All Saints’ Episcopal Church
December 2011
The Bell Tower
Reisterstown Parish
A Letter from Father David Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God And we are the people of his pasture, the sheep of his hand. (Psalm 95:6‐7) Dear All Saints’ family,
Volume 11,Number 12
Vision Statement: All Saints’ strives to be a place where people come to know Jesus Christ, are transformed to His glory, and become witnesses to God’s unchangeable word.
Inside this issue: Veteran’s Day Celebration
Letter from the Vestry
The Body
Words from the Congregation
Christmas Memorials Form
Calendar of Events
As we journey toward Christmas during this Advent season I am reminded of a wonderful book by John MacArthur, “The Ultimate Priority”. He begins the work with this thought, “The psalmist affirms the ultimate priority for humankind by echoing God’s desire that we ‘worship the Lord in the majesty of holiness’ (Psalm 29:2). Clearly the supreme duty for the creature for time and eternity is to worship the Creator.” Clearly MacArthur considers worship to be the number one priority for the people of God and not only worship on Sunday morning, but a life that worships God continually. The concept of worship dominates the entire Bible. In the Old Testament, worship covered all of life: it was to be the focus of every activity. The Tabernacle was the focal point of liturgi‐ cal worship and the details of how it was to be built and adorned took seven chapters of the Book of Exodus emphasizing its importance. The centrality of worship is at the heart of the New Testament also. St. Paul was clear that worship was more than going to church but was a proper response in the life of a Christian for all the Lord has done for us; “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God‐‐this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”(Romans 12:1‐2) True worship means that we are not to be preoccupied with what we get, but what we give. We are not just seeking a blessing but we are to offer to God a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. At one point in the book MacArthur asks the question; how are we doing? According to the author many of us have a long way to go. Although MacArthur’s book is not necessarily about worshiping in church, it did come to mind when I read an interview with Lord George L Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury. Lord Carey was speaking of the contrast between the Church in the western world which is ‘imploding’ and the church in less fortunate countries that is ‘exploding’ with vitality and growth. His next words were powerful for me; “There is a great deal of respect for the Church in Britain, (and the US), but we have become one of many leisurely options”. Is the worship of God just one of the many leisurely options we have on Sunday morning or is the worship of God the ultimate priority in our life? That is a question each one of us must answer for our‐ selves. The season of Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. One of the overriding themes of Advent is John the Baptist’s call for us to repent. The word repent means to change directions, to turn toward God, and to live a renewed life. It is the per‐ fect time to reassess our commitment to ‘worship the Lord in the majesty of holiness’ and to make worship our ultimate priority in life. By doing so, we will be blessed beyond measure and we will experience the glory of God in a mighty way. As a former parishioner used to say; See you in church. Blessings, Fr. David
Newsletter Title Volume 11,Number 12
Page 2 Veterans Celebration & A Special Thank You
One day last summer, I was at a local food store pick‐ ing up a few things when I came upon an elderly Vet in a self‐propelled shopping cart. We talked for a while and then went our separate ways. As I went through the rest of the aisles, I wondered if he had a family or friends to keep an eye on him. So before I left, I looked for him to ask his name and address, but he was gone. This meeting haunted me for the next week or so and I began wondering how many others like him might be out there and how Veterans in general have been for‐ gotten. I mentioned to several parishioners at coffee hour this story and several of us decided to meet to see if we could at least remember our own Vets. Neal Haynie already had the dedication of a memorial plaque planned, so we decided to team up with that effort. Jerry Kalbach agreed to head the committee and we began to dream just how great this event could be. When we needed a speaker, Malcolm Carrick found us Major General W. H. Rice, United States Marine Corp, Ret. When we needed flags representing each service,
again Malcolm provided them through the Owings Mills Veterans of Foreign Wars. When we needed a Color Guard, Merrill Sumey arranged for it through Boy Scout Troop 224. When we needed buglers for “Taps” and riflemen for the twenty‐one gun salute, Merrill again arranged them through the Westmin‐ ster Veterans of Foreign Wars. Neal Haynie provided the programs for both the luncheon and cemetery memorial. Heidi and our youth group played a large part in the luncheon’s success by greeting, flag car‐ rying, leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the Star Spangled Banner, and serving. Chef Rick and his crew did a masterful job in the kitchen. The Cemetery Committee arranged for the plaque and program. Father David conducted the services, of‐ fered the invocation at the luncheon, and led the Cemetery service. And finally, the Good Lord smiled on our efforts by giving us perfect weather. All in all, it was a great community effort. Thank you to all for making this dream come true. Erik Ewertz
Veteran’s Memorial Panel Dedication, All Saints’ Episcopal Cemetery November, 13th, 2011
Page 3
From the Senior Warden Unfortunately again this year we are unable to give our great staff the monetary "thank you" they so richly deserve. So we are going to ask each person in the congre‐ gation to think about how each of these folks has helped in our spiritual walk. No do‐ nation is too small or large. The monies will be distributed around Christmas. Please put in the memo part of your check, "Staff Thank You". Thank you in advance for helping with this very important project. For the Vestry, Erik Ewertz, Sr. Warden
Consider others more important than yourself What would the Christian life and our churches look like if we followed 1 Cor. 10:24, “Don’t think only of your own good, think of other Christians and what is best for them.” Do you think that it is possible to have this attitude and mind set? We are told we have the same mind as Christ in 1 Cor. 2: 14‐16. In 1 Cor. 2:10 it says that God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches every‐ thing, even the depths of God. You see that the same Spirit that resides in us as Believers in Jesus Christ searches the mind of God, which is amazing and almost unbelievable to me. I believe we can have the same mind as Christ because we have the same Spirit. The question we need to ask ourselves is, are we listening? How would we look to each other if we put other’s interests ahead of our own, if we didn’t demand our way? Most people would say it is not possible, but God’s word says that this is not only possible, but something we need to put into prac‐ tice. When we put our own desires and wants ahead of what God wants, we get exactly that, we get what we want instead of what He wants for us. I think that we all would agree that what God desires for us is always better than what we envision for ourselves. I wonder what the church, our mar‐ riages, our relationships would look like if we could put other’s interests ahead of our own. I think that they would be so counter cultural that unbe‐ lievers and believers would be lined up at our doors wondering what is dif‐ ferent with us. Practice putting other’s interests ahead of your own and see if it doesn’t change you. Phil. 2:3 says, don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble thinking of others as better than yourself. Dan Bolgiano
PLEASE BE AD‐ VISED that ALL pledges and contributions that are to be counted as tax deductions for 2011 tax year must be received/ postmarked by Decem‐ ber 31, 2011 in order to be processed for the 2011 year’s Giving Statements.
The Bell Tower Volume 11,Number 12
Page 4
Stewardship Corner Series
The past several years have been a financial challenge for many of us. As I searched for what to share, I found myself reviewing what the Holy Spirit had been show‐ ing me. These observations are not new but I feel that the Lord wants me to refresh my thinking on them. I would like to share some scripture passages and make some observations. Several main themes I believe are in these scriptures: 1) God loves us and wants to bless us (a lot more than we can even imagine) 2) We are called to give a significant part of the first fruit of our labor. 3) That whoever sows generously will also reap gener‐ ously 4) He will supply all our needs with His glorious riches. In an overwhelming manner. One of the first verses I remember as a teenager is found in Deuteronomy. 22 Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheri‐ tance of their own) and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands Deuteronomy 14:22, 29. The reasons for our giving are: 1) So that the priest and staff and those in need may be fed 2) That God may bless the work of our hands
From the Library Corner The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Another of Lewis’ timeless classics is written as a satire featuring Screwtape, a highly respected assistant to “Our Father Below,” and Worm‐ wood, his nephew in training on earth as a tempter to secure the damnation of one young man’s soul. “The Enemy,” of course, refers to our Heavenly Father. The reader often needs to reverse, reprogram his thinking and remember that the devil lies. Throughout the book, Worm‐ wood, the tempter, is instructed to encourage self‐centeredness
By Jeff Mauler
Jesus said: 19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for your‐ selves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19‐21 What we see in this passage is: 1) That where we invest our time and resources is a reflection of our heart 2) What we invest in heaven will not wear out , decay or be stolen This next passage really stung. In the last book in the Old Testament the prophet Malachi said: 8"But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the store‐ house, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Malachi 3:8,10 I believe that I was: 1) Getting stuck just on the command about giving 2) Missing the promise that was attached to it 3) Not seeing that the Lord said to test Him 4) That our Lord would pour out so much blessing that we would not be able to contain it!
To Be Continued Next Month…..
by Barbara Carr within the man and to do all within his power to separate him from the presence of God, (“The Enemy”), avoiding his exposure to “the cloud of grace.” Any small sin, unrepented, could safely lead him down the comfortable path to “Our Father Below.” Some of the topics covered are pride, low self‐esteem, love, mar‐ riage, sex, complacency, politics and commitment. We are re‐ minded that gratitude looks to the past, love to the present, but our tempters use the future to plant fears, lust, and ambition. “The Enemy” (God) wants us to plan tomorrow’s work today.
Reading this book, found in Groff Hall, causes the reader to do much soul searching and self‐examination.
Page 5
Christmas Memorials and Thanksgivings Remember friends and loved ones this holiday season by purchasing a poinsettia for the church or by giving to the Rector's Discretionary Fund. SUBMIT THIS FORM AND YOUR CHECK FOR
CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES ON OR BEFORE: SUNDAY, December 4, 2011 PLEASE PRINT Given by__________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ { }
Poinsettia – Make check payable to ALL SAINTS' ALTAR GUILD
Choose one:
Print Names: use Christian names only Example: John and Mary Doe
(Notation Line: Poinsettia)
□ In Loving Memory of
□ In Thanksgiving for
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ { }
Rector's Discretionary Fund – Make check payable to ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH
Choose one:
Print Names: use Christian names only Example: John and Mary Doe
(Notation Line: Rector’s Disc. Fund)
□ In Loving Memory of
□ In Thanksgiving for
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please submit separate checks. Thank you.
The Bell Tower Volume 11,Number 12
Page 6 Big Band Merry Christmas Concert It is my privilege to pass along information from Merrill Sumey about a wonderful concert opportunity this Saturday evening. The Big Band Merry Christmas Concert by the Carroll County Jazz Ensemble, directed by Glenn Patterson, and friends. Special guests include Carroll Singers chorus, Shelly Armacost Ruby, Allison Holliday, Carroll County Children's chorus members, Howard German, Deb Levy, Brian Handley, the Grinch and Santa Claus! During the concert, there will be a very moving musical tribute to Dick Daniel, long time All Saints’ member, music teacher and jazz enthusiast. This is the 10th anniversary for the Big Band Merry Christmas Concert and it benefits Access Carroll (a non‐ profit organization, offering free health care to uninsured, low‐income residents of Carroll County) and the Carroll County Public Schools Education Foundation. The concert is at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 3, in the Westminster High School Auditorium (1225 Washington Road, Westminster, MD 21157‐5803). Tickets are available at Carroll Arts Center for $12 or at the door, $15 (students $5 / $7). For more information, call 410‐848‐5581.
DECEMBER: Nicole Bell, December 1 Aidan Stenner, December 8 Susan Ermatinger, December 11 Lexi Hauck, December 12 Kelly Ruby, December 15 Susan Ryder, December 20 Bob Hienz, December 21 Dollye Frappied, December 24 Jane Hienz, December 26 Logan Stone, December 26 Bryan Kratz, December 30 Ben Patterson, December 30 Pat Reier, December 31 JANUARY 1ST: Jeffrey Bakhsh, January 1
Jean M. Watson
NOTE FROM PARISH OFFICE: If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, we may not have correct information on file. Please provide the appropriate information to the Parish Office so we may update our records. Thanks!
will celebrate her 81st birthday on Saturday, December 17, 2011 (1211 N. Main Street, Apt. 111 Hampstead, MD 21074‐2258)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DECEMBER: Colleen and Bill Gellatly, December 19 Estelle and Don Aker, December 29 Jennifer and Gregory Mace, December 30 JANUARY 1ST: Marcia and Robert Henshaw, January 1 Barbara and Jerry Kelly January 1
Note from the Parish Office: If you know of anyone who will celebrate their 80th birthday or older– or who will have a 50th wedding anniversary or higher, please call the parish office to make sure we are aware of the information. Thank you.
Page 7
December 2011 Sun
Advent Tea Set Up
12:30p Advent Tea
Christmas 1
Advent 4
Advent 3
Advent 2
7:30p Play Practice
4 11:00a Young Adults 4:00p Alanon Holiday Party, GH
7:30p R.O.G./GH
6 10:00a Bible Study 7:00p Vestry Planning 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
13 10:00a Bible Study
8:30p A.A. 11 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth 12:30p G.O.C. 3:00p Wreath Making 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A., FH
18 11:00 Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth After 11 service Decorate Church 2:00p Altar Guild 7:30p Alanon 8:30 A.A.
25 CHRISTMAS 10:00a Quiet Service
26 Christmas Holiday PARISH OFFICE CLOSED
7:00p BGE mtg. with Community, GH 7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
8 10a-3p Franklin Garden Club
7:00p Vestry
1p-3p Prayer Shawl Workshop, FH
7:30p Alanon 8:30 A.A.
7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
20 10:00a Bible Study
7:30p Catonsville Kennel Club 22
Dec 18: Church Decoration
Dec 30-31: Youth for Truth Sleepover
7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
5:00pm: Family Service
8:00am: Quiet Service
8:00pm: Traditional Service with Choir
10:00am: Blended Contemporary/ Traditional Service
December 25th Christmas Service Schedule •
*Jan 1st 2012* Sunday Service Schedule
December 24th Christmas Eve Service Schedule
11:00pm: Traditional Service with Choir
10:00am: Quiet Service (no music)
24 5:00p Family Service 8:00p & 11:00p Traditional Service
30 Youth for Truth Sleepover
Fr. David & Janet on vacation, December 27, 2011 to January 3, 2012
Dec 3: Advent Tea • Dec 11: Wreath Making Party •
Schedule of Special Events
31 New Years Eve Youth for Truth Sleepover
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Non-Profit Org.
203 E. Chatsworth Ave. PO Box 279 Reisterstown, MD 21136-0279
Permit No. 45 Owings Mills, MD.
Phone: 410-833-0700 Fax: 410-833-2352 E-mail:
We’re on the web: www.allsaints.ang‐
Christmas Reminders
by God’s Older Children
May the Christmas presents remind you of God's greatest gift---His only begotten Son. May the Christmas candles remind you of Him who is the Light of the world. May the Christmas tree remind you of another tree on which He died for you. May the Christmas cheer remind you of Him who said, "Be of good cheer." May the Christmas feast remind you of Him who is the Bread of Life. May the Christmas snow remind you of the cleansing power of Christ. May the Christmas bells remind you of the glorious proclamation of His birth. May the Christmas carols remind you of His glad tidings which we proclaim to all mankind. May the Christmas season remind you in every way of Jesus Christ your King.