Bell Tower May 2011

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All Saints’ Episcopal Church

May 2011

The Bell Tower

Reisterstown Parish

A Letter from Father David Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Dear All Saints’ family,

Vision Statement: All Saints’ strives to be a place where people come to know Jesus Christ, are transformed to His glory, and become witnesses to God’s unchangeable word.

Often we think of Easter as the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but it is much more. For us that follow the liturgical calendar it is a season of praise and thanksgiving lasting eight weeks until Pentecost. We are reminded of the awe‐ someness of our God and the transforming power of the risen Christ all during the Easter season as we proclaim “Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!” at the beginning of every service. Easter is more than a season; it is a way of life for Christians as the scriptures say, “Because He lives, we shall live also”

Volume 11, Number 5

I would like to share two brief thoughts that are on my heart today. The first is about our purpose here on earth. I was reading from a book of meditations of our purpose in life and I feel led to share it with you. “If you see what needs to be corrected and how to correct it, you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to make right. But if you only see what is wrong and how ugly it is, then it is yourself that needs repair.” (Bringing Heaven Down to Earth) Our purpose is to be bearers of God’s light and love in the world. Darkness is at the root of the world’s troubles; our job is to shine the light of Christ, His love, His for‐ giveness, His grace wherever that darkness exists.

Inside this issue: Letter from Fr. David


Stewardship Corner


Library Corner


ALSo Tour




Calendar of Events




Second, I just want to share my feelings about the news we received last Sunday night. I was asleep on the couch when the phone rang a bit after 10:00pm. Jonathan told Janet to turn on the news. She asked him, “Is it good news or bad news?” He said, “I don’t know.” We turned on the TV and saw that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Surprisingly I had mixed emotions. At first I was happy that the most wanted terrorist is the world was brought to justice. I was proud of our men and women of the armed forces who have put their lives on the line to protect all that we are blessed to have as Americans. Later, when I saw some of the celebrations in the streets I was deeply saddened that anyone would rejoice at the death of another no matter how evil they were. I know how I felt when our enemies celebrated after the 9/11 attack. What should the appropriate response be? Proverbs tells us; “Do not gloat when your en‐ emy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice.” (Proverbs 24:17) Jesus had a lot to say about how we are to act toward our enemies. Jesus also said, “He who lives by the sword will die by the sword.” And that is what happened. I am working through my conflicting emotions, blessed to be an American where we can work through our faith issues in a place of peace and freedom. Have a blessed Easter, Fr. David

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Ingathering of Pledges If you have not turned in your pledge card, PLEASE pray for God’s leading; pick up a blue pledge card from the table in the narthex or Groff Hall; complete and submit it. The pledges are the basis for our annual budget and are needed to continue God’s ministry here at All Saints’ Church. Next Sunday, May 8th, we will celebrate the conclusion for this year’s “Ingathering” of pledges.

Stewardship Corner—Giving In almost every faith community, whether you call it a congregation or parish, there is continuous dis‐ cussion among people regarding whether to give to their faith com‐ munity and how much to give. I would rather discuss with you: How to give. We are familiar with the traditional methods of giving. Some people make cash donations to the weekly offering plate; others make their donations by check, either in their donation envelopes or not. A ma‐ jority of All Saints’ members use these traditional means of tithing. We usually don’t consider another, easier, way to give, electronically.

It is possible to utilize your bank’s “automatic bill payment” or “automatic electronic payment” feature to make automatic dona‐ tions or payments to anybody you choose (utilities, church, charitable organizations, etc). The biggest advantage with an automatic electronic payment is once it is set you don't have to do anything else. Whether you are traveling, having an at home “staycation”, or are just forgetful, the alms are automatically with‐ drawn and donated for you. If you are unfamiliar with automatic electronic payment and interested in making electronic donations, I

From the Library Corner THE FOUR LOVES by C. S. Lewis is truly a "must read" classic, helpful in understanding, improv‐ ing, and sustaining human rela‐ tionships, as well as our relation‐ ship with God. Although C.S. Lewis begins this book discussing our love for nature and our coun‐ try, he deals mainly with the four kinds of love: affection, friend‐ ship, Eros (romantic love), and charity. "Need love" and "Gift love" are explained as being in‐

suggest visiting your local bank and speaking with a customer service person. They can walk you through the set up process. If you are famil‐ iar with online banking, then simply follow the online instructions. You will need the All Saints’ Church bank account number. Please con‐ tact Dawn Hemler for the appropri‐ ate information. Although All Saints’ will always ac‐ cept traditional donations please give some thought to automatic payments. In your service and in His. Fred G. Craven

by Barbara Carr tertwined with the four loves. Questions of sex, possessiveness, jealousy, pride, and idol worship are discussed, as well as, the need for good manners, laughter, and God's grace to sustain these loves. This book can be found on the table in Groff Hall. Other books by C.S. Lewis in our library are: MERE CHRISTIANITY, THE GREAT DIVORCE,


The Bell Tower Volume 11, Number 5

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Trip to Domino Sugar Plant with the ALSo Tour group.

ALSo Tours—Upcoming Event The preliminary response to the All Saints’ Potomac River cruise for Saturday, June 11, has been positive. New de‐ velopments....we are now planning to expand the ex‐ cursion as follows: Reservations will be aboard the Spirit of Washington, sailing from SW Washington for a 3‐hour visit to Mt. Vernon Estate.

Cruise is $48 (including dis‐ counted admission to Mt. Vernon) and lunch is on your own at the site. Only other expense will be gas and park‐ ing fee for drivers. (2 drivers so far, others needed). We will be leaving early so as to make the 8:30 a.m. boarding time. That means an early rise time for you Saturday sleepers!!

If you, and any friends you care to add, are seriously interested, I need to know within the next few weeks. RSVP in person or by email. Neal Haynie, for ALSoTours

Time to bring in your donations for this year’s Rummage Sale It’s that time of year again to clean out closets and drawers. Please bring your donations of gently used or new clothing and linens for the All Saints’ Rummage Sale. Place items on the stage in Groff Hall. We are now accepting adult and children’s clothing and accessories (jewelry, shoes, purses, etc.) linens, lawn and garden items. The Rummage Sale is Saturday, June 4th from 9 am to 2 pm. Set‐up is Wednesday, 6/1, Thursday, 6/2, and Friday, 6/3, from 9 am to

afternoon. Please sign up to volunteer with Mary Thayer. We can always use help to sort and display our donations on the set‐ up days and helpers on sale day. You can get in some shopping, too. QUAL‐ ITY ITEMS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Contact Mary Thayer at 410‐375‐6326. Thank you, Mary Thayer

The Bell Tower

Page 4 Senior—Youth Dinner What: Senior Youth Appreciation Dinner

chefs. The doors will open at 4:45 and we will enjoy a time of getting to know each other before we eat a meal together. If you have come before you know what a wonderful time this is.

When: Saturday May 7th, 2011, 5pm to 7pm Where: Groff Hall, All Saints’ Church

Volume 11, Number 5

Once again the Men’s Group is sponsoring the Sen‐ ior/ Youth Appreciation Dinner. If you are 60 or older, you, your spouse or signifi‐ cant other are invited to All Saints’ for a wonderful dinner and time of fellowship alongside the youth of the church. We at All Saints’ have tremendous admiration for God’s Older Children and the Youth Group at the church. God loves you so much He was willing to give His Son so we, by believing in Him, can have eternal life. What a wonderful prom‐ ise and future He has given us through our Savior Jesus.

God’s Older Children and the Youth Group are impor‐ tant groups at All Saints’; you all give so much of your time and energy to vital ministries at the church and we really appreciate what you do. Please come out so we can honor you. There are several ways to let us know if you plan to attend. There will be a sign up sheet in the church and in Groff hall, or call Dan Bol‐ giano at 410‐833‐5203, Jean Robinson at 410‐833‐0700 Thank you and May God bless you. Dan Bolgiano

Come out and celebrate a wonderful time of fel‐ lowship and enjoy a great meal provided by our Member Listing Update Happy Belated April Birthday: Father Melvin Turner ‐ April 21

May Birthdays

Elijah White ‐ May 1

Rebecca (Becky) Glorioso has changed her last name to Rebecca Kistler. Her address and phone number remain the same.

Wisdom White ‐ May 1

Special May Birthdays

Jenny Ruby ‐ May 5

Mr. John N. Eder Mrs. Barbara Carr will celebrate his 83rd birthday will celebrate her 82nd birthday on on Saturday, May 7, 2011 Wednesday, May 11, 2011 (239 Glyndon Drive (230 St. Mark Way Reisterstown, MD 21136‐2131) Westminster, MD 21158)

Nick Gill ‐ May 6 Bonnie Bajkowski ‐ May 7 Frances Mitchell ‐ May 7 Albert Westerlund ‐ May 7 Brooke Barber ‐ May 9 Joan Haynie ‐ May 11 Jessica Parton ‐ May 11 Hannah Lutwyche ‐ May 16 Arwen Lutwyche ‐ May 19 Shirley Bosley ‐ May 25 Debra Rogers ‐ May 29 Elizabeth Hemler ‐ May 30

Special Anniversaries Jaime & Zach Parton ‐ May 5 Meriam & Norman Shipley ‐ May 18 Jane & Bob Hienz ‐ May 20 Maegan & Adam Thomas ‐ May 22 Rebecca & Kenneth Woolford ‐ May 22 Sharon & Doug Falkner ‐ May 30

Note from the Parish Office: If you know of anyone who will celebrate their 80th birthday or older– or who will have a 50th wedding anniversary or higher, please call the parish office to make sure we are aware of the information. Thank you.

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Easter 2

May 2011 Sun







1 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth


3 10:00a Bible Study




7 ALL DAY: Set-up for dinner at Groff Hall

(Cookout) 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.

7:00 Prayer Meeting, GH Prayer Room 7:30 R.O.G/ GH

7:00p Women 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.



10 10:00a Bible Study

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh. 11

13 12 Franklin Garden Club (Annual Bus Trip; use All Saints’ parking lot)

7:00 Vestry Planning 7:00p Women 7:00p Prayer meeting, GH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship Prayer Room 8:30p A.A.

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.

7:00p Vestry Meeting



19 9:00a ALSo Tours– Lion Brothers

Mother’s Day

Easter 3

11:00a Young Adults

7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A. 15 Bell Tower Deadline 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth

5-7p Senior/ Youth Dinner

17 10:00a Bible Study

Diocese Convention May 12 - 14

Easter 5

Easter 4

(Grocery Store Contest) 7:00p Women 7:00p Prayer meeting, GH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship Prayer Room 8:30p A.A.

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.

7:30 Catonsville Kennel

22 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth




(Flower Planting)

7:00p Prayer meeting, GH Prayer Room 7:00p Women 7:30p Catonsville KC 7:00p Men’s Board 8:30p A.A.

7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.

Easter 6

29 11:00 Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth



Rummage Sale Set-Up June 1 – June 3

Schedule of Special Events

SENIOR ‐YOUTH Dinner May 7th 5 –7 pm, Groff Hall Women’s Retreat May 21st 9 am‐3 pm at the Inn at the Shepherd

Sunday Services 7:45a Holy Eucharist (Quiet)

Rummage Sale Set–Up June 1st– June 3rd 9 am start, Groff Hall


31 10:00a Bible Study

7:00p Women/ FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.

9:00a Holy Eucharist (contemporary family) 9:15a Children’s School 11:00a Holy Eucharist (traditional)

21 Women’s Retreat, Inn At the Shepherd 1p-3p Prayer Shawl Workshop, FH

WEDDING (Nicole Bell) Church & Groff Hall

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.

Parish Office Closed

7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.


Wedding Set-up, Prep Church and Groff Hall

12:30p G.O.C. 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.

24 10:00a Bible Study



All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Non-Profit Org.

203 E. Chatsworth Ave.


PO Box 279

Permit No. 45 Owings Mills, MD.

Reisterstown, MD 21136-0279 Phone: 410-833-0700 Fax: 410-833-2352 E-mail:

We’re on the web: www.allsaints.ang‐

Happy Mother’s Day “A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts." - Washington Irving

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