms and community collaborations.
何美君 Helen Ho 9279 3195 bhtyhelen@yahoo.com.hk
聯絡方法 Contact Details 侯紹政 Hau Siu Ching 9622 9388
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
陳穠 Rachel Chan 9121 8346 shop@cho-chan.com cho-chan.com 陳嘉莉 Carrie Chan (Karie Hare) kalichanc@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
給本地學生,兩人毅然於 1997 年從美國返港,踏上推廣及普 及西洋繪畫藝術的路途。
Zealous painters April Chan and Mac Mak believe that painting can be made simple and easy for everyone as long as they have grasped the necessary drawing techniques and material usage. The duo returned to Hong Kong from San Francisco in 1997 to embark on a journey in Western painting education.
繪畫 Painting
Anispace Limited
A &繪 M 畫室 A & M Art Workshop L7
空間工作室於 2000 年由多位熱愛電腦動畫的成員組成。工
Established by a group of computer animation enthusiasts in 2000, Anispace is dedicated to the production and promotion of computer animation.
設計、攝影、動畫 Design, Photography, Animation
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳香如 April Chan 9271 7835 contact@am-artworkshop.com 麥強偉 Mac Mak 6255 6526 mac@am-artworkshop.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
陳卿東 Chan Hing Tung 5422 2709 mactony@anispace.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Outfocus Group Workshop
Hong Kong International Photo Festival
謝至德 Ducky Tse Untitled 2014-5 (West Kowloon Reclamation Photography Series 1994-2014) 收藏級打印、美術紙 Archival fine art print 2014
香港國際攝影節始於 2010 年,每兩年舉辦一次,旨在推廣
動組成,涵蓋多個範疇,橫跨不同地區,吸引了成千上萬觀 眾,帶動全城攝影氣氛,促進香港的攝影藝術和文化。通過
攝影 Photography
港成為交流攝影創意、技術和經驗的集中地。攝影節於 2011 年榮獲香港藝術發展局頒發「藝術推廣獎」,並自 2014 年起
設計、攝影、多媒體創作 Design, Photography, Multimedia
港國際攝影節由香港攝影文化協會主辦,協會現時主席為劉 清平。
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2777 0955 info@hkipf.org.hk hkipf.org.hk HKPF.HKPCA
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) is a biennial festival dedicated to promoting photographic art and culture in Hong Kong. Launched in 2010, every edition of HKIPF features a series of themed exhibitions in different areas of photography covering a wide spectrum of subject matters, and an array of events throughout the territory. The Festival has attracted tens of thousands of visitors, creating a photographic ethos and fostering the art and culture of photography in Hong Kong. Through collaboration with local and international photographic organisations, HKIPF aims to develop Hong Kong into a hub for the exchange and sharing of creative ideas, technical knowledge and valuable experience in photography. In 2011, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council honoured the Festival with the "Award for Arts Promotion". Since 2014, the Festival is financially s u p p o r te d by th e S p ri n g b o a rd G ra nt u n d e r th e A r t s Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Hong Kong International Photo Festival is organised by the Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association, currently chaired by Lau Ching Ping.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 吳世傑 Ng Sai Kit 黎健強 Edwin Lai 余文心 katherine Yu
謝至德 Ducky Tse 9274 4688 duckytse@yahoo.com duckytse.com thresh-old@hotmail.com
「失焦」,是希望從迷失中再出發,因此他們積極參與並策劃不同 的攝影展覽、教育及文化研究等活動。
Fe eling like their creative fo cus is lost in this visually distracting time, a group of photographers founded Outfocus Group Workshop in the hope to regroup in the “outfocus” space. The studio organises exhibitions, and educational and cultural research activities.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
陶瓷 Quabitat / 攝影工作室﹁椏 Ablaze 合作社﹂ Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Ablaze Gallery”
梁祖彝於 2011 年獲皇家墨爾本理工大學學士學位,主修陶瓷; 2001 年成為專業攝影師,同時從事陶瓷創作。他認為陶瓷和攝 影兩種不同媒介都能表達他對個人及社會的想法。
「魚⸺無論是手繪青花魚盤,還是立體魚形雕塑,都是我的 陶瓷作品的一個標誌。魚象徵甚麼?我在創作中注入感情及思
想,希望透過作品給人們思考的機會,而非只看作品是否『美 麗』 。」
Joey Leung graduated from RMIT University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) degree majoring in ceramics. He has been a professional photographer since 2001, while at the same time developing artistically to become a professional ceramicist. He uses both ceramics and photography to express himself and his opinions on the relationships between people, society and nature. "I try to reveal my mind through my works, ranging from seeking traces of social traditions, recording images of happenings in society, to predicting how people could enjoy or preserve their lives in the future. More than just about creating something ‘beautiful’, I strive to put my emotions and thoughts into the works, so as to inspire the audience to feel and think."
陶藝、雕塑、攝影 Ceramics, Sculpture, Photography
聯絡方法 Contact Details 梁祖彝 Joey Leung 9529 1789 joey3074@gmail.com QUABITAT
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
一闋泥歌工作台 801a Soil in Ditty @ 801a
「不想因循,所以我們期望每次創作都有突破。我們相信,只要 有求真求美的實驗精神,就可以化險為夷。社會各階層都呼喊
著『學習』 ,要求有質素的老師 / 導師 / 教師,而為求培養具競
力的香港人,教師和學生都要有自己的聲音,告訴大家我們在 想甚麼。」藝團期待與學校機構合作,發展以下藝術工作: • • •
戲劇/錄像培訓及製作 文字培訓及創作
李健文畢業於英國 Middlesex University 戲劇學院碩士課程,
先後憑短片《紅白藍》獲「第 43 屆芝加哥國際傳播影視展優異
獎」 ,及《沒有手提號碼的機主》獲「第 26 屆香港青年文學獎高 級劇本獎」 。
The theatre is a place for adventure and experiment ! “We aim to educate the younger generation by stimulating their creativity, self-expression and problem solving skills through drama experience.”
音樂、戲劇 Music, Theatre
801a 一闋泥歌工作台是一個 500 多呎的自由活動平台。
音樂、戲劇、錄像及電影 Music, Drama, Video art & Film
Soil in Ditty @ 801a is a 500 sq.ft. platform for freedom and action.
The studio looks forward to providing drama courses for teenagers and schools, including: • • •
Drama / video training and production Script writing and creation Courses planning and execution for liberal art studies
Simon Li graduated with a degree in MA Theatre from Middlesex University (UK) and has received a number of film awards including the “43rd Chicago Intercom Competition Certificate of Merit” and “Youth Literary Awards”.
聯絡方法 Contact Details
劉銘鏗 Lau Ming Hang 9263 1940 mrsunfool@yahoo.com.hk 王秀雯 Wong Sau Man 9250 0301 saumanwsm@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
李健文 Simon Li 9053 3185 epictudiotheatre@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
藝術通達 Arts accessibility
香港展能藝術會 賽馬會藝術通達服務中心
Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
繪畫、插畫 Painting, Illustration
The Centre helps to build a broader audience base by a c c o m m o d ati n g th e s p e c i f i c n e e d s o f p e r s o n s w i th disabilities during their participation in various arts events. Arts organisations are welcome to contact the Centre regarding implementation of audio description, theatrical interpretation, accessible captions, accessible tours, tangible reproduction or other arts accessibility items.
彩繪畫創作。周氏喜歡以畫作記錄身邊的人、事和風景,尤其 聯絡方法 Contact Details
聯絡方法 Contact Details
2777 1771 (電話 Tel) 2777 1211 (傳真 Fax) enquiry@jcaasc.hk jcaasc.hk
Chow Hiu Wai, Belle 6026 8973 marsmaryyy@gmail.com marsmary.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
愛描繪人物面部表情,亦專注於色彩研究,深信色彩班斕的作 品會為觀者帶來快樂。
Artist Chow Hiu Wai, Belle, also known as marsmary, is devoted to watercolour, colour pencil and acrylic paintings. Chow likes to capture people, events and sceneries in her immediate environment, with a particular interest in depicting human facial expressions. She is also keen on the studies on colour, holding a belief that vibrant, colourful works can bring joy to the viewer.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
The Fighting Blues consists of a loosely bundled group. Members hang out often to present cross-disciplinary street performance. It is not uncommon for the group to receive complaints about the racket they make on their big drums.
跨媒介藝術 Multi-disciplinary arts
Studio 3+
The Fighting Blues
混合媒介 Mixed media
來自不同藝術工作崗位的張樺、李坤儀與楊婉玉對藝術有著同 樣的熱愛、追求與堅持。Studio3+ 不但讓三位藝術家聚在一起 創作,更為他們提供與不同藝術家和社群接觸的機會,跟更多 朋友分享他們創作的喜悅。
工作室不定時開放,展出繪畫、裝置、攝影等作品,亦會售賣 小手作和藝術相關物品,舉行藝術聚會、分享會和藝術工作 坊‥‥‥隨心隨意、以藝會友、隨緣相遇。
聯絡方法 Contact Details 馮國基 Gabriel Fung 9357 2991 gabskee@yahoo.com
劉銘鏗 (神父) Sunfool 9263 1940 mrsunfool@yahoo.com.hk 李志文 Man Lee 9228 3302 man_lee_hk@yahoo.com 楊展強 Eugene Yeung (貧窮映畫 Poor Cinema) 6434 0414 ckeugene@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
聯絡方法 Contact Details
張樺 Birch Cheung 6150 5819 siuwa819@yahoo.com.hk 李坤儀 Janice Lee 9781 8839 janicelee317@yahoo.com.hk
Birch Cheung, Janice Lee and Jody Yang work in different art genres but share a common passion in arts. The trio gathers at Studio 3+ to work together, spark ideas and share views, while at the same time taking opportunities to interact with other artists and communities, and enjoying extending their joy in art creation from Studio 3+ to visitors. From time to time, Studio 3+ showcases their painting, installation and photographic works, sells handmade trinkets, as well as hosting gatherings, sharing sessions and art workshops – anything the creative hearts call out for.
楊婉玉 Jody Yang 6025 3436 jodyyang2004@yahoo.com.hk
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong Open Printshop
Ban Zhang Workshop
香港版畫工作室成立於 2000 年 ,是香港首個由版畫家創辦及
管理的專業藝術團體,並於 2012 年正式成為非牟利慈善團體。
工作室致力推廣和普及當代版畫圖像藝術。他們除從事個人創 作外,還希望略盡己能,回饋社會,提升社群藝術水平; 希望 不同年齡、不同階層的人,都可享受和欣賞版畫藝術。 願景與使命
• 促進國際性版畫圖像藝術和文化交流 • 推廣本地版畫圖像藝術到世界各地
• 為本地藝術界及創意文化產業培育人才
• 鼓勵市民參與,普及藝術,提升人文生活質素 Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong's first non-profit open printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a charitable organisation. Their main aim is to promote visual arts with an emphasis on imagemaking, and to give back to the community by providing art programmes that people of all ages and from all walks of life can enjoy. Vision and Mission
雕塑、攝影、繪畫 Sculpture, Photography, Painting
版畫、繪畫 Printmaking, Painting
• To promote graphic art and encourage international cultural exchange • To bring Hong Kong printmaking to the international audience • To nurture young talents in the field of printmaking and generally for the arts and cultural industry in Hong Kong • To share the joy of printmaking with the public
聯絡方法 Contact Details 張哲 Ban Zhang 9801 6764 ban105@yahoo.com.tw
工作室以多媒體創作為主,當中包括雕塑、攝影及繪畫。 A studio for mixed media creations, including sculpture, photography and painting.
聯絡方法 Contact Details 2319 1660 contactus@open-printshop.org.hk open-printshop.org.hk hkopenprintshop
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
2016 年,海潮將沙畫藝術推向更高層次,首項沙動畫創作《紅
雞蛋》入選達 10 個國際電影節,更榮獲創新及科技局「香港資
訊及通訊科技⸺最佳數碼娛樂銀獎」 ;2017 年獲香港藝術發
Hoichiu is an internationally acclaimed local sand painting artist. His sand art was seen in a music video of leading local pop singer, Eason Chan, catalysing the popularity of sand art in Hong Kong. He frequently demonstrates his talent on live shows and stage performances for government departments, multinational brands, international events, movies, TV stations and publishing media.
沙畫、動畫、跨媒體藝術 Sand drawing, Animation, Multi-disciplinary arts
In 2016, Hoichiu further developed sand art into animation. His first sand animation “RED EGG” has been selected by 10 international film festivals, which won the “Best Digital Entertainment Award (Animation & Visual Effects Stream) Silver Award” and “Special Mention (Visual Effects)” in the “Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016”. He also obtained funding from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017 to produce a new sand art animation to participate in overseas film festivals.
Working Workshop
Hoichiu Production
繪畫、版畫、混合媒介 Painting, Printmaking, Mixed media
出生於香港的丘藝藍曾修讀平面設計,於 2011 年完成澳洲皇
聯絡方法 Contact Details
海潮 Hoichiu hoichiusandart@gmail.com
探討人與人、身體與心靈之間的關係為主題; 而形式則以油
彩、繪畫、版畫及混合媒介為主;主旨鮮明,風格不一。 聯絡方法 Contact Details 丘藝藍 Yau Ngai Lam 6133 9734 ngailam.yau@gmail.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Hong Kong-born artist Yau Ngai Lam studied graphics and multimedia design, and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Painting from RMIT University in 2011. Yau believes that the daily life and arts are closely connected. She explores human relationships and daily life experiences through distinct symbolic meanings expressed in various art forms, including painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
繪畫 Painting
Below Shelter
MIO Studio
跨媒體創作、水墨 Multimedia, Ink painting
Below Shelter was co-founded by multimedia artist Ng Sek Hin, Jerry and ink painter Lau King Nam, King, who have frequently co-presented exhibitions in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Aside from artmaking, the artists host regular courses in woodwork and ink art at Below Shelter, and regularly open the studio to facilitate exchange, play games and enjoy music.
張銳焯 Chris Cheung 9774 6636 cheuk_design@yahoo.com.hk
張氏的畫廣為私人收藏,作品常以當代概念融合傳統繪畫方 法,並持續探索新的藝術表現手法去表達個人情感。
Cheung's paintings are in numerous private collections. In his work, he often combines contemporary ideas with strong traditional drawing techniques of different arts disciplines. He continues to explore new ways to express his emotions.
多次在香港及台灣共同舉辦展覽。除了創作,他們亦定時開 戲、及享受音樂。
Chris Cheung has chosen the baby as his motif to portray the notion of love and care. The baby is genuine, innocent and curious about the world. Seeking love, the baby’s laughter is always pure: happiness is simple. Stretching its body instinctively, it expresses art’s ultimate value and humanity’s truth, goodness and beauty.
工作室由多媒體藝術家吳碩軒和水墨畫家劉敬楠合辦,二人曾 班教授木工及水墨畫創作,同時開放工作室予訪客作交流、遊
聯絡方法 Contact Details
聯絡方法 Contact Details 吳碩軒 Jerry Ng 6436 5535 jerryhinng@gmail.com
劉敬楠 Lau King Nam, King 9310 0464 liym159575@gmail.com belowshelter jerryng.wixsite.com/arts laukingnam.wixsite.com/kingstudio
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
藝團 PM 由跨界別藝術家萬眷一和攝影師馬建鈞所組成。萬氏 於 2015 年在薩凡納藝術設計大學取得繪畫系學士學位,主要
從事版畫及繪畫創作,擅於描繪朦朧而靈巧的神態,抽象與現 實間之交替,以及轉瞬即逝的過渡情境。馬氏於 2014 年在薩
凡納藝術設計大學取得攝影系學士學位,喜愛透過風格寫實的 繪畫、攝影 Painting, Photography
攝影作品呈現他的所見所想,現時專注於為一個關於⾹港街市 的專題計劃作資料搜集及相片製作。
「PM」這名字源自他們的藝術媒介⸺繪畫及攝影⸺之英 文名稱「Painting」及「Photography」 ,以及他們的英文姓氏
「Man」與「Ma」之首字母;再加上兩人都喜歡在下午時工作 (下
午的英文簡稱為「PM」 ) ,藝團因而得名。在「PM」工作室裡,
兩位藝術家除了會進行創作及研究,亦會邀請其他藝術家一起 作藝術交流及展示作品。 聯絡方法 Contact Details 萬眷一 Blessy Man 6923 3477 info@blessyart.com blessyman.com
馬建鈞 David Ma 9032 7936 davidma.photos@gmail.com davidmaphoto.com
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Art collective PM is formed by multidisciplinary artist Blessy Man and photographer David Ma. Man acquired her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Savannah College and Art and Design (SCAD) in 2015. She specialises in printmaking and painting, known for her portrayal of hazy, fairy faces, the intertwining of abstract and reality, and ephemeral transitions of scenes. David Ma obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography at SCAD in 2014. He adopts photography as his main artistic medium, who is keen on presenting his visions and thoughts through realistic-style works. Currently he concentrates on the research and photographic work for a thematic project about Hong Kong markets. The name “PM” originated from the first alphabets of their artistic mediums, painting and photography, and the initials of their surnames, Man and Ma. Aside from this, the duo likes to work in the afternoon. These result in the name of the art collective. The studio space is usually used by the artists for creation and study, and sometimes for sharing activities and exhibition events that engage other invited practitioners.
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Fine arts
佛教藝術 Buddhist art
油畫 Oil painting
中國書畫 Chinese painting & calligraphy
版畫 Printmaking
陶藝 Ceramics
繪畫 Painting
Applied arts
L2 - 01 L2 - 03 L2 - 04
香港玻璃工作室 Studio Glass Hong Kong 曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop 白盒藝坊 WHITE BOX STUDIO
香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community 陶 · 物 Tao · Mat
L2 - 12
當下藝術工作室 Present in Art
L2 - 13 L2 - 14 L3 - 03 L3 - 05A L3 - 05B L3 - 05C L4 - 02 L4 - 05 L4 - 06 L4 - 07
碌油工作室 Pomelo Inkdustrial
自得窰石硤尾工作室 I-Kiln Studio Shek Kip Mei 集雕坊 SculpTUDIO
月樓手作 Moongateworks LOUIS SK ART STUDIO
鄭哈雷工作室 CHENG Halley’s Studio 藏 · 香巴拉 Hidden · Shambhala 畫屜子 The Drawer Shed
許開嬌工作室 Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Studio
L4 - 09-10 筆加思索 Brush Castle de Studio 魚竇 Fish Hub
L4 - 11
月球表面 The Moon Surface
L4 - 12
漫步堂 Wander Room
L4 - 14 L5 - 01
L5 - 02 L5 - 03 L5 - 04 L5 - 05 L5 - 08
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop 石門畫室 Touch Stone Workshop
鄧氏工作室 TANG’s Studio 半白 Bun3 Baak6 Studio
L6 - 01 L6 - 02
L6 - 05 L6 - 07
藍圖工作室 Blueprint Studio
L2 - 04 L2 - 09 & L3 -06A L2 - 10
L6 - 14
Dirty Paper
L2 - 14
L6 - 16 L6 - 17 L6 - 19 L6 - 21 L6 - 23 L6 - 24 L6 - 27 L6 - 29 L7 - 04 L7 - 06 L7 - 07 L7 - 08 L7 - 12B L7 - 15 L7 - 16 L7 - 18 L7 - 23
L8 - 03 L8 - 05
L5 - 24
樂堂 Jovial Cocktail
L0 - 02
L2 - 11
HK Carbon
L5 - 23
香港現代水墨畫會⸺陳成球現代水墨工作室 Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society - Workshop of CHAN SHING KAU
The Painting Studio
Studio Fontaine
L5 - 18
Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur
L6 - 11
L5 - 10A L5 - 14
圖像製作 Image-making
插畫 Illustration
室内設計 Interior design
首飾設計 Jewellery design
玻璃藝術 Glass art
L5 - 09 L5 - 12
裝飾藝術 Decorative art 時裝及紡織 Fashion & Textiles
水墨 Ink painting
L0 - 04
平面設計 Graphic design
漫畫 Comics 設計 Design
雕塑 Sculpture
素描 Drawing
建築設計 Architectural design
寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio
L8 - 06
蔡雄工作室 Choi Hung Studio
L8 - 09
安之自在 An Gee’s Studio
L8 - 13
雅蘭館 Yar Lan Grang
L8 - 08
Unit Gallery
L8 - 10
奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio
蘊月閣 Moonlit Attic
何濼工作室 Ho Lok Studio
Faulo Kitchen
巧工記工作室 Artisens Studio
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio
L3 - 05B L3 - 06B L4 - 08 L4 - 12 L4 - 16 L4 - 17
Cozy Workshop
L5 - 11
熊陶坊 Panda Workshop
L5 - 19
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio
L5 - 25
Quabitat 陶瓷 / 攝影工作室「椏 Albaze 合作社」
L6 - 09
謝江華工作室 Tse Kong Wah Studio
L5 - 22
A & M 繪畫室 A & M Art Workshop
L6 - 03
Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Albaze Gallery”
L6 - 12
MIO Studio
秘撈工房 Below Shelter
碌油工作室 Pomelo Inkdustrial
L5 - 10 A
工作中工作室 Working Workshop
光影作坊 Lumenvisum
Mally Cheung and Dai Lok Man Art Studio Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery
紅宝工作室 rubywooglass
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop
住好啲設計工作室 G.O.D. Design Studio
L3 - 01
去名工作室 A Studio Without Name Studio
張哲工作室 Ban Zhang Workshop
香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community
L2 - 15
L5 - 02
火星瑪莉 marsmary
普洛茨工作室 PLOTZ Studio
L6 - 22 L6 - 26 L6 - 28 L6 - 29
月樓手作 Moongateworks Meta4 Design Forum
L7 - 17 L7 - 20 L7 - 21 L7 - 22 L7 - 23
L8 - 03 L8 - 05 L8 - 13
嘉意設計 Graphics Plus
717 Arts
空間工作室 Anispace Limited
香港國際攝影節 Hong Kong International Photo Festiva
失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop
Quabitat 陶瓷 / 攝影工作室「椏 Albaze 合作社」 Quabitat Ceramic & Photography Studio “Albaze Gallery" 火星瑪莉 marsmary
張哲工作室 Ban Zhang Workshop
後欄 Backstreet
月球表面 The Moon Surface
李香蘭生活研究房 Rainbow Leung Life Discovery Base 家課製作 Homework Production
黃英創作社 WY Creative Workshop
HK Carbon
林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio 老版工作室 No Plan Studio
詩郵寄 / 私畫廊 Postapoem / Gallery z
Playback Concept
黑山的烏鴉 Dawning Crow
多元智能工作室 Locus Studio Company Limited 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu
Grafie Production
鍛煉屋 Jewellers' Tavern
影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio
L7 - 02
L7 - 04
L7 - 05
The World Is Your Osyter
L7 - 09
L7 - 13
攝影 Photography
細勢力空間 small power space (2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Multi-disciplinary arts
動畫 Animation
混合媒介 Mixed media
裝置藝術 Installation art
錄像及電影 Video art & Film
數碼藝術 Digital art
跨媒體創作 Multimedia
媒體藝術 Media art
Other arts disciplines
藝術評論 Art criticism
電影評論 Film criticism
藝術通達 Arts accessibility
手作工藝 Handicraft
藝術治療 Arts therapy
藝術教育 Arts education
社區藝術 Community arts 文字創作 Creative writing
文化活動及推廣 Cultural activities & promotion 文化保育 Cultural preservation 策展 Curation
陶 · 物 Tao · Mat
L6 - 27
L4 - 13
L7 - 10
L5 - 07
Ancha Vista
L7 - 11
L5 - 13
L7 - 12A
L5 - 16
W Studio
L2 - 12 L3 - 06D
L5 - 17 L6 - 04 L6 - 13
據點。句點 Floating Projects
L6 - 30
三彩堂 Invision Images
L7 - 20
繪畫工作室 Drawing Room
L8 - 04A
Dodo Animation
L8 - 07
L7 - 22
工作室 Studio
L6 - 15 L6 - 18 L6 - 20 L6 - 26
L8 - 04B
影意志 Ying E Chi
L8 - 10
肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio
L1 - 02
:Phoebe Hui Studio
L1 - 05
葉建邦工作室 Yip Kin Bon Studio 賴恩慈工作室 Mo Studio
環境藝術館 / 林漢堅 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin 空間工作室 Anispace Limited
失焦工作室 Outfocus Group Workshop 格詠藍調 The Fighting Blues
Studio 3+
海潮藝術工作室 Hoichiu Production 秘撈工房 Below Shelter
L1 - 06
Performing arts
陶笛及排笛 Ocarina & Pan flute
舞蹈 Dance
木偶皮影 Puppet & Shadow art
粤劇 Cantonese opera 音樂 Music
道具製作 Prop making 戲劇 Theatre
住好啲設計工作室 G.O.D. Design Studio
L2 - 16 L3 - 01 L3 - 04
L3 - 06C L4 - 04
L4 - 05
L6 - 11 L6 - 22
L4 - 01 L5 - 06 L5 - 21 L6 - 10
赫墾坊劇團 Exploration Theatre
L6 - 25
蔡福記中西樂器製造廠 Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory
L7 - 14
Perfect Music Works
L8 - 01A
致群劇社 Amity Drama Club
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
音樂原住民 / 香港陶笛文化協會
Aborigine Music Workshop / Hong Kong Ocarina Cultural Association
L8 - 01B
君子不器 CAN
沙畫 Sand drawing
小星火創作室 Little Spark Studio
Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
L6 - 09
香港偶影藝術中心 Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center
出版 Publication
文博軒 Heritage Tea House
L2 - 09 & L3 -06A
L6 - 08
L3 - 02
行為藝術 Performance art
L2 - 05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development
L5 - 25
奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio
金屬工藝 Metal craft
琉金穗月 Café Golden
BY Y.B. Expostore
L5 - 16
L6 - 16
皮革製作 Leather work
孢子花粉 Spores and Pollen
L2 - 02
L3 - 05D
中國樂器 Chinese instrument
編織 Knitting
L1 - 03-04 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port
Grafie Production
飲食 Food arts
L6 - 24 L7 - 16 L7 - 17 L8 - 02
香港美術教育協會 Hong Kong Society for Education in Art
國際演藝評論家協會 ( 香港分會 ) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong) 香港中華文化促進中心 The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture 藏 · 香巴拉 Hidden · Shambhala W Studio
Playback Concept
香港電影評論學會 Hong Kong Film Critics Society FrozenFire
The Painting Studio
豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu 巧工記工作室 Artisens Studio
侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio
717 Arts
香港展能藝術會賽馬會藝術通達服務中心 Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
801a 一闋泥歌工作台 Soil in Ditty @ 801a 排場好戲 Epictudio
(2018 年 9 月租戶名單。Tenant List as of September 2018.)
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide
Opening Hours
JCCAC 每日上午 10 時至晚上 10 時開放,農曆新年假期除外。公眾可自
和時間,為免向隅,請向主辦單位直接查詢確定。我們亦提供預約的團 體導賞服務,如有興趣,歡迎查詢。
JCCAC is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Chinese New Year holidays. While no appointment is required for general visits, visitors should check the date and time of specific exhibitions or art activities to avoid disappointment. JCCAC also offers group guided tours; interested parties may contact us for details.
L1 接待處
星期一至日 上午 10 時至晚上 7 時半
L4-03 中心辦事處
星期一至五 上午 10 時至下午 1 時 星期六
下午 2 時至晚上 6 時
下午 2 時半至下午 5 時半
賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC) 地址:
九龍石硤尾白田街 30 號(港鐵石硤尾站 C 出口,步行約 7 分鐘)
(852) 2353 1311
L1 Front Desk Daily
10 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
L4-03 Management Office Mon to Fri
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) Address:
30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C, 7 mins walk)
(852) 2353 1311
JCCAC 藝術工作室指南 2018 編輯 插畫 設計 出版
電話 電郵 網址 出版日期 印量
賽馬會創意藝術中心 霍慧中 (L4-05 單位 ) Good Morning Design 賽馬會創意藝術中心 香港九龍石硤尾白田街 30 號 2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk 二零一八年十二月初版 1,500 本
免責聲明 賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。中心及本工作室指南內展 示的藝術作品 / 活動內容由有關藝術家 / 藝術團體提供及負責其內容準確性,概不代表本 中心立場,敬請留意。 ©2018 賽馬會創意藝術中心 版權所有 不得翻印
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide 2018 Editor Illustration Design Publisher
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Chantal Fok (Unit L4-05) Good Morning Design Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel 2353 1311 Email info@jccac.org.hk Website www.jccac.org.hk Publishing Date December 2018 First Edition Printing Quantity 1,500pcs Disclaimer Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artisticexpression. Artistic works and activities presented in the Centre and in this Arts Studio Guide are provided by the relevant artists/art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. ©2018 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre All Rights Reserved
JCCAC Arts Studio Guide